Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Street and Afternoon Dresses
$24.50 and $29.50
Of Satin nnl Sorgo um, Satin. Those popular
dresses aro taking the Eastorn stylo centers by storm.
Serviceable and fashionable. They are both attractive
and practical for street and afternoon wear.
$24.50 and $29.50
No extra charge for alteration.
New Style Coats
Come in by today's express and will be shown for
the firt time Tuesday.
The Store for Shirtwaists
Vogue Sailors
The newest The most popular
The latest Rain proof
Mannish hats for women in three stun
ning shapes, black only price unequal
led. Special at $1.95
Millinery Section Second Floor
The Best Women's Hosiery
at 35c a Pair, 3 for $1.00
A largo variety of different styles and weights, iu
good wearing Hosiery. Flare tops, out nizes. Maco
split solea, and Iiibbed Hoge.
Cr Kirl Connell to Organize Ad
vance Division of American
Hospital Ambulance.
Has Vmrge Vrpm f AhNUiIi to
Ovrral n 'needed Mil at
tbe Fro at Wkt (snail Die.
la Transportation.
Dr. Kart Connell, ion of Mr. and Mn.
W. J. Connell of thla city, now surgeon
of th Roosevelt hospital of New York
City. Wednesday of thla week aalla on
tha Lualtanl for Pari, where ba will
oriranlta and taka charge of an advanced
division of tha American hospital am
bulance. )Ia take with him four sur
geons, ten aaalatanta and fifteen nuraaa.
Tho hoapltat la to ba provided with sv
ergl hundred bada for desperate opera
tive cases, requiring" Immediate attention
and thoee of tha clans that now die In
transportation. (
Thla required early surgical aid will ba
given by tha American suraeon and
their aaalatanta to all tha Injured, re
gard iMe of whether they are German,
English, French or Belgians. ' An sp
proprtatkra of 1X0,000 has been mad for
carrying on thla work.
Hae Urn Uvea E.eren.
Dr. Connell waa selected fur thla work
by reason of hie recognised ability and
erteneive hospital experience. lie haa
erved aa both house surgeon and houaa
physician In the New York hospital and
for the laat two years haa been the chief
operating surgeon at tha Roosevelt hos
pital. f Although but If years of ace, Dr. Con
nail haa coma to ba looked upon as one of
tha leading surgeons of tba United Btates
and haa performed hundreds of operation!
that other surgeons have considered too
difficult to attempt, lie la an Omaha
boy. born and reared here, graduated
I from the) Omaha High school and tha
I Crelghton Medical college, as well at
; from the New York Hoapltal of Burgeons,
, having served the f uH term in tha laat
named Institution.
In the Omaha High school Dr. Connell
waa ona of the roost active of the stu
dents. He waa the aecond captain of the
cadets, his brother Ralph, his senior,
having been the first. He la unmarried.
FRENCH MARINES IN THE TRENCHES This photograph shows a detachment of
French marine soldiers participating in the fighting in northern Belgium.
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If Kidneys Act
Bad Take Salts
8a j s Ilmknthe) la n algn yn have
bcn eating too much in cot,
which ferni urlr arid.
TVhen you make up with backache and
dull mlecry In Hie kidney region It gen
erally means you have been eating too
much meat, aays a nell-known authority.
MHat form uric acid which overworks
tha kldneya In tlieir effort to filter It
from the blood and they become aort of
paralysed and loptgy. When your kidneys
gft alugftlsh and clot; you munt relieve
them, like you relieve your bowels, re
moving all the body's urinous waste,
elm you have backache, alck headache,
dizay epells; your stomach aours. tongue
Is coated, and when the weather la
bad you have rheumatic twinges. The
ume la cloudy, full of sediment, chan
nels often get sore, water scalds and you
are obliged to neck relief two or three)
times during the night.
Either consult a good, reliable physi
cian at once or gft from your pharma
c'st about four ounces of Jad Salts;
take a tablcspoonf jl In a glass of water
before brrskfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This famous
sells Is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon Juice, combined with llthla,
and has been used for generations to
clean and stimulate slugKlnh kidney,
also to neutralise nctda in the urine ao
It no longer Irrttatea. thai ending blad
der weakness.
Jad Bolts is a lire saver for regular
meat eaters. It M Inexpenelve. cannot
Injure and makes a delightful, effer
vescent llthla-water drink. Advertisement.
(Continued from Page One.)
(Continued front Page Ona.) .
itivlng the guarantiee la, desired by thrt
I'r.lted States from the central novern
inent In Mexico and reftrs to tha fact
that the convention at Agnaa Calientea
recently Instructed Carranaa to comply
with that request. Tha American gov
ernment points out that Inasmuch as
Carranta officially referred'tha matter tj
the convention, hi compliance la still be
ing awaited.'
Oeneral Carransa haa stated to Amer
ican Consul Sllilman that he Is willing
to five' oral assurancea,' but ha (Car
ransa) believes that, an. embarrassing
precedent would be eetabllehed by the
Issuance ol a proclamation. , .
(Continued from Page One.)
raee haa been found amung the stock
eahlblted at the National, Dairy show In
Vhlcaiio. In order to pi event tha spread
tf the Infection Ifie ol hv t-nimala are
dow guarded by fheeta saturated with
disinfectants and enclosing tha stalla. In
much the aame way as human patient
re Isolated In hospital.
"Other rigid precautions In regard to
the food and bedding of tha stork have
also been put In force. The federal author
ities In charge -of the quarantine are
earnestly urging every farmer, to report
at once any ' suspicious case of sore
mouths and lameness among his stock.
Thla Is regarded as absolutely Indlepenea
Me if the disvuH le to be stamped out.
t'nreported cases of disease may result
In spreading the infection over areas
whkh otherwise would be safeguarded.
Ikons self Qalckly.
"Persona who bave recently received
shipment of c.UIe from the Infected
areas should at"6iv e Isolate them. The
disease takes only from four to sis
to manifest Itself, ao that this preca
tlon should cause but very little Incon
venience.' This epidemic. It was stated, originated
In aouthrrn Michigan In August, but wa
not discovered until October U, when
county quarantines were applied to check
ing A. It was found, however, that milk
from infected cattle bad been sent to
dairies and the fckim milk returned to
farnx-ra and fed to bogs, transmitting tha
dlscaee. ling shipments . of that char
acter were arnt to the Chlcaxo yards and
aa sporadic canes of tha disease began
to appear In various section of the four
Ltutte named Its origin ws traced to
Mocker and feeders sent out from the
yards to .be fattened on farm.
Department officials explained today the
rpra4 of the disease was extraordinarily
rapid. It U so highly contagious that
cattle passing through pena and alleys
here infected live stock have preceded
:hem acquire the Infection.
Uttrwatle, Meaaaree Ordered.
Draitio nteasurea In the way of cleans
lug and olnlnfectlng ail cars, pna and
loading docks have been ordered. So far
he number of caa reported ha been
cooperatively small, but -they are scat
tered far apart and, alnce, the Chicago
yards form tha bub of a vast wheel of
i-kttie movements, officiate fear tbe out
break my be widespread.
Ti.e fwt anJ mouth dieeese Is little
ki,or to farmers and It la said Its
hrtt appearance In Michigan wa not
Dionspily rtpuried, the cattle being treated
i'h ealt nJ disinfecting washes. Thla
I iu sprad in cherk aomeabat until
the Infected hogs carried It to the Chi
cago yard.
' A big corps of federal Inspector already
la at work In Michigan and Indiana and
another In Illinois. A third corp I being
mobilised In tha Pennsylvania and Ohla
district. These men are making farm-to-farm
tnapectlona, besides enforolng dis
infection ' precaution. Tbey take every
care to keep from carrying, the" disease
with them, wearing rubber Jrarments and
undergoing fumigation after each visit.
' : , Disease Kef Fatal. - " .
Tha disease la not fatal but tha only
way to prevent it spread throughout the
herd Is to kill affected animal. It ef
fect 1 to emaciate beef cattle and reduce
the milk supply of dairy animal.
, Official said It waa Impossible to
predict the duration of any of tha quar
antine order. A Infcctal section are
determined and localised, other part of
each atat will be freed of restriction.
It la understood that tha order ' a
rrlglnnlly contemplated would have pro
hibited all shipment of cattle Into the
quarantined district. Aa Issued, how
ever, the prohibition applies only to
lilpment of live stock out of th section
unJer quarantine, or shipments) from one
point to another within the quarantine
Order Modified.
CHICAGO, Nov. l-A sensational order
clcrtng the Union Stork Tarda because
of the hoof and mouth disease lived but
a few hours today when It wa modified
to an extent which took all of th sensa
tionalism out of it.
Dr. 8. Iiennett of tha bureau of ani
mal Industry In th forenoon placed a
complete quarantine on cattle which
mi-ant the practical closing of the pack
ing plant This afternoon, however, he
emerged from a conference and an
nounced th.t th order waa rescinded and
H at the only embargo would be ou the
r shipment of live cattle from here. Uve
stock may be shipped her, but It must
bu slaughtered In thla market so that no
animal possibly Infected can spread the
malady further.
The modification of the order also re
lieve the situation throughout Illinois.
Including East 8L Louis.
d j Connolly Spends
lhousand Dollars
pense accounts filed Into the office of
the secretary of the senate and tha clerk
of the house today front candidate In
various part of the, country In a hurry
to file them before election It, compliance
with the law.
Senator Kewlands of Nevada sent an
account showing aa additional extendi
ture of 1300 not noted in hla primary re
Port, and explained he was unable, to
make an Itemised statement, but prom
ised to do ao In hla complete report after
Representative Maurice Connolly, dem
ocrat Ic senate candidate In Iowa, reported
contributions of KS.05S and expenditures of
Kepresentatlve J. I. Nolan, who haa the
progressive, republican and democratic,
nomination la tha fifth California dis
trict, reported he had no contribution
and no expenditure.
and Austria have at last acquired their
first ally and th area of the fighting
In the great war haa spread over the
borders of Asia Into Egypt
Along the battle line In the western
arena there haa been no decisively im
portant change In territory for the last
fortnight, although there ha been alow
advance of th extreme allied left In
Wet Flanders.
All report seem to agree that th tide
of battle In thia aectlon I flowing
against' the - bermana. but It la felt In
London that It will take some time yet
to decide whether they must abandon
their attempt to reach Calla. to ac
complish which they already have paid
ao deariv.
The alllea wer reported aa within a
Short walk of Ostend, th taking of
ehlch by the German wa hailed in Ber
lin a few days ago aa a atrok of trat
eglo Importance. :
Flghtlaar Near llatoad.
The fighting In th vicinity of Oatend
on th north aide apparently waged
throughout Sunday. From ' the battle
front Qerman wounded moved back In
I he direction of Bruges. The fact that
th alllea apparently have been gaining
consistently iso near the coast line Indi
cate to British observers how valuable
have been the aervicea of the wVrahlpa,
which hold their position In aplte of the
presence of German submarines. The
water In other waya ha been a great
advantage to th alllea, for the Germans
have admitted that they have been
hampered by th inundation of their
trenches through the rutting ' of dlkea
and the opening of sluices In he lower
countrr. j
-Assuming that Turkey' casting In of
Its lot with Oermany I an accomplished
fact, the Urltlsh pre admit that the
cruiser Qoeben and Breslau are a rl
cus nienaco. a Russia ha nothing to
compare with them In apeed and equip
ment A to the Turkish army, however,
formidable aa It 1 In alse, the opinion
la expressed her that It will not be aa
efficient fighting machine under moxlern
conditions, which require th latest types
of arms.
Wtll Try Blockade tes l aail.
Concerning the campaign In Egypt.
England feela that In Lord Kitchener It
has Just the man to meet the situation,
for no European ha a better knowledge
of the country than he. If the reports
that the Turkish Invasion of Egypt la
well under way are true, picturesque
forces mounted on camels and horeea
probably already have croased the fron
tier. Turkey, it Is argued In London, will
endeavor to accomplish th Invasion of
Egypt, tha blockading of the Suea canal
and tbe stirring up or a holy war among
the 70.000, C0 Mohammedans In India, as
well aa among these religionists In Egypt
It Is this last contingency which Oreat
Britain regards as with the moat con
cern. The week Is likely to see the erystallsa
tlon of th sentiment In Italy and th
Balkan stataa In one way or another a
regard Turkey' entrance Into the con
flict Today came a dispatch from Am
sterdam quoting th Berlin Lokal An
elger. to the effect that Roumanla will
modify Ita attitude of neutrality pro
vided the other Balkan atatea remain put
f the conflict. Oerwian paper announce
officially that all the coast of Aatatte
i Turkey haa been blockaded by mints.
thus spreading to the east the danger
which la confronting ahlppiag In tbe weat
Twenty-One Directors and Former
Directors Are Charged with
Aniens; Men Named Are William
Roekefelclr, Theodore N. Vail,
J. I.. Billard, It. W. Tuft, (1.
T. Baker, L.. '. Leeyard.
NEW YORK. Nov. I.-Crlrqlnol Indict
menta were returned today by the Cnltod
Rtatea grand Jury against twenty-one di
rectors and former directors of the New
York, New Haven A Hartford Railroad
company, including William Rockefeller.
Theodoro N. Vail, Oi-orge F. Buker. Wil
liam Skinner and Charles. F. B looker
and John L. Blllard.
The indlctmenta charge conspiracy in
violation or the Sherman auti-trust law
to monopolise commerce, Under section
two of the law, under which they were
returned, the maximum penalty upon
conviction la on year's Imprisonment
and $6,000 fine.
The complete list of those' indicted is
a follows: William , Rockefeller.
George MacCulloch Miller. Charles F,
Brooker, William Skinner, L. Nowton
Barney, Robert W. Taft. James 8. Elton.
James 8. Hemingway, Lewis Cass I-ed-yard.
Charles M. Pratt. A. Heaton IVob
ertaon, Frederick F. Brewrter, Henry K.
McHarg. EUward t. Robbina. ' former
general consul of th road; Alexander
Cochran. John L.' Blllard. George F.
Baker. Thomas OeWitt Cuyler, Theodore
N. Vail, Edward Mllllgan and Francis
T. Maxwell.
Bench wsrranta were issued for the
twenty-one men named in the Indict
meuta, upon request of the district attor
ney. Several, It was understood, were to
be brought Into court to answer the In
dictments this afternoon.
Ball Fixed at Five Thonaaael.
The amount of ball was fixed at $5,000
each by Federal Judge Foster. Of the
twenty-one men - Indicted only five are
now on the New Haven directorate. They
are Messrs. Cuyler, McHarg, Mllllgan,
Brewster and Maxwell. These twenty
one men are charged, in the language of
the indictment,' a follows:
"With having combined and conspired
together with numerous other persons, to
monopolise commerce, consisting oft the
transportation business."
The Indictment enumerated a large
number of corporations, (approximately
100), whose business, It Is charged, waa to
be monopolised.
The late J. P. Morgan is named In the
bill as one of the conspirators.
Among the officers and former directors
of the New Haven also mentioned aa con
spirators, but not indicted, were: Ed
ward N. Reed, Charlea P. Clarks, Chaun-
eey M. Depew, Luclua Tuttle, Charlea S.
Mellen. Royal C. Taft Richard A. Mc
Curdy, H. McK. Twombley. Alexander J.
Caseett Timothy K. Byrne. Edward Q.
Bucklarid, Oaklelgh Thome and Marsden
J. Perry, and "divers officers, agenta. at
torneys and employes of the New Haven
company, wboae names are to grand Jur
or unknown."
Hew Scheme Waa Worked.
After naming 100 corporations, the In
dictment charges that the conspirators
used certain of them. Including the New
England Navigation company, the Boa
ton Railroad Holding company, the Bll
lard company and the New England
Steamship company, through their influ
ence, credit and funds to impose upon
the other concerna contracts and working
arrangements which arould Insure
Berlin Expects Early Renewal of
the Main Battle in Russian Poland
BERJ.IN, Nov. S.-(Vla London.)-Of-flclal
reports from the western front
fthow little change in the situation In
northern France and in Belgium, but
events In Poland wou'.J appear to be
xhaplng themselves for a renewal of the
fighting between the miln forcea of Rus
sia and the Auetro-Gerrnan allies.
"Tbe AUBtrlann and the Germans have
completed their retirement to new posi
tions previously releetcJ by them. When
the vanguards of the Rusnlaiis, who
were following them, came into touch
with th's new line, there were several
encounters. In which the Russians n.jre
driven off.
The Austrian in southern Gallcla have
succeeded In crushing back the Rus
sian left flank, which for several day
has been making a dctpcrate stand in
carefully prepared positions lietween
Turka and Stry-Sambor. The Russians
employed the pause In the fighting after
the Austrian retirement from tli.s re
gion to entrench thomse'es. Thty built
strong field fortifications, which were
made more difficult of access by the
broken nature of tho country. Conse
quently It was a hard task to ejoc; them.
The Austr;ans claim a complete victory
nd report that the enemy was driven
from all Its positions,
The Austrlans also report further sue-'
cesses In They have retained
their hold on Czernowlcz against a Rus
sian attack aad they have defeated a
Russian farce to tho north or Kuthy.
A British report of the loss of the
Biltlth cru'ser He.-nie, last Saturday,
was made public hero this afternoon.
No particulars, however, were Eiven.
A dispatch received here from Con
stantino) le says It Is understood the
Turkish government w'.U neither expj.
the subjects of the powers composing the
triple entente; nor Interfere with those
desiring to leave.
monopolization of commerce "in harmony
with the designs of such conspirators."
"Fata conspirators," reads the Indict
ment, "were to Induce and compel such
sales of capital ' stock, such leasing of
properties and faculties, and such mak
ing pt contracts and working arrange
ments, and suc'.i engaging In combination
by. using and threatening to use the ad
vantage posressed by said New Haven
company and the accumulation of power
arising from tbe control of some of the
said other. ?
(Continued from Page One.)
Baekleae Arnica Salve
For a cut. bruise, sore and skin trouble
a bos should be in every household. Kc.
AU arui 1st. Advertisement.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON, Nov. l-(gpeclal Tele
gram.) John H. Wblu-omb waa appelated
rural letter currier at Northeood. la.
The First National bank of Omaha has
ba approved aa a reserve agent for th
rlrl National bank of Coaad. Neb.
Wallace I. Lonaetrath of Weluna, 8.
D.. ha been appointed physician at Sis
xton Indian Amncy, 8 I).. n4 Isadora
biely of t-htladeiphia at line Ridge. . U.
Thecal ttteaer -r-nle at One.
There la such ready action la Foley
Kidney Pllla yen feel their healing from
th very first does. Backache, weak, sore;
kidney, painful bladder and Irregular eoe
tlon disappear with their use. O. Palmer,
dreea Bay. Wis., aays: "My wtfa is rap
idly recovering her health, aad strength,
due solely to Foley Kidney Fills." And
W. T. Hutchens, - Nicholson, Oa anya.
"Just a few doses made m feel better,
and now my pain aad rheumatism are all
gone and I sleep all night long" All
dealers everywhere. AdverttserneaL
of the Uermana. we made light prog
ress on almost the entire front, except
ing at the village of Messlnea, a part of
which again was lost by the allied troops.
"The enemy undertook an Important
movement against the suburbs of Arras.
This resulted In failure, as did other
movements against Libons and LeQue-ney-en-Santerre.
"On the center, . In the region of the
Alsne. we made slight progress In the
direction of Tracy-le-Val, to the north of
th forest of Algue, a well a at certain
point on the right bank of th Alsne
between this forest and Sotasona.
"At Amont-de-Vallly an attack directed
against those of our troops who are in
possession of the heights on the right
bank. The same outcome attended sev
eral , night attack' delivered on th
height of tbe Highway Dea Dames.
"In th region of Rhelraa, between th
Argonne and the Meuse and on the
heights of the Meuse. there was noticed
yesterday a recrudescence of activity on
the part of the enemy's heavy artillery.
The bombardment of these pieces, how
ever, dll not show any appreciable result.
"On our right wing an offensive nu v
ment of reconnaissance by the enemy on
Nomeny waa repulsed.'
"In the Vosges, In addition to tho fact
that we have recaptured the heights
which dominate Mount Halnte Marie, we
have made progress In the region of
Bande Bapt. where we occupy the posi
tions from which the artillery of the en
emy haa been Bombarding th town of
St Pie."
of Illuminating oil would not be re-exported
Into Oermany.
Scotchmen Pelt
Statue of Carnegie
LONDON. Nov. i A dispatch to a news
agency from Dunfermline, Scotland, says
that local sentiment against Andrew Car
sogle because of hla alleged pro-German
attitude 1 so strong that the' statue of
Mr. Carnegie, which was erected by the
citlsens of his native town last June, was
polled by a crowd. Carnegie films, which
have been exhibited at moving picture
houses have been withdrawn, the corre
spondent says.
The Want Ad Columns of The Bee Are
Read Daily by People In Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities. a
Ilernandea Ordered Deported.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. Deportation
of Luis Hernandez, arrested at San An
tonio, Tex., for threats against John R.
S.lllman. consul at Saltiilo, Mex.. was
ordered today by Secretary Wilson of
the Department of Labor.
It Never Fails
In any man, woman, child or baby who drink it each
morning before breakfast. It contains the pure, lax
ative, corrective, selU of fruit the natural remedy
(or bllloiunes,coiutiptlon. Indigestion, gallstone,
muddy complexion, tlckhcadache, pile, etc It cure
by making pure blood, strong nerve, healthy tissue.
Better Mas Medicine. Pills er Mineral Water
For Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidney.
$1 per lar at your druggist or by mall from us.
STEWART rOOD CO- I9J tecarlty sift. CHICAS
For Sal by Shorman & McConnoll
Cut Your Fuel Bill
You can gave Fuel Bill, also
nave your Boiler from ruin If
you will only phone us-
Accumulatlon of scale In
your Boiler means deterioration
of Boiler and Increase of cost
to operate.
Don't t'se Mineral Com
pounds. 'JTtcy pit the Boiler,
necessitating new tubes end
endless expense.
We Send Trial Order
Why? Because If you try our
compound we have made a
life-long customer. We are
supplying hundreds each year
why not you? We refund
cash If you find our compound
does not do all we claim. For
years we have proven It the
Best on the Market.
Nebraska Compound and
Oil Company,
306 South. 12th Street.
Phone Douglas SgtM.
Cold in Head
Relieved In one mlnnt. Money back
if it fails. Get a 25o or SOe tube of
LONDON'S Catarrhal Jelly
Vm It qnlck. ' For chronic nasal ca
tarrh, dry catarrh, sore nose, coughs,
sneezing, nose bleed, etc. Write for .
free sample. The first drop used wilt
do good. Ask druggists.
Koaeton Mfg. C-, Minneapolis, Minsk.
$ Typewriters
For Rent
T any make you want
I $1 and Up Per Month
I Central Typewriter Exchange
Inc. X
t 307-309 South 17th.
I Phone Doug. 4121..
"'STf.1? J;ijrr TTT'Ttik i f
h - . . I . , .. .1-- ..
Oil Ship IMatnrU Helena.
WASHINGTON. Nov. t. The Standard
Oil steamer Platurla. detained In 8torna
ay. Scotland, by lirittsh authorities. hn
been released and has proceeded to Co-1
penhaaen. The ltrltish embassy today
notified the Htata department that tlitaj
hud brcn done after the Danish govern-1
roent had liven assurancea that its cargo
ACTAJfCHD uroErniii,
Thli week: Johnny a teat Ray, Harry Hlne
A U4rse Koa, AilMa blaniey, Tbe Aualraltaa
MrLMna, Lo Earrall a Co., Kred Komau.
ailller Lrl. Orrkean Traret Weekly.
I'rtcu: JJnn. uiiery, lw; Ijk Heels (ee
ccpi Saturday and Suaday), M. N!nt, 10c, lie,
aad 7So.
Will Be mead from th Star Toalfbt
As goon As They Are Zele
frapb4 to Omsk,
ERAHBEIS 527 zlL ws?;
Evenings :1S
VrfHUirtlH sjpeotaole IS Keels.
Daily Matinees, Stc; Evenings, a5-3S-60c
Tbcrsaay Afternoon, Tov. , 4:15 p. m.
lit0Mi HAMLIN A-o. . Oreet
SAI. ST0W-60C. Jj'wiff.
Headache, Cold or Sour Stomach,
Regulate Yoiir Bowels 10 Cents
8ick headaches! Always trace them to
lasjr liver; delayed, fermenting food In
the bowel or a sick stomach. Poisonous,
constipated matter, gases and bile gener
ated In tbe bowels. Instead ot being car
ried out of tho system. Is reabsorbed Into
the blood. When the poison reaches the
delicate brala tissue It causes Congestion,
and that dull, skkenlng headache. Caa-
careta will remove the-cau by stlmu
Uttlng th liver, making the bile and con
stipation poison move on and out of the
bowels. One taken tonight straightens
you out by morning a 10-cent box will
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aad associate players ta
r lection returas tead Taee. Sve. Vrloes
S9o and 60c M Week. "Stop Thief."
"OMlH'l TtJaT CXsmmn
CaVTf LlfJ Duy la-ss-soe.
Taadevllle's Urea teat XatertaXaer.
BEN WELCH 2?f New Show KSs-M
Two ana dot eatlren "L.oe Water" aad "Frtaco
1911." Kitra mdntrht Khaw at II M Elaello
NIU. CVraplrta return, ml tri ih ita, t
boh So TuMav Nit.
I H ATIU H7tt.
Te-airbt. afaVlnees. Tties., Thau. Sat.
I rreate tbe Comedy-
i 25 AXY SEAT 23
Week Mov. IKOlDWAt 10WMM.
J At m. orri aax.&
uTvasiv 10T. stor. TTM, 11,
j OUaick's vrcaeswa.