0 TTTK BEE: OMAHA. NOVEMRKn 1P14. WANT ADS W ant ail received at any time, but to Insure proper clseslflcatlon nul be pre sentee before II o i-lorK noon lor evenina edition and 7:30 . m. for morning and Sunday edition. Want ads received after auch hours will be under tha heading, Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES. Kven consecutive times, 1 cent a word each. Insertion. Three times within one week, 1H centa word each Insertion. One time 2 cent a wort CHARGE RATE8. Seven consecutive times, 8 cent a line, earn insertion. , Three times within one week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. One time, 1 cents a line. Count six avrrsge words to a line. , Minimum charge, 10 cents. An advertisement Inserted to he run un til discontinued must be stopped by writ ten order. You ran place your want ad In The Bee By telephone TELEPHONE TTLER 1K. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" - ,nUTdf'd" of n,hr nrs have been caned for and delivered during the Isst week It Is reasnnnhle to suppose that all of the people loW have made the ne stled swaps therefore, do not cell or tha balance of their answers. Bee Want Ads eri resuus. PC. Kit vm 12.1b 1243 1247 1:'4 12f2 1SV3 12S4 1?SA 1?2 r.4 1;M7 1269 SC. HC. PC. H.O. K'71 1X2 141 H-,9 1272 1 3.(7 J4.12 1274 !W M70 12SS 342 141I 19 1144 1412 120 13S7 1416 in Ji Uh3 M'4 1473 17 l.Hil 14LH 1471 129. l,2 H?l 14m 12 1.T74 4.-t.i 14m; 1J 1S7H 14: JMl " 'i " 1441 lf-13 , 1W 1.1W 1(45 151S mt i.i-4 M4:i isu 14 1403 14M 1M9 1331 140S 1464 liM PC. 1 .40 1M4 1V.S i.v 15.-.7 lil 1 VS3 lr-, 1570 1574 IMS 1 177 l.Vtt ISM l.vrr r.99 CARD OP THANK. . Ja wish to thank our many kind friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympHihy shown, and alao tor the beautiful floral offerings durins; the sick neaa and death of our beloved wile and mother. William Uentlnriian and Family. DEATHS A1U rtiltERAL NOTICKs LYNAM Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Lynam, i,,u fviutli Fourteenth street, born, August M, litis, died No vember t, 1914. Funeral Tuesday, November 3, at 9:30 P. m., to Holy Sepulchre cemetery. SEAT Jennie, axed IS years, I months, 14 days, beloved tvlle of Goorge tteay. IFuneral will be held iroiu la.e residence, 2204 Howard St , Monday, Nov. 1 at i Lm. Interment In family lot tn Forest wn cemetery. Frlenus Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Henry and Anna Swatt. 1510 Spruce, a-lrl; Joe and Mary Martlnec, 14us South Thirteenth, Rlrl; A. and Rosla Hlrsch. 164S North Sixteenth, lrl; A. and Amanda Cnthro, 2228 South Sixth, aTlrl ; George and I-uclle Stewart, 111 South Twent.eth, hoy; ft. and M. Flalearo, 1721 Soulh Sixteenth, boy; T. and Elsie Jen sen, 2724 goutli Sixtieth avenue, boy; J. and Oladys Uilmore, 2100 Howard, boy; A. and O. Allano, 1219 Pierce, boy. Oar field and. Molly -Graves, Ml North Twenty-eighth avenue, boy. Deaths Elisabeth A Johnson, a years. 911 South Twenty-fourth; .Joseph F. Novak, 44 years, hospital; Aaron SIov Insky, SO years, 1721 Chicago; Jrsenh Bwendrwlnekl, 11 days. 271S South Thir tieth; Walter Stover. 2 years, hospital; Annie Pellor, 9a years, 1902. North Twenty-eighth; Bertha Petersen, 20 years. 9406 Farnam; Zack Cuddlng-ton, US years, 420 Bouth Fifteenth; Joseph Watson, M years, hospital; Anna Johnstone, 96 years, SJ15 Harney; Anna.O. Neve, 0 yeara, 4lt Hurt. BUILDING PERMITS, Alamlto Sanitary Dairy company, na il"1 a Twenty-sixth brick bam. 110.000; Ho.tm Rullrters. ail Dorcas, frame dwell In. t-.&00: Purke A Musle, 1XW Bouth Hlx tenth, frame dwelling, 12.300; Hothman Hrothers, S012 North Twenty-fourth, brick dry cleanlm house, 12,400. - TODAVS oomjjj:tb MOVIE I'KOGRAMS Exclualvelj In Tho Def. - Dews Tswa, ?AMERAPHONE. 14u3 DOUQIA8. he Other Man. 2-rtel. Ess. An American Heiress. Lub. 1 Joule s Legacy. Vit. eTTtb no. a, wis faknam' The Ulrl from the West. ifub. " On the Isle of Srane, 2-i EdL a'he Peacemaker. Vita. FAKNAM THEATElt; 1415 FARNAM The One Who Cared. Princess Drama. ' Harold's Toupee. Hoyal Com. The Worth of a Ule. 2-r. K. B. Drama XUKATtii. iaVM AND HARNKyT Horn of Paramount Picturea ?Ali .... ' . 14 N.,lTH ST. Lril Cecil Intervenes. Lubin. The Pulaoned tilt, t-reel Edison. ' bilppery hiim and Oreen-Kyed Monster.' PAKUR THEATKR. 14..H DOUOlAB 8T. Trey o Hearts No. 12, t-reel Oold Seal up, piernng comedy. PlUNCfcfcS. 1J17-1, DOLUUA& The Vaabond, t-r. Rex. Partners In Crime. LKo. Com. His Ills; Chance. .Vict. Fuller. Nasiki.. AIHAMBRA. . 1S14 NORTH J4TH. Shackled B-.mls. drama, tn I parts show. Ins; white slavers at work; aJso the life vt Jack Johnson. ' 1 TODAVS COMrLKTE 1.IVK WIRF WOVIK IROGH.VIS niSINF.HS mi:x Kxrluslvely In Thft llee OF OMAHA oath. I. Ire Steek Remedies. LTRtO l7 VINTON. OMAHA Remedy Co , fiOT P. I3th. Red My Idy Raffles In Mysterious Hand, . . . . . - 12 reel Illp.in Llsitli riatarea a ail Wlrlas. Vivians Traniiformatlon. fCrystat Com) T1I0MAS DUKK1N r.A8Tu'.MK . .1T'L. KAVENWOllTH Eleetrlc fixtures and s.ipplles. eontract- I.aufhter of the mains. (.Nestor ! , A ir ,vork oon, nnnnb. The IkH.h Nemeals, (Rex lomedy.) 24!t CI" MI . I M)fUAfl Kir m t Ti4, r rontifr. ) r - - - VENEziXFHKAfER 12U & UTiTsf SKlt'Tf': ,am InV??". Trickln. ,h. Oovernmenc S-r.al, tXiVS ,lben A Hon. 1614 Howard. D. 4115. MONROE 2& FARNAM ,,r '""' . Trey O" Hesrts, No. 13. i2 reel . Seal.) OLD shades msde like new. Midwest Secret Servl. e Snlfx. ( Sterling Comedy.) Shade Factory. 4010 Ham Hon. Har. 4si. The phenff Ptorv (Frontier Prams.) Me..eaer aad Traaafejr. Menaua. WHITE LINK Jm9 S. 11th. Podfdas M12. RF.NaON. BS3t MAIN, rrr " Trey o' Hearts. Story No. 1!. Millinery. The Rose of Yesterday, Frontier Drama. SWITCHES from combtnus. I1.B0. Psyche The Shack Next Door. I". Ike Comedy. free. Mrs. H. it. Brk. l S. lth. P. 6T.7. aril lilntfa. MavlaaT, Morssre sai leanlnaT. EIJTK No. 1. tlo RROADWAT. w. C. FERRIN. Uth and Capitol. 1y 1200. An American Heiress. Lubin. . Hesrst-elis; N. at. M assesses. Marrea. the Foster Mother. 2-reel, Luh. MASfl.. rhett.. liver, kidney troubles. P. H. R,--k i. i ,". KOA'WAT. MAR'".ARITK HAI.LOKAN. mnasaite and T! ,r V,iyt Jo'nod the Force. manicuring, 223 Neville Block. Pour 77B1. j oxer unit. . -- .- - - A Red Skin Reckonlns;, 2-r. Blaon. COIlA BKLL.INGY. MAGNETIC. Animated WeeKly No. 1.18. Just arrived from Buffalo. Several sat- r , lilactnry treatments and baths. 107 8 BF.SSE THKATEK, " 24TII AND N. AtX PP"lt' P"t0"'Ce" The Bond of Womanhood. 2-r. Lib. Pally ""Jeningii. Andy and the Rmlaktna Edl. Vloiet Ray. im.. 431 Ree Bids.. D. 6112. The Firet liw. Hlo. Kathleen .Mack, massaeatn.P:TW?. MAOIC 24TII O--SOUTH OMAHA Clara Lee, bath and massage. Pout-87H Animated Weekly. Mlsa Fisher. nnn elect, treat. Heel H. 4. The Pipes of Pn. (2 reel Rex.) MAHr'AtlE. lot 8, l.th Ht. Mrs. Steele! Ynarievllle. XI A vSj A (1 V 424 BEW Bl.ril.DINQ. ORPHEUM THEATER, 24TH AND M. JU''JAUI-J KOUCLAS 6772. w Mary Pick ford. I reel feature, K Mack. ...aaaaaa an I inr; iili-'irlnK. D. 70H2. r Maesate. ilis tiilwin. K. 'ilX. Neville Bik. HKLP VA.TI-:itIALK Areata Saleamex Mil illrltor. Mutual Benefit, Heslth end Arc Omaha. BAt.KH.VIAN with clean record to open branch office and appoint siibstents for a small nffpe speilxlty never tefore shon Mut have t" to f'nanee self. Apply w tii. Mi lan, Hotel Millard. Room "'.t.'' between 12 and 5. A'Jr.NTS, miii itnra nd collectors, who are now working, answer this. Ad- SALKSVIAN, 110 dallv Koaranteeil. 1m peilnl Co., N. Main St., Co. Bluffs,la AHVERTISINO solicitor tTTTake ex lunve asrency for a new counter specialty. Sella to clnr stores, hotels and dim siores. Must have t'V to finance self. Tnla la at poiutely new sod means bljr business. Apply for Interview. Address C ), Bee. AXXOr.CEMENT8 i-i'riii a nini'inc'i imMils. lon. Pta. Co. I.I'CKV wf-riuliiK r'nus Ht Heiwlegaard's. La w n ctivKRiNi. walnut" ai'w. IMAROARITK HALIXJKAN moved to Council Blurrs. la , Km. Mliaiuwin tia BATH anil maasaKe. "alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1S02 Farnam. R. 2. Doug. HT.d. PIA.NU UMNO. K IIKA.VDON. Recommended by Mary Munchhoff, Mlllo Ityan. Rush. Uuf field, Relle Robin son snd I.snd'.w. V. 4W2. 41 N. 2"th Ave HA.F.L Ieaf Pile Cones. Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding- piles; Vic pontpald; samples free. Sherman 4 Mer'f'nnell trti Co . f'mnha DKN'llfiTRY All hiii'ls of Denial Work done, under careful supervision, at the the Crelghton College of Dentistry. 210 8. lith St. Children's teeth straightened. FKFS very moderate. F.xtractlons free. hHiNH. .ln'Wiars C'n'k AV Hon 1271. Milt POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I am the republican candidate tor re election to the office of eecretary Of atata. Registration days, October and 24; elec. tlnn, November x, nn.-mii ...... John H. Utoasman. non-partisan candi date for district judge. If elected 1 will not be controlled by any political bos. LIVE W1KB BtHINESS MEN OK OMAHA Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can Dra. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Hlilg. Osteopathic I'kyslelaas, Dr. Rerucha. 203-4 McCague Bld. D. 2G38. I'a teats. II. A. Hturges. KM Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O.-Murnell, Faxion Hlk. Tel. Hod 7117. Patent Development. ASlF.RICAN Machine Co., 110 8. 11th St PrtntlaaT. - WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Pour. 2190. 624 H. 13th Ht. DOL'ULAS Print ng Co. Tel. Doug. 444. CORKY A M KENZ1E PTO. Co. D. 2644. KIES-HALL Ptg Co.. 120 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINT1NO CO. DOUO. 1754. I'alntlne and I'aperln. Hl'OH M'MANtra, 417 N. 40th. H. B72J1. Planaes Reaovateel. PLl'MES A flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 42U Paxton. D. 8394. A B Cot Omaha A ALL WATCHES, d.amonds and Jew elery. special prices, dept. and OcL Buy now, fl a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 217, Karbach block. SAFES XT E W and Second-hand electrlo fan l and motors, LeBron KlecUlo work, SIR 8. 12th. . Douglas 117. OMAHA PIL1OW CO., Itv7 Cuming. Doug. 2487. Renovates feathers and mattreasoj of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. Store ssd Of flee rixtarea. DKiiKS, .safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture aad Supr)y Co.. 414-16-18 fl. 12th. D. 2724. TWO rooms, enaulte; street exposure; 290 s'l- ft.; water and electrlo light: ready Nov, L The Use buildlnf, office room lot. VACUUM cleaners for aale. Vacuum cleaning dona In the home. Banltary Hervlce Co., tot Bee Bldg. TttE rent, repair, sell needlea and parts VV lor " sewing macninea NE ' UKABKA CYCLE CU., "Mlokal'a." l&th and Harney. Iouglas !. Aeeoaataals. MELVILLE D. THOMAS aV COMPANT, 1237-M City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 1810. Addlaai Maealaea, Dalton Add.ng Machines, 411 8. IS. D. 1449. Adder Men Co., (Wales) W. O. W. D. Kkia, Architects. Everett 8. Dodds. 812 Paxton Bik. D. Ml. Attractions. . . OMAHA (11m ex.,' 14th and Dou. Motion picture machine and film bargalna - Aato aad Masjaato Heawlrlaaj. Magneto repair work a specialty.- D. J411 Asctloatejt. Dowd Auction Co.. 1122 W. O. W. Red 225, ttarbcre. 12 Chairs, loo shave,' neck shave." IRtT Par. ALAMO 4TH AMI FORT i am j niuuirwinw inx. (Keator Comedy.) Redemption, (2 reel Imp.) Out of the Pa rkness. (Hex CLIFTON. Military Ave. and Burdetta Lola. 2 reel American drama. The Stolen Ore. Reliance drama, holdlera of Mlafortune, Keystone cvsnedy, 11A M ON D TH KATE iClu lXAKEbf. His Fsther's (Min. I rv Vict. The . Close Call. iSterli-iic comedy. J ne Keciaion ttex uramw- I'KANKUN, Twcnty-fuurth A Frajiklln. The Moving Picture Cowboys, 2-r. 8eilg. Broncho Lilly and the (Irenaer. Eas. T he Gold Thief. HioKisph. HIPPODROME, 2t.U CL'MINa BT. The W ng HirdH, American i-omeuy. Final Verdict. 2-r. Majestic drama. lVrils of Pauline, 14th episode, 2 parts. IT THEATER. loTH AND LOCLbT His iwoiber Bill. t-r. LrUb. Easy Muney. Kal. The Verdict. Fas I.OTHHOH THEATER. 24th A I-.lhr,... Frou Frou, 4-rel Thanhouser, featuring Maud Fealy and Jamea Cruse. Don t iiii i. i no ji'iiii, rwoitiic comeay Biae PrlBttaat. HORNBY CO. Blue printing, tinder new ownersnip. sJ timsna Nat. Bk. D. Il7. Brass Koaadrlaa. . Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha BU. Ballalaa- aad Repatrlaa;. B. FRANTA, 11 Paxton Bik. Doug. tli7. Istera mm Wall IMCaTtaaTt NEED well or cistern cleaned or dtigt Btiiat r tn aoea it. rnone Weo. lallteralat Laada, W, T. Smith Co., 111! City Nat. Bk. D. 281, Coal Dialers. 5 f0 4hnaong special, aura Victor out, 25.00 phone D. 1702. i big baskets coal. tL Wagner, toi N. 14, blragtrsvctora U OeddK D. C. 222 Bee Bldg. Doug. 429S. tklaa fata tins. Ruth lietchford, decorating, firing. R. 44l tvtl Esslseen. M. J. LACY Sit BKB BLpq. DOUO. 4711 re a Ma Separators. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th A rarn. Detect I vea. JAMES ALLAN, Ml Neville Bik. Kvt Jence secured In all rases. Tyler 11M. Uaaelsg Aeadesalea. Turpln's Dancing Academy, Uth 4k Parn CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1871. Mackle's Acsdemy, now open. 114 Har. Drrasaaaklaaj. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th A Farnam bl'YLiSHLY made dreeeea; quick serv Ice. 417 No. 26th St. Tyler !, STRANGER In city wanU day work, U y rs- expurtence, si per day walnut i4L Red rJ3T Mlsd STURDY. 2414 Caas. FA bit ION A HLK dressmaking; 1607 Corby, 1XYAL 2j CALDWELL A tiiu Cajon. ('terllng Comedy.) Kid Reason's Hands, M reel Rex.) Tre 4irl and the Smuggler. (Victor.) PALACE , 23o DAVENPORT Little Mog and I, (Victor.) The Silent Valley. (2 reel Imp! Draajs. DRCOa at cut prices; freight paid oa 110 orders; catalogues tree, bnerniaa 4k Mo- Connell Prug Co , Omaha. Neb. H JJlhilAN. 24TH AND AM EH. 1 I, a Lung Way, t-r. Fill. Wien ti.ippery Slim M.t the Champion. Ks. Isslk. ATtiLLO, 2 LEAVENWORTH The I.i t Mall Sack. 2-r. Kal. heelie s Cieanuu. Esa. A Close Call. Vita. COLUMBIA. 17106QiUTHTENTlL li-uret-8elie No. 47. '1 li Triumph of Kirht, t-r. Lub. J-nh's fe:eihert. Edl. ( UAlKiiUT. HT H AND VINTON. 1 be . rii'i-ia. t-r. Tkaa. Me of the Alines. Ai.Jeatlc. rally A-aln. Keystone. Deatlsta. Pr. Bradbury. No pain. ISO Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolae dentistry. eu Brandels Bailey, the Dentist. 708 City Nst'l Bsnk Taft Ii'lHt. Rooms. 1M7 Douglas. D. 1lh. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flokea. TH City NaL Bank. Elertrta applies. LEBRON Fleo. Wks tit 8. 13th. D. T71 Farrier. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. t4th St W. T7T7. Raack Ex terralaator. B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist laf aad Tlate Luck Experts. Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. E. Daven port, 14ii8 Dodge. D. 1S21. hoe llepalrlaaj. Electric-Shoe Rep. Co.. 107 St. Mary's Av. Slajaa aad Shovrcarda. AT CUT PRICEiS. E. M. CLARK eV SON, Ut So. 16th. Room 14. SIGNS Steel Celllasa. CARTRR Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. loth. Towel Sappllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 20T S. 11th. P. 838. Vrsski aad Sal leasee. FREIJNQ St 8TEINLK, 1S06 Farnam St Tat lore. CHASC. LANDKRTOtT. 10M N. Uth 8t. Veterlaarlaaa.. PH.'CT., R. YOUNO, 4802 Center. H. 6061 W ines aad Llaiaora. . ALEX JETE8, 201-J 8. ISth St. Wines, liquors, .cigars. Plate dinner 11 to , 10c, Olobe liquor house. 424 N. 18th; California wine, m per gat. write lor price list HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, uui ana ispuoi Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family llauors at Klein's Liquor House, 623 N. 16th. Douglas Us. HELP WANTED FEMALE '.' Clerical aad Off lea. WE can place you where opportunity Is greatest. Hre us at once. WATTS REF. CO.. 840-43 Brandels Thea. Kaetary aad Trades. LKARN halrdresslng. Oppennelm Parlora llonsekeepers aad Oasaeiatlea. TIIB Servant Olrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wauted Ad FKEI3 until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omana, bouth ismana ana ciouncu uiurra tiring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler lOuu. WANTED A nurse maid. Mrs. L. HUler, iub B. ffm bl rtarney io. PORTRAIT MEN il-hour service, proofs, finishing, frames. Write for catalogue. "Roberta Artists," 1420 McUee, Kansas Clly, Mo. o WANTED Salesman for Iowa and Ne braakn, pell Indies house and wash rtreet dresars. children's dress"B, wnah skirts, kimonos and robes. Reardon Bros. Mfs. Co., Waukegan. III. Clerical and Office. - HIOH CRAPE commercial positlona WESTERN REF & BON P AHi.V. 7i2 Oinahs N'at. Bunk Bldg WANTED Young man sieno.j out of town, good future. tuO. Y. M. C. A. Employment Dept. STENO., law office, P; steno. and book Keeper, J; munnger lam.ilar with agency work, one wtio can organize sell ing ciiminUn HaUrv and T-r rent. CO-OPERATIVE RKKLRENCE CO., 1015-18 CITY NATIONAL HANK BLDO. Sy CAR E PEUM IN SUl'ARi: HOLES. Wn find a position that lits you. CO-OPERATIVF. REFERENCE CO.. Iiil.".-1R Clly National Hank Hldg. For commercial poxlticitiH try ROC.EH8 REFERENCE CO.. 638 State Bank Bldg. 17th & Harney. WE can plaeo yon where opportunity Is greatest. SICK Lb TOD.U. WATTS REF. CO., KIH-4U l.rnnikla Tliea. W A X TKIi SIT LATH IX S CHILD S nurse wishes pos.tlon; be't referenee. Phone Red M40 FOR SALE A M1PPLE AKD woman wants position j as housekeeper. Webeter 4113. Karnltarr. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some plants. Omaha Van and Storage Te - 1Sth St AITOMOBILES I tndhnra Bros.. leav (Fly m Merkle). TRY PELTON'S-OARAOE for winter storage; ateam heat; make ar ranuements now. iS FarnEm. FORP cars palnt'd t2r. other cars accord ing to slxo; work gtd. Phone 8. 3.99. FOR SALE Wayne roadster. tWo paX eenirer. in Rood condition, all new (rears and new tires, forty horsepovw I . l'hont 6S3. 211 8. Main Ht.. Council Bluffs. Ia. Cremo'is ii Qui ilia Had. Rep. Co.. Far. ONE roller tcp desk, one fiat top offli-e'' table and other office furniture for sale. 7S liratideis Theater Bldg. Deliv ered after Tuesday's election. New id-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. Fiirn. Co.. flOo N. lfith. FOR tALt$S aas heater for $4. iffll Oak St. Red 43. Howe ventilator base burner. Tyler 2174. 2100 torfe t for sny magneto we can't re palr. Coll rernr g. O. Raydorfer. 210 N. 18 Irdustrlal Onraxe Co.. 20th Harney Sts. UOOD 4-cylinder Maxaell runelwut, at bargain; must sell this week; make offer. M. R. Wravor. Webster 846.L Moi ore cles. 1 1 A RLBY-PA V I PON MOTORCYCT.ES. Bargains In used machines. Vlrtor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 770? Lea venworth. 1314 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargain In used machines. OMAM BICYCLE CO.. 10th and Chicago, u. 372S nusrxEss ounces EIGHT looms of furniture for sale, $125. Tel. Pouglas 4!.V). For Sale A business that Is clearing from t0 to 11,000 per month right now; 17.Cj3 cash will buy; Imlf cash, the rent good paper; no competition; .within a block of the Owl Drug Co. Owner Is luaving city, must sell. Add ess E 101, Bee. LA RO F. and small ha:d coal burners, $12, one Wlnd.-'or folding bed, 110; gas heat ers. 3. Ferrlns. 15th add Capitol Ave. Maeal laatraraen'a. PIAVO player: a bargain Tel. H 4Ht Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange '07 17 n. RENT Rem nitons. Monarcna and Smith Premier of their makers. Tho Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 124. Rental ciedlu-d If you purchase, and only very newest and hUnent grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for $,"i for understroke machines or $3 per month for latest model vis blc writers. SWATTER'S POLUMX DICTAPHONE-EDISON PHONOGRAFli with complete outfit for making and re producing both two and four-minute reo ords, together with supply of blanks; out fit almost new and coat over 240; lust tha thlig for shorthsnd writers requiring dic tation to work up speed, or can be used fur iearninx foreign languages. Want good visible typewriter, or will accept any thing of equal value I can use. Addreo 8. V. 1S.H5. Bee EQUIPMENT of photo gallery, will trade for motorcycle, or what have you? 8. C. 214. FURNITURE for a 4s-room hotel near Omaha, ',(100. Ixw isle rent oa the building What nave you to offer! ' -r; aee nee All makes typewr ters rented, sold. term. Hutte Tvnewrlter. l"!.' Faroam. P mwi ttlscei lu neons. rnkery and furnace v,ofiil: Tel. Flor 401. FOR fALK at a . discount, a lull un limited srholuralilu in lioyles Husiueas college, Omaha; good for eitlicr short hand or business course. Appiy at the office of The Omaha Bee. 2-hand inch "irons Vt rwk t o . ii A; Paul. UA8 LAajPS Hae two tii) Humphrey. 3-mantle .nverted arc gas lamps; also two (2) Johnson lamps, ail In perfect con dition and good as new. Will sell these lamps cheap or trade for something else. Address. S. CV 217 Bee; . txi GRAFLEX ncwapaper camera, with 11 plate holders, cprryine case fof camera and rpriyiiit; case for plate hold ers. The outfit in good condlt on and a big bargain for tne let at 1110. Address s r. tf.li 112.001 GENERAL STOCK ,n line brhlc binlillng. All c.eur. Oixxi biislnesa, Kid town. In ea tern .Nebraska, want a giiod OHS.ern Nebraska or Iowa farm worih the m iney, uhout J.O.UM to fJti.OUO. Ad dress S. C. 21 , Hee. AI 'M robe, Caniu.on blanket 12-emiK3 Winchester pump. Friedman, 1.1-S lodge. j STENOGRAPHER, railroad experience; i niai rled man preferred. Antily at 312 . Bee Bldg. Factory and Trades. Plug More nao; lohg. Kn t. !ee Bldg WANTED Men to Icain the barber trade. The world netds more barbels than I any other tradesmen. We have orlKlnat -d I a plan to teach It quickly and earn some money. Tools Included. Board If desired. Open to everyone. Distant ap pitcants writ'; city applicants, call. Moler Barber College. 110 8. Uth St.. Omaha. WANTED Man to do general black smlthlng and machine work In brick and tile factory; wages, 12. M) per day. Address Auburn Brick and Tile Co., Au burn, la. Mlacellanrooa. LEARN Tartaric Mirror Silvering It pays. Long, closely guarded secret ot big factories. Particulars free. Win. Bar stow, 614 23d St , Oakland. Cal. MEN for firemen, brnkemen, 41J0 monthly. Send itgo, postage. Railway, Y 220, Bee. Wanted at Once MEN to leai n thu automobile business; the demand Is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, . 2S14 N. 2th SI.. Omana. Neb. tiROCKRV .-Hitl'. tor pale, only ex clusive ore In l'.ve town of l.ioo, located In western Iowa. Iio:n Krol hiiMineAii. Will pay to intea-lifMtu. Good rcuaons for sei"ir ArVlr-aa Y-2.14. care Bee. 11- Vol' haw I'ilHI to Invest nml a Kood knowledK of the retail biminess, there i Is a p.-irtneralilp open for you In u host- neas doing ?J0ii,0(W per annum! Address J K 112. Hee. NOW Is tho time and here's your chance to get a trood. legitimate, established paying business cheap; no experience necessary. Address a 103, Bee. dx7 CiUA FLEX new spacer laiue.a, w ila 11 plato holih-rs. carrying east: lor nmer;i and carrying case for plale hold er. The outfit In stood comlltion ami a b s burnaln for tho lot at lilo. Address A Bee. - : hull ALE New and aecouu-uand larom and pocket bill ard tables and bowing, iill'.ya and ruei s.nr,e?: bar fixture! of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-1 I'HlKe-Colleniier Co.. 407-" S. loth St lll-.ATING PUCAI, will heat most satis fui tori;y an iiiniiia room v.thout re l'iiiins any a-.lditiuiiul lu-j. Address S. C C Bee. 4 friTsl' WA1 F.R"SI;ANTEL PUPSt tnor.tlu' ohl; rfKistereil ploik. for sa'e. Wfllinm I ii: teihorst. I.eMhnra. Neh. KODAK ' K.MTMAX FOLDING rocket kodik; pii-t-iard size, pinnalo uraph lops, lentlKr inrrylnK case, tiilml, etc.; tilmost new. Want visible tyocw'jter. Addiess t'. C. )'ii7. Pj'c. MF A TM aTTk 1-: T Coi n i l i t o In S. K.'nT branka county seat. Will exchange fur "mall f.roiry or market In Omaha Mar ket ha. I'niid trade and tixlures arc In rood coii'litimi. Value about fl.'tH). Ad ilieys b. C. ill',. Ben MOTORCYCLE HAVE A LATE MODEL tMill tll(ltt,r,'V,.l. ,.. .,urt.., ...rl..n vlliflfl luiys bent oal for tne money, try throughout Hiid fully enulpred; could usi TU.OO lt VVl,(l S4S Harmon & Weetli. a llKlitwclKlit ln-.:lu cy inder machine aM i 1 Hart UaVnii'Tit hilt M.'ime niKKl he in firnt- . inp.i ieia.r. 11 nai nuvu you; auuipis S. C. :jli.". Ill C. f;l(NS. show crdt. Clark ft Son. P. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us tor quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANT. 41 Bee Bldg Phone Red K'A. THEATERS Buy, lease or dell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., ltod Farnam 6L 1 i,iilas P.97. LOST AMI FOUND. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kenneheck Co.. Omaha. TO (SET tn or out of buo'ness, call on OANOESTAP. 404 Bee Bids. D. J477. WE HAVE Good farms and ranches to trade for general stocks of merchandise. Write us. QUICK SALES CO., 418 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. WILL buy all or part o gents' furnish ing or hat business In Omaha, centrally located. Will pay cash. Addresa L 133, Bee. LEARN to play ragtime In V lessons. Call or write Chrlstensen School, 4S(0 Cuming Phone Harney S379. - o Would you nave to phoue for help if your Ignition tystem on your car went wrong out in the country? Learn how to eare for your own car at THE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL, Iilt-1T Dodge. Write for catalogue C, Omaha. ABLEBOD1ED MEN Good eyesight, for firemen and brakemen; good wages; experience unnecessary. State aue. Kail way, Y 364. Bee. u MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, t-S; set ot tools given; wagea paid- Trl Clty College. 12th. and Douglas Bts. GOOD MEN WANTED Now, to take our auto work until com petent; then go right Into the auto busi ness from here. Big new building; ma chine shop, lathe work, welding, starting systems, write for list of opeuiuga Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. Hi in r'arnam Ht.. Omaha 1200 PER MONTH and up. Must have 1100 to Invest L, W. Johnson, Lock Box 68, Beatrice. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE AM) FEMALE. MEN, WOMEN Get government Jobs; fob to 1M month; S,000 appointments monthly. Write for list. Franklin insti tute. Dept. 2J1 T, Rochester, N. Y. GET government Jobs, 966 to 1160 a month; tOoo appointments eaoh month. For list of positions obtainable addresa T 23. Bee. WANTED A girl for general housework. No washing. Small family. 131 Bouth SAth St. Harney illi WANTED Girl for general housework, family of 1. 6130 Isard. Walnut 3246. G06D nurse girl In large family, refer- em-es required, narney stai. GOOD girl for second work, good wagea. M rs. pion. m in. itn tt. WANTED Girl tor general housework; small family; good wagea. Phone WaU nut m MaID for general housework; references requirsd. Phone Mr. George Rasmus sen,. Walnut XTfc. or call at 40!S Lafay ette Ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work and care of small child; reference required. Harney 4S78. for general WANTED A good girl housework. 44J Dodge. WANTED White girl" to assist with ! and ability. Address J 604 care Bee. 1 1 v ustTW vi rv i iiu v ass 1 1 1 1 1 w v MEN WOMEN Oet government joba lt6 to U0 month. Write for list of po sitions available. Franklin . Institute, Desk W. Rochester. N. V. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG lady wishes a position as child's nurse or light housework. Harney 374. WANTED yVork as chain oerin aid In hotei in email a or soma uuiaua. . uuoe a, WANTED By an experienced rectifier who has been employed by one firm for the last fifteen years In the wholesale liquor business, a partner with capital to succeed to his former employer's busi ness. Old established business earning from flft-en to twenty thousand per an num now. Address B 128, Bee. Investments. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about to.OOO in an old established general merchandise business; will run it with my own help. A good Investment for the - man that haa some money - to loan out. Stock about tlO.oOu. German preferred. Addresa T Bee. . Roaalsg Hoasea tar Bala. I4-ROOM . rooming house for sale, doing good business; reason for selling, on ac count of 111 health. 60S N. 16th. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur- fiassed classes In all business and Eng !sh branches, shorthand. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young peopla to work for board. For a new free catalogue address MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 1815 Farnam 8L, Omaha. Douglas 6619. The Van Sant School , Stenography Day school, 9:00 to 4:00. Night school, 4:15 to ;15. ISth and Farnam Sta Douglas 4647, YOUNG man wauls place to work for board while attending Boylea college. Telephone Pouglas 155. of SITUATION wanted as caretaker rooming house. Address A bilfa. Bee. EXPERIENCED' chauffeur w Uhea to city very well. Address V Wt Bee. WANTED Cooking position by colored person; day work preferred. Web. 7:t7. YOUNG lady tflshes position as nurse maid or housemaid In small family. H. I?;;. STRANGER In c.ty wants day work, 13 y'rs' experience, U per day. Walnut 3211. YOUNG lady with two years' experience as stenographer wants position; can furnish sood references as to character Webster 61-U 2?1 Blondo. WANTED Two good maids for general housework; will have X rooms with hath, good wages; must have references. Telephone Mrs. Plerpont. Walnut mil. WANTED A good girl for general house, work. Call Harr.ey. H. 1W0. COMPETENT girl for general house work; three tn family; reference re quired. Call Mrs. B. C. Rogers, Harney 4.V-i Address 1311 8. tOth Ave. -Experlenoed sex-ond girl; S In family: willing to go to Council Bluffs. Apply lis N 40th. Harney 4C1. GIHL-for general housework, tot B. 21 h St. Harney YOUNG girl to assist atniut the house and rare of t-y ear-old child. Harney lhii M taeellaoMwa. WOMEU wanted for government rlerk- ships. Big pay. Omaha examinations soon. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. DspL Rochester. N. Y. KverjtklasT Waaseau Woman's Exchange, 432 pax. Bik. R. 4911 ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleatlug; covered buttons, all atses and styles: hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Final big Co., 1M Douglas Blocs. D. lat Flurlsts. A. DONAHUE. 183 Harney. Doug. 100L FAVORITE. '1 lie heal Agatha. 2-r. KiU or lure. V ila. iter Iwitsy. Hio. GEM Esa U10 VINTON. I . THIRTEENTH The Una Rider. (S reel Eclair.) ' tuuiuii Mash Day, IBtcrUiig Comedy.) LA I It 8 florists. 1M4 rarnam Ht. L. HENDERSON, Ul Faruam. D. 12u. I e ii i be r, Elorlat Telegraph lel. A HKSd A HWOBODA. 1414 Farnam 8C Hair Dreaaias. Harper Method. R. 9, Bslrd Bldg. D. atli. BWITCHEd (row Gowbuuja. U-W. D. tbtX YCil'Ml women coming to Omaha as straiHiSft are Invited to visit tha Young Women s Christian Association building at t. Mary's Ave. and 17th Ht-. where they 'II be directed to suitable boarding f laces or otherwise assisted. Look fur our ravelsra' guide at Unon station INTELLIGENT woman over a), as trav eling manager. Permanent, fcbv Brandels Theater Bldg: LADlKM' and misses' coats, suits, dresses and skirl samples at wholesale prices. Bonoft's New York Sample blore. tub N. Uth Bt. HELP WANTED MALat RELIABLE colored woman wants gen eral -housework, to go home In even ing. Douglas S6m. STRONG young man, 23 years old, with experience In saw mill near Seattle, wants place with lumber company In Ne braska; yard work, office wished, so as to become n ore elficiunt In that work. Address A llf. Bee. YOUNG man will work for board and room; will do anything; wants to go to school at night. Address P. 110. Bee. AN experienced farm hand, wants s steady lob on a farm, by the month; references, etc. A 125. Bee. GooD place as housekeeper; will go to the country, short distance. J7l4 Grant Bt. Webster Sll. MAN and wife for work around boarding house for board, room ami salary, toi N. lhth. IF you wish the assistance of a good carpenter. Call Red Mta. EXPERIENCED colorej girl wanta posi tion as a chambermaln. Webster 4&2, a s k for Flla. COLORED woman wants position as cook in boarding house. 1914 N. ITih. L. A. Frvln. Exp, lauudreas wants duy work. W. fcino. DAY work wanted badly. iHiug. 8407. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk refer ences furnished. Can cut meat It nec essary. Webster 3673. INTERPRETER, speaking languaKes, good at figures, wants clerical position. Address M US. B-e. Ageals, Balesaaea aad Valleltara. WE ran use I'M educated men through out the I'nlled btatea as renreenta lives te supply the Increased demand for the New International Encyclopaedia Owing to the oraaent European war. Fur full infornistlon. address todd. Mtad sn.indeuce confidtnlUL AUdrssa O lx Co.,; New York City. IBce. Bl'SINEMd MEN If you require tha services of a competent stenographer and LiK'k keeper, write me at om-e; am now employed In a position which re qUrea stenograhlc ability and celling ability also: two years' experience; cau tiite good references as to character and ability; have earned two promotions In present Job; would consider anything I rem IIS up: future uecesitary; corre- NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE Monday,. Wednesday and Friday even ings. Tuition rates very low. 93.00, 94.00, 9S.00 and 9&00 per month. The only thing that keeps any man or woman down to drudgery la his or her own lack of train ing. Y'ou will begin to rise the minute you start your studies at Boyles col lege Night School. PHONE Douglas IMS or write at once and learn why and how Boylea college can quickly enable you to command promotion and demand a higher salary. All commercial and Eng lish branches taught Bookkeeping, shorthand snd typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, arithmetic, penmanship, spelling, special English for foreigners private Instruction. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOTLKS. President. Omaha Neb. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 4624 uougias ri. i ei. vt ainut iimi-.n iiKiit oriK, sanitary, ruu-wi , desks, office chaiis, etc. 11. V. Andcr- j bw"i wn urn Diui, ; r.,.,. . , . v. r; ; 7 ; NEW Oliver typewriter cauli 6fler or ALTO robe, Nava.io blanket, i shot tuns. What have vou-' s C "lu Friedman, 1 Dodge I oFiriCK FimNlTCRiwfi: ' buy x,m. I bn.nnH r i n .1 . t f i n fiintilii.. ...... , he cheap for cash. Addiesj t. C 1240. Bee. PAINTING mid paper lianKiiiB;. I will da you first-class work; take some furnl tiirr, healer or anything of value. Ad dress S. C. 21 1, Doe. PHONOGRAPH. ETC. A amall phono Kraph and ten records for sale or trade. What will you give me in exchange for them? Address SCL 153S.- Bee. 7-ROOM lioCSK. like new, best repair. Price 92,760. Want auto, carry balance. A-H)2, Bee. RESTAURANT for sale or trade, down town. What have you to offer7 "Phone Douglas 2118. Write 3029 Fowler Ave., City. OMAHA CuLNCiL ULCFeS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Sc. Council Blufis Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in tho street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and tho company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Cell Douglas 48. LOST A snow white bull terrier bitch; pointed enrs hnd long tall. Wore a heavy hvis studded collar when ioat nnd answers ,o the name of Queen. Very lib eral reward if returned to Edward Peter son, 415(, Davenport St. LOST White and tan female pointer pup. 4411 N. 21st St., Tel. W. 5316. Reward. LOST A pearl Tiffany rlhs;. Reward for return to Apartment 6, 2521 Davenport. LIVK STOCK M)R SALE. Horses uil Vehicles. LARGEal stock of delivery wagons In the city; all kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering Johnsoa-Danfortb Co.. new location l6iS-.11-.ti N. 16th 8u TEAM of mares, 2.&00 lbs., 9175. Team of mares, 9125. 3Sth and county line, South Omaha. Tel ephone South 3029. HAY. 98 per ton. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. GOOD horse, reasonable. Tel. H. 4478. FOR SALE Cow and calf, 48th Ave. and W St.. So. Omaha. A. Swanson. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured ' Dr. EX H Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials, DR. . R. TARRY. 240 Bee. nrot.urcu in a irw uays wunoui "ln.ln rall nweltrr Wrou Rupt 90S Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1S94. o MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half usual rata RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block, j Douglas 14U. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mags ctnea We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne,. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge St- RESTAURANT' fully equipped and doing good business together with 8 rooms above; only restaurant In county seat, and rent free. Will sell or consider auto. Call Monday. Douglas 3039. SKlNg, thowcaitit, Mark At Son. D. 11178. STOVE or hot water heater, In perfect condition, for a small house, garage or for chicken house, is small and eompact, all Iron, In two pieces, for apples, pota toes or any old thing I can use. Ad dress, S. C. I'M. Bee. SPOONS Some 3 dozen silver soda water or Ice cream spoons; also some artistla late date soda glass holders; all In per fect condition. For anything; I can use. S. C. 203. Bee. TANK Iron tank, four feet dla, !l feet high, two feet hopper. Address S. C 201, Bee. TYPEWRITER Nearly new No. I L. C, Smith typewriter for sale or trade for printing. Price 960. Address S. C. 208, WATCH-MAKER outfit for sale or trade. Worth about 91,600. What have you to trade? 8. C. 202. Bee. FOIt RENT Apartments aad Flat. BEAUTIFULLY finished apartment of S rooms and bath, also large screened porch; all conveniences Including janitor service, steam heat, locker space and laundry facilities. Splendid location. Let us show you this today. It's exceptionally fine and only $45 per month. BCOTT & HILL CO.. Douglas 1009. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited scholarship In Boyles Business col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthsnd or business courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months, 94 00. THR OLIVER TYPE WRITING CO.. Poua-laa 291a, !XK Farnam. FOR SALE Faraltere, Auction Sale WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 4TH, 1914. AT 10 A. M. SHARP, We will tell tn the hlrhcst bidder the 20 room hospital at bol-ftul 8. 2Mb. St. Here is a sale that you cannot afford to miss. This furniture Is all new and has never been used, the owner being unable to make It pay and must sell. Here Is an oi portuiiity that you do not have every dsv to buy this class of fur niture at puhf.c auction, so come early and stay until every piece Is sold. Jt will pay you well. Dowd Sale & Auction Co. AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION SALE. Tuesday, November 3. at Ht So. 29th Bt, at 9 P. ro w's will sell to the highest tldder the contents of a ten-room house, consist" ng of parlor furniture, rugs, siueboard, din inn room table and chairs, several good beds, sprlnss and mattresses, sanitary cots and pads, aeveral good dressers and commodes, two steel kitchen ranges. kiiehn table, dlaliea. nwikin I- of all kinds in fact, everything- to make up a complete tea-room nouse. There are a lot of good things to be sold at this sale, so come early and stay all afternoon, lt will pay you well. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. ANYONE knowing name and address of lady who saw William Wilkle killed at Ninth and Jones streets on September 24, or any of the men sitting on top ot switching train which struck him, please notify Mr. James Wilkle, Shelton, Neb., and receive rewara. rOULTRI AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry housea They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain. 91. 80 par 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16 WANTED Tt BUT SLIGHTLY used hlgn grade pianos. W. 3726. OFFICE furniture bought and sold, J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. lHug. i46. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 14'l N. 24th. W E buy, sell, exch. doming, jewelry, etc Suitcases 91 up. Friedman, ltth & Lodge. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WES! SHIP live stock to South Omaha Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and easeful atten APARTMENTS FOR RENT ON 10TH 8T., TWO BLOCKS FROM DEPOTS. Apartments have 8 rooms, laundry, front and back porch; nice front yard; in first class condition. Also 6-room apartment, second floor; first-class condition; nlca upper front porch. Call at 1303'A S 10th St MRS. STEVE MALONET. TL'"l TT T5Y7VTrW 890$ N. 17th EC, 7 rms.. hot water heat. 936. GRANT. Douglas 8380. 99.00 Three large rooms, apartment, part modern. 1916 Elm St. Harney 43S. ST. CLARE APARTMENTS, 23d and Harney Sts., I room apartmaaUk Call H. 647 or D. tiuS. Gordon VanCo. & lit N. Uth St. 8ti Phone D 894 or Web. 8-ROOM brick flat, comer ith and W1W llam Sta; most desirable In Forest Hill Park. Douglas 9040. VERY choice 4 or t room steam heata TiHrtiYi.nt Af Wat IT. m m t - - - joi-i.in w. KutsaiNa. laoi r amam 2013 CHICAGO Nice 9-rooms and bata moaern apartment house. 1 MODERN 7-r. flats, cheap, H. 9643. iawui rooms modern flat 1111 So, lit Steam htd flats. 16th A Web. Tyler tOU. OG DEN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, oomt with kitchenette, steam heat Phone 94 4 AND S-ROOM apartments, hot and oold, water, steam heat, 930; 1219 Leaven worth. Phone Tyler 410. Rental Service Free Ww can save you much worry, troubla and annoyance. We can tell you what houses and apartments each real estate office has for rent. Phone us, Douiriaa 24. Fidelity Storage and Van Co. Lie stuck Comsalsaiua Slerchaats. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Excnange Uidd. - SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO A hian tirade runabout Stanley Steamer auto, n perfect condition; laic date s.eel wi.eela; nicely painted and a very classy up-to-date car; personal prop trly, contract work or cement blocks con li ereu. as we.l as farm prouuie; want house repair- work. A bargain lor some one. 8. C. 2W. Bee. lUTo Stoddard Dayton, to H. P.. 2 or 4 passenger. In line shape. Speedy and a nice car. No tiades. Sell for 9oa0. Address 8 C. M. Bee. AUTO Slightly used "Krit" roadsier.for old muutl "Furd" roadster. J. A. Jen sen. 41INS-'d St. - "AUTO Light "aulo truck, overhajled. Adorers . C. 2m, Bee. 10-ROOM flat, modern, 22ug Harney btl Harney 647. ' 126 6-r., St. Louis, new, hot 8. 21st. J BoarJ sad Ituoma. GRASMERE Beautifully furnished for one or two. Phone Harney TotiO At'TcMottlLEiv r or utavr auiomubli bargain see the "Automobile " iii. ril ' C LCH K I'o you want to saap for aome tlitng that will s.eak for .t-e.f: li so. come and see this hlgli-Mraile. artiktic French clock; wia uonaider anything rulsed on a farm or made by man. It cua, 9.7 ana I will accept anyth ng I can deal tor. 1 have no u lor It. S. C. aoj. Bee. CONTRACTOR and wm enter will do your building, repair mora, etc; wiil Vake a good iuater or anything of value. Address H. C. ill. Bee. C J. CANAN. Real Estate and Exchangaa FURNITURE My furniture of ten-room roouiinK ImiuM must be disposed of soon. This furniture ia of a duality above the average and Is In excellent ondltlon. What have Tog. Address . I'gralasm Ruoina. FUR.V rooms by day or wk.; modern 1 steam heat: 9160 up. 107 s. 17. D. titJX H'KM.ihfcU ruoni for lent, near Crsiclti ton university. Phone Douglas IMS. 8 S. 29TH Furniaued roams, private1 family. Harney M. 211 9. 25T 11 ST. Modern, nicely furnibhed large front room, hot and cold water, cleuu. le-spectable; 91s. HANSCOM park district, in iirlva ?:.uv lly. for two gentlemen. Ca II H. 1..3. FURNISHED room In Dundee! ever? convenience. oOH Cuming, vvaini'l iJJ MODE RN, sunny roomTsTw. front, bay Windows. 4 1110. fZ S. 20th. NICELY fur. room, electric light, s lea is heat, board If des.'red; excellent loea tiuu; walKing Uistanoe: private home; r fined gentleman or coupie. Tel. W. 43,'jj. Itouaekrevtiitf Rooms. THJt EE nice rooms, hlk g. 1U1 8. Uth. DAVENPORT. Sols THREE" OR FOUR HSkCl. R.MS. AtTS.. REASON A BLEs l-'MrBilieil liuurkn-pla( itoonaa. FARNAM 2S22-Three nicely furnished ieam-heated housekeeping rooms, 9S. F UB. h k p'g rooms.- IVoT Leavenworth, TWO elegant rooms, slekm healed. lj N. 22d. ' tslarsukcil kiaiait. FI.VE rooms, mod, ex heat. Web. EKL llalela aad Aparlaaeaie. CALIFORNIA Hotel, loth and California Weekly rates 9J and up. Ioug as 7il OGDF.N HOTEL. Council Bluffs, nii neaea rooms. - per week. Phone Ml DODGE HOTEL- Modern. KaasooablaT 1 1