Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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Bhe and King Determined Not to
Leave Own Land Till Abso
ratly Necessary.
ftrcrrtmrr of I . . IrKnllna In T1ro
rli Wllnrwi Artnnl llshtln;,
Serins; nrtln tkhell ftr
Kill F.lnrn Mrn.
(Copyright. 1!14. Iiy Vrrn PultllshLiiR Co.)
Nl'ON. Oi l SI. (Spec lnl CaMcgrarri
to Ntw York World and Omaha Hit )
Hugh Olhson, the secretary of the Amorl
an legation In MruKsels. hs returned
from a sperlnl mli.oa to llare,
where he went from ixiwlon to rnnfrr
with th Itrlglsn govrrnimnt. Ho visited
the king and quern on the ft! in line,
tx-ar Plxmtido, having a thrilling experi
ence ltnFing the actual fighting.
(W Incident of thr trip wan thnt nf a
shell bursting near Mr. Clhsnn. killing
mrn. ( n arcmnt of his diplomatic
t-tattis. Mr. Gibson n precluded from
discussing n)at he saw, Ini the
military operations.
HeceJred by Kins and Qirra,
He firm visited tl.e. Helgtnn govern
ment orflnals at Hsvre. and then, at t lie
Instant of the ltelglnna themeelves, he
proceeded to ItrlKlum and thrrn lie was
received by both the king and quoen
neither of whom ha ever left
oil and neither of whom Intends doing
co unt.l It Is absolutely necessary.
Neither believes that such a necessity
will ever arise. The king and queen are
doing heroic work, aerordlng to Mr. Gib
son. The king, In a imi'le field uniform,
la In the trenches conxtantly directing
the operations and talking with his men,
whose enthusiasm la always aroused by
the king's, presence, Mhh'h atlmulatea
their cj Irlts and keeps firm fighting.
Iluler at err Kroot.
The king of the lie Ik Ian show no
fear whatsoever and keeps at tha ve.ry
front. Tho queen la no less brave. Bhe,
too, venture Into tho perilous tone, She.
la In charge of tho organisation of the
hospital and ambulance, rorp whlrh
pick up tho wounded. tn takes an active
part In the work. She knows much about
treating the wounded, being the daugh
ter of an eminent surgeon and having
devoted mu" b time to the study of niedl
cine. She la at all time within the
sound of the great guns, and while Mr.
Gibson was talking with her the win
dows rattled with the explosion of the
great gun of British dreadnoughts lying
off shore, bombarding the (Jerman post-
tlon. often tho queen goes up to the
firing lino while directing the rescue of
the wounded.
Itoth the, klnfi and the quern evince
'. grout interest and grateful appreciation
.of the American efforts to afford relief
r?to -the stricken Belgians.
tt, t ' "."'V '
Wounded in Northern j Kansas City Opens
New Union Station
M" ,
( i' t
Government Seat to Be Returned to
Metropolis from Bordeaux No
vember 26.
mnhliers I laht la Sorthrrn on
trr to tlealst Aitmiirr nf .er
ninna Finnic t'nmnns ltter
I enter of t nr Interest.
iINT'ON. f if t. 1 Tlie':il
' rurniMni iinn In tuTthero Prance are
mpurn lei.t to roje with the number i,f
; '1 t'cimr rr ceive.l. aceor'liriR to n
t"edl'al enrrcpoinlent if thr Time?
Wrtilnr from J'oilope th" correaimnd
I eflt :iv
1 "Tiie hcKpitHli" are full, but the stream i
'if wo'inihil continue and will continue
a - ! Met!
t 'H .. t :m o !!.. r-t tho ..,.
i of I s new t:n''n ctatbm whh n
i-.' f . . r -i .h 1 1 v up' i"i t.. tl-e pull'!
i i.i r, r i t . ri vh t l're d nt NVil.n .it
. t! e lil'i- M" !M: I i'H'tira n button Hid
icwint" iii.. tic diioi of the terminal
I The i I-: i ai ion w !l continue v ith little
Interrupt. i ti until inidnlisl.t Sutuninv.
when ti.e fir-t r'K iir train will run hit i
The plHln fuels are t! at the hospital ac-iuie
"immoilotlf na In mrthern T rance are nt
ir,nfn ei.t Tt.r. r...1t. v u' vl.lnr.ini na ' t-eilt 1 1. . VI
n, any woumjed ao poxs.'Vile to Knland
TAIlIS. Oct SI. fnofflclnl announ'O- I In helnpt p'ml ed to a .Inncrou extreme,
merit waa made today thnt the govern- i ' Toere Is a buti! and nerloua of
men would return to I'nrt from I lor- ! efficient and xp.r1encr surgeon and
deaux Nnvemhf r J nnd tluit I'.irliiment , ri irses. A grist majoil'y of th" wound"
would meet on I ii 1'. to puasj"1 'aused by phntpn'l. They Iwcome
ememerKV lows Infected qubkly rind d'-ninr.d - surgical
l.lttln hv little Paris nppcnr to he re
turiiing to more normal condition. The
hop in Hi' Artme 1 l.ux riteta.
ahP h lui l the:r doors loi ke.1 mid the 1 ' ' " 1 ""-s " w i"i
f i' i;i! .i s. a:
.-1 a i : i ii i
biiiM n-:s f
! Tin i -i lit.
pi.; I'l n nd
,!( of h,ii.'o and rel're
the htti-ii.hirt tcrmlml
. .ti 1 1 .i v of !".,'.,"".'ifM, the ne-.v
one of ihe ncrld's Hiuet
it !(!::!
rclioi,n v.i n- "!."cd thnt the
tea. li"r. n.leht lako rart 'n
the ( M ivil ie.
WARIUNCTt N - In reyjionao to a pro-j
tent lodged by Aml.iiiiiidiir Chlnda of;
' jJspan, government offh In Is huv taken ,
steps to have the Deer, a (ierman
cruiser, exeliel from tho port of Jlono-i
lula, herj It re. -.fitly put In for repulr
The Japanee now point out that the re
pairs to tho Oder wi re, now complete, !
anil under law It I" tv i
longer enlltli-d to run.i'n In Ihe port- It
is understood thai .1 .it-.uii'He nieti-of-war
arc waltltig for It outride the harbor.
window uhlicn al. il, have heen re
otxneil. 'lay nnotlier reRtaurant or
oxr on the l.oi! vaids "r elsewhere re
FUineji hulne..s, arnl the newp,i rn.
ahlch craae I to puhllfih fit the time of
tho mohi i.nt'on, ha' e ln-i:i;fi to ar
SKnln. Tiie iicilnti of rcopiiltiK the
Hourse a!'i It illrun.ied. Frnm the
I mar arena In Trance and ftelgluiii the
j mont phniiii; new to Pnr!lnti today
I was that telllm; f the retreat of thr
riertnans across the Yrr In the f ai e of
' Htl'f connotuidlnn l.y the alUe. The an -'
nouncetin nt tnly a f.".v day ncn that
the Oernian had succeeded In crnlns
to the left lank of the Y.-icr did more
to '!f-ptim the ppirlt of the people here
I tratrrrnt of the nvit. thorough char
' a.-ter. With tnexe mfj time f a Ms;
' la-'or. It. is dnnifc run. In mopt cuscf
I to eulilect the patient to a long trip to
i Knitlalid.
I "Many more hospital mut he estalv
Mlhed In hotel. rilno and houses hc-
hind the firlne Hoc. HurEeons of lohg
j experience mu-t le sent. Finally antl-
' (.ritl.. Hl'T-ua.t' n.m.l 1 r, .r...l..A
.1 n.i . 1 , , " litl.e richt s!.timpoo.
i'n- r'.o i-ii. i ne iitii'T, wni' n ami I
, at cleanllne without the tie of rermi
' kllllns; suhMance, inrics where In-
I re."ed wound are concerned.
"Yet there are many Rood reasons for
(tiallevlnir It to he widely prHctlced. Here
II where enrm-on of wide cipei . ti.e are
, needrd rfther than rnnns 'ledaine.
, The same huld true of dimerous delicate
i operatlor.s. It I cju illv ne.easary to
i have In the h'. :'nts t;,rf of mice
who have had
h" ilo mi nt of the war for I m-i. of frnlnlns '
than anv
some time.
Th'-lr withdrawal now. alone
jproKicsa of li.e alliM at other no
.officially announi'fd. ! tahen l.y
(Continued from Page One )
league, and F'llday afternoon, nt the
Central Illxh school, the antniaJ meetliiK
of the Nrhra ika branch of the American
Hchool fence league. Moth are an x II
liarles of the Nebraska State Teachers'
Teachers vlltlns; the nty nt the time
Sing Sing Warden
Dismissed by Glynn
a marMcp; the flri't stages cr on Im
pending Ictory.
ni ii II iiirirni i:i i.iM-n ill ujq icii jiiti'L- , . .
U i ...,....,. e v..... ! -'WK, Oct. Si -Thomas .1. Mc
i ,. Ill,, have h.e, Il, I.eenUMe of the I Corm1, k Wa dlsmlssej t,Kht a Warden
; (treat Importance of the position to the
! Hermans. Ypr . B.-coi.liii to the. Her-
in-in nillltarv men, I the center lif the
jtlei rnan position In hw-i-n T.IMe and the
a. Tliv.v h.uc said that they could not
of Sin Sinn prison after fiovernor Olynn
had read the report submitted to him by
Stephen C. Tialdwln. th ppcc-al commis
sioner appointed to Investigate the af
fairs of the Institution
of the convention .or thorn, who il. slte, to : miitlnun their n.lvati. e unless n.-surcd of I Th Vmnry cauRe of the warden's dis
becoino metiibeis of the nnsoclntlon, may ; I10s,,sHlon of It. c.hare was Ills Krantlrm' of special favors
nroll at any time (luiiti moinlii;s and j ..,f Ypres Is conMurr..l. we will have I ,rl ' r"tl,l A. Hiilllvan. a Brooklyn bank
evenlnita by koIiik to the Auditorium, j t, routc opcrifd iih far a heli;hls of 1 wr"' k'r- Sentenced to hard labor. Sul
durlng aflemoon nt the IU(jh school 1 S ()m,,ri twenty-two miles southeast of l'vn was Hen worii hi a stenorajher
hullilInK'. and at the Home hotel at any Ciilals," Is a statement attributed lo t"1 chauffeur.
time between 7 .: In the inorninn and ; them. However, the most Important po- rlv residents of Tonkers testified to
rrldniKht. I sltlons In tiie I'no of combat between '1ny, that recently they ia,j seen Sullivan
The llrandels stores have Invited the Nlouport. lUxmnde and Ypre are In the je-bout that city.
teachers to a spcclul pcrformaiue at the ! hands of the allies
You wiil do). s-ht In arraiiKinK your hair
In tiie new ni d inti M-siinK modes i f this
sea.-ion so that It Hpiarn naturally heavy.
This nil! he a simple matter if you use
H Is not advisable to
uiie a makeshift but aliviivn use a l rep
aration made for shnmpooliiK only. You
can enjoy the b'-sl thnt is known fur
about three rent a. Mniinpoo by Kettirig a
l"nckau;e of canthtox from your riruxKtM;
dissolve a traspoonful In a cup of hot
water and your shampoo Is ready. After
It t'e the hair dries rapidly wiih uniform
color. I'andruff, excer oil nnd dirt arc.
dissolved. Your hair will he so fluffy
that It will look much heavier than It is.
Its 'utrr and softnrss will aiso rielleht
yon, while the stimulated scalp Rains the
health which Insures hair growth -Advertisement.
Great Sale of
Automobile Overcoats
teachers. Besides these. In tha way of
entetalrlittrmt. Uteris ,ts to be a rtill'rard
.. for the benefit of The teacher. However,
Hie, time for tha functions has been so
assigned thit there will t?e no cutting
tntdjfh Hoilra designated for the working
i paH Jbf the cbnnttoo,
1 Hiring the stay of the teachers In the
city thera will be a trade excursion to
Houth Omaha and an opportunity given
. to visit the point of Interest In Omaha.
This will probably iw the afternooa of
Friday, November 6. The lama venlnsr
there will be a, concert at tha Auditorium,
to which all will be Invltad a ruesta. It
will ba given by Mrs. Oervllla-Reache, .a
prima donna whose reputation aa a singer
la world-wide. This Is the closing; num
ber on tha week's program.-
P u ring tha week. f tha eowvanMoo
teachers outsldo Omaha will ba given an
opportunity of visiting th city school
' And those. desiring to do so should: write
to, or rail -upon Superintendent Graft at
the city hall:
Omaha temhers are hard at work on
tha fletu'tig for the convention and have
the! work wall n hand. E V. rarrlsh
of the publicity bureau of tha Commer
cial flub l assisting them and has charge
of rne commlrtee" on lnfor-matlon, meeU
Ing place arrd iiotela Teacher desiring
Information on anything1 along these
lilies may' write him and dc nd upon It
that their -requeau wUI ba glveh atten
tion. '
Iafovsnatloa for Asking:.
Mlsa Bell Ryan, assistant superinten
dent of schools, will give any Information
. desired relative to the schools of the city.
Prof. Benter haa charge of, tha bulletins.
Ills Httte the drroratlon. N. M. Orv
ham. superintendent of Ihe 8outh Omaha
school,, the excursions; Prof. Reed tha
guides. Visa Forsyth the Information
bureaus, Mlsa Austin, reception of teach
ers at the depots; Prof. Rusmlsel, the
usher and the Young Men'g t'hrlstlan
assoclatlon. the rooming bureau.
Kach day during th convention, uni
formed high school cadets, wearing
badges, will be at the depot, wheie they
will answer Questions and furnish the
teachers assistance In getting up tovin,
reaching th convention halls and direct
ing them to their boarding places
lle'adqaarter at Home.
Tha headquarters of tiie ' atMm latloa
will be at the Hum; hotol. wltu conven
t.on sessions held In the Auditorium, the
lanquet hall of the Home, tho high
school, tha Central school, ttu HiKh
rhool of Commerce, the Klrst M'lhidlt
nd First Coniretlcnal churche.
"hamber' gcademy. Crelghton Art and
6clenc building, Crelghton aud.torium,
tha Young Men's Chrlatiaa and the Young
Women' Christian assolation buildings.
The first sefon of the" oonventlbn w ill
be held in the. banquet hall of the Rom
"hotel at JO o'clock, tha morning of Nov-
ember . when "What Contltute Effi
cient Bupervuaon of City School."' will
ba taken up and dlcud. followed by a
discussion -of th "Rights of tha Child.;'
In the afternoon thera Ut ba another
meeting at the same place. At the same
tuna there will ba sessional' meeting at
nearly all he flsxaa tijrretofor referred
la FU JMl .-Tir.da.
Th folio vine 44J ThWsUay, the con
vention will ba lit goud working order.
'Tha machinery will ba running and at
- itearty a doten places scattered about In
the . downtown , actions, th acctlonal
meetings will ba golns on. Thera will not
ba a moment of the time that will not
X, take; up, as &.W or more teachers
who will ba thera will want tu'eroad all
tUe work possible lntj the three days.
In connection wifi Ihe convention.
Thursday aiuirnoon. there will .ba th
ajinual, sKsnion of th Mury Tellera'
Brandi Is theater.
To Yll onth OmaliM.
The live atock Interests of Kouth Onioba
are niaklns' extensive prepurHtlon for re
celvInK the Nebraska teacher. The etnrk
yard company I.i Issuing a souvenir In
vitation to each of the teacher to visit
"Market," win-re special courtesies will
lie extended t i them. The packing
houses are nrranKing for elaborate dis
plays of their products and all tho Insti
tutions connected with the market will
hold open house during the term of the
convention. On Krldny, November 6, the
stuck yards company will tender an In
formal luncheon In the big exchange din
ing room to the members of tho Teachers'
"The Houth Omaha live sloct market
now ranks second mining the world's
markets and Is today Nebraska's greateit
commercial . Institution," said Everett
Uucklnnham, general manager. -
"Tha progressive teacher, always alert
to matter of public Intercut,- and ever
ready to absorb klowlcdge which may be
useful In the everyday field of endeavor,
will find a visit to the stock yards a
profitable ope, for there an opportunity
will bo afforded to learn something con
cerning tha Industry which lis been uch
a prominent factor In the development of
Nebraska's resources."
Among the many local excursions
planned for the teachers last year tho
on to the "yards" proved by far the
mora popular and It Is expected that
thousands of the teachers will visit the
big packing houses and tho stock yards,
so those Identified with the market are
making arrangements iiccnrdinK'y. "
Oneral lierr Cherflls, the military
ctlllc, declares thnt a wounded Frenc
offh rr with whom he tulked yesterday,
had nil the praise to the (irrtnan method
of combat. The present war, he says,
ulso affirms the Immense service aviation
run render to tho French units. Tho
neroplanes has become nn Instrument of
observation, not only useful but Indis
pensable, according to (leneral Cherflls.
The death list of Ihe nrmy men today
contains the name of Colonel H. Detrle,
who was the youngest superior officer In
the set e.'
I i Two German Cruisers
Reported Captured
IXINnON. Oct. 31. 2:fi9 a. m.) A dis
patch to the Tost from Sydney, N. s. ,
says It Is reported that the German
cruisers Bcharnhorst and tho Onelssnnu
have been captured as a result of the
failure of their coal supply. There Is no
official confirmation of the report to be
had here.
Tee Want Ads Produce Hesult.
Vote KBNNF.DY for SK.V ATUR.-Ad-v
a AfSLvA a
14c a Day
Will buy nny pioco of jewel
ry in our stock. Buy your
Xtiuis presents now. Pay $1
a week. No interest no se
curity just common hon
esty. Western Watch
& Jewelry Co.
IUmhii 217 Karliali Illock.
2011 So. 15th St.
LONDON, Oct. 1.3-Prlncrss ITenry of
nattenhnrit ha been Informed by tjie
headquarters at Hie front thnt her son,
I'rlncn Msurho of Kattonberg, whose'
name appeared In the list of killed made'
public a few days ago, met death leading
his company In nn attack. Tho prince
was struck by a shrapnel bullet from a
bursting shell and died, almost immedi
ately afterward.
A dispatch to the Central News say
Prince Maurice hn been hurled near
T pre.
Eat Less Meat
Ifjtack Hurts
Take) a gI;tN of Sats lo fliihh Kid
neys if llliulilor hut hers you
Drink lola of wUer.
F.atlng meat regularly rventunlly pro-
INDON. Oct. 81.-A dispatch to the ,luc'8 hl,1n'y "'i "ma Ior" or
Reuler T.lerram from A.n.i.r. "" "" a well-known authority, ne-
dm say that., according to tha Berlin i ''aU8e lUo urlc H0''1 ,n mPBt ecl,'s ,hu
new.pspers. th. usual course of Instruc. ! M- taflm overworked, get
tlon in th. gchools of Germany cannot be "lufh; clo "P "d ia,,M or,s of
eonUnued. aa 40.000 teacher. . .. . Htro. particularly backache ,nnd mir
ths front.
Culls from the Wire
The defense rested In Ihe trial In New
York of Jared Klagg. charged with ualng
the mails to defraud.
Th. economy being practiced by Kn
lish women t present Is causing lack of
work In crrtain brsn.hes of trade.
A. H. Pllblrr of Pittsburgh was rlected
president of the American Hardware
Manuiai turers' association ut the closing
session of it convention In . Atlantic
City. N J.
Th. French government I arranging,
through the American embassy in Pari.
to send to Oermany and Austria all ub-
loctt or Hole countrlr detained In
France who are not subject to army duty.
Offlclnls nf the Panama canal sons are
concerned over the opposition which has
developed recently to tho ratification bv
tho Panama assembly of the new canal
zone boundary convention, signed by rep
resentatives or i lie i imed Htatrs anj
Panama on 8etemlier i
cry In th. kidney region; rheumatic twin
ges, sever, headache', acid stomach, con
stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness,
bladder and urinary Irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or If bladder
bothers you. get about four ounces nf
Jad Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonf ul In a glass of water
before bieakfast for a few days anil your
kidneys will then act fine. TKIs famous
salt Is madrt from the add of grape
and lemon Juice, combined with llthl.t,
and ha he. n used for generation to
flush clogged kidney and stimulate thein
to normal activity; also to neutralise tha
adds In tre urine so it- no longer lrrl
tatoa. thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone; makes
a delightful rffervescmt lithla-water
drink which millions of men and women
take now and then to keep the kiduevs
and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding
parlous kidney, disease. Advertisement.
c ouy Tne uest ""S
rK5Sunderland'$ Certified
ECONOMY, $6.60 PYR0 COKE, $3.50
For the furnace we j Perfectly clean fur- T
suggest lump or egg. j nace fuel, conveni-
For the range, nut. ent size, hot, no clink- IfY
Economy is a truly ers, little ash. A prac- 5
remarkable coal.' tical and satisfactory l
Clean, strong, pure, ! substitute for harrl I i
stfttVtlA ' fAQ 1 J I
These Two Mixed ST. SO Ton
For Fur mm Us This it Good Combination. Try it,
Jmmmlm '
jrTTJ i. '. . . V..-.7
toll T
30 r
10 i
W'e have loo many of these hravy LuxtiriotiR Auto Coot and
ulster. Thoy arc utorni-proof, wind-proof and were bought
to sell for $20. no to I'.o.oo. Y want to dear them out
quickly and will put thorn on sale Monday at the exceedingly
low price of
Many Women Buy This Class of Coats for Motoring.
They're Invited to the Money-Saving Festival.
Wool Lined ne or four fleered, lined with
AiilnrnKilfi Siberian lamb, adjusting wrist
uiomDiis ctrup. hand-sewed, finely tanned,
very pliable. Horse Hide;
$4.50, on sale Monday at.
1516-18-20 FAttNAM STREET.
National Red Cross
On the Third Floor Douglas Street Side.
By arrangement with the American National
Red Cross, J. L. Brnmleis & Sous will receive
contributions to be sent to alleviate the m-etls
ol? hundreds of thousands of European women
and children and wounded men who are facing
winter destitute of warm clothing. Thousands
of these helpless individuals will undoubtedly
perish if they fail to receive almost immediate
ruieeor, and J. Ij. Braudeis & Sons are extending
their facilities to enable the public conveniently
to assist the American National lied Cross in
the splendid work in which it is engaged.
Here one may purchase articles for shipment to any
nation optional with the giver. Or one may leave-contributions
of money. Both will be forwarded by us to
Headquarters. WTien notified, our Delivery ServU-e will
call for Nh'W CIOTHIMJ ONLY, a specified by the Red
t'ross association. Ask for the "Red Cross Station" when
telephoning. Suggestions for suitable merchandise for
For Women and Children
Woolen Blouses, Warm Flannel Shirts,
Stout Shoes, Woolen Stockings, Cotton
Chemises, Knitted Mufflers, Scarfs,
Shawls, Petticoats, Underwear, Blankets,
Pillow Cases, Sheets, Rubber Sheets,
Towels, Mittens.
For Wounded Men
Ward Slippers. Hose, Bed Gowns, Surgical
Shirts, Convalescent Jvobes, Gauze Pads,
A Message to Men
ITere Is where we offer you an opportunity to surprise the folks
at home. Just think what a pleasure It will h to take the lady Into
her rest-room, and show her a brand new piano or player piano, from
litmpt'H. Conio in and talk It over. We will show you how to put a
piano In your home as a complete surprise to the Mrs.
Get Your Piano at Hospe's
Our 40 years In hunlnetis In your guarantee of quality. Our elas
tic terms make your purchases easy. Note the following- high-grade
makes, the' same hrand of instruments your neighbors have purchased
during the past 50 years. . Our terms will surely plea. you.
MASON Bt HAKLIH, $580 up. BRA MB A OX Oraada. 944.
XXBCBAXt. S30S up. CABI.B-mBI.BOir, $350 nP.
t)ur 40th
A. HOSPE CO. ,M2,S'tt su
Business Men's
Branch Station of
Kiesers Book Store
in the. ..
For ybfcf 'jnvenience we have stocked this station
with everything needed for the office as well as
the popular books of the day. '
Bargain Prices on Office Supplies
Specially Priced for This Station
Carter's or Sanford's Ink, per quart 60c
Carter's Paste, per quart GOc
Carter's Water Well Jar Paste 20c
250 No. ( or No. 6'L Envelopes ..30c
Biasrraph Pencils, per dozen 25c
Typewriter Paper, heavy bond, letter fcize,
'500 sheets ". 70c
Carbon Paper, H)0 sheets 90c
Esterbrook Pens, gross box 50c
Bee Building Branch Kieser's -Book Store
See real estate columns for bargains