10 THK HKE; OMAHA, SATUKDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1014. I i I : i ! i i : t 1 1 r : i i GERMAN GUNSYERSUS FORTS Eeary Artillery Can Reduce the Strongest of Defenses. FOT" HARD TO TRANSPORT rtaar4 Wheel and Caterpillar Traetloa Kaalaea Make It Kasy Matter for laradera Hani Have Dwlrorfrt. ' bombarded by th Gfrmmi malt. lain that the charge of th projectile melinite, but othera have expressed the opinion that the explosive la something entirely twrw ani) that the prases formed by It hare ven greater expansion than those of nitroglycerin, the strongest hlKh ex plosive known. There la no doubt that the vapora of the exploitive have a violent toxic effect and nothing but a strong application of oxygen will , revive those (Correspondence of the Associated Frrss.) ROTTERDAM. September lt.-"In view of the great results achieved by the new German guns a, description of the modern fort mar be of Interest." says the military critic of the Nleuwe Rotterdamsche Cou rant. Ha wrltea: . "When it becomes necessary to fortify a terrain permanently forts are built at Intervals of from three to six kilometers apart. These forts are comblnatlona of earthworks and such buildings and other structures as ar needed. They are sur rounded by deep moats with steep sides, on. the far slda of which barbed wire entanglements are laid out. In modern forts all structural walla are made of concrete, this applying to the turrets and barracka alike. The number of giina In a f6rt depends upon the system of defense of which the fort la a unit "In rasa a fort la not supported by flank works and Is, therefore, a unit In Itself, the effort Is made to place aa many guns as possible, selecting both large and small caliber plecea. In this manner a fort may b mads very strong. Another method Is not to place ao many pieces In the fort Itself, but to depend upon the support of artillery stationed In case of war on neighboring points of vantage. Ceatral Defease System. "Th first system becomes the central point of tha defensive force which may operate with the fort as support Ac cording to the Belgian General Brallmont (wail known military engineer), this method has th advantage of having all plecea constantly In readiness for action and surprises are guarded against. But it ha th drawback of becoming easily th target of a concentrated fire of th enemy' heavy artillery. In case of bombardment th enemy can make the turret his goal or he can make th en tlr fort hla targetwhich usually be come th practice. If on fail to hit on thing, on hits th other. For the oretical reason (proven corrct by th lessons of this war), there has long been heid a prejudice against this system of fortification. "Th second method seem decidedly better. Instead of having a fw separate fort of great strength which th enemy can make the objective of th operations, oh offer him a large number of small forts which In the first place are hard to " locate and upon which a large amount of ammunition must be expended. In thl case th fort ar upportlng point of th Infantry position lying between them. Artillery of araall caliber is used In this Instance for th protection of th front and flank. ."Th nsw German fortification near Met and Ptrassburg ar of thl latter typ,. consisting of small work ur rounded by th usual obstacles (such as redoubts, trenches, moat and barbed wir MUnglement.) The fort ar grouped and form unit, each of which n;Ua armored batteries (long rang guns) .and also sunken batteries 6f blgh trajectory mortar. The Intervening in fantry position ar supported, by small Allbsr field plecea. . ' i.KW Hmmr Apart. The fort li merely a few hundred meters apart and ar connected with sub. I!11 which lead also to , brr'ck" Ton4 th rang of artillery fir tmaklng It pc.lbl. to mov troops nto tha positions without exposing them to th hostil artillery fir. In thl case th. arrangement I uch that th enemy would hay to take on small work after snother. aa operatic which would cost wany Uvea "Th speedy reduction of th fortresses i-isg and. Namur doe not of necessity demonstrate that forts of th order flr.t named have entirely lost their value, but It I certain that th forty-two centl metr piece, are just th thing for them. But against small fort, with perma- rent tusschenllnlen (Intervsnln military 725?!' !" ?r from th 'UM wh" terribl In effect, would not so quickly acompllsh th result, wanted. An addi tional factor In thl. is that th transpor Ution of these heavy piece I a difficult undertaking, which la also true of the necessary ammunition wiprly. To mov the along an extended lln of small fort Is a heavy task. ( Ovartaahr Oat Poaalallltr. .From other sources It has boon learned that all fortification, of the typ favored by Oenersl Brialmont would have served their purpose well had the Germans failed t provide themselves with th forty-two centimetre piece. It aa been ahown at olvet that th Austrian thirty-five centi meter mortar batterte. though smaller in caiiDr and or lesser force of penetra tion, sufflca amply to reduce a unit fort la little time. Oeneral Brialmont aud th French military engineers. It Is said, mad th mistake of taking it for granted that th twenty-one cent'metre gun of the Germans, and their own armies, were th last word of armament, having ac cepted that th ateel they were familiar with could not stand a greater chamber pressure. That a heavier plec would give mor penetration than they calculated In tklr plans, they ar said to have known, but they accepted that It would t Im possible to transport such giants. In viw of th fact that even thlrty-ix norses nave difficulty moving on. of tha OArtuaa forty-two'a. thl. conclusion was reasonable enough, explained a Dutch artillery officer, but neither Oeneral Biailmont nor th French engineers could for that motor traction wnuM m. v . uoh tremendous progress sine th fort iney ouut war planned. that th German and Austrian, have wowed their forty-two' and thirty-five's, respectively, by horses 1. a fact But thl sesms to hare been don in terra's woer th roads permitted of no other rOMras. Invariably they ar moved by pow rful traction engine, which la addition to th piece Itself, pull from three to four caisson. Recently a typ of traotlon en gin, known aa "caterpillar" has been ob served, for use oil bad roads and accost plowed fields. la addition both th Usr. maa and Austrian heavy piece ar mounted on a cerr'ag. the wheel of which ar fitted with flange for use on th railroads. Whether or not thl Utter device ha been suggested by the war cannot be .aid. but a fw days ago sev eral heavy German batterie. were take lo thl manner over the Belgian rail road., th road tractor running oa th rail. also. Ordinary railroad cars trailing behind th ca'asona carried tbs personnel of th batteries. What sort of explosive th German ytm la th furty-two-ctuUmrter .hell. 1. Uil a mystery. Franca officer of fort succumbing to them. 1 Present Interesting; Paeannaenn. Th German forty-two la made with two larrelp a long one for flat range fire, I and a ahort one for hltfh-angle fire. In the former the ballistic charge Is neces sarily much stronger, and with a projectile weighing from l.ftiO to l,Sno pounds the pressure exerted by the ex plosion upon th chamber wall cannot be less than 1) tons to the square Inch, It j Is said. The hlgh-ntle mortar forty-two i requires a slightly smaller propelling charye. The long-barrelled gun Is tisodj ar.afnst th faces offered by fortlflratlons, j while the morter drops Its shells from a high elevation Into the fort or redoubt. Their eight range, are said to be. respec-1 tlvely, elKht and five kilometers, while; according to the Koelnlsrhe Setting the; flight of the shell exceeds twelve ami j ten kilometers. The flight of both shells Is attended by n number of Interesting j aertnl phenomena, which so far have been merely hinted at by German expert. One of them, however. Is that the g"a, of the chamber explosion travel ahead of! the projectile for a long distance, but tl at In the end they are left behind by1 the shell, first th one and thrn the other halng th" greater speed, an lndlrat:on. It la seriously maintained, that the vsc cuum created by the gases tenjj to not only support the flight of the hjge mass of steel charge, but that they actually accelerate It. At about 2.00 meter, the shell leaves the company of the gases. Odd as It must seem the photographic ex periments demonstrating this were made ; t ) ,i German ordnance exprrt during th huniharlnicnt of Namur. Such at least If the claim of the German prest. which treats the results obtained very guardedly. t nallng Both Una. A Richmond. Va.. dispatch says: "Jack O'Connor, serving In the role of agent for the St. IiiIk Federals, will be here shortly, it I. ?ld. to see Joe Boehllns. the young: Washington southpaw, and to make an offer to the pitcher for lfln." JEWELRY SPECIALS' Sell Geld Pennant Laval- t fin Here. 12 values. Saturday .SvV Ren I Amber Heads Very nicely made; worth 13.60. Hpe- J Q Fine Sterling Stiver an4 U.ld Filled lateh PeaeiU. Saturday at 11.00 gelid field Hat Pine On aal JQ. Fine' field 'rilled WaYdVasan Chain 1 0-year guarantee; with gold front knife pencil. Com- 1 OS plete for I.OO Real Ultby J'A Rraeelets Made In EnH,and. tfti aale at 1 Oft 92.0 and Very Plae CM Freaeh Jet Denis Special at tl -O sod.uyl Finest assortment f Jet la Omaba. - t -T '- J i t"i" fl Tl ' il 1 1 i " i win i 1 1 ill nil li ir 7 n' . u.a.. LaA alswJ 11 gtnit.ii awa-if Id i 59c gl.oo Valno Real Leather Rao Many resl leather lined. Special Saturday at . M-Ofl and g.VOO Values In Fine Leath er Fabric Ruga U onderful as sortment, scarcely two alike; all colors and all the newest shapes; finest real leathers, real pin seal, real walrus, real crepe sesl. real Morocco, etc. Very spe- .f 70 v cial Saturday at. LEATHER BAGS t2.o and $2.50 Value Leather Basra Small real Morocco bags, silk lined, with Inside purse and mir ror; some with pannier handles. Also large and medium slxed baas In seal, walrus and crepe 1 f)f) sesl pressing. Saturday ... ,vu The Store for Blouses Offers many beautiful models that have just come in and are rcallv worth $5.00; for Saturday, at $3.98. Pretty blouses in laces, lined with flesh color chiffon; low neck and long sleeves. New mili tary and flare collars, in 'black s , s and white i aces. Smart Rilk blniispR in i4!". a8(lue models. Oth rZf ers semi-tail ored MfrVi models, braided MTVv around collar, cuffs and armholcs. About 15 other charming models to select from. Saturday, at Brandeu, Second Floor. $3.98 Women's Over seam Kid Gloves $1 2P1 0 Mads by V. Pcrrin & CI. And guaranteed. Perrin names them "Corona" and they are ud to Perrin's hijrh standard In style, quality and fit. Light O and medium weight. Two-clasp style. Come in black, white and colors. Every pair fitted to the hand and should sell for more than $1.25 a pair they are above that in value. We hare a lower-priced quality of Overseam Kid Qf Glore which wo can recommend for wear, at aOC Out Stock of Perrin's plete, Prices Mods La Mure $1.75, On special quality of Perrin's Kid Gloves, which should sell M OQ reiul-jrly at $2, V I J3 Price Saturday. . A These rlores ar real kid, full plqu sewn and come In self or contrasting backs. These back ar four-row embroidered and look very smart. We were extremely fortunate In securing this lot and you will surely appreciate them. Every pair I guaranteed. UNDERWEAR For Women and Children Woman's Union Suits la medium weight and fleecy lined cottons; high neck, long sleeves; Dutch neck, elbow, and low neck, elbow; In ankle lengths; regular and extra sizes. At a special price Women's Cnlea Salts In medium and fleecy lined eottons. high neck, long sleeve, Dutch neok, elbow slesve, low nacn, sieaveinss, in anal lengtl., worth up to 1.00, at ! Salts in prt wool and 50c 69c ol and nne eottons, all styles an tr aUes, worth up to 11.51, r Jpl.UU t wool and flss ribbed: $1.98 17c Wacaea's t'alea Salts In part wool and , aiia ana, wool ; plain ana tfwlss ribbed; an style ana sites; worth from I2.t0 to 11.60, at ''Women's Corstt Covers In medium weight and fleecy lined cot tons; high neck, elbow and ' - long sleeves. On sale la basement, 25c quality Misses', Chlldren'a and Bare' I'nlna Salts In fleecy lined eottona, cream and gray. nign neca. long sleeves, ankle, r r open crotch and drop seat; all rsIIC slses to II years, at ww Children's rart WmI as Fine retina t nina sniis noma aisea In Munslng in cluded, high neok, long sleeve, nni ankle, whit or natural, worth DP up to 11.10 Children's, M ! and 6oys' Vests, psnts and rjrwr Fleecy lined cottons; cream or gray; all sites to 16 years. At, garment. V7l".ijP"U..".! Drawesa far Mla.es, ( htldren .ad Hnyn 4n flat wool, brok.n hiiu Biara; wmif ana gray, Garments worth up to 11.00. Saturday, each Infaala Part WhI a a All Waal Veata Buttonleaa and wrapper atyles; r r (Oo values; all sties; U fiaturday at aWaV Infaala' Part Waal and Fine fatten Veata Uuttonless and wrapper styles; worth to l&o: all slses. m m Haturday. 1 Kf ach -V. 25c 39c Toiltt Goods, Drugs It Pay to Watch These Specials Every Saturday Always Big Values. P.naVe Vaalaklag freani, too else t a Hlea s.ee Pawilrr. all shades... 3M. meaaea-s Tairnm ravtaer, Haturday... Iitbmli'i T. leant P.var'aiieclal. . . I.laterlae, 11.00 slr.e bottle Me l.nslrlt. Kali r.ll.a, 2io else, at......l.Ve Si..m. Vale'a llalr 1 ante, 1 al..,-,Se Per.il. Smb. lOo cak. at e Jas Haa. aaap, lOo cake, at 0. (very ar Rami Sana t cakea for In. UWusssi C" Sana 10 cake for Me allferala Syrap a( rigs, (to slse . tneani Ball., l-ln. package 4. I'hea.laa Wafer.. 100 In bottle SHe Old Uatcb Cl.aaser. 10c else, at e SO-Male Teaas D.raa, 1-lb. package. .. .be Extra Special Sat'y The"Madewcll" Hot Water Bottle. $ Mad all In On piece, no seam; In red or ma roon rubber. KuU 2-ot. guaranteed, and post Uvely worth 12.60. At.. Trained Narae Ckarc af Oar Itabaa Uaaaa Ueeartas.at. 1.12 Kid Gloves' Is Coin- rate, as Always Belfort $2.00. Leatherette Gloves Are Becoming More and More Popular. Their wearing quality and appearance recommend them and the moderate price they aell for makes them still mor attractive. We carry a full atock of Kayser's Guaranteed Washable Leatherette Gloves. We feature a number of llnea prominently especially at 85c and (Bo a pair. These gloves sre guaranteed to be washable and guaranteed to wear and fit. we cannot recommend tbem too highly,' Dress and Street Hats $ That HMre Been Selling &t $10.00 to $16.50 300 of These Hats for Satur day's Selling Just to bring 300 women to our millinery department Saturday morning early, we have selected these hats from our regular stock for a special sale. They are fashionable basque turbans. French sailors, trlcornes and military toques made In fine quality Saltz and Lyons velvet seal brown, navy, military blues, cerise, battle green and plenty of blacks. All smart ly trimmed. " 1 D Jolt received a large shipment in all the new VSinCn r allClCS pagtel shades, Including shell pink, sky blue, . citron, white, black, gold and black and white. Worth up to 98c. All go Saturday at.. 49c Last Los From Our Purchase From Overstocked Mfrs. Are Here On Time for Saturday', Selling, and They Are the Biggest Values of All Second Floor 1Q75 The summer-like weather of early and mid-fall crushed many manufacturers under a terrific accumulation of made-up garments. Our ready cash and. ability to dispose of large quantities brought us these enormous price concessions: Coats worth to $20, $ fi f( Dresses worth to $15, $P77C wshiuBj as9 uo wauuava m w -v crepe meteors and serge M and satin comblnatfons. fi We got the biggest discounts on dresses In our purchase. Dresses worth to $20, $r7C All excellent values and Vn f J Suits worth to $25, $ ' All tha' naw atvl.a . cloths and colors repre sented. Suits that you never expected to buy at such a low price as In this sals Saturday. Suits worth to $45. $ Many sample suits ln-T eluded In this collection. Suits that were made to sell tor up to 20 higher than Saturday's .price. 25i H tl u It Is unbelievable the bargains you will see at thla price. Many styles and every kind of desirable material. All wonderful values. Coats worth to $25, $ riAoiitlfiil ii.w mortal.' excellent materials; coats that have all the style and value of garments selling usually at $25.00. . . 142 styles; smart effects In combinations; all colors. Sizes for women and misses, bargains. Very big CHILDREN'S DAY SATURDAY With Bigger Values Than UsuaL Because in Our Big Purchase of Women's Apparel Was . Also Included SeTeral Hundred Coats and Dresses for Misses, Juniors and Little Tots. JUNIORS COATS Worth to $15 $ 11 un d reds Yj COATS Of CO tor girls 13, 16, 17 and if years. Air good youthful model; made of heavy warm materials. CHILDREN'S COATS CHILDREN'S Worth to $1 5 $ Dozens ol pretty girl ish styles in pretty plaido, checks, chev iots, chinchillas and tlbellnes; all colors. 5.00 W.rth to $3.00 Coats for tots of the teeny kind 2 to 6 years. Warm coats, of pretty materials and colors. CHILDREN'S COATS, $2.98 and $3.93 Ags 2 to 6 Ytara. Smart little coats for the little tots. Coata made of warm chinchillas, cheviots, corduroys, etc. AU colors. $ GIRL'S DRESSES Aaea ta 14 Teava. lor di 2.50 3dT f very servlc QH r,i.Y..': 0 J .J styles and resses of good serges and plaid materials; pretty tyles for school -wear. AU colors. tor smart dress that ar lceable as pretty and L Many colors. bvc Fancy Topped Shoes For Women THE FAVORED FOOTWEAR this fall with 'smart women. The tops are gray or fawn leather or cloth and the vamp is of patent leather. Narrow or broad toes in this style, so as to af ford comfort as well as style to any shaped foot. All N sizes and widths. Prices, $7.50, $6.00 and $H)95 0)) Per TROOPER BOOTS For School Girls Tops a little higher than reg ular. Patent leather or dull calfskin. Natural-shaped and perfect-fitting styles. All size. 8t to 111 6 to 11 98 "Ma 11'a to 2 2.42 l.Ls 'BRANDE1S SPECIAL" Shoes for Women In pstent or dull leather; cloth or kid tops; button styles; all aizes and all the new effects. Very popular with critical buy ers, ine best shoes made to sell at, pair .' 5340 Women's All-Thread Pure Silk Hose 59c Full fashioned, double soles, high spliced heels and toes; in various colors, in cluding black and white. Every pair, perfect; all well known makes. Worth $1.00 and $1.60. Special Saturday, pair Wsmen'a Fiber Silk Boat and Mlk-t-tar-Top Hoar In black and white, spliced soles, heels and toes, all full r reg-ular made with good garter ."irjC tops. 50c quality; Saturday, pair'' Women's Silk Lisle Hose In tan, black and white; full fashioned wide garter tops; double soles, heels and toes. - In medium and f sa . heavy weights. On sale S.Tf Saturday, pair aSattV Women1, "Black Cat" Brass Silk Lisle ad . Cation Hose Some full fashioned; oth- . era seamless; in heavy and light weight and fleecy lined. All have double soles, heels and toes; regular and -fl ;. extra sizes. Worth 25o; all lJ2C go Saturday at, pair aa l Children's Hose, Half Price Children's Fleecy Lined, Fin Heavy "Ribbed Cotton and Lisle Hose All have double knees, high spliced soles, heels and toes; medium and heavy weights. worth 25c; Saturday, special, per pair Men's Lisle Hoac 3 Pair 2e. In various colors; heavy and light wfienu; iuu tasnloned and seamless; aouoie soies. neeis and toes. values up to 20c; special, pair : 122C 12c WOMEN'S NECKWEAR All That Is New and Stylish Our special value square will interest you particularly Saturday. We are show ing collar and cuff sets In fan hemstitched Swiss and XT pique. The set for AVaiUS Pretty Lsc Trimmed 8wls Col lar With frill; very new. At. 25c Art Goods Section 3d Floor 4 Specials Saturday $1.00 Ll'NCII CLOTHS Stamped on pure Irish linen. 45 and 64 inches; in floral and cuuvenuunai aesigns; Il.bU to 12.00 values. Special, Saturday at STMIKD PILLOW. CASKS On tlnental tubing. 42x38 Inches; or also day raxes. COc value. 4Hf Hperlal pair WW. MtH( Klll.tl) CROCHET COTTOS in cordonnet, special bucllla and Perl Lusta; In white and ecru; n sizes 3 to SO. Special, . X spool SKW Bl MIAI.OW COVERS II dollies, 2 ovala and cover; stumped In crosa attteh on uymer linen. Kxtra spe- mn clal value for Ssturday, I Sll ' complete set P1IU Toy Section tZl Poaspniaa Pay a vtalt to our toy d. part men t 1b tha pomp.lan Room hat urday. You will And It full of toy bargains. Our toys all ar rlvsd b.ror tha war, tharafor nv Incr.as. la prices. BaU Bktm Hail Skat.a B- S'.V 11.39 KsB-Braakahla DallaU. Kor babv Pta. Dreaaed D.ll. a a KMIra Ualla Saturday 34-1 Bra All J.lal.4 IUa Poth light And dark hair C.llalaM Baklra tft I, up to ...,..S.V Uoil tia-t aria, haturday ..,..... Kaarssa Wagaaa, . K.wvto NavetUas For from lo up to , 49c -Poth 95c 1.50 49c S1.50 favora, .50c HAIR GOODS VUUUl, 98c Sale 8aturday, Second Floor, . and Potnpelaa Room, 20-Inch Natural Wavy Hair Switches, at. . $5.00 Natural Wary llalr Switches, three tOQQ separate, stems, JO special at....... n.ss AU Hair Goods' at Just Half Regular Prices Saturday Only We do manicuring, hairdresslnr, shampooinr, children's hair bobbing. Appointments made over telephone. PHOTO SUPPLIES Mala Flo.r S aerial Attraetleaa. No. 2 Buster Brown Film At 1CC No. 2A Buter Brown Film At. . . .22o Post Card Slz Film Special at 34fl M. O. Developer 7 tube for '.25o No. 2 8cout Camera Regular 12.. 1 ft Kodak Albums Special at ...8o We Develop Films Free When Ordering Prints 2,000 Chrysanthemums For Saturday Large yellow, pink and white Chrysanthemums. Regular 25c size, 15c Each Long stem Boses, 49c per dozen. Cat rl.w.r D.pC Mala Fnr. $3.9S Aluminum Ware,$ 1 .93 300 piece of hUh-grade aluminum ware on sale Saturday: 200 Coffee Pots and 100 Tea KetHes. Seamless ; no enamel or plating to flake off; light in weight but strong and dura ble; look like iver the best wart to buy. Choice Saturday at $1.98. J7 Ltndsar Llahta !. Ilk' Lindsay Man tin 7 l&o Lindsay Man tles IM tie Lindsay Man tle. 3..i Lar En am.l luastsrs. each Coinpl.t. slock cf Fancy Oolt n.h and Gold Kl.h nw.a.ltl.s at rsduc.d pries. vis CANDY SECTION In Pompeian Room. Kre.a ll.me-Ma. Pea- m v aul 11 rli He Special I fir haturday. lb AU. AM.rtea Freak Caeaaaat Creaaa Uutim Vauilla. alraw- a berry and chocolate - I S dip, at. lb it Vaallla and C'baealat Dipped .teaaa Bra all Hats r, t:tu.y.: 39c Sperlal Opera Creaasa With pa van nuta and fruit ri i Insid. Saturday, a3C Oar Dellrlaaa Creamy i'saipelaa Killer Sweet and lulu klyla I hwealalea Creamy nut and fruit i-enlera. M n fbtar.d"r: 29c Oar Hoaae-Made' Mapla " A taaleell.a Kresh .V- fC ry Saturday, lb aaWW if atJKJOWKJK) Hay. You Bead Our lien's and Boys' Advertisement on Page 6 0S),X:-C-X