2 iHE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1914. We Welcome Nebraska School Teachers Our Central Location, easily accessible to all parts of the city, makes this store your best meeting place. A comfortable rest room is at your disposal whero magazines and periodbals will help to pass many minutes pleasantly. Parcels and baggage checked free of charge. INFORMATION of REAL LALUE- Concerning the; best styles and fashions of tho season will be found .in every section of tho store. It is at all times a pleasure to show the new things. .. . Distinctive Suits ' Sensible in Style Moderate in Price $1950 $2450 $2950 i . At these prices wo are offering a great variety of really up-to-date styles in all the popular colors of the Fall season Green, Blue, Black and Brown included. Fabrics ure Broadcloth, Gabardine, Serge. . The Tailoring is Excellent ' ' We aro not deceiving ourselves or you either in saying that we know these suits I' ,are worth $5 to $10 more tharf we are asking for them$19.50, $24.50 and $29.50. ... . No extra charge for alterations. RACE IS BETWEEN' SHERMANAHD DEM Sullivan Reeds Every Chicago Vote He Claim to Beat Re- V publican. LATTER WnTOTHQ IN STATE Robbies Defeated, U Aepareat oa Far nf Rrltrna t'umlii Barly la the KTCaln. ; DRESSES COATS 0. SKIRTS The Favorite Black Fabrics ; Satins and Broadcloths : !You will doubtless be interested in .', knowing just what most well dressed ' women are, choosing for their black suits v, and gowna. ' Black Satin Meteor- Wonderfully popular and . not , . surprising considering their beauty and serviceability and th8 readi- .' . nesa witU which they adapt themselves to fashion's requirements in draping and' , .tunics. I ". J ' Block Crepe ds Chines A handsome, re fined labrlcfpr all sorts of dresses. . . ; " Black Broadcloths-i-Thoroughly sponged . and shrunk ; will not spot with water and are undeniahly; beautiful. ' - - Good Wearing Silk Hose We are convinced that women would never come back so repeatedly and buy silk hose if they did not givo perfect satis faction. N r We are experts in choosing silk hose for our stock and many scores of women ,are learning it evety day. Silk Boot Hose With the unsurpassed "Way New Foot." Lisle tops and soles, , for 50c, . ' Silk Hose With lisle garter tops and lisle soles, for 75c. s i 1 Heavy Weight Silk Hose Wih silk lisle topg and soles j white, J)lack and all good c shades, for JL - Pure Thread Silk Hose for $1.50. - ' r liOVP JYHD SIXTEENTH STREETS CHICAGO, Nov. l-Sullivan will need I very vote of Mi maximum claim of j 108,000 plurality In Cook county to; Win i the United State acnatomhlp In tho un-1 Ilky event that Sherman' e plurality fnt tho republican stronghold In ,thonorthern tier of Illinois counties la maintained. Tho first fifty-four preoiricU outside of Cook county heard from gtv Rherroan, the republican candidate,' 1,4 plurality. At thla rate ho would coroe .into oCak county with 100.000 plurality, but demo eratlo - manager jxMnted - out that tha more aoutherly counties, in whkh the democrata rely, -were- yet to be heard. from t 7:30 o'clock. The aame return plaoe In 918: Bird faro.). I7.; Card nr (up.), S6,IM; VaJh (dent). r,6t Return for iiwfnwr from out of I 1.125 rlectlone districts lv! McCaJl (reo.1. 1H.TK; Walker Orog ), S.OT; Walsh (dem ). ! 1R.SE1 . Same placne in 1912 rave: Bird pro.!, u.MO; Oardnpr (rep.) , 13.SW; Walah (dm.), 13.C7. r - MANCHESTER. N. !!.. Nov. l-ven election districts give for governor: ftpauldlng (rep.). Noon (derrt), 774; Allison (prog), 17. For United State lev ator: tlalHnur (rep.), 6T7; 8tevena (dem.), 50. , - Governor, city of Bnston complete: Mc Call frep). .0T; Walker (prog.), J.R10; WIah (dfm.), 0.M. ; Boston vota) in IMS was: Bird (prof.), li.ld; Gardner (rep.), UU; Walsh detn.). tf.m Governor, 250 out of I.ICS election dls trlcta: MoCall (rep-). a.TCoi -Walker (prog.), e,040; Walsh (lem ), J.tt Same placet In 19l: Bird (prog ), J4,4; Gard ner (rep.), 25,972; Walah (dem.), J2.2S. First Five Towns . . Show Large Gains: For Republicans Mann Is Re-elected. By Good Majority! CHICAGO, Nov. l.-RcpuMlcan In the new lower houae of corgrrna will retain their old leader. James R. Mann. H i campaign manaa-er. Kdwin W, eima, atated that he would have a majority over hie progreealve and democratle opponenta of well over 1,000. C'ongreeaman Mann T.aa vigorously op posed by a faction of the woman aulfra glata. representative! of which worked agalnat Mm at the polls. ! BOSTON, Nov. 3. The flraf five towns to be heard from In today'a state election gave for governor: McCall, republican. Indicate the decisive defeat of Robins. J ia- Walker, progreaalve. 124; Walsh, dem- progTessive. by a vote much leae; than CHICAGO, Nor. 1-Med 111 McCormlck, progressive national committeeman from Illinois, at 0:40 o'clock admitted that Sul livan would carry Cook county by 40,000. Tha return Indicated that he bad carried tha entire county ticket with him by pluralltlea ranging from (O.COO to 00,000. Suillvan'a managera claimed the county by 00,000 to 100,000. Returns from Mi pre cincts out of 1,706 In Cook county give: ' Sullivan, democrat. 8,25a. Sherman, republican, 11.308. Robbln a, progressive, 11,679. , CHICAGO, Nor. I.-The city newa bu reau, which la tabulating police returns of tha election, estimated that on tha face) of aarly return Hoger 8ullira for United ptatot senator will carry Cook county (Chicago) by 69,00 plurality. Roblna, pro. greaalve, la running a close third to Sherman, republican. ' CHICAOO, Nov. t-Flrat return from tha Eighteenth congressional district wore from tha eeoond precinct of tho Fourth ward of Danville, which gave O Halr IT, Cannon 4S and Kay 1 . CHICAGO, Nov. l-Thirty-fqur pre clnou out of 2.788 In Illinois outside of Cook county In tha senatorial race give: Sullivan, 1,723; Sherman. 1011; Roblna. 1.S96. Tho aamo preclncta In 1913 gave: Wilson. MSlj Tart. 1.702; Roosevelt, 4,899. CHICAOO. Nov. J.-The flrat five pre cinct heard from In Chicago on senator give Sullivan Olem.), S42; Sherman (rep.), 407, and Roblna (prog.). 800. CHICAOO. ' Nov. 8.-8ullWan vote RICHMOND, Va., Nov. IAll demo- ehow an Impressive lead In 103 precinct crMo congressmen In Virginia were re- ocrat, 41S. The aame town laat year gave: Bird, progressive, 401; Gardner, republican, 333; Walsh, democrat, S3. IntheSouth : JACKPONVllXB, ria., Nor, 1 (Senator Fletcher and tho ontlro Florida, demo cratlo conjrressional delegation wert re elected today. PAIXAB, Tsjc, Nov. I.-Th ' nUr demooratlo state and congressional ticket ma elected In Tcxa today. - COLUMBIA. S. C, Nov. l-Unlted State Senator E. V. Smith, democrat, wu re-elected and Richard I. Manning, democrat, wa elected governor In to day' election. ' All seven democratic congreaeionat nominees were electedw ' Neither Smith, nor Manning wa op posed. , JACKSON, Mlaa, Nor. a.-MlaslsslpnVa entire democratic congressional ' dele gation wa re-elected today. ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 8 Georgia today elected to ' the United Statea senate the democratlo nominee. Hoke Smith and Thbmas W. Hardwick. Nat E. Harrl. democrat, wa elected governor. All democratic congressional nominee were elected. Drys and Suffrage : Are Beaten in Ohio CINCINNATI, O... Nov. S.-Four pre incta out of 117 In- Summit county: For prohibition, W; against, lit. Banduaky county," two precincts cut of forty-one: For prohibition," 100; against. 221: for woman aufrage, 77; against, 194. Miami county, aisrteerr prertneta: For prohibition, 1,346; against, 1.1S4 i ' '- i- . Beveridge Third in Hoosier State INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 3,-Flxty-nlne out of IBS precincts in Marlon county tor United State aenator give Miller, re publican, 11,301; hvely, democrat, 10,300; Beveridge, progreaalve, 4,t6g, ' ' Ouch! Lumbago! Rub Pains From ! Sore, Lame Back Rack hurt yc.u? Cant straighten tip without feeling sudden pn'n. sharp achel and twlngeiT Now llolen! That's lum bago, sciatica or maybo from a strain, and you'll get relief the moment you rul your back with sooth'ng, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing rise takea out serenes, lamene rud atlffnea so I quickly. Tou g'mply rub It on your back j and out comes ths pain. It la harmless iond doen't burn the rkin. ! Limber up! . Don't suffer! Get small trial bottle of old, honest "St Jacobs Oil" from auay drug store, and after U!ng It just once, you'll forget that you ever had backache, lumbngo or aolatlca, because your back will never hurt or cause any more misery. It never die appoints and ha boon recommended for W years. SHIPLOAD OF TOYS COMES FROM GERMANY NEW TORK, Nov. $.The Dutch steamer Ooaterdyk, Santa Clau ship from tha toy makers of Germany and Switzerland to the United States, reached New Yerk today laden with toys, crock ery and cong bird. There were 13,009 canary Wrd. Cavaada Esteade Embargo, OTTAWA. Nov. . Because of the spread of foot and mouth disease Canada ha extended the embargo against Amer ican cattle to Illinois and Pennsylvania Previously it applied only to cattle from Mlchlsren end 'wiM-w DENTISTRY Our patnlesg ' extractl o n a n d filling I the talk of the town. Our satisfied patients aro gpre a d 1 n s the Glad Newa. , , Crown and bridge teeth ta low as tf r sv 30 year a dentist. Kll 20-year guarantee, yvr w BAILEY IHE DENTIST 700 City Xat'l ank Sky Semper. Iff How To Get Rid of at Bad Cough A Bone-Mad Heated y that trill Do It 4lckly. Ckeaa aad iDaally Ms4 THURSDAY BRANDOS out of 1.500 in Chicago: Bulllvan (dem.), 1.813; Sherman (rep.), 8,817; Roblna (prog.). 4.S40. The precinct aro scattered all over tho city and at Bulllvan - headquarter war declared faithfully indicative of the result In thla city. . WHITMAN WINS OVER GLYNN IN NEW YORK STATE (Continued from Pag One.) BRITISH SHIPS .(TURKS' APOLOGY Ic SUM BY GERMANS 0PF CHILE COAST (Contmued from P On. with two eighteen-lnch torpedo tuoe. It complement wa 6C6 men. Th .. Monmouth was built In j The Good Hope, alao reported logt, was the flagafelp of the aquadron, It wa aOO feet long, seventy-one feet beam and displaced 14,000 Ions. It represented the British nation at the Jamestown exposlon in in 07. Its armament consisted of two . 8-lnch guns, alxteea sU-inch guns, fourteen three-Inch guns, throe three-pounder end two eijMn-lprh torpedo tube. It had a complement of 900 men. The Good Hop - was built thirteen yean ago.' The llgbt cruiser Glasgow, which toovrcIUSe-t Coronel,was built In 109. It wa 450 feet long, forty aeven feet beam and displaced 4,820 tons.' It had 'a complement of I7 men. Its armament consisted of two all-Inch guns and lea four-inch guns. It was equipped' with two elghteen lnch torpedo tubes. Kir Christopher Craddock,' who commanded the squadron, was In charge of the British fleet in Max lean waters at the time American marines occupied Vera Crui. '' CUgow Damaged. - SANTIAGO, 'bile, No. 3. The British cruiser Glasgow is also re ported to hive been badly damsged In a naval battle off Corouel. The "W .. Ad Column of Tho Be Ar Jlcad L'-ly hy Ivpi la Search of Ad verttaod t'portunlH. - COMES TOO LATE (Continued from Fag On.) the extreme woakno often reaults In Impaired tiearir.jj. weaheued eyesight, broncMd enj utbar trouble, but IX Scott ' LmuUioH Is given promptly, It carrlo efrtt J to tiva orgaiis arid err tea rii h tiucd to build np tl.o dc; Wtod Zurce. Ct.IJa thHve oa ScotTi EstuUlga, ,i n Hh rie AkufL vlaler doe ngt gold out, in the opinion of tendon, any bop' tor a peaceful out come of the dispute. ' SattU Rolls Back from Coast. Th tumult of battle ha' rolled back from the Belgium coast end after the apparent failure of theirt fierce 'assault on tho English and Belgian line around Yprea, th German evidently aro divert ing their attack toward a' more south erly, point Much activity oa th part of tha Oer- rnan mobile column I reported from Bet glum and there I evidence that th In vaders have not ' exhausted all th re sources which aro being brought to boar In the campaign te cut their way through to Calala, The Oormaa assault at Tprea 1 be lieved by London observer to ha' been repulsed dtclalvely. But thla baa been at a terrible cost to ' the Brttiah army. which apparently hea; Buffered , as se verely did th Belgian force. Concerning th situation along the river1 Atsne th reports from Berlin and from ran ar 'snarpiy contradictory. The German declare they have road distinct progress, whll th French assert that all th German assault have failed com pletely. ; . More) riaktlaar la . In the eastern arena the Russian right wing, which ret on th frontier of East rruaala, evidently ha beea suMatnlng de termined attache from th German. la th meantime th Austrian, hundred of miles away, still threaten th Russian left wing. Report of th tall of frse myet are declared by Fetrograd to be premature and due to capture of 4,000 man of the Praemysl garrison, together with a largo amount of anna and -equipment, when a sortie was attempted. Th sate arrival of the White Star Un steamer Olympto at Belfeat ha caused much relief her. The detection of this veesel at Lough Swtlly. la th north of Ireland, gave rise to many rumor of disaster to the greet liner and Ma narrow I escape from tha mine field ha brovyiht ! horn to th English Imagination th ! grav danger from this aourc. Today i th drastic tnla policy of th British ad- rotraiuy la nteetlng with general ap i jne new nun regulation vir tually cloee th North Be. Navigation, , w.iu:0 normauy follow the North! ea routes will to diverted to th Bnallah arranza Eefuses to Eecognize the -Convention's Act EL PA 80, Tea., Nov. 1-General Car renaa. In a message received here this afternoon declared that ho would not abid by th acUon of th Agua Calient convention la naming a provisional prea. Ident. Carranaa' etatement aa received by of. flclal or th contltutlonallt consul gen eral office her wa telegraphed from Puobla. It said: "Th convention hvlng not complied with th condition that I fUed regarding my retirement from th duties I am per forming aa first chief, I have not taken Into consideration th resolution of th aald convention In regard to their ap pointment or a preeldent who ahould take my place, and. therefor. I atill continue to bo la charge of my office. "Thi resolution of mine ha been sup ported by th governor of th statea. Among th official joining In tht action ar General Coaa. P. tenches, A. Gonaa- . crnesio nemos Coy. Pablo Uonsalea nt all leader of th division of th northeast. , 'I have no doubt that tha tu.u- th leader when they know of Oils reso lution of mine aunDort mv .m.,. and will ignore the convention. taignco.) y. CARJUNZA." Clark for Governor Is Leading in Iowa DES MOINES, Nov, l-Th flrt thirty precinct heard from out of t.S7 in Iowa, gave Clarke, republican, tor governor. .S9T; Hamilton, democrat. 21430, Twenty or in precinct reportinc are An tw. Molne. ' ernor from 1.T80 out of 3.01 district la th city ef New York give: Glynn, K3.83S; Whitman, 208,061; Davenport U0O; Bul ger. .US. ' BUFFALO, N. T.. Nov. 1-The city of Buffalo complete: Olynn. 24.7W; Whit man, St fin; Davenport. 1801; Sulser, J.084 United Htatea senator: Gerard. 23,11: Wadswprth, 26.514; Colby, (J62. The com mission charter wa carried by a majority Of U.068. ROME, N. T., Nov. 1 The city of Rom complete give: Glynn, 1,376: Whitman, 1,(91; Oavelport,' ' I3S; Bqlter, '417. Sam dlstricU In 181 II gav: Suitor (dem.)1.6H; Hedge (rep.), 1.102; Btrau (prog ), 1J051. G. O. P. WEEPS CONNECTICUT Reabltcan Wis la tho 'Watseeg atate. BURLINGTON, VI., Nov. I.-Returna from U town give: For aenator, Pil llngham (rep,), 707; Prouty (dero-prog.). VA. For governor, Galea (rep.). SW; How dm.). 37; Aldrlch (pro.). SSL NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Nv. t-jiitums from one-fourth of th town In Connectw out Indlcat a republican weep, ' Brande- gee, republican, ha a aubitaatlal lea) over Baldwin, democrat, ror. united Bute aenator. . Return from lx town In Connecticut give for United StaU senator: Braadego. republican. 1,271. , Baldwin, democrat, 7.181 Smith, progressive, S9J. ' . , Earns town for governor: Holcamb, republican, ll.fii. f Tlngier, democrat, I.T1L Fisher. progroMiv. TSt channel. Newa Natra. 1 1 A R iA N The Ianl.h Lutheran ron- mis cuy is (rnimi a fine new edifk-a. The builJu.g carers a . e or aooui ooeiuartar of a bloi k and U1 u ne i me lij.eal cburcl.es m u oum upva Ul b teei mgo. Throat aad Use TraahLx will Cease to trouble you by tha timely us of Dr. King" New Discovery. Sure relief. BOo and 11. AU druggist. Adver- uaement- ' Congressmen Elected NEW TORK Twenty-elith dietrlcC iKdmund Piatt, republican, elected; Thtr- ty-rutrt, Walter vv. Masee, re-publtran. MASdAClli:cjETT r Ifteenth itletrK William fv OrecnP, reuublkwn, elected. CALIFORNIA Third dlatiiot, Chaxle r. Curry, rrpublU-an. re-elected: Fourth out n. i, jtiiiua huliB, reuuulleaa. elected: Fifth distikt, Juhn L Nolan. prtrrf-sjsive. re-eltM:ieo. IOWA-Fourth Ulatrlct. Gilbert N. iltu aeii. n i'uMuan. re-ri-UNl; rlfih dutrt. t. James vt. liiXifl. reLHibllcan. re-elected bavcnlh district, ("au. l Iom-I1. r- t.tlbll-&n. alm-liHl- l-:iifhlK liimtri, 1 1 rt ra. A I M. Towurr. rx-publl aj. I -!. UkI : Ninth Oiixg im iumcL wui.am st. . Ureun.. raiMibUcan, J re-vice led. elected today. MONTGOMERY, ' Ala., Nov. 1-Early return from today's general , election throughout th stat shows th election of Oscar Underwood United States senator and the , entire state and con gressional democratlo ticket, including Congressman Burnett In the Seventh dis trict, whr th only formidable op position w mad against the demo cratlo nominees. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Nov. l.-Rrkan-as:. First district. Theddeua H. Can-away, democrat, re-elected; tieoond dis trict. William A. Olufleld, democrat, re elected; Thh-d district, John N, Tillman, democrat, elected; Fourth district, Otis T. Wlngo, democrat, re-elected: Fifth district, N. M. Jaeoway. democrat, re elected; Sixth district. Samuel M. Tay lor, democrat, re-elected; Seventh dis trict, W P. Goodwin, den.oerat. re-elected. NEW TORK. Nov. 1 Secretary Smith of Tammany hall said at 7:45 o'clock to night that the return then available Indicated a plurality of 48.000 tor Olynn In New York City and a plurality of lf.0,000 for Whitman In th netlre stai. NEW. TORK, Nov. 2. Returns for gov ernor from 1, out of 2,031 diatrtota In th oily of New York give Glynn SC4.S80; Whitman, 1SM72; Davenport,. 11,282; Sulaer. 21.J42. ' . If tou have a bad cough or chest cold which refuse to yiold to ordinary reme '."i.Wt from any dniRjrist 2 ounce of 1'iuex (50 cents worth), pour into a pint bottle and (ill the bottle with plain granulated sugar ayrup. Start taking a Uaspoonful every hour or two. . In 24 hours your cough will be conquered or very nearly so. Kven whooping cough is greatly relieved in this way. , ibe above mixture makes a full pint a family supplyof the finest cough syrup that money could buy at a cost of only 64 cent, Easily prepared in O minute. Full direction with Pinex. Ihi Plneg and Bugar 6yrup prepa ration take k'iffht Tiold of a cough and give almost immediate relief, ft loos ens the dry, hoarse r tight cough in a war that is really remarkable. Also quickly neals the inflamed membranes which accompany a painful cough, and stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the persistent loose cough. Excellent for bronchitis, spasmodic croup and winter coughs. Keeps perfectly and Ustes good children like it. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, which . is so healing to the membranes. i'o avoid disappointment, ak your druggist for ounce of JPinex," do pt accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly refunded goes with tbi preparation. The Pinex Co. Ft, Wayne, Ind. at , a I buy the aame quality of ma terial, the best, fdr use la my eat Ing place oa I udn in my home. No matter what yon pay elsewhere you. are not getting better, and seldom aa good food aa you will get at Th Pur Food Sign. , t. Qulckserv Cafeteria " Ilaaement City Natl flank Dldg . Or lloatoa Loncbea, SI 9 Xoutlj Iflth 8t 24 Kouglaa St, 1408 raroam Hf. . A3IC9CUGMTS. WALSH LEADS IN BAT TATB a2sJwBaM Fairly ItetarM Give FHs to Deaaa- rat. BOSTON, Nov. .-3ovemor. M out of 1.125 election districts, including city of Boston: MoCall (rep.), 10,007; Walker (prog.). 1148; Walsh (dem-). 105.088, Sam Four Companies Fifth 1 Cavalry Ordered Into Arkansas Strike Zone WASHINGTON, Not. -Secretary Garrison today ordered feur companies of the Fifth United State cavalry from Fort Sheridan, Ul., to Fort Smith. Ark., to maintain order In th Hartford Valley coal atrik district Major Nathaniel K. MoClure. who has been with the troop In th Colorado mining fields, will com mand th force. i Federal Judg Touman has reported be la unable to enforce bis order in th Strike son where mining properties ar In th hand of receiver appointed by th United SUtea court, and that th deputy marshal have been unable to cop with th situation. It la th flrat time ta many year that th judicial branch of th government ha called upon the military to assist in enforcing It order. 5 2 New Customers Added Yesterday The first day of our campaign for 1,000 new customer wag very satisfactory. We want your name on our books. We want 1,000 new customers this month. Read our ads It will pay you to trade here. Beaton & Laier Co. 41B-41? So. SOtfa. St. AUDITORIUM Saturday flight. Nov. 7 Gerville-Eieache The World's Greatest Contralto. Rcit rved Scat 30c. 73c. a l.OO. ' General Adimlseion Balcony 00c. Sale now on at the Auditorium. ' Mail orders accompanied by check , addressed to J. M. GUlan, Mfr., ; will be promptly filled. Wife Cap area Boaas. " Not for ball player wives who ar looking for a chance to am pin money i A story from Pittsburgh ha it that Hi Kitney'a wife wa given a "bonus' of fi.ooo for inducing ber husband to alga with the Feda. . 3C 1UL 3C 11 "N' 'O BITE" Is about as recommend ation for tobacco as no rheu matics" is for a wooden lee. But tobacco that won't bite and yet is chuck full o tatU that's a different story that's VELVET. 9. kaJ P-irv - -ir poor a ( ark.. 1 It's not eary to nraV.e tobacco abso- lutdy cool, whila still retaining its natural tzstt and trasxance. But It's done in VELVET, The Smoofie- est Smoking Tobacco, l&c tins and Sc aaetas-Jinori baga, IOC 2C i p Send "Panoramic Views of Omaha" j I I to Your Friends I 1 l 10c at The Bee Office JJ ORAHDEIS Today AU Week. Dalljr Katta giM) fHniaiK 1250,000 rxoTo r gpaetaoj. IS steels. Dally Matinees, SSei ZTata. S-ae-60e Bpeclal Hat, gat, lp a. m.) ChUdrea, loe. Thursday Afternoon, jrov. g, it8 9 at. 6E0KGE HAMLIN ZPZ'tr- BAT, gOW-OOc, S1.00 Jniiflt Dong. $1 A WEEK, 14d A CAY Willi BUY ANY PIECE OF JEWELIIY IN OVR STORE. Westam Watch & Jswslry Go. Bd Floor Karbach Blk. 200 RouUj riftccnth Street. ATATO TAVSST1XXJL This week: Jokon? a Kaama Rt, Hut Hlaes , 1-0 Co- r Itoraaa. Miller a irfim. Orpbeum Trai.l Weekly. Price: Matinee, Ciellerjr, tUQ, hm teela tmm ' Mpt Siiuraay as Sib4j, u. MUkUvla. SMl soe aa 7 bo. ' ""ee. tim Tha. Bat. run woodwa BTocii coabAvr Prdbaaantaa i mm THE RAINBOW. w a a AOAOWAy joirjg. THEATER ISth ft Xinm TO oat Attn Toitoaaow rrgonaa nwuu JOaiaT miTKOsa, la Thi kabt rioa Kiiiao. tarte at lO, 11:30, l, g:30, 4, giSO, 8:30, 10.00, . (a mi mm aXlSBMBKTS. .t,evteTi.t, Ai We,i mi. tu., anrs gat. XT A tvaa, CSlKUi "i-Fis II aad aasveiate players la xigatigs rieetlea retaraa rea4 Tim, xTa, yUMa g6a aad 0. Meat, Week, -ntop Talei." oiuk'i ruar caarraa Taadeeilla'e ttioaseat Zatenataerm, BEN WELCH New Show XZSS Tvs snap; uUras "Iee Water aa4 "rneeo, Itlt ' jt the ehe Imt l eacaers Coanailea ek: Sitfereal tree arbx ye see at aeeae. ateet lua Is ton. JVADIE' Sm KAT. WMI BATS. Turpia'j Dancing Ac-deny 28th and Farnan Sis. Kew daa for beaimtero neat Monday and Thursday, I p. en. Adrajiead elaa i iiwiih e . m. .I'ii.umi aajaoaa mrm iisaiieiiuno ana euy to learn. auTATa usaoaa baut7t iuuaT nx