Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1914, Page 14, Image 15

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Grain Men Learru
-Reason of the Slow
Southern Demands
Loral grain dealers hav at last found
the solution a to the renjpon southern
pens; such as Nfw' Orleans and Oaive
ion. are not clamoring: tor Nenraaaa
wheat. The solution of the problem la th
fart that suit rltlea are receiving export
ithcut from the fields of Kansas and
OKtminma at a rat 1 rents rnes4vi
than tTie Nebraska dealers ran supply th
commodity. This la partially du t to
cheaper transportation rates owing; to a
leaser distance and -to the fart that the
crop of th two states mentioned has
been unusually good this year. ' As a
result Paltlmora and cities of the At
lantic coast ara the only ports firm, no
Ins; the local product
Chinese Steel Men
Will Stop Over Here
Z. T. K. Woo, general manager of the
flan Iron works of Tlan Ytna,
China, has left Pan Francisco with six
other Chinese men for trip to New
York and cities of the east where a gen
eral Inspection of the bifr steel Industrie
will' ba made, relative to negotnstlng
contracts tor the new . Chinese govern
ment railroad which will extend from the
east coast of China to the boundaries of
Tibet Tba party will pass through
Omaha Friday evening and wilt tie met
at tha Vnlon atation by a number of
Otnh railroad men, who will conduct
them alxut tha city for several hours
during tha wait between trains.
Upon arrival here th Party will b
shown through tha smelting works.
Two Men Drown
When Auto Plunges
in River at Yankton
YANKTON, S. P., Nov. 4. (Special
Telegram.) Editor II. W. Qpoloy of tha
Crofton Journal of Croftnn, Neb., and O.
W. Casts, drugs-let. In the latter'! car,
were drowned In the Missouri river at 1
a. m. today, when the car left the pontoon
bridge and plunged Into the river.
Cass, who wss married, was driving
his car. O. P. Palley, a barber, and !. 8.
Roes, Jewelryman, were In tha car and
went to the bottom of tha river with tha
car. They freed themselves and reached
shore exhausted and nearly drowned.
Fpeed Is given as tha causa of the acci
dent. The bodies of tha drowned men
ara still In the river under twelve feet of
water and fifty feet from tha shore. In
vestigation of the tragedy awaits the ar
rival of the sheriff of Cedar county, from
Hartington, Neb. Mr. Cooley was a Mason.
Autoists Decide on
Time of State Meet
George Ilafner, Wl North Sixteenth
street, who wss caught stealing an over
coat fmm the auto of Frank Whlpper
man, I4S Fowler avenue, at Fourteenth
and Farnsm streets Thursday, was sent i
to the county jail for twenty-five daya
by Judge Foster. j
Mr. Whlpperman caught Hafner him-
self and held him until Traffic Officer
Bert Rodgera came.
During tha last three weeks nearly
11,200 worth of overcoats have been stolen ,
from automobiles standing outside of
public buildings.
All Toachors Are Extended a
Most Hoarty Wolcomo! .
Miki Yourselves Perfectly tt Heme in This Store Shea to Tour Hearfs
Content We're Most Clad tt Accommodate Yea.
H ' T
I I J r
? E AO IX T"tO ft t-
Frank Oardner, aged 23 years, son of ;
Gears Gardner. 2223 Jones street, died .
at the home of his father Wednesday
after a week's Illness with pneumonia.
No funeral arrangements have yet been
male. '
Pt Those f.ar1y Kroarntai Coaaha.
Thay hang oa all winter If not checked,
and pave tha way for serious throat and
lung diseases. Oat a botle of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, and take It
freely. Stops coughs and colds, heals raw
Inflamed throat, loosens and phlegm and
Is mildly laxative. Chas. T. Miller, Ed.
Enquirer, Cannelton, Ind., had bronchia)
trouble, got very hoarse, coughed con
atantly from a tickling throat Ha uaad
only Foley's Hony and Tr Compound.
"Waa antlrely relieved. Wants others to
know of Foley's Honey and Tar. All
Tha Want Ad Columns of The Bee Ara
nead Dally by People In Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities.
'Woman's suffrag brought ' about 130
Into tha county treasury. Tha women
desiring to vote, who had not previously
paid taxea. scheduled personal property
aggregating about 7,400. Seventy-four
women of Douglas county 'went before
County Assessor Counsman and made
affidavit that they owned property and
had not been assessed. Then they went
to tha county treasurer, paid their taxes
and went onto the regular tax list.
. Generally the property acheduled by tha
romen was Ito each, tha minimum re
quired by law to make them eligible to
vote for members of the Board of Edu
cation. The one scheduling tha largest
mount of property waa Mrs. Minnie
Wilson, $2,000, and tha next, Mlsa Frances
Graves, $500. '
At the monthly meeting of tha Omaha
Automobile club official notlca was given
of the coming on November 17 of the
Nebraska Automobile association con
vention, to be held at the Rome hotel.
Beports showed the local club to have
318 members In good standing, besides
nineteen 1 honorary. Fifty delinquents
were ordered stricken from tha club
One hundred and fifty danger signs
have arrived and will be put up In this
county within the next two weks.
The secretary reported IMS 44 on hand
and J5.9-0 paid out within the last sis
months for road signs, markers and se
curing . the arrest and conviction of
parties throwing glass on tha roads. '
Preston Harbin, accused of being one
t t tha three men who held up and robbed
O. F. Leonard of 1120, was bound over
from police court to await action of tha
district court.
"Butch" Ames and Boy MrOulgan, al
leged to be the. other men mixed up In
tha affrlr,yhave already been rounded up
by the pollr and bound over.
Tfiotmands of m-a gnd women sulTer from
peadecnes every iday, other thousands have
beadarhce every week or every month, and still
others hava headache oi-nalroally. but not at
regular Intervals. The let Doctor Isotlen unabla
to llnd ttis cause of maoy ot these beadaebca.
ana In moat other cane. Knowing the osuae, Oe
dues not know what will rcmorelt, so as to give
a permanent cure. All be ran do Is to preorrlbe
me usual pan, Triievers, wntcn give temporary
reUf, but tha headache returns as uaual, autl
treatment t again ncceeanry. II you aunr from
headache, no matter what their nature, take
ADtl-kamnla Tablets, and tha results will be sella
factor In the hltrhct degree. fou can obtain
them at all drusxiaUi iu any quantity, luo worth,
sto worth or mora. Aak lor A-K Tablets. .
Pick-bead ache, the most mlaerable ot all tick
Pesaes, loaes Its terrors wben A-K Tablets ant
taken. When you feel an attack coming on,
take two tahleta, and In many caaea, the attack
will be warded oil. Poring an attack take one
A-K Tahlel every two hours. The reat and Mm
tort which follow, can be obtained In do other
way. . . . . .
Cannes A'K Tmhhti tear fAa K law
ream. At mil sfruggbfs.
The ttandatxl of this estab
liaKmcnt may be judged from
the fact that we sell Han&n
Shoes. ,
There io no more , em
phatic way in which we can
state our business principle
' We , canj-y a complete ' Una of .
Hanan shoes In afkea to fit tha
long, slm and ahort, wide f not.
1410 Far nam St. '
JEjrcusrva Afncy
"Blatz Private Stock"
QTANDS in a class by itself the most popular
beer sold pure wholesome 7 carefully
brewed carefully bottled carefully shipped.
Universally used and enjoyed by Bankers, Pro
fessional Men, Athletes, Mechanics and Laborers.
A home drink for every member of the family.
Don't be imposed on. Get the best, it's
"Blatz Private Stock'! "Leads Them All
02-810 Douglas Street, Omaha, Neb.
Fhona Douglas 6662
A Phenomenal Ualuc Giving Sale of Women's and isses' Outcrgarmcnts
lir.Hb- tw 4WM Xl'Vl-elP
Ccvor before in tho history of this store has the value
getting, bargain giving power ,of our great buying organ
ization been more clearly demonstrated.
Over 1.C0D Women's and Misses' Coats Nearly all
new arrivals, gd on sale Thursday in 3 big bts, at prices
greatly below worth.
Xobby Winter
u)tui maae to
gell at $18.00 and
X J 20.00, big as
iv'Bortmeiit of plain
ji and novelty fab-
rjj rlcB, Persian
if tlothg and plushes
newest styles, best
celors, all shades,
at, choicj
Hundreds of
Klrgant Coats,
made to sell at
$25.00, broad as
sortment ot the
most desirable
fabrics and styles;
values seldom, it
ever before, equal
ed at sale price
lOT 3 . .
Big assortment
of Htndio mve
Coats that were
made to sell up to
$30 00, fabrics are
Chiffon Broad
cloths and Zibe
llnes. Satin Fur,
Realettes, fine
Novelties, etc,
beautiful new de
signs, at
One Hundred Beautiful New Tailored Suits.
Nearly all araple garments, made to sell at $35 and $40,
on sale Thursday; most of them shown for first time-$25
The fabrics are velvets, fine quality chiffon, broadcloths,
gabardines and other most desirable plain arid fancy suit
ings in the season's best styles. You can't help but be de
lighted with such rare values.
Women's Imported Crepe Kimonos
Hand embroidered, regular $4 values,
Thursday at $2.95
Women's Silk Underskirts with fitted
, tops? comes in all colors, Thursday
at $1.95
Goo 4 News for the Large Women
Our stock of extra size tailored suits,
coats and dresses is more than ever
complete, offering you Suits at $15,
$19.50, $25 up; Coats at $10,
$15, $19 up; Dresses at $10,' $15,
$20 up. - ; .
Women's Long Flannelette Kimonos
Regular $1.50 values, all sizes, good
- colors, at .95c
Women's House Dresses All sizes;
$1.00 Rvalues, at . . . v. .". 49c
Children's School Dresses All sizes,
special at'...-.'. .;.".V.V. . . . -95c
$5 Bon Ton Corsets
on Sale
Medium bust, long hip models,
beautifully trimmed, new styles,
but slightly soiled from han
dling, Sl.00 Brassiers at 49c
A1J daintily lace trimmed. .
50c Brassiers at 25c
All embroidery trimmed. '
A Complete Line of Sanitary
Goods at Lowest rrlces.
Children's M Waists, 12Vc
All sires In this lot.
Linen Bargains
Hues: Toweling, by the yard, suit
able for guest towels, assorted '
widths, values to 76c, yd..50
Table Padding, by the yard, heavy
weight, double fleeced, 84 inches
wide, 8 9c. values, yard...25
Ouest Towels, bird's-eye huck,
pure flax, with space for Initial,
31c regular, each 25
Hemstitched sheets, bIzo 81x90,
made from best sheeting, regu
lar $1.25 grade, each. . .$l.O0
A Triumph Sale
Ostrich -Trimmed
Hats that would be
wonderful values at
even $15 ; hats that some
exclusive stores would
price even as high as
$25.00. ,
Three of the many are here
illustrated, giving you a
slight idea of the values here
for your selection at this remarkable bargain price.
1st A black sjlk velvet hat with one very large
black plume; 2d A very handsome silk velvet hat,
trimmed with three pink half plumes at side; 3d
Score's of Charming Designs
Here for Your Selection.
All Distinctive and All
Newest Style Ideas.
Another splendid velvet shape with vari colored plumes arranged high above it. All beau
ties and there ire many others equally as becoming and beautiful here for selection. No
Two Alike; Most Wonderful Values Ever at.
Two Rousing Silk Specials
That. Should Crowd the Department at a
Very Early Hour Thursday."
Beautiful 4Mnch Hilk FopUns, in 25 of the season's
most popular colorings, regutar .$1.25. - &a
a yard quality; certainly remarkable ijiifa
values at, yard w f
$1.78 All Silk Crepe de Chines, 40 inches wide, la
every wanted street and evening shade, a, a gf
including- black and cream, beautiful I
quality, yard V"
Two; Remarkable Special Value's
in IVcol Dress Fabrics Thursday
$3.00 Quality Imported Chiffon Broadcloth, high
satin finish, thoroughly sponged and&f tf
" shrunk, in all the season's choice col-JI ajll
ortngs, at, yard. V 1 M
lOO Pieces of Hlgh-Clas, Drens Fabrics, including
' Bedford cords and suitings, all wool ftf
serges, etc., 64 in, wide, to $2 yard JJJJJJ
quality, your choice Thursday, yard....""'
Over 3,000 Pairs
of Hen's Trousers
Nearly the entire surplus
stock of . the well-known
Princess Trouser Co. '
goes on sale Thursday at t
25 to 33i Below
Usual Retail Price
' Well known as one of the best. makes
in America; (All bear the Ubel.)
Every-pair -this, season's styles. All
new, clean; merchandise, at prices you'd
expect to pay after. February 1st.
Fabrics are fancy striped worsteds, blue and
gray serges, heavy wool cassliuers. suitings,
etc.. In big assortment ot the season's bet pat
terns and colors. Stses 27 to 50 waist, all
lengths and tt) Us, to fit all builds of men- ' .
$150 and $2.75 Princess Trousers at $1.95
$3.50 and $3.75 Princess Trousers at. ...... $2.05
$4.00 and $5.00 Princess Trousers at .$3.95 Ml m'ATif innro than nrta luiii chn rnn sno Hitocc. cirlon.
did bargains, eo come prcjwmrto lay in a winter supply J
1 mm, mm
m -
a . ' . w 1 4
Haydeo's Hakes the
Grocery Prices for All
the People, Hot a Few
Our Aim la Quality. IS Ounces
to the Tound and a Saving
- - of 25 to- B0 on
. the Coat of Living.
IT lbs. Best Granulated Rurar. .tl.00
f 8-lb. sacks brst U1gh Grade Diamond
H Hour; nothing- finer for bread,
plea or cakes, wck. Sua
10 bare DlaJnond C.- Beat 'Ein AIL
lnnox, White Kuaalan or 1-aundry
Wueen White Laundry 8oap....aSoj
10 Jba. Beat White ur Yellow Corn
meal for gj,
8 Iba. Best Rolled Breakfast Oats.fSa
lba. Choice Japan Rica tSe
i lba. Kapcy Japan Rica, lftc quality.
. Ior 85a
ram Oil Sardines for 85a
TS.. lHn'e"" Mairaronl. Ver.
rrtfceht or sparhettl, pkg
1-lb, cans Fancy WiV Btrin. Grain .
or Lima Baana. U
t-jb. cana Early June Peaa. . . ! ..iJI ,
tor C"" "Cy SWMl Buar ror"
. Corn riakea." phill! "!'"a5
Orana-NuU. pk. "ltZ
Hershey'a Breaiifant Cocoa, lb!!"soa
The Beat Tea. Hiftlnira. jb.. lanTa
OoUlen Kantoa Coffee, lb aJT
??!' C-W aiarke
1 he beat Creamery butter, carton or
- bulk, per lb v , jj-
Fancy So. I Country Creamery' But
ter, car lb t ao
Good Wiry Table Butter, lb...!!ssa
J lba. rood Butterlne SM
Fancy Table Buttarlna. to i
creamery, per lb T, ,SS
Full Creaon CUaeae, lb lo
Ladies' Kid Gloves.
Regular $2.00 41 4C
Values, at . . f 1.23
A fine line for your se
lection, all . colors, with
fancy embroidered backs.
Jt will pay you to lay in a
year's supply at this, bar
gain price.
Ladles Auto Hoods,' 11.00 val
ues, in an colors,
on sale
.'..49 c
'IS lba. Best Kad mivax Zaxly' Ohio
- Votatoas to taa pack.., SOo
'ieniand 15 lba.. the law requires it.
f ancy Holland Seed Cabbage for
kraut, lb jiz.
Fresh Carrots, Turnips
- .Beets. Parsnips, lb iu0
Red Globe Onions. pr lb. to
bunches Freh Kaddiahea &a
3 heada Fresh Hothouse Lettuce Sa
Fancy Head Lettuce, head. .THcvlOo
Krah Spinarh, peck..w, jo
Celery Cabbage. had ! loo
iothoue Tomatoes, lb.'.." ifHa
Hothouse Cucumbers. .. .So. TUaL in.
stalks Fresh Celery . .?. .
Cape Cod Cranberries, Quart. . ! .Tl,a
Soil Apple PedalaJTbla Week
Extra fanfy Taklma Valley fruit
noUiln finer .grown Jonathana.
Grlmea Oolden, Spltsenberger Klna
Iavd. Maiden Blush, etc., per
b0 l.So to fl.75
Thla la quality foods.
. 6