Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Little Leaf
I :
Poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
By Nell Brinkley
'f-Mp.iwm ,
Madame Ise'bell
Explain th Formation of
Scar and How to
Car Them
Little Leaf leaned o'er the Lake,
Eyes full of scorning;
Quoth the Laf to Mother Tree,
"I cm sick as sick can be
Of this robe you gave to me
For my adorning; ,
I would fain be better tlressed,
And not look like all the rest."
"Little Leaf," cried Mother Tree,
(Heart full of sorrow),
"You are all too young and fair
For such worldly things to care;
And my child, beware, beware,
Frost comes tomorrow;
Hide your face against my heart,
Let me shield you from his dart."
Little Leaf tossed up her head,
Mother Love grieving.
Frost came by and boldly said,
"I will give you robes of red;
After that we will be wed."
Vain Lenf, believing,
Kissed him for a scarlet gown.
In the dust he cast her down. .
One of the unpleasant consequences et
a (Iwp pimple I the scar tht so often
follow its healing and which may re
mitln on the skin mm permanently. A
oar follows any
tearing away of
the tlasu of th
akin or of the
f I a a h beneath
and the alio
and ftepth f
the mark de
pend on the
amount of tls
a u e deitroyed.
Home quite deep
and a e r I o u e
abraaiona will
heal without
leaving a tear;
other of trifling Importance will leave a
mark that will be year In wearing
The tissues grow by a continual proee
of cell multiplication and thla la accom
panied ly a continual aheddlng of the
outer akin.1 If the growth of the new
cell la rapid, and tehy unite cleanly with
the old, the mark of the new fleah will
aoon disappear and we ahall aee no sign
of the acar.
If the wound does not heal clean, that
la if the edgea do not unite evenly to
gether or If any dirt or Infection get In.
It will be a long time before the acar dls
appeara. In anch a caie I recommend a
quickening of the circulation In the tiny
capltlartea that feed the akin by hot ap
plication followed by a maaaage with a
good akin food or maaaage cream.
As a rule t am not fond of hot appli
cations on the face. I thin they dry
the akin and Induce wrinkles, but In auch
esse they are neceaaary. A akin Inclines
to ache or pimples so saver as to leave
scars la apt to be an oily skin, not In
clined to wrinkle. So the hot water will
not harm It and may he beneficial.
Begin operations by washing the face
or cleaning It with a cieanaing cream.
Fold square of Turkish towel, dtp these
In hot water and apply to the race,
changing as they lose their heat. After
six applications, gently pat the face dry
and then maasage It, using a good ma
sage cream.
Do thla before going to bed and In the
morning bathe the face with very eo'd
water. ' .
Little Bobbie's Pa
I waa telling Ma A Pa about a birthday
part wlch I had been to St. about a little
gurl that promised I cud walk hoam with
her after the party & then walked hoam
with a other fellow. It made me kind of
mad. she waa hoamly the only
rees on I asked her was beekaus I ws
afrad nobody else wud walk hoam with
Doant worry about It. Bobble, sed Ma.
the poor Uttel gurl must have been so
exalted that she forgot wlch boy she shud
hsiva had for her escort It was a mlstalk,
Tea, sed Pa, It waa a mlstalk. ' It Is the
aim mlstalk that gurl ft big ones
have made ever since ihe time they calm
on this planet. As long as thay ara set
ting In the corner thay will am lie & ac
cept' anybody'a Invitashun to dance or
walk hoam, but wen thay get th yung
It !$ lust Statural
To Admire Babies'
men flocking around them It eoesn't talk
them long to ferglt the one wlch started
the stampede In thare direrkshun. Doant
mind, Bobbie, aed Pa, you are that much
better off, beekaus you saved a extra
walk ft found out her per-fidee beef oar
It waa ton late. She will newer malk
you much of a sweetheart anyway, sed
Pa, beekaus ,lt eh will dubbel cross you
wen uho is nine or ten years old, thare
Is no telling how haM she will throw
you Into the discard "wen you ft ahe git
to be sweet sixteen. '
You seem to be very moody a. slnnlckal
tonight, deerest, sed Ma. Anybody wud
think that you had been crossed In luv
sumthing terribul In yure yunger days.
No, sed I'a. that Is not 1L I was newer
crossed In luv, but' I often think of the
hundreds of times wen I was a yun beau
that gurla Wud thaie steddy fel
lows Jest to have me walk hosm with
them -ft Jest to listen to n-.y voice.' In
them day. I'a sed, t always poea-etMod
a stiaPifo, magnet-like atlrarkshun for
the gurle. Whether it was my face or
y up-right carriage, Pa sed. I know
off of me, ft many the homely, honest
I guy I cut ut, tho I dldnt want to.
You wundcrful man, atd Ma. i think
The Unattractive Girl
Since the world began Duels and sages
have been trying to define charm. And
they have In seeking to pin It down and
describe it forgotten that In Its very
eluaiveness lies charm's charm.
If It were possible to formulate a set
of rules by the following of which each of
us might become altogether lovely, alto
gefher desirable and all in all magnetic
and charming, charma would cease to
have any attractions. If every day were
exactly live every other 'day even though
they all were beautiful and balmy, none
of them would seem pleaaant after w
had at customed ourselves to the dteary
round of the carles.
And by the same token, if all women
had charm, charm would decline and the
means would defeat the end.
But that Is cold comfort for the girl
who Is not attractive and longs to be.
Every natural woman has the desire for
A girl may have a superb figure, flash
ing eyes, tho skin of a healthy baby and
the chin of a true Parialenne and yet be
passed ty for a dowdy little aplder of a
woman who happens to appeal to mss-
1 filling
I The mystery of inv own collrne dava
It was perfeckly noabel for a hansum , ,,,, we wl ,., Kdlt Pond. Kha
;j ung heero like vou to pass up nil them tUrk Fhe w dowdy, sh was not
witn her waa paylnt? her the compliment
of choosing to be there and not letting
chance force him Into a tele-a-tete with
a girl' he would have avoided If he could
have done ao.
She' played absolutely fair with the
boya aha knew. If ahe made an engage
ment she kept it, and she demanded the
ssme courtesy. She always was ready to
listen to explanations of offenses, but she
did not permit her friends to neglect her
wantonly when they happened to choose.
And that thin, short., dark, unattractive
looking girl, with nothing to recommend
her to the casual observer but a pair of
Interesting and ever-Interested brown
eyes, captured the finest man of all her
acquaintance and Is the happiest and
beat-loved wife of all mine.
The unattractive girt? Well, Edith
Pond looked the part but she hsd the
Intelligence not to play it. Any girl with
brains, common sense and a certain
amount of natural sweetness of disposi
tion ran do as much,.
Even without the elusive charm of per
sonality, which Is scarcely to be de
fined, any girl may develop the sweet
charm of gracious and lovesble womanhood.
It- does not. appeal to me very much. I
don t think hu can earn a living lor a
wife, a he riot-a not spend any money at
all when he takea a girl out. Mow can I
find oat'whnt he makes, for I love him
dearly and do not want to be misled by
You are far .too mercenary. If ever
thla young man aaka you to marry him
you are free to discuss his Income and
to decide whether or no you can live on
It. In the . meantime, if you object to
hla profession and to the fact that he
spends no money on you, discontinue
your friendship. lie seems In far more
danger of being misled by a pretty girl
who values money above manhood than
you are of giving your affectiona disinterestedly.
China's Ureal Wall.
The great wall of China, built 200 years
n. C, Is 1,250, miles long, twenty-five feet
high and twenty-five feet thick at the
Houusehold Hints
If too much salt has been added to
aoup slice a raw potato and boll It In
the coup for a few minutes. The po
tato will absorb much ot the salt.
If when making soup or beef-tea for
an Invalid It la necessary to cool it at
onos, pass It through a clean cloth sat
urated with cold water. Not a particle
Of fat will be left in the beef-tea.
To remove labela from bottles wet the
label with water and hold It over a flame
a second or two. The steam quickly
penetrate the label and softens the gum
or pasta.
Before applying blacklead make a pad
of old cloth and rub soot from the back
of the grate or flues on all the greasy
part a Thla will remove the grease and
will give a brilliant polish to the stove.
Used in water as a dally gargle, borax
kee the throat h'oalthy. Used In water
for cleansing the teeth It disinfects them
and prevents their decaying.
To remove paper labels from old bottles
easily, wet the face of the label with
water and bold It for an Instant over any
convenient ' flame. The steam formed
penetrates the label at once and softens
the paste.
Our tltrustlo nature lanpels love for th 1
of fare or figure, and yet all
the me' n gravitated to Iter aa to a mag
net. An! none of us slly little sweet-and-twcntle
knew why. But today I
rsn tell you the secret or Edith's Irresist
ible charm.
Ehe hsd kfan sympsthy and interest to
' iueene mairy poor l.ttel nie. i lie J beautiful
wonder ot It offen hol! ins spellbound,
Ma sed, ft lots of nltes, wen I am set
ting up waiting for vou to cum hosm, I
thank the stars that I f so furtutiat
aa to have won yure favor.
Well, sed Pa, in a way you were kind
lnint. And at the same time ; or luciiy, a: yei you i.n urcn , nring to every man wyo came her way.
th eubJecVJof motherhood la ever before a good wire a loving mother, i is i Fhe had no moods or nerves. ehe dc
ua T hnow what to do that will add ( worth moar than all the butiful querns ir ended no "understanding" or sympathy,
to th physical comfort of expectant i ,Kat , mite hv c,n,a my wife If I had , Hhe gave eneruuly to friendship far
A!!f U !U!, .fonl" ' wu,h I " than he ke,!'o It. Fhe Intere.ted
t tZlhaTo things la an external I 1 ",vv" but ,m ' of the url" ,h,t ' ber,lf l thln h" r ''lenda lk4.
abdominal aoolloatlun sold in most drug 'vou uted to go with, aed -s. Thsy wss ' She waa not exacting or foolishly Inslst-
terea under the name of "Mother's "both frights. One of thern had a mole
Pttend." W hav known so many grand- on her cheek the oilier limped when
mother, who In their younger day ,he walked.
relied upon this remedy, and who recom- j OH
mead It to their owa daughters that It foar
certainly musi oe wwi i . , , Un ,uv, gurl, wUh
cat. They have usea ii lor m u.rrci
sed PSj but long beefoar that, bee
I knew you, I had scores of gurls
I In luv with me, luvly gurls with faces
. - L- .Z. T,r.r a cord. a- ' -Prlng s fsre.t fiouja ft form, of airy
Influence upon the, coras, ng-, T.. .,, v .l.
iittVrt endor.s s It aim to afford huty. Bobble will, be the salm wsy wen
relief from tae strain and p.-In so often ' he gits a Irrtel oald.-r. sed Ps. beekaus
unnecessarily severe Curing the period, of he looks hanaumer & moar like me every
expectancy. 'Cay.
Bvery woman should mention "Mother's I j uoant want a lot of gurla, I ard to Pa.
Friend" when th stortt Is th ubject of,wn j flt 0id enUff i want to marry a
conversation, an lr.teremir.s iiiwe uw
I aaoiled free uooa application to Brad
) Regulator Co.. 05 Lamar Bldg.,
Atlanta, Oa. It refera to many things
that women like to read about.
Get or recommend a bottle ot "Mother
-ea4" io-day aad writ for th bouk.
I gurl Ilk Ma.
I Ms is going to git tie a fish pole.
stsaalaas Rivaled Serosa.
In Husola school pupils are allowed to
choose between ' learning French and
German, aad 10 per sent choose German.
cut on her rights. If h hsd an engage
ment and her escort came fifteen minute
late, ahe accepted It calmly as ons of
tho occurrences he would have pre
vented If he could I
You aee. With took it far granted that
she had something to give. Bhe was not
a self-effacing, foolishly morlent shrink
ing violet sort of girl, who acted as If sny
nsn who noticed her were conveying a
favor for which -she would be unsble to
thank him to her dying day. Nor did
ahe flaunt her conquests, and by being
peevish and hard to please, try to oon
vlna her boy friends of her desirability.
Rhe never spent her time telling Charley
of her supreme attraction for Fred and
Tom In order to make herself desirable to
him. She took It serenely as a matter of
course that aay boy who happened to be
lir a
Advice to Lovelorn
SATmicm FAxmrAx
He Use Not Fair la Vee.
Dear Miss Fairfax: A number of years
ago I kept company with a young man.
On account of sums talk, of wbUh not a
word wua true, he gave me up. When
I aaked him to explain he aaid he would
never mention it and I should try to for-
f; lilm. I loved him dearly and tried
lard to forget, but could not. Long after
we parted 1 heard from a frlmid what
th reaaon waa. I waa very much sur
prised snd could not blame him. My
pride had the best of me; otherwise I
would have brought up the subject. Hs
has no Idea 1 iov him still, as I'm
very diatsnt when we meet, which is
rarely. He la a widower now, and sum-
times I think he must think of me, as
there Is not a day thal.iny thought are
not of him. KITTY.
Whatevtr thla man heard agalnat you
jeara ago. It was his duty aa a friend
and as a gentleman to give you a chance
to t yourself right. If you really feel
that hla opinion matter to you, write
him a dignified little letter and tell him
that yon have jut heard what It was
that gave him auch a wrong tmpreaston
of you snd that for the sake of your old
friendship you cannot reatet the chance
to try to put it rlgnt.
Te Mercenary.
Dear Ilia Fairfax: I am very much
attached to young man. This young
man railed on m a few times, lie has
a profeealon and thinks very much of It-
Surprise Your Palate
You folks who still use ordinary
coffee have a treat in store.
Change for a week to
Old Golden
You'll wonder that such an im
provement in flavor can be possible.
Thousands of families, after changing
from brand to brand, look upon Ola
Golden Coffee as coffee perfection,
for it contains, in the greatest degree,
all of those elements of goodness which
make you like coffee freshness, full
flavor, uniformity, proper aging, roasting
and blending. One pound snows you.
Good grocers sell it ground, steel cut, or ia
the whole bean, as you prefer.
TONE BROS., Des Moine
MiHtn th Femoms Ten Br. Spkw
1 3jy