12 THE BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER 191.. WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but to n'jr proper classification must be pre sent 1 Wfnrf 11 o clock noon for evening edition and 7: n. m. for morning and Kvmlay edition Went aria reived after 'h hour will he under th heading, Too Late to Classify." - 1 CASH RATES. Hven consecutive times, t tent a wort Nl insertion. . .,, Three times within on week. IS cent woM each Ineertlrur. One time t rente a Vort. ! . i ' CHARGE RATES. fcven rniwMuUve times, t wnti a Iln wh 4nertlon. Three tlmi within one week,' 10 cent a line each Insertion. One time. 12 centa a line. Count six average words to a line. Minimum charge. 20 renta. , - An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued muat be stopped by writ ten order. Too can place jour want ad InThe Be by telephone. , v , TELEPHONE? TYLER 1000. M Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred nf other anawere have been railed, for and delivered during the last eek. It la reasonable, to suppose that all of the people below have made the.de Ired swape therefore, do not call lor tha balance of their anawera. Bee Want Ada aura get result. P.O. , RC. PC. H.C. SC. DC. 1311. ' 171 J.Vi 14ft 14S lf-40 JZM . 172 1M7 1407 I4i2 ISM ' ir?4 1 im J4n 1470 ir.v l.Tl 126 1.141 1411 , 1A it 1! 1144 1411 i U7 JJ 1D"0 17 1418 1471 l.Vil J?4? I lii l:i:J 14?4 in 1M$ j:m ; ir7 j:in HJt 1471 16h 1.! ' IM W 141 14x1 1&70 JIM i 1294 1.S74 14.-3 146 .1174 JJM' . 13 1378 14 1.111 1676 J;t i 1441 U12 li77 l:l 1 1T iWO , 144S IMi 1.VO ;. J ISI3 ' 134 1448- 1M7 . 1 J7 1314 140J 14n4 lf'l Vl If ISil 1406 1464 l!-34 ! ' ' ) CARD Or THANK. WeiwWii to thank the many friend for their sympathy ahown and for tha floral offerings at the death of our beloved mother. Mra. Anna C. Pauleen. Herman F. raulaen, Edmond I'aulaen, Henry K. J'kuleen,. WlUlaro-taulaen, Mr. J. Q. IbrandL ; . 1 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birthe Marlon and Catherine Jonea, hoapKul, box; John and Margaret Atuler eon. huepltal, buy; W. and VCilple Aunltn, SU4 Murtti Twonty-aeventh avenue, girl; V. A. arid lalav Yonaon.. 11M South Thlrty-Tifth avenue, boy. feath!w-Mra. Anna Tenopala 74 year, 5710 Kouth Eleventh; Burton Parmer, 18 month, hoapltaj; Millard F. 8eara, 66 year iS& North Eighteenth; George P. YIoaerty, 22 ycarg. za California; M. J. Umaught 3t yeara, hnepital; Uretla M. 3h, 4 yeara, 23ii P street, ttouth Omaha. TODAV'S fOMPLKTB MOVIK riitMiHAMH ICtcltmlTeljr In The) He Boa I a llniu PESSR THEATER. 24TH AND N The rtolden Mopo. Luh'n. Playing with Fire. J-reW Pellg. The Cave nw-llera. Vtiagraph. MAUIC. f4TH AND O The Vagnbond. l-reel Re. Partner In Crime. 1 Ko. comedy, VareTtrie. ORPHEfM THE ATElt, J4TH AND t. f4ertea No. 19. MiHton Iollar Mystery will be shown here Wednesday, two thrilling pat U. ANNOUNCEMENTS Weddina announcmerit. !oug. Ptg. Co. LUCK T wedding r nk at HmdKf rd'e. LAWN COVERING. WALNCT 8192. HA7.KI-. Ieai Pile Conea. Hem remedy for Itching, bleeding or arotrudlng pile; ROc pontpald; ariplea free. Sherman MrConnrll Pnig Co., Omaha. LKNDMIil-All KlmJa of Iental Work done, under careful supervision, at the the Crelghton College of Dentistry. 1 8. lfth Pt. Chlldren'a teeth stralahtened. PEES very moderate. Extractions free. LITE WIKB BVHIXES3 MEN OP OMAUA A B C ot Omaha A ALL WATCHES, diamond and Jew elery. special rrlcea, Hept. and Oct Uuy now, II a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co.. Koom 217, Karbach block. - 1NE office facing 17tt street. Just be ' Ing vacated, aplendld location, In the Bee building. Apply to the su- F perlntendetit, room 108. MVE W1HE IirsiNEHS MKN OF OMAHA Maseeaaes. MASSAOE. 109 f massage rr, 17th Pt. Mrs. Ptel BIILKINU. P Tl Maesngr. Ml llibsnn, H. VIM. .Seville HrK. BATH and mnesage. alcohol ruh. Laura Wilson, 1102 Karnnm. R. 2. Ioug. H7.M. (iraltata. Eyes exsmlnrd, glsKsea fitted, pay as you can Ir. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Hldg. Oateapathln Phyalctaaa. Ir. Renirha. J03-4 McCague Bldg. D. 0l. Pateats. If. A. Pturges, Mg Brandet Theater Bldg. D. ). Harriell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Bed 7117. Patrat Devrjapmrat. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 R. 11th Bt Prlatlaar. WATEH8-BA RNH ART rtg. Co.. quality printing Tel. Doug. 2190. M4 8. 1.1th Bt. IKJI'ULAX Prlnt.ng Co. Tel. Doug frK COREY A MRNZIE PTO. Co. D. VM. R1ES-HALI. Pfg CoT, 1'20 Capitol. D. 11U. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 764. Palatlaa; lad faperla. HtTGH M MANUB. 417 N. 40th. H. rra. Plaaaea Renovated. PLUMED A flowers made oKr, cleaned tt dyed. Bertha Kruger42S Pax ton. D. 334. Honrh K.x terminator. B. B. B. Roach powder at yoJr druggist. Safe 4 Tint Lock Kiprrta. Opened, repaired, comb. r . K. Daven- 14itl Dodge. 11. VUL SAFES Shea Ilepalrlaat. Electric If hoe liep. Co.. 1W St Mary"i Av. staas aaal ahowearala. E. M. CLARK A SON, 111 HO. 16TH ST. N EW and aocond-hand electrlo fans and motors. LeBrun Electrlo Works, 3l 8.. Uth.- Douglas 217. MAHA PILLOW CO., 1WJ Cuming. Doug. 247. Renovates feathers and mattresaej of all kind, make feather mattresses and down covers. 0 VACUUM cloaner for sate. Vacuum cleaning done In the horn. Baallary iervco Co., Hi Bee Bldg. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PHOGRAMS Exclusively In The Bm. 1 ! : Dwa Tawa. CAMERAPHONE, 1403 DOUGLAS RT. The Girl In the Case, two-reel Vltimraph. Jironcho Hilly Rewarded, Esuanay. Hi Wonderful Tdlneral Bprlng, Kalem. f.LlTK-NO 2, FAHNAU BT? tenrt-(ellg No.' tm Anne of the Mlnea, two-reel Vltagraph. 2leellnt Mr. Jonea, Blograph. FARNAM, 1414 FARNAM. BT." Knvtrnnment Majestic drama, 1'he Turning of the Kb ad. t-r. Than, dre, The Tightwad. Beauty comeoy. . iilii- XUKATEH. isVM AND UAKNUX. Horn of ' Paramount Pleturea. I'AUK, , 511 N. fll bT, Lord Cecil Intervanea. Lubln. The Poisoned Bit t-reel Edlsoa. illpiery hlnn and Oraen-Eyed Monster. PA RIjOK, 1408 DOUGLAS BT. AVhen Their 1 Wive Joined the oroe, ' Joker comedy. A'Relskln Reckoning, two-reel Bison. fiiiiictS, 1317-19 DOUGLAS BT. The T'ura of the Tide, two-reel Imp. 1 he Wall Between, Bterllng comedy. The Star Oaser, Nestor drama ' ,. Xertm. ALHAM3RA THEATER. 1M4 NO. 34T1L Amateurs every .Wednesday night with rKJiar program of pictures. Amateura call laouglaa tft04. ALAMO. S4TH AND X)UT,8rS. The Tenth-Commandment, three-reel Imp. A Hypnotic Mistake, Mterllng comedy. CLl f " TON, Military Ave. and Burdette.' A Modern Othello, Beauty comedy. rlerra Jim's Reformation, 'M jeatio dr. ' The Million tlr Mystery, No. 1, s-reel. fI AMO.N'D THEATER 2410 LAKE8tT ;tr1 Who Won. J-ie-l Vict. Lawrence.. 'W hen Bess Uot In Wrong, Nestor som. Vtifibfridpd Pentence, Powers. pKaNKLIN THEATER. 24th A Franklinl The Dancer, two-reel Kale in. vten the Gods Forgive, Vltagraph. The Pnakevllle Sleuth. Essanay. I ! I PPODHOM K TH EA.. a "T CUMING. Weekly, Mutual Toplca. .'O Account Mmlth Baby, West. K. B. t-r. Jr. Bill toea In Buslnes for Hlmselr. fTTHEXTER, KtH "AKUpOCCWE An -Affair of Honor, Lubln. The Uvid Flame, two-reel Sells, i Twins snd Trouble, IMieon.' N w litli and Harney. Dougsxs lijSJ. rE rent, repair, sell needles and parts lor an sewing machine. nm BRA9KA CYCLE .CO., "Mlcker." Aecaaataata. MELVILLE l. THOMAS A COMPANY. 1237-M city Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 181U. x: E. A. DWORAK. C. P. 33 Ramge Bldg. Douglas 740& BAKER, VAWTER k WOLF, M Ramge Bldg. Douglas 740H. A4dlaa Maehlaea. Dalton Adding Machine. 411 g. u. Tj. 14. Adder Mch Co., (Walws) W. O. W. D. Mi. Areklteets. Everett 8. Dodd. 61J Pnxton Blk. U. rWL Attraetloaa. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion iinmm macnine ana rum Dargalna Alt and JMaaet Rapairlaaj. Magneto repair work a specially. D. 24U. Aactlaaeexa. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red S28G. Barbers. U Chairs. IQo shave, neck ahave. 1617 Far. Bias 1'rlallaa. HORNBT CO. Blue printing, under new ,n-iiiH,, ft mana JRl. tin, LI. SlSf. Braaa Feaadries. . Paxton-Mltchell CU. 27Ui and Martha Sta. Balldlaaj aid Repalrlaaj. E. FRANTA, 611 Paxton Blk Doug. 857. Clstrra sad Well DiaTaTlaa;, NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? BCHAFFER does It Phone Web. fctfl. Calliorala La ads. W. T. Bmlth Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. 1. Coal Dtalara, fVl John'on' special, also Victor nut 16.00 I'hone a 1702. big baskets coal. t Wagner. 801 N. 11 Cklropractors. L. Oeddls, P. C. 228 Bee BMg. Doug. 4?9S. thiaa Palatlair. Ruth Ietchford. decorating, firing. R, 4943. Civil Uaalaerm. M. J. LACY. Bit BEE BLDG. DOUO. 471B. Store anu Office Flstarea. DEB KB, ft, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-1 8. mh. D. 2724. Steel t elllaaa. CARTER Hhect Metal Worka, 110 8. 10th. Towel gapplles. OMAHA Towel Bupply. 207 8. 11th; D. 62. Traaka aad Salteaaea. FRELING 8TEINLR, 1806 Farnam St Tailors. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU, 10 N. 15th Pt. Veterlaarlaaa. DR. O. R. YotING, 4W2 Center. H. 60f!2. Wlaee aad Llqaors. ALEX JETES, 201-1 8. 13th Bt. Wlnee, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to I. 10c. Olobe liquor house 424 N. 16th; California wine. ILito per gal. Write for price Hat HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, l&th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your fartitly liquor at Klein's uquur House, ba is. lttth. Douglas HELP M' ANTED FEMALE Clerical and Off lea. DON'T GIVE UP. There is plenty of work for everyone who is willing; some firm is looking for Just such a girl as your quallticatloiis offer. But thu question Is where to find this particular firm. We solve this orob lem. BEE LB TODAY. WATT I REF. CO., MQ-42 Brand. Thea. m t.V WANTED MA IX tlerlral aad. Offlf-e. WAKE UP, MEN! Are you still using the old methods of looking for a portion? If you eft you are losing time and money, which you could avoid by letting uj serve you. We are dally supplying competent help to the better and larger business firms of Omaha. Watts Bef. Co., W-U Brande4 Theater Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commercial position. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN. 712 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. PTE NO. AND BK PR. APPLY M PTATE BK. BLDG. ByUARK PEGS IN Kyl'ARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Hldg. Rectory 4 Trndra. Drug store nap: Jon. Kneist ! Pldg WANTED Men co learn the barber trade. The world needs more barbel than any other tradesmen. We have orl tlnated a plan to teach It quickly anil earn aome money. Toola Included. Board If desired. Open to everyone. Dlstsnt ap plicants write: city applicants call. Moler Barber Coinage, 110 8. 14th Bt. Omaha. BrSlNESS CHANOTS. YOU HAVE Better Chances For Business When Vour Offlo la Located In 1 Good DuJldlng Like tb Bee Building . v (The Building that la Always New.) 2 FINE ROOMS EN8UITE AT 33. For Sale A business that Is clearing from IA09 to tl.fltiO per month right now; 17,000 caah will buy; half cash, the rest good paper; do competition; within a block of the Owl Drug Co. Owner 1 leaving city, must sell. Address E 101. Bee. Mlscellaaeoee. v LEARN Tartaric Mirror Pllverlng It pays. Ing closely guarded secret of big factories. Particular free. Wm. Bar etow, 514 2.V1 Pt.. Oakland. Cel. GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who' make himself tin 'auto expert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. Go right Into the auto buslneis from here. Heat and finest emilDDed cotleare. Opportunity beat here now. ever have been. Write for list of oiamlnca. - Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2119 Farnam Pt.. Omaha.' Wanted at Once MEN to team tliw auiomobua busuieas; the demand is great for our graduates; e have trslned hundreds of men; let us train you. Write tor free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Asa'n, 2S14 N. 2f'th Pt.. ORVtha. Neb. WOULD sou nave to phone for help If your Ignition tystem on your car went wrong out in the country? Learn how to care for your own car at THE IMEliHASKANAUTOMO .... BILE SCHOOL, 14JM7 Dodge. Write for catalogue C, Omaha. MEN to learn tne barber trade; tuition, Su; set of tools given; waaes paid. Trl Clty College. IL'tli and rtouglas Bts. LEARN to play ragtime in tf -lessons. Call or writo Chriatensen Cchool, 424) Cuming St. Phone Harney 3379. o POOL hall, bowling alley and building for sale at bargain. II. T. Burch, Mad ison, Neb. SIGNS, snow cards. Clark A Hon. D. 117 LIST YOUR BUSINESS with u for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 41R Be R1d. Phone Red KK4. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. " Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the otfl-e of the Omaha V Council Rluffa Street Rallwsy company tr ascertain whether they left It in the stret-t cars. Mary articles each dar are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rlehtf"! owner. Call Pong. 4s STRAYED Sunday, a female Fox Ter rier: wh'te with black and tan spot. Tel. Ioug. wa, . LOST A pearl Tlffanv ring. Reward for return to Apartment 6. 221 Davenport. LOST Eastern Star pin. I'hone Douglas 157. Reward LOST A large gold lAn sc( with tops: reward. Return to Mrs. Nicholson, Apt. . the Thnrwald. Hsr. 312. FOR Information regarding letter of Y-61 W. If., call W. P. Lynch, after 10 a. m. Phone D. W. LIVE HTom Mr. RALE. llnrara aad Vehicles. VHEAVT teaming gears, farm wagons ft narness; large stock ft attractive prices. Johnson-ranforth Co. 1529-33 N. Tth Pt. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, mschlne and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St. Douslae li7. TO tirK'KLTsell your business or real estate, write Kenhebeck Co., Omahft TO GET In or out of business. ChM on OA NO EST AD 4"4 Bee Bid U. M77. . ... WE HAVE Good farms and ranches to trade for general atocka of merchandise. Write ua QUICK SALES CO., 41 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. WILL buy all or part of gent' furnish ing or hat business In Omaha, centrally located. Wilt pay cash. Address L 133, Bee. WANTED Merchandise stock. We have some good farm lands to trade for going stocks of hardware, grocery or merchandise. QUICK SALES CO., 41S be Bldg., Omaha GOOD paying restaurant for sale cheap; handle on $2"0 cash. OANGESTAD ' Room 404 Bee Bldg. D. 3477. lavestmenta. To Conservative Investors Tr.', i farm loan at prevailing ratea. Title WANTED Railway mall and ulL 1am'n''on ?n: ver 2.0UO uar,nt,e(I n-tere,t counted without appointment yesny; prepare at home, charge to our Investor. Tax free in Ne W rite for plan so. 8 of payment after hr..i,. ..... appointment. Philadelphia Business Col- lege, t-Mvn nervice Dept. r'hlladelphia. fa. 209 PER MONTH and up. Musthave 1108 to invest L. W. Johnson, Lock Box M, Beatrice. Neb. Kseurr'ssS 1'radee. LEARN halrdress'ng. Oppenheim Parlor. lArt iLJki'iwiiia liiassaaisi, o, 4si, lloasekeepora a4 Daiaeattca. THE Servant Girl Proulem Solved. The Bee will run a bervant G.n Wanted Ad FREE until you get tne desired results. Thla applie to resiuenis ot oinana, bourn trniaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 100O. WANTED Experienced man to take care of lawn and furnace. Also to do janitor work. Give references. Reply In own hanuwrltlng. Adaress K 1G9, Bee. HELP WANTED MALIC AftU (UMALti. MEN, WOMEN Get government Jobs; too to ilM month; 2,uu0 appointn.euu monthly. Write tor list. Franaiin lnsu tute, Dept. 2U T. Rochester. N. Y. GET government lobs. 115 to lo0 a month; It.Ouw appointmenta each month. For list of posiuona tibtainaitie aduree Y W. Bee. MEN WOMEN Get government Job. W6 to lu0 month. Write for list ot po sitions available. Franklin Inatlluie. Desk 80, Rncheater. N. T. WANTED A nurse maid. Mrs. U lilller. 1UB B, aoth tit Harney m. ' WANTED A girl for general housework. No washing, pmall family. 1S1 Bo uth SKth 8t Harney Z152. WANTED Girl for general housework; small, family; good wage.. Phone Wal nut a. GIRL for gnnerat houaeworic and cook; no washing. Doug. s61. WANTED Girl for general housework, where second girl 1 kept; t in family; willing to go to Co. Bluffs. Apply Ui No. euth. Harney 4.21. Creaaa eparatare, The Pharples Beparator Co., 12th ft Farn. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework; good wages. . Apply with references, Mrs. Leonard A. Bpaldluc, 36J0 Harney street. Detectives... JAMVsa ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured in all cae. Tyler 4li. GIRL for general housework, small fam ily; good pay. Harney eury. 1338 bo. 33d . Pt WANTED A nursemaid. Mra Newman, io'M Howard Bt DaaetaaT Aeadeatles. - Turpln'a Dancing Academy, th ft Fam. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. 1K71. Mackle's Academy, now open. 1H14 liar. Dreaaaaakiaaj. Terry Dreesmak'g college, 20th ft Farnam. WANTED In a family of two. first-class. tuoroiiKhly experienced colored cook: no washing; ) wsge. Apply Mr. HalL Inlon Outfitting Co. STRANGER In city want dny work. It y'rs' experience. 3 per day Walnut JC141. ToM. Mi SB PTURDY, MiA Cass. Red FASHIONABLE dressmaking; 1147 Corby. Drags. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid ea 110 orders: catalogue free. 'Bherman ft Mo- Conneii Drug Co , Omaha. Neb. Deatlsts. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 1,10 Farnam. JTHROP. I4TH AND LOTHROP. 3-rsnihy. J-reel Malestlo drama. The Modern O Eel low. Beauty drama,1' Tt Pity Pilots. Keystone Horn. i-YAU liMTCALDWELL BT. J I la lather's Bon, two-reel Victor. 1 he Close Call. Bterllng juomedy. aiayor's Manicure. Poaera. FX LAciTTi lEXTtntTiJoi daveni-ort. Ulchelleu, J-reel Bison. rLBtKBAN THEATK-.4, 24TH ft AMIC. The Girl auid U10. Ptowaway, l-r. Kaiviu. 1 he Pexmaker, VlUgraph. pi g o' the V lid-Wood, Blograph. '..-.: eattu APOLLO THEATER. 2S24 Leavenworth. . Hearst -tiellg No. . The Ulrl at the Ixck. 2-reel Jubin. The fable of "The Adult tiirl Who tkt Busy," Kssanay. CifUMiiiX Xhlwt'lLU, 1710 fca-). Will. The Ixng Way. J-reel Edlaon. Thy VSere Collea;a Boya, Blograph. '(M POET. i4TU AND VINTON Jaiiiilraa. l-reel American. )r Mutual Girl. No. 4L Helto Mabel. Keystona " FAVORITE THEATER lTiti VlNToN. liat-lig No. 7. liu L'cknown Girt, l-reel Vltagraph. A Ktrst-t. las Cook. Blograph. C-f.al THEATER, Thf Bride of Marblehead "V a y of Ut, Nestor. 1X BOUTU UTH, 2-reel Vict I.VK1C. y d lU-agon' Hand. 'Iris Quarrel. Eclair. riy Mtrried. I'. 117 VINTON I-reel Rax, Iks comedy. fAbllMt, STH LEAV EJl' WORTli The Jackpot Club, t-reel Eclair. 1 He bun n Bud. Power. ii.Ni.il A TllEATiR. UU K. UTH 67, bricking the Oaversunent l-reel. vreas. MONROE 26i8 FARNAM i.ma sin surgery, z-reej u. ko. ouwaUy 1 re vernal kluy. Imp, Tre Rnriaay. Kivnitler aAaw t-rNNON. U3S MAIN A ehovung Match. J-reel Ford Btorllng ouiedy. 1 tie Ual(-BreU. Nulor drauua. h ti-y Krkford la atary-a t uovrrL Dr. Todd's alveolai .dentistry. 4H3 Brandeis Bailey, the Dentist. 706 City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1'j17 lMuglaa. D. tiHi. Pyorrhea, Dr.. Flokes, 724 City Nat Bank. Klentrio gapplles. , LEBRON Eleo. Wk., 1 tt. 12th. D. tl7. Karrtevra. BEN KENSTKR. 1410 N. Mth Pt. W. 7T77. Hverykla far Waaaea. Woman' Exchange, 43t Psx. Blk. R. 411 ACCuHDloN, aide, knit, sunburst, box pleating; covereo Dutiona, all uui and atytes: bematltclilng. plcot edging. Idea nesting Co.. U IXiug'.a rllock. D. IVii. Plarista. A. DONAHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. PATH'S florUti, 1NU4 Farnam Bt. L. HENDERSON, lalt Farnam. D. Moinixir t lorist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. tlESd ft PWUIIUIIA. 141 Fa main Bt Hatr DraaaiaaT. Xlarper Method. R. I, Baled -Bldg. D. Mil SWITCHES from combings; II W. D. SiHS. Live mek Hemedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co., 907 P. Uth. Red. 4!61 Llgbtlaa Ftstarae aad WlrlaV. THOMAS DUKKLN Electrlo fixture and aunnllu rimtract. ng ana repair work done reasonable. - It41l CUMING. DOUGI-AB Kali. Mast roattat aad Lote gBupliaa, MrXlR. of loJv regall: and coaiumea. The largest stock of mastiuerads and meairual costumes In the country. Theo. taeoen Bun. 114 Howard. D. 4115. Ufra. and W iadew akado Cleaaera. OLD shado mad like new. Midwest Bhad Factory, 4014) Hamilton. Har. 4AM. MtaMaaif aad Xraaafrx. WHITE LINK. X H. Uth. Douglas S31X Mllilaerr. SWITCHES from comblnga 1 KV Psych rree. Mr. It. M. K-k, 4 8. IMh. D. 657. Mevlag. Itsragt a4 Cleaaiac. W. C. KEBR1N. 1Mb and CapltoL Ty. 1200. Hu CORA BELL1NGY, NEW AKRIVAU ' Moiie, saliafaclory eautern trrsW- meois; cams; oauy and eventnga luf ao l.tn M. r.uiics: Private cuiiano Laaement, corner ef bulldtr.g MA.-S.. rlwa.. ilveri kiuney tioutlea. I), ill. tasawll klalla. V MTK NO. 1. 4 BROADWAT ' w.urr u, i reel 1-. aauay. lie V , m lw. Rtoyraph. I P '-"... W BHOADWAr T --y i Heart No. It i-r. Gold fcl. It i-Y I 'l iii 1 i. Crvtu couieUy. A Ulk ui t.i.uiiit;. Eclair. liver) I TTaiT MARGAKITE IIA1.1JHAN, fa UI maaa and nUrUcuiing, tii N evtlls Blk. P. i.fel Violet Rsy. ntaea.. 4i IW Hldu D. Sill Kathleen Msk. maaiume & bath. D. 7U2. Ciara lu-e, lath and maaaase. louic.-r51 WlM Fther mnaa . elect treat. Red Ja UlN liLDtN. bath, niaaa. lint. Neville blk.. lullt aad Harusy. D. 42V7, M. B. YOUNG girl lu assist about the house and care of 2-year-old child. Harney Vtii. WHITE girl for general housework; must have references; must aleeit ho ma In quire aw no. win ft. WANTED Woman to work, part of fore noon every other day steady. - Kj6 Fowler Ave. Web. 4154. COMPETENT maid for general house work; family three; no washing, UI Bo. with Ave. 1 WANTED Girl for general housework. rnone weoaier ivw. f UotllaMaaa. WOMEN wanted for government clerk- amps. Hig pay. Omaha examination soon. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. UotfS. Rochester. N. Y. Vul'NU women coming lu Omana strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian Association building at Bt. Mary Ave. and l.lh Bt, where they all) be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Inon station. INTELLIGENT woman over 80. as trav ellng manager. Permanent sou Brandeta Theater Hldg. LA Dl ES' ft nilaaee' coats, sulta. dresses ft skirt Iramples at wholesale prices. Bon- eff's New York Sample Btore, ikd N. 1Mb. WANTED Ladies capable of furnishing best reference; to re ores nt a charitable Institution; rare uponuulty to make some money. Addre.s J lew. Bee. WANTED Cultured teacher of executive ability for high claaa educational po sition. Must have lefereuoea For ap- i .ointment telephone Room A Zl, Hotel tome, today. WANTED SITUATIONS BUtflNESd MEN If you. require tna services of a competent iienoarauner and bookkeeper, write me at once; sin now employed in a position which " re quire aienographlo aoility ana selllnkT ability also; .two year' experience; uui give goou rercrenc.es a n cnarucier ana ability: have earned two promotions In present job; wuuid consluer anytbliui lrom 12 up; future necessary: corre spondence confidential. Addre-s O ICQ, Bee. WANTED Work as cnaiuiwriuaia it uuiei la Oinaha or Bouth oiuaita. Phone sV 350. YOUNG man wauts place to work for board while attending Boyle' college. Teleplione Douglaa 156 SITUATION wanted a caretaker rooming house. Addre A KM. Bee. of EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes to drive private car; careful driver; know city very well. Address F 5ti2 Bee. WANTED Cooking position by coloreu person; day work preferred. Web. TS1S. 8T RANGER in city wanla day work, 1 y'rs' experience, J per oay. Walnut K141, YOUNG lady with two years' experience as stenographer want position; caa furnish good references a to character and ability. Address J u, care Bee. RELIABLE colored woman wants gen eral housework, to go home In even ing. Douglas M0. DAY work wanted badly. Doug. 8407. GOOD, competent, strong and willing to work colored lady wants day work: washing and Ironing a specialty. Call Webster 21b7. MAN that wants to go to work will do anything; needs the money and is will ing to work for it. Call Webster 2157. YOUNG lady wishes position as ticket seller for moving picture show. Have had experience a cashier. Mis Nell Chaac, General Delivery, Council Bluffs, la 1 A SOB ICR, reliable young man wlahea respectable Inside work. Address G. 167, Be. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk: refer encea furnished. Can cut meat If neces sary. Webster T7!. CHILD 8 nurse wishes position; best reference. Phone Red K840. Peters Trust Co. 1K22 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. Our Nebraska farm mort- aflected by or panlca. to $20,000. We Interest and principal free of charge. 80 yeara In tha Nebraska farm loan field without a loss Is our record. Kl-OKE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 801 timuha Nat Bank Bldg. Omaha O. saaaw Our Nebraska f TT gagea are not I Ji ' European war f 11 Amount 1400 to S collect oil Int principal free of INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about $5,000 In an old established general merchandise business; will run it with my own help. A good Investment for the man that ha aome money to loan out. Stock about $10,000. German preferred. Addre Y 2M. Bee EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN . COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Student admitted any- day. 'Unsur passed classes in all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand. Graduate guaranteed good position. Place pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new rree catalogue address - MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE IRIS Farnam Pt... Omaha Douglas 661. TEAM of mares. 2.500 pounds, $175. Team of mares. $125. 35th and county line," Bouth Omaha. Tele phone South 3029. HAY, $S per ton. Wnsner, Ml N. lfitli. BWArTKIVS COLUMN OFFICII K1RNIT1RK- III hoy some good recond-hand offl-e furniture; rnui be cheap for cash. Addre C. K40, Bee. . PHONOGRAPH Will sell or trade Edl aon phonograph for shot gun; about ii record a 8 C. 219, Bee. NEW-Oliver typewriter rssli offer or What have ou? g. C.-J15. TWO horse snd, two light grocery de livery wagon and ore set double har ness at a hargelii. Call the Lange Gro cery Co., 2310 Cuming Pt. , . 3- MEDICAL. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all safe, scientific methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The cost is determined after ex amination, and time requlredlo cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles; Fistula Cured Dr. K. H. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. It TARRY. 20 Bee. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY 7 See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block. Douglaa 1411. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial horde so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 412S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodse St YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian Association building at 17th St and St. Mary' Ave., where voey v, 111 be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler' aid at the Union Station. . rOULTRT- AD BUT FLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make Ihe best nd cheapest Jlnlng for poultry houses. T hey are 17x23 lnchea, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 7oc a hundred at The Bee office. FOR BALE March and April pullets, 60c each;, $6.60 per dozen; White Pekln duck, $1 each; 6 for $5. Box 78, Route 2, Columbus, Men. The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, :O0 to 4:00. -Night school, 4:15 to istn ana Farnam ut. Douglas 6647. NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE Monday, Wednesday and Friday even lnfrs. Tuition rates very low, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 per month. The only thing that keeps any man or woman down to drudgery 1 hia or her own lack of train ing.. You will begin to rise the minute you start your studies at Boyle col lege Night School. PHONE Douglas Ydk or write at once and learn why and how Boy lea college can quickly enable you to command promotion and demand a higher salary. All commercial and Eng lish branchea taught Bookkeeping shorthand and typewriting, telegraphy' civil aervlce. arithmetic, penmanship, siielllng, sneclnl English for foreigners private Instruction. BOYLES COLLEGE, IT. B. BOTLEH. President Omaha Neb. Vlxed grain. $1-60 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16 WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed, l-W Farnam. Doug. i46. J. WE BUY 2d-hand clothe. 1421 N. 21th. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WB81 SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live) Mtoelc Commlaslaa Jtterchaata. MARTIN , BROS., ft. CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN EXPERT lady stenographer will tak Pupil. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private Instruction if desired. 4624 Douglaa Bt Tel. Walnut 2327. FOR SALE at a, discount a full unllm Bed scholarship in Boyles Buslnaaa col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or burliness course. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOMB." . Three month. $4.00 THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO.. Dougla $919 ' 1906 Farnam. A MIDDLE AuKD woman wsnta position aa housekeeper. Webster 3113. YOUNG niau with' good habile Wlahea work. Addresa, E. 15, Bee. HELP WANTED MA LB Aaraala, a lea . tiad hM lei tors. WANTED Live agenta to push the sale of Frant Premier Vacuum cleaners. all pointa. in tha tte of Nebraska, out- aide Of omana ana ooutn uniana ini a winner for the right part lea. tor full Information regarding same write Tha Korsmeyer Co., 138 S. 10th, Lincoln, Neb. o Mutual Benefit Health and Acc. Omaha SALESMAN. $10 daily guaranteed, Im perial Co.. N. Main St.. Co. muffs, la. WANTED Salesman for lewa and Ne braska, sell ladle house and wash street dresses, children' dresses, wash skirts, kimono aud robe. Rearuoa Bros. Mfg. Co., Waukegan, HL WE wan use &o more educated biaslness men throukhout the United States as representatives to supply the Increased do- inana for ine new international r.ncycio- aedia oalng to tne present European war. Fur full Information address Dodd, Mead Co.. New York City. ' b, have a number of openings for com letent salesmen in various lines. Apply at once. lt Bee Bldg. WE have a fine opportunity for young man to start as traveling aalesiuaa. ill Bee Bldg. GOOD nurse wanta position. D. 8069. POSITION desired by lady with 6-year-old buy In country or small town. Mra M Kpenoer. General Delivery, Omaha. WANTED By middle attcd lady pla.e to do plain cooking and come home nights. Can give references. 1141 No, 23d St. RELIABLE colored woman wants po sition as chambermaid. Douglaa 8560. YOUNG lady with eight yeara' exp. at switchboard want position. Wetj. t04. AUTOMOBILES I, indoor Bros.. SVI2 Uav (Flying Merkle). TRY P ELTON'S GARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements now. 2?i Farnam. FlVK-PASftENGEK Ford car. in good ahaie, price $-i. If sold at once. 1014 N. lhlh St. Phone Douglaa 3. Dlt. MODEL, Little Six, i-pasa coat $2,400. I'sed one week. Price lo. D. 4J.V FORD car paint d $2!;"Mber cars accord ln to else: work gtd. N'hone g. S&M. FOR SALE Wayne roadster, two paj eager. In rood condition, all new gear nd new tirea, forty horsepower. Phojie t3, $11 S. Main St.. Council B 1 11 f fs. Ia Creenougk Omaha Bad. lep. Co.. 1UJ0 Far. $1U0 forfeit fur any magneto ws can't re pair. Coll repar'g 0 Baydorfer. 3:0 N. 1$ FOR SALK Kara I tare. fJEVERAL van loads of furniture and some piano. Omaha Van and Btoraa Co.. (W 8. lth St New ft Id-hand furniture, rash or terms; reasonable. Aunt. Furn. Co.. 606 N. Uth. Howe ventilator base burn ear Tyler 2174. . Maiissl laatr-mameaf a. PIANO player; a bargain. Tat H. OTL Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS old. rented, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. $07 8. 17tn RENT Remingtons, Monarch and Smith Premiers of their makera The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas US4. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grads ma chine seat out Rates, three month for $6 (or understroke machines or $3 per mnnt!) tor latest model visible writers. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter.- l0i Farnam. D. euil. AUTO One Oakland roadster, new en gine, new gears, new tirea, speedometer, top and side curtalna, thoroughly over hauled. What have you to otter in trade or caanT Auorraa a. . io, xwe. aiitii A hiah grade runabout Stanlev Steamer auto. In perfect condition; late date ateel wr.eeis; nicely painted and 1 very classy up-to-date car; personal prop rrtv. contract work or cement blocks con sldered, as well a farm produce; want house repair work. a. bargain lor some one. H. c. o, tea AUTO Stoddard Dayton, $0 H. P., I or 4 Dassenger. in line snape. speedy and a nice car. No trade. Bell for 4o6u Address 8. C. Z13. Bee.- AUTOMOBILES For otber automoblll bargain see tne auiqwodus" isasi(t' est ion. v BICYCLE NEW C. ft H. BICYCLE FOR sale or trade tor anytning 1 can use, Address S. C. 221. Bee PHONOGRAPH. ETC A small phono graph and ten record for sle or trade. W hat will you give me lu exchange for 'rem? Address S. C. IV. T'ee, VROOM HOI PE. lfke new. best repair. Vrice I2.ro. Want auto, carry balance. AHi-, Bee. SIGN 8. ehocard, ilsrk ft Son IV 137k. STOVE or hot wster heater. Inperfect condition, for a small house, rare Re or for chicken house. Is small and compact, II Iron, In two pieces, for apples, pota toes or any old thing I can use. Ad drer's, H, p. 204, Pee. SPOONS Some "3 doscn silver soda water or ice cream spoons; alo some artlatlo, late date soda plans holders; all In per-' feet condition. For anything I can use. B. C. y3. Bee. . TANK Wooden tank, 7-foot dla., 6 foot Inches hh;h; tnken njart. easy to handle. Address 9. C. 223. Pee. TYPEWRITER jS'early new No. 5 L. C. Hmlth typewriter for sle or trade for printing. Price $. . Address S. C. 208, Bee. WILL TRADE EQUITY"lNOOOb LOT for chickens and horse. Address S. C. 250. Bee. FOR RENT , Apnrtmenta nnd Flats. SPECIAL LOW RENT STANDARD FLATS Save Money Live In Comfort Good Location Near Business STEAM HEATED FREE HOT WATER To fill these fine -r. HOMES Drive te halls, baths, fine woodwork and decora tions, ranges, shades, superior light and ventilation, short walking distance we make these EXTREME LOTV RENTF Summer rate, $19 to $23 -Winter, steam heated. l-"y to tx&. QUALITY EQUALS ANY AT $50 TO $S0. Better, cheaper than separate houses; even than cottages. References. See them. Don t delay, thev are filling'. T. J. HOOK, 1101 No. 18th St. o. 2964 HARNEY. C'loice 6 room Flat. Excellent repair, oak finish, walklnp distance, ph. Will make reduction v or lease to a good party. GARVIN BROS.. ' 345 Omaha National Bank Bldg. O EAl BEAUTIFULLY finished apartment ot 6 rooms and bath, also large screened porch; all conveniences including janitor service, steam heat, locker space and laundry facilities. Splendid location. Let u show you this today. It's exceptionally fine and only $45 per month. SCOTT ft HILL CO.. Douglas 1009 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ON 10TH ST., TWO BLOCKS FROM DEPOTS. -Apartments have S rooms, laundry, front and back porch; nice front yard; in-first-clasa condition. Also 6-room apartment aecond floor; flrst-ciasa condition; nice upper front porch. Call at 1303H 8. 10th St MRS. STEVE MALONEY. $9.00 Three large rooms, apartment, part modern. 1S16 Elm 8t. Harney 4K. OT. CLARE APARTMENTS. 23d and Harney St., $ room apartments. Call H. 647 or D. KOa. Gordon VanCo. S $1 N. hth St Moving. ng. Storage. Phone D 894 or Web. 1383. 4 AND rooms modern flat. 1113 So. 11th. Steam htd flats. 16th ft Web. Tyler $023. OGDEN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, room with kitchenette, steam heat Phone 648. Rental Service Free We can save you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We can tell you what ' house and apartments each real estate office ha for rent Phone us,. Douglaa 288.. Fidelity Storage and Von Co. 10-ROOM flat modern, 2206 Harney St Harney 647. ' - s - - $i--r., St." Louts, new! ao4 S. 21st 610 8. I7TH ST. 6 room, 'modern, cast front, walking distance, only $30. C. G. Carlberg. 813 Brsndeis Thea. Bldg. HALF -MONTH RENT FREE. 60 8. 26th Ave.. 9-room rood, brick flat; very well arranged; $30. 2ol7 Capitol Ave., -r. mod. flat. $25. 114 8. 2.uh Bt, 7-r., all mod., $30. 2416 S. 30th St. 7-r., new, .mod., $30. 3419 Parker St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $17.60. 2216 N. ,27th. 5-r.. mod. ex. heat, $16. RAP BROS., : Douglas 16G3. 1U6 McCague Bldg. FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT. Urbana, 1317 Park Ave., desirable loca tion, close to Hanscom Park and right on car line. Good sized rooms, well ar ranged, heat and hot water. Excellent Janitor aervlce. Same rate summer and winter, on lease. $40. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COM PANT, Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg. ELEGANT flat first floor, ( room and bath, sleeping porch, furnace, . nearly new, first-class location, 3114 Daven port St.. $32.S0. C. G. Carlberg, Sl$ Brsndeis Thea, Bldg. fr-arnlahed Asartmeata FURNISHED APARTMENTS, TWO ROOMS AND BATH. Bosworth, 2217 Howard St; new build ing, new furnishing; heat and hot water. . First-class in every respect. Comfortable and convenient Winter rate, $37.60. Janitor- will show you through. Reference required. . ARM STRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1636. State Bank Bldg. CLOCK Do you want to swap for some thing that will speak for Itself; if so, come and see this high-grade, artistic French clock; will consider anything raised on a farm or made by man. It cost $47 and I will accept anyth.ng I can deal for. I have no use for its. C. 205, Bee. CONTRACTOR and carpenter will do your building, repair work, etc; will take a good heater or anything ot value. Address S. C. 212, Bee. C. J. CANAN. Real Estate and Exchang? EQUIPMENT of photo gallery, will trade for motorcycle, o what have, you? A. C. 214. FURNITURE My furniture of ten-room rooming hnuae must be disposed of soon. This furniture Is nf a quality above the average and is in excellent condition. What have you. Address 8. C. 1R20. FURNITURE for a 4i-room hotel near Omaha, $1,600. Low rate rent on the building. What have you to offer. Ad dress 8. C. 1A8.- care Bee. Mlsaeltaaeeaa. Bakery, and furnace wood. Tel. Flor. 401. FOR SALE at a discount, a full un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short hand or buainess course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. $-hand inch. Cross Wreck Co.. 2i ft Psul. Industrial Garage Co.. JOth At Harney Kta TRAVELING salesmen. Statika Hue. $ id $.s and expense. WEST. REFERENCE- ft BOND AS8N. TbJ-4 Omaha National Hank Bldg. lirnral aad Office. BOY lth bicycle, good salary. Apply at (. mate Bank-Bldg. Retail salesman, riot Ion , $ua UO Retail salt-amn, hardware - Retail aaleeiuan, s Cocci lea, meals. t'ollei-tor, out ot town 1 $7i 00 WK.-T. REFERENCE A BOND AMjSN. Orlu'nutoi v f tlie Ke'uri-iH-e Bus.iitas, 72-4 Ouiahi .SaUonnJ bank Bldg. Meierarclea. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machine. Victor Rooa. "The Motorcycle Man." MU Leaveeworta. 1314 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargain tit used machlnea OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. loth and Chtcag u. I7SS. DUSINESS CHANCES $J0 BUYS business paying $6 a day up; eaaily handled; good for 1 or I men; see Mr. Bil or siieier, Flomar hotel, 17th nd Capitol Ava. after I a. in. GROCERY eTOKE for sale, only ex clualve one in live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to investigate. Good reasvua for citing. Address Y-W4. care Bee. 6x7 GR.AFLEX aewspateer camera, with 11 plate holders, . carryiag case for camera and carrying case for plate bold era The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at IL10. Address A 630, Bea. MENDETS. mend leaka btstsntly In all utensils granite ware, aluminum, tin. Lreae, hot water baga, etc. No solder, rem wait or rivet. Any one ran use them, t'omulate package, 1$ assorted sixes for Ac prepaid. Moyune Tea Co., Fremont Nab. FOR SALE New and secoad-hsnd carom and pocket billiard tables sod bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of at kinds; eay payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collider Co.. 40T-4" 8. Uth Bt . dr (U Buys best coal r tlte money; try It- Web. vi Harmon ft Weeth. THREE light oak. sanitary, roll-top desks, office chairs, etc 1L W. Ander son. 6$ Bee B Idg. SKATES, wireless l-eovenworth. goods, bicycle.- 63a$ AUTO robe, Navajo blanket 1 shot gun. Friedman. IX Dodge. FIN E clear Irrigated land, near good town; and money for residence from $t,0U) to $12.000. Addrnaa T 16H, Bee FOR TRADE Lots s7 and 28, blk. 1, Wellington Heights - sddition. South Omaha. Address S. C. til. Bee. GAS LAMPS Have two (2) Humphrey, J-man He inverted arc gas lampsr Also two (I) Johnson lamps, all in perfect con ditio and good as new. Will sell these lamps cheap or trade for something else. Address. S. C. 217, Bee. $x7 GRAFLEX newspapar tamer, wit 11 plate bolder, carrying case for camera and carrying cast for plats hold era Tbe outfit in good condition and big bargain for tne lot at $110. Address 6. C. ttll $12,000 GENERAL STOCK in tine brick building. All clear. Good business, good town, in eastern Nebraska, want a good eastern Nebraska or Iowa farm worth the money, about $j0,0uw to tAi.uoo. Ad aress 8. C. 21o, Bee. HEATING DRUM, will beat most satis- la.toruy on upstira room w.ihoul re quiring any additional fuel Address H. C. S"7. Bee. 4 IRISH WATER SPANIEL PUPS 4 mouth old; registered stock, for sale. William Disteihorat Leahara. Neb. MEAT MARKET-Coinplel In 8. E-Ne-braaka county seat Will exchange tor mail grocery or market In Oinaha Mar ket has good trade and fixtures are in good condition. Valu about $l,twu. Ad dress 8. C. 216. Bea FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT THE BT. GEORGE In the West Farnam district at 81st and . Dodge. Practically new, 6 large rooms and bath, rrlvete porches, front and rear. Meat, hot and cold water and Jani tor service furnished. Very choice. Only one left ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1636. State Bank Bldg. Board aad Rooms. 1 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. Chance for refined young man to securf room and board in splendid house ot west side, one block from Farnam St.; Heat resident. al section; home surround ings; very attractive. Rate will be very reasonable to young man with good tefer encea. Telephone Harney 4&S1. rsralske Hoaau. . FURN. room by day or wk.: modern; team heat; $l.uO tip, 107 S. 17. D. 6M68. FURNISHED room for rent near Crelgn ton university. I'hone IhiueIs 72S1. $2 S. 23TH Furnished rooms, private family. Harney 4o08. HANSCOM park district, in private f am- lly, for two gentlemen. Call H. VH. MODERN, sunny room, 8. W. front, bay windows. $4 nio. 624 S 20th. IluusekeeBiaa" Ileoaaa. THREE nice rooms, hsk g. 111$ B. 11th. DAVENFORT. 18 THREE OR FOUR HSKG. RM8. APTS.. REASONABLE. lafsralaked Kooaaa. FIVE room, mod, ex heat Web. S178. Paralalia? UuaMkrevlag kaoaa, FOR RENT 8. 21th Avi.. Kz, three-room apartment, newly furnished for house keeping, hot water heat, gas range, elec trlo and gas, private entrance. MODKRNhousekeeplng; reasonable. t4 N. 20th. ; FUR. h'k'p'g rooms. 1W7 Leavenworth. Hotels aad Aaartmeaw. CAIJFORN1A Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rate $2 and up. Doug s 7ue3. OGDEN HOTEL. Council Bluff, steam heated rooms, it jer week. Phone MS. PAINTING and paper hanging. I will do you f list-class work; take some furni ture, heater or any thing of value. Ad dress 8. C. 211, Bee. DO DO E HOTEL- Modern ReaaonabU. FOR RENT Inning rooiu. Ok den hotel. Council Bluffa, la. Haaaea and Cattages. 2813 WOOL WORTH Ave.. 6-r., mod , $26. IfriO N. 20th. 6-r.. mod. ex. fur. $16. Vli Seward, aVr.. Ila. Other large and small house at reduced rates for the winter. RING WALT. Brandei Theater Bldg. llnnuoa tn all parts of the city, iiuuatrs Crelu buo, 4 buUdlng.