Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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urn nv.sT
Moesra a art (nlinifi.
IF you want strictly re evr noma. 8
room, never before rented, rail Harney
t84. Low rent to rluht tenant. Twenty
minutes' walk Irom city hall.
MINK mom, new, oak finish, hot water
heated house, near cara, Dundee. Wal
nut 2f!2.
MODERN l-roum huuse, vtfi 8 Ave,
Vacant November 8. Inquire T. 1.
O Rrien. Phone Harney lftM or Ivug. 12:t.
lAKGK room loin, brat conU.Uon.
S3.1 8. 21ft. II. rn
We have a complete list of all houses,
arartmenta and flata that are for rent.
This lint ran be teen free of charge at
Omaha Van & Storage Co, KW S. lUh St.
MOI"KlTN houae, 151$ North 4th ft. Wal
mit 114
t-ROOM houae, 2218 Blnney: modern: hot
water heat: Imrn. Thone VeheterK8.
6-r, mod, cotlnge 1913 Cha"rl. H. 11W.
HOUSE for rent: modern: 2 . 2th.
Inquire within. Telephone Red
Van and Btor-
asa Co. Reduced
ratea for SO days.
Lsrgu van, 2 men. SI ST per nr.; dray, t
men. tl per tir. 171.1 Vllr. Doug. 14M
J. C. Reed
tup. Co.. movlns
packing A storage
1)T For nam. D. ST.;
6-R. mod. cottage, 719 S. 87th St., $26. 7-r.
mod. house, 3614 Leavenworth St, t3a.
Eoth fine locations. Phone Webster 251.0.
8-ROOM house, modern except furnace;
nice, yard; ftood cellar; newly papered;
$20 2101 Miami St Apply J. I. Kemp.
Phone Douglas 5.113.
$12 $13 112 112 $12 $12 $13 $12
lias range, electric lights, toilet, aink,
water paid, cement basement; Just like
Upper Wisconsin
Heat dairy and general crop atata In tha
union; settlers wanted; landa for aale at
low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book
let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Orant.
Plata acres wanted. Write about our
crBXlng lands. If Interested In fruit landa,
ask for booklet on Apple Orchards In
Wisconsin. Address Land lept., Boo
Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn.
i. . i
American Producers Making Money
on Grain Sold to Europe.
Yellow Cereal rrleo Are Being
Largely laflaeard by Oat
look for Harvest la Orow
lagf t'oaatrlee.
OMAHA, reov. X 19U.
The American pioducer of wheat la cer
tainly enjoying hia labors nl the laat
ottr. 11a la now enabled to dispose of
every pound of hla grain and as wheHt la
going out gold fitim abroad Is coming in
to pay for It. The fartnera of the I'nited
Males are rich, and everv day ol the
war abroad adda money to their bank ac
counts. When the fact la considered that
the clearaooa from I'nited Slates ports
recently have broken all records and that
the movement has been restricted because
of the scarcity of apot offerings and the
lack of tonnage on the ocean, It la a
hard matter to say as to what the actual
clearances would reach were everything
surrounding the market mora favorable.
Word comes from ninny of the countries
of the old world of a lack of food supplies.
FOR MDSK., 240 acres, near Newport. Tn" price of corn will pivot on the
rteo.; pBrt hay, bal. pasture; 2S-foot ' ' new crop, coupiru wmi
KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract office. 106 S. 17th Ht
Phone Douglas i4i7.
RF.ED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska. 2K1 Urandela Theater.
FINK 3J0 acres; 46 miles from Minneap
olis, every acre under cultivation: lays
level; good soil; good water; buildings
consist of house, barn, granary, machine
sheds, etc. Price, $75 per acre Will
take up to $10,000 good property In ex
change, balance some cash and mortgage
Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Min
neapolis, Minn..
frame house, large, barn and fenced. Loaa
of $2,io duo Sept., 1915, Int. 8 per cent
Prica $32.60 per acre. Will pay iom cash
Carna. Nab.
tho question aa to whether It will com
forward In merchantable condition or
not. It la generally believed In board
circles that the new crop will move ear
lier than usual, and If the present
weather continues this grain will be har
vested early, and It will be In better
condition than for several seasons past
at this' time.
new inside and out; oak grain finish, i property In exchange, balance caah and
painted floors, new papers: nice. Jarre . mortgage. Schwab Rre.. W2S Plymouth
1,017 ACRES 35 miles from New Orleans,
La.; all level prairie;, no stumps or
stonfs; land in that district being put
acre; will fake ' oncThali (other good ! " Is generally believed that ! west. $10.9,1100; reflnedflrni: continent
fire 1.14V; No. 2 hard. $1.1301 HV Corn
No. i yellow, TfcliClc; No 3 ve.low, 7i-ts
7T4c. oats No. white, t4M74c; stand
srd. 4r4S Rve: No. 2. M llarley:
UvtfTTc. heed: Tlmnlhv, $.r7fco(2. clover,
$11 0ivu provisions: Pork, 117 00; lard,
$10 97: ribs .7.V9'I0 7S.
Hl'TTKH Fit in, receipts, ,l tuba;
creatrery 24ffT.j'tc.
E HIS Receipt. 1.344 cases; at mark,
tases Included, 174fl.',;4c; ordinal y firsts,
24:.V; firsts. Wti27c.
POTATOES Ioaer; receipts, in cars.
Mkhluan and Wisconsin, 3t 4.1c; Minne
sota and lakota, o4V.
LIVE Pon.TRY Higher; springs,
USic; fowls. lOSdlM.
tlaotatloaa a Ike Pay o Varloea
NFW TORK, Nov. 2.-rLOVR-Firmly
MIKAT-Ppot No. i red. $U7; No. i
hard. $1 Itt; No I northern. iMilnth.
II.IHH; No. 1 northern. Manitoba. $l.iH,
nominal, c. I. f Buffalo. Futures without
tninsactlons: December. tl.MS; May. $1.21.
HOPS Kasy state, common to choice,
114, 2Sr3c; Pacltic coast, 1U, lilH-;
l13. inM3c
HI1K Steady: Bogota, 36ic; Cen
tral America, if
WCKU,-Snaily; domestic flee-e, XX
Ohio. SiWtlo.
CORN 8 pot. firm: No. I yellow. R3e, to
arrive; Argentine prime, 7S nominal, de
livered. OATH Poof, steady; standard. Wffc;
No. S white, MtjMV; fancy clipped white,
Wti 5tk.
HAY-ateadv: prima, $10S; No. 1. $1."V(
1.02H; No. 2. ; No. 3, rt430c; ship
ping, TogV.
LKATHK.R Firm; hemlock firsts, 31SJ
JIo: seonds. Wile.
PROVISIONS Pork, firm: mess, $21.0ol9
21.10: family. U4 KVii 1 00; short clears.
t3.00t&0rt. Peef, firm; mesa, lH.ftWt'aon
Oata sold liberally to exporters last j family, $'-'4.(nJ2I.iio. Ijird. firm: middle
court; ashes, lawn and garbage cared for.
No children. Three vacant now. Come
411 McCague Rid. Red 4W2. Doug. 4S49.
Fidelity Storage Co.
Storage, moving, picking and shipping.
16th Jackson Fts. Phone Douglas 2H8.
Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
Hnncoa n all parts of the city.
bl l.AJi nt'Mt. ail modern, i-rootn house,
Slo 4.rr.m f!n 1-m 1tA
Globe Van&Storage
Stores, moves, packs, amps; 3-horse van
and 2 men, $1 ?4 pr hr. ; storage $2 per
mo. Satisfactory guar. D. 433S tt Ty. 220.
SIX-ROOM, mod., fine furnace; T. 1897?
7-ROOM cottage, modern, V4 8. 31st EtT
Harney 647.
6-HOOM cottage, modern except furnace.
Phone Red TW.
b-ROOM cottage. 2210 Burt St.
7-R cottage, 2906 Harney. H. 2125.
2.ri02 DKCATL'R, 8-room cottage, mod. ex
cept heat. $18. water paid. Tel. W. 2370.
iOR RENT 6-ronm, modern, 2715 Fow
ler Ave., $26. Phone Webster 660.
FOR HALE or exchange, city property,
101) acres Improved farm land, Lyman
Co., 8. IX, one mile from R. R. and town.
A (.'dress F 129. Bee.
1.120 ACRES Al divide land In good wheat
country; 7 miles trom railroad town;
school on the land. Here Is a bargain
for some one. $a per acre. Will con
sider good exchange. No heavily mort
gaged property and no gold bricks con
sidered. A. T. Seyboldt, Bridgeport, Neb.
that can be bought for caah; must be
substantial, well built and good location.
Customer can Invest $20,000 to $100,000.
231 Board of Trade Bldg.
CITY" and tarm loans, n, 6Vi, 6 per cent.
J. II. Duinont & Co.. 1608 Farnam, Omaha.
D-ROOM cottage, 1021 . 20th. Red
FIVE-ROOM cottage, 1040 8. 22d St.
NEW 6-room houBe, all modern; quarter
block to car luve; nice neighborhood.
Webster 412.
MODERN, ex. heat, five rooms and bath;
7th and Hickory; $20. Phone Doug 6yt6.
6-R. cot, mod. ex. heat, $18; walking dis
tance; 1436 N. mh. Harney U9.
FIVE-ROOM houae. wiln barn for six
horses; large wagon shed and yard; lo
cated at 2421 8. lSth., Phone Red 7784.
MODERN house, 6 rooms, excellent
neighborhood, 2101 3 34th St. Har. 2.H06.
NEW '7-room house In Dundee, one block
from car Hne; bath room on second
floor, also lavatory and toilet on first
floor; excellent furnace; rent, 232.M. Call
Walnut 24o.
Seven-room houae, i&46 Capitol. Doug. 409.
Stores anal Office.
Stores For Eent.
20th and Farnam Streets.
t 75.00 per month for rooms on 20th street,
fine basement
$125.00 per month for rooms Just west of
Merrill's drug more, facing on
Farnam street, heat furnished;
there rooms are strictly modern
and very, desirable.
Other Good Store Rooms.
$ 22.502916 Sherman Ave., 15x60 ft.
I 82.00-i2OK Cuming street, new building-.
room 20x60 ft., full basement
$ 50.00-707 8o. 16th St, 24xu ft, steam
I TS.00 617 Bo.. 16th St., fine modern store
room, 20x60 ft, full basement,
electric light, modern show win
dows. f 8o.O-1021 Farnam street, 20x60 ft, full
$125.001611 Howard St., modern store
room, full basement aleam beat
will be Installed st once.
George & Company,
202 City Nat Bank Bldg.
Phone D. 7W.
MODERN storeroom and basement, lu62
N. xtii, $12. Conrad Young, 822 Brand
dels Theater Bldg. Phone Douglas 1571.
A FEW desirable storerooms left In the
new building, northeast corner 16th and
Cass Sts. ; cheap rent Conrad Young, 822
Brandeja Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 1571
2ND FLOOR office rooms or suitable. for
light mfg. Wright & Lasbury, 60 8.
ICth 6t Doug. 162
Store Bldg., 40th and Farnam. Walnut S6.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
O KEkiFli REAX EteTATiv CO.,
1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 271$.
GARVIN BKOfi 0!". nd up-
UiUVVliS OllUO omaha Natl. Hank.
HARRlyON & MORTON. 916 Om. Natl.
W'TD Farm loans Kloke Inv.Co. Omahi
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam.
CITY" properly. Laige loans a specialty.
W. H. Thomas Hint Rank KIH
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wend Hlrlr IKth and fc'arnam Mta
MONEY on hand for city and farm loans.
H. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg.
PITV I.ntN.1) nmi,.ci,ik... rv.
O in.5Hl U,.n.l. TI,-..- TJl '
SEE us first If you want a farm loan.
United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb.
See This Place
3420 Parker St., a 6-room completely
modern house on a large south front lot,
60x127, close . to car, stores and school;
$300 cash and the balance monthly. This
house was built for a home. You should
see it
S410 Burt St, a (-room modern except
heat house, on paved street and close to
three car lines; $Aa caah and balance
monthly. If you buy 3412 as well, the
price will be reduced. This Is worth
thinking about.
Creigh, Sons & Co.
Douglas .ju. 60S Bee Bldg.
A bargain Will sell modern, 7-room
house, splendid location. KOUNTZK AD
DITION, one block from car line: lot
50x140; also has garage. Will show you
through. Call Webater 6894.
6 rooms and bath, baaement, furnace,
lights, gs. At 2113 Ohio Kt Payments.
Payments. ,
$30 CASH.
Tw will like this new 4-room bunga
low, Just the place for a young couple.
Only 2 blocks to car line; has electric
light, cement walks, cement cellar, has
never been occupied. Ready to move
Into now.
1016-16 W. O. W. Bldg.
forelgnera have resting orders In all the
larger markets for additional amounts.
It Is estimated that the Kovemher
clearances of wheat from gulf porta will
reach 14.0n0.0ii0 bushels, and that these
clearances will be about equally divided
between Ualveston and New Orleans:
that the November clearancea wilt exceed
the October clearances to a large degree.
The harvesting of wheat will commence
next week In the north of the province
of Santa Fe, Argentina, and It will be
general by the end of November and
early December. It Is expected that ow
ing to the price of this grain Argentina
will continue to sell It for early delivery,
Hraxll depending wholly on that country
for food supplies.
With the stocks of manufactured prod
ucts anything but burdensome, and
with colder weather and more general
alaiiRlit.ilnp at country points stock
should begin to acoummulate. W. L.
Oregson says it Is generally conceded
that hor reoelpts will be larger when
colder weather comes, but If the prices
are lower than at present we think they
will flna anxious buyers. The general
position la healthy and many look for
active markets.
Whrat was unchanged to c lower."
Corn was Ho lower to lo higher.
Oats were unchanged to ae higher.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour
equal to 1.3W.000 bushels;' corn. 1.000 bush
els: oats, 617,000 bushels.
Primary wheel receipts were 2,071.000
bushels and shipments 1.865.000 bushels,
against receipts of 1,738.000 bushels and
shipments of 70,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were fcl,!. bush
els and shipments 476.000 bushels, against
receipts of 406.0(0 bushels and shipments
of 46iftK) bushels last year. Primary oata
receipts were 1.448,000 bushels and shli
menls 937,000 bushels, against receipts of
t44.nrt) bushels and shipments of 73,000
bushels last year.
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 4 cars,
$1.07'4: 3 cars, $1.07; 2oars, $1.06; 10 cars,
ll.064. No. 3 hard winter: 4 cars, $1 W4;
2 cars. $1.064: 14 cars, $1.01: 2 cars, $l.0tV
13 cars. $1,054; 1 car. $1.05. No. 4 hard
winter: 1 car, $1.05; 2 oars. I1.04H; 1 car,
$1.04; 2 cars, $1.03. No. 3 mixed: 4 cars.
$1 054; 1 oar, white, Wc. No. 4 mixed:
2-3 car, One. No. 1 durum: 1 car, $1,974.
No. 3 durum: 1 car, $1.07. No. 4 spring.
1 car. 9Hc: 1 car. 6c. ino. 4 durum mixed.
1 car. $1.03. Rejected: 1 rar, 174c. No
grade: 1 car. mixed. B&c. Oats-ritandara
1 car, 4t'4c; 2 oars, Vie. No. 3 white: 13
tars. 444c: 8 -2-3 cars. 44 Vc: No grade: 3
4 cars. 44Uc: 7 cars. 44c. No grade: 1
cars. 434c; 1 car, 43(4e; 1 .car. 43c. Corn
No. 2 white: ear. 9ie; 1 car, o. No.
3 whits: 1 car, fo. No. $ yellow: 5S
cars, 69c; 2 cars, 684c; 1 car. part new,
67c. No. 6 yellow; 11 cars, frhnc. No. t
yellow: 1 csr, 68o. No. 1 mixed: 1 car.
68c. No. 2 mixed: 4 car. 74c No. 3
mixed: 34 cars. 674c; 11-3 cars, 67c;
1 car, new, 624c; 2 cara. new. 62c. No. 4
mixed: 1 car, new. 62c. No. 6 mixed.
l cara, (64c. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 67c;
1 car, 66c. Sample: 1 car, W5c: 1 car, 65o.
Rve No. 2: 6 cars, 89'4c No. 3: 1 car,
84c. No. 4: 1 car. HSWc; H car. K7c.
Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 1
hard, $l.ofifc'10; No. 3 hard, $l.i&iel-07; No.
4 hard, $1.00H.0C.; No. 2 spring. $1.05tf
1.04; No. 1 spring, $1.041.054; No. 4
spring, 34c(&$1.04; No. 2 durum, 11.07
1.074; No. 1 durum, tl.0Wfcil.O7. Corn:
No. 1 white, 6"x,to694c: No. 2 white. 69a
69Uo; No. 3 white, S4tf69p; No. 4 white.
6m&mW4c; No. 6 white, 674&68c; No. 6
white. 7674c: No. 1 yellow. 69ti69Vic;
No. 2 yellow, 6SV.ijc: No. 3 yellow. 684
69c; No. 4 yellow, 67(fl84c; No. 6 yel
low, 674fii,ic; No. 6 yellow, 7',4c; No.
1 mixed. 67C'isc; No. 2 mixed, 7Efr7Hc;
No. 3 mixed, 67'(i674c; No. 4 mixed, 664i?
74c; No. 6 mixed, 664t674c; No. 6 mixed,
6(g7e. Oats: No. 2 white, 454ih4f4c;
standard. 4.iil5Vc; No. 3 white, 44V.i&444c;
No. 4 white. 44tf4',4c. Barley: Malting.
6272c; No. 1 feed, 600590. Rye: No. 2,
884ijS9Wc; No. 8. 88&S84c
Wheat Corn. Oata. Rye. Barley.
GOOD barn, room for $ or 10 horses.
1917 Webster St Call Douglas 43.
WAITED TO RENT A farm on shares
with everything furnished. Address C
Coppock, Florence, Neb.
BARGAIN 320-acre improved farm, 20
miles from Minneapolis; on good gravel
A road; lays level; about 120 acres under
cultivation, bulunco used lor pasture;
some tine meadow Isnd; can practically
all be put under cultivation; buildings
consist ol g-rooni houae, barn, granary,
corn cilbs, macr.lne shed, windmill, etc.;
good apple orchard. Price $U per acie;
one-haif cash, reasonable terms on bal
ance. Adjoining- farm held at double this
price, bchwau Bios., 10J( Plymouth Bldg.,
Minneapolis. Minn.
Nine-room house In first-class condi
tion; 3 dandy lota, each 50x122 feet. Oarage
and barn; Just off boulevard. Incum
brance K40O. Must move. Will sacrifice
greater portion of equity and many other
residence bar jn Ins, all sises and prices
4tW Omaha National Bank. (
'Phone Douglas 7399.
$1116; South America, $12..; Braall. kegs,
$t't 2V compound. ft.TaSifl.W.
TALIAJW Quiet: cto tvS64c; country,
644jV: special. 6H?. , . ,..,
BUTTER FlirA; receipts, lli tubs;
creamery rxtras, 34c; creamery. S44c;
firsts, 29fi.33c; seconds. SMrc; process,
extras, 2''-V,c; ladles, current make,
firsts, 224f23c; reconds, 2l4i22c: pack
ing aloek current make. No. 2. 204c.
CHEESE Quiet; receipts. 1.680 boxes;
state, whole milk, fresh, white, specials,
lfii,c; same, colored. 1SM15V, same,
white, average fancy, 14M'16c; same, col
ore.!. 144WHV.C; skims. 3ei34cv
EOOS Firm; receipts. 7.058 cases; fresh
gathered, extra fine. 3Mf3c: extra firsts,
S2fl34c: firsts. 29nSlc; seconds, 2MiHc;
state, rennsvlvanla and nearby hennery
whites, 63U."c; same, gathered, whites,
SiMiGOc; same, hennery, browns, SMi-;
ssme. gathered, brown and mixed colors.
POT'LTRT Pressed, dull and weak;
western roaatlng chicks, 144il7e:, fowls,
fresh, 17Q224e; froxen turkeys. 17(22c.
BT'TTER No. 1. 1-lb. cartons, 51c; No
1, 0-lb. tubs. 800. j ,
Clic-l'-fni iniwrivq ow,, o. , nuivt
ran Swiss, 28c: block Swiss. Ec; twins,
10c: daisies 164c: triplets. 164c- Young
....k.UUi" hi lie liLbel brick 17c: 1 1 ill
burger, iwb.. c: 1-IK. 20c: Ne York
white, lc: Imported French . Roquefort
FI8H Trout, 17e; large erapples. V
18c; salmon, 12015c; halibut. 14c; channel
catfish. iro: piks. 17c; nickarel, 10c.
POULTRY Broilers, 144c; spring chick
ens, lie; hena. ItlUc; cocks, sc; ducks.
10c; gtesa. c; turkeys. K.c: pigeons, pr
dos.. D0c: ducks, full feathered. 10c; geese,
full feathered, so; squabs. No. 1. $1-50; N .
Market quotations rniMlshed by Olllnskl
fruit company;
Cattle Receipt Lifht and Pricti
Stfiidy to Stronger. j
Pat Sheep aad t.eeaha Ureas; (a
Shade Higher -Feeder le
aad liaalMi Active aad
Fallr Steady.
."Oi l II OMAHA. Nov. I. 1914.
Recslrts were: Cattle, flora. Sheep.
Estimate Monday 6.5O0 A4H0
Samn dav last week.... l.bU ,M li THl
ftime day 2 weeks ao.l.77S 1,M1 47.5
Bame day 3 weeks eo 13 1 2.57 S4..W
Maine day 4 weeks a(;o. 12.1IS 4.' 37,
fame day last year.... 1.S4J 4.110 12.10
The following table ehowa the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sneep at the Houth
.imalia live stock market for the year to
date, as compared with laat year:
1914 1913 Pef.
Cattle 7.;lv lli.:i3 24.44
Hogs 1.9ci0.9M 2,U,7i 241.7!'7
shecp 3.74:..2iif 2.7M.!! 3R.714I
The following table rowi the prices
for hogs at the South omaha live stork
market for the last fow any, with comparisons.
and 12. 1V on the same day vear ago.
The uuallty of the range offerings was
very ronl th morning: better than It
has been of late, but fed western sttifi'
was not quite up tn the standard ant at
the rloat of last week.
Good killing stuff cf any kind was none
too plentiful again today, and. If ini.
thing, there were not enough right good
killers on hand to meet the demand.
Trade was reaarded aa more or less un
even by a gooi many tradera, but In
general prices on shrep and lambs were
strong to a shade higher, there beln
some range lambs good enough to sell
up to Is irt, and some fed western ewea.
weighing around 102 pounds and some
thing on the fancy order bringing $.VV
Competition among paeker buvera was
keen, resulting In a good clearance at
an aarlv hour
There wss not much of anything new
to report in the feeder trade, as the sup
ply and the domanl was about the same
aa at last Week's close, and prices were
ijuotably about steady. Everything In I
the feeder class sold about aa soon aa
the offerings were In shape for the buy
ers to look at them and the consequence
was a good cleanup In fair season.
Quotations on sheep and lambs. Good
to chob-o Inmhs, $7V4taln: fair to good
lamba. rort7Vt; fair to good feeders
$6.40iH&; common to fair feeders, li.tMT
6.40; good to choice yearlings
fair to good yearlings, lS.7flj00; feeder
yearllnaa. . 41 v; good to cnoice
Itemlti in Increase of Offering? for
Long-Time loans.
Data. I 1914. 1 1 913. 1 1912. 1 191 1 . 1 1910. 1 90S. Jl.
Oct 12.. 1 47i I 1 KM, 6 14. 41 7 70 6 91
Oct. 14
Oct Li.
Oct 1..
Oct 17
Oct. 11.
Oct 19.1
Oct. 20
( 37
I," 7 401 3 st
1 411 7 411 t 64
7 4l
1 6r.:
1 61 7 871
37 1 1 611 7 19
6 S 3,1 7 41
..(( 31 1 61
1 44, 7 M
7 i 8 041 8 ' 6 37
7 24t 7 Ml I W
7 7 2' I 77
7 7 !'0 1 74
7 6 I t
7 0441 71
6 94'! 7
Oct. 21. ( 4S 7 61, I 8
Oct 21 fui-, 1 hi' u in
Oct. 8.1.1 7 034 T 67 1 301 Si' TM
Oct. 24. 6 94 T 521 8 43 6 28 I 50
Oct 20.1 7 01i 7 67 8 41 24 1 47 7 6
Oct 27. 6 9S 7 Mil 1 IS 3i 7 54
Oct 28.1 7 teXAl T 671 8 mi t 131 1 l 7 S2
Oct. 29.1 7 fluW, 7 74, 7 791 18 131 7 661 W
Oct. 30. 7 tt:j 7 76 7 5 tt 1 17 70 6
Ott. 31. 7 li 7 711 7 65' l 8 Oil I 6 6
Nov. 1.. I 7 6s 7 7I 04i 7 M 7 72
Nov. 2 7 10S I 7 761 6 ldt 7 !' 7 6l I "3
6 6
I 47
6 41
5 XI
I 2J
I 29
6 43
I 6 67
Receipts nnd disposition of live Mock at
the Union stock anls, South Omaha, for
twenty-lour hour's ending at 3 p. in. yes
terday :
Cat tic HogH.SIieep. 1 1'r's.
C. M. St St. V 5 i 3
Wabssh 1 .. 1
Missouri Pacific 8
Union Pacitlc 92 3 26 3
C. A N. , east.... 7 111
C. Al N. W., weet.... 46 2i 7 ..
C 8t, P., M. O.. 6 .. 7
C. II. A Q , east.... 2
C., U. A Q , west.... 99 7 37 4
C, R. I. A P., eaat. 7 2 4..
t, R. I. A P., west. .. 1
Illinois Central 3 4 1..
Chicago Ut. West... 1 2
Total receipts.... 2f
7 11
Cattle. Hogs. Fheop.
Morris A Co
Swllt & Company
Cudahy Packing Co....
Armour & Co
Schwnrts A Co
Lincoln Packing Co
South'Omaha l ack. Co.
cudahy, country
W. H. Var.sant C
Uenlou, Ynnsant & L. .
Hill A noil
F. B. Lewis
Huston A Co
J. B. Root A Co
J. 11. Hull!
run wmvsiii . ... j. ii. mi a
FRCITS-Oranges: Kxira franev Val-J , ; " "i "' '
encias, wis, iu, i-"s, iw. --.
per box; Red Ball ValenMas, all sixes,
$;i.75 per box. lemons: Fancy, 3ms, 3H,
$5.50 per lwx: choice Red Ball. 300s. 3M'e
$5.00 per box. Grapefruit: All sises, $3.00
per box. Apples: ExtrS fancy Washing
ton Grimes Golden, $176 per box; fancy
Washington Grimes, $1.50 per box: extru
r-Mu iv.hinvtnn .Tomtthans. $1.60 per
box; fancy Washington Jonathans. $1.35 Hu.inian
per box: fancy Colorado jonauians. until
per box; Colorado Jonathans, choice. i.wii Meyers
Rosenstock .Uros..
McCreary ti Kellogg..
Wertheiiner A Degen.
II. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Bios
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co..
Chicago ...211
Minneaps 644
Duluth ..1,207
Omaha ....147
Kan. City.. 726
St. Louis ..217
Winnipeg .630
Feat ares of the Trading; aad Closlas
Prices oa Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Nov. 2. Immense export
sales possibly tne largest erer know..
gave the wheat market today an upward
swing after a brlei downturn at the start.
Prices closed firm, c to V&lc above Hat
urdav niaht. Olhrr leading slaplea, loo,
net advance torn vio 10
BEAUTIFUL 66x1814 residence lot on
a t.l. u a, . 1 .
ymrA o. ' " - ' ,11 aenred
A an reus m. tl. niy ;o., mom b. 9tn. i 7" . Ilc o i.fevte and provisions 7W:
Tyler 1031. Snap right now at $36 front ft I fcv0'" S 1 provisions
Foreigners seem to nave virtually un-
1426 N. 18th
Eight-room, ail modern, newly painted
with 2 good coats of lead and oil. If you
want something close In and cheap, at
$!.4M, you will look this up. KASY
TERMS. Off.NlCB, next door south.
phone Webster 1 227.
IMPROVED SO acre farm. 3o miles from
Minneapolis; 46 acres under cultivation,
balance used for pasture land, covered
Willi poplar aud oak timber, very easily
i Imrrd: no -waste land; nvatest ael of
bu. Mints In that vicinity, consisting of
house, barn, granary, corn enn, etc.;
one heavy team, three Jersey cows, all
young stock, lt0 chickens, hogs, complete
set of lann machinery, wagons, buggy,
creain separator; in fact everything Is
complete; also 15 tons of meadow hay,
8 tone clover hay; S acres of corn; 60
bushels DOtatoes. 10 cords wood cut In
stove length; in fact, everything on the)
farm goes at raan, balance
can stand. SCHWAB HR08 . 1028 fly
mouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Mine
$400 cash buys a near, modern bungalow
on the south side, balance monthly.
$700 buys 7-room, two story, large resi
dence. A genuine bargain. Phone D. 8o07.
SIX-ROOM, modern but heat, fine yard.
paved street; $A caah, $20 .month.
fl.Mj; $00u cash. Paving all paid.
LAND snap near Hoodwood, tit Louis
county, Minnesota. Postlvely the laat
at such low f gurea. acres. $10.00; terms.
Worth $16 00 to $.-000. .2 000 acres. $10.60,
worth $16 to $J0. Write Flood wood Land
Co., Jos. G. Fogarty, Mgr., Flood wood,
bt Louis county, Minn.
FOR SALE By owner. 160 acres near
Lodge Pole, Neb.; forty acres have
been cultivated; fenced; no buildings; $14
per acre; one-half cash, balance i years
at per cent A. J. Wharf, 313 N. Glen
wood avenue, Peoria, III.
Tho east half of section 1. town 14.
range 11, In Pawsoa county, Nebraska.
Good 6-room house, barn, granary
and cribs; Improvements In good repair;
fenced and crosa-fenced ; 20 acres In al
falfa, 200 acrta snider cultivation; 7
from Sumner and 12 miles from Overton;
good tenont; lest of will, no sand. Price,
$3s per acre tor 60 days. Terms to salt
purchaser. CLAYPOOL LAND CO..
Kearney, Neb.
FOR BALK Beat large body high-grade
medium-priced land In Nebraska; very
Utile money required. C. Bradley, Wol
bach. Neb. o.
Coffee Market.
coffee market wss generally steady to
day. Demand continued light and
prices on spot ware unchanged, with Rio
7s Quoted at (-i.o and Bantos 4a at 104c,
but holders weer encouraged by report
of an increasing demand from EuroDe.
Brazilian rabies reported an advanoe of
1-1 d tn the rate of Rio exchange on
London, and the cost snd freight mar
ket was very steady, cut there were ar
rivals of 60.000 bass here over Sunday
Rio 7a were quoted at 6.10c In the cost
and freight markets and December con
tracts st 6.6f46.7ic In the liquidating
Cettea Market.
large business snd steadier; American
middling, fair, laud; good middling. 606d:
middling. 4.fcod; low middling. 4.72d; good
ordinary, (.lid; ordinary, 3-07 d. Sales,
8.500 bales. (
New Tark Meaey Market.
sixty-day bills, $417, for cabirs, $4.1126;
for demand, J4 90o.
si LVER-Bar. 4'c.
Dry (,m4i Market.
Cotlon goods steady. Yarns steady. hs(
silk firmer. Carpet prices for next sea
son on a lower basis-
limited orders to buy wheat In every mar
ket in North America. Tha European de
mand was especially active at Winnipeg,
Duluth. Kansas City and here- Canadian
diaputches aaid Liverpool was taking
wheat as fast aa olfered. In tha United
States demand from France waa moat
conspicuous. tsllmates of tne loiai
amount of export sales for tho day ran
as hlKh aa 2,5o0,O00 bushela.
Fears that primary receipts or nomeaiio
wheat might undergo a sudden falling orr
stirred up speculators and added to the
bullish sentiment due to tne earner out
look in the war situation as affected by
developments regarding Turkey. An In
crease In the i nitea mates visiuie. suiiir
total waa regarded as oflset by the lessen
ing of the slock on hand in Canada. .
In corn, aa well aa In wheat, export
sales led to a chance In aentl'Tiet and
favored the bulls. It was ssid that as
much as tuu.ono bushels was taken here for
Europe. On the other nana, irauere were
generally expecting Increased receipts
here soon. Hedging pressure on oats
failed to keep piioea down. Foreign buy
ing and the atrengtb of other grain proved
influential. . . - ...
Provisions were unsemea oy conriicima
reports about quarantine rules at the Chi
cago stock yards and elsewhere. Shorts
did tx gojd dtal of covering, but on the
enauing bulge there was free taking of
profits by longs. The range of price
changes turntd out to be little. If at all.
beyond what Is usual under ordinary con-
Gra.n prices furnished by Logan A
Pryan office 815 South Blxteenth street:
per box; extra fancy Washington Hoov
ers, II. s rer nox; ureun n(iiiw-iiL,u,i,.,
$1.50 per box; Oregon winter bsnanas,
$1.75 per box; extra fancy Washington
INulclous. il'.uu per nox; new mi vnr. u
Ings, $3.00 per bsrrel; New York Bald
wins, $2.78 per barrel. Pears: Callforn'a
Clargleus, $2.26 per box; extra fancy
D'AnJou, $250 per box. Grapes: Cali
fornia Emperors, $3.60 per barrel; Malaga.
tr.00 per keg- Bananas: Per bunch, 1.701$
VEOETABLHS Cauliflower, $250 per
crate. Cabbage: Per pound, 14c. Cu
ucmbers: Pr 2 dos box, $1.60. Celery:
Michigan, Sue per doxoni Denver Jumna,
TJo per dox. Tomatoes: Fancy, $1.25
per basket. lettuce: Head, 50cir$l.60 per
dose.; leaf. 40e per doxen. Onions: Shal
lots, 40c per dosen; yellow, 24o per
pound: red, 14 per pound. Radishes:
Per dosen, 35c. Horseradish: Per case,
lUftTv Garllo: Italian, 3uo per pound.
Potatoes: Per bushel. 70c. Sweet Pota
toes: Per barrel, $3.0o; Jerseys, $1.75
per hamper.
NUTS No. 1 California walnuts. 19c
per pound: pecsns, 124c per pound; Jumbo
pecans, 18c per pound Filberts, 15o per
pound; filberts, long naples, 18c per
MISCELLANEOrS - Shelled Popcorn:
Per pound, 4c. Dates: Sugar walnut,
$1.40 per bo. Almonds: Per pound, 20c.
Limes: Psr box, $1.75 Crackerjack: Per
case, 8.60; per half case, $1.75. Checkers:
per esse, $3.60; per half rase, $1.75.
Dates: Dromedary, per case, $3.00.
Honey: Per case. $8.60. Fgs; Twelve
12-ounre, 83c per pound. Cider: Per keg,
$3.40; per half bsrrel. $600. Cocoanuts;
Per rack, $1.00; per aoxen. 76c. Squash:
Per pouiil. 14c
Kansas Cltr Grata aad Provlaloas.
t hard, $1.07U6; No. 2 red, $1.0681.074;
December. $l.f4j l.OH'i; May. 81.144'U1.1.
CORN No. 2 mixed. 7(U''lo; No. z
white, 71c; December, 664ft054c; May,
OATS No. 3 White. 47M74; NO. 2
mixed, 42ti464c
Bl.'TTER Creamery, 31c; firsts, 2flc;
seconds, 26c; packing, 204c
EGGS Firsts, 23c; seconds, 114c
POULTRY Hens. 11c; roosters. c; tur
keys. 12c.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fro Its
APPLES Dull; fancy. 74HP7Hc; choice, e
4jt4c; prime, b"tWVie.
onic.1' ji , 1 ' , ' - , - -
fernias. 344rllc: Oregona, 94114. Aprl-
cota, dull; choice, 'Bic; extra cnoice,
104ij'114c; fancy, 12W24C Peaches, aim;
choice, uai'ttc; extra cnoice, wi-mi:,
fancy, 7ti74e. Raisins, qjiet; loose mus
catels, e'foc; choice to fsncy, seeded.
'c; sueuiess, ta tc, ionuun iyeis,
tlnrrwwere. However, Ilea?
Eager aeae e Aeeeet H
t eat, eeJasT Another Ht.
dnctloa Soon.
NEW TORK. Nov. 2 -Further strength
ening of the local money situation aa
seen In Isst Saturday's bank statement
with Its talrly large excess of cosh re
serve, today t-neulted in an Increaae of of
ferings by banks for long-time loans.
There was virtually only one rate 6 per
cent but borrowers evinced little eager
ness to accept that figure, anticipating
snnther reduction before long. Interior
bsnks were again buvera of mercantile
paper at 64 to 7 per cent.
Foreign exchange wss more firm, Rng
lsnd's revision of Its list of contraband
articles snd the Increased caution of
marine Insurance companies being partly
wrtKAr M 7UM in- fl tn vnnil wethers I tvannnalhlA fur tills d,vMnnm,nl Pshlea
t5.5tti5.7ti; feetler wethfrs, $TsOiK8i; go d i and sight drafts on London were quoted
to choice ew es. $5 8Mf& "i0: fair to good
ewes. $5.0tni6.A; feeder ewes, ISIMTt li.
16 fed lambs
137 fe1 ewes
2ns fed lamba
Iik'4 Idaho feetler lambs.
1261 Wyoming lambs ....
4n red lamna
210 fed lambs
. 71
7 7.
Cattle Mostly Tea to Fifteen Cents
Lower Unas t nevea.
CHICAGO. Nov 1. -CATTLE Receipts. head: mostly 10l5c higher; no i
beeves, steers or siockera and feeders
selmg, quarantine in force; cows and
hellers. $;.- 40; calves, $7 00110.35.
iHXiS Receipts, 3S,fM head; market
uneven; closetl steady at Saturday's aver
age, bulk. 87 7.50; light. $7.05i1l'7.r6;
mixed. $7.1067.65: heavy, $7.1tro7.66; rough.
$7.1o70; pigs. lower, at $4 07 l.M
FHEKP AND LAM BP- Receipts, 34 o 0
head; market lOWftoo higher: eteeti, 16 454f
6.X; yearlinKs, $6 2M7.00; lamba, $i.eOa-l.frJ.
. Loala Live Stork Market.
FT. tri", Nov. 8. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 11,300 heed: market lower; native
beef steers. $7. Mm H).7ft; rows and heifers,
$5.00fi9.!i0; stockers snd feeders. J5.60S7.50;
southern steers, $.1.7Mf7.76; cows snd heif
ers. $4.O0tr00: nstlve calves, $8.0Mil0 00
HOGS Receipts. 11.300 head: market
steady; pigs and llglits. $6.60i'7.ffi; mixed
snd butchers, $7.1.Vtf7."; good heavy, $7.45
SHEEP AND LA M Hf Receipts, 4 000
head; market for lambs higher; sheep
steady; native' muttons, $; lamba,
at $4,914 iik! $4.90, respectively, easing
off mere fractions later. Cotton ship
ments as roiiorted today showed an enor-
mmia Inrr.n u. r I K. nnn.rflnt w , k
?jThev were. In fact, the largest since the
J I recent movement began.
. Al Iocal bsnl.j made their first payment.
? so bn,,t $3.0"0,' in gold certificates, for
Z ! federal bank stock today. A very large
pan of a big shipment of gold bullion.
which arrived from lenvrr to be con
vert! d Into coin, will be used toward the
further liquidation of this country's In
deblednesa Inquiry for Investment securities con
tinued, although the volume of business
today waa much smaller thnn a few days
ago. The better Investment tone has
made Itself frit in the unofficial market.
wher United Rates Steel. Amalgamated
Copper and other active Issues were
quoted at prices well above recent fig
ures. Material reduction In prices of certain
specialties offered further evidence of the
contrscted conditions In the steel trsde,
these being attend, I bv reports of im
pending wage reductions. The fact that
aeveral of tho Independent manufacturers
are known to be working on thnlr wage
sehedules for tlie coming year lends
plausibility to these rumors.
Railroad officio's reported further heaU
tat Ion In business throughout the west,
but a heavier movement of general mer
chandise waa noted. Receipts of grslns
at Chicago last wctk were far In excess
of the movement of the corresponding
week of the two preceding years. Tho
Pt. Paul and Psnnsylvanla systems issued
their returns for September, the former
showing a handson s net Increase, while
the Pennsylvania a earnings west of
Pittsburgh were less satisfactory.
Kansas Cltr Live totk Market.
Receipts, 23,000 head: market higher:
prime fed ateera, $9.751710. 7H; dressed he-f
steers, $7.7u4i.60; western steers, $6.76tf
9 00: stockers and feeders. W00V.4V bulls,
$; calves, $4.nlUl0.50.
HOGS Receipts. 8.400 hesd; market
lower: bulk. $7V.t7.SO: hesvy. $7.2"i7.30;
psckers and butchers. $7.1.V?r7.40; light.
$7 plgw. $6.2.-r7.50
SHEEP AND LAM ItH Recelots. tl.OVJ
head; market higher; Ismbs, $7.2");
yearllnaa. $.V5o4j.uO; wethers, $5.6ft6.;
cure, $4.5OQ5.e0.
Artlclel Open. I Hlgh-I 1w. Close. I Sat'y
Corn I
Pork. I
1 !! 1 1V
1 16S
1 2?ffl 1 23
1 21V'
6Sl fr.
115 j llSl 1164
1 JwJ t ESI 1 H
64 HfrJ4'8H
714;71HWI 71H
484 44I
fC 68'4-, tlttW H4H1i
13 n 1 1 i6 1 it so 1 ii m& 11 a
11 124 1 1 35 I 19 10 I 19 1741 1 1
rd. Ill I,
Nov.l 10 7241 10 95 1 10 7V41 4I 10 T24
Jan I 1 9241 10 10 1 1 9-241 10 00 I W)
May.l 18 224' 10 224! 10 16 I 10 15 I 10 024
Ribs. I I I I
Jan .1 IM 1 10 0741 8741 1 174 864iW7
"Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red
Maker, Jones A Smith.
Tanner Bios
John Harvey;
It If. v
Other buyers C62 .... 1
Totals XT0 1672 17.46H
CATTIJC Rece.pts were the lightest
thst they have bten on a Monday tor a
good many weeks and ilgiitor than a year
ao by aoout I.SJ0 heao.
Heel steers were scarce and as packers
all wsnlett a tew killers, ths mai-aei
opened quite eiiny on tnat kind 01 stuff
wltn pilcea steady to strong.
lows and lieiiers were In fair demand
snd they loo commanded prtcea that were
aleauy to a lltite itronger, aa compared
with last woek s cose.
Feeders sold In uiiout the same way as
killers, that la, at sternly to strong prices.
Tne announcement at the close of laat
week that the government had placed
the Chicago stock yarda under quarantine
because ol an oulbieuk of foot and mouth
ulseane st polMts Sieai that mttrkot. was
rsgsrdeq here as likely lo mean sn In
creased demand for siocker and feeder
cattle. Aa no leeders can bs shipped out
of tha Chicago murket owners of such
cattle can hardly afford to aend their cat
tle tlurn wltu the certainty that they
will be held for an Indeilmte period. At
the sama tlms buyeis or such cattle who
have been accustomed to go to Chicago
will not be able to get any cattle out of
that market snd will in consequence be
forced to sesk markets farther west.
Later reports from Chicago indicate
that the government has placed the yards
at that point under complete quarantine,
and that no stock csn bs received or
shipped out after o'clock p. m. of Mon
day. Railroads are being notified not to
receive shipments of any kind of live
stock for Chlcsg-o.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choirs
corn-fed beeves, $9 DCilO 60; fair to good
corn-fed beeves, $H.0ui9 .00; common to
fair corn-fed beeves, i6.75ftS.Oo; good to
choice rsnge steers, $7 404)8.40; fair to good
rangs steers, $6,7547.40; common to fall
rsnge steers. lo.fcie'.'f5; good to choice
grass heifers, $6.0uty7.(i0; good to cho'c
grass cows. $0.76,1)50; fair to geod
grades, $5.00ei6.76; common to fair
gradea. $4 Oftii ft.OH; prime feeders, $ $
s.40' good to choice stockers and feeders.
t7.lotj7.N6; fair to good stockers ami
feeders, $6 6ikj7.20; common to fair stock
srs snd feeders, $5. 80416.60; stock heifers,
$4 75116.00; stock cows, $l.50-5.fl0; stock
calves, $7.5OrulO.O0; veal calves. $7-504jlO.OO;
bulls, stags, etc. $4. 506.26
loos CJty Live (Mock Market.
Receipts. 4.600 head; market 10c higher;
native steers, $4.506.7u; butchers, 8V25t
6.76: cows and heifers. liaSu-HO: cannti',
S4.ontT5.; Stockers and feeders, J6 J.'.l
6.75: bulls, stags, etc. $5.00715 75.
I IOGB Receipts. 1,500 bead; market
steady to 6e lower; hcaby, f7.OnW7.l6:
mixed. $6.74M7.03; light. $6.97v6.V74; bulk
of ssles. $J.ft,ii7.0j.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-necelpts, S.009
head; market steady; ewes, $2.fOfl.15;
lumbs. $400(37.76.
Bt. Joseph Lisa flock Market.
PT. JOSEPH. Nov. 3.-HOna-Recelnts,
4.600 head; market steady to 6e lower;
ton. $7.35: bulk of sales, f7.00fi7.23.
CATTLE Receipts, 1,604 hesd: market
steady to weak: steers, $6.Kre 10.00: cows
and heifers, lt.ootrs.0": ralvea. n.or.RO.
SHEEP AND IM MRS Receipts. 1,600
head; market slow; lambs. $7.246.00.
Live Stock la glgat.
Receipts of live stork at ths five prin
cipal wratarn markets:
Ploux City 4,500 1 600 J.00)
Kansaf City 3,000 1.100 18.0"
Ht. louls 11,300 11,800 4.000
Chloago 20,000 3.0iJ 84,000
South Omaha 6,600 8.400 24.000
Total receipts S,800 84.606 79.000
OH aad Rosla.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. RORI V-Nom-Inal;
strained, common to good, $3.70.
TCRPENT1NE Easy; machine barrels,
'"SAVANNAH, Ga., Nov. 2.-TVRPEN-Tl
N K Nominal, 4!.4c: no sales; recelts,
W, bbls.; shipments. U39 bbls.; stocks. 28.
48.' bbls.
POSIN Nominal: no aalea; receipts,
1428 bbls.; shipments. 2.330 bbls.; slocks,
110,623 bbls. Quotations unchanged.
Mlaaea polls ;raia Market.
MINNEAPOIJS, Nov. !.-wHKAT-December,
$1 12H; May. $1184: No 1
hard, $1164; No. 1 northern, Sl-tfQ'l-16i;
No t northern, $1 'V 1 V
FIl'R Unchanged.
RYE-91ft2c ,
BRAN $J0.60.
CORN No. 3 yellow, elflc.
OATS No. S white. 44'.yM&C
SEED Flax. $1 .32aU25.
t. Laats Grata Market.
ST IOl'IS. Nov. 2. WHEAT No. 2
red, tl.10grl.12: No. 1 hard. $1 1IC1.18; De
cember, $1 1S11S: May, $1,204.
CORN No. 2, 76c; No. 2 white. 74c;
December. t7Sc: Mtf 714071SC
OATS No. 1. 468474c; No. 2 whits, 48c.
I.lvevpoel Grala Market.
firm; No. 1 Manitoba, Is Id; No. 2, Is
44d: No. , s4d. Futures, steady,
la Mud.
CORN el pot, quiet; AmrTean mixed,
new. 7s Id; IPIata futures, steady; No
vember, 6a 4d.
Itnak riravrlasre.
OMAHA. Nov. 1 Bank clearings for
Omaha today ware $2,994.7x2.13 and for the
corresponding day last year $3.620,272 62.
Metal Market.
HT. TMMB. Nov. 3.-M ETAI Jt-Iad,
dull, U 1MJ3.374; spelter, dull, $1-BI..
...too I 00
...luii its
1 8 !5
. KO I tt
1 It M
egar Market.
quiet; molasses, 2.87c; centrifugal, 3.63c.
Refined, easy, 20 points lower; cut loaf,
6.30c; crushed. 6.80c; mould "A." 5.96c;
cubes, 6.5o;-XXXX, powdered, 6.5V pow
dered, 6.00c; fins grsnuiated, .40e; dia
mond A, 6.40c; confectioners' A, 5.30c; No.
I, 5.15c.
Elala Batter Market.
ELGIN. 111. Nov. 2. BUTTER Ten
tubs sold at 24J24c
Cabinet Ministers
Who Resigned Meet
Victor Emmanuel
ROME, Nov. 1. Alt the cabinet min
isters who resigned their portfolios yes-
"Women Skeletons"
Between Partitions
Just Few Beef Bones
Saturday while electricians were wiring
the house of Harvey Fl. Woolley. 191(1 Clark
street, they found some bones between
cne of the partitions. Ths report spread
that they were the bones of human
beings Th5 report grew as It went along
and by the time It reached the news--papers,
It was hardly recognisable. The
final ona wss thst the bones consisted
of a eottplo of skulls, split, and lndlcatr
Ing a murder.
When the bones were found. It was
near quitting time. Ths stories were to
the effect that the workmen were so
unnerved that they did not return to
work. It Is a fact that they did not re
turn, but the reason waa that It was ths
regular Saturday half holiday. At the
tlms Itr. Woolley was out on hunting;
Yesterday when Mr. Woolley returned,
he started an Investigation and quickly
discovered that Instead of a number of
tones having been found, the electrlctani
discovered but two, jwth small ones that
at seme time had been In a soup piece
of beef and evtlently had been carried
between tha partition by rata.
W. A. Scott to Call
Election Returns in
Front of The Bee
W. A. Scott, balla-hoo artist, will call
out the election returns Tuesday night In
front of The Bes building, on the Seven
teenth street side. Scott called tha In
nings of ths world series for Ths Bee and
has a clear voice that will carry several
hundred feet. All of the first totals to
come In from the larger precincts will
come dlreetly to The Des from tho Judges.
Allies Bury More
Than 25000 Teutons
LONDON, Nov. 2. "As shownc tho
huge German losses In ths Tpres region.
uroay met looay in me presence oitt . ,tatcd that tha British soldiers
King Victor Emmanuel, with whom theyhat) t,urM more than 26.000 Oermana."
discussed ths situation for about two' ty, a messe4te to tho Weekly Dispatch
Hlgnor Rublnt, minister of tho treasury,
gava a lengthy explanation of his rea
sons for resigning. He said ths budgt
from one of its correspondents in Bel
glum. The telegram continues: "There
are many great pllss of German dead
around Dlxmude, which It has been tra-
. 4 1 I . . S tl AVtMA . .1 I
...Uw- . . ww "'"jpossibls to bury on account of the eon
war began. Tho defloit might easllyi ,muoui fnt)l,,. Dlxmude Is a heap of
have bean overcome by an Increase In 1 ,i. ,., . ,
an agnd peasant woman, who refuses to
4,. Pr. Mo. Av. Tt.
..Ull ITI U 1271 10a
COW o.
..ICtl I 10 I
.. tut IU It
..$711 U 1
t ltfO I 06 I
1 UM I M
W 1 M 1
7 feeders.. W& 7 36 61 feeders. .-073 7 10
I feeders.. 102 7 10 13 feeders.. 764 6 90
12 calves.. 319 7 7 2- yeurllngs 617 6 $J
HOGM Sellers all asked higher prices
this morning, and when other inarkela
were rrported weaker and local packers
made their first bids sharply lower
things rtinslned almost at a atgiidatll
for some time. After dickering for th
best part of an hour, traders finally got
together, and wien the supply finally
started to move values were generally a
atiade lower than Saturday. Ths sales
showed more -or less unevenness, and
while some looked fully steady, others
were aa much as a nickel lowtr, but the
general trade Is just a shade lower.
Iilppera filled their orders during ths
early rounds st prices that were In most
rases fully strady, and In one or two
Instances were quoted as stronger. Sup
plies ware moderate, and as the move
ment was fairly active during the lat
ter part of the trade, a tleerancg was
made In good season.
Hulk of ths sales landed at $7 OfuffMO,
as against Saturday's long string at $7.10.
Bims of the mors deairahle offerings
reached $7 16 and $7.2u, with tops at
$7,224. Today's flxuree are Just about lor
a hundred lower than the first of October.
Rupplles smounted to about forty-nine
ears, or 8.4UO head. This is a gjiln
1.4O0 head over last week, but Is about
700 short of ths corresponding Monday of
Isst year
revenues and limiting expenses, the aug-
mentation of the revenues. Includln, the,qult home
iiiiu rtKiB in iwaoaiiun, wn en airvauy
had bjn approved by parliament, from - "t
which It was ..peeled to realise .. J.W0 JODS Waiting
000,000 annually. Ths war, however,' D
changed tho whole silustlon, Bignor
Rullni fcal'l, and the military budget
alone would require tlflo.ono.ono.
Owing to the European crisis, Blgnor Funeral services were held yesterday
Rub'nl continued, the revenues Instead , for Zack Cuddlngton, former sewer eon
of increasing had diminished by about j tractor, who took hla own Ufa Friday
$20 om.00,1, Ihe new taxations bringing Inlln a room at the Boquet hotel. Tha body
$1,000,000 Instead of $16,000,000. He added 1 was burled at Forest Lawn cemetery. .
that he recognised the necessity for ur- Cuddlngton killed himself because of
tent miinaiy expenses, dui wisned to despondency. The day following his
For Cuddington
At. 0k. FT.
IU )J Tea
it M t
41 I4 1 74
7 t4 1I 1 S'4
144 : 7 10 .
St l"t ..4 4 lit 106 .. I M
IS ,. Ill
8IIKEP-The week opens out with a
run of 34.000 head, compared with 18,791
head last alondsy. 47,i-a two weeks ago
Av. Hh. rv.
.Ml im I 114
ro 4 t it
.! .. t 1
i5 iw 1 11
.1 . . T 9S
IU 80 f 14
counter balance thsin with new taxa
A majority of tha ministers preferred
to postpone the taxation until after ths
mar, but Bignor Rublnl said he feared
such action might bo considered unconstitutional.
"Funeral of Crown
Prince" Referred To
WASHINGTON, Nov. t-A priate let
ter received by a young woman In Wash
ington from a lieutenant In tha German
army refers to "tho funersl of tho Crown
Tho letter cams to ths attention of
stato department officials when IU re
cipient asked tho American government
to undertake to transmit a reply for bar
to tho lieutenant, to whom sho Is en
gaged to bo married. Tho request eras
denied, as have been many similar ones.
Tho letter mads only a casual reference
lo the funeral, speaking of tho big
crowds which poured out to see it.
A week ago dispatches from London
feath two friends appeared In Omaha
from different towns In Nebraaka to
offer him employment, at just tha kind
of work to which ho was suited.
Bee Want Ads Are Famous as Result-
Mrs, Haas Petersen,
SHENANDOAH, la., Nov. t-8pec4aj.)
The funeral of Mrs. Hans Peterson,
who died suddenly Wednesday, was 00 a
ducted today by Rev. Peter Jacobs. lief
death was very sudden, as she was taken
ill late Wednesday night and died la
few hours. Mrs. Peterson had been Ill
poor health for soms tlms. Her sister re
cently returned to her horns In Illinois,
thinking tha sister was In better health.
Culls from the Wire
Although It landed In a pond. .Captain
H. P. IloueyweU's balloon "New St.
Louis," broke the world's record for con
tinuous flight, carrying four paaaengers.
according to a telegram received at Bt.
Loula trim tlte pilot. Tho balloon sailed
also reported tho receipt there of privets J from St. Louis about 11 o'clock yesterday
letters from Germany saying tho crown
prince had been buried.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
morning and landed about two and a half
hours later near Klnmundy, 111., eighty
four miles from Bt. Louis. The lougvst
trevious flight with four twrauua la SalJj
to have been seventy miles.