T11K OMAHA SUNDAY 11KK: NOVKMHKU 1, 1i14. 13-A FORD CAR MAKES LONG TRIP Arrives in Omaha After Trip from Dexter, N. M. PLOUGHS THROUGH DEEP MUD Eve Eaeoaatera loaaharat, Wfcleh Falls to Hinder Little Maekla la Ita ntrtlralt OTrr. lead Tour. W. S. Brown of Pexter. N. M., arrived In Omaha re?ently after driving- a model "T" flve-passenger Ford 1,150 miles over roada whlrh would be almost Impassa ble for a mula team, let alone a motor car. In speaking of the trip Mr. Brown says that If snyone had told htm beforehand that any rar would stand the strain to which his Kord woa subjected on thla trip, he would not have believed It, and If he had known the condition to be en countered he certainly would never hav started. The roada were very bad, prac tlcally the entire 1.150 mllea from Dexter to Omaha, and for day after day they plowed through mud hub deep. In on Place the road waa hardly more than a cow path, and they covered fifty-four mllea without seeing a ign of a human habitation. Eaeoaiter CloatTkarat. . Tn another aectton, which had been vis ited the night before by a cloudburst, they were compelled to go through mile after mile of knee-deep gumbo. At this point, another car which had been trav-' ellng with them, wag forced to give up, and the roada we,re ao bad that they were only able to cover thla day about fifty miles and most of trie with the car running tn low gear. Four rivers were forded en route. Including the Arkansas, Cimarron and two smaller ones. Twenty Mllea to Gallon. Mr. Brown says Uiat their motor was n6t touched during the whole trip and that they averaged about twenty miles to a gallon of gasoline. He waa accompa nied on the trip by his wife and son. and In addition to the passengers the car car ried about 4u0 pounda of baggage. The car used on this trip bad already been fun 50.000 miles, but an examination made at the local Ford branch upon Us arrival her showed It to be In excellent shape, . and with a few minor adjust ments ready for another trip of the sajne kind. . Crowds Interested in New Eight-Cylinder Cadillac m XV o v J v , y v t v v Hffu v ... . 1 i ,i umx - mi m- The new eight-cylinder Cadlllao 1 surely heating up automobll row. If you do not bellev Unjust look at the above photograph taken Saturday morn ing In front of the Cadlllao company garage. Tha erowd of onlookers waa ao large The. Bee photographer could not get a picture of the machine ao he de cided to Juat show the crowd. Tou can. see the maohlne by calling at Mr.. Helm's place of bualnesa on automobile . rw. This la the newest type of automoblle tb machine that Is creating a senaa tlon wherever It la seen. To new eight olylnder Cadillac la being shown In Omaha by George Relm, the local agent, and Is regarded by automobll men a a. new standard In the motor Induatry. "Te 'V-type-elghf la going to be to the automobile Induatrjr what the eleofrl.; tarter was." is the prediction of Mr. Relm. Owners of other makes of ma ohinea, prospective buyers and persona generally interested In automobllea are keeping the Cadlllao showroom crowded, so great Is the Interest In the car. Firestones Help ISaxon Lowest Price Driver Cooper at Light Delivery Car Fresno Race Meet j On American Market Auto Truck, Tried as an Experiment, Becomes Necessity "In the early spring of last year, the Sullivan Ice company purchased a five' ton Plerce-Arrow truck for the purpose of releasing four or five of our teams, then employed In the wholesale trade, to the retail and short haul end of our bus iness," said J. P. Sullivan, president of th company. , "It was a complete failure, so we Im mediately placed our order for another Plerte-Arrow truck. When I say that the truck war a failure, I mean that it did not release the ftve teams as we had planned, for as soon as the. large whole sale fish packing houses, car refrigerat ing firms and others In the neighborhood saw how easily we were able to fill rush orders for large quantities, the orders came in so fast that we had to put the teams all back and order another truck. "Even with the help of the two five ton trucks, both of which replace five teams - and. ten men, we have found ' it n6sfyt order third truck, two too Tlers-Arrow." Earl Cooper has been enthroned In the esteem of Fresno race fans alnoe th last competition there. When the Fresno Agricultural associa tion announoed that Cooper would drive in their track meet, motorists gathered from miles around to have a look at this daring driver in action. The one-mile dirt track did not offer Ideal condition for speedy driving, but as his car flew around the turns, throw ing sand into the faces of onlookers, the air was rent with shouts of admiration j for his perfect control. I Cooper won ' the fifty-mile event In M7?t without a stop, breaking the track record. Coeper was the only contestant to fin ish with a perfect score on tires. His Firestones, . the only onea In the race, causing him no trouble whatever. KENDALL HAS LARGEST v ROADSTER, IN THIS CITY Two-Boor Kissel Ear : , . Proving Popular Th Kissel Motor Car company ., say that u has yet to near rrora an owner who Is not thoroughly satisfied with the new two-door body. They are especially enthusiastic over the smooth and grace ful appearance of , the ear, due to the un broken surface from bonnet "to." mid ships." It Is conceded generally that this construction affords better lines than Is possible with four doors.' The Kissels say that the two-door type la" 'soiling equally with their four-door models. - A "Dreamy" Aatomoblle, ( A weiilem dealer contributed a new adjective to automobile advertising when. In waxing enthusiastic over the studebaker "six." he described tt in dis play type as "dreamy automobile.' The . Stewart-Tooter Mptor company has Just delivered to C C Kendall a Plerce-Arrow "48" roadsUr. Thiscar is the largest roadster that Is on the streets ;of Omaha; and is a car of refinement and beauty as well as -durability. .The car Is a French gray In color, with a maroon stripe). 'Mr. Kendall expects to drive this car to California within the next two or three weeks. 1 The Plerce-Arrow Motor Car company 'has recently, xloaed -a contract wit,h the' FrejKjh , government , for the . delivery of, 800, Plerce-Arrow trucks to bo equipped for military -service. This goes' to show that the automobile Is one of the neces sities - nowaday in war as -well , as In j peaoe. .. , , i F. C. Kill, who has been selling Stevene I tiuryea fears ' for the last' year, has now I associated . himself ' with the .. Stewart 'Tooxer: Motor company and , will look after'the selling ofPlerce-Arrow cars. KISSEL KAR 0ESIGNS FIRST DETACHABLE SEDAN TOP The Kissel Kar was the first car to carry a detachable Sedan top, according to "II. 8. Daniels, publicity manager of the Kissel. Motor company, despite con trad lotions by other concerns. . The Idea was not patentable, declares Mr. Daniels, and other companies are making the de tachable Wan, but he is Insistent that the Kissel Kar designers patterned the first one and should bo given credit for the "new and happy idea." The Saxon Motor company has entered tha light delivery field with the lowest priced delivery car of standard dealgn ever produced. Of 400 pounda carrying capacity (In addition to the driver's weight), th Sa-ion delivery car la priced at $396. This new delivery car has such fea tures, of standard design as a powerful four-cylinder motor, eliding gear .trans mission, dry plate clutch, shaft drive and standard tread. The top of the body la fitted with storm curtains which may be lowered so as to protect th load In Inclement weather. Th loading platform la low, making It convenient for the driver to handle goods. Further conveniences are provided by placing the ignition switch and . carbur etor adjustment on- a-leather-covered In strument board In the daah, and by mak ing the spark control automatic. According to Lwrence Moore, director of sales, much attention haa been glven by the Saxon engineers to securing sim plicity of control and operation, so that Inexperienced drivers may have' no diffi culty in operating this vehicle. ' ' ' "The new Saxon delivery CRr is de signed for the thousands who need motor delivery In their business, yet who have always thought of motor delivery cars as being expensive," says .Mr. Moore. "After a lonrr period of experimenting wo hava produced a delivery onr which costs no more .than a good horse and wagon, and at the same time has every advan tage over horse delivery In point of dis tance covered, new business possible to handle, mile for mile economy, and de pendability.", j . . .. DRIVES KISSELKAR MANY ' MILES WITHOUT REPAIRS Charles. H. Dean of Troy, N.. Y.,, has driven, his seven-passenger , KlsaelKar 18-"Blx" SOO miles slno July t Mr. Dean is connected with, ope of the big shirt and collar industries of Troy and uses his rar constantly, both for business and pleasure. VP to date Mr. Dean .has not had to have .an Important adjustment made and declares he has the best car in Troy. Goes to Kansas City. Mrs. Mary Welsh, the assistant man ager and auditor of the Nebraska Maynes Automobile company of Omaha Is in Kan sas City for a few duytt checking up and auditing the books of the branch agency which the Haynes company haa tn Kan sas City. Cartercar Shows Power by;Pulling ; Big Tractor Engine J. Ia Chrlstner. a resident of Tioga. 111.," had heard his neighbors tell time and again of the power of their auto mobiles. ' Mr. Chrlstner, who owns a Cartercar. said nothing while all this talk wa going on. but on' October 8, when the men of the countrywide of south Hancock county had gathered for a threshing bee" he resolved to show them a few things. Just before the big Gorr-Scott tractor started up after the . noon hour. Mr. Chrlstner drove hi Cartercar around In front of It-He pulled a log chain out of the tonneau, fastened one end of It to the fron axle of thi. tractor, the other to the rear axle of his. automobile, then climbed behind the wheel. Shouting to the engineer to put the big tractor In. . gear, ' Mr. 1 Chrlstner started his car. . It moved 'forward slightly, then prereptlbly and . pulled the gieat engine ten fee. To prove that it was not an accident, he repeated the per formance five or sit times. Th tractor, as equipped weighed about pounds, besides the water It car ried. Just so hint word could not be doubted whenever he chose to tell about the power of his car, Mr. Chrlstner had a picture taken and aeoured the. sworn affidavits' Of seventeen spectators t I Mitchell Makes a ' : Big Display at the ; Atlantic Auto Show The Cass County Automobile' company held a fin exhibit of llf models of au tomobiles at; Atlantic, la., during the laat half of last week Which attracted a great deal of attention and there was a very large attendance. The Mitchell Motor Car1 company of Qniaha had three ' carloads of Mitchells on the floor, similar In type to the famous Seal Bonnet Car, which was in Omaha recently. " The exhibit of the Mitchell .car aggregated . total of over 120,000 In automobile values. Mr. J. T. Btewart of the local, Mitchell agency waa In personal attendance during the days of the exhibit and reports that much good was done and that several or ders were taken during the exhibition for new cars. All the very latest models of Mitchells were. shown.- '.. H.B.Joy Deplores Attacks Made by Some on Business "The fedrrsl reserve banking system should not le pressed Into operation until the units are at least partially organ ised to transact business." declared Henry H. Joy, president of the Packard Motor Car company, upon Ms return to Detroit from Chicago, where he attended a meet Ing of the board of the Chicago reeerve bank. He added that the federal reverv situation Is developing favorably and tnal It will not greatly change existing con ditions. Mr. Joy deplored the attacks upon In dustry and prosperity made by politi cians. "These attacks, along with un wise legislation," he said, "are far more serious than any conditions arising from Ihe European war, and wilt laat much longer. It Is strange that the people will listen to attacks upon big business and constructive wealth when their wel fare depends uton the welfare of those companies, and their savings are Invested In those companies by the banks and In surance companies. Into which go their surplus earnings to 'make prevision for their old age or disablement, .and for their widows and children." The Want Ad Columne of The Bee Are Read Dally by People In Pearch of Ad vertieed Opportunities. i , Comes to Detroit From Australia For Dodge Agency After traveling in.nno miles on the chance tit securing the salts riirhls for the new car which Dodge Uros. will mnr ket next mnth, S. A. Cheney of Ade laide. South Australia, has announced his Intention of stnvlng in lHtrolt until his mission li successfully accomplished. "Jits. of ilcnlers In my country are, awaiting the arrival of Dodge Bros.' traveling men. but I went them one bet-1 ter by packing up and lenvlng on Ihe first steamer," raid Mr. t'hen. y. w ho formerly I was sales mnnnger for Duncnn - Frsrer, big Australian distributers of American and Kuropeen automobiles. ' Mr. Cheney states tliat the sales ofi American cars, which have formerly led all others in Australia, hiive had a Ids, J Increase since the beginning of tho F.uro-, pean war. The many excellent service' depota established by American man"-, factureia haa helped the sale of Amerl-l ran cars, as haa their reputation for standing up on the rough roads of the Island continent. 1 lie predicts a big sale for poP!" priced American cars In his country dur ing the coming ear, and If succissful in obtaining an anency for lod mo, ntw car he Intends placing lrg Initial orders with the Detroit concern. Car owners from out of town tell us that while n tour they have difficulty In securing Batavia Tires In this vicini ty. This ia because for over four years distributors in New Encjnnd ana th Middle Eastern States have absorbed our entire output. But this year we have tripled our pro duction and can furnish any one in thi city the name of a dealer carrying ur f 'ill line of high-grade automobile tires, i ncluding Red and Cray Pur Cum Tnle'. motor cycle and Ford sires at attractive prices. '' Sold under warranty and adjusted on o 4J00 mile basis. This yi 14 per cent, greater protection tbao.is vsually '.iflered. ..-':' DEALERS and JOBBERS If you have a quality msrltee'ind de--end en th service rather than th ; lien argument, tell us th territory i'ti actively cover, your volume of busi .! in tires for th last t.wel months jit J learn our proposition.' ' BATAVIA RUBBER CO. FAC10RT AND MAIN OFFICE, BATAVIA, - - New York TIIK OMAHA BEE Till- HOME PAPER. Be Want Ads Are Famous as Result Oetters. . Every Inch . a Car KisselKar Sx Two Compelling KisselKars HTHE new KisselKar 36 "Four" is constructed around a match- A less engine a sturdy, silent, smooth running Kissel-built motor a revelation in both efficiency and economy. It yields ; from 2V'2 to 50 miles an hour on direct drive, with fuel con-; ; sumption of a gallon to 17 miles. The rest of the car Is In harmony with the power plant. No automobile at any price haa more good mechanical point freedom from vibration, simplicity, ease of control, convenience, ' accessibility, stability and superb riding qualities. And Its price Is but' $1450.' The) new KsaelKar 48 "Six" is the haAdsomest, roomiest, smartest, medium-weight "Six" on ' the market. It Is the concrete result of seven years' experience lit buildlngr ''Slses." ' It Is a safe buy for a man who wants a car of distinction, solid worth" and refinement. ' ' The 48 "Six" personifies v completeness .. In every detail of its construction anO its price ,v 2350 is away below that asked for cars of approximate merit. , Choice of Body Designs Both those models, can be had either with Four-Door .Touring, Two-Door Touring or Roadster body types. - The public haa favored the Two-Door Idea with a patronage far beyond the most sanguine expectations. The demand has' indeed been so great that today orders for it far exceed those for the conventional Four Door style.. The Detachable 8edan Top, following logi cally the Two-Door Idea, has caused an even greater Interest, for It provides at last a car that can be driven continuously, winter and summer, In comfort and at light expense." ' lluy your car with Top attached this fall," drive it all winter, and in the spring reuiov the Top without expert aHSlHtance. . i 1 . ' . The new KisselKar touring models are now here and ready for Inspection. Won't you call and see them? Noyes Auto Co., 2206 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. SSIlJa5ia255255rI5H5a5?5?5H5g5BSi32 Sfafafllft. Have You Had a Ride in the New Eight Cylinder Cadillac? CADILLAC COMPANY OF, OMAHA Geo. F. Reim, Prei. , J SJF ..... vll.4"laely!4f