Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Syrup of Figs . 1
. For Cross, Sick-
Feverish Child
Wares Itlgk Laborer Scarce la
Nebraska aa Well as Jtelabbor
In Cora Growli
Mother ran rest caty after giving
CallfiVdla Fy up of Firs," because In
few hours all the closfcedup wa e four
Mia and fe rmcnt ng - food gently move
out' of the boWelw, and . you have a We'I.
playing' chid Bftnln.' fhHifn s:mply wl.l
not' take the lime ' frrn piny to e-npty
their bowels, raid they became tliMtly
racked, liver gets slugsifh on:l stomach
disordered. -'-'''
When ero'. fever'sh. restless, tee If
tongue 1 coctd, then filve (h s cVUclmi
fruit axti.-ci." ' CVMren love it, and
It can n.-t cnw iniu.y io uu.rrrima the P continually cftntng,
wnat ana yeur I mt i iu i m ran. men to
Farmers Are Calling for Help toj Big Corh Crop. j
WOMEN WORKERS AT THE POLLS The women of Omaha were well represented at
the polls, being interested in the suffrage amendment to the state constitution, and in the
school board election. A triple set of workers was at nearly every polling place. . The
photograph' shows Mrs. 0. B.'Coon presenting the claims of the .citizens' school , board
ticket to a voter at Jhe fifth precinct of the Fourth ward,while Mrs. Morris Foley look on.
or a'sore throat. fMnrrhoca, rt'imsrharhe.
bed breathe, remcnbcr. a gentle "Inside
rlcanalmr" should alnavn b the fist
treatment given. 'Full C frcTUm ' for
babies. VhlU'rrn 'of nil asc rip! fcroun
upt are pointed on h" tot;!"' , "t ,
Rewnre of counterfeit f.S fyfM'f- A'1
your drUBSlH for a 50-crnt bottlh of "Chi
Ifonta Fyiup' of F g.'' t:in. 1,0 care
fully an J nee that It (' iniO j' by the
"California Fig G;, rup Ccmprnjy.' We
irmk nf i;na'.ler ilic. Hand' ba;k with
eontemrt any other" 111 ryr'.ip. Adver
tisement ' '. ' ' ' "
. . ; . . . . . . I . . I v -I l f
! I " I II U I I
v m' ' - - .
. ' .Ifh '- I
.''-"' '-
i I t f i' ' ' - ; ;
- - " TTl "'- -I II - - - " -" - V i I"1
want, flrnt of ail,
. .'Quality" and
are ' what you
the pointing- line,' and on ' h!a 'com
bination wa 'place ' particular ' erfi'
phaalk'-' ' i .
,a.. . ! .' U I .t . t '. . V ' i
r Our price are at all tlmea the )o.
eatcampatlble with the -owaJlty- of
aerylce w-e, render. . . i t t,
' We ' are' well equipped for-print ing
".; i , . - r r 'i : .
Catalogs and Booklets
, Xet na nrra with yon, on, your
next job of printing'. ( j
f'- ''1 Plione Dotiglaa 85SJ." 1 '
' 12th and. Faroam ,Sti. ...
Not In yrara. ay railroad men and
labor ajrmry managera, has thre been
auch a demand for laborer on Nebraska
farm a at the prt'eent t me. The de
nuind, according to theae people, far ex-
i coed th supply and fmrn the country
Rend us
Id In gathering our corn."
With tho killing frost of one week ago
anrl ti.o warm dry weather that ha since
mnlntalned, corn baa cured rnpUlly and
now the harvest la .on. The, farmer
everywhere In the stato nro' calling for
help in Ordr Ihat they may ttlier the
crop before the cold and, stormy weuthcr
eeta In. . ,
At this farmer are paying men 4
cent per bushel for husking corn and In
addition giving the .picker their boaid.
It I asserted Hint en ordinary man can
mako from $3 to 13.60 not. while those
who are fust can make'as hlch a It per
dny. t ' )
In Other Stair, Too.
What I true In Nebraska with reference
to a shortage of men In the torn field I
a!so . aid to inaliilaln In low, und Kan
sas, where a big .crop I waiting to be
gathered. ; v
The Ncbtaaka corn yield I e limit ted at
twenty-six bushels, the state over, which,
according to Jthe . record kept by the
freight department, I the bet In ten
, years, with ono exception. Th quality
compare with the yield..
Not on.y 1 there a great demand for
corn picker In all portion of Nebraska.
! but there la a good demand for farm
'laborers in other lino. In the beet fltlds
a large number of men are needed to aid
In gathering the crop and In the great
potato raisins districts along the Hur
llngton and thuNorthwestern the demand
j for labor is the heaviest In years. In the
I potato and beet field wage range
j around 2.50 to $3 and board.
I Then, too, all through the state farmer
are taking on additional help In order to
'get ready for Winter., There are barns, to
be built, plowing to be done and manure
to be hauled to the field and scattered
over them. Taking everything Into con si d
jeratlon, according to the report coming
J from the agricultural district,, tho rail
road office and the labor agencies, every
I where the demand for labor U strong and
i the wage high.
i ...
Take i Teaspoonful of, pheumasaifs
or Urns Back or BladJcr-TrouhSel
Do you occasionally have a I'crkk'l In
your back? Doea your back ache wltlva
dull, heavy', racking throbt 1 It hard to
etraUhteo up a.ior sloo(unT is U hard
to rio from a seat or to turn quickfyt-
I; you ax boluoied this wy, uu our
kldntiya reet iwia.on. lo uoutn our
biood la llhed WKh unc acid., i HU irilu
tirK aciil h cufi yuilr kiuuot to t
come wttk from overwork. It In nmM
tun, a muks m, the ii.rr nl rorte, ut
ci(-KkeJ, uih! the wuale wslch ouil l
c.ra,i,d from the ityauni i routined in
the l iood to puiaon tne-eii'lre ioUy..
Kidney dliutev stsi t ln.stei loumy 'and
sotiH'ltiue laU to lropsy aud ilnglit
At the first "pain in the back" get ffnm
your druggist about five ounce of ltheu
lukrtiUa. Uku two ua,ouiit Jis in a Klaa
ot waiar be.ore biuik.ul vuch morning
and In a (w daya our Itack will 'feel ftnt,
becauk your k.dueya are working right.
Ji)tnniiMlta la a wimJt-r.ul .e.fcr.i's
rent inula drink, which liei,s the weak
ened kl.ltieys and liver and i leins out the
stoma, h of toxin and u.on and ltnv
h Intejitlnal canal clenn und sweut. U
Is ddiriHfui to the Uste. It lir aa abso
lutely hsrmiea uric at 1.1 Solvent as well
aaa saline laxatik. Acta quickly without
fr,p.i.y or niiihi. x
If your druggist does hot keep' genuine
Tlheumaalta, rememter there Is nothlnx
' just ai good." Hheuni mails Is JirvPHied
by tl: famu-is iilieuiimixlh Coiuo.uiy,
Minneapolis, . Minn. . . ' ,
Many Challenges
Are Removed from
Moorhen's Office
Stomach Sour? Stop Indigestion,
Gas, Heartburn Pape's Diapepsin
V t
Score of irate clt'zens crowded th
election commie-loner's office, clamorlnr
to have the challenger removed, so that
they could vote. When they went to the
poll thoy found that through error In
tne eicviion commissioner orriee mis- rti l ni All
take had been made which made their LnlCKCn lbt6WS All
rewsirauon appear doubtrul and resulted
In challenge. '
For Instance, one man who had regis
tered from 630 Month Thirteenth street
and then had moved across the street
to M South Thirteenth street, and had
registered hi changa of address, found
that no record of the latter haa been
V rt-C; ' lpT---v ' ' ;
)': rl:. : v-- ; J
i I f .if - '
I i "t -'it l
4 . , , i
i,,, , j.r,.,: r.,;:: .;,;;v-..::7 :y-::: i';',' v xv'-. K-
... . .v, ' .( . .. -, . I r,. ': - .. ;: ; i! -y.W . ';'"';-; T-;-V.'v
' r- .. - v.-: ; :':; .y.- - - ?
Do anme food you et hit bark lasts
Bood. but work badly; ferment Into tub
born lump and cause a alck, our, gassy
stomach? Now, Mr and Mr. Dyspeptic
Jot this down: Fape'a Dlapepsin digests
everything, leaving nothing to our and
upnet you. No difference bow badiy your
(tomacb Is disordered, you get happy
relief In five minufe, but what pleases
you most I that It trcngthen and regu
late your stomach so you can eat your
favorlus food without fear. Moel rem-
edle give you relief sometime they are
slow, butnot sure. Dtapenaln la ouick.
poeltlv and put your tomach In a
healthy condition so the misery won t
com back.
Tou feel different a oon Pape'
Dtapepein come In. contact with th
stomach dlstres Just vanishes your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing, no eructation of undigested food,,
your bead clear and you feel fine.
Put an end to stomach trouble by get
ting a large fifty-cent casa of Pape't
Dlapepsin from any drug atore. You re
alize In five minute how needles It la
to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or
any stomach disorder. Advertisement '
1 ps?? !PaH
Ion Onrit
to Bfla
Pry'i Sbo
. Ecre art the Loveliest Boot of the
year. Topt in Dreadnought QofA in
Fawn, Grey or Black, with Patent
Vamp and Louis Cuban heels.
Specially Priced
Tb.6 praraillac; style In
Women's Sklrtg demand the
Prettleat ot Boots and here
they ar!
i" nix-
aB m r. , shi - , . m
1 V. W. f
Night and Results ;
in Fire-Police Call
A chicken "atew" in Morris . Skow'a
saloon at 724 Nrtrth Sixteenth street
Smoke Nuisance is
: Again Brought Up
' Bmoke Inspector W. A. Chrlsman ha
been Instructed by the city council to
either force compliance with' the amok
abatement law or else - to explain hi
made bn the Hat of voters sent to thejbrought the police and fire department j .failure.
election board. He was therefore re
fused the right to vote, and had to spend
a couple of hours getting the matter
straightened out In : th election com
clesioru'r'a office. II was finally pro
vided with a blank, made for th purpose
and used In miny Instances. . It ordered
the election board to remove th chal
lenge against the voter, which the blank
said has been ontered "by errrjr"
wome ot he challenged voter declared
that they had not received any challenge
letter. Oilier ald they had not re
roivad the letter until Monday. o they
could not tend to the matter before Mon
day night or the morning of the election.
Aluch trouble resulted from th fact
that soma voters were at work or did
not hapten to be home when th elec
tion oornmlwloner's sleuth canvassed
the city to check up registration. . A
numlier ot challenge had 1 been entered
purely on the ground that nobody wa
home at a.Rlven address when the checker
callod. A result , the challenged voter
was put to much trouble and worry be
fore he monutfcd to have his right to
vote. , ..
Over fifty challenitrs were removed In
thp election cotnimseloner' office In less
than two hours this morning. t
Ure Gives Taxpayers
Few More Days Grace
80 many 0 )lnuerit taxpayers have
crowded the county treuauier a office,
anxious to p.'iy up their back taxes, that
Treasurer VV. 1. I'ro bus decided to give
them a few duys of Ktuce. before opening
the tax sale In full force. He Is, there
fore, Olterlnii only a, few "hup'-leai''
pieces ot property eaih day thin ek,
and 111 not milk a rcuular sale of all
the ad vet tired property until next week.
nun lwen;y-t!e to fifty delinquent tax
payers have crowded the office since
Monday morning, now one coming a
fust a others pay up.
to the place In a hurry. Some one pallet!
up police headquarters and 'bald that a
chicken stow wa causing trouble.
"Murpfy there' a soused hen up t'
Ekow' saloon go get her," directed Tom
Reldey to Patrol Conductor Murphy. ,
When Murphy got there, Rkow's saloon
wat full of amok and the fire depart
ment was there. .....
It aeema that the' bartender had treated
.mo friend Monday to some real
stewed . chicken, and ' when he . left tho
saloon at t o'clock In th , evening he
forgot the atew and allowed It to remain
In a pot on a gaa stove. '
In th morning the atew waa burning
most odorlferously, and .the place ' was
filled with ainoke. No damage was done
to the place, a the fit wa confined to
th pot. ......
City Commissioner Dan B. Butler called
attention to the nuisance at th court
house, where dense smoke Issue several
time a day and settle 6ver the streets.
"Public building are among; th wont
offender," said Commissioner Butler.
"We'll put a atop to the nuisance or know
why we cannot"
.' ' "j ' :
Complaint . wa made , by - several reel
dents In one of the Twblfth ward dis
tricts that the ballots and other supplies
for that district were -not delivered to
the polling place until 8:40 a. rn. As a
result quite a number of men, were un
able to vote before going down town to
work. Several declared they might be
disfranchised as a result for they ex
pected to be unable ' to go back to the
district again untU after, the polls would
be closed. v -
Breathe Freely! Open Nosjtrils
And Stuffed Head End Catarrah
Instant Relief When Nose and Head
Are Clogged From fjold. Stop
Nasty Catarrhal Discharges. Dull
JleaUMt'he Vanishes .
Prof .Wendell Will
Talk to Palimpsest.
Club on .Thursday
Prof. Howard Wendell, Ll D. nroffefjsor
of philosophy at the university of Mich
igan, will speak before Palimpsest club
Thursday evening at the Omaha club on
the subject of "Changing America."
Prof. Wendell secured hi - degree from
Edlnburg and has lectured all over Ku
rope, and bidca ia the author of twelve
book In general circulation. lie la recor
ntied aa tho best platform-speaker at the
t'nlverelty of Michigan. Because of hie
extensive travels and his broad knowl
edge of Kuropeau affaire he Is ry much
In demand at the present time us .
speaker, and th Palimpsest club la con
gratulating Itself that they have been alio
to secure him forlThursday evening, as
they feet sure that he will have a mes
sage that will be well worth hearing.
Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Get a small bottle anyway Just to try
It App.y a little In the nostril and in
stantly your clogged nose and 'stopped
up air passage of the head will open;
you will breathe frely; dullness and
headache disappear. By morning! the
catarrh, oold-ln-head or ' catarrhal sore
throat will be. gona
End such misery now! Get the small
bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any
Gabriel Bound Over
' for Wounding Krebs
A. E. Gabriel, for fifteen year an em
p'oye i t the Fairmont creamery, wn
bound over to th district court by Police
Magistrate Foster on a charge of cutting
to wound. The complaint was lodge.) by
Jo me Krebs, Thirteenth and Willi am.
wt a a trst Uubrlel, without provoca
tion. sUished him with a knife.
Cal riel was rescued from an Infurlatad
crowd by mounted Officer Ford and
The defendant ay that he did not do
th cutting and that it waa dona by a
tailor, who escaped.
A Torpid I Iver .
gives a sallow complexion. Take Dr.
King' New Lite Pills and rid th system
of Impurities. Look healthy.' 20c.. All
druyglsts. Advertisement
Mrs. Tweedy Dies
Shortly After Her
Sister, tyrs. Seay
Mrs Elisabeth Tweedy, a'ster of Mi.
George Beay. died Monday night at her
home, JT1J Jackson strett, two daya fol
lowing the death of her sister, who died
Saturday night whlla her husband,
Uonrge 8eay, was attending th Bryan
meeting at the Auditorium. Mtv
Tweedy' daughur. Mr- LUllan German,
died a lltti oyer a month ago while on
a visit to Montana.
Th. funeral of Mrs Tweedy will .be
Mow to Prevrat Croaa. I ... wrfnrt-.v ftmoon at 1 o'clock
It may be a surpris to you te learn ' from th. residence. Jill Jackeon atrtet.
with Interment at Forest Lawn ceme
tery. ' ' "
drug store. This sweet fragrant balm
dissolves by th heaffef the nostril;
penetrates and heals the' inflamed.-swollen
membrane which line the nose, head
and throat;-clears the atr. passages; stops
nasty discharges and a feeling ot cleans
ing, , soothing relief comes lmmedlstely.
Don't lay awake tonight struggling for
breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed,
hawking and blowing. -Catarrh or. a cold,
with Its running nose, foul mucous drop
ping Into the throat, and raw dryness I
d KtreeslntjNnit truly needles. '
Put your fa th Just once In "Ely's
Cream Balm' and your "cold or catarrh
will surely disappear. Advertisement
: Full Quart Only 80 Cento Expresa Paid
WE want every man In America who baa never tried
Hayner Whiskey to try it NOW. Cut oat this ad
mail it with yofir order and cOcentainatamps or coin and
the full quart bottle of Hayner PrivaU Stock Eotllcd-i-Bond
frjeywiU be sentinaealed case express charres
paid. , It's fine a Botiled-in-Bond'mhx&Vty of the choicest
kind sealed with the Government's Green Stamp over the
cork your assurance it la fully aged, full 100 proof, full
measure aa (rood and pure as can be produced. . It's sure
to please you surt to win your future trade. You take no
chances we are responsible been in business 48 v ears-
capital 5500,000.00 fully paid. Don't put this off order
right now order MORE than one quart if you liksand
gocxia will go forward ty nrst express..
ruLb r i : a wuaai
i i
K'flTF. te-Tfra N. Wr- M.t, ami a tlmtm wsM
41 V 4 V. lutnut ami oall tit tljit tar ! murl- r aud. SS-BT
mi: o:ijialse-
tiie nous FApnn
'that In many case croup can be pre-
ventet. Mrs. II M. Johns. El ids, O.,
it!aU-a her Vtpfrienoe a follows: "My
little boy la subject te croup. During th
ivt winter I kept a bottle of Chaniber
lalii' Cough Remedy In th house, and
h-n h bexsn having that croupy rough
I would glv him on or two dose of It
and It would break th attack. I Ilk
It better for children than any other
medicine, because children take It will-
iniiiy, and It J afs and reliable.' Obtain
able everywter. AdvcrUsement
CAJJ fvtsre erder asast be fee FOUR eraatt asaeel
A 4dr mwiI aca V -
trta, OUa, It. Lote. U. Bea, Kw VwkiMet 0. C Mr Ortxaa, la,
tilaKDM, UHi..,.ln.U4 lUaewCaa.ak. U. tuJ. Miaa. JwkManUa, Fla.
'iTTiTiati'iftflrffy '"v"".,. "' ""'T5"'"'iSi."i .1'."-! , m- - . zzzz
i "
Deegl lass, il e .ISIS, St
Fnnnnniiiinl Frio!
For Furnace and Heater
use Zeigler Lump.
For Range and Laundry
Stove use Zeigler Nut.
Bonanza, Semi-Anthracite, a ton - S8.00
Petroleum Carbon Coke, a ton 910.50
"Woodburn" Lump and Nut, a ton . S5.50'
Our $5 COAL Is GOOD CoaL
Phone Tyler 1754. 210 S. 17th St. Brandeis Theater Bldg.
& jt7 mouth X SSijv
F0LL0V any of her 17 railroads 100 miles and
you have the answer. It's the rich fanning ter
ritory from Chicago to the Rockies and from Fargo
to Kansas City with its educated farmers, high
priced farms ' and bumper crops that have mado
. .
These farm homes buy immense quan
tities of all advertised goods and they -
are easily susceptible to advertising,
v Apply this condition and fact to your
"" business. Use this rich, easily acces
sible market..
Reach these homes through
Missouri River Valley's great
est weekly farm paper Twen
tieth Century Farmer.
Circulation. 108,000; display
rate, 60c per agate line; classi
fied rate, 6c a word.
sw A t'Sf aorMLiu.Au i
I'saj lUanchard's Erzeiua Lotion
Is Tiui a she Market.
BL. M. Brute f Oo Sopyly Sins' atorea
Write for fre Booklet describing
aiat maJKABIiS and their C4U4ta l-rof. J. U. Hianchard. 911 Cvt-
tage drove Avav-Culcu.
J. X rti-im atsS AN Waatal llasa eae with
X ta lual'a. ranmt twtt mut.
n I frm '.F.t.4 tMk M 4tti
I . I i.Me M t.ati ( hu4nmm l
erS attwita la S.WmIui mm4 Iwa
OH. C. R.. TARRY 240 Ceo D3drM Qznzhst
I SJ Mill afflflaf U M
II 1
i z "
t j
n.i r r
ULUiil i
Wa fa th th tin bit. m dl sxreUU I ' ' H
lffwiw kxaw rtU It tj aservear nouwl tor Ia, keur- ft 1
ptmm wa hra)s tui th .tupsaduus uai of SbD Ous) iual t I
dcMNattrsU lor ffruod n4 ftJ Uesvt i f .MaMMi (V-cUlV U pu I
AAMSTtCa (aKtisT. W lDttj4 tJ 6
tPBs, tiufet Pel l-ttUar U tl
el B-CsUaa l th I
i4aier tHT mr taatasi. Thb i
tW.UW aaura wtuatva saanra. at ssaar wm V V I
siaaat asoat whaiinnnK ui mmt licODa M
Ms.aih. hi.lal.L.wk -'nr a" llnJ
You r.lust Act At Once
first or iW "ajsi a srasiijtsa Lcavlher Caaarad
akar i
your t;.
sxis) r!uatiyt .VMuJuUi fr ? trial ptarpuaaa. lnr tt vLskkey la (J,
flait tl' yota, aXMsuJuUjly. m buumt wkiM y tia tn i Sgomrt buitiays. li
J-w w ... pwi i"7 w " rs sw tmaq, riaiiia;
iat rwtuf a itxmmt.ul bxae t awr aa, axjtt.J (utt'U mt jrvur ansj,
nc anj WtvEisMti stxsrusMai t. Or ti C2.)4 fur 4 I till Quart, ft XI
var taatad. rajJl-aaao pria,
V.iAiD. mm4 ar .d aakuutat. 4VI.L fa. M i Vnt umaj hAtU iuff u Laws,
baw k
rttt: 3
at t aais i; barsJ tsjrni
mm ftsasvunal swi oa-wkra fra )4atrflMftlsi asfar for ft failtasl tima
al! Wlm OMaT a. uruurfavLaua fur tia buj uuaa 11 aHaa rnaa anillL.... . l
mt cuat aluss Smiyt aiatka
rcLS iiTiLi.iMa co.
1 urM w
S SaMne, Ksimm CKv. M,