Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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An Appetizing, Nutritious
Dinner for 10 cents
Take m 10c packago of Faust Fya
ghrttl, cook for about K minutes with
lome ripe tomatoes and serve with pow
dered cheese there' a meal that will
delight anybody's) palate a meal that Is
tasty, nutritious, digestible and cooling.
You ought to make Faust Spaghetti
the chief meal at least twice a week as
a side dish It should be on your table
often. It In rich In gluten a single 10c
package being four times as nutritious as
pound of the finest tenderloin nteak.
Think of the -saving! And the num
berless ways that Faust Spaghetti can be
cooked! Write for frjo recipe book and
find out the great variety of dishes
(meals with a smack) that can be made
with Faust Spaghetti. 6c and 10c
St. Louis Missouri
Is Your1
If You'll Mark Its location on tho
Below Diagram and Send It in
We Will Kail Treatment
The Rice Method has brought snch re
markable results to surn a multitude
of former rupture sufferers, that It
scarcely needs any other proof of
its vniue. However, we are always
willing to prove it to any one woo
msy dp interested, ana me oest
proof Is an actual trial. That's
why we now offer you btchitelr
free of chars and Drenaid a trial
treatment to show what this
wonderful method enn do In
your case. Just mark (as near
as you can) the locat ion of your
rupture on this nmeram or a
body, marking right over
toe type. Spnd this to
w. h. niure, via
Main St- Adams.
Bight New York. X Left
Itg at ease. w . -lag
Tote for W. C Orossy for coroner Ad.
Lighting Itstnrss, Burgess-Uranden Co.
fidelity Storage ft Tan Co. Dona, as
ave Boot Frtnt It Now Beacon rreaa
Osorge A. SCagaey for County Attorney.
Wa Do Olasinf Fromptly Midland
Glass and I'alnt Co. Thone toug. 791.
Tote for Congressman Losses: fr re
election. He stands on his record. Ad
vertisement. Tote for Tfank Xswey. county clerk,
now serving first term. Re-elect htm.
Bsaatifnl All Modern Homes for Bale
on the easy payment plsn. Hankers
Realty Investment Co. Fhone Poug. 2916.
"Today's Complete Mono rrogruns"
classified section today, and appears in
The Bee EXCIA'SlVELY. Find out whet
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Bella Is reasloned Fireman John A.
Relis of Hook and Ladder Company No.
5 has been placed on pension by the city
council. Rolls has served in the fire de
partment for tenty-one years and six
Musicians Most at lunch Members of
the Omaha Musical union held their reg
ular weekly meeting at noon In their hall
over Pease Brothers, It differing from
those generally held, lunch being served.
There were somo fifty musicians In at
tendance, and after lunch there was a
card of speeches.
There Is
no reason In tbe
world why too
should continue to
suffer the dlMotn
fort snd torture of i
that binding, chafing I
truss without nuk-1
Ing an effort to J
tree yoarself j
from Its slavery. ,
Band for this j
free treatment I
Tou'll never
be oared and
you'll go
through lire with
that rupture If
you don't do some-
Wing about lwwny
not, at lesat, see,
what this free
treatment can do ,
for your Bend
tor It right
awa y this
very minute.
Your System
an occasional corrective to . insure
good health and strength. Success
is almost impossible for the weak
and ailing. Enjoyment is not
for the sick. Impaired . health
and . serious sicknesses usually
begin in deranged conditions of the
stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels.
,' are recognized all over the world
: to be the best corrective of troubles
, of the digestive organs: They tone
- the stomach, stimulate the liver, reg-
ulate the bowels. They cleanse the
system, purify the blood . and
act in the best and safest way
For Health
and Strength
' Lanrrt S. of Aor Mlclna in the WorU.
SoM Kumrlun. la bam, 10c 26c
Have you neglected to
secure a Safe Deposit
Box for your valuable
papers? The STRONG
EST and SAFEST place
is in the Omaha Safe De
posit Company,-, wfyere
you can rent a Safe De
posit Cox for $3.0Q, per
Turkey Holds Special
Train Bearing British
and French Subjects
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. -The Turkish
minister of war ordered detained a spe
cial, train bearing British and French
subjects from Turkey which Ambassador
Morgenthau had arranged on Punday to
leave Constantinople.
The minister of war declared that until
Turkish subjects In Egypt, as wrll os
England and France, were given assur
ances of protection and permitted to
leave the country, all British and French
subjects would be hold In Turkey.
Ambassador Morgenthau cabled the
American government that before the
British ambassador left he had given
Mr. Morgenthau assurances that all
Turkish subjects In the British empire
would: be permitted to leave.
Departure of the British and French
ambassadors and their suites from Con
stantinople by special train was officially
reported In a message from Ambassador
Morgenthau, filed Sunday at midnight
and. received at the State department
Mr. Morgenthau said he had been In
formed ' by a member of the Ottoman
cabinet .of the sinking of two Turkish
vessels by the British fleet at tho port of
Smyrna and of the crossing of Russian
troops on the frontier of Erzerum.
The cablegram from the American am
bassador revealed that the British,
French and Russian ambassadors finally
got away from Constatinople on a spe
cial train at 12 o'clock midnight Sunday.
Bcnare of Cheap Substitutes.
In these days of keen competition it Is
Important that the public should see that
they" 'get Chamberlajn's Cough Remedy
and , not take substitutes sold for the
sake of extra profit. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, has ' stood the test and
been' Approved for more than forty years.
Cbtafnable everywhere. Advertisement
Losses to Stockmen in the Central
States from the Plague Will
Be Enormous.
Forp of Thoaaaad Mri Begin the
Work of Foralamtloo Disin
fection Tkosiaas Animals
Hare Rers Destroyed.
Thirty-Two Special Sessions of State
Teacher to Start Wednesday
Office Is Open at the Rome Miss
Mrllnah Is Mot to Re a Condi
date for Re-Klertlon
This Vear.
' . Peter Sbarp. "
OVERTON. Nebr, Nov. S. (Special' Tel
egram.) Peter Sharp was. stricken with
death yesterday while attending to his
duties as local agent here for tho Trans
mlsstsslppl Grain company and died while
being taken home. Mr. Sharp was a na
tive of Scotland. He was formerly local
agent for the Omaha Elevator company
of this place. Mr. Sharp had resided In
Overton- more than twenty - years. He
was ,68 .years old and leaves to mourn
an aged widow and two nVces, Miss Belle
Mann of Lyons, Neb., and' Mrs. Everetts
of California, Funeral services will be
held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock In
charge of the Masonic lodge.
Mrs. Martha Bird.
OVERTON, Neb., Nov. S. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Mwtha Bird died at her
home In" Overton last night after a short
Illness. Mrs. Bird came to Overton with
her-husband and family eight years ago
from Iowa. Mrs. Bird leaves a husband
and son.
A Hard Meal
to Digest
Is Quickly Digested by the Taking of
: m Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet
After It I Over.
Corn on the cob Is hard to digest, for
some folks, but with a Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablet it readily is disposed of by the
stomach and digestive apparatus.
Dort't drug your stomach. Give it Just
what It needs at the very moment It
needs It. Here is the way a Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablet acts:
Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup
I can eat corn now and feel O.
X. A-Stuart's Byspspsla Tablet will
Quickly digest It."
One takes a- tablet Just after the meal
Is completed. It is taken Into the mnuth
like food: Is mixed with the saliva: swal
lowed molt and paitlaliy dissolved.. It
goes into the stomach juices which are
composed of acids and alkaltra.
A Smart's Dyspepsia Tablet re-inforces
these Juices. It ijuicitiy d.ests i he ele
ments which such weakened Jukes can
not digest.
After a while tho stomach passes the
meal partially digested to the Intestines,
where it goes through another stage of
digestion. Here, as in the stomach,
Muart's Dyspepisa Tablets strengthen
the Jukes of dilution and complete the
work of giving the body the benefit of
the meal.
-There' Is nothing harmful In these
tablets. Only natural ingredients which
the body lacks are i upplled. In a short
time the blood and digestive Juices are
given the power they lack. Man can di
gest any food without Injury and the
entire health of the body U increased.
Htuart's Dyppepsia Tablets are sold
wherever druga are soul, price Uu rents
a bus. Anyoi..; wishing a . free lilal of
these tftbii-ts flease O'Urecs F. A. tttuart
Co.. Ufl .'tusrt Uiilg, Mnrshall. Mich.,
and a small samplu package will be
mailed free.
CHICAOO, Nov. I Foot and mouth
disease was admitted today to have
broken out In the Union Stock yards here.
All the federal government Inspectors at
the yards have expressed that opinion.
While no doubt exists that the disease
has attacked a cow at the yards, formal
announcement of the fact will be with
held until tomorrow, pending scientific
proof from a calf which has been In
noculated with virus from the cow's
The discovery of this esse Is not ex
pected to make any extension of the
quarantine which went Into effect at the
yards yesterday.
Immediate losses as a restllt of the dis
covery of the disease In the Chicago yards
may run Into several hundred thousand
dollars, and Indirectly Into far greater
amount at present Incalculable, as the
Infection Is In prize live stock recently
brought here for exhibition from all parts
of the United States.
The cow under observation Is a high
priced Holsteln. It does not follow that
other nearly priceless breeding cattle will
have to be slaughtered If the diagnosis
of the esse proves correct. The different
herds are being kept separate and every
sanitary precaution Is betng observed so
that losses as far as possible will be re
duced to a minimum.
Work of Disinfection Be.aon.
A force of 1,000 men began disinfecting
the Union Stock yards, the world's great
est cattle market, which yesterday was
placed under partial quarantine by fed
eral authorities to prevent the spread of
"foot and mouth" disease to live stock
herds throughout the middle west. As the
disease Is spread through contact, every
section of the yurds, covering a district
a mile square, la to be disinfected. The
same process of fumigation will be ap
plied to all live stock cars The task. It
was said, would require a week of work.
The work Is being directed by represen
tatives of the federal bureau of animal
Many Men Also Quarantined.
Hundreds of the 6o,000 men employed at
the yards district have been Isolated as a
result of the quarantine. Three hundred
stockmen, who recently arrived with cat
tle from the infected districts, will be
obliged to remain at the yards until the
quarantine Is lifted.
The quarantine prohibits the shipment
of live stock out of Chicago except to
Illinois points for Immediate slaughter.
It makes it impossible for stockmen In
Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsyl
vania to purchase "feeder" cattle in Chi
cago and cuts off the small supply of
cattle for slaughter which have been re
ceived In Chicago from those states. No
live stock, with the exception of horses
and mules, may be shipped out of the
four states or Illinois.
More Inspectors on Job.
Eight additional government Inspectors,
bringing the total up to forty-eight, ar
rived today to aid In fighting the scourge j
In Illinois. They are working under the
direction of Dr. R. A. Ramsey, chief of
, I1U 111. 1 V . . U . UL.'U. V. ..IV
bureau of animal Industry. They are to
co-operate with an equal number of state
Inspectors working under Dr. O. IS.
Dyson, state veterlnanrian.
Two crews of Inspectors are require-
for the work. The first makes a test for
the disease and second digs a deep pit.
shoots the affected animals, and, after j
dumping them In, covers thorn with quick I
II mo, which Insures a complete ellmlna- '
tlon of the disease. All the feed Is
burned. All the cattle owner receives is
the actual meat value of the cattle an I
the market value of the feed. Under
present arrangement the federal and
etate governments each share half of
this expense. The fight to exterminate
the disease in Illinois alone, It was esti
mated, will cost $150,000 a week.
The "foot and mouth" disease, govern
ment officials explained today. Is not
fatal, but the only way to prevent its
spread throughout a herd Is to kill all
affected animals. Its effect is to
tmaclate the beef cattle and reduce the
milk supply of dairy animals. The ani
mals' mouths become so sore they can
not eat.
The malady attacks live stock of all
kinds. The disease is one that manifests
Itself by the appearance of small ulcers
and vesicles In the mouths of animals
an I on the hoof, between the toes.
Outside of Chicago four new cases were
reported today three in Kane and Ken
dall'countles, Illinois, and one In Monro
county, Michigan,
Tnoasand Animals Destroyed.
WASHINGTON, Nov. H.-A corps of 107
government Inspectors travelling in Mich
igan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Penn
sylvania today reported they had found
io new outbreaks of the foot and
mouth disease among cattle In districts
outside those already Infected. One hun
dred and sixty herds, or about 1,000 ani
mals already, have been destroyed In In
diana and Michigan. The carcasses were
buried in lime to prevent spread of the
contagion. As yet no cases of children
being affected by the 'milk from the dis
eased cattle have been reported.
Cleveland Tarda Qaaraatlned.
CLEVELAND. O., Nov. S.-The Cleve
land stock yards were placed under fed
eral quarantine today,
Klsht Sw C'asra at South Bend.
SOUTH BEND, Ind.. Nov. 8. Eight
new cases of the hoof and mouth disease
were discovered today among the cattle
of this (St. Joseph) county. To date,
cattle valued at more than (50.000 have
been destroyed. It Is now estimated that
the expense Involved in destroying cattle
In St. Joseph county alone probably will
reach r-00,000.
Fifty-two cows and steers were found
to be infected In the herd at Notre Dame
university. Following an Inspection of
300 cattle it was decided to destroy all of
Thirty-two meetings will be held In
different parts of the city at the same
time by the teachers who will attend the
Nebraska State Teachers' association
meeting, which oiens today. Super
intendent K, U. fJrarf of Omaha will have
charge of the schedule of these meetings
and will keep the officials of the asso
ciation informed of proceedings by mes
sengers in automobiles.
The 5.QP0 teachers who will attend the
association began to arrive Tuesday nfter
noon. The first sectional meetings will
be held In the morning. Omaha schools
will be kept open Wednesday for the
benefit of the visitors.
' Registration Monday reached 871, with
1M Council Bluffs teachers enrolled. Out
state teachers will be permitted to take
part in all work except balloting.
High school pupils who own or drive
automobiles have placed their machines
at the disposal of the local committee,
which will use them In transporting the
teachers and material to the sectional
Omaha school directories will be dis
tributed to the teachers s" they arrive
at the depots.
Office at the Rome.
President Kate Mcllugh has secured
office space at the Rome hotel, where
she is meeting with tho teachers. She
Is not a candidate for re-election, being
disqualified because she is now out of
active school work.
Teachers of Indians on the Genoa res
ervation will attend the meeting for the
first time.
All talent for the general association
meetings will appear, the commltteeMiav
Ing been assured that none of them will
be absent.
The local school officials have arranged
to permit visitors to Inspect the work at
the Fort special school for boys, the sew
ing department exhibits at the Central
High school and portable school houses
now being erected.
General Session Today.
The first general session of the asso
ciation will be held Wednesday evening
at the First Methodist Episcopal church,
Twentieth and Davenport streets. The
program will be.
Superintendent A. H. Dixon, Tckamnh.
Vocal Solo Mrs. A. I. Root Omaha.
The Social Purpose of Education In
Theorv nnrl In rr,-.H.. l-.. ,i i.
Strayer, Teachers' college, Columbia.
Vocal Solo Mrs. A. I. Root, Omshs,
Some Recent Aspects of Vocational
Education David Knedden. commissioner
of education, Massachusetts.
Sectional meetings will be held today as
follows: ,
Boards of Education 2:30 o'clock at
Central High school.
Influence of Environment on Education
H. L. Thornburgh, Alexandria.
Vocational Training Mrs. E. L. Hln
man. Lincoln.
Influence on Schools of the Country
Unit of Taxation E. C. Tont, Brock. -
The Board, the Teacher and the Salary
.rni luu irira. s . ri. uroose, Hastings
Board of Education: I. N. Clark, super
intendent. Pawnee City.
conege o clock, room 236, Central
HlKh school. "
What revision of the State Laws Gov
erning the Granting of Teachers' Certi
ficates is Desirable? Dean C. E. Ash
craft, York college.
Dlxcusnton Deon Charles Fordyce, Uni
versity of Nabraska.
The PrnnnjacH V t w, n n 1 k I ... i
Church Colleges Chan .-ellor C. A. Ful
mer, WeBleyan university.
Our Intercollegiate Athletlc-M. C.
Letter. Peru State Normal school.
Biloglcal 2:30 o'clock, room 235, Central
High school. Informal meeting will be
A Sore that Won't Ileal
quickly relieved and helped by Bucklen s
Arnica Salve. Helps plies and tho worst
sores. 10c. All drusrgists.-Advertlse-ment.
Omaha Boy Writes
Story for Magazine
Edward B. Perkins, a former Omaha
boy, has an article In tho current Issuo
of the "Theatre," a magazlno devoted -to
theatrical topics. The article is entlUed
"Theater Going In the War Zone." Per
kins was In Dresden when the war broke
out and was later In Vienna and his
story graphically depicts the condition
of affairs In thoso cities.
(Continued from Psgr One.)
one ns he laughed hilariously snd parsed
Int.i the voting place.
Women voted quite re ml II y on the
Women voting on the school hoard were
school bonrd election. In the First pre
cinct of the Second ward a number of
women stood at the door before the polls
wrre opened waiting to esst their hallot
for members of the Board bf Education.
Forty women voted In the Third precinct
of the Ninth ward before o'clock.
v Stick to Ticket.
Women voting on tho school hoard were
sticking pretty well to the cltliene'
ticket, with one or two exceptions.
The suffrnpe women were well organised
for distributing literature during the day.
At every polling place they have a half
dosen women pnsslng out little yellow
slips reading "Vote for suffrage amend
ment No. SOU, 3d from top of long ballot,
Just above the party circle."
At 1334 Tark avenue. Fifth precinct of
the Seventh ward.- Mrs. Herbert McCoy,
Mrs. William. F. Callfas, Mrs. C. Jones
and 'ether besieged the place at a re
sectable, distance, and distributed the
slips. They observed the law better than
did the men who distributed cards for
their favorites, for the women remained
across tho street, almost a half -block
away, while the men with pockets full of
cards hovered around the door and did
their electioneering.
Antl. Suffrage tioat.
While these women were busily passing
out their yellow slips, the antl suffrago
goat, wearing the ' surrrage colors, was
hauled Into view in his rage on a wagon
thst had paraded the streets all the
morning. The sign over the goat read,
"The anils have got the suffrage gout."
M. J. Ofeevy poked one of the yellhw
Suffrage slips through the engs to the
gost, to see how he look to tho literature.
The Billy manifested his opinion by de
vouring the sheet at once.
No sooner had the driven oh, than
another rickety delivery wngon camo
along with a targe canvas arrangement
In tent fashion, reading:
"Do you Jint your wife and daughter
to serve on the Jury In murder trials? If
not, vote against woman suffrsge."
"We ought to touch a match to thst
csnvss," said one of the suffrage work
ers, but she made no systematic search
for a math.
Mad Tape Line vrltta Iter.
Women workers at the polls came pre
psrid for all emergencies. At one, vot
ing place. wher they were accused of
coming within the 100 feet lino prescribed
by law. with their suffrage literature,
on of the women pulled a tape measure
out, of a voluminous bag and proceeded
to measure off the distance from where
she stood to the entrance of the voting
Bartok Seeks Heavy
Damages. from Road
Joseph Bartok . Is suing the Union Pa
cific Railroad company for HS.oro, which
he alleges to be the amount In which he
wan damaged by falling from a ladder.
He alleges that the accident occurred
while he was employed as a laborer wash
ing locomotive tenders preparatory to
painting them. His lawyers, Fleharty and
Martin, have filed an attorney's lien for
halt of whatever a Jury may give Bartok.
1 ?V V:-
Lieutenant Peterson, of Chicago,
a Victim of the Grip.
Left Him so Weak Had to Quit.
Restored to Health by Peruna.
Took His Place Once More.
For at least thirty years Peruna has had a great reputation
ns a remedy for grip. It is especially valuable in eases where
tho acute stage of grip has passed. The patient remains weak
aiid despondent. No appetite. Cannot work. Everything goes
wrong. It is remarkable what Peruna will do in such cases.
Lieut. Peterson, of Chicago, is an example. Mr. C O. Peterson,
Lieut. Engine Co. 56, No. 3327 N. Hamilton Avo., Chicago, 111.,
"Last year I had a severe attack of la grippe, which left
mo very weak, so that I was unable to perform my duties. Sev
eral of my. friends advised me tb build, lip on Peruna, and I
found it by far the finest tonic and invigorator I had ever used.
In two weeks I was strong and well, andt if1ever I am exposed
to unusual hardship incident with toy duties at fires, I take a
dose or two of Peruna and find that it keeps roe in good health."
. e
Routt of tht StminoU LimiUd '
Round-trip Winter Tourist Tickets on .sale daily, . limited to
return Juno 1st, 1915.
Rates to principal points as follows:
Tania .
Miami .
Nt. Augustine
I'ailni lleach . ,
Haines City . . ,
Ht. -Petersburg
Jiey went
Tickets to' all other points at simo proportional rates.
Ticketn via Washington,,. D. C. in one direction. returntniT
direct, at slightly higher rates.- v - .
Hotneseekers' tickets on tale first anS third Tuesdays of each
month. , .
For-detailed Information and descrip
tive literature, call at City .Ticket Office,
or write 8. Norih, District : Passenger
Agent, 407 South 18th,'- Onjaha; Neb.
Douglas 264. .
i r
GENEVA. Bwltxertand (via Paris), No.
1 Travelers who arrived hs-r Monday
from gtrassburs; say that Crown Prlnrs
Frederick William of Germany waa seri
ously, although not mortally, wounded
In the fiKhtlnsT la France, and that h
has been taken to tha palace at 8iriss
burf snd placed tinder tha car. of spe
cialists from Berlin.
A Beautiful Set of Pure
Aluminum Wear FREE With
the 1915 McDougaii Cabinet
No Swinging Doors
No Broken Dishes
The finest Kitchen Cabinet ever put on the market if
the new 1915 m-odel McDougaii with the curtain front, no
doors to get iu your way-latest style flour bin with patent
sifter, fine white enamel inside top improved sliding table
top extra lnrge moulding board, etc. . . ,'
Thousands of Bargains in Furniture,
Draperies and Runs Are Offprpd
Greatest Opportunity to Furnish Your Home is Right Now
This month we want to add 1,000 new. customers to our fast-growing list of satisfied
patrons-special prices, special terms, new goods, attractive displays, and wondefful .
offerings in every department make this a time for you to buy furniture, rugs, draperies
bedding, etc., at I Jeaton & Laier's. - . , , '
'' - ...... y V -
52 New
Customers Added
415-417 South Sixteenth Street
Special Low
Terms During
This Campaign
A hot fire that
lasts is the test
of fuel. Vulcan
Coke lasts as
long weight for
weight as the best
Anthracite. A large
part of the coal you
fmt in your stove or
urnace goes to make
smoke, soot, clinkers
and bad smelling
gases, all of which
cost ydu as much per
ton as the heat portion of
Vour coal and yet are abso
lute waste. ; - Vulcan Coke
is carbon it does not
burn out grates because
the impurities have been
removed.; You get it in
the same sizes you are
accustomed to in hard
coal you .can control
y6ur fire more easily be
cause it responds to the
draft more quickly and
more surety. ' You would
gladly pay $1.00 a ton
more fojr coal if you could
get the qualities of Vulcan
By doing so. But just for
good measure Vulcan cuts
over a dollar a ton ojfyour
fuel bill.-
,t PrdJced bj
Coil Products Mfg. Co. Joliet, ill.
Etoluslvs Domsstlo galea Arsnta.
Atwill-Mikem'son Coal ft Coke Co.
XcOonalek Sldf., Chioaro.
Nebraska Fuel Co.
1 1
.New York Style
-.The shoe for women that
we have Illustrated here la
ant, of the- latest style.
This is one of the moat pop
ular ahoea for -both atreet
aixl dress .ar.
. We liav them In patent
Colt. calf , and kid vamps,
cloth - tops, welt soles and
leather Louis heels, either
short -or Ions; vamps. Tha
best vain in the city for'
All slz.s 'AAA to E.
Parcel Post Paid.
' 1419 Farnam St.
lor Osaka
S. Oaaba
C. Ililii
Om'ahaNflEfll Omaha
1502 S. 10th St
Phone D. 7556
View. oTOmihi"
The most ' complete book.
i-t of Its kind aver publish
ed. . Beautiful bird's-eye
views of treater Omaha,
line for mailing-.
at The Bee Office
or jT
Newsstands. '