HK. I JKK: OMAHA. S.VITKDAY. (KTmKKU 1!'U. 13 o a4L Secret of the Smart Gown si, Alexandra C;irlis!o Kavs Women Are Kovt'rtini: to the Stvles of Roman Ihivs Conducted By MISS DAISY DOW Tot tbs Douglas Cousty Equal Suffrage Assceiatloa. Acknowledgement On this lust tiny flint thr suffragists have the privilege- of editing -.hi column, so courteously offered thorn ' the lilor of the Pec, thy wish to say i few wortl.i "'oncoming their cum uU.n for 'votes for women," now dra'viny to o clone. No campaign like it has over Teen rai ried on In this statv It has been con ducted by women who h.'e lui'l no previous political experience an 1 who, therefore, sought anil obtained valu.iU counsel from nun of oxp'ii ice ar:d oi' high standing in tie coiiimuni' .. in clean politically and morally. The him Ftandard Bet for the condio-i of the cam paign by these men and the rjilrau leaders, Ikih b en mnintui.'ii ,1 throunhout and the suffragl.-ts an- proud io have hud such Ideals put hefole them utid proud that they have l,ven realized. l'"r.nm the day that the women started out with their l Ubu:r. a M.I obtained Ki.oft) more signatures than w re re'iuiied bv hi until today, with the feat of a hoise to. house canvass an accomplished fact. It has been a splendid effort curried on In the most dignified, high-minded man lier without acerbities and without nceu satione agairst the opposition, or per sonalities of any sort. The suffraeists have not tried lo fielr. tho aintl-suffrnglr-ta, but rather have tried to tell the people of Omaha and of tho state what woman suffrage" means, and they believe that on Tuesday tho people will show by their votes that they have understood. C'onCrtfl By MI-S MAKJOr.IB SOZTJAX Tor the Kebrnia Association Op- roactl to V.'oman Suffrage. I?y MAi n M1LLKK. "Mow much a style may make or mar a person's looks." said Miss Al rtndra, j Carlisle, who Is play In-? In "The Money Makers" In New ork City. 1 ani-red ' Instantly that It uould, and waited for Miss Carlisle to tell me some more about Tlie f Cowing Vtter was received today the fascinating toplo of dress. I thought at the hen 1(uh'1( I s of the Nebraska As-j her well capable :' some very goml ad s' -'.ail mi oppo-i.l t W.ima i Stiff -ago: i vlee on the subject. I'tess means evorv thine to a iin'i Reasons for Opposing Suffrage Canvass "MAMA. t. re. -Miss Mar.'olic 1 i r tim.i. Lender Ar'l-f nlfrt-'e Movement. "i al a.- 1 i ar Madam: I indole ou lii fellowm;; as some of the reasons why I I i rs n.illy urn npjwficl to wcnn-i'n suf frage. oil mnv U"c Mil in any way you; Fee f t. t r.. W. (. Ill NUY. j S nne r.f the ieanns why 1 ntn opposed to woman's suffrage: j 1. Voiiug Is n duty Imposed upon those win are responsible for civil government Women have m ties cr.oir.h and obllga- t: ms sufficient to o-rupy all of ther' highest and bert net Kit's, without bavin;;; this burden thrown upon them. she went on. "It alweys has and it al ways will, ami that Is at Is should be. of course. Hut 1 di think that unless a per son realises Just what the present t le aie many ol the best folds will be left unexplored and many of the best and most becoming effects will be over looked. Thi season ushers In a Unman revival. Just ns Fure as sure can be, we nm Toing bn.k to ancient styles ami customs, and In mv opinion there is noth ing In the world so beautiful and to beneficial for a f'll as to be dressed lis the Koman girl was dressed long ago. "The tact Is shown 1n the wider skirts Those who fro charged with ti e.' "ce more n girl niny breellie with her duihs of civil g, vernmeiu must necls luivo back of them the pbFlcal fon. r.ccessary lo carry into effect any edict ! which they may decide are best for those whom thev govern, if such edicts are (o be effective. And wonian'ii vote does not tarry with It the needed furor. " From Co to to per cent of the ma'e voters do not now peifor.n those raere.l dut et- wher. the npportun'ty offers, uu i it is not lilidy that if the women wero votlns their peretntaSe of ntay-nt-home i entire nody. Uast year Per llmtis weie confined so that there was little or no freedom of movement and therefore little er no proper exerrlT. This the gowns are being suspended 'rotn the shoulders, so that there Is very little strain nr.d nnduo pulling about the waist and hips. Tha shoulders were meant to bear the weight of the clothing. In Hdmen t mes there , was r.o thought of tightening the garments at the waist anil preventing proper comfort. The Laws for Women and Laws for the Workingmen One of the arguments against equal suffrage runs like this: The . working women of the country, through their oig.mlzationa and their friends, aro asking for laws limiting working hours and conditions of pervlec for their special protection. It is said thut these things arc favors granted to a . privileged class. Hut If women de mand the ballot and thereby put them selves on an equality before the law, they will forfeit their right to have laws passed for their special protection. This argument Involves a total misun derstanding of the purpose of all such laws. They aro not fuvors to the claps affected by them. They arc passed in the exercise of what la called the "police power" of tho state, which Is grounded on the Idea that such laws are for the public, welfare, and are not favor to a special class. Ho It has. In modern tin!"s, been recog nized aa quite proper to pass sueh laws for the benefit- of workingmen, n4 be cause they arc entitled to favors, hut be cause It Is to the highest interest of society that they should be protected against Injustice or Injurious conditions. JUany states In the union have passed workmen's compensation laws, and we in Nebraska arc considering one. The only objection to it Is that it Is inadequate, not that such laws should not be con ridered. Women, then, would not forfeit theb. right to have laws passed for th'lr pro tection, in tlic matter of hours of labor and conditions of service, but wou'd navo the same right to sk for them as tiny have now. The only diffeten-e is that they would have a belter prospect of getting them more promptly and In fuller measure. Would it J better to take the vote away from the workingmen und let them depend on tho generosity of their employ ers to vote laws for the benefit and pro tection or workingmen? It would lie Just as logical to aay that workingmen, by having the ballot, have forfeited their right to have lawa passed fur their pro tection. But who expects to find logic in an anti-suffrage argument? would he uny bitt r. Therefore we v olid i ttfht waist Is a product f clvll'z.ation be but piling u;i the vote, witl-.cut Improv-j i"t calculated to awaken any pride In inr Its quality. j ,lm heart of any ono. 4. In every ir.r'.ancr where large tests I "Fandals are being worn on the feet, have been niHde among the women them- f rneanlns that the toes are im longer selves the vote of the women alw ays has , cramped Into a tight slipper for an en been nn overwhelming vote against wo-,,lr evening that a girls feet may be n an s suffrage. And I am not willing to : Proporly and fashionably shod. but force a burden upon them which they do.hlon actually decrees these delight- not want, nor does It seem fair that the men t.hou!d force this burden upon them. 5. in Colorado, C'allforn'a and other 1 states w here it has been tried many of j iui- ann eoniioriame things for wear m the ball room. Made of da'nty auede or kid and modelled exactly after the child's hare-fool sandal, they are the most I Comff-li.tnltlA ll,lnaa Im I l.l the best women have now repudiated it ; . '. " u'm ' 1 , , . , dancing, at, a snare and a delmdon. some going I ,i i , , , , ; I'.ver thing Is simper than it was; Eo far as to say they have seen it do far rv(,ryt)lnf u ; moie harm lhan good ! Individuality: there must b-. Means, fi. No Instance has be,n shown where , tm,r ,B RU(,n a vsr of the city or the state has been ma le bet-: Xoll.ln(f ,g trrrbly obviou8 lmle onf. ter by the vote of th women, but It docs,,. oul ,Q mukf t (1 (,vrn (o fy smn increase the expense, tho effort and the;a lhhtg fls the fn(Mr nalH wh(.h Hfr no labor which might well be used for more longer so brilliantly polished. Head, needful thitiRs. , slmprs are coming into vogue, startling 7. If the burden be placed upon women, head dreFeea have gone Into the nralm of then they can only discharge that obll-j the past Gowns have a tendency t i gat'on by making the most efficient use j adapt themselves to one-piece garments, of it of which they are capable. In otheriand with all this revival of ancient ttmr. words, if they accept the responsibility and ancient methods women are at last they are In all honor bound to make the I coming into their own and are actually largest possible use of It In the Interest 1 Klad of the fact. "Just as we used to I of the home, the city, the state and the ' worry lest we got behind a little In thel nation. This of course will mean ' "tyloa, now we must be careful lest w 'First Alwaya keeping thoroughly In-1 '", to obviously gowned, which Is this' I V' i ktrlA m .liJ rs v f -I'M r- ? ft' few tL ' '(i J$ ; 1 Little Mary's Essays Antl-Nnffralst! and Sumo IU aon liy Sho TIipItps Madame Ise'bell Talks of Ingrowing Nails How to Prevent and Cure Tnem lj IMMOTHY D1X. An antl-suffraglsts Is a lady who thinks that she Is tho only woman In the world who la fit t vote. 8he saa that women haven't got any senpe, and that they can't under stand about politics like in e n can, though 1 think my niamtnn, who went to college knowa more lhan our fur nace man who told me that Tedda Hoosji discovered. America, which my papa, says Is a mis take, for he only thinks bo did. Alan the antls say that women are too frail and weak to vote, but It looks to me like It took more strength to do a day's washing than It does to put a piece of piier In a little silt In a box. Alsi the n lit I suffragists saya that women should not vote because they can not fight, but I bet tliey wouldn't aay that If they had seen our Janitor the morning after he came home late and told his wife that ho was the boss of the house. ' : A slinpli- gown worn liy Alexandra Carlinlc in "Tlio Money Makers.' reason the acme of poor tai;li. 'And so with our Roman revU-ni realization of what dress can mean In Its best moments, and what affect it can have upon the health and morals of the people. No woman l frivolous who formed as to the beet measures and man to HUtiimrt. nnd the ones to tarn down In city, stale and nation. i dress, we oro waking our women up to a studies dress us an art. It Is an art, andj Hecond (Always fcoiug to the polln j cKsung incir nauois in narmony wnn ine known facts. Thlj will bring them many' times Into conflict with their husbands, where it has already made serious dls-1 eoid in the home. ' Third It will nieon using time, Influ-, nice and energy to get their friends and ; I neighbors to see the questions as they' see them and help to get them to the! polls to vote as they flo. ' Fourth They must be prepared to lay down their hon:e and family or other du as our women are represented so we are Judged as a nation; therefore let every woman sludy In the great storehouse of dress that she may make the most of her charms. '' A Dip Into World of Infinitely Minute By GARRETT I". SEHVISs. Iet us make a fhort excur.-loii along v.lth our sclentlcif friends Into the world ties to help manure (he campaign, which if the Infinitely little, they ar- now so much interested in, for People have always know that there you may be just the one (your friend will was such a world, but It Is only recently that we have begun to get mesurements What Converted Her tr ! youi to bring success to the men or measures advocated. Fifth They must be ready and willing 'of its littleness, to lay aside all other dntles and run j which possess a kind for office, for lyour friend will again ' 0f negative subllin tell oti it is ,, plain duty) you are the ty as If regarded only one who can rellv win and put into through the wrong prm-tlca) effect the. Important measures nni cf a telescope .. u:..t. ..... l. I i I win. ii jou ua.f ciieoipiune.i. nf almost Inonnrelv. !ablc power. Misa Heirn Todd of California, who will be In Omaha, Monday, was one of the euffragiata to appear last winter rt the hearing before the ra'es committee t school board of the house of representatives when the suffrage committee asked for a special lommittee on woman suffrage in the house. In her statement before the rules committee Miss Todd said In part: "My conversion to suffrage came through six years of work as factory in spector In Illinois. 1 have always thought that the reason there could be tueh a thing aa a woman who was an antl ws simply that the screen of ignorance and Sixh-They must be ready and willing to serve on Juries, or Hi any other public capacity where ihey may be needed. While that is not now a part of the law. It must necessarily follow as a logical sequence, to their public duties, If th-y are to do all in their power to make their votes ffeetle. S. If there U any plac In civic affairs where ne need tho right kind of men to manage well, and with high ideals, it Is In our public schools, One of the meas urements to which I refer concerns the length of the waves of ether which pro duce the phenomena known as X-rays. .Kverybody la aware that the X-ray have the power of passing through sold bodies 'that are completely opaque to light fs!Ji w we an we rays we can trace them down to one -'.'Aoo tli of an inch. Arrived at that polm' In our descent, suddenly find yawnl-ig beneath us abyss of terrific depth, over which bing like a climber ho has descended a rope to Its very end anj yet cannot even gliinp-e the bottom. We let go the rope that has borne us mrely thus frtr, and, with a cold chill at the pit of our stomach, feel ourselves dropping with only our faith in science to assure us that we shall 1 buoyed up In safety at the end of our plunge. We find the void a thousand times deeper than the chasnu we had already descf nded, and when wh reach our destln lition, even the Imagination la cowed! The X-ray wave is only one 'Jio,KX.,aiot h of an Inch in length! lo you get any meaning from that statement? l-et ua look at It In this way: The length of an X-ray wave Is lss In comparison with an-lncd than an Inch Is In comparison to tho iilidtiiice from New York to the North role! And yet science hti sue( ceded In ineaf tring Jt, If not with absolute certainty, at leant with n very nlgli degree of prob ability. And what la now only prob ability will become certainly tomoirow. The leiifth of an X-ray wave compared with that of on avermjn wave of visible light Is about ua one inrii to ono mile. Hut this Is not the bottom of the well of littleness by any means. Where that bottom la we do not know. Hut certainly tho dlamrter of the corpus' les of which atomn are composed Is far less than the length of one of these little waves, and no one can bo sure that some time we may not know Just how blg-or little a corpuscle is. Hut will w be at the bot tom even then? Also the antl suff i agists enys that if women had the vote they would sell It and goodness knows If they do I hoe they will get n good price, because women need money more than men, for they have to have pretty clothes, or else tho men will not love them. My Aunt Maria Is an antl-suffraglsts and she told me what they believe, and she said: "My child, when you grow up you must alwaya depend on the mighty nii)sculliie Intellect, and let your husband represent you at the polls," and I said: ' 'lut what If I don't have the luck to catch a husband, who will represent me then?" And she said: "Hun away little girl, a ml play." Aiitt-suffriiglFla arr nls lr.dhs who hire a hall nnd go tround telling women that th-y must stay at home, and that a woman should never bo seen outside of the home. They gay that It makes them loel perfectly dreadful to raise their voice In public nnd have their names and pic tures In the paper, but they feel It Is their duty to do so. Oh. how noble and self-aaerlflelng an antl-suffragist Is. Antl-auffraglsta are also very modest. iney think It la awful bold for a woman I" go right up to the voting booth and iut in her ballot Just like she was mall Ing a letter, but that It la nice, nnd sweet, and womanly for a woman to Jolly a man, and flirt with him, and make eye at him to get him to vote for her. They say why should a woman vote when ahe. can lobby, especially If ahe'a got nice white shoulders and soft squeeze- I able hands. Thoy aay that women should get what they want through woman's sacred Influence, but my mother aaya that ahe thinks a club Is more decent. Also, It Is quicker and aurer. I asked .my Aunt Maria, why,, If she didn't want to vote she Just wouldn't vote, and she said that it was Just awful tho way children were raised In this day, und that suffrage was breaking up the home. Also she aald that the country would go lo the dogs If women voted, and I asked her why a nice Indy like my leacher, who tells ua we must love our country, nnd die for our flag, would hurt the country any more lhan some dirty tramps I saw at the voting booths, and she said that there were things I couldn't understand. Well, there are. Antl-auffraglsta are all old ladlea or ladles who think old. I asked my mother why they were all old. and she said It In a well known fact that a, woman can't change her opinions after she gels 40 years old. We should all respect the aged. The C are of the Ke.e Vnri VI. tine of the most common results of neglected loennlls and one that often ap pears In childhood Is the condition spoke.i of aa Ingiowlng toenails. This Is the r" s u I t of al lowing tho flesh of the sides of the nails to grow over the nail, the result of wearing a too short or too tight shoe. This condition may become very painful, leading to In flammation, pus nnd sometimes the loss of the nail. l'reventlon arid cure Include about the sanio treatment, only the latter la by far the more diffi cult. Take a foot hath sufficiently hot to well soften the skin about the toes; dry them and with the towel gently preps back all the skin about the nails. Cir. the nails straight across, leaving' squaro corners, and, If the tendency to Ingrow ing on the sides Is present, cut out a tlttlo V In tho mlddlo of tho nail edge. Also, with the cutlclo knife, scrape tho surface of the nail down the middle. This cutting out the V and thlnolng tho nail in the center forces It to grow toward tho center and away from thi aides and will correct the tfndency toward growing Into the skin, lloll a bit of absorbent cotton about the pointed end of nn orange wood stick and moisten It with peroxide of hydro gen. I'ass tills all about the nail pushlrg back the looso flesh and run It under the corners of the nail and as far down the sides as It will go without pain. If the trouble Is well established and the nail really Imbedded In the flesh, tho corners of the nail must be gently lifted by means of the stick and a tiny bit of dry, clean absorbent cotton inserted. Th'a should be changed dally, the sore spot treated to dry boric acid or peroxide of hydrogen, and eventually the nail will be free from the flesh. If there In any formation of pus aoak the foot In hot water, press out the mat ter and keep tho spot dusted with borle. acid. If there Is Inflammation nnd throb bing, application of hot witch haiel wl'.l give relief. Discarding stockings and wearing san dals aa much as possible will help any form of foot trouhle. Puch a form of foot dressing la no more unconventional than wearing a kimono and could very properly be adopted at the hours when one Indulgea In a kimono. Feet auffer not only from the cramped position that they must take In the fashionable ahoe, but from lack of air. (To bo Continued.) In our state, the women have had a ' Nevertheless it Is certai-. that these rays1 chance for manv years to vote for the themselves are nothing else than a kind and vet what have tho:o' 1 gllt' Th''y consist, like the light that! women done in Omaha Ii this regard? j0 sfr of v1rbration8 In the ether, but Is not the Indifference I, ere a proof that (these vibrations are so short and so rapid the women do not really want the ballot? that they pass through our eyes without Does not the tiuoll vote, the ineonse. ( making any Impression on the sense of qtientinl vote In tivs" very Important i vtuion, Just as they pass through solid plaie. show conclusively that all thisjhodles w ithout obat rm Hon. agitation lor the baliot is only a sham Their ihortness has until recently been rut forth by the few'' jan Insurmountable obstacle, to all at- ; '.'. It b-littles the duties of tempts to prove their relationship to light r. lfe, mother "nd ho.nenia.kcr. and by a by causing them to be reflected by niir- fal?" standard rxalts th women who ' mrs, refracted by lenses, ahd diffiaj t-d by prismatic apparatus, but lately these phenomena have been produced by call lus In the aid of crystals, which present , Heavens in November Advice to Lovelorn ' My BStnini nimrii I By WILLIAM V. KIGGk. t 6:5t.. T.U: und 7 Vi. mid sets at 8:;i, . ... 0S and '."., thus nml.liig the day's The chief event of the month ia the lnigtu ,,. llmlri ani1 twPn, v.fivo ni)n. transit oi Mercury on the 7th. Aa wo ui, ,,, ,,., flfty.,nr, m,. 1 now, .Mercury and Venus are the onlyi,,,.. . . , ,. ..... , I'll,, Mill"- II,,,, ,I1 .Till i nrin , ll, B minutes, a loss of xaetly an hour dur- I Household Hints To remove coffee stains from wearing apparel rub the mark gently with a llt tlo pure glycerine. Afterward rinao tho part In lukewarm water, lay a cloth over the damp part on the wrong aide and press with a slightly warmed Iron until dry. yen r. teen the comfort of home and th protection . forego these natural, useful and (Jod nf home was so thrown around her tba". giw-n for the more showy and Ies3 she has nevfr had to fac the reality. , i-s-ful labors of the public v.onian. 1 do not believe there Is any woman In 1". And, finally. I have never the world win. If she could s e children ; yet been abU: to reconcile the plea for toiling aa I have Feci if a'ie could woman aulfruge with ine char fetching l;ce women driven on the Ft-cets to earn ; of the holy Milptura. Hut I unde-stand ilbrations that nilik un these wonderful i their bread because they co.dd net ea.n . the 'eadcrs of suffrage do not lay much rays. ' enough by honest toil to keep body und j sties-, upon this lork. , AnJ now fr a glimpse through the soul together, it she could ten men! Ml. W. O. IlENIty. 1 puissant microscope of the scientific! planets whoso orbits lie inside the earth's, und they tin then fore the only bodies In addition to our moon thut can lOme betwcti, us and the sun in a straight line, so that we can tee them projected o.i the sun as a background. Mn h a passage across the run's face is ello.t u Irnnml itiH auviiri L'.rt' rarnlv I " " I minutes arter Htandarrt noon The Dlaraaa This with 1 oar Mother. Hear Miss Fairfax: I am a girl of 1! and am very ninth in love with a young man two years my senior, to whom my mother objects becauao at present he la not in good circumstances. 1 met thia young man ahout four years ago, but at Ing the month. The sunset of the 3T'th Is1 that time we were simply friends. About within two minute ot the latest of the!a "fr w b,olh dim oveiml that we in, II,.. ,! Ill, II l J ' ".."" minutes I account of my mollnl H object ions I hau and twenty-one seconds': tried four or flvo times to give hlin up, fast, ueeordlng to a sundial. It then'"" "eelng hlin for luonthii ut a time, but- t omes to tho meridian seven and a ha f nnun.g oui . er ii snori nme inni nun mi" oi 1.11-. , am ,, t the earliest meeting him outside, and when I come in jllielr lextuif than any we can niahc that j they are able to deal ven with the iiilniit good men weep ua I have sern the n i weep because, in this great mass of thj unemployed they could not get work and their families were golrg down into that frightful abyss, which is n ,t J. st starva- j tion, h"t which niruna filth and wrcl'-u- I ednesa and degradation: If you cauH tear the veil of agony of nu n and f women and of children tnd let thus women look at it rii'-e, v. e would never have to make another suffrage s-ech in America to tinse women. It is becauso they do not understand. No one can go, aa I have gone, through the factories of a great state and ace the agony just . Mrs. Blatch's Warning Alls. Hun let t-'tanton tilafh saya th.rt i:re 4,oo. MO who are voters, and that tbiy will vote against any part) that cioea not favor wom in, suffrage r,uld tl,re be a strong'r proof that they aro unfit for the ballot? What! Allow p. matter of eex pref . renee and s'-x rule to determine their vote on o,u tlons of national policy the tariff, ni'liiml mirror i:irtflcy mo much fii.r In ' cury, nowever, are ino'e ireuucni. i ne la::t one occurred on November 14, 197; tho coming m ia on tne 'Ah nf this month, am! the t ext ones vlslllo In tho 1' tilted Stales will be on May 7, 1S2I. und November 11, U'Vi. Vt-ry few transits ure conipleti ly visible in tlo! I 'lilted States Only th- end of the t of '.f! w is ,. . , ,,., ..ill ' j Illiit-Wlis IIOI1 uniniiir, noil of-ll I i uiur 11 next uansit of cnus v. ill not hup-f ,,, Ah, yur r,n ,hc th u be' my mother makes home life so disagree until June S. !1. Transits of Mt-.,1v(, minutes less last or later. On theia,,lr that I can hardly stand it. 13d the sun niter Haglttarlus. ,7 l.l, 'i , ""' Ti" . V j . that reason I don t think I would mind j Vein: is futit disappearing from oiin waiting for him, and. as I huve tried ' evening kklts. On the first it retchea Ita several times to give him up without .farthest .out,, and c at , p. m. ., iLi1 ?r'm' 'imagination of an X-ray wave. We cannot siee It at first. We are too h!g. We must become like Ali 'e in Won. derlund. shrinking smaller and smaller until we are at the vanishing point. We approach the littleness of the X-ray by gradutione. We reach I'rst other little nesses which are Mg to It, and then we drop down and down until at last we are on its level. We start with a wuve of red light - I w in ri in a wuiaiivii oi inn viner fire observable, as only tho end of the pruri ent one will be, and I he beginning:! Ihe -it ti It crosses over to the right of, ANVIOl'H. the sun, and is then aald lo be In Inferior The only thing for you to do la to talk con onct ion. U passes nearly two degrees, this over frankly with your mother, south of the. antra center. If It passd I. . natural that ahe should want to see ! In I rent so as to have the sun ns a lraek- yoa marry a man who can assure you ''i I rlsfcly like an X-ray vave. except that it urrency. monopolln. relations to M-x .- lf-ngPr, and being long, r. Impressea our Ico, relations to Kurofe? That la whiillv tinA .ht the ..! .ve .boot of the children and not want the women, we who c.ppnse woman suffrage have al-jCM atoooth of an Incn in length We who create human life to have the , ways suid-that if wormn were admitted d, the of ,:anellI, fllld power to protect that life which they to vote on political .juestlon. they would ,nM wh(.n , waV(., ar only one oo,,,,, have created." be Influenced by personal conslderatlona 1f lnch , eng,h. thev pioduce the n- 1 am iiii. ii jr vi nuu oul i lie iiici lis oi loe ... . ni. s: nvitint .i .1 . . , . . :. laatlon of orange light. .... - - . - ...... ; ., un, ni qui luiia I'f f'e uei-iueij vy ,, ' .. . . . electorate and now Mrs. Blatch admits Hon. Moses K. t l.pp. I mted ht.te. and , e senator from Minieeota: "H e time Is ,. , ti,. ,,, . . . . . , ,, . . . . . , iuhm ir.uii is that we must keep thtm out of pollt- Inevltable when the American people will comer upon American woniannooa tun 1..1 i,,,iir only peaceable weapon known to free government for her own protection, for An u g,rl who warTle, ber the protection of her children, and that Mril gelu d)voro ni llve, hal ptly is Um ballot-" ever after. When Ihelr length if one tii.OQuih an Inch the light Is ynllotv. At one .iO.OuCth ot an Inch it Is green at enf U.Wnh blue, at one as.WOlh Indigo and at one tt.oooih violet. When the waves get rhortr than that they produce no Impresalon on our eyes, but they are mill light. Invisable light. The ' sensitive photographic Jlate aeet them,- and under the name of chemical cf th'. of and IMii will m ;u. Jt Kro in.l fiere would be a tramlt cf Venus. ,,rotrctlon na cornfor. arul lahe go,)(, is not until 1L5I that we shall be abb, to ! ,hlH' a" nr,t orrur ln ourcare of you. Rut It Is equally natural lllfllllH'. , tl,nl vnu Klw.oM u u t 1. f l1.-,. o,. see a complete transit. i "iai you ciiouin wuni to inuow Th tniranre of tho planet upon the' J'-PH'r in it II our brilliant evenlrg leadings of jour own heart. With due un'; face is ialled its Ingress, the eult l,,ar- " t''!f' the 1st at 11:4:: p. m. and allowance for the mother instinct that Its egress. In the present transit of the on ,llc l " V- n. wants the best for lta child, try to 1'er. 7th, the Ingres occurs at 3.r,7 a. ni., thiee hours t,efo:e the sun ii:-es at Omaha at :0t a. in., so that we shall be able to see only the eSicsg at fccN a. m. Kor one hour and lour minutes, therefore, If tho sky be verv clear, we may see Mercury Mara is too near the sun to lie seen. ' ei:ade her to listen ti your side of the Saturn Is coming Into good position. It atorj. rises on (lie 1st ut H 11 p. m. and on the Tith at 7: IS p. "". The moon is lull on the M at 5 49 p. m : In last 'piurter on the P th at u 37 p. m.; In trnniit. The planet will then appear' nKW 0,1 the 17. h at 1':J Keep on a BuiIumi Basis. I'ear Miss Fairfax:' I am 22 and am employed aa a stenographer. Kor the and In last year and a half hiy employer ha ul a small blu k circle one one-htindrcd-anJ-nlnety-fourth as large as the sun, so that we must use a tclegeoiie if we wish to see it ut all. It will !,e found klKut sixty degress to the fight of ton uppermost poir.t of the ,.un and near its edge. Delvan's comet has passed Its most favoiable ktage and la fading from view. Aa Intimated last niorth. It was never consph uously vlsiido ln Omaha llarly risers may find It with a telescope near Arrturua ln the northeast first uuartrr on the l!4tli at 7:?' a. ni. It been calling on me. and taking me out. is in conjunction with Katurn on the , .Now: wh"? ' ha never told me that : he -,, , ,,, . , . I loved me he has shown me a great deal ,i!i. und with Jupiter on the -3d. ; of a,t.n,l(n. iu.CPtltiy hl. pareI1i4 founJ Th Hlg lupper is In Its lowest position out that we were going out together and at about 9 o'clock on tho first of tho objected to It. Now he has told me that month; ut S o'clock on the lMh, rnd at 7;'". J"-1" ""' fa'';bt Parents' . , , .. . ,. , ... i wishes. I am still In his employ and oeu, k on the Altalr und ega, wouia ask you If It is advlaable for me to are sinking towanla the west. The Square still remain with hlin. HO.SK H. . of refasiiH Is ut Its hlghrst. Capella has! It would be foollah to resign a good risen finslder:ibly In the northeast, the position In these days w hen thousands of tieUrie aie In exell-iit position and stenographers are out of work, Hut since Orion is Ju-it t limbing over the eastern his parents do not consider you their horiion I son's eaual. insist on keenlne vour ruln. To slice bacon properly always place It rind down', and do not attempt to cut the rind. When you have the desired num ber of sllcea allp the knife under them and rut them free of the rind, keeping as close to it aa possible. To remove mildew from the cover of morocco and roan leathers obtain a tin of ordinary vaseline and rub well Into the leather with a piece of aoft rag. Then leave for a time, and afterward rub lightly over again with a fresh soft rag. For removing black beet lea put plenty nf salt where the beetles frequent and keep It there for a week, l'o not leave any water where tho beetles go. When the beetles oat the salt It will dry up their bodies. . To get rid of ante, first find the nest, which will be somewhere not far from the house. Having found It, set to work as follows: Place an Inverted garden pot over the nest and the ants will work Into It. Plungo the pot with its contents Into boiling water and repeat this procesa If necessary. Another way to keep them from getting Into the house Is to sprinkle sulphur Just outside to prevent them en tering. They dislike sulphur so much that they will not' come mar It. When the top of your silver Inkstand li covered with Ink and you want to clean it, mix a little chloride of lime Into a paste with water, rub the silver top smartly, and it will be brighter than ever. Window leathers last much longer and produce much more satisfactory results If they are washed In clean, cold water after radi time of use. To remove marking-Ink stains from linen peel and slice two average-sUed onions; extract the Juice by pounding and squeezing. Cut up half an ounce of white soap and mix with onion Juice, two ounces of fuller's earth and half a pint of vinegar. Stir thla mixture till it boils. When cool 'lay the marked linen ln the sunshine, spread the mixture over it and let it dry. Afterward wash and boll the linen, and the mark will have disap peared. To cleai 'Class bottles that have held oil place ashes In each and immerse ln cold water; then heat the water gradu ally until it bulla After boiling an hour let the bottles remain rn the water until eold, afterward washing ln soapsuds and rinsing In clesr water. In sewing on hooks, especially down th front of a bodice, if they are button holed on they will become firm with half the number of stitches otherwise re quired and will not become loosened nearly as yukkly. The sun rises on the 1st, 13th and JOthJl'relghtuu University Observatory, Omaha. I tioua tu him on a business basis. To clean brass fiuwer pots or trays rub them with a piece over them and finally polish wlih a soft, dty cloth.