f HOW IT FEELSTOBE WOUNDED Frtnch Soldier Writes His Experi ences of "After the Battle." BULLETS EAST AND FUBIOUS lell1re. llrtlm Rl" ' Fir of the r.mlf Lara Still, wltli Prats) llotfrin Mek rnlnarlr tloae. drum that they are transferrins; me. and that It ralna. Dut thla little hallU'-ina tlfin In rtlr,r,r1ri. "I embrace you with all my heart" Murray Ohi to Offer. Tt ia fiild that Oiitflrl.lrr "IXI" for ray rf ih New York Uianta, has un1r conFld-rtlon an fir from a Federal TIRE THAT WON'T COLLAPSE but It I not euffii-lently "'i nll4 f ailed Rihkrr Foam Pmdarrd la Fraae br ew prorrw, Ible enough, Tha eolutmn nf the ptoMrm a;rara to I" fiirnlahed br a now material nf te- i marKal'Ic rip"itira, which In prolur.il I by an ititnliua pro'a In Pari. Thla 1 I proJU' t ronclKta eantially of India rub- A food pnimar tire should be both bar, containing tnjltlt'i1lnoti( mlnut! bub- upxioia ana elastic, India ruhber la fier- i Me or itar, nistMhuted thioughout maa. Tho Material resembles a rubber nn in which the tnvltles ara separate and do not communicate with each other. Ilanre It baa received the name "caout- hoj.. mout(," .r rubber foam. The prncera t.f manufacture la based on the IHTff r,r , lubllltr 0f gaea with! Increase (if luraji're rtull.rr in the MaJ its, try atage of vulcanisation la Inclosed In! a atel. tul with nitro?n. at preeavire of ",000 to fnrO atmospheres. The com pressed gas dissolves in the seml-llq;ild rublef, Thirh, wliert the tube la opened. properties of It. two irigredU nla. It la aa flxi lv ms mt lcr anl aa compressible aa a KH. " that it may be employed In tha turn r! i aclld ling. In the place of an air tub o a motor car or bicycle tire. ,r 10 r r'v umrr ita former , a lire so f mviructert la noni-ollaralble volume and aolirtlfiea. imprisoning In ta ! tor a punruire aflccta only a few of the mas niyrtaia . little gaa bubbles. j liinu.nf 1 able sua bubbles Bctentlfle Th material, in fact, corrblr.ea the I Aln''f W in sssmimssssssSM The Stores for Men and Boys mirngmsmssm (.orrcsponOnce of Uie Associated Tress ) PARIS. Oct. IS. Thae extracts from the letter of ftn unnamed French soldier to bis father In Tarls are published by the I'iunro: AVoundrd in the stomach about fi o'. I.ck in the mrrnlns. I am Kft In the rain and mud ao deep that I am r.Miged to lean on my elbows to keep nv head out ut It. The battle continues to race. I am between two camr. and, without exag geration, more than ISO." bulleU paaa ner me. Fome struck at my atrtea and 1 expect each mom-nt to receive one which will cut short the spectacle. I re main thua heirless from 6 In the morn ing until i the next afternoon and the rain does not aop. It la then that I appreciate the need of an umbrella, I who never carried one I unbutton my oet. but I am unable to determine the irravlty of my wound for there la aa much mud aa blood. Toward 2 o'clock there la a lull In tho firing I await tho stretcher bearera. but like aliter Anne, they do not como. The houra aeem atrociously lonK. although I no longer pay any attention to the rain which contlnuea Finally, toward 4 o'clock In the afternoon I iee coming In place of the looked for atretcher bear era the Oermanw. "Thla time it la for good, "I esy to my aelf. 'I am done for. A blow from a rifle, butt or a thrust of the bayonet and they would finish me. A Inst thought of my family and I try to take my own rifle and end it. It la useless. The gun la no more than a lump of mud, of sticky rlay. era nt I.n IHatanre. "There are five long minutes during which I exlat with a calinnesa that aur prlaea me. A Herman ks me In Trench: 'How are you?1 "I ahowed him the placa where I am wounded. 'Keassure yourself,' he aaya. That will perhapa amount to nothing. In any caae you will get well.' "I learn that they are from Iorraine, which ia lucky. They ore clad In gray, which makea them almost Invlalble Ini war. I npek of thla to them. They an awer: ' 'Indeed, with your red trouaera w can ace you a long distance, lou make uperb targeta.' The Germane went on their way. prom leing to return to look for me. aa well aa othere who like myaclf lay on the battle field. I take hope, it aeema good , to be alive, although. I Ml In orry PllRht J The houra peaa; night arrtvee. Tt atlli ralna. Day breaka. neither atretcher I bearer nor my Lorralnea of the day be fore. It la not until i o'clock In the aft rrnoon of the aecond day that the Ger mans come back I have paaaed thirty four hours In reflection In the rsJn. with a wound which cauaed ma much suf fering. "Tha Germans put me on canvas, with two pieces of wood on cither end. The carry me to a hamlet, about a kilometer and a half distant, and stretch me out there In the open air, still in the rain, but on firmer ground. Then they go back to search for others. They bring back thus 700 or 800 wounded, of whom 0 are French. I am soaked. I am famished. I munch with Joy a bit of army biscuit which I find delicious. I'pon my urgent entreaty a German conaenta to give me a glaaa of wine from his flask, which he baa Just filled. I thank him. That warm me. The Oerman la going away, when he changea his mind and demands pay ment for his glaaa of wine. I Jabber a little German. 1 underatand and give him a 10-Bou piece, the only money 1 lave left lie takes himself oft content niaaae French lia?rramat. "Some German officers come to talk to me. One of them says to me: " 'It Is your government's fault that you are here.' "They all speak French. I note the Tt marks of this officer because It appears to me to Indicate a curloua mentality. The third day of thla cavalry, they put us In a bam on the hay. We have aa yet received no care. I beg the Germana to take off my clothes. I have been aMo to snare a blanket which happens to be there. I don't know to whom It belongs, but neceaalty stlflca scruples. They are quite willing to do what I have aaked. My coat my watetvanaked trouaera, which were little leaa than packages of mud, are removed. My falling ahoea. my underdrawers and socks follow the earn route. My fet and my wound make me auffcr. I take out my Utile pocket sciaaora I rut my shirt and flaunel belt free from my wound, which I have not seen. It la distressingly long, but noth ing astonlahra me any longer, after what I have aeon. I make, aa good aa It la tad, a dreeslng out of the flrat aid things In my pouch. Then I roll myself ' up In my blanket. I have no longer any thing military except my cap and I am almost naked. Fortunately my Jersey kecpa me warm. Thla operation com pleted, I feel a great relief. ort the Woisdtd, 'They sort the German wounded from the French. (Some houra after they bring In the aanitary service of the 3M, which baa been taken prisoner. The French doctors get to work with first dressings. They make one fr me with tincture of Icdlne. But at the moment they are going to put on the bandage, the Ger mana take away the French doctora and the wounded Germane. We, In our turn, are transferred to L4becourt. "We are now at the end of the fourth day of this exercise. They have warned us that we are prisoners. Tonight we learn that the I'russlana are retreating. What la golug to happen? Will they tak-t ua along or leave us to ouraelvea? For there ate no Lorralnea la the German army. All night the troops march under our window. One hears the noise of tramping feet and gutters! commands. "Outalde of Uiia dream of Infernal fcorror, which I have had for eight days, I am highly hopeful fur the final results of the war, because I am able to prove cne thing, which haa greatly aurprleed me, I confess. That la that the re plenishing of supplies and ammunition la marvtdoua. We have never lacked I read, nor meat nor cartridges a single day The service Is marvelougli ganited. It la one of the great succesaaea if this war. It is not aa In 170. I have at leaat slept and In bed. I have do fever. Only in toy sleep do I 8 We Announce for Saturday, October 31, The Biggest Sale We Have Held in Years in M en s and Boys Clot GJUJUbALb, overcoat time is hero, and you run't dodrjo it or you will be buying medicine to get rid of a cold after a while. Just as over coat time makes you think of this store, we have put through one of the most advantageous deals we have made in years; we have just bought about 750 Fine Overcoats Prosperoti" looking fur-lined coate with as trakan collars; chinchillas with shawl or rertilar collars; single and double-breasted overcoats with belted backs, 44 to 62 Inches long; also many balmacaans in the lot. Overcoats Worth $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, and Some Worth $35.00 Pick Out Yours Saturday at SllOg MFN'S SUITS If you have In mind bu'inS a ncw fa1 6uit ,ot us sllow you the UlLill U UKJUU very finest suits made suits from'such houses ns Hirsh-Wickwire & Co., Society Brand, Schloss Brothers, Adler's "Collegian" and "High Art Clothes," L. Abt & Sons and Rochester Special TlieBe are tho top-notchcrs in the merchant tailoring business in America. There are none better. Our stocks are so complete in every line that we guarantee to fit every man of every build short, stout, tall, glim, as well aa regular. Clothing Ann 4. jf.oi? that would baffle the skill of high-priced tailors. Your choice at tU DO poO rull Drew and Tuxedo Suiti 1 Voung men win find their ideal in our Encllsh and inml-Rni- 811k lined to edge. All sizes. Splen- A Uh swagger patch pocket models. Conservative men will be aid suits offered gl tZCi l tnorouBn,J Pleased with the more conservative models we show, here now for dlOaOU Two Bnd "-button suits. Borne in Tartan plaids, checks and new stripes; amo piain tones. Kvery suit hand-tailored. Many are eilk iineu. iiunareas 01 Diue serges. k Suits worth $23.60 to $30.00 as they V are marked usually in most stores, are orierea nere at this Saturday. sal for .' Mackinaw. Coats We are exclusive distributors In Omaha for Patrick's Mackinaw (lUgger Than (fn i.n an Weather) Coats J A U lO p i O 1 Cffh Better See Us Saturday About Your New Fall Hat! B Wilson's EnjjUsh lerhic For which we are ex- An Cfl elusive agents 4eDU Ward's Hoft Hats From Stock- E . E.7. . $2 and $3 "Brandels Special" soft and T0 stiff 3si Balmacaan Hats In all the new cloths, at $1.50, $2, $2.50 "We will show you the swellest line you have seen in many a day. More ex clusive shapes and shades than you will find anywhere else. Doth soft and stiff hats. Men's Cap Special A sample line of winter caps with fur inside bands; silk lined, every shape. Values up f)g to $1.50, at O.V, 50c and dZDC Boys' Hats and Caps About 100 dozen. Winter caps, with fur inside bands; also rah rah hats in plain and fancy col ors, values one lot Sa es to 75c; lnor turday at asOC "The Sterling Sold at Brandels exclusively. A very 4jj fin hat pj Men's Fur Caps Sample lines of men's fur caps; values to $3.00. All in one ;r.8r.rday ..$1.50 Clilnchllla Hat and Caps to Match Overcoats. At nt St.50, Sl.OO and DOC LET US CLOTHE THAT BOY OF YOURS Bring him to us Saturday. We are ready to give him the best clothes you have ever bought him tor the mouey whatever price you pay the boy will like the clothes and you will like the price. Here are some of the special values that will make it more than worth your while to take the elevator to the Second Floor of our Men's Stom nnrl walk into lh rinnst llnv'a I'lnthln o rianuHm.ni In itmahu ir ' ' w- v tr . u. vu v t U VUIOU0, BOYS' CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS Many in the New Balmacaan Styles Dandy overcoats in light and dark grays, blues and browns; also fancy uiuiiuri, many ui ms si) ire uivg i as to rasicn. UVer- toutd half belted or full belted, with shawl collars. Kvery coat strictly all wool and worth $6.50 to $7 50, but we are offering you the greatest values In all Omaha Saturday on these same coats, at $4 A TIP FOR THE BIG BOYS n m m Brandels is the store for long pants suits. It makes a heap of difference bow boys long-pants suits are made. Boys want to look atvllah in their fl i. Viianta suit and n r -. " w v DUW n I U . Jutt the kind you want. HIGH SCHOOL ; MODEL SUITS ,! Made of splendid weight serges, y In the new Tartan checks : browns and blues and catai .; meres and tweeds In grays : Sizes to lit any 14 to 18-year- : old boy and make him look the way he oucht to. Suits worth $11.50 to $15.00. On sale kar at - Six -W i- $9J5 BOYS' BLUE SERGE SUITS Extra Tants. Made of heavy all wool storm Berge; splendidly tailored suits; Norfolk nioueis witn flouble pleat ( front and back. They S are well worth 17.50. V We specialise on them Saturday, at BOYS' SUITS With Two Talra Full IJned i'auU New snappy patterns of best wear ing materials. Nice new shades of grays and browns. Values go 65 up to $5.00. Saturday.. 0.-1 mojm- vi.se o 13.00 BwMt.r. T,,,r, Myron collar style. n maroon snj nvy; aweaters for uriuia ;5 lirt-K or foni. ttilP hnvu uti.l u ... tie rlmpa. 1 year to s. Sp.I QS ial khI. at 70w 'fr'r1 -:-I-ilt"o'r dark - "rowna na the uiu r.iiau; oiouHea witn fitted waist bamla. Excel- icmi TKiuri SI ...... , new 49c and mgs T7RDST hnnf iiujuuiL, ociotjn aim uiiaii liiii riii iis mink iiji rr Sweater Coats. Saturday we expect enormous crowds of men M alter Sweater Coats, both because it is time for them and because we are readv to offer gj aiues mat nave not been equaled in many years. 3,500 Men's Sample Sweater Coats Bought "60c .".Dollar George F. Webber's and other high-gra.le makos. Sweater coats made of fine wors ted yarns, large rope stitch; hunting coats, Norfolk coats; fine weave dress coats; V- nt'ch, mrge run neciv ana Jiyron collar coats, shawl collars, sale in three lots, as follows: The entire purchase to go on Fine Worsted Sweater Coata, worth from $8.60 to $10, ty Qf on sale Saturday at $4O0 All Fine Worsted Coats Worth up to f5.no, will be on sale Sat , will be tj Qf urday at 4w.OO AU-Wool and Worsted Sweater t'oat.a. Worth up to t 4 QC $:i.50, Saturday at. . J 1 eOO fTY mi 61NUINE SUMMED x ex v r mm ? Jx t J I S X i jr t i Men's Gloves, Worth to 4Pr 13,000 Pairs of Every Kind Choice Saturday at 90c Per Pair The deal by which we obtained these gloves was one of those lucky atrokea that a merchant will come across in an age. Ad ler's Gloves The name itself means highest excellency, and 13,000 pairs of them means a mammoth deal calling for a tre mendous amount of money, and you can see from it all that the price must have been wonderfully low or we wouldn't have bought so many. Look at the Cloves Pictured Around This Ad. Genuine Mocha Glove Silk lined, unllned and fur lined. Outwam Kid Gloves Silk linedT woolTined.TuTllued and unllned. Full Pique Kid Gloves Unllned and silk lined Genuine Buck and Iteinctacr Gloves- lamb lined. Men's Leather Gauntlet Lined and unllned: also wool lined. The colors are tan, brown, light gray, dork gray and chamois and many other shades for fall wear; also black LEA! HZ Vf1UHSt And Now About Our Fine, Warm Underwear No matter how robust you may be, you cannot buck up against the weather with thin underwear much longer. You have got to have warm winter weight underwear no later than now. One look at the prices and descriptions quoted here will convince you that Sat urday is your golden opportunity .here to supply yourself with all vou will need this fall" Three items, any one of which is bound to hit you jut right in quality and price: Mr. s Silk and Wool and lmb' I Men's Fine Wool and Worsted ! Men's u-. .,., I - "M Mijeu ana I nion Suits A special purchase Derby Kibbed I nion Suits Gar- vi ea. mruiB uiiu iur-1 no ments worth un to t ?s Wool I i) Ion Suits A quality that sells at $4 per 0 Cfs suit. Offered Saturdays aWaOvr $3.25 on sale Saturday on Hale Saturday, $1.25 and $1 Men's Sample Flannel Shirts '25 dozen of good shirts with plain and military collars, in tan, brown, blue and gray. Worth up to $2.00. Saturday... $1 We Are Sole Agents ia Omaha for The Famous Munsing Union Suits For Men, Women and Children Pure Fiber Silk Hose For men. fio dozen for Sat urday sale. All the new wi a f les. Worth 25c pair. 1 o ro at per 19c How Do These Look to You? Pretty, Smart Footwear, Don't You Think? Yuu wu po a long way to imd anvthing better so far 1 as style is concerned, and you might as well not try to beat them for wearability, because vou couldn't Fine Gun Metal Calf Button Shoes With gray doth tonS One of the newest styles, and very ioplar with men who Splendid fltUng shoes. Solid leather oak soles. Mannish last. All sizes. Per pair i . . 1 . u'Tiriw n' inr trh..! i a n Now Hat last. Medium or extreme 2) 4 iCta All . 1 ' ill a i.r,. ami w nuns. 1'rice, Sat unlay sale, at, per pair Boys' Shoes That Wear and Fit 6 j - - JT. -i -r jjij.iju.i ... - uwia. au aiin. rr pa Chrome tanned tops. WHITB K)IU M tlnlined. wool lined and I (hi wJ$L 1 J MA S2.48