Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1914, Page 8, Image 9

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Fashion Hint
By MELLIFICIA. . Wednesday, November 4, 1914.
OCIETVS worship at the shrine of celebrities has become a by-word
of the day.
World-wide Interest la bring manifested In General Fried rich I
ron Bcrnhardl and his book. ."Germany and tho Next War," which,
was published in 1911. New York libraries, as well as libraries all over
the country, are besieged with requests for this publication since the out
break of the war, and for information concerning the author, who Is a
member of the German general staff. Miss Bertha Bautner of the Omaha
public library reports the same demand here.
Omaha Is fortunate In numbering among Its residents a relative of the
distinguished general. Tho father of Mrs. Bchalek, wife of Dr. Bchalek,' was
a cousin to General von Bernhardt. ' Mrs. Bchalek did not meet the author
general on 'her recent trip to Europe, when she visited In Berlin, for her
distinguished relative was traveling at the time, but Mrs. Bchalek recalls
many Interesting stories of the general th,at were told her by her father.
Von Bernhardt has recently Issued a companion piece to bis initial
work, under the name of "How Germany Makes War," which Is creating
quite as much interest ai the first book.
For Mr. Haras.
Mr. Rafael Navas, ihe relebrateil p'an
irt. who grave the opecing prorram for
1h Tueeday Morning X'lipiral club. had
luncheon with Mr. and Mrs. August
Moth florrliim Tuesday. Followinf the
luncheon Mr. nd Mrs Bnrglunt enter
tained at a studio tea for their pupils
at their residence studio. Mr. Nava
sav the program of the afternoon, and
renewed acquaintance w th Hli Alice
Pavla, Mine Marie Mlkove and Mr. Cecil
Berrymaa, whom h knew In Paris,
where they have all stud ed under Wager
fcwarne of the Lewhctlikjr school.
Bridge Party.
Miss Alice Coed entertslned six tables
of bridge this afternoon at her borne.
Coma Dancing Party.
The Coma Dancing elub will give
private danc'ng (arty KiMay evening at
the Fanford hotel.
Coronado Dancing: Patty.
The Coronado club entertained at 'a
large dancing party at Chambers' acad
emy Monday evening. Hallowe'en dec
orations of orange and block were used,
a huge witch driving a bat being a re"
1 ! ture of the decorations. Colored itngerf
2ri. Welpton tO Sing. (entertained the dancers, , who numbered
An Interesting feature of the programs i nearly Cl couple.
to b'1vn Wider evening and Saturday)
morning at the Stat Teachers' conven-1 PltatOrCI Pait.
tton in the Auditorium will be severa) A moKt ,njoyable affair was th Hal-
For Teachers Exclusively CABIRIA-Brandeis Theater, Friday, 3:30 P. M. &&&&
KE the original cartoons from
le Chicago Tribune, Leslie's
V'eekly, Judge, all three
Omaha papers and private collec
tion of Mr. John L Nlederat.
Third Floor.
SEE the beautiful silk embroid
ered pieces by Taka HashL.
Third floor. One piece alone,
"American Beauties," yalaed - at
II, 600.00. .
All Women Who Wish to
Contribute to the Red Cross
Offerings for the wounded and
destitute of Europe by sending
knitted articles are reminded that
Miss B. E. Strange, the expert, Is
ulvlni! free knnfiu,? lessons, with
Flelsher's yams. In Art Goods
Section, Third Floor, every day
this week.
B The Stpre for Blouses Offers Thursday Nemo Export Special-A Sale
beautilul trepe de Lhine Blouses
That have just arrived from New York. They are. Indeed, beauties.
Low neck and long sleeve models; some beautifully embroidered
4 'In front; others
numbers by-Mrs. Mabelle Crawford Welp
ton. Mrs. Welpton will have as eocom
panlst Mrs. Beuiah Dale Turner.
Entertain Foot Ball Team.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore nrtalnd
the Athletic foot ball team and friends
H a Hallowe'en party Saturday venlng.
The decoration and menu wejre appro
priate to the occasion. The evening was
spent in dancing and games. Thore pres
ent were:
' Misses -Julia
Mamie ItSneen,
Mlsaea .
Frann Rlarkman,
Eva Kattleman,
.Totwnhlne Ournett,
M. Kaaan,
Margaret iJutnane,
.lemie flobb,
Rarbaro Robn,
Nell Oulnane,'
William Pahl.
Arthur Moran, '
Ioiil Houston.
S.mll Hemdow, ,
Hal Walkman.
Harry HrhroeJ-r,
Harry Kara,
Kdna Srhulsky,
Maynte (iitlnane,
Jean Pelaendorf f,
Heea T"t)n,
Hasel Klnmen.
Andy Anderson,
M. Croft.
John McOrath,
Krans Ureen,
Tom Olneen,
Omnt Harnes,
Frank Kennlaon,
Frank M l.aii(tlilln. Jim lllack.
Mb McLaughlin, Alfred Oioden,
Tom Shannon, t.eo Uellman,
Arthur Schulaky. Howard Ketser,
Ir. and Mrs. Wllaon.'
' lr. and Mrs. Mnreeman. '
Mr. and Mrs. William tdneen.
Mr, and Mm. Lawrence Hrilurock.
Mr. and Mrs. Unorse Mllllsan. .
Mr. and Mrs Cleorga AI dill.
Mr. and Mi s. T. It. Moore.
Clio Claa Meeta. y 7 17-T. I-'.
Th Clio club met tl:ls afternoon Wrth
Mr, i. T. Cather. The subject of th
afternoon's program wa . "aermany,'.'
with Mrs. C. I Travl a leader.- Follow
ing Is th program: Roll rail; current
vents; paper, "Trades, Native Dress,
Customs, Money.' by Mrs. Albert Kirflei
"Music, Musicians, Literature end It
llglon." by Mrs. O. A. Scott; "Army and
Navy," by Mr. V. ). Anderson.
Those present wer! j
Mnedamea , ' Mesdames
Kweeney, Ryan, ' ,
Mmon, ' Hll,
Knell, . Parlsek.
O'Hearn, anernlna,
Miller, ; Young,
lovn, Victor,
Katliburn, Hrhlfrbtines
Olavln. Jankawlcs. '
Th hostesses of th ' evening wer
Mesdames Rogi-rt. Has and twtmeah.
lliis Home Made Mixture Stops ln
druff and Falling Hair and
Aids IU Growth.
To half pint of water add:
Gay Hum
Barbo Compound
Glycerin n.
Thee ar all almpl
I oa
..a small box
lowe'en party given th old ladies' ward
at. the Douglas county hospital. The
room war prettily decorated with Potted
plant and yellow aad white chrys
anthemums... Th evening was spent
with musitf and denning. , .,
Mrs. Benjamin P. Marsha!) gave a sur
prise dinner siaturday evening In honor
of Dr. and Mrs. W. Q. Henry, who have
Just returned from aouthera California.
Ttte docorallona wer of Hallowe'en
novc'tles, and covers were placed for
thirty gueets.
Mrs. Isaac Doubles entertained at
luncheon today, eompllmentary to Mr,
it. Wynne of Cleveland, Mr. O. II. Cur
tis cf Lo Angeles and Mr. N. O. Pals
ley of Halrna, Mont. Killarney rose
wer used la th table decorations snd
place card of cuplds marked the place
Mesdames Meed afrtes '
Charles Hosewater, F.'J. Burnett,
it d ward FheKn. John Doua'a.
F:dward Johnson, Kussell Mckelvy,
N. H. Nelson, D. C. Brookflrld,
C. Vincent. tt. J. Itealey,
Miss Doris Johnson,
Subioription Dane Dinners. 1
' Mr. and Mr. A. t Reed win glv a
dinner at their home this evening, pre
ceding the ubcrlptlori dance at Turpln'S
academy. Cover wl'.l be placed fort
Mr. and Mrs.. W. A. Redlck. '
Mr. and Mr. Henry W, Wyman.
Mr.' and Mr.VVA. fraaer, ,
Mr. and Mr.. X I Red; -
r Sir, f. r. K rkencla L t ..
Mr. Arthur Kernlngton
Mr. Harry Mcf-'ormiek.,
Mr. Prank Hurkley.
Mr. and Mrs, T. J. MahoneyVwill enter
tain at dinner this evening for -l eight
guest. Decoration wilt be of Mrs.. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Keller will enter
tain at dinner at their home.' The table
will be decorated with chrysanthemums
and violet and cover will be laid for
ten guests. .
Social Settlement Benefit. .
The women of the first Presbyterian
church at Seventeenth and Dodg street
will glv a luncheon Friday for th bene
fit of the Social Bettlement. The cap
tain of th membership team are sail
ing tickets (or th luncheon and will lo
assist the women of the church Friday.
Among these who ar promoting th
benefit are:
K. A. KensoD,
M. I. Cretan.
Henry Hitler. .
tiernard Capon,
H H, Iemere,
Marjorie Howland.
Harriet Mots,
Marlon Kuhn,
fly LA R Af OXTF.t
Black plush with natural lynx trimming
Is used effectively In this coat. Intended
lo be. Used for evonlng war and for
Personal Mention.
Mrs. M. E. Dushong of Pourhkeepele.
N. T., i th guest of Mr. Taylor Ir.
Bnmett, 6557 Maine street. Mr. Dushong
wss formerly Miss Daisy Monroe of
a ... . v s m
..ZKVi. .V II
i vn mi m 1 ea i
have hemaitch-
ed yokes, collar
and sleeves.
They come In
white, flesh,
navy, b r o w u
and black. Ex
cellent mater
ials and price.
Really $3.00
blouses, on sale Thursday, $1.08
Never have we given better values
at this price 91.98. A limited
quantity only for Thursday.
Black, navy and brown. We sug
gest early selection, as inese
blouses will sell very
quickly. Thursday,
On Our Second Floor Thursday
IN "WHICH we give yon the benefit of
.big reductions made by the Nemo
Corset company upon all advance ma
terial they' had made in this country,
ready to ship to their factory in Ger
many which they cannot do now on ac
count of the war, and must find a market
for it in America at once.
CoraeU That Would Have Sold
For as High As
$4.00 in Europe $
Mutt Be Sold Here
Now for . . .....
These materials were to be made up In corsets
to sell for $3 and $4, but because of the war
their factories In Germany were closed, so the
Nemo manufacturers have made us this special
model in medium low bust, long skirt
with wide band of elastic below back
wires. Sizes 20 to 36. Special Thursday
Walter Thompson and Will Martin,
negroes, hav been Identified by two man
a th highway robber who held them up
last week at th point of a pistol. De
tective Eddie Fleming snd Sergeant Ferris
mad th arrests. .
Herman Bhuler, MS SoMth Twenty-first
street, and Frank Stags,' 1812 Bouth
Ninth street. Identified th prisoner for
the polio. Th negroes ar supposed to
be the ene who robbed a railroad en
gineer named Chamberland, running oui
ef Denver on th Burlington.
How Many Pairs of These Fine Dress Shoes Will You Buy?
They were made to sell for $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 n pair. Every pair is perfect and the styles are absolutely the lat
indbest. Somost women will want to buy a winter's supply Thursday at $2.95 a pair.
About 5000 prg. of Women's High Grade Shoes to come to n$ at a big discount in a gi
gantic purchase involving 9000 prs. from three leading Massachusetts shoe factories
est and
fclaar Boott.
Joaeph t'olcar,
Marvey N.whranctl,
William f. Baxter, .
Oenl I'attersoa,
Clrntchen McConn!).
Anna Fry,
Rajab CluiV ' ',
Th Rajah elub announce a dance for
ii i -
T T-l , . .
Ingrwllent that , .mp.r i. ai ur-
,. k., .n. n,..,!.. t """IU" mviuaea nessr.
Utile cost, and mis them yourself. Apply
to th -alp one a day for two weaka.'
thea once every other week until all th
mixture I ud. A half pint should b
enough lo rid th head of dandruff and
kill th 4aadruf( germs, it stop th
hair from falling out, relieves Itching anl
aiajp disease.
Although It Is not a dy. It acta upon
the hair roots and will darken treakd.
faded, gray hair In ten or fifteen day.
It promote th growth of th haJr and
make harsh hslr Soft and glossy. Advertisement
Don't Ruirr
Your Health
With Horrible Physio
Hurtful Pellet and Pill
Drastic Mineral Water
They are unnatural Irritant, debilitating th body
thry ptrl.nd lo cure. I'livnc taken are mull old
bdor their time, became ptivtw and pillt ruin the
W'xuKh and i Mivy 1iiMhh. WaUh th leadeo
eve. colorUrae, d'.na akin, bowed head, de
prvued apirila, dragging etep, iaik ot energy ail
pukiuv evulcnce ul wrong condition.
Guild UpYour System
With th Pur, CorreMv
Cnrellnc Salts f Fruit
Cntalnct in
Victor Ulaclftvfrank Mnoen, Harry Cum
mlugN, Kidney 8ohal and Pay Traynor.
Studio Teai.
Mr. Iieulah Pal Turner ntrtinedJ
at tea In her atudlo Saturday, Th studio
was arllslloally decorated In . chrys
anthemum and American' beauty rose.
A short program was Uvea, and ther
were about twenty-flv fuesta present.
Mrs. Cm etcea Ktttieaon ha burned
Invltatlona for studio tea to b given
htur3y afternoon at a o'clock to In
troduce Meadame Fiah, Xaod and Ml
Wedrieiday Bridj Club.'
Mis Kllsabeth Bruce wa ht today
at th meeting of th Wednesday Bride
club. Mr. Joseph Wllaon f Chicago,
who I Melting Mia Louise Dinning,
was h guest of th ciuU, Th member
Mesdames aleadamea
llaro'd It. F'rltchctU Joha I'ettee Web.
Tou wtlt'dellght In arranging your hair
In th nw and Interesting modes of k his
season if you keep It perfectly soft Wnd
fluffy so that tt appear naturally ttaaVy
This will be a simple matter if yo use
th right shampoo, tt Is hot advlaublo
to uae a , makeehlft but alway uae a
preparation mad for shampooing , only.
You oan enjoy' th best that I known
for about three cents a shampoo by get
tin a . package of canthro from your
druggist; dlssolv a teaspoonful In a eup
of hot water and your shampoo I ready.
After tta us the hair drlea rapidly with
uniform color. Dandruff, exoeaa oil and
dirt ar dissolved and entirely disappear.
Tour hair will be so fluffy that It will look
much heavier than it la. It luater and
oftnet will also delight you, while the,
stimulated scalp gains th health which
Insures hair growth. Advertisement.
high grad V , ,
A sale of .
thl magni
tude, otter
ing such
hoe at enormous sav
ings,, right at th tim
when good, substantial
and stylish winter foot
wear is in greatest de
mand la an opportunity
that will bring all thrif
ty women to our Main Floor, She
Section Thursday.
Also for Thursday.
1,000 rain f Ma's hos pull leather and
tan; a,lao rubber sole. All well JO QC
mwl and In all slaea. Per pair. ... 3
300 Pair of Infants' aad Chlldrm's Sho
Worth to $3.00 a pair.- Special Qfift
too raira of Batb BTltpvr- Worth
up Jo too a pair. Special Thursday.
All kinds of heels: French, Gaby, Baby Doll, high
or low heela. There are bo many styles and leathers as
to assure satisfaction to everyone. You may pick & sup
ply of shoes for all occasions In this sale and save as
much as $2.05 on each pair.
Imported nronce Kid with clotli tops.
Patent Leather with white tops.
Patent Leather with silk brocade tops.
Patent Leather with cravenetted tops.
Patent Leather with dull kid tops.
Dull leathers of all kinds, button and lace.
Champagne kid, button style.
Tau calf in button and lace.
Black and Gray Suede, button style.
All the new lasts and pattern. Every sit and width.
Stage or narrow toe. Buy a winter supply of footwear
tomorrow at ta.tS a pair. Worth up to $5.00 a pair.
C - PER 'Jjjjv
i , i hJi
Another In
stance ' that
prove how
otlr enormous outlet and
. ability to produce ready
caah in large Quantities
brings us Immense ad
vantage in securing big
lot of high grade mer
chandise and enable u
. also to benefit the peo
ple by offering thl marobandls
under the regular price.
Also for Thursday.
SO ratrs of Women' Slippers Satin, dull kid
arm parent, learner. Home beaded. Worth
:P v f "u a pair, special Thurs
day, at
800 ratrs of Comfy Uppars Mad from felt;
in colors. Faded sole of wool. An.
All else. Special Thursday, pair 5OC"
jf "Panoramic 1L
I View of Omaha" S
II , to Tour Friends - 1 1 w
at The Be Office J J A
Wash Chiffon Veils
One and three-quarter yards long
i and one yard wide. With fancy
and hemstitched borders. Black,
whit and all the new shades.
Veils worth $1.25. Very Of.
special Thursday, at AJUU
Women's Pure Thread
In Assort Bvaia tCtad.
Including black and white. Some
hav lisle garter topa; othrs
have silk double tops. They are
all full-fashioned, with high
spliced hees and toes and dou
m soles. Every pair perfect.
$1.00 and $1.60 Quality. CQ
Special Thursday, at.
IS NECESSARY, or even the most
beautif ul hat may be unbecoming..
We feature natural wavy switches in
lengths of from 20 to 24 Inches. Absolutely
sanitary and to match perfectly the color
and texture of -your hair.
20-Inch Natural Wavy Switches for $1.00
22-Inch Natural Wary Switches, for $1.50
24-Inch Natnral Wary Switches, lor S2.50
Ve hav one of the best beauty parlors in
Omaha. Ten experts in hairdresslng, hair
bleaching, hair dyeing, manicuring and mas
saging. Appointments by telephone. -
Hair Goods Department.
SXJUrsxia leoaa rioor.
Another Dollar Sale
Saturday on Third Floor
Articles worth up to $5. Watch
the Douglas street entrance show
cases for display. Many articles
.suitable for Christmas gifts. Make
a note of this yourself and tell
, your friends. , . ,
Women' Well-Known Makes of
Knit Underwear at $1.00 per suit
Women's union suits in Mun
sing. Carter, Forrest Mills, Globe.
T. Dalby and Viola. Fine and Swiss
ribbed, medium and heavy bleach
ed cottons; high neck and long
sleeves; Dutch neck and elbow
sleeves; low neck and fi aa
sleeveless; ankle length. 91 UU
Urn Wood,
Meni lavla.
Rllsabeth lsvt.
Mary Uurkler.
l.oulae Dlnnli.g.
Elisabeth Hrn.e.
Tathn Peter.
Oladys Petrs,
Mildred Butler.
Kathtrla ThuuanwIL
Fruit Viiior upauiida and energurt the entire rv
iftneaa, lixliei
arvWiMMt. aiituna. mln.
dotK&J and rhvuinalkC terHlvruM. aikd blndfc
Ura by viialitmil 11m doily
vviltsl trmn cm,llpAtioa. biin
Never Uiu to aiv
aimtcKt. 1 he are toly tnUicaiMn e4 a deranaei
ayicn v.hkh r rutt-Vlir puttveiy ceirecta.
riuit Vih.iv la is InaMy cun(eiittid HMrdre4
Hum. AdcJ to water mkes a UcimMlul euvrvoc
f-H drutk rrly tlrunk hy old aiul rouns ever
tvl'iot. Ivi gmt'.c, yri eowtlve In Si-tion. that (
M.lii and ruu molWik Uke It to karp thein
ki and t.'y is Miik1 hcolih. The naluia
ivim-tir. Mike v.k ttiKiiartM tlrung, an
co,iiittitfd bime! active in liivir own miuacuiu
purr. 'I uijp the ivf u rwHIung cite caa ii
ad prnuxa brauhful ativuy ul ilia kuiac
flrnmbr It Nvr Fall
1 pt t at your druyttt or by mad Irnc a.
Stewart festf Cw 4 BeearNr Itaav, CMe
In Honor of Brid.
Ur. Ir W. Port,' entMrl.ln .
lunebeoa today at hr hr.m la honor of
Mia Katherin Iiekr. a and of evt ,
wek. A lar bakot otv-d wlta lull :
ad filled with rUow nd whit pom
pom tbrysaathemura wa ed aa a
table oer-Urplec. Cover wer placed i
A. fc. Hecker.
E. I. Twtmley,
i. :. M-Cuiuy,
Kor x. riyraa.
U. i. t ooper,
A. r. Uavls
of Canada.
r. r. ba.
Xta Katlteria B:kor,
In aad Oat of the Bet Hit. ,
Mrs. J. A. Cummins sad daughter'
Tereaa hav returned t their hoin la
Tampa. KU after spendla three month
I Omaha, th usu f Mr. !. at. Ell
aver and air. Joseph McCIeaefha I
, Be Want Ad Ar tb Bast Business)
.Boostera. .
Send Pictures for Xmas
The ideal Christmas remembrance should
carry with it the utmost of your personality.
Nothing can excel your portrait in this
The ideal gift should merit preservation
and what will serve longer aa a reminder of
your regard than your portraitt
Then, there are a score or more of acquaint
ances who should receive inexpensive tokens
and what will. serve the purpose better
than ypur photographs t
Send your portraits for Christmas but send
only tho kind both you and the recipient will
Artistic poses and the best of finishing re
quire time for taking pains.
Telephone at Once to Any of These Good
Photographers and Arrange an Early Sitting
Charles H. Cidj, 2521 Shsrtnaa In., Web. 3731 F. i Rloehirt, 13th tod Firnia, Douglas 1732
K.71 Studio, Cor. 1Et. isi Howird, Dceglis 481 Rodstroa Studio, 1811 Firsts Street, Dosglis S622 .
Ualin Studio. 1517 Firaai Street, Douglas 3C04 Stndtirg I Eltner, 107 So. 16ti St., Douglas 2387
Retarandt Sludlo, 1922 Farnan St. Douglas 3543 J. W. Skoglund; 24ti & Cuislng Sts., Doogtat 1375
111 'HI I ' HMWl ll II 1111 jp
' .". -r'- , J !
Everlastingly Good
Special Sale and Free Demon
stration Nov. 5 to 11
Free! Free! Free!
A factory expert will be with
us during this sale and he will
give absolutely. Free a $10.00
Set of Best Aluminum Vare
with each "RANGE ETERNAL" sold. He will show
you why The Range Eternal outlasts, out-looks and out
cooks any other range on the market. CE lift
"Range Eternal" up from. $ J D.UU
Other range specially priced during this special sale, 810.05 P.
mb r'
j " .,3
TU U Wartk
OHJ.T. v
Hear America's Greatest Tenor
This Ucket. presented to A. Hospe Co., 1513
Douglac St-, entitles anj- School Teacher to re
ceiv a ticket good for 26o to apply on any
aeat at the George Hamlin Concert, Brandeis
Theater, Thursday Alternoon. Not. 6, 1914.