TUT: BEE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER 19 U. WANT ADS TODAV'S COMIM.KTE movie rnrx.KAMs KicIusItcIt in The lire Want d received lit any time, but to I Insure proi-er classification muM be pre- J entei herore 12 o clncg noon lor ovrnin edition and 7:30 . in. for morning and Sunday editions Want ads received after guch hours will be under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. Seven consecutive times. 1 cent a word rh Insertion Three tlmeii within nn week, 1H cent wont erh Insertion. On tlm t rent a word. PALACE, 23"3 DAVENPORT. CHARGE RATES. ' Keren consecutive times. cents a Una sech Insertion. Threw times within one week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. One time, 11 cents a line. Count six sver;e word to tins. Minimum charge. cents. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued must be stopped by writ ten order. . You can place your want ad In The Be ST telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have been called for and delivered during the last week. It Is reasonable to suppose that all f the people lielow have marts the de sired swaps therefore, do not call for the balance of their answers. Bee Want Ads sure net results. p.c. ac, sc. bc. j2 izTi i ay i J221 1271 1.W7 1407 12M 1274 1XM 1 1771 12K 1341 14)1 12W l' 1M4 1411 134)1 . 120 1'7 . 141 1M1 1S ISM 1424 J M , l-7 IM 1361 12 IShl 14.11 1253 ! , 1874 143$ 1.14 lDul 1S7 H 12F0I ld 12XS 1441 122 W1 , WW) 1444 Zm iMl 134 . 1449 1J!T 13U 140 1454 1261 1331 1406 1468 B.C. B.C. 14f. l.vtO 142 ll4 1470 1555 1558 1M.7 147t I5l 1471 IMS 1471 1M9 14hl 1570 148 1574 1611 1675 1611 1577 1615 15M 1M7 ir-te 1518 15K7 1534 198 DEATH ARD rCNERsb KOTICE1 GARDINER Frank, aged 48 yrs. Fuaeral will be held from the residence of his father. 2225 Jones street, Friday, p. m. Interment Forest Lawn, t rlends Invited. IfTEStANN Fred R-. November 4. 191, srd years. , Funeral Friday, November , at 1 o'clock p. to. from Bralley Dorranoe chapel, feth and Cuming streets. Inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. RITTER Mrs. Elisabeth. Nov. I 1914, at her residence. ,410 North Thirty-ninth street. . . Funeral arrangement later. WALKER Charles, November 4, 1914. at ' residence, 1321 South Slst street, aged 82 years 1$ days. ' kM ' . Funeral service at residence. 4 p. m. November ft. Interment private, at Klin wood, Neb., November 6. " CARD OF THANK. We wish to thank the many friends and neighbor the Ladles Aid of Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church and Mecca court No. u, inn oi n - vmpathy shown and the floral orfer ln at the death of our beloved sister. Anna K. Merman.. Bertha 1 Westgate. Otto Merman. . We wish to express our most heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our many friends and neighoois for the kindness and sin cere sympathy shown, and the beautiful floral ofterlngs, during the sudden death of our beloved wife and mother. , Mr. ,1L Umm and Children. A Modern Melnotte, 2-rl Powers. The Dear Hunter, t'nl. Ike comedy. Pt'BURHAN THEATK t, 24TH A AMtS. The Olrl and tlio flow iwny, 2-r. Kalem. The I'esi-emaker, Vltag-aph. Peg o' the Wild-Wood, Blngrnph. goeth. ARBOR, J2D AND ARBOR. Closed until Saturday evening, T:.T. Will reopen wilh lilxh class photo plays. W. O. Jenson, Proprietor. APOl.Iyi THEATER. ioH I-eavenworth. Hearst-Sellg No. .. The Uirl at the Lock, 1-reel Lubln. The fable of "The Adult Girl Who Jot nnsv." Kssanay. tOL.1 MniA lllr.Alt.li, 1710 8. TENTH. An American H-treaa, Laiibln. , The Moving Picture Cowboys, !ree! Sel. The lxan Hhark King, Vltagraph. COMFORT THEATER. H4TH & Vlnlon. Out of the Air, 2-reel Majestic. The Harvest f Hcsreta, Thanhauser. Winsome V. innle, lieauty. FAVORITE Til EATER, 1714 VINTON. A splendid Dishonor, 2-reel Essany. Did He Save Her? I.ubln. The Spirit of Jealousy, Hlogrnph. OEM THEATER,. IK 8. THIRTEENTH. Mary Patients. Imp comedy. Disillusioned Victor. L.YR1C THEATER, 1K17 VINTON ST. Trey O Henrta, No. 13. 2-re-l. Persistent Lovers, Crystal comedy. Under ArlKona Skies, Frontier. PASTIME, 24TH LEAVENWUKTH I Well, Well. - Joker comedy. Law of the Dumberjack. 2-rel Bison. VENEZIA THEATER, 1211 as UTH ST. Tricking the Oovernment, t-resL T.IVE WIRE msiNKHM MEN OF OMAHA Drrse making. Terry Drcssrnak g collece, yth Fnrnsm. STRANGER In rlly"ants day work, li y 'rs- cs, rlen e, $.1 per clay Walnut K41. Ml-S STI'RDY. 24l'i Cans. Ue.i 'Ml. FASH IONA Hl.K dressmaking: 1.t07 ('otby. V7 AT SONA Lt 'T: I 1 91 1 Do u g I a s. R. fil "1 . HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers aad Dosneatlca. COMPETENT ma!d for general house work; family three; no washing. 14 No. IMli Ave. WANTED ;)rl f'r general housework. Phone Webster "4I7. WANTED A girl for r-nTal housework, two In family; good wages. 'Ai2 Dodge St. WANTED SITUATIONS A SOBER, reliable young man wishes rviectable Inside work. Address O. 17. lie. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; refer ences furnished. Can cut meat If neces sary. Webster 2C3. YOL'NU iimn, with good habits wishes work. Address, E. lfio. Bee. Drnars. DRCG9 at cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders; ratnlouues ffe. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co, Oniaha, Neb. Drlitiats. Dr. BrS'lli'iry. No pain. 1VMI Famam. Dr. 'iiKlci's wlveoini.dfntlstry. mi Hrandeis Bailry, the Dentist. 70S City Nat l Hunk. Taft Denthl Rooms. 1117 Douglas.- D. iliwj. al'.acellaax'e. WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships. Big pay. Omaha examinations soon. 8ample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. tx.S1. Rochester. N. Y. YOCNO women coining to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwtao, ssslsted. Look for our trave'tre' guide at L"n4on station. Pyorrhea. Dr. Kirkes. 724 City Nat. Hank. Kleetrlc gappllea. LEBRON Flee. Wks . 8U 8. 12th. D 2174. Furriers. BEN FKNSTF.R. 1410 N. 24th St. W. 7777. Everithinsr for Woraea. Woman's Exchange. 4-12 P. Blk. R. 4911. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bos pleating; covered buttons, all sises and styles; hemstitching, picnt edging. Ideal Pleating Co., '.'Oo Doiiylas Block. D. IMP. Florists. A. DONAHCK. PK2 Harney. Doug. Iftni. HA'III'H florlnn. 1MM Fsrnam St. L. HENDERSON, li.19 I-'arnam. - D. 120. Member Florist Telegraph Del. An n. HESS A 8WOBODA. 141ft Farnam fit. Hair Dressing. Harper Method. R. 4, Balrtl Bldg. D. Hlt est. MUHKUIi, aoo (Annsn. j una leonara m vjiai t,rn:Kson, mm. Carman's Vsh Day. Sterling Tots. The Heart Strings. Powers. SWITCH ES from combliiKs. 11.60. D. 241. Hats Trloasned. Hats trimmed, 60c. F. Iim'oerton. Web.19'14 Me.nsoa. BENSON. 5834 MAIN A Shooting Mnbosx 1-reel Ford Sterling comedy. The Ilalf-Breeu. ftestor-aratna. Mary Plckford in "Mary's Convert." C'oaacll lflatfs. ELITK NO. 1, - 645 BROAD WAT The Iyynbrook Trsgedy. 1-reel Kalem. Fatty's Sweetheart. Vltagraph. Hronchp Hilly, Favorite. Essanay. ROPER, 637 BROADWAY The Turn of the Tide. 1-reel Imp. The Wall Between. Sterling comedy. The Star Oaser. Nestor. lasts osisaa BE8SB THEATER, 24TH AND N The Ulrl In the Case. 1-reel Vltagraph. Meeting Mr. Jones. Blograph. Broncho Billy's Mother. Essunay. MAGIC. 24TH AND O Trer O Hearts, No. 14- J-reel. They Didn't Know. Crystal comedy. Vnsidevtlla. ORPHEtTM, MTU AND M, SO. OMAHA Special feature Saturday. ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTH AND DEATH. Births Stephen' and Rosle Trath, 1 Dominion, boy: A. and H. Carasclo. JiMI William, girl; Hugo and Elisabeth Ham mer, 410 Cass, boy; James and Nellie Johnson, hospital, iirl; Charles and Beda KaaUnan, HIS Bouth Tenth, girl; John and Alice Austin, hospital, girl; IV. L. and Hasel Hansn. 3643 Hees, girl; Wal ter and Jessie Moyer, hospital, boy, H. T. and O. McMauUa. 6011 Uard, boyi W. I and Mayme Keovea, U Plnkney. "lrl. , Deaths M. Grossman. 62 yesrs. hospi tal; Ruth Lyman, 1 months, 23tf South Fourteenth; Evalyn II. Nelson, IS yesrs, ia Seward; Harah Stewart. years, 1231 rioulli Twelfth; 1. H. Lewis, lt years, hospital; Elizabeth Tweedy, 3 years, Zili SfARBIAGB LICENSE. The following marriage licenses were Issued yesterday: Name and Residence. - Age. Ray I Lradner. Win terse t, la 24 , Oleulab Hermon, Wlnterset 21 Andrew Jaskowlak, South Omaha....... SI ' Frances Zlelinska, South Omaha 20 Ijeroy L, Powers, Avoca, la. 28 Anna W. Jasiwr, Avoca 28 Oeorge N. Hill. Omaha .T 90 Jessie M. W alburn. Omaha 26 Carl K. Rocs. Omaha 23 Marie J. Waack, Omaha 26 Zygmond Urencsewlcz, South Omaha.. 14 tMeiia u youei, Bouin Omaha l nyde D. Taylor, Florence................ so Margarette Otte, Benson 20 Fall Announcement Call on us foj Pleating, . Buttons, Ruching, Hemstitching, y Picot Edging. Ideal Pleating Co., Doug, 1936. 107-100 S. lGth. o Wedding snnonncementa. Doug. Ptg. Co. LUCKY wedding rngs at Brodegaard's. "Lawn coverinu. walnut 2iiT HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Best rsmedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; 60o postpaid; samples free. Sherman A Mrf nnr.ell rru r-o.. Omnhs. DEN'llitl'hY All hinds of Dnti Work done, under careful supervision, at the the Crelghton College of Dentistry. 210 8. ISth SU Children's teeth straightened. FEES very moderate. Extractions free. LIVE W1KE Bt'HINESS MEN OF OMAli.1 A B C ot Umaha Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., 007 S. 13th. Red. 42i Ltgktlus? Flztares and AVIrlng. THOMAS DURK1N Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2il. Mast Costame and Loiige Supplies. MFGR. of lodge regailt and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lieben A Son, 1514 Howard. D. 41 IS. Mfra. aad W ladow Shade L'leaaera, OLD shades made like new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 4KH1. Messenger and Traasfex. WHITE LINE, J0 H. 11th. Douglas 8.711. Millinery. SWITCHES from combings. 11.10. Psyche reo. Mrs. H. M. Eck, SJ'4 8. 18th. D. f7. Moving, Mtoragre and Cleanlnsj. W. C. FERRIN. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Masseuses. MAS3., rhevi.. liver, kidney troubles. D. 713. CORAU3ELUNGY, satisfactory eastern treatments; but In; dally and evenings. 107 8. 17 St. Notice: Private entrance, corner of building. MAKGAKITE HAI.MJItAN. facial mass, and nTatilcurlng, 2J3 Neville Hlk. D. TVtil . Violet Hay, mass., iM Bee Hldg. D. 6112. Kathleen Mark, massage & bath. D. 7081 Clara Lee, bath and massage. Dnu,t.-8751 Misa Fisher, mass., elect, treat. Red ouJti. MISS GOLDEN, bath, mass. Km. 24, Neville blk., Kith and Harney. D. 4.W. Masseuses. MASSAGE, 109 8. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. MAKSAOE 42i BKB BUILDING. Massage, Miss Ulbsun, H. 'M. Neville Hlk. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1802 Karnam. R. 2. Doug. 7ul. Ucullala, Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can, urn, Mcvirtny, liu vv. u. w. Ulug. Osleuoatblo Phralelaas. Dr. Iterucha, 203-4 McCague Bldg. D. 2636, Patents, . . II. A. Btiirges, KX Brand els Theater Bldg. D. O. Harnell, Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red 7117. Patent Development. AMERICAN Mschlne Co. 110 8. 11th St Prlutlnn. 7 WATER8-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th St. DOUGLAS Print. ng Co. Tel. Ioiig. 644 CORKY & M 'KKNZIE PTG. Co. D. 2W RlES-ilALl, ptg Co., p.iO Capitol. D. Hut CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. KbZ PalatlBaT and Paperiag. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. 11. 672S. ALL WATCHES, diamonds and Jew lurv mri'ltl u rices. Sept. and Oct. y now, 1 a week. Western Watch and Jewelry block. Co., Room 217, Karbach BUILDING PERMIT. Fred Chrtstenaen. 241 North Forty, fourth avenue, frame dwelling., tl.fcjo ecott Hill Co b2l Pacific, frame dwelUng, KHO. TODAY'S CXiriJETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Exciualvel fa Xhm Bm. FIN 10 office facing 17th street, lust be ing vacated, - splendid location, la the Bee building. Apply to the su- perltitendeiit. room I'm. NEW and second-hand eleclrto tans aud motors. Leliron Electno Works, J1K a 12th. Douglas 2176. OMAHA PILLOW CO., lWrt Cuming. Doug. 2467, Renovates feathers and mattreaaej ot ail klnda, ti feather mattresses and down covers. Plumes Renovated. PLUMES & flowers made over, cleaned 4 nen. nerma tvruger, 42 t'axton. D. 83U4. Hoars Exterminator, B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist afe and Tli SAFES a Luck Kaperis. Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. K. Daven port. Dodge. D. lui. ksus Hepairiag, Electric Shoe Rep. Co., WOT St Mary Av. Igrae and Skorrcmrds. B. M. CLARK A SON. HI SO. UTH ST. INTELLIGENT woman over 30, as trav eling manager. Permanent. &j0 Brandels Theater Hldg. LADIES' mlsaes' coats, suits, dresses 4c skirt ramples at wholesale prices. Bon crf's New York Sample Store. 206 N. Kith. WANTED Lsdies capable of lurnlshlng best reference; to represent a charitable Institution; rare opportunity to make some money. Addresw J li8, tic. IIS WEEK, expenses advanced; women to travel end appoint agents for concen trated food flavors In tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co.. Como Bldg., Chicago. LEAHN to piuv ragtime In twenty lee sons. Call or write Chrlstensen School, t.'.'o Juniing St. Phone I'srney 3.T78. o WANTED Cultured teuiher of executive ability for high class educational po sition. Must have leferences. For ap pointment telephone Room A 27, Hotel Rome, today. I1KLI WANTED MALE Areata Heleamei. aud Solicitors. Mutual Benefit, Health and Acc. Omaha. SALESMAN. 110 dally guaranteed, lm- Iierlal Co., N. Main St., Co. Bluffs. la. WE can use SO more educated business men throughout the United States as representatives to supply the Increased de mand for the New international encyclo paedia owing to the present European war. For full Information nddress Dodd, Mend A Co.. New York City. GOOD nurse wsnts position, D. HOM, IWITTo'N-dc7lredbyTad"y with -year-old boy In country or small town. Mrs. M. Spencer. General Delivery, Omaha WANTED By middle srftd lady place to do plain cooking and come home nights. Csn give references. 1141 No. 2M St. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE st a discount, a full un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college, Omahs; good for either short hand r huslness course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. 2-band mch. Orops Wrk Co., 21 Paul. swArrEirs aiii'MS RELIABLE colored woman wants po sition as chambermaid. Douglas taW. YOUNG lady with eight years' exp. at switchboard wants position. Web 2"4. WANTED Housework by a good white girl. Call at 1.1 S. 3d St. AUTOMOBILES Llndhorg Bros.. 2-'.i2 lav Ely ng Merklo). TRY PELTON'8 GARAGE for winter storsge; steam heat; make ar rangements now. 220S Fsrnam. FIVE-PASSENGER Ford car. In good shape, price flso, If sold at once. 1014 N. lKth St. Phone Douglas Z63. 1915 MODEL. Little Six. 7-paas. cost $2,400. Used one week. Pries H.KiO. D. 4376. FORD cars paint'd $2:: other cars accord Ing to siie; work gtd. Phone 3. 3T-90. FOR SALE Wayne roadster, two pas senger, In good condition, all new gears and new tires, forty horsepower. Phone 6S3, 211 8. Main St.. Council Bluffs. Ia. Orrenoiigh Omaha Had. Hep. Co., 320 Far. $W0 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Haysdorfer. J10 N. IS Industrial Garage Co.. !0th ft Harney Sta Momreyeles. HA RLEY-DA VI DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago O. 372S. BUSINESS CHANCES SALESMAN to call on physicians; es tablished trade; expenses and commis sion. Also one for central Nebraska. P. O. Box 121, Philadelphia. o WK have a number of openings for com petent sakamen in various lines. Apply at once. 312 Bee Bldg. Clerical and Of flee. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REK. & BOND ASSN. 752 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. SALESMAN 8tenog. or cler. positions, ryVaUs Ref. Co.. 840 Hrandeis Thea. "SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Nattonnl Bank Bldg. FOR COMMERCIAL POSITIONS TRY ROGERS REFERENCE COMPANY, 636 State Bank Bldg., 17th and Harney. Kactorr and Trade. Drug store snaps; jons. Kneiat. He Bldg. WANTED Men to lenrn the barber trade. ine worm neeas more Darnels than any other tradesmen. We have orliinateov nl.n In I .... V. I, . . , . I ., L 1 .. .1 . 1 1 f.u.a - , v, , . 1 1 , j nun tai 11 some money. Tools Included. Hoard If desired. Open to everyone. Distant ap plicants write: city applkants call. Moier Barber College, llu S. 14th St., Omaha. LEARN BARBER TRADE. Be Independent; wages and tools given. Electric massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1124 Douglas St., Om. 1032 N St., Lincoln. Miscellaneous. LEARN Tartaric Mirror Silvering It nays. Long closely suarded secret of big luctnrles. Particulars free. Wm. Bar stow, 14 23d St., Oakland, Cal. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. - GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who makes himself an auto expert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. Go right Into the auto business from here. Best and finest equipped college. Opportunities best here now, ever - have been. Write fur list of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2118 Farnam St. Omaha. Wanted at Once MEN to ,v.. tiui MUvumouiitj u-is.uuas; the demand U great for our graduates; e have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2X14 IS. l-Jlh M.. uiii.hu.. Neb. WOULD you nave to pnone tor help If your Iguitlon cystem on your car went wrong out in the country? Learn how to care for your own car at ' TliE MJHAfcjKA AUT0M0 ' BILE SCHOOL, Itlt-1T Dodge. Wnte for catalogue C, Omaha, Iwa Tows, CAOTRAPHONK THEA., 1401 Douglas. The Iron Master, 2-reel Blograph. The Demon of the Ralls, Kalem. ' f he Landed a Big One. Essanay. ULITE NO. 2. 131gFAIlNAM. JiootM's Baby, ft-reel Bdlson. The Wasp, Sellg. , . ' ., The Crooks, Lupin. ' f AKNAM THEATER, 1416 FARNAM ST. Mutual Ulrl No. 42, Mutual drama. , The Ruin-of Manlry, 2-r. American dr.' 1 ef t in the TraJo. Thanhauser coiue-ly. lili-t- lUKATtH. iSiH AND HARNEY. Hon ot Paramount Pictures, ' ' PAUK, . : bit N. lTii tT. Ixjrd Cecil Interrenea. Lubln. -The Foiauned Bit 2-reel Iv Olson, kiipuery- Siiia and UreD-Eed. Monster. PARLOR, 1 DOUGLAS. The Witch OlrL t-reel Victor. The Senator's Lady, Powers. PRINCESS. iai7-l DOUGLAS. 1 he ri ooo-iMk, Joker comedy. The Return. t-rel Eclair. XT. Boy In Mystery of N. Y. Dock. Imp. .Seriau A I.HAM BR A, 1SH NORTH 4TH. Sopho. love drama complete in ( reels. taken from a book by Alpltonse Daudet. Admission. SC. ALAMO .24TH AND FORT STfl." The Tenth Commandment, three-reel Imp. A H pnot lo Mistake. Sterling comedy. ACUUM cleaners for sal, yacuum V n"H M. i. n.., bervice Co., So Hee Bldg. b unitary T& rent repair. sU needles and parts w lth and Harney. Douglas 1602. for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. 'Mlckl'a" Acwvuatants. MKLVILLB D. THOMAS COMPANY 13T7-M City Nat. Hank Hldg. Tyler 1810.' L A. DWORAK, C. P. A.. " 432 Ramge Bldg. DoukIh t4o. Tailor. CHAM. C. LANPKRYOU, 10S N. uth St. BAKER, VAWTER ec WOLF. 4a Ramge Bldg. Douglas Jeu. AddlagT Machine. Dlton Adii.ng Machines.' 411 8. 1&, D. 1449. Adder Mch Co., t Wales) W. O. W. D. ejus. Areaitoeta. k.viu b. IHidda, 12 Paxton Blk. D. 2aL Globe llUor bouse 424 N. lbth; Calltornla T, yr i. write lor price l,t Allraellaaa. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargain Aut and assstta ttepmlrlac. Magneto repair work a apecialty. D. 2411 Aacilesecin, Dowd Auction Co, U22 W. O. W. Red SW. Marber. 12 Chans. 10c shave, neck shave. WIT Far. situ Printing. HORNBY CO.-Blue printing, under new ownership. 8ul Omaha 'at Bk. D. tiaJ. Ilraae Foundries. Paxton-Mitchell Co., rth and Martha Bta, Bulldlns; mm Heslrlag. E. FRANTA, 611 Paxton Uik. Doug. 2157. CLIFTON. Military Ave. and BurUette, The Proxerty Man, J-reel Keystone com. In the Nick of Time. J-rwl Jteilance drama, DIAMOND THEATER 2410 LAKE ST. .ttl ho Won, 2-reel Vict I-armce. W ben B.'s Got In Wrong, Nestor com. ("upended Sentenie. I'oweis. ihKlTNTiAflR, 24th A Franklin, "The Da-ni er, two-reel KaU-m. " lien the Gods Forgive, Vltagraph. Ttier;nkeAllle Sleuth, EsMnay. HIPPODROME, iiill A CUMING 8?. Mis Glady s Vacation. Royal comedy. A od drama not yot announced. This is ti.e Ule, 2-reel American drama. JT "THEATER. l.Til"AND LOcTJStT An A filr of Honor, I.ubln. The Livid Flame, two-real Sellg. Twins and Irouhle, Edison. ' ijtniujp', uin "andj-othkop" Trey W Hearts, No. lu. Tlre la a Destuiy, i eaturlng Warren Kerrigan. In and out. Sterling Comdy. li AU . SglTcATDTVELL. ST iiu. rather'a Son, tao-red Vii'tor. It. Cluse Call. Blerling comedy. Maors MatiUuje, pora - t later and Well Digging. NEED well or cistern cwaued or dug? n. iiArt r.rt uoes it riione Web. iuu. Lallloraia Lauds. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat Bk. D. 2811. leal D alarm. .1 50 Jbbson's special, aUo Victor nut. 6 big baskets coal, tl. Wagner, sol N. li. t a I ru p rar turn. I- rteddls. D. C . 228 Bee B'dg, Doug 4293. klorev ssii Off ice Fixture. DEbKS, afaa, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-U-1 8. 12tn. D. 27:4. kteel CcUlags. CARTER boon Metal Works. 110 B. 10th. Towel gavvllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. Uth. D. 428. Trunk and ul tease. FUELING A BTE1NLE, 180 Farnam 8t eterluerlaua. DR. O. R. VP UNO. 4002 Canter. H. 600X V lues aud Liquors. ALEX JETES. 201- &. 13th St Wines. w"ura, cigars, t late dinner U to , 10c WANTED Railway mail and postal clerks; examinations soon; over 2,vu0 appointments yearly; prepare at home. W rito tor pun No. b6 of payment after appointment. Philadelphia business Col lege. Civil Service Dept.. Philaiielphia. Pa. 13) PER MONTH and up. Must have 100 to invest L. W. Jolinaon, Lock Box is. Beatrice. Neb. GROCERYAND CONFECTIONERY FOR SALE An up-to-dute cafe, carrying a strong line of groceries, confectionery and tobacco goods In one of the best towns in northeastern Nebraska: nooula- tlon, 1,800; doing a line business, but have- oiner nusiness. Price, Ji.pOO. Address Y 600, Bee. GROCERY STORE tor sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling. Ad 'Tress Y-234. care Bee. GOOD paying restaurant for sale cheap; handle on 2200 rash. GANGESTAD Room 404 Bee Bldg. D. ' 247T. POOL hall, bowling alley and building for sale at bargain. H. T. Burch, Mad ison, Neb. SIGNS, show cards. Clark Son. D. 137H. . LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and squane treatment. QUICK, flALES COMPANY. 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Red S254. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St. Douglas 18I7. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real esime. write jvenneoecit to., umann. TO GET In or out of business. Call on GANGESTAD. 44 Bee Bldg. D. 3477. YOU HAVE Better Chances For Business When Your Office i Located in a Good Building Like the Bee Building (The Building that Is Always New.) 2 FINE ROOMS ENSUITE AT $33. WE IIAVE Good farms and ranches to trade for general stocks of merchandise. -Write us. QUICK SALES CO., 41 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. WILL buy all or part of genu' furnish ing or hat business in Omaha, centrally located. Wilt pay caah. Address L 131, Bee. Investments. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about So.000 in an old established general merchandise business; will run lt with my own help. A good Investment for the man that has some money to loan out Stock about 110,000. German preferred. Address Y 2M. Bee. EDUCATIONAL WANTED Experienced man to take care of lawn and furnace. Also to uo janitor work. Give reference. Reply in own hsnuaritlng. Aduieaa tv 109, ttwe. YOUNG niun of two years' drug and soda fouutuin experience. !t4ul Cuming. HELP WANTED HAU AMI s-tuatALIC MEN, WOMEN Get governmeut jobs; uo to luu month; 2,uot bpiiointnieiiui monthly. Write lor list Fra.ua an inau tula, Dept Jul T, itocnestar. N. t. GET government jobs. Ids to 11&6 a month; 2.UM appointments each luunth. For list of pvsiuou ouuunaoie auuiaaa 2 u. oee. M0S11ER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur passed classes in all Business and Eng lish branches, shorthand. Graduates guaranteed good - position. Places pro vided for young people to work tor board. For a new free calalogue address MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 1015 Farnam St. Omaha. Douglss Mil. ,Tho VanSant School Stenography Day school, t:0u to 4:00. Night school, t:15 to 8:15. 18th and Farnam Sts. -Douglas 8S47, HENRY POLI.OCK LigUOR HoUoE. " vyimi At, i en-cent lunch. y.U.r ua 'l' "ur at Klein's Liquor House, LU N. hu, Dvuglaa Um. UEH' WANTED FEMALK t&ertcai sss uui. r2?v?iJJ.?.-r?p.h!.?,r clll positions ., v. t j ci net o-4 tirau. 1 ilea. sfaieturs mmu 'i .i LEARN Imiruressing. Oppeuueiin Parlor V " L.xyal iwi.tii IliaaaagUl, U. 4,. LADY barber wanted, llui . lsth ct. lluusekeeitere aud Duiurallea. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee aill ruu a Servant U.ri Wauled Ad t KliE until you get Ine aeamd res u its. Una applies lo reaiueni of cmiana. nouin ctnalia and CouncU Biufla fenu ad to 1 lie be otflce or telciihone Tyer lOuu. WaNTID An experienced glrf for gen- ral houaeaork. Ubeiat waae. fcl nam St. iiurney U. WANTED Gin for gaueral housework; small ianiliy; good wages. Pnone Wal nut i. GIRL for general houbewurk and cook: no washing. loug. s.&1. tklaa Palatine. Ruth Itchford. decorating, firing. R. 4941 till baglaeejre. M, J. LACY 612 BEK BLDO. DOUO. cTlfc Irssui Irbarslars. The Sharph a sk-parator CV)., 12th J, Farn. Drtretlves. JAMrl ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk. Evi dence securwl in all cases. Tyl-r llsa. Iaiacluaj Aaudesule. r Turp'n's Dancing Academy, ZSth A Fsrn CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 171. Mackle's Academy, uvw opa. li Hsr. W ANTED Coniveleut girl to do general housework; good wage Apply wltn rcniru, sni a. uwiliUU A. bpldaig .jjO Harney street MEN WOMEN Get governmeut joba 400 lo Um month. Writ tor list ut po st 11011a uvaiiame. Frauklm iutuiute. Desk en, Rocbcster. N. k. WANTED HlTUATlONd BUSINESS MEN H you require tha uiiK'na of a competent aiuuiapuer anu 0uwaaecp4. wine ine at ouck; am irorf tiupiuuu in a position wuKh re iiuires s.ciiugi.puic aouity anu selling aul.liy aiso. lo years experience, uu give goou leierencea as to ciiarac.r aua suil.l) 1 nave ear.'ieu 10 plouiouuua ui pieaiut joo; siiiiiu coua.uoj auyiutug iroin hU un: luture neieaajy. ton a- fcponaeuce conllueutiitl. Aauie s O luu. te. AN i li..- V 01 a w k-liaioel uiuU t'k uute in ouiaua ur auuiu wuuuia. I'none s va. Vt&U iuau vvauia place to wora lor boara wnue aiutuuiiig uoyiea' vuiiega iciv,ii..ii Lougiaa lot NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings. Tuition rates very low. 13.00, 24.00. fe.uu and W.oO per month. The only thing that keeps any man or woman down to drudgery is his or her own lack of train ing. . You will begin to rise the minute ou start your studies at Boyles col leg Night School. PHONE Douglas lit or write at once and learn why and how Boyles college can quickly enable you to command oromotlon ant H-m.-w higher salary. All commercial and Eng lish branches taught Bookkeeping shorthand and typewriting, telegraphy cIvU service, arithmetic, penmanship, sjjelling. special Lnglirh for foreigners BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLK8, President Om.hs Neb. EXPERT lady stenographer will t.vZ puplla. SHORTHAND touch typewrti lng. spelling .punctuation, etc,, taught and r .........a ai.vn mr ouainesa ca reer. Private instruction If deslrmL IS Douglas St Tel. Walnut 2387. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unliinZ Ited scholarship In Boyle. Business "oT lege. Omaha; good for either short hsnd or business 1 courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. 6x7 -G RA FLEX newgpai-er camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for enmera and carrying case for plate hold ers. The outfit In good condition snd a b g bargain for the lot at JUO. Address A 610, Bee. MKNDKTS. mend leaks instsntlr In .ill utensils granite were, aluminum, tin, bras, hot water bsga, etc. No solder, cement or rivet. Any one fin use them. Complete psckage, 15 ass-Tted sires for :'5c prepaid. Moyune Tea Co., r remoni, Neb. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket blll'ard tables and bowUng alley and accessories; bar futures of ah kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Paike-Collender Co.. 407-409 S. loth St Hnkri-r and furnace wood. Tel. Flor 401 8KATES, wireless goods, bicycle. 5358 1 .rnven worm. AUTO robe, Navajo blanket, 2 shot guns. r neaman, i.ua uoage. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons havlna- lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company if ascertain whether they left It in ine street cars. .Many Article each day are turned In and the companv Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST Between 20th and 23d on Cum ing, lady's wstch with pin. Initial "E" on nln: reward return. 2"2 N. 2Mh St. STRAY K.D Sunday, a female Fox Ter rler: white with hlnrk and tan SDOtS. Tel. Doug. 033. . LOST Eastern Star pin.- Phone Douglas 6157. Reward. LOST A large gold pin set with topes; reward. Return to Mrs. Nicholson. Apt. . the Thorwald. Har. 3843. FOR Information regarding letter ofOT-Gl W. H call W. P. Lynch, after 10 am. Phone D. 94. LOST Between Omaha and Lincoln, two new iTixo Non-Skid casings, two 27x5 red tubes and two 3fix4H rlma. Finder return tires and rims and receive re v.ard. Standard Auto Tire Co., Lincoln xven. LIVE STOCK FOR KALE, Horaea aud Vehicles. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagon harness; large stock & attractive prlcea. Johnson-Danforth Co. 1529-33 N. TUli St. 1EAM of mares, 2.500 pounds, 2175. Team of mare, 1125. 35th and county line, South Omaha. Tele phone South 3029. HAY, IS per ton. Wagner. 01 N... 16th. TWO horses and two liuht grocery de livery wagons and one set double har ness ai a nargain. can tne Lange oro eery Co., 2310 Cuming St. . MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. Kv R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration, cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. Tarry. 240 Bee. Rupture Cured in a few davs without naln. Call or write Dr Wrir. '08 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Established 1894. o MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See-us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 108 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, UJO-1112-1114 Doris St. . YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian Association building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave., where tney will brs directed to suitable boarding places Or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. HEATING DRt'M. wilj h'at most satis factorily an upsllra room without re quiring any additional fuel. Address 8. C. ?'T, ftee. m MEAT MARKET Complete In S. E. Ne braska county seat. Will exrhange for small grocery or market In Omaha, Mar- 1 . , . .1 1 .1 , , , - , n ri-l una Kunu iinuq nuu iimir. mv -i. good condition. Value about 1,00. Ad dress 8. C. 216, Bea IKW Oliver typewriter cash offer or What have you'' S. C. 215 OFFICE1 FURNITURE Will buy som good second-hand office furniture; m"t he cheap for cash. Address 8. C. 1240. nee. PAINTING and paper hanging. I will do you first-class work; take some furni ture, heater or anything of value. Ad d ress 8. C. 211. Bee. v PHONOGRAPH Will sell "or trade Edl son phonograph for shot gun; about 2 record s. 8. C. 219, Bee. PLAYER PIANO Used player piano; fine condition; will trade or sell cheap and give terms. Player cost $750 new; ha been used but n year. S, C. 226. Bee. PIANO Almost new Chlckering piano, upright 1165; was 500 new; or may trad. 8. C. 234, Bee. PHONOGRAPH. ETC. A small phono graph and ten records for sale or trade. What will you give me In exchange for them? Address 8. C. 1536, Bee. 7-HOOM HOUSE, like new. best repair. Price 12,750. Want auto, carry balance, A -1 12, Bee. REVOLVER Will swap a new .82 Colt's (new police) revolver for a kodak, or, what have you 7 Address 8. C. y Bee. SKINS, showcads, t'lark ft Son. D 1378. TYPEWRITER Nearly new No. 6 Un derwood typewriter for cash register. Address 8. C. 229. Bee. TANK Wooden tank, 7-foot dla,. 6 foot 9 Inches high; taken apart easy to handle. Address S. C. 223, Bee. TYPEWRITER Nearly new No. 6 I C. Smith typewriter for sale or trade for printing. Price 200, Address S. -C. 208. Bee. WILLTRADE EQUITY IN GOOD LOT for chickens and 'torse. Address S. C. 220, Bee. FOIt KENT Apartments and Flat.' BEAUTIFULLY finished apartfoent of S rooms and bath, also large Screened porch; all conveniences Including janitor service, steam heat, locker ' space and laundry facilities. Splendid location. Let us show you this today. It's exceptionally fine and only M5 per month. SCOTT & HILL CO.. Douglas 100J. $9.00 Three large rooms, apartment part modern. 1916 Elm St. Harney 435. ST. CLARE APARTMENT8. 2Jd and Harney Sts., t room apartment. Call H. 647 or D. 6505. Gordon VanCo. SJ 219 N. Uth St. Phone D 894 or Web. 1381 4 AND 6 rooms modern flat 1112 So. HthT Steam htd flats. 16th A Web. Tyler 2Q23T OGDEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, rooms with kitchenette, steam heat Phone 648. Rental Service ree We can save you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We can tell you what house and apartments each real estate ofilce has for rent. Phone us, Douglas KM, Fidelity Storage and Van Co. 225 6-r.. St. Louis, new. 854 8. 21st FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT. Urtana, 1317 Park Ave., desirable loca tion, close to Hanscom Park and right on car line. Good sized rooms, well ar ranged, heat and hot water. Excellent janitor servioe. Same rate summer and winter, on lease. $40. ARM STRONG-WALSH COMPiVT Tyler 1536. state Bank Bldg. 1 1 A T IT MflWTU DE-WT H1DC13 650 S. 26th Ave.. 9-room mod, brick flat: very well arranged; 230. 2617 Capitol Ave.. -r. mod. flat. $25. 114 B. 2tth St., 7-r., all mod., 130. 2418 S. 20th St.. 7-r., new. mod.. $30. 8419 Parker St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $17.60. , 2216 N. 27th. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat, $16. 1118 N. 22d, 4-r.. mod., flat $17. RASP BR08., Douglas 1653. log McCague Bldg. IF William E. Jones, formerly with the Wortham Carnival Co., will write to Y 267, Omaha Bee, he will find out some thing to his satisfaction. rOULTBi AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. J ney are iiaa ineuea, luuiai o durable than tarred felt and practically 1 Ireproof. 75c a hundred at The bee office. FOR SALE March and April pullets. 60c each; $6.50 per aoxen; wnue ream ducks, $1 each; 8. for $5. Box 78. Route 2. Columbus. Neb. Vlxed grain. JUiOperlOO. Wagner, 801 N. 18 IT ANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed, 1207 Fafnam. Doug. 8i46. ' WK BUY ad-hand clothes. UU N. 24th. LIVE STOCK MAKKET OFWESl SHIP live slock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ment receive prompt and careful atten Lire (tuck Commission Merchant. MARTIN BROS, as CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO One Oakland roadster, new en gine, new gears, new tires, speedometer, top and side curtains, thoroughly over hauled. WinU have you to olfer in trade or cash? Aud ress 8. C. a 8. Bee. AUTO Stoddard Dayton. 30 H. P., 2 or 4 passenger. In line shape. Speedy and a nice car No trade. Sell tor faint. Address b. C. 213. Bee. AUTOMuiuLfci For ulnar auiomoblis bargains ae the "Automobile" vlaaaiit tenon. BICYCLE NEW C. t H. BICYCLE FOR sate or trade for anything I can use. Address S. C. 221. Bee C. J. CANAN, Real Estate and Exchangj CAMERA Will swap a 6x7 camera. 1 plates and tripod. v nai nave your Ad dress S. C. 227. SITUATION wauiau as carViakcr of I ooniiug nouae, Addreas A SJn. ttee. lXrtult-M.tii ul.autlciu- wiaiias lo unve private car; careiul driver; auows cny very Wail. Address F 62 Bee. WANTED Cookiug uoamon by coloreu peraou. uay wora preleirwd. Weo. ijli. sH'KANGER In city waul day work. 1 y'rs exfarieuce. 41 per uay.. wv ainut 1U41. 1GLNG lady aitli two years' experience as sienograptier want position; can furnish good rsierenoes as lo cliaracler and ability. Aduitss J tv care Bee. POSITION by " fust-clam barber; no boose? ; steady. Addreas L 170, lira. UIRL for geiieiel house uik, small fam ily: good pay. ilaruay w.i;. i Jd St ' WANTED A ntirsemaid. Mrs. M. H. Newman, iM Howaid St WANTED In a fuimly of two, first-class. tnoioulily expertvriced eolurrd cook; no talmg; l aasa. Apply JUr. lialL linloii Outlining it WHITE giii lor general housework; must have relt-rcuirs. must sleep hum lu- quue Svv No. 11 tl M. WAN TED Woman to work part of fore noon every outer day steady. auS Pu Dr Ave. Wrb. 41U. RELIABLE colored woman wants gen eral housework, to go home in even ing. Douglas DAY work w an yd badly. Doug. 8407. GOOD, competent strong and willing to work colored lady wants day work; washing and ironing a specialty. Call el.ster 2li7. ' MAN that wauls to go lo work will do anything: neads tue money and Is wlll Ing to work lor It. Call Webster 2157. Yol'NG lady wishes position as ticket seller for moving picture show. Have had experience as cannier. Miss Neil Chase, General Delivery, Council Bluffs, la LEARN TYPEW RITING AT HOME. Three months. 84.00 THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO.. Pougla 2919. 1905 Farnam. FOR SALE Faraitnre. SEVERAL van load of fuYnltur and some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. kid 8. lth St New A Sd-hauJ furniture, casta ur terms- irwnauw. sinfr. r urn, uo., sua N. 16th. Howe ventilator base burner. Tyler 2174, Masleal lasirauseale, PIANO plsyer; a bargain. Tel. H. TU Typewriter. TTPEWRITERa sold, rented, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 9. 17m. RENT Remingtons, Monarcha and bniilh Premier of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas I&4. . Rental credited If you purchase, and only vary newest and highoat grade ma chine sent out. Rates, three months for $5 for under sir machines or 14 per month for latest model visible writer All makea typewriters rented, sold, terina. Hulls Typewriter. lsu linum O aull. g tMeiia aeeaa. HO buys best coal for the money; try -w it Web. S4S. Harmon 4 Weeth. CONTRACTOR and carpenter will do tniir huililina-. reualr work, etc: will take a good heater or anything of value. Address . .:. 213, ore. EQUIPMENT of photo gallery, will trade for motorcycle, 01- what have you? S C. 214. DUE BILL $140 due bill, good on player piano, for sale or iraue. v nai nave yo u? 8. C. 225. Bee. . FURNITURE My furniture of ten-room rooming hnuee must be disposed of ,.'1.1- ..-nl.iiH I, .1 . . . . U . awn. iiia ..l.... . . m iiu.iiif above the average and Is In excellent I , . I .' k. , I k-u Will . . I .. , , O iiuuuiuii. tat . , .,vm nuutraa s. C. 15'. Ft KN ITURE for a 45-room hotel near Omaha. l.w5. Low rats rent on the building. What have you to offer. Ad dress S. C. 1J. care Bee. nd 28. blk. L addition. South FOR TRADE Lots 27 Wellington Heights Omaha. Address S. I". lii. Bee. GAS LAMPS Have two (2) Humphrey, 1-manile Inverted arc gas lamps; also two (2) Johnson lamps, all In perioct con dition and good as new. Will sell these lamps cheap or trade for something else. Address, S. C. 217. Bea tx7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate bnldei. carrying eas fot camera and carrying case for plate hold er Tbe outfit In good condition and a big bargain fur tn lot at gild. Address S. C. rli $H.0oJ GENERAL STOCK in fine brick building. All clear. Good business, good tow n, iu eastern -Nebraaka, waul a good eas'.eru Nebrak or Iowa farm Worm tli money, about 1.0.UUU lo tJa.uUQ. Ad ore S. C. 21o, Bqe. 4 IRISH WATER SPANIEL PUPS 4 months ld; registered slock, for sale. William Dmaihoiat Leshara, Nab. . F amished Apartmeats, FURNISHED APA RTMENT3, TWO ROOMS AND BATH. Bosworth. 2217 Howard BtTnew build ing, new furnishings; heat and hot water. First-class in every respect Cdmfortabla and convenient. Winter rate, $37.50. Jani tor will show you through. References required. - ARM STRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1638. State Bank Bldg. FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT . THE ST. GEORGE In the West Farnam district at Slst and Dodge. Practically new, i large room and bath. Private porch, front and rear. Heat hot and cold water and Jani tor service furnished. Verychotc. Only one ion. ARMSTRONG-WALSH. COMPANY. Tyler 1(36. Stat Bank Bldg. Board and Room. - WEST FAP.NAM DISTRICT. Chance for refined young man to 1 room ana ooara in spienoia nous ew west side, one block - from Farnam Stj wot ntiuQiiuii iwugoj ugni S I rTTrl 1 raYl Ings! very attractive. Rat will ba aaVai i g voovuav v v jwuuq Jvu V I Ui ej7Vl J rwralsaied 'ttm. 1 FURN. rooms by day or wti poawiat I steam heat; 1 60 up. 107 8. IT. D. wjf, TWO nicely furnished, for Iteam K gi; everymicg modern, uu and Casata Flat No. . " SUNNY, modem, sieeflng reozn, tXoW 2209 Douglas St FURNISHED room for rent near Creigha ton university. Phone Douglas 7t8L $26 8. 29TH Furnished room, private ramny. Harney m. HANSCOM park district In private fain-''" lly, for two gentlemen. Call H. 1599. MODERN, sunny room, 8. W. front, bay windows. $24 mo. 624 8. 20th. Faraished Houses. FOR RENT Furnished cottage for th winter; convenient location; a bargain; easy terms, tiarney aij. Hoasesieeplast Roosaa. THREE nlee rooms, hsk'g. 1U2 8. uta DAVENPORT. 2018-THREE OR FOUR HSKG. RMS. APTB.. REASONABLE. Cafaralahed Room. FIVE rooms, mod. ex hest. Web. B17S. Fwralahed tlwuaeaircplsisi Koooaa. MODERN housekeeping; reasonable. (24 N. 20th. FUR, h'k'p'g rooms. 1807 Leavenworth. Hotela and Apartment. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 18th and California. Weekly rate li ana up. unug as l OGDEN -HOTEL, Council Bluffs, steam heated rooms, $2 per week. 'Phone tit. DODGE HOTEL- Modern Reasonable. FOR RENT Dining rooia, Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs, la. Hon- and Cottage. TTnncpB ,n U parts of the city. XlUUt B Cr(1(cn Won, A Co , Bee building. t 6-R.. full lots. 707 S. 63d. ' T-ROOM modern, oak finish. Sol Park Ave.. $40; t-room modern, 201$ Elm St, $24, Harney 1510. NEW 6-room cottage; never occupied; strictly modern: $22.50. Five-room cottsge; almost new; ex ceptionally large rooms; strictly modern; near car line and near school; $22.50. New five-room cottage; modern except heat: finished in oak; near car 'Ine; $20. Seven rooms; parlor extending across ' the entire front of the house; c&k fin ish; colonnade openings; tour bedrooms snd bath; fin neighborhood; near car; $30. . . AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th and Douglas Bis. Douglas 5013 Van and Stor age Co. Reduced ratea fan tl ilava Ijrge van, 2 men f! 25 per hr : dray. 1 men. $1 per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 14!1. MaggarcTs J " DxrtJ Kxp- Co- movln .U. KeeJ l,?ckir "orage vvwt 1-7 Famam. I .;ih. t-R. mod. cot la so, 7m . ;iu bi., Hu. i-r mod. house, Ial4 Leavenworth bt. to Eoih fine locations. Phone Webster 2iJ.' NEAR 4uth and Farnam. piea-mnt room' wilh lavatory. $U .M. W al. io. r 7 )