Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1914, Page 7, Image 8

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' i
li ( r '
! i
Uf htlaf Fixtures, Burgess-Qranden Co.
ridallty atorat;. ft Tu Co. Bona. 888.
ave moot Print Xt Now Deacon rre
We X. (HasUff rwnaptly Midland
Glis and faint Co. 'Phon. Doug. 7.
B.kntiful All Madera Eonii for al
on tho easy payment plan. Bankers
Realty Investment Co. Phono Doug. SM.
A Oood Investment Is an office In
The Bco Biilldlnr. Good location. Rood
en-Ice, rood neighbor. The building
that always new. Office, room 109.
"Today's Complete Movie rrorrame"
classified section today, and appears In
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various movinn picture theater! offer.
Hew Zrsary Baby Arrlvos John Leary,
assistant to General Freight Afrent Hol
comb of the Union pacific, announce the
addition of a seven-pound baby boy to his
haehoId. Mrs. Leary and the new baby
are reported to be getting along nicely.
B.duotloa Tickets for TeaoheraA.
lloape company, 161 Douglas street. Is
giving away to teachers a 25-cent redac
tion ticket to any aeat that. might be
purchased for the George Hamlin con
cert at the Brandels theater this after
aoon. BlaekweU o W.eVe Tour Assistant
Superintendent N. H. Blackwell of tho
local railway mall division lias left
Omaha for a week'a tour of Inspection
In Colorado. TV. B. Felt, also of the
local office, who has been In Washing
ton all aummer. returned home Tuesday
Mid will take Mr. Black well's desk Until
he returna.
Cattleman 111 at Vancouver Maurice
Castleman. 1518 South Tenth street, has
been operated upon at Vancouver, Wash.,
for appendicitis. He was playing in the
band of a wild west show when he was
taken ill. Reports from his bedside aro
to the effect that he Is getting along
nicely and will return home In a couple
of weeks.
Check Kidney ) hie at Oire,
There Is such ready action In Foley
Kidney Pills you feel their healing from
the. very first doss. Backache, weak, sore
kidneys, painful bladder and irregular ac
tion disappear with their ue. O. Palmer,
Green Bay, Wis., says: "My wife Is rap
Idly recovering her health and strength,
due solely to Foley Kidney Pllle.' And
W. T. Hutchens, Nicholson. Ga., snys,
"Just a few doses made me feel better,
and now my palna and rheumatism are all
gone and I sleep all night long." All
lealers everywhere. Advertisement.
Berlin Reports Inundation! Prevent
Operation! South of
.-HJl.a -lil 11.
Bee Want Ads Are r-amous as Result-Qetters.
Rev. C. E. Riving, former pastor of the
Salem Lutheran church. Twenty-third
and Vinton streets, left last night for
Minneapolis, where he will become.' con
nected with the Augnstanlan Colonisa
tion bureau, which seeks to locate Swed
ish Lutherans -in various colonies over
tbe United States. Rev. "Mr. Elvtng re
signed his local pastorate a , year ago,
tut after some persuasion 'remained an
other year. A call has been sent to Rev.
C. B. Blooinquist of the Benson church
of the same denomination to accept the
Omaha pastorate vacated -by - Rev.- Mr.
Klving. .
Writ of Boye Severe Flsfctl.a
v Takes Place, with Great Leases
on Roth Sides. '
AMSTERDAM. ?o. (via London).
The following official dispatch, Issued In
Berlin, has been received here:
"A telegram from general headnustters.
dated November t at noon, states that
Inundations south .of Nieuport prevent
all operations In this part of tbe country.
The water In places is as high as a
full-grown man. Our troops have evac
uated the Inundated districts without loss
of men. horses or guns.
"Our attaches on Tpres are progressing.
More than 2.300 men, mostly English,
have been captured and also several ma
chine guns.
"West of Roye severe fighting has
tcken place with great losses on both
sides, but the situation Is unchanged. In
the village fight we lost several hundred
In missing and two cannon. Our attacks
on the Alone east of Solfesons are success-,
fu despite obstinate resistance. Our
troops have occupied several strongly!
fortified positions beyond Chavonne and
Soupir, capturing more than 1.000 French,
three cannon and four machine guns
"Near the - cathedral In Solssons the
French have posted a heavy battery and
made the steeple an observation pout.
' Attacks Repulsed.
"Between Verdun and Toul several at
tacks have been repulsed. Troops of
French soldiers wore German overcoats
and helmets.
"In the Vosges, near Markinch, a
French attack was repulsed and our
troops began a counter stack.
' "In the east the operations are still In
a state- of evolution and there has been
no fighting.
"The Russian First Siberian army corps
on November 1 used civilians aa breast
works while destroying a bridge."
variety of touch, and a rather tree use
of the tempo ruhato.
Mr.- Navas was at his best It' ths second
group, of which the numrers chosen
showed distinctly Individual characteris
tics, both if the composers themselves
and of the extremely modern school
to which they belong. Personally
ihe writer enjovrd the Debussy numbers
the best of all, as they were full of the
thlmmcrtne; half Indistinct effect fori
Thlch the , -composer Is famous, and,
which mere ably portrayed by th player.
"Reverie" by Vincent d'Indy, was de
cidedly unusual, and a number which '
would probnbly need more than one hear- i
Ing in order to furnish a definite opinion.
"Carillon," by Dlapounow, was a most
pretentious number from the modern
Riieclan, in which many of the unusual
harmonies of this school abounded. At
the close. In pluce of a Cyril Scott num.
I er Mr. Navas played the grateful
D'Albert "Gavotte," which has already
made Itself a favorite In Omaha,
H. M. R.
i Store Hours, 8:30 a. in. to 6 p. m. Saturdays Till 9 p. m.
W, H. Koenlg, treasurer of Thomas
Kllpatrlcjt & Co, Is somewhat better, fol
lowing an operation at the Methodist
Episcopal hospital. Mrs. Eleanor Koenlg.
Ms mother, arrived here late last night
from Europe.
Has Hne Action
in the Blood
Real Work in Cleaning
Body of Impurities.
Rafael Navas, pianist, of Wichita, Kan.,
furnished the program at the opening
meeting of tho Tuesday Morning Musical
club yesterday at the residence of , Mrs.
J. M. Daftgherty on Thirty-ninth street,
when aTfoodly percentage of the mem
bership was present. This is Mr. Navas'
second appearance in Omaha, ha -having
given a public recital here two or three
years ago, at a local theater.
The program was divided Into two
parte, the first devoted to Schumann and
Chopin, arid ' trie' latter made ' up' of a
number of roodera composltionsmost of
which were novelties In . Omaha. Mr.
Navas prefaced his ' opening number,
Schumann's "Papllllons," by a few brief
remarks concerning them. This was fol
lowed : by the B'flat 8cherso''otf Chopin,
one of the less 'familiar; Etudes, 'and the
ever ' popular . "Polonajse ' opus . 63." In
these MntNava displayed considerable
It is to ths skin that blood Impurities
tre driven by Nature. And It Is In .the
Ik la that 8. 8. the famous blood pur
ifier, has Its most pronounced Influence.
For It Is here that you see the results.
B. 8. 8. Is Bone tbe less effective In the
olnts, glands and mucous surfaces In
driving out rheumatism, overcoming bolls
ind ridding the system of catarrh.
The purely vegetable Ingredients In
R. B. 8. .are naturally assimilated bat
they enter the blood as an active medi
cine and are not destroyed or -converted
while at work. It is this peculiar feat
ure of B. 8. 8. that makes It so effective.
It stirs Into action all the forces of the
body, arouses digestive secretions, stimu
lates the blood circulation to destroy dis
ease breeding germs.
Upon entering tbe blood 8. 8. R Is
carried throughout your body la about
three m Unites. And In a brief time It
has any blood trouble so nnder control
that It no longer can multiply. Gradu
ally new flesh is formed In all broken
down tissues and the skin takes on the
ruddy glow of, health. . Be sure and get
a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today of any drug
gist, but avoid alK substitutes.
Around the bottle Is an Illustrated cir
cular tbat tells yon bow to obtain spe
cial free advice In quickly overcoming
lerlous blood disorders. 8. 8. 8. Is pre
ared only by The Swift Bpeclflo Co., 69
wlft Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
FOR SALE 1IO ores, tin nd a Jutf miles from
town; part cleared ; aoimpravnnts. 2400;
part cash. , ' '
Every man. dreams
a place like this
day. "
is the story of a man who read this
advertisement, bought the - farm
and made good.
It is your way out, too!
y In the issue of
that is on the news-stands today.
Five Cents the Copy, of AH NeWs Agents
Or, $1.50 a Year (32 issues) by Mall, Ordered
Through Our Subscription Agents or Dlxect
Boys Wanted to Deliver
on Routes. Apply to
Our Sales Agent
1618Capital Avenue
Omaha, Nebraska.
, Independence Square
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
A recent census found two hundred and fifty thousand people in Chicago, over
one hundred thousand In St. Louis, and hundreds of thousands in other cities
who either already own land In the country or are planning and saving to get
back to the land. It la the call of tbe times.
Yearly subscriptions to Country Gentlemen, Saturday Even
ing Post and Ladies Home Journal may b& telepnoned to Doug.
7163 or mailed to John Gordon, the Magazine Man, Omaha, Neb.,
urgess-Nash Gompamy
'everybody's store'
Wednesday, November 4, 1914.
Ficne Douglas 137.
WE want you to make tln9 1ig store your downtown hoalqunrtr to ninko pood use of tho many oonvenionoes we
have provided for you. Located in the very heart t.t Omaha, with all cars jKissinj? or tmnsferrine; to our door,
and withih a few steps of convention headquarters, you'll find it a most convenient place to meet friends. Our rest
room on the balcony of the main floor affords a splendid place for simply resting or writing letters, while our accom
modation or information desk will answer all inquiries, chock your parcels or wraps and be as useful as possible to
you, and, remember, these helps are all FREE. It is also a splendid opportunity to do Xmns buying.. Many Novel-
ties shown now can not be duplicated later. BURGES3-NASH COMPANY.
m ,
We Doubt Very Much If You Have Seen Better Tailored
Suit Values Than These We Offer Here
Thursday at $14,50, $18,50 and $25,00
T7SPECIALIjY is this true when you consider the time of the year right at
very height of tho suit wearing season.
It is beyond doubt a remarkable oollec tion, beautiful in design, rich in color and
material, depicting every new fentureHhat had been given favor.
The materials include wool serges, poplins, cheviots, gabardines, broadcloth, etc.
The colors are plum, navy, Russian green and brown, also black.
Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats, $10
THERE Is certainly a style In the material and
color to please you, for the rarlety Is varied
to the extreme, including the toTlege coat, aa well
aa the more conventional models. Beautiful mix
tures and plain cloths; sizes for women and misses.
The color are the most favored shades for winter.
Sealette Plush Coats,
at $18.95
ENUINE Salti Sealette
plush, lined with a
guaranteed satin In pretty
contrasting shades and
beauUful designs. Made with
storm flare collar; sizes 36
to 4 8. We consider these
coats the best values in the
city at the price.
' Pretty Cloth Dresses,
at $10.00
WE consider them ex
treme values, beauti
ful new models made of fine
all wool serge In combina
tion of satin and velvet. ,
Tbe colors are brown,
navy and green, also black.
You'll agree they're un
usual values when yon see
Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats, $15
THERE are more than 25 of this season's dif
ferent and distinctive styles from which to
choose. Made of Imported mixtures and broad
cloths, superbly tailored and finished through
out. There are all sixes for women and misses,
A 41.. ... .h.rt. ... Kumulail
Bnrgess-lTasa Co, aeoema rioor.
the f ;? t& w
Fancy Laces 25c
Worth to 75c Yd.
INCLUDING net top and shadow
flounclngs, from 18 to 27
Inches wide, cream and white.
25c Laces at 10c
v Lace camisole, shadow, Not
. mandy vals and net top laces,
from 6 to 18 Inches wide.
Boudoir Caps, 50c
Shadow lace, silk and net, fancy
trimmed, pink, blue aand lavender'
Borgess-iraa Oomoa moo.
Women's 50c Silk
Lisle Hose at 25c
PLAIN black, with high
spliced heel and double
sole, full fashioned, rejjjular
made foot, narrow welttop.
Silk Vests, $1.25
For women. Low neck and
sleeveless, Venetian silk,
white or pink, reinforced
armholes. v
Bors-ess-sTssh Oo-MsA rioot
We Fehture Mark
We are selling representatives
for Omaha of the famous
Mark Cross gloves; many desir
able styles are offered for your
One-button chamois with self
or black embroidery, pair, $1.75.
One-button doeskin, guaranteed
washable, plain or fancy em
broidery, pr 91-T8 and 92.00.
"SUpons" In white doeskin,
very stylish, the pair, 91.7S. .
Bnrgess-Wasa Oo. Mala moor.
BAGS at $1.00
J I. .J 'J' ' II S. l I J I ........ .. - . ' III
of ) :, ImMJIM
ARE regular 11.50 values; mo
rocco or long grain, leather;
mounted on 6-Inch automatic
nickel silver frames, 8 Inches
deep, either plain or plaited style.
Leather lined and fitted with mir
ror and coin purse.
Leather Bag's, $2.50
lllf assortment of styles, real pow
dered ptn seal an it German stiver
frame; silk lined anil fitted with coin
purse and mirror. Pannier handles,
blank only. Very special values.
Burgsss-Basa, Cev Mala rioopr.
Thursday We Wilt Feature Two Very n(er
esting Values in Women's Shoes
Women's Button Boots at $4.50
A SNAPPY, stylish shoe of high grade patent leather
and dull calfskin, fashioned on tho smartest custom
lasts and made with tops of imported black cloth and dull
kid, either tipped or plain toes and Cuban Louis heels.
Very special values, at pair, $4.50.
Women 's Dress
Unusual Values
and Street SHOES.
Thursday, at $3.00.
A SHOE with character and' style, that
-fits perfectly, Chat will wear and
wear well and be continuously comfort
able. Button styles in patent aud gun
metal leathers with mat kid and cloth
tops. Recede and medium round toes.
(Jenuine goodyear .welt sewed soles,
Louis, Cuban and military heels; leather
top facings and perfectly mado
in eVery detail. A very special
value for Thursday, atj pr. $3.00.
Bojaress-Bash Co, -Msla moor.
French. Ostrich Plumes at $1.35
Worth Reg. $2.50 and Up to $5.00
THE latest word from fashion
jentcrs is plumes for trimming
Plumes are all the rage in the east,
-This special purchaso from on
of the foremost wholesale millinery
houses in this country brings you
the biggest plume value offered by
any store for a long time.
Tho plumes are all male stock,
long fibre, heavy heads and largo
size in black, white and all the new
est shades.
24-Inch Ostrich Bands
Worth $2.50, at $1.35
Ostrich bands like illustration for
trimming. 24 inches long, with two
demi-French plumes attached. A
suitable trimming for any 6tyle hat,
white and colors. .
Bargesa-Vash C-peoa4 Floor.
Unusual Values inUndermuslins
That Will Interest You Thursday
FOUR special values in gowns splendidly made of good
Quality materials and in a wide variety of orettv and
w sr sy
pleasing styles.
Women's Muslin Gowns, at 45c
Splendid quality, made with long sleeves, high neck or
slip on style, daintily trimmed with lace, embroidery or
Women's Muslin Gowns, at 59c
High or low neck, long or short sleeves, good quality
muslin or nainsook. ' Lace and embroidery edging.
Women's Crepe Gowns, at 89c
Also fine muslin or nainsook, linen lace and embroidery
trimmed, extra long and wide, rare values.
Women's Nainsook Gowns, at 98c '
Empire style, round, V or square necks, long or abort
sleeves, trimmed with dainty val. laces and insertions, also
yokes of fine tucks, very special.
Bargeoa-Wash Co.- asooag floor.
Vv- irr --inrTTTTrjriFPURQESS-NASn
Women '8 and Misses' $19.50 to
$25.00 Tailored Suits, $12.98
THEY'RE all latest style.-,
beautiful in style, material
and color effects. Mudo in a'va
riety of fine materials. Broad
cloths, fancy weaves, serges, etc.,
in all the most desi
ablo bhacU-H. Rt'gula
$l!)..K)&)f23 vals., n
Women's Skirts, Worth $4.50, in
the Sale Thursday, at $2.98
A remarkable line of neyv skirts, made
plain or tunic style, of serge, shepherd
checks, diagonals, mixtures, striped ma
terials, etc.; wide selection of splendidly
made garments, moMly black ) no
and navy blue. Thursday P&.70
Jersey Top Petticoats; $4 Values,
Thursday, at $1.98 '
Silk Jersey top petticoats with ellk
messallue flounce; colors, navy, brown,
green, taupe, midnight blue, emerald
and the red shades. A lot of two hun
dred to choose from; regu- i nn
lar 14.00 values, at $130
, Twenty-three-inch J OINTED DOLLS, at 95c.
The Biggest Bargain in the City.
These dolls are full jointed, twenty-three inches long, hare
natural eyelashes and hair, eyea that open and close, nr
pretty chemise, stockings and bootees , iOC
Handkerchiefs, Be
Women's pure lin
en ban dkerchlefs,
hemstitched, nice,
fine quality, ea., 6c
Meh Veilings, 18c
All colors, white
and b 1 a e k mesh
veilings, yard, 15c.
Neckwear, 1 3c
Flat collars, crepe,
organdy and net,
white nd colore,
each. 15c.