r ' ' r0 TH1-: BKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOKKK HI, 1P14. ' FLOUR UP AND SUGAR DOWN Turkey's Advent Into the War Boosts Wheat in Omaha Breadstuff Advances 20 Cents Bar rel More Sweetening for Dollar. MILLERS BLAMING FARMERS Maaefaeterera Hrrlare Vmiimcrr la ftit tt llla-hr Price. Olher rxxl Mtkf Varloae Flaetnaltona. r Flour la up and sugar la down. The are tha features of the product- market ; this . week. Flour Jumped up 3) rents a barrel. Sugar dropped no that one can actually get aeventen pounds for a dol lar ndw. Now that tha fruit canning sea son la nearly over now that the sugar market just at the opening of the war Jumped si high thnt housewives Rave up canning much fruit the market has dropped until the scn-enteen pounds for a dollar begins to loo slmost normal. As an excuse for the high price of flour tha millers are asserting that the farmers are holding wheat for war prices and that they find It difficult to get t upply. Flour la selling at SI. 35 to tl.fiq for a forty-elRhl-pound sack. Tha last of the green tomatoes were forced upon the market hy the recent heavy frosts. They a selling at IS cants a market basket. Ripe tomatoes till linger on the market, but are now held at to cents a market basket. Carrots are abundant at 2S cents a market basket. Fhelled popcorn Is on the mnrket at three pounds for a dime.. Although the Thanksgiving stsson la approaching, turkeys are not yet coming In to any exte'it. The deulers expert a normal supply, however, In time for the Thanksgiving rush. At present what turkeys are on the market sell for 2S an l 0 rants a pound. . OhlcVena are very cheap In comparison with other meats. . They can be had .now for li cents a pound. Pork stands much the same as la.it weak, still clinging to the little drop it mad then. Lard, however, Is a dollar ft hundred, or a cent a pound higher. Bacon Is scare and higher, selling' at 2'-" 4 cents for rholo bacon. Hams re 75 eents a hundred off. N, )3eef Is steady, with round steak re tailing at 17H cents and sirloin at T2 tents. - Porterhouse can b had at 28 cent. Presumably on account of Turkey hav ing jumped Into the Ktiropcan war, the Omnha jrrsln narket wan active enough to suit any of the trnoVr, wheat making an advance of close to t c-nts over Thursdsy's prices. The advance wus held duilng the sersion, ash prices ranging from II f4 to J1.n"i. While the corn market was not n erratic as wheat, there was sn aovat.ee of more than 1 cent, old selling at from f.9 cents to cents, with new at " cents to SS cents, the Chicago prices on old being Wi cents to H'i eents. Omaha grain receipts were hot henvy, thern belnit sixty-five cars of wheat, twenty-three of corn snl forty of oats on fale. The wheat was sold Inside of an hour following the opening of the ex chsnne. Wheat quotations at all the outside markets fre hlKher. Iielnir 2 to 2 rents shove yesterduy. rhlragn paid ll.HH to II. 1 for December and 1.20'i to II 224 for May. Gypsies Ordered to Leave Town and TheyStart West Obeying; the mandate of the mayor and chief of police of Florence, Thursdsy afternoon the seventy-five gypsies who hnve been In thnt town during the last several months, broke camp and shipped to California. The gypsies went west tn a Vnlon I'hcUIo train, occupying a cir thnt was set aside for their use tn mak ing the trip. They are ticketed for Stock ton, Cal. Omaha Chosen as Meeting Place of Farmers' Congress Postmaster Wharton states that i.Ofcl depositors am now availing themselves of the opportunity to place their money in the local postal shvIiirs bank. The amount on deposit up to Aai Is 2au,327, which Is a guln of Vi per cent since Auvuat I. Shekel tfctMcff! T rOUNTaiNS.HOTCLS.OII KLSCWHtRR Get th Original end Genuine HORLIGK'8 HALTED EVIILIi "0jjeUit JtnHati&nC The Food Drinkf or All Ages RICH MILK, MALT CKAIH EITKACT. IN TOWDEt Not in any Milk Trust CSJ- Insist on "HORLICK'S , Take package home I Magneto Passes as . Means of Ignition in Modern Machines Announcements y various autnmobll manufacturers disclose the fact that In virtually all models priced at I9S5 or over electrical devices tor lighting, starting nd Ignition are now listed as standard equipment, v In most cases these devices are built Irto th chassis of the car and aro' In- tigral parts of It With but one o. two exceptions all Ir.rg producers havo used th presence of a modern electrical sys tem to do away with th magneto as a piece of needless duplication and com plexity. Exceptions to this rule are almost solely manufacturers listing cars at two pr'ces with and without complete elec trical systems. Manufacturing efflolenc) In such a ess demands the fitting of an electrical apparatus -not an Integral part of . th chassis and therefore not adapt able to Ignition purposes. II. , M. Joy, electrical engineer of tht Btudcbeker concretion, po'nl out the fact that manufacturers who install du plicate electrical systems have almost at ways after a year of trial abandoned th magneto and gone over without reservation to a built-in system that per forms all functions of electricity, Includ lng Ignition. Short Sues Condons for Heavy Damages IT. A. P. Condon and his wife, Mrs Lilian Condon, have been made defen dants In a district court suit for taft.Ofrt. William A. Short, the plaintiff. lle:,' that Mrs. Condon was driving her hus band's auto at Fifty-first and Cal'forn'a streets 8eptemler 23, and that the csr, while running at a high rate of speed, got beyond her control when she made a turn. Jumped the cu'rblnr and ran over Short, who was sitting on the grass park ing between the sldewilk and street. Ha declares he sustained painful and per manent injuries. l MM K S FLITT 1 w ZHma-iaa i5a, ON ABOUT! YOUR EYES Com to th Empress Market and (11 Tour 18 Ounoea to Brery rouaa.' 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, Our Own Dressing 12 l-2c 10,000 Pounds Pig Pork Loins 13 3.4c 1C 14 forequarters lamb Hc 1814 hindquarters lamb, ...... ,i0 Choice steer pot roast 15o-llH Pig pork shoulders lift Pig pork utts 13, Choice mutton chops,, lBVis Choice porterhouse steaks 17He Choice round steaks, lIMo Swift's Premium Plamond C bains, at ; 17Ho Bugar cured ham ll4o Bugar cured bacon 17Ho Fresh oysters, per qt... 4So EOo can lard ago 18 Pounds Best GranulatoJ Sugar, $1.00 Flour ha gone up. We are still holding down the price. We advise our customers to buy now. , ts-lb. sack Empress Pride, made . from th finest selected wheat. Kvery sack guaranteed to make the finest brand and cakes. On this sale only 91.30 loo bottles of stuffed olives Bo Tall cans cottage milk THo 10c Jars peanut butter Bo 10c pkg. corn flakes Bo Early June peua, per can tVe 8-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes, per csn ijo 2-lb. cans sweet sugar corn, per fan 7"o Santos coffee, pound 80o Grape Nuts pkg 10c BVaolal Sal on raacy Box Apple. Extra Juncy. Vaklina valley fruit. Fancy Jonathans, itoman Beauties, (.ireeiilngs, Wagner Uellflowers, per box . '. gi.as Large ripe grapefruit, for aoo Hothouse lettuce, 3 for Bo Kail Klver Early Ohio potatoes, per peck 4 aoo Iarge fancy cauliflower. . 10O and 18 Cape Cud cranberries, qt ....... .7V40 Sweet putatoen, peck SBo Ite lobe onions, peck . . . , , 86o Fancy green tomatoes, basket. .. .lBo Large ripe bananas. Jos 10 Fancy large hothouse cucumbers, each 7 Ho Fancy heart celery, per bunch.... aoo Canada Places an ' Embargo on Goods from This Country Omaha railroad men are In receipt of laformatton thatCanada haa plaoed an embargo, on practically everything that might be shipped into that country. Cir culars reoelved give notice that effective Instanter, th embargo la placed upon hay, Straw, hides, live poultry, dogs and cats and live stock of all kinds except horses which ar for the Canadian gov ernment. . Whit railroad men are unable to under stand the purport of th embargo, they are of the opinion that It Is levied to , prevent .the countries that ure at war In Kurop getting supplies through Canada. , Notio of the placing of an embargo on . all kinds of grain destined for Oolveston, TV., has been received. The notice states that at Galveston the grain storsge ware house are filled to capacity and that owing to th war in Europe little stuff Is .,- luovln out by boat. It is said that until the embargo la raised this practically shuts off th southern market for grain. THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Woolworth 5c and 10c Htore. 113 Bouth lflth 8t. Tel. D. 280T. The Basket Stores MEAT DEPARTMENT- At No. 23 will probably be suing Saturday. Mnrket In each store. This now give us a Brakes Important - . Factor in Autos "When it Is fully realised that the en tire safety of th occupants of an auto- mohll may depend upon the brakes iu critical situations, too much Importance cannot be attached to the construction of th braking system," declares C. J, ' Cork Ml! of the Nebraska-llaynes Auto bales company, distributers. i Without adequate surface at th rear' drums, full braking cannot be realised. The ilaynea designers have been very liberal In providing an unusually large area on the llayne light six car, which , haa a total brak'ng surface of SiW square Inches. In addition both the emergency brake lining Is thoroughly protected from all mud and dust. ThU feature of pro tection eliminates th wear on the lining that would ar s from th grinding action arising when exposed ca the outside ot ' the drum, and a tar greater reliability may b placed In securing the full effect of th brakes. Another far Ijoad Nebraska Potatoes; a little better than the last car. lit B bu. lots, per bu 01 Single llu.. GO lb tivlt 2c bu. less It you bring your owu , sack. IVck. 15 II lGc? A bu. measure heaped up us ually welgha about b lbs. be situ and buy by weight. H Tar load Wisconsin Holland Cabbage, per KM) IbN. ...85 Hy the single head, lb, ...,1c Corn Flakes, 10c ikg Oc 3 for 16c Flour, 4 8-lb. Ak-Sar-Deu. guar anteed 81.2 Stove pipe, per joint tic Coal Hods, 16-in., open Japan, at 17c 6-ln. Elbowa , 8c Fire Shovel 3c and Dc Stove Pipe Collars, 3c, 2 for So Ileat Tea Sittings, pkg. ....11c Snider'a Tomato Soup, 10c can for 7c Sal Soda, 4 lbs ...He 36 lbs. 2ftc Oatmeal, large 25c pkg....lc 10c pkg 8c Compound Lard, Dc, 3 for , .23c See that you get net weight In buying lard and butter. 300 price lower than any Omaha grocer. No. 21816 North 16th. ' No. 23-1807 Vinton. No, 22 1406 North 24th. ' No. 242127 Farnam. No. 252518 North 24th. Genuine Old Crwn . . . . Genuine Bond & Lillard Ccn Jno Spring Hill . . . Genuine Schenley . . . . Full Quart 98c Private Stock Whiskey, per bottle 50c ! BRANDIES 3 Star, perbtl., 49c Cognac, full qt., 75c Mail Orders Filled at These Price. We guarantee all our goods as genuine and as advertised. LOS MERCANTILE CO., 100-11 North Sixteenth St. h Omaha Look Us Over First : FOR REAL BARGAINS IN MKN'rJ ANI HOYS' Sl ITS AND OVKR X)AT8. SHOES AND FURNISH INGS COMK TO THE REAL HAR GAIN STORE and LOOK OVER THESE: REAL EYE OPENERS 98c $8? HATS $2.60 Men's Derby or Soft All Wool Hats In the latest shades and styles OVERCOATS $16.00 Men's All Wool Chinchilla, Shawl Collar, Silk Serge Lined Overcoats, MEN'S SUITS- $16.00 Men's Blue Serge and Fancy Worsted All Wool Suits satin or silk serge lining; guaran- (LOCQ teed the best values In the pXOO city Saturday sale SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Our special sale Saturday of Men's Fleece Lined Union 8ults , 65c 1 XlMVS i t, f IrrL 1 LrJ n hv'ii mm m A, Dressy Shoe lor Dressy M AM 1L Made by Howard ft Poster, known as one of the most rejiablo makers in the country. Style shown is a patent calf, with kid top, modeled in a semi-English last. We show the same shoe in gun metal and tan. A special value at $4.50. All sizes and widths. SHO&CQ 1013 A. DOUGLAS & 2m i sj a" .Jrvir TTE 600 -Si TDIC3B3EB BOATS Worth $2.50 to $4.50 On sale Saturday and Monday as long as they last at m;?w (Bw ( All the newest style shapes in soft crowns, turbans, sailors, French roll brims, etc., beautifully trimmed, r ver a score of different styles t6 choose from. All go at the one price, 69c. See our window display. WAISTS Worth $1.00 to $2.00. 1,000 Waists, broken lots, samples, etc. Some slight ly mussed. All are good styles in lin gerie, tailored effects, etc. Sat urday at, each. 29c SILK DRESSES Worth up to $15.00 The season's prettiest styles in handsome sill: poplins, messalines, etc. All leading shades, all sizes, a big ae- ff I Q Q lection, go In 3 g l u 0 lots Saturday at 87.08. $6.08 and DRESS SKIRTS $4.00 Values All . wool serges, crepes, etc., in newest tunic, yoke, and accordian pleated styles, Sat urday, at $1.98 College Coats i nd Long Coats Worth to $14.50 Three big lots of nobby Coats, go on sale at $7.98, S8..$4.98 SUITS Worth to $22.50 Nobby Tailored Suits in a number of pretty styles, on sale Saturday at $12.45 and . . $9.75 THI OWELTY CO 214-16 North 16th Street A THE DREXEL KID SAYS: "Dad buys me Steel Shod Shoes because he doesn't hare to buy them so often. . ' Boy's Shoe That will outwear two pairs of ordinary Boya' shoes will have lota of friends, and that is exactly why. TEEL HOD HOES are worn by thousands of happy boys In Omaha. If your boy is not a Drexel Kid we both lose. Bring him in tomorrow. Boys, 1 to 5, $2.50; Little Gents, 0 to 134, $2.25. DREXEL 1419 Farnam l! Swap anything in the "Swappers Column' AMUSEMEJtTS. First Church of Christ, Scien tist, of Omaha, Announces Free Public Lecture OS ...CHRISTIAN SCIENCE... BT Clarence C. Eaton, C. S. B. Member of the Board of Lecture ship of the Mother Churoh, The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in . Boston, Mass. In the Church Edifice St. Mary's Ave. a&4 94th St. Sunday Afternoon, Nov. 1st, at three o'clock, and Slonday Evening, Xov. 2d, at eight o'clock. Tou and Tour Friends Ar Cor dially invited to B Present. 1 BRAHDEIS Today Only Matinee, B. 30; Ivsnlnfr, 8:20; Only a Times. ! The Famous Oriental Sanoe Artiste RUTH ST. DENIS And Assisting Company of Solo Dancers ana native Klndoos. PRICES BWln Mat., BestBeats.fi. Evening;, BOc-75o-81-l.60-ia. TOMORROW JfD AUi WTIEK; iviuwnxvwn DAILY MATIsTESS. DR. HUNTER IDENTIFIES YOUTHS WHO ASSAULTED HIM Jtinmte Cuwrovt tind lllllle Husseck, living near Twenty-fourth and Utnnry strtete, are the ons lti i,tlfitd by lr. P. it. Hunter, who wji asiaulted by two toys when he reprimanded them for de stroying tils properlf. Young Cosgrove wus fined tlO un costs In polios court and Buise k furf:i 4 his bo ad. Officer Hell srretd lliero Thurs dsy. . 12,000 Pounds Pig Pork Loins. .... 13 3-4o 10.CC D 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chickens to Your Order 121c Choice Bteer pot roast, I Sc. HHc Choice porterhouse steaks. . 17c l'lg pork roast HftC rig pork butts l.ttc Lamb legs laiic Mutton chops. .. 13Hc and l'JHo- Mutton roast 7lo Young veal roast. lAc and lie Young veal chops 15c and 13 He Cudahy'a Diamond C. Swift's Premium, Armour's Star ,1794c Sugar cured hams llc Sugar cured bacon ........174c Vrotn 8 p. in. to 9 p. m. Lamb chops Be Prom 9 p. m. to 10 p. m. Pork chops 12,c 25 LBS. BEST FINE GRANULATED SUGAR, S1.C9 With 1 und Japan, Knsllsh Ureakfast 4-lb. sat-a u.nt grade riuur. . . . l.a It bars I). V Willi. Itusaian ur White Quwn soap fur B5e With washing soda lOe 4 cenv sutiar torn too t cans Urn tomatoes B5o I Ac cans peas or baana as Tall Alaska salmon, per can 10O JUc ran red nal'iioti, per ran tee toe iso pineapples or cherries. .. .1S or Unit Iowder Tea .....CM Mantoa coffee, lb v SOo Mason Jara chuw chow or pic 11 11 for loo Mason Jars Qtieen olives gao lie bottle white horse lad i all ISa 2te sack pancake flour 1M H-gal. ran Kio syrup.. lee Full creain ch.ese. lb aoe Kpaxhettt or macaroni, pkg T-,e 4 liHk best dried peaohes a&e Vote Kennedy tor senator. Advertise Cueiit ' PUDLIC MARKET J8 JUSS'sSI. Rectai Diseases ured A mild treatment, that cures Pile. Fistula and other Recul disease in a short time, without a surgical operation. Ne Chloroform, Ether or other general anast letio seed. A cure guaraotead ia ever case accepted (ortreatmeat, and no money .0 be paid an til cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with testimonials. DR. TARRY Be BulMlag-OmheV a Room ' JJoW tO Rcilt There la somebody who wanta the A VUUs J VIA AAA ? VVJ VUb, The persona who want rooms are often disgusted when they find the facts have been misrepresented. Locality, homelike surrounding, transportation, price, cleanliness, facilities (such aa bath, piano, telephone service, etc.) are all reasons that attract different kinds of roomers. x Is your room exceptionally well furnished? Ia your house or apartment In a very good neighborhood? Is your room worth a great deal to persona who demand something high-class? Then say so! THE WRONO AD. FOR RENT Splendid outside room, running water, bath ad joining, large clothes closet, phone in room. Only 10 minutes from downtown. Kvery comfort; will ' rent by week or month; attractive price to right person When you have something Terjr good, be explicit In your Want Ad. TOTS RIGHT AR FOR RENT Beautifully furn ished large outside room, second floor, 1 windows; running; water, private bath; larg-e clothes closet; new Wilton rug on floor; walnut bedroom aulte; new - fireproof apartment building, hardwood in terior; phone in room; for couple, single person or roommates; uln gle, 15 weekly: double, $7 weekly; by month, single, IIS; double, $35; only 10 rulnulee Iroiu downtown. Make the Right People Call How much better it la to have only two or three callers, and lent your room, than to have twenty callers, and not rent your room! If you have a room worth only $1 a week, say that ia the.' rent! Never be afraid ot not renting a room that Is worth whut you ask. Aad remember, too, that people are alwaya agreeably surprised to find Just what they want! When you advertise correctly. Bee Want Ads will rent your rooms. LADIES COATS 115.00 Latest Style JQ -7C Coats on sale. . . . J)e7e O $6.00 Children's djo QO Coata on sale tPO.UO $1.50 Sweater Coata QQ on sale ,yOC ' J. HELPHAND Clothing Co. 314-10 No. 16th St. Pally Hats., 83o.; Ivanlng-, 860, 35o, eoo. "OMAHA'S tUX CEVTZsV tSniLdHi Uy Mat., 15-85-500. XA-y Xvgs., 16-35-60-75O, LAST TIMES TODAY :;SS.F0lllESo!lheDAY Wtfh Rim Kidman and Oertrude Hares. I.ADXX&1 OIMX MAT, WltX OATS IcVTDA! War! WarI WarI i Hi I I lite A ev.ry performanoe, BplPltwl Word.BaU1. Qn ' Xanal Suffrage by Miss Jane Thoi&Daon. Baf fragist. of Chicago, aad Miss Marjorie Sormaa, Anti-Suffragist, Haw York City, Toinor. and Wa. lieo Welch and His Kaw Sbuw. i au m w.ea a.s I bay the aauie quality of ma terial, the beet, for use in niy eat ing place aa 1 use In my home. No matter what you pay elsewhere you are not getting better, and seldom aa good food as you will get at w s. m mr- . - mr The Pure Food Sign. Qzickserv Cafeteria Basement City Katl Bank Bid, r Or lloa'oa Lnncbea. x SIB Hoath 10th 8t 14041 Isoaglaa Hb 14UM Farnatn Ht. EVA LAXG-CnARLES MILLER and their superb company ia 'ZLETATINQ A BUSBAsTO." Prioea B5o A BOo. JTsxt Week "aUndliag-" ArvlERICATVT "a1- THrATHt 170. Tonig-htl Mattaees Tom, Thnre Sat.. THE WOOOWAJtD STOCK pOMYAJTY Za the Comsdy, "READY MONEY" 25t ANY SEAT 25c Week of Hot. ll "Th. Kalnbow." Advanced Vaudeville CtTBTAX TOaTIOBTT 8:10 Prices: Gallery, 10c: Best Beats. 8S-50-T5g Theater. D. 80C9 lata and Saraey. rSCXAX TOSAT OVLT A Broadway Star feature Wita 11111 STBWAX.T la "Til VAZBTED WOILD" and MAJIT ncxroBO U TBJt PSCBEB Of DEgTrW OPENING LANCE A Jt. OTT'S HAI.I, IBIbIIIOTOH, BBBABXA SATTiU)AT Mi OUT, MOV. 7TH. 11 Olutlok's Orcbestra.