TUB UKE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, OCTORKli :). 1M4. FOR HALF. Ararlnfalt aaa Flats. Athlone Apartments Born of our choir ipirtmfnli are now for rent. These are 4-room, all nw and fresh. Fine location, at 2th-nd Doug la Pt. Laree, light room, with beau tiful light oak finish; eaay walking dle tsnre. We will come after you anil ahow these apartment. Price, $45 winter. $40 summer. Peters Trust Co. 1CJ Tarnam St. Phone Doug8S8 CHOICE 1IEATKD APA HTM KM WEXST FARNAM 119TR1CT, 111 SO. 33D ST. A brand nfw brick, consisting of six large room a, largo vestibule and Interior ball, bath, private laundry, private front and rear entrance and lame yard; heat, hot and cold water and janitor service furnlahed; living rooms finished In quarter-sawed oak; large brick flreplare In parlor; bedrooms and eun room finished In white enamel and bathroom tiled. Price. f0. Open for Inspection. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, 616 Omaha National Hank OU DEN ANNEX, Council Muff, rooms with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 648. 10-ROOMfiat, modern, 2206 Harney HU Harney 67, tinned and Hooma. MOD. ROOM, good board. Web. OEM. YOUMJ man desires private room and board with refined American-Hebrew family; walking preferred. Address Jack Lisa, Hotel Neville, Omaha, Varalikrd Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENT TWO ROOMS AND BATH In Bosworth, No. 2217 Howard St New building. Brand new furnishings. Every thing complete. Heat and hot water, excellent Janitor servloe. Cosy and com fortable. 637.50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg. Fnralsaetl Room. ROOM In rrlvate family for refined lady or gentleman; uso of library; walking oiatance. rnone tiarncy um. KOn KENT ! KKAIj KSTATrV FOU KXCHAN'GR tloaee aa4 tattaore. SIX-ROOM, mod., fine furnace; T. IfW. 6-R, cot. mod. ex. heat. t'.S: walking dl Jano U.H N. lth. Harney IIW. 313 Woolworth Ave. 8 mod. $J0. 16' N. tth, 6-r., mod., $18. 216 Pewsrd. 6-r., 615. ISM N. 3th. 4-r.. $12, 3ft. Other large and smail houses at re duced rates for the winter RINOWAl.T, Kran.l-'l Thee Tildg. FOR MlisiC. Ii acre, near NewDorL Neb.; prt hay, bal. pasture; 26-foot frame house, large barn and fonosd. Loan rf 12,e due Sept.. 191.".. Int 6 per cent Price $32.60 per acre. Will pay tome caah dlf (erence, , E. R. ROOER8, Carna. Neb. 2117 Douglas St.. 10-r.. steam heat. 15. 4oth and Fa mam. 6-r. modern flat, team heat, $40. Ml N. i!d. -r. modern. pS. 23 N. 19th Pt., 6-r., modem, $.10. 8."il Hamilton Bt., 6-r., modem, hot wa ter heat, fc!SS0. 2S?3 8 ISth ft., 6-r., bath, gas, til 471 Paclflo St.. 7-r.. 116. 2402 Corby St., 4-r, $10. 8. P. BOSTWICK SON, Phone Tyler 1606. 10 Bee Bldg $.3 (to 7-room house, mod. except hest. U0.O0 New 5-room cottage, mod. except heat, finished In oak, near car line. $.10.007 rooms, parlor extending across entire front of house, oak finish, col onnade openings, four bedrooms and bath, fine neighborhood, near car. $23.60 6-rooni cottage, almost new; ex ceptionally large rooms, strtctly modern, near car line and school. AMBRICAN BF.CIR1TY COMPANY, 17th and Iougla Sts. Douglas 6013. WO 9. IfiTH AVE.. -r. modern flat, $.10. 133S Bo. 28th 8t.. 7-r.. all modern, $30. 2617 Capitol Ave., 9-r. modern flat, $35. 114 8. 2Hth, 8-r., all modem house, $20. S4l 8. 20th St., 8-r., new, mod. house, $20. S419 Parker. 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $18. 2216 N. 27th St., 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. $16. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS lfi&S. uiaia'Kc. iiifiia jiat i j tv-v. FIj'KN rooms by day or wk.; modern; steam heat; $1.60 up. 107 B. 17. D. 6H&3. FTJKNlhHED room for rent, uearCreign- ton university, rnone I'nuum 130 N. 19TH, front room In private fam ily; modern; to permanent roomers $3 week. (26 S. 29TH Furnished rooms, private lamiiy. narney w. 1403 N. JOTH Pleasant, modern rooms. weDster Ttia. FURNISHED rooms, neatly furnished, modern, plenty ot heat and hot water, nose in, reasons Die. pa o. tm n vc Jll 8. 26TH ST. Modern, nicely furnished large front room, hot and cold water, clean, respectable; $18. FURNISHED room In Dundee, every convenience. 6017 Cuming. Walnut Uid. Karnlshea Houses. ELEGANTLY furnished -room "West Farnam district home. Can rent for months at IT). Care of th house and not price owner's object. HARRISON ft MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat Bank t-H fumUhed house. 1903 Wirt. W. 6132. Hnakeeplnat Rooms. THREE nice rooms, hsk g. 1111 B- "th. ELEGANT suite rooms, furnished com plete; strictly modern; SO B. 26th Bt. LIGHT housekeeping rooms en ulte. 7J6 B. 18th 6t- Tyler lOO-W. Parnlahed llauxkeeplaar Roaas. Good rm. witfc kitchenette; ress.; D. 7K18. FARNAM 2S32-Three nicely lurnlsned steam-heatea nouseKwping nu. FUR. h'k'p'g rooms. 1807 Leavenworth. ' Hotel ArtsBx. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rates M ana up. OGDEN HOTEL, Council Bluffs, steam heated rooms. $1 per week. Phone 648. DO DOS HOTEL Modem. Reasonable. - Hooati sa' Csitsges.' A BARGAIN A brand new' brick home, 7 rooms; exceptionally attractive and practical; better Investigate and sat isfy yoursT916J61 IF you want strictly modera borne, 8 room, never before rented, call Harney 2346. Low rent to right tenant. Twenty minutes' walk from city hall. 7-ROOM house. 3118 Franklin. H. 4741 7R. house. 3118 Franklin. Harney 4-741 MODERN 8-rooin house, 205 B. 36th Ave., vacant November 6. Can be seen after a. m. any day. Inquire T. j. ourleii. Phones Harney 1094 or Douglas 1216. WANT LOWER RENT? 4-r.. e. w.. ras. ror. lot. 4.168 Burdette.$10 00 5-r., c w., fronts park, 724 Bancroft.. 10.00 5-r., mod., choice, l Locust 16.00 7-r. .mod., choice, 1325 B. 27th 10.00 f-r., modem, 41 isard; real snap. M KITRICK R. K. CO. D. 1482. 1.0?7 ACRE-STi miles from New Orleans. I.a.: all level prairie; no stumps or stones; land In that district being put under cultivation; very rich soil; $6 per acre; will take one-half other good property In exchange, balance rash and mortgage. Schwab proa., Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. HKAL F.8TATF ACTUKAGK 4-Acre Suburban Farm Out Benson Way Just off Military road a lUtle wsya This trsct Is near Cherry Croft farm; facea two streets: 330 feet frontage on each; splendid view and a fine rich piece of ground. Price, $1.8u0, or will sell two acres for t9"0 on our regular easy terms. No Improvements. HASTINGS ft HETPEN, 114 Harney St GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Eport of Wttat Across the Atlan tie Continue to Leave. WHEAT CLOSES LITTLE LOWER l1ea Irep Two and One-Half to Threat Ceats, with Corn amd Oeta 1 arkaaa-ed to Oae-llalf Teat lllaker. 7-ROOM cottage, modern, 604 B. ilst Wt Harney 647. Stores and Offlce.i. READY NOW EAST FRONT ROOM 160 Sq. Ft., with water and light free. FINE LOCATION 6TH FLOOR 17th B treat Exposure $22.60 THE BEE BUILDING, Office Room, 103. 2ND FLOOR, of floe rooms or suitable for light mf. Wright 4k Lasbury, 606 S. ltitll tit. JJOUg. lfi. 8TKAM heated store, near postotdce; low rent. G. P. Mehtilne. btore Bulg., ith and Farnam. Walnut 3S(L. Barns. GOOD barn, room for S or 10 horse. 1917 Webster St. Cu.il Douglas 43. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.; modern abstract office. S06 a. lfth St. Phone Douglas iAl. RB.HU Abstract Co., oldvst abstract of floa in Nebraska. Bi andela Theater. REAL E8TATB WANTED COLORED MAN WANTB HOUbE. Can pay $200 cash and $20 per month. Wants rooms, all modern.. Can give best of references. THE VOGKL REALTY AGENCT, 1016-16 W. O. W. Bldg. FARMS FOR RENT. FARM FOR RENT A fine dairy farm, good buildings. 10 or more; cattle, horses, sheep, poultry, farm machinery, pastures all lenced woven wire, water in each; A No. 1 land, about 176 miles west of Minneapolis. Will be rented very cheap for cash. Don't apply unless you have soma means and very best of references. Address Y 266. Bee. ' ' REAL ESTATE! LOANS. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6?. 6 per cent. i. H. Dumont (k Co.,1603 Farnam, Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. Kaat Nebraska farms. O KEEFU REAL EbTAl a CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2715. GAliVIN BKOS. &ttSSL HARRISON tc MORTON, hi Om. Natl. WTD Farm loans Kioke Inv.Co. Omaha 3005 and 3009 Paclflo St., 7-room modern, $30 601 Park Ave., cor. Jackson, T rooms, almost new, brick, oak finish, fine; only 640. The Alsatian Apartments. 116-119 S. 35th Bt.; best location In the city; 6 rooma; winter rate, $47.50; garage and extra rooms If desired. 1319 B. Ed 8t., 6-room cottage, only $20. 1S4S S. 27th St., 7 rooma, $22.50. 4114 N. 28th Ave.. -7 rooms, bath, $16. L. D. Spauldlng. 1618 Farnam SU Phone Harney 972 or Tyler 100. 6 LARGE, room house, best condition, 833 S. 21st. H. 2706. MaggarcTs Van and Stor age Co. Reduoed Large van, t men, $T26 per br.; dray, ( men, $1 per nr. 1713 Webster. Dong. 14M FOR HENT-November 1, 315 8. th Ave., 7-room modern flat. See Charles O. McDoneld or J. J. Toms, 615 BrandeU mono uougias Mba J. C. Reed tsxp. Co., moving packing ft storage 1A7 Farnam. n ti -ji- t-R, mod. cottage, 719 8. 7th Bt, Ui. 7-r mod. house. Jtili Leavenworth St. $! Eoth fine locations. Phone Webster 25S0. MiV.fiB foT.u1ntVmoderns s .w... n.,.,,. Ariepnone ea tww. -ROOM house. 2218 Ulnney: molern; hot "-v,- unni. rnom weoster 6-r. mod, cottage. 1912 Charles. II. 1104, FOR BENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Storatre Co., 806 8. Idth Pt Fidelity Storage Co. r.. " yutaina; ana snipping. 16th A Jackson Pta. Phone Douzlaa 28. HoUKpq " Prts of the city. ' "uala .'re ah Hons A Co.. Bee building. bli.A ii slen i-r. at, an modern, .-ruom liuuse, r Vo fVI Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van end 1 men, $125 per br.; storage 83 per mo. Bat'afactory guar. D. 45C8 4k Ty. 330. 6-r. mod. 8614 Grand Ave.. $18. Web.' 6700, West Farnam New brick and stucco home, Just being finished: tnree fine bedrooms and sleep ing porch 2d floor; large living room and dtniurf. room beautifully finished in ma hogany; 2d floor white enamel; $46 on lease 3312 Davenuort 81. Peters Trust Co. 1623 Farnam Bt. Douglas 6S8. CATUUDHAL district, t rs., mod. house, v ii, uuiit 6 yer.. xtfMi ogni. 7-R-. moil, cottage, 2014 N. 22d. D. 13467 6-ROOM cottage, modern except beat BIX rooma, 2574 Frt, all niodern, newly eimru, linn; fzi :JK lit. LaOOl JVnl, liience Iouglaa i'!. omla, 2S11 Mason fit., 6-r. cottage, tit. UZl Charlee Kt, 7-r., bath and gaa, $15. M24 N. 25th Ave.. 4-r., mod. ex. heat. $J0. Z' 14 Hurdette, 6-r., part mod., $14. mil B. Slat Bt, 6-r., mod. ax. beat, $18. 4410 Pierce tst. 6-r, not mod.. $11. 3iW N. tilth eit, 2-r. aod bath. $6. '-'' Spring Ht, 4-r., main floor. Ill : Spring ft, 3-r., top floor, $5. 2714 IS. 3uth ht., 7-r. and bath, $13. O. C. OLKEN. J 11 108 McCague Bldf. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. rarnam Hinllh at Co., 1220 Farnam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 2a) State Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Vvead, Waad Bldg., ieth and i-arnam Sts. MONEY on hand for city and lariu loans. H. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg. 6 CITY IliNH Rmli.rrllwr. 0 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. " SEE us first if you want a farm loan. United Stales Trust Co., Omaha. Neb.. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR IALB Mlaacnou. BARGAIN-J20-acre Improved farm, 20 miles from Minneapolis; on good gravel A road; lays level; about U0 acres under cultivation, balance used for pasture; some fine meadow land; can practically all be put under cultivation; . buildings consist of 6-room house, barn, granary, corn crlba, machine shed, windmill, etc.; good apple orchard. Price $30 per acre; one-half cash, reasonable terms on bal ance. Ad.ioinlng farm held at double this price. Schwab Broa., 10JI Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Mtsaoari. 200 ACRES 6 miles from railroad town; log houae and barn, orchard, 100 acres In cultivation; four springs, 140 acres fenced; R. F. D. ; price $3) per acre; easy terms. Holt Realty Co., Lebanon. Mo REAL BARGAIN 13 ACRES This tract of land la located about on mile from South Omaha limits; luys prao tlcRlly level and surrounded by nice homea. No Improvements. Nothing ad joining Oils property can be bought for leas than $400 per aero. For quick sale we are authorised to soli for $300 per acre. O 'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Farnam St. Tel. Tyler 1024. South Omaha Office. South 191 HKAL KSTATF SOUTH SIDE Field Club District Beautiful, brand new. J-story dwelling, consisting of large living room across entire front, large dining room, butler' Kn j , vciy couiimM.e; j ime Dearoome and elegant bath room, with tiled floor, also fine sleeping porch, upstairs. Oak floors thrntlir limit k.lh nit.l.l,.. n - downstairs. This dwelling was built by j i.uui ami win near ine strictest in spection. Owner would consider good clear cottage or vacant lot as part pay ment, or sell on reasonable terms. Call us up and we will take you to see this choice property. Scott & Hill Co. DouglHS 1009. 906-7-8 McCague Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 66xl81H residence lot on paved 8. 10th St.; hss fine barn on rear. Address M. H. Realty Co., 3750 8. th. Tyler 1031. Snap rWht now at 136 front ft. OMAHA. Oct. 29. 1!14 One of the larger exporter of 1'uluth. and who was on the Hoard of Trade vea terday, says that about all the durum wheat that was held In that mnrket, an well as In othr eectlrm. a? ih. minhttMi has either been sold and moved out or will be. The export sales ss re.vtrted Yraterriay amounted to seventy, five boat j loads, or eoO.OOO bu., In all positions, and u.ia inciuoeu auruni wheat at the nortli I west and winter whest to go out via the I gulf. The export sales reported yeMcr- v were said to be at the beat prtcr on the crop when compared with the price of the futures. A messaae was received from New York reporting twelve iirtir. mm cnarierea a. Auanuc porta for grain. According to an official report Issued yesterday the wheat crop of the north ern hemisphere Is 8 per cent less than a year ago, and the rye crop Is 6 per cent sniuiier. Corn was Sitfc lower to unchanged. The weak.-ntiig factor was the excellent weather fur curing and gathering the crop, coupled with somewhat larger of ferings by the country. The caan trade was smaller, only sO.OOO bushels chang ing hands vestedar. There was premure on December oats yesternay and the offerings were poorly absorbed. The market closed with louses of VWc for the day. There was consid erable liquidation by longs, with the cash values unchanged Stock yarde trmlers led In the buv Ing of January ribs snd pork, and the nearby deliveries of lnril were bought by shorts, as well as the larger packers. REAL ESTATE DUNDEE Bee Want Ada Are Famous as Result-Getter. REAL ESTATE NORTH S1DB AV0RT11 THE MONEY FIVE ROOMS Modem ercept heat, nice cement base ment, floored attic, screens and storm aa.h InrffA ...1 frnnl Int mk m 1a chicken house, fruit and shrubbery, hv caiea near aist ana Meredith, one block to car. Price, $2,K.W Can arrange terme. , C. G. CARLBERO, 810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. Prettiest 'Mile Two-tory. six bunaalow. hot water heat. For quick sale, $3,600. East front, near Ames Are. Harrison & Morton OWNER LEAVING OMAHA. A bargain Will sell modem. 7-room house, splendid location. KOUNTZK AD DITION, one block from car line: lot 60x140; also has garage. Will show you through, call Webster ksm. 6100CA8H, BALANCE L1K12 RENT. We have a dandy, new bungslow, never occupied, finished In bard pine, built-in cupboard, electrto lUrhts, cement cellar, cement walks, nice level lot, one block to car line, three blocks to school. THE VOtiKL REALTY AGENCY, 1015-16 W. O. V. Bldg. An Attractive Dundee Home 2 Blocks to Car 4917 Burt St., 7 rooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, rear vestibule; three lurge bedrooms upstairs and sleeping porch or sun parlor en closed, so that It can be used for a bed room, heated; downtalr finished lit oak: upstairs ha oak floors eti'l two-panel birch doors; large attic, full basement, with fruit cellar and coal bins. Has beautiful and-flnihed walls, decorated with oil paint. House complete with shades, screens and water meter, raved street. Price, $4,850. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. Rlba were sold by the rival Interests, as slso was pork. The -h tradw fur meals ft dull, but fair for lard. The freli meat trade la fairly active, with cooler eat her to help it Wheat a .'id.V lower. torn waa unchimged t c higher. Oatu were unchnimcd to ic lower. Clearance of wheat and flour were equai to l.l'iVW bu ; corn. S.w bu.; oats, 6,1'V bu. Primary wheat receipts were 1,74.0) bu. and sMpmrni l.:xW.n bu . aaalnst rw ICIptH HI 1.IM.II.I hii an. I hlimiont .if I 4li..( bu. him yenr. i notary corn receipts were 3.7,ono bu. sn.t shli'inente IM.Qiai bu., HKalnst re ceipts of S47,iui bu. and shipment of JiiO, 000 nt. last eitr. Primary oat receipts were !?h,iio bu. anil siiipmenis Ml,i(io liu , naainat receipts of KWcXM bu. und shlpmrnts of MI.0IW bu. last ear. CARI.OT P.KCKITTS W lie ti Oirn ias Itye 13 Ty. MlnneaiHtlts t'hlcngo ,t;it ;37 Diiiutn s4 Omaha i it M I 4 I Ksns.ts City 1M 1 : . M. I.ouls l-o jn M Winnipeg 10 These sales were reported today: H neat .no. 2 haril winter; 2 car". H. CC.V No 3 hard winter: 6 cars. $1.0H; 1 cars, $1 .OClt; 4 cars, 1.K. No. I hard w titer: I car. $1.01 v No. $ riorum: 1 car. $l.t. No. 3 durum, mixed: 1 car, $1.02. No. S spring: 1 car, white. Hie. Oats standard: 1 car. 44'c. No. S while: 1 car, 44c. No. 4 white: 6 cars, 4V; $ cars. 43c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 4t'c. No grade: I cars, 4.'V Corn No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 69c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, aVc. No. 8 yellow : 1 car. Wo; I car. part new, Co'ic No. i yellow: I cr. !ti i car. Wc. No. 2 iiilxt-d: ' car, 6ti4c. hainpie: 2 cars, 6e. Rye No. 8: 1 car. hj. Omaha Cseh Prices W heat: No. i hard. $l.uftil ttt: No. J hard. $1.0W4J 1.04S; No. 4 hard, ircffUnS; !s0. j spring, l.u2Stf I. 04. Ni. 8 spring, l."lm l.iU; No. 4 spring, fiScJil.01; No. I durum, $1 OlJi' 1014; No. iliiruiii, $1.0Ourl.oO4. Corn: No. 1 white, 71 ;; No $ whit. 71 Vil' 12c; No. S whit 71rf.'2c; No. 4 white. tnr714r; No. 6 white it'U7l-c: Nil. 1 yellow, 6!:(rWc; No. 2 yeliow, (iS4:uve, No, 3 yellow, tivifW; N. 4 yellow, Sstjr Wic; No. 6 yellow, 67'!iVJie; N,t 6 yellow, tTV.iibSc: No. 1 mixed, ViKiic; No. 3 mixed, tiViftBSr; No. 3 mixed, trSt' Sc; No. 4 mixed, liVftiir: 4n ; No. 6 mixed. tWffWVir: No. 6 mixed Ai iitWiVi. i.i. No. 2 white, 44Ht'''-; sundard, 44u' 44',r; No. S white, 4:tViN4c; No. white. 4(4.14 Bnrley: Malting, ti7Jc; No. 1 feed, 4MS!c. Hye: No. S, io; No. $. CIIICAf.U OR A IN AND PROVISIONS 11 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Very Fair Seller t Fullj Steady Price. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER Pat Sheet) l.aniH Artlve Seller m Tea tm Fifteen lllaher Peedera Not Qelte Active, bat Steady. , ovy lit U.HA1IA, tfCl. vt 1111. Ri-celpts were: Csttle. Hog. Sheep. ''ffl' lHl MlIKlv B I.U 4, mi IH 741 Official Tuesday 4.1M 4 4?S 29.0trt Official Wednesday ... 4..V9 4,Jv 1.6; lXImale Thursilay ... l.iM 4,.l) Sl.otW Pour davs this week.. Irt.jr.2 M.tW W. Ksme days laat wiek..M.U l7.oa 1.14, MA Hume I neeka un .'1 197 14 X74 154.410 .Heme 3 weeks ago .Xyi3 S0.6M li.21l Snme 4 weeks ago Jii.uSI li.7 14. name nays last year. . .It.ltvl li.t' Ui.Ul The loliowlng table shows tlie receipts of rattle, hugs and sheep at the touth vhiinha live stuck market for the year to tittle, as compared with )ne jeer: 1!M4. Ii:t. I'ec. 'eltle 777.f:4 W.4 27,X: Hogs l.H'l.iHit t,12;,ajs Si.mti Sheep 2.;iD,!44 2,ii2,il J.1.A '1 lie loliowlng tab.e i.oa the rrlces Tor hugs st the South Omnlm live stock market for the last few nay, with com- Oct Oct Oct. ii. Oct. 14 Oct. 1J. Oct. 16.. Oct. 17. Oct. IS late. Mi. l.iJ.!ll2illl.llt..lW.lllol. I 44N T W I W I II I E 111 I $ 01 6 0i 4 21 $ lil 117 7 r4i I m ti 341 I 411 7 70 6 Ji l 401 a nS 4l 7 4S 4 66 7 41 6 hi $ m 1 1 4j k toK, 7 V. 6 42 $ 611 7 IN M 21 s ri 7 4ii 6 s. 6 an 7 Mi 4 -V s 44! 7 6-' 6 44 7 ti, 6 41 Oct. Oct. Only $1,000 for a 60-ft. lot on a paved street and only t Mock to car; high ami sightly location. E. W. Stoltenberg 436 Board of Trad Bldg. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS 2211 NORTH 28TII AVE. A bargain home, modern. C rooms and bath. Call Webster 2336. ONLY $2,700. Just a dandy 6-room cottage on Wander- eon street. It' all modern and prac tically new. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Douglas 17X1. Ware Rloclt. FORCKD BALI-: 6-room modern, on N. Z3d St.. near j-alrd: worth K.aoo: will sell next 10 days for $2.(450. Tel. D. 3U07. HEAL ESTATE WEST BIDE Nebraska. FOR BALE A GREAT BARGAIN. The east balf of section . town 10, range lit, In Dawson county, Nebraska. Uood 6-room house, barn, granary and crlt; Improvement In good repair; fenced and cross-fenced; 20 acres In al falfa, 200 acrt under cultivation; 7 mile from Bumner and 12 mile from Overton; rood tenonti licut nf -nil r n -uni !...,. $3i ptr acr for 60 daya. Term to suit purcnaaer. lua 1 ruoh LANU CO., Kearney, Neb. FOR SALE Fine resl.uiice with twenty acres of land four block from depot; -cement walks; 2-tdry, 6-room house with basement I also barn. 40-acre farm, 4 miles from town, well Improved. These place can be bought reasonable and liberal term. JAM EX WALTON. Port Calhoun. Neb o Wlaeoaala. .Upper Wisconsin Beat dairy and general crop state In the union; Mt I It. r .nl t - i.-h.. f... i - low prices, on easy terma Ask for book- tiv a bi n utconain (.entrai iand Orant HtatA ftr.rM w.nl.d U.'a . n . . . -- ' " " .vuui our graslng land. If interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on Apple Orchard lu Wisconsin. aaaress Lsnd Leyt, Soo Line Ky.. Minneapolis. Vllnn. Mlaoellaareaa. ALFALFA, com and hog are rapidly making farmer In the southern state wealthy. The south Is the new "Corn Belt" and the natural realm of "King Alfalfa." Act outckly while land nric- ar so extremely low; value rapidly ad. vaneln,. Alfalfa booklet and Southern i.aisi live, tiia. b. diaae. Western Asent Kouthern Hllw 17, A Chemical Bidg.. Bt. LouU. Uo.q.' REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FINK 13) acres; 46 nulea from Minneap olis, every acre under cultivation; lays level; good soil; good water; buildings consist of houae. barn, granary, machine sheds, etc. Prlc. $76 per acre. Will take up to $19.0u0 good property In ex change, balance some cash and mortgage tirhwab tiros.. 10J Plymouth ldg., Min neapolis, laino. House Beautiful West Farnam $5,250 We have an IDEAL HOMB on the too of the hill on Farnam 8t. between 4h and 4dth; 20 blocks west of the city hall. In a splendid neighborhood of new homes. Read the description and realise that Its location is Ideal. lot 60x190. Paved street Fine lawn. Kplendid basement 1'ressed brick. Real fireplace. Knameled laundry tuba. Ouaranleed furnace. Living room ir.x26. len on first floor. ' . Screened porch. One bed room 12Hxl9. On bed room Ilil7. On b.d room Hall. Tiled bath. Ileautlful oak floor. Pine decorations. (Screens complete. lrge cloaet. Hest plumbing. ' . This number is 4823 f'arnarn ft- Come cut TODAY and look It over. Just being completed. Charles W. Martin & Co., 748 Omaha National Bank Dldg. Tel. Tyler 17; Webster M on Htinday. West End Near Cathedral, $5,250 An excellent NEW, well built home, never been occupied, with oak floor throughout, bullt-Jn buffet writing desk, bookcase. TILE BATH, TILE VE8T1 111 LK, with regulation living arrange ment room on flrat floor, 4 bedroom on eoond. good attic. This Is complete In every detail. Can make good terms. This price ha been CUT $7u0; It a bargain. Glover & Spain 616-20 City National. VT rag. Nice Home 6 Rooms, Modern, Only $3,500.00 3515 Davenport Street. Birch finish and hardwood floor; extra well built, nicely docorated and In beat of order. Go. see 11; key first door east. W. IL Gates, 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Two Snaps 4801 Dodge St. 6 rooms, all mod ern, with corner lot, 60x137; owner non-resident and wants an offer. Guarantee it to be cheaper than any thing equal In Omaha. Give tig a bid. New Brick 48th St., Just east of 48th St., on Dundee car line, brand new brick; asbestos shingle roof, hot water heat, stone, cement and brick porch. Greatest bar gain in Omaha if you mean business. Snap for some one at $1,500. Less than can dupll cate it Two full lots go with It. Get Busy on These. D. V. Sholes Co. Tel. D. 49. 918 City. Nat. Bank. Feat are. of the Tradteias and rioslaa; Prleea on Hoard of Trade. .uC.M1wAfK' rt -Not withstanding ...... ,. lunri ii i.i i en ma uni tf if IH V. rnna ititrai . i . . , ihe nt hijur, owltiR to the belief thttt t- ' ' , nuur an wen at W!iat nBrl BtMJtl 1 1111.4 DSUBl m. I - l' I . . vUiH?d . firm, ic abovo )at nlKht. Corn sill limit 1 i . . t i .. T . . vhib tiiiinneu c up, ana prtiviploni lrrtxuinr, vary ma from lllll latitliHa .. . l-l v v. 1 1 1 1 tj hj a riwn oi i n Kxpurt aulr of w heat lor th day were eetinmted as hlKh as 1.2.AUH0 bushels, making about 6,000. bushel so far this week. In addition. 2rt. barrels of flour were said to have been disposed of for export from the Pacific roast, and there was a good deal of talk about Kurope.'in governments helnn after flour at Mlnne apol.s. Bulls wvro lurihi r enrourKMmi by assertions that all of the S.ondlnavlan countries and Holland were active buyers of wheat. Kxpurt demHnd for corn helped lo rally that cereal. It wss said KO.OU) bushels had been bought here for transatlantic! shipment and it),(K bushels at New York. Favorable weather tended st first to rase the markets somewhat. Oats appeared to be governed chiefly by the course of other grain. Luropenn call waa good and the New England trade was said to have ex panded In noticeable manner. Packers' buying checked a rather sharp break In provisions. The market had previously been on the down grade with hogs. Artlclel Open. Ulnh. Low. Close.! Yes y WllAtttl llec.ll lStc 1 14 1 14 May.l 1 ! 1 19'1 Corn 1 trc.iwi-iio-lil wvi Mhv I7ilii(. i.i7n-.r,i,ll .1 Easy Terms Good Location Fine dwelling of six rooms and bath, entirely modern, newly painted and In splendid condition; living room, dining room, with mantel; nice, large kitchen downataira; three bedroom and bath on second floor; corner lot, good else; paved treat Owner would sell on very reason able term or take good lot In as part payment. Price, $3,600, Scott & Hill Co. Douglas 1009. 306-7-6 McCague Hldg. New Flats and Cash for Business Property FVur new brick flats, close In; Income $1,470. Want business property. Improved or vacant. Will pay sou cash differ ence. J. H. Dumont & Co. PK8 Fams m Bt. Puone Douglas to. $400 cash buys a new, modern bungalow on the south side, balance monthly. $700 buy 7-room, two story, large resl (lence. A genuine bargain. 'Phono 1). au7. $1.7M buya 6-room, modern cottage on North Forty-fifth St., cloae to car line. Walnut Hill. 'Phone U W7. MAP OK OMAHA elTKJiUTH. Indexed. also Omaha red book, vest pocket size, free at our office, two stamp by mall. Charles E. Williamson Co.. Krai Estate. Insurance, care of Property. Omaha. o $000 cash buys 6-room bungalow niod ern. Cost $4,000. reduced to $2.$U) for quick sale. 'Phone l. 3607. PAID ON IXJT $166; WILL TAKK $71. 2414 DAVENPOKT 8T. . 1594. Right on la mam 8t., a good 4-room house, all modern but furnace, with a' larw Int feinl'ia m nA Ik. ...... I . .-. l. -w-w - - - -----. - .u o ,a ,nu )uat about the vain of th lot. PA YNK 1NVMTMENT COMPANY . Phone Douglas 17M. War Block. KOH KAl.K The handsome, modern, up-to-date res- i i'"-u" i-t "uuin in Ave. tiwner leav ing city. Telephone Harney 13a. ON YOUR MONEY We have several different plans whereby you can get from 7 to 10 on your money and be absolutely safe in your investment. As every one knows Real Estate is one of the best and safest invest ments on earth. Wfe can ar range it so you can Invest in individual properties or take an Interest with others. It will pay you to see or write us about it. HASTINGS V HEYDE.V, 1614 Harney Street. 53 llAA UfcsUtff.Vl AO 1 Pork. I Jan. .118 62-601 !g R5 1 Mty.l I 06 I IB 10 Lard. ' i let.) 10 6lVi 10 2m Nov. 10 0 10 Oil1! Ian.. 9K7H V9 0 Rib. I ( l' Oct..) 10 !0 1 10 ) 1 Jan.. 9 76 M 1 W4 1 13V, I 1 uy 1 17 1 19'J 1 1 67 'fisvs'iJiirrV'iiTt lil0Si".70tl' 4 I 4 4RH BlHIMHtfH'SSC-KVi 16 7!4 18 86 I 1 90 16 97Vi 19 07 Ul 19 10 10 2l 10 62W 10 67H J'l no 10 BZ'fc JO vt 9KV4I 0K74 9 80 10 20 1 10 I 10 1JU 75 H-H2(fi6l9 arf,S2 tot tct. t hlcago Cash Prices Wheat, No. 1 red, $1 Url.fK; No. 2 hard, IUOtti'1 m Corn: No. 2 vellow. latiKMr- TMn a ..T low. 7i4ivnc. Oats: No. 1 whit. iiXa 47'c; standard, 47HT48c. Rye: No. t 4 Barley: UHiiUc. Heeds: Timothy, $4. 00d6 60: clover, $11.0014. (. Provisions: Pork, nom- inni: larii, in.n;i; nDB, 11. .VfTKI.UO. HI TTER Higher; creanierv, 24fQi32c EOGS Steady; receipts, 4X61 cases; at mark, esses Included. 17T2f.Uo; ordinary firsts. 'iMlGWac; firsts. 2fi2ti I'OTATOKS Lower; receipts, SS car; Michigan and Wisconsin, Jrij46c; Minne sota and Dakota, 40rrr4Ac. 1-OULTHY-Allve, film; eprlngs. 12c; fowls, 103jlltt ' Kami City Hrwln ho.1 Previsions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 2. WHKAT-No. I hard, f l.m4'1.04Vk; No. it red, $1,041; De cember. $l.fM; May. $111. COKN-No. 2 mixed, 71Vfc724p No. I white. 73i&J4c; December, 64Sc; May. 6NVW 6NSc OATS-No. white. 4fl-l6H; No. mixed, 41Wiir43n. HI 'TTER Creamery, $Ic; first, 38o; soconds, 2Kc; packing, zOVc, KtKlH Firsts, 23c; seconds, IS'te. POI'LTHT Hens, lie; roosters. 9c; turkeys, lie - Liverpool Ciraln Market. L1VKRPOOL. Oct. a.-WHEAT-pot steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 9s4d; No. 2 Hi Id: No. 0. 810d; hard winter. Is HHd COHN ftpot, quiet; American mixed, new, 7s 2d. ' 4 otton Market. LIVFRPOOI,. Oct. 79-COTTON-Spot In good demand and steadier.. Sales 6.000 bales. I Hank Clearings. OMAHA, Oct. I.-Ilank elearlngs for Omaha today were $3,021,tW8.4D and for ;",corre"p,,",ln day lttt year $2,967,- 6i6.So, L2iAIj XOTICK.S NOTICK TTTtJNTlUviTiltS. Sealed bids will lm received by the iviard of Commissioners of Ktate Insti tutions at Its offlee in 'he Htate Capitol. Lincoln, Nebraska, until . o'clock p m Saturday, November 7, 114, f,.r the fur nishing of all material, suppliea and labor necessary for the proier conslructkin and remodeling of the power houe at th Hthool for the Deaf. Omaha, Nebraska. In arrordaiit with the plana and aWcl3 ficatlon prepared by James 11. Craddock artliltnct, tiniahu, Neb.aaka. All bids must be ac. onipanied by a certified check ror 6 per cent of the amount of the bid payabl to Hoard of Cominisaloner of state Institution as a guarantee that the bidder, if successful, wUl Immediately enter Into the contract and bond for the erection and remodeling of aald struo lo1; i,i"",.al"1 .I'l"cUon will be on lile in the offlr of the Board of Comml sloneis and at the office t k lcl. Room 12. Continental block, Omaha. Nebraska Met of drawings and suarlfi? rations may be obtained by prospective bidder upon application lo th architect or to the Hoard by depositing a check lor twenty-five dollar ($J6() to Insure prompt return, and when plan and ur. flrat. on are returned In good order checks will b re-delltered to the person depositing the same. The Board reserve the right to reject any or all bids Dated this 2h day of October. 114 BOA KD OV COM M' HH ION KH8 OP BTATB INflTlTCTIONB, 028-dSt By A' Hol',nb' CaaJrmao. COTTON SEED MEAL CRACKED Cot to a Seed Cake Cold lrd Oaks, From Texaa Mill direct to you. Writ or wire u for prices on High Miad Meal or Cracked Cake. 41 to 46 per rant protein. Cold Pressed Cake raXAJs C1U AJTD X.raTTB CO. PAI.T.Ag. TXX. 1 !)' 1 $ 04l 6 841 6 Ji 7 C4V U in l;tii n s ?i'i s I 7 Mil S 741 6 1 I T (! 6 tLS, kl t'ci. I ) 7 04.4, 8 71 ?; Oct. 2U. 6 IH'i 7 75 I S ,i $1. 4 M 7 i, 8 1 4 Ho, 2i'.l 6 Mik, 7 hi 1 14 X't. 2.1.1 7 0:l' J S7: ;.i 6 3:. I wx. .4. in n u 1 u I a 1 w u i W-l 7 0Hi 7 571 1 44 6 24 , 6 47 7 Wf 117. 6 HS 1 Ml IU I v. 1 11. I HI Oct M.I 7 I1"4l 7 671 Mi u; K i 7 til 4 67 ct. . I 7 W.-HI 7 74i 7 7 I $ U 7 S 4 Sun.lsV. CATTl.lt Receipt were small even for a Thursday, while the demand fer this late In life week waa very aallafartm y. As a result prices on all kinds of raid were steady and the trade reaaonahly active. Pretty much everything had changed hand by 10 o'clock In the morn. Ing. Prlcts are now bock where they were at the first pf last week, which means that last week' sharp brak has been entirely recovered thia w-ck. Th trade la now In a good, healthy condi tion and the feeling la very much bvltet than it waa a week ago at this time, when price were practically at the low point of the season. (Juotatli ns on cattle: Uood to choir corn-fod beeves, M !" 10 i, fair to gooo corn-fed beeves, $s.0oull.iO; common to fair corn-fed beeves, ,.i(il.l; gocd to choice range steers, 17 4om".; fair to good rang steers, $.7oj7.; common to fall range steers., $6,6k.ue'.7fi; good to choi' grass heifer. $H0i(i7 OW; good to cliolo grass cows. $.76fl,60; fair to good grades, $0 KK'6 7u, common to fslr grades. $4.W( j.un; prime feeders, $. 6.4ti; good to choice alockfr snd feeders $7.204i'i.86; fair to good stockers and renders, $ti.m7 20; rommon to fsir lock er and feeders. t6.kijl.W: stock heifers, $4.76'(6.W0; atotk cows. $4.Mto.60; stocK calves, $;.ftil0.ii0; veal calves, $7-60fi lO.uO; bulls, stays, etc., $4.60i6.2s IHillh Huppile woie larger than on WediH'Sduy. but at ihst wete niodernte, estliiiates calling for sixty-one cats, or l.ouo head. The total lor the four da) is n.M) head more than S.OH) short of a week ago, and almost 4,00u smaller than for th corresponding day laat year. Trade opened out slow, and early packer bids wer in many case a dim lower, hhlpplug demand was in fair hape, however, and alter the shipper had bought u few loads at prices that were right around steady, the killer trade braced up. There ws a good packing Inquiry for good hog of all weights, and as shippers were buying this sort of stuff at yesterday's prices, pucker were forced to pay the same money. As a result, anything aood sold at prices that were steady, or very nearly o. On the commoner gradea, packer Insisted on a flat nickel reduction, and while seller held this stuff until late In an elfort to get more money, they finally raahed It at fully 6c lower price. Trade rloaed dull, but a moat of th hoga irft at till time were on the com mon order, they probably brought a much a they would at any time In th morning. Movement waa far from actlv at any time, but the moderate supply was pretty well cleared by 10:30. Hulk of thu aalee were mode at $7,009 7.10. A sprinkling of rommon heavlr sold down to $ti.90, while tops eguln reached $7.30. The market ha been fluctuating all week, and on two day showed sharp gains, while price on th other two were slightly lower. Th gen ersl trend has been higher, however, and today' value are a big dime abov th close of last week. BHEEPVTh fresh receipt wer mod erate again, amounting to only 21.000 head and making for the week to date onlv ome 86,4(16 head, against 114,616 for the sarn time last week, 114,410 two week ago and 1J2.131 a year ago. There was no Sreat change In 111 quality from yesler ay' oflerlnga, but mor cornfed stuff was In evidence. The continued shortage of tomethlng good to choice In the killing line stimu lated competition among th packer buy er and the consequence was that no time was lust In buying anything st all decent as killers at prices strong to HVt 15c higher. Cornfed lamb numbering around SOO head reached the $7.86 mark, top for Hi day and the month to date. Range lamb, such as were available brought as much $7.66, with th bulk of the range offering going at $7.16ijj7.60. It wa not long before all the lamb in sight wer sold and this In spite of the fact that outside points reported slow trade at steady prices. There wt about th sain advanr on aged sheep as on lambs and the market on them was Just as active, everything clearing st an early hour. Cornfed year! rigs sold up to 61I.40. wHh some heavy range yearlings bring ing $6.20. The ew supply was not as large or as good a on the former day of th week, but what were on sale changed hands largely at $6 Qh6.Zh. Th feeder demand still hold up well, with the bulk of the lambs chaaatiuc hands at $6.40uixl RO, with a load hsre and there at 46 9-1. Most of the feeder ewes sold at $:i i'.'Ul.lO. On the whole, trade was not quite st active, though very fair for thu closing d'tys of the week. (Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, fond tn choice, $7.607 90; lambs, fair to ood. $7 Kii16l; feeders, fair to good. $4.4i; (lO.fel; feeders, common to fair, H43')10; yearlings, good to choice, $6.0V40; year lings, fair to good;, $5.7:ji'..uii; year lings, feeders. $." 4046.W; wethers, good to cli.ilee, $6.riiK?!.7&; ether. fair to good, $5 2Mi6.S0; wether, feeders. M Sfta- Ho; ewes, good to rholre. $6.10i55.!5; ewes, fair to good, $4.7C4T(.10; ewes, feeders. $3.2649 4.15. CHICAGO I.IVI3 STOCK MARK KT blrher: hesvv. ?1fvd7.: mixed, $7 fl 10; light. $7.tji7.i; hulk of sales, $7.W fr7.es. HHrF.P ANP tAMr?-necelpte, l.Mfl head; market lor higher; wether, $5..R; ewes, $.1.fvi76 15; lamhu. $t'..0O'i?.76, St. I.nala live Stock Market. fT I oris. Oct t!.CATTLE-R-celpts, 6.ft head: market stesrty; nstlve i!Ttr $7.6"fl.7R; rows and heifer. H.wwii.76: stockers snd feeders, $i'.26B'7.V; southern slers. r.76-n.76; cow Snd heifers, $l.'ei'ti.ii0; native calves, $6.00 tlWfci HMJS-Re-elrt. head: market lower: plus and lights, $-..5iv,T7.0; mined aniMtuti hers. $7.2Vu7.7C, good, heavy, 17.68 HKKP A Nil LAMPS Receipts, 1.400 head; market steady; native mutton. MV1,fi,2t.: lambs. 7.tntiH 26, t. JcMienh l.ve StoeU Market. ST JOSEPH. Mo,. Oct 19 C ATTLT0 Receipts. 1 head, market strong, loo In lm- higher: Mfer $rt.jyKi 10 .00; rew and heifers. 2Vn9 0n; rnlvrs, fOfflO 60 IKKJS-Recelpts, 400 heed; msrket Mf liV lower; top, $7 4; bulk. $710i7.1u. PIIKKI AND LA Mil Receipts. 1.00 head; market steady to strong; lamb, $7.i:ijS.oo. I.le Stock In Sight. Rerelpts of live stork at the five prin cipal weatern markets: Kouth Omaha Moun City Kansas City ft Louis Chicago . Totals Cattle. Hitrt Sheep. . l.MO 4,one Jl.non . 1.600 610 1,0110 . 4.nr fl.onO xri .. 6. MO . S.40 .. 6.000 23.0UO $2,000 ...16.200 4&.800 6. 409 NEW YORK nRNKRAL MARKET -Hogs Deuaead fer Cattle Fli Steady Sbres Strong. CHICAOO Oct. 29. CATTLI3 Receipts. 6.01)0 head: market firm; beeves. $ft.VB II 00- aieer. 15.76iti.2&: Blocker and feed era, $6 Oll.lO; eowe and heller, $3 60i(J 9 Ml- ralvea. 17 avtrtl.00. HiViH Receipts, 24,000 head: market steady to 6c lower; bulk of sales, $7.1J 7.60; light. $7 0&i77.6ft: mixed. r.lOljl 70; heavy. 17 05V7-66; rough, $7.0f87.1i; pig. U6I4I7.15. RHKKP AND LAMBS Receipt. 32 000 had- market strong: sheep. r.lOiti.15, yearlings, $i.90 .85; lambs, $6.6"-dij.i0. Kaaaaa City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 29.-CATTLE-Recclpts, 4.400 head: market strong: prime fed steers, i9.7b"iH0.T&; dressed beef steers, $7.7Mr9 60; western steer. $6.7!T 9 00: stockers and feeder, $6.7&4)8.00; bulla, $5 0Of 28: calve. M.66uri0.(O. HOG4 Recelpu, 9.CNJ0 head' market lower: bulk of sale, $7.1097.40; heavy. $7 Sf.jrf M: packers and butchers. $7. Joy T.46: light, ft 05flTs7- pig. $6 I7.10. HUF;p:P AND LA MB.s Receipts, 6.000 head: market hgher; lamb, $7 2T.4f7.90; year lines 96 60tf60; wethers, $6.2jff4.00; ewes, I4.60fr6.60. Sloa City Live Stek Market. SlOrX fTTT, la., Oct. 29.-CATTLE Receipts. 600 hesd: market loo higher; na tive steer. 96.Xfi9.75: cow and heifers. $4.ay0i: ranners. $4.16i8&; atoeker and feeder. 4E.7W7 00- oalv, $4.76r.0O; diii.s. stars, etc., 4 wJw. HOOii-HscelDta LVuO bead; market 6c Qanlatlon nf tke Tay on Tartewe Com mod I tie. NEW TORK. Oct. 29.-KLOtTR Quiet but stendy. VHK.f-Kpot msrket eteady; No. S red. $1.14; No. . hard. II.IS14: Ka. 1 1 northern. Uuluth, $1.I6':, No. 1 northern, I Manitobn. $1 1!'4, nominal, c. I. f. Buf- isio. runiree market without transac tions; recember. Il.ft May. $l.T. CORN Spot market etead'v; No. $ yel low. 81V. e. 1. f. to arrive; Argentina prim. The delivered. OATH Spot market quiet: standard. SS eMVc; No. 3, 6iVoi3c; fancy clipped white, 64t6V. HoiW.Kasy: state, common to choice, 1014 crop, SO40c; Pclflo coast. 1914, Utt Uc; 191.1. Italic. HAY-Julet; prime, $1.0S: No. 1. ILOrVje lmS; No 1. 9fn'ic; No. 8. 8oJ90c; hit plng. TotiHOc. HIDIfX Hte.dy; Bogota. S4Qc; Cen tral America, 24c. ' LEATHER Firm; hmlock flrets, 919 $2c; seconds. S0.tl.11c. PROVIHIONS-Pork, steady: mss. $31.09 4!2I.5; family, $24.0nn?34.0O; short clear, $3.0tVffltflO. pef, quiet; me. $21 OOflairtri; family. $24 OOftii.OO. Lard, ateadyt mid dl west, $H).MVjj 10.93; refined steady; con- I. iient!. $11.00, South America, $11.1; rontpound. firm. t7.S0.trT.S6. TALLOW Steady ; city, 6V4e; country. 6'4itJV: special, 6Hc iil"i I KK l'lrm; receipts, 4,493 tubs; creamery extra, MV; creamery, 94cv creamery, first. 29 Va BHc ; seconds, 2oQi 9Sc; process extras, 2iyft2wx; ladle, cur rent make, firsts, Mtr22V, second, 21 Vic; packing stock, current mak No. I, tv lOVto. K.tia Klrm; receipt. 1,744 boxes; fresli gathered, extra fine, Mft36c; extra firsts, .tliilSe; firsts, tWMOcj second, M tTlci state, Pennsylvania aa4 nearby hennery while. 6toc; state, Pennsyl vania and other nearby hennery whites, ?."i(fjMic; hennery browns, Sct40e; gain- , ered browns and mixed color, SITo. CHKK.SK-Quleti receipt 1,67.'! boxes; slate whole milk, white and colored De cisis. i:.'c; stt whol milk, average fsnrr t4,ri6p. POULTRY Live, Irregular: chicken. I'tybtllr; fowl, 12(tT13V; turkeys. 17i18c. lressed, dull; western roasting chick ens. iSffllc; turkey, froxsn, 17jf3r; fresh fowls, HtJilfc. Coffee Market. NEW YORK". Oct 29. COFTBIO-Cof-fee market quiet again today. Rio ex change on London wa quoted at a de cline of 6-16d at the cloae yeeterdarV, but quotation In the Rio merket wer TJ rels higher end o tar a could be learned, the few cost and freight offers la the market were firm af unchanged prices. Prices In the spot market were un changed at tc for Rio 7 and 10H for Santos 4s. Ieceniber contract were quoted Bt fi.7fQ&.7Ka In the operation of the liquidating committee. fimsbs Iias Market. PRAIRIE HAY-Chotce upland,' $10 6t II. 00; No. I. $10.00pl0.6O; No. t, $8.006'10.()0: No. 8, $8.00ys 00; choln midland. $10.0i 10.50; No. I. $9.6010.10.00; No. 1, W.OotW.OO; No. $. $4.008.00; eholoe lowland, $8.6019 9 00; No. 1. $7.60$4.M; No. s, l&.OOt.OO; No. 1. $1.0006.00. STRAW choit- wheat. fS.tO; eholoe oat or rye, $4.O0ti.6O. A LKA LFA Choice, $12; No. L $1 60 11.00; No. S. $9.004310.60: No. 1, M.tC9.0. Minneapolis Uralsi Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 19. WHEAT De cember. $1.0; May, $1,104: No. 1 herd, ft. MS: No. 1 northern, $1.10Sl.Ur.; No. 2 northern, $1.v7H81.16. PI.ifH-Untlhangtd. BARLEY-67t67c. RYE-80ile. BRAN $30 60. COllN-No. I yollow, 60flr:e. OATS No. 1 white, 44a46o. KLAX-$1.2S1.31V Nw York Moatoy Market. NFW YORK. Oct. . M ERCA NTILB PAPKR-i4 per cent. STKRHNO KXntANGE steady; for sixty-day bill, 44.8&0; for cable. $410; (or demand, $4.9026. SILVER Bar, 4RV. LON1XN, Oct. 2S. filLVER Bar, 0i per ounce. DIHCOI NT RATES Three months, 19 14 per cent. St. Leal Orala Market. BT. 1XCIS, Oct. 29 WIIEAT-Ne. S re., r .074I.09H; No, 5 hard, $1.10; Decem ber. f1.11iiil.nV4; Mayr ll.l7V6. CORN-No. 2, 7Ur; No. i white, 18c; De cember, c; May. 70c. OATS No. X, 4&i46V4c; No. t white, 46c. I Dry tlooda Market. NBW YORK Oct. 29. DRT OOOn Cotton good firmer. Yarn more active ft low price The attendance at the car et auction wa lighter, but bidding held up steadily. Raw slk, easier. Evaporated Apple aaa Dries! Srrite NEW YORK. Oct 29. E V A PO RATED APPLES Quiet. DRIED FRL'ITB Prune, easy. Apri cots and pcache. quiet. Rata Ins, easy. Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 23 flCOAR-Raw. weak; molasses, i.9bc; centrifugal, 1.64c; refined, dull. ' Metal Market. FT. IjOIMH, Oct. 29 -MET A LB-Lead, higher; $3. 37V Bpelter, dull; nominal; 4.9J U4 95. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 29.-COPPER-i:ioctrolytlc, easy; $11.25 cash, and, SU.3 . thirty days. Omahan, Tied and Gagged is Locked in . a Refrigerator Car PENER, Colo., Oct. 3. (Ppeelal Tele, egram.r Beaten Insensible, robbed, bo una and thrown Into a locked refrigerator car, William Wade of Omaha waa rescued, near death, at Fort Collin this moraine, lust before the er In which he wa oea flned started to Cheyenne. Wade, when revived, says he flashed a $6 bill in a restaurant and that two men who hw th money followed hUn to the railroad yards. They beat him Into aneoa clousne, tied hi hand .-under bt knee with hi own belt, took $36 and threw Mm Into a refrigerator car. Ilia groans' attracted attention a fw minutes before th car wa to start out. His face was beaten to a pulp and be vae la a serious conditio. Wad had been working ea a farm to Colorado, and lacking enough Inuciejr fer traveling, was batln hts way basic te Omaha. , .. t 1