.10 T1IK BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1014. Syrup of Figs 1 . For Cross, Sick- -. . . . Feverish Child Molhf n rin rest ' cnajr after irlvtnf pOHfli!a Fjrup of Flpa," bec-aua 1n few hoiKa all lb- clorcciup a ip sour Ml and f errnrrit ns; - food snt;y rndves out' of the boWrln, end you have a we'l. pUylnR'cit M tutnln. th Mien a:mrly wl.l not' UV the llrna ' fnir ptnf to -"pty their bowels, 'arid they became tlslltly T-scked. liver gfa slugfcifh on,l 'tomnrn disordered, i ' When fro, fever 'ah. retina. see If tongue It cont'd, then give th a (Miclmia fruit 'axatl .c-' ' Cb'lJren love It. and DEMAND FORJLABORERS BIG Fanneri Are Csllinj for Help to j Hnsk Big Co rti Crop. TBYrtfo, TO BEAT OUT WINTER Waves High a4 .lorera la Xebraak m Well ft .flahbor InaT Cora Growlaar Mates.' Not In yrars. say railroad men and lahor ajr nry mnniicn, aa thre been surh a demand for laborers on Nebraika fartpa a at the present t me. The de mand, according to these people, far ex- i coeda tho atipply and front th country WOMEN WORKERS AT THE POLLS The women of Omaha were well represented at the polls, being interested in the suffrage amendment to the state constitution, and in the school board election. A triple set of workers was at nearly every polling place.. The photograph' shows Mrs. 0. B.'Coon presenting the claims of the .citizens' school vboard ticket to a voter at the fifth precinct of the Fourth warcVwhile Mrs. Morris Foley looks on. It can not cuiae inluiy o uere tl,c c, eoiUnimly cr,tnlnt. -fiend ua what alia yenr 1 t:ie nur t run or co a. or a' sore threat, tflp.rrhoca, r I'jm.vhat'lie, tad breathe. lernrribcr, a gentle "lna.de cleansing1' should alnhvn b the flat treatment given. Fuji ttrivtione ' (for bablra. tMYrrn of all asea iln)) fcrmin upt are pi.''ed on ' h" r.'ot;'.".' , , Hewn re cf counterfeit f.g syfuio. Ark yonr dnipslft for a 9M-ent bnttlb of "Cal lfcnla Jyrup of F s.' i'.un. Ivik core fully and see that It la mVo" by the "California Fl Gyrniji Ci'mpnijy.", 'We make, no t:nniler sire. Hand b.'k th contrmit any other" !ls ryrjp.-rAd.Vcr-tisemetit.' ', . 1 1 '' 1 T U , ; r : fr - r k - J --- - ----- ' - J - '- -?- - r '- A1 PRINTING TALK 'Froiiipt BerVloe- flrat of an! in nd 6n ' Jhla 'com- partteuler ' eifi- t ."Quality; ' and are what you wi the jlrlntlna; line.' a blnaiion we 'plaee phaala."' ' .j t ; "i . . J i .v' ll , . ' . Our prlcea are at all tlmea th Jow. eat..cempatlbl Ith the. -quality-, of aervice. we render. ti . ..-. " We are' well equipped for-print In t i J- -; t . i ' ' ;i -f 4 . Catalogs and Booklets , Xit a firnra with yoa,on Bazt Job of prtntlnj, yonr v : .1 Wion 'Douglas S!H5.' - 1 I,LSHAFERC0.; ' 12tb and Faraam'.Sti. i men to aid In fathrring our corn." With tho killing front .of on week afo and tuc warm dry weather that hoa alnce mnlntalned, corn haa cured rapidly and now the harvcat la .on. The former everywhere In the Wio nro'.ru!lin for help In order ihat they may gather the crop before the cold and, stormy weuthcr teta In. . . At thla t.me farmer are paying men 4 cent per bunhol for huaklnn cctn and In addition slvlng the plokrra tholr boaid. It la aaaerted Hint an ordinary man ran mako from J3 to S3.S0 net, while tlioae who are fuat can make "as hli;h aa $4 per day. ' ' In Other Statra, Too. What Is true In Nebraaka w'.th reference to a ahoi tnee of men In th corn fields la alao .aid to mnlidaln In Jowa and Kan sas, where a big crop la waiting to be gatlie.-eri. The Nebtaaka corn yield la estimated at twenty-Pin bushels, the atate over, which, aerordlng to i he . record kept by the freight department. I the beat In ten years, with one exception. The quality i comp.irea with the ylc!d. , Not only la there a a rest d-mand for corn pickers in all portions of Nebraska, t but there la a good demand for farm Irthorers In other linee. In the beet flilds 'a large number of men are needed to aid In aatherlna; the crop and In the great potato raikins d atrlrta along th Hur llngton and the--Northste n th demand j for Inbor Is th heaviest In years. In tho I potato and beet fields wages rang around 12.60 to 13 and hoard. I Then, too, all through the state farmers are taking on additional help In order to get ready for winter.. There are barns, to be built, plowing to b done and manure to be huuled to th fields and scattered over them. Taking everything Into consld j eratlon, according 'to the reports coming from the agricultural districts, the rail i road offices and the labor agencies, every l whero the demand tot labor la attong and the wages high. EOH'TIUJOSE:. YOUR KIDNEYS Tak a Tcsspoonlul of, haumasolls er Lsms Back or EladJcr -Trouble! - Do you occasionally have a !'crick" In your back? Does your back ache with-a dull, heavy, racking throb? Is It hard to tralbhten up a-ier iMiin? ' tt hurd to rie trom a seal oY to turn qulcRfy?' It you ax boliieied this way, lutju-your kidneys nec4 ii-ia.un. to Uuuui our biuud Is tlhed v.i,n uric acid., ilils lrr)lu tiriK acid h causwi joilr kiuns to te- come Wnax Irom ovei woi'K. It lies niatvj tliniti ali.gs.sii. the tlvr nlldDOMOiB &! ciogKed, und the wuate wulch s,.ooi'l te ors, ued ' from tl'.e system is returned In th lnood to putiMin tn.etrlHi lody. Kidney dUratiftts stmt ini.ei ioutny and snuirtluie laad U Dropay, and lingwi a LHnean. ' '1 At the rtrst "pain in the back" gnt ffom your rSruirclst about five ounces of Klieu luakul. lake two toasooiitiiis In a glass of water bo.ore bleak. at niorniiig and In a (cw daya uur ouck will '(eel fine, be aua your k.ilueys are working riKlit- HheumaMlta la a wunder.ul eifer.es rent III til drink, which helps the weak ened kitlitevs and liver and i leans out the etomai h of toxins and poisons and leavu l tie Intestinal canul c!ttn and (went, H la dtlirntful to the taste. H iif ao abso lutely harrniesa uric a Id solveno as well as a aallne laxattv. Acta quickly without grjuu.K or nausea. , It your drutRlat does riot keep genuine Ttheumasalta. renienttier tlteie Is nolhlns; "Just aa good." nhautn alts Is pi vPHied t y the fun.oui Uheuinabath Compuny, Kinnoapolls, Minn. . 1" ... ' Many Challenges Are Removed from Moorheftd's Office Stomach Sour? Stop Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn Pape's Diapepsin v. Heores or Irate rlt'sens crowded th lection commissioner's office, clamoring to have the challenger removed, so that they could vote. When they went to th polls they found tha.t through errors In the election commissioner's office miB-'iv 1 rji All takes had Wn made which made their ufllCKen bteWS All registrations aprar doubtrul and resulted In challenges. ' For Instance, one man who had regis tered from K Botith Thirteenth street, and then had moved across th street to D1 Bouth Thirteenth street, and had registered his changa of address, found I - r ; . : - y 'i' - 1 ! :--;: . , t 1 ' I "t .. ' .1 .- I f .,..; f r ' ' I I ' ' ' I ' " s 1 - Ik :. "' . , ?..:- ?- ::- , . " ' . .. ... . , . y : ' . - .-.... . . ;. . i- : 1 Do Home foods you eat hit bark taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stub born lumps and cause a alck, our, gasay stomach? Now, Mr. and Mra. Dyspeptlo, Jot this down: Pap a Diapepsin dlgesU everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. No dlffernc bow badly your stomach Is disordered, you get happy rellf In fire minutes, but what pleaaes you most la that It strengthens and regu late your stomach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. Most rem edies give you relief sometime they axe slow, but n not aure. Diapepsin la quick. positive and puts your stomach In a healthy condition so th misery won't come back. Tou feel different as soon as Pape'a Diapepsin cornea In. contact with th stomach distress Just vanishes your stomach geta sweet, no gasea, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food., your bead clears and you feel fine. Put an end to stomach trouble by get ting a large fifty-cent case of Pa pet Dlapepain from any drug store. You re all In five minutes bow needles It is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. Advertisement. ' r Eert art the Loveliest Boots of the year. Top$ in Ereadnaught ZSoth in Fawn, Guy or Black, with ratent Vampt and Lotos Cuban Heels. " Specialty Priced $5.00 to Be fii Pry'i Sboef The preralllBK tyl In Woman's SUrta demand the Prettiest of Boots and here they are! 'HOE-CQ 3 Night and Results in Fire-Police Call Smoke Nuisance is ..; ; Again Brought Up A chicken "stew" In Morris Skow's that no record of th latter haa been saloon at 724 Ndrth Sixteenth etreel abatement law or else mad bn th list of voters sent to the' brought the police and . fire department ;-'BJIUro ' Bmoke Inspector W. A. Chrlsman ha been Instructed by th city council to either fore compliance with the amok to explain hla mm election board. 11 waa therefore re fused the right to vote, and had to spend a couple of hours getting the matter straightened out in th election com claaloncr'a office. 1U waa finally pro vided with a blank, made for th purpose and used In nnny instancea. . It ordered th election board to remov th chal lenge against th voter, which th blank said haa been entered "by rrsis" ome or th, challenged votcra declared that they has not received any challenge if Iters. Others said they had not re ceived th letter until Monday. . ao they cwuld not tend to the matter before Mon day nlKht or the morning of the election. Much trouble resulted from th faot that some voters were at work or did not hapten to be home when th elec tion contmlasloner'a mouths canvassed the city to check up registrations. A number of challenges had i been entered purely on the wounds that nobody waa home at a Riven address when the checker rallud. As a result the challenged voter was put to much trouble and . worry be fom ho managed to have his right to vote. ... Over fifty challenge were removed In tho election comniiasioner'a of floe in less than two hour thla morning. , Ure Gives Taxpayers Few More Days Grace I'! fo many delinquent taxpayers have crowded the county Mreasuter'a office, anxtous to pay up their back taxes, that Treasurer W, fj. t're has decided to give thum a few duya of kiui -; before openluf the tax sale In full force. He la. there fore, offering ' only a, few "hp leas' ploe of property ea.h day this week, and III not nuike a rt'Kular sale of all the udvet tired property until next week. I-'rom lMuni-(ive to fifty delinquent tax- . i ta.vera liave ee-i1ed ' tliM Affif -Ir... A I Monday morning, new ones coming as tunt a others pay up. to the place In a hurry. Bom one called up poi'ce headquarters and Waid that a Chicken stew was causing trouble. - , "Murpfiy there's a soused hen up t' Ekow'a saloon go get her," directed Tom Reldey to Patrol Conductor Murphy. , . When Murphy got tliers, Skow'e saloon was full of gmok and the f Ira depart ment wag there. , , . It soema that the-bartender bad treated aomo friends 1 Monday to lorai real atewed chicken, and when he ; left tho saloon at o'clock In the evening he fr.rgot the stew and allowed It to remain In a pot on a gaa stove. In the morning the stew waa burning most odorlferously, snd .th place ' was filled with slnoke. No damage was done to th place, aa th fir was confined to th pot. . . . . n City Commissioner Dan B. Butler called attention to th nuisance at th court house, where dense smoke Issues several times a day and settlea 6ver th street. "Public buildings are among th worst offenders," said Commissioner Butler. "We'll put a atop to the nulsanc or know why w cannot." BALLOTS LATE; DELAY VOTE IN ONE PRECINCT Complaint . waa mad , by - several - reel dents In one of the Twelfth ward dis tricts that th ballota and other supplies for that district were -not ; delivered to the polling place until 8:40 a. m. As a result quite a number of men, were un able to vote before going down town to work. Several declared they might be disfranchised as a result, for they ex pected to be unable to go back to the district again until after, th polls would be closed. ... B3H3 Breathe Freely! Open Nostrils And Stuffed Head End Catarrah Instant Relief When None and Head Are clogged From a Cold. Stop Nasty Catarrhal Discharges. Dull .HeauMthe Vanishes, . Prof, Wendell Will ' Talk to Palimpsest Club on, Thursday Prof. Howard Wendell, Ll D. proffer sor of philosophy at the University of Mich igan, will speak before Palimpsest club Thursday evening at the Omaha club on th eubject of "Changing America." Prof. Wendell secured his - degree from Edlnburg and haa lectured all over Ku rope, and besides is the author of twelve books In general ctrculntlon. He Is recog nized aa th best platform-speaker at the fnlverslty of Michigan. Because of hla extensive travels and his broad knowl edge of Kuropean ariulr he la very much in demand at the present time ua a speaker, and the Pallmpaeat club la con gratulating itself that they hav been able to secure Mm for (Thursday evening, as they feel aure that he will hav a mes- aage that will be well worth hearing. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anywayvJust to try it App.y a little In th nostrils and In stantly your clogged nose and stopped up air passages of th head will open; you will breathe Jrsly; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! th catarrh, oold-ln-head or , catarrhal aor throat will be gone. Knd such misery now) - Get th small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any i 1 IE Gabriel Bound Over ' ' for Wounding Krebs A Torpid I.lver gives a sallow complexion. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills and rid th system of Impurities. Look healthy. Sjc. . drug siata. Advertisement. All "1 i if- Mrs. Tweedy Dies Shortly After Her , Sister, lrs. Seay Mra Elizabeth Tweerty, a'ster of Mi . George Pcey, dlci Monday night at her home, mi Jackson strett, two d.ys fol lowing the death of her slater, who died Saturday night, whila her husband. Uenrge Seay, waa attending the Bryan meeting at the Auditorium. M rv Tweedy'a daughttr, Mr- Lilian German, died a lit tie oyer a month ago while on a vlalt to Montana. drug More. Thla sweet, fragrant balm dissolve by th heat -Of the nostrils; penetrates and heals t'.ie inflamed, swol len membrane which lines the nose, head and throat;-lear th atr. passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleans ing. , soothing relief cornea immediately. ' Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. -Catarrh or a cold, with ita running nose, foul mucous drop ping into the throat, and raw dryness ! d atresslngNbut truly needles. Put your fa th Just on In "Ely Cream Balm" and your "cold or catarrh will surely disappear. Advertisement as m TIIH C:.!AIIA LEE .' THE HQIIE PAPER A. K. Gabriel, for fifteen years an em p'oi o of the Fairmont creamery, was hound over to the district court by Police Mtiietrate Poster on a charge of cutting to wound. The complaint was lodged by Jnv-s Krche, Thirteenth and William, 1 o aa.' a that. Uabrlel, without provoca t'e n, sliuihed him with a knife. tial-riel was rescued from an infuriated crowd by mounted Officers Ford and Antony. The defendant say that he did not do the cutting and that it waa don by a tailor, who 'eacaped. Tha funeral of Mr. Tweedy will .be Mv to rrevejat lra, . M wdnedav afternoon at 1 o'clock It may be a surjrta to you te learn ' from the resldtnce. Jackson atrctt. that In many case croup can b pr- ! w(,n interment at Forest Lawn oeme- veniel. Mrs. II. M. Johns. Elida, O., tery. nlaUa her experience as folloas: My little boy Is subject to croup. During th Uet whiter I kept a bottle of Chamber lain' Cough Remedy In the houae, and a hen he be; an having that eroupy rough I would glv hint one or two doaea of it and it would break the attack. I like it belter for children than any other medicine, becaue children take It will- liiKly. and it is sat and reliable," Obtain able veryw here. Advertisement. -TO NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY- nAYIVFRiu.iiu:iM.yBuNDWniSKF.V . Full Quart Only 80 Ccnta Express Paid WE want every man In America who has never tried Hayncr Whfakey to try it NOW. Cut out this ad mail it with your order and 80 cents in stamps or coin and tha full quart bottle of Havner frivat Stock Bottled-im-Bond Whisk fy will be Bent in sealed case express charges -raid. , It's fine a Bottled-in'Bond whiskey of tha choicest kind sealed with the Government's Green Stamp oyer tha cork your assurance it is fully aged, full 100ft proof, full ' measure as good and pare as can be produced. . It's sure to please you sun to win your future trade. Yon take no ' chances we are responsible been in business 48 years ' capital SoOO.OuO.OO fully paid. Don't put this off order right now order MORE than one quart if 70a like and goods will go forward by first express. . K'flTF. OrwafMN.alei..Cola.. Wr., Meat aa eRstata MB 1VI 1 1. tiuraif Boat sail tor tlM) far eoa a Mart sn.it said, M-lf l a Itlanrhard's Eczeiua Lotion . B0 Tear k the Market. S. X, Br up a Oo Bupuly Drag Stores ' Write for free Booklet deaerlMi, axia sisaasbs and tnsir cadslsv. (AJ1 rutar ardara aaiut ke far FOUR arU er saera) A4Jrtt 9m awareat mtfic ' THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO DepLA-105 OMa, at. taata, Ba. Sarlaa. Sfua. Waieiaataa, D C. He Orlaaaa. La. Cur, Ha. Sfcraal, Miaai lutneammtta. afci"-. I -v , . 1 TALK TO FLITTON AEC3T.YCSa EYEO Digi itsa. its .istbst. 1 111 ' a. ua B11LE1 IS THE Economical Fuel For Furnace and Heater use Zeigler Lump. For Range and Laundry Stove use Zeigler Nut. Bonanza, Semi-Anthracite, a ton - $8.00 Petroleum Carbon Coke, a ton $10.50 j ".wooaDurn" .Lump ana nut, a ton,- ..$5.50 Our $5 COAL Is GOOD CoaL ft MM & j sal sT.f I mw MJrl&jr Phone Tyler 1754. 210 S. 17th St. Brandeis Theater Bldg. TatC & jfr OVTM t"iw . WHY IS OMAHA? FQLL0V any of her 17 railroads 100 miles and you have the answer. It's the rich farming ter ritory from Chicago to the Rockies and from Fargo to Kansas City with its educated farmers, high priced farms and bumper crops that have made Omaha. ' These farm homes buy immense quan tities of all advertised goods and they are easily susceptible to advertising, v Apply this condition and fact to your " business. Use this rich, easily acces sible market. Reach lhese homes through Missouri River Valley's great est weekly farm paper Twen tieth Century Farmer. Circulation. 108,000; display rata. 60c per agate Una; classi fied rate, 6e a worn. I 1 i TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ... - ECZEM AJTKSSK rMlfl VPfT Ho LlniinvTill SliirnH vw v.wvaawj ai BBS WUI MM riatwla aatal All aeetat Dlaeaaae'ear with te hail. PtiananltmiiuaMtaM. Vrrlte lar Saw llioetreieel ateek m ticti anal taaDataai.la hi nSiaSa ef eawwe satUata hi laekcaa mm4 Iowa. tAii4-ua Cwl-1 OR E;RrTARnY 240 Coo D!dr Cmshsfleb. ,L a f I li K Sa-aaS UaajTsl saaaa.la.lal sj.jisj' 1 I " - ' rv f rj ... MxMf - Iff t i tfJlti ASK FOR' QAM PIE COPY .4 di J I d i Wl fwM that) th tti-M hmm smm ts aWJ eoMDsnitina MAcrcrui bs trvt tt tjiiU Mvat rtaTvl kvr tn,a pur E rreawt svajatfi-.tijpsii; m of Out iut m HMlrevlai fur srvodatHlaW lisl M laJDOti aV-OCaT to pa IS t i.ai fiitAaX aah.. L . ':... (a .Ki , iBB i.la ...iBK.ra la Abtc ULtf. Wa aairuai to CMttM U.trvti anor wiasvu fjsMira, ftt osyr twi i V 1 JIM, tiuai FeU t-aSusff U lij 4tMt, tavMrt habssUa ud Bkat iirMiiV ! tV iisawj ttstritwuummm M awarl aa att l li haaiory W Us lmavy t You r.luct Act At Once T f wmt rrtnfirwtmm i m n i n I Aaa. Iiirhar mini podtt .Wa! mt tMm linrii aaf a.ilaBi..u. laaa iurBi sa'aL lltau-avi aw vtaa- k&iwla ir V ell. a si Msai itcerti do a. to result frkasS suid wiU vLp oustxaclLl kl A f liiit..: i Ci.l.PalLJ, S iUi Wuavl ot mvr i.Slr .ibky au.d nL oui bra. tvvW s.reiae) iiavr 4j mm i-mirrr CMars4 tuckat i ia ii.cd ti. vs-i v:.af. svijaxJuttjj; trrei fur ttii pisrpuevass, lnnk lt jrb !; m il tm ivjra, sCaaxJuKl. amwtr hu ym W in I qasua aKsliLa-a. if irvtt doc'i a. it paawr !-, tia eu wuia.ey wm toli.ri&iimot vHe. jtaat raiuro tnaaiai bMtla at mt uiMAssva'-j xu U mv fvur laisi J ba-k at rw i.J vjrutawut tfunsr t. Or v n4 fur 4 la fl ((uartA, i Xl-kt: 3 hixjAaD, .a mriuss, kU fa, mm) sviiUl saaWil bULm i U U4 C4 V- aCkaaai feV ! wtastal ur tiirju draw our afr. 1 .)&utaa? of It wtiua it iWii tVawl mm 4 in vauir mi LiaTutatni fur tim upus M so) fUJaVkaji sat eYiMS ' mmiyi aalk ra FCLS DfiftTSIXINa CO, UUsvtl MJetiM to