Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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    TIIK 15J:K: OMAHA. Till'USDAV. ( X TOBEK JH, f.wi-l.
1 i ii i
All Officers of the Anociation Are
Chosen for Another Term.
Tuesday, October 27, 1914.
For Sauces and
For smooth, rich sauce and gravies
Stvriliird Unawevteacd
it far superior to bottle milk. If
uniform rirhnciciown to the lait drop
always givci satisfactory retulis.
Cottie Mi'k i always fresh, pure
and sweet. It h the richcit milk
with most of the rater taken out,
perfectly iteri!i7ed -and with nothing
added. It UiU indefinitely.
Tht MJk Without lh Cooktd
In Two Sizes 5 and 10c
At all Good Dealers
Or phone
. Cullen Brokerage'
Douglsa 4413.
SIS Brandala
Theatre BWg.,
MAMA people are experiencing many phases of travel-life abroad.
Word cornea from Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Staplcton from the
South Seas that they were gtranded for throe days on a coral reef.
Mrs. 8lapleton found the ipertenre very Interesting and the nov
elty of it all u moat enjoyable. -
A neighboring Island, owned by the government, sent a iraft each
( day to conduct them back and forth, ao that .they might vIhU the Island,
: and they were accorded all poaaible courtesies.
j Mr. and Mm. Stapleton are now located in tbeir home at Bogata.
South America. Spanish only Is spoken In these parts, but Mr. Staoleton Is
, an apt Unquiet.
Mr. and Mra. Ptapleton are eipcctcd In Omaha for the Christmas holl
I days. Mrs. Stapleton was formerly Miss Stella Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs.
I Jack Bnrber, nee Miss Mae Hamilton of Manila will also spend Christ
I mas with the Hamilton family here
mT I V mWm A mm Bla.a4 M Tkm
Vfira and Varloae Committees
Are Also Made l
the Hrftlm.
Subscription Dance Dinner.
! There will be several dinner parties to
night, preceding the Wednesday night
sutiHc rlptlnn ilmicf st Turpln's academy
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chaee will enter
tain nt dinner In honor of Mies Kethertne
Mrf'ormlrk, ho has Juat return"! from
a er In the east. Covers will be placed
! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrige.
I Mi. ami Mm. bdm A. M.-Hhane.
I Mr and Mis. V, A. C. Johnson.
Mlea Katherln. McCormb k.
I .Mm. Huntington.
I Mr. Frank liurali .
Mr. flnwitrd ftaldrtge
I Dr. and Mn. .1. K. 8nmtiirs will en
tertain one of the smaller parties, hav
; In if six guests at dinner at their home.
Mr. and Mm Charles T. Kountxe will
give a dinner pntty alo. preceding the
Fashion Hint
Don't Ruin
Your Health
. With Horrible) Phytic
Hurtful Pallet and PMIe
Draetltr Mineral Watars
They ant unnatural irritants, debilitating the kody
they pretend to cure. I'hyif takers are made old
before their time, became phytic end pill ruin the
stomach and drttroy digestion. Watch the leaden
eve, cnlorleae lace, drawn kin. bowed head, d
preed spirit. dragging ttep. lack oi energy all
pusttivc evidence ol a wrung condition.
Build Up YourSystcm
WIMi tha Pura, Corrective
Enarglzlnar Salta ot Fruit
' . Cantalaed In
Omahani in New York. j
llepletetlng at the Hotel McAluln In
New York City during the last week
were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kennedy. 1. W.
Carpenter, Mrs. and Mra. Edward F.
I-eary. I. W. Carpenter, Jr.; W. II. Tay.
lor and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bcott.
Rummy Club.
Mrs. R W. Han waa hoatssa at
j luncheon for tbe Rummy club at her
home Tuesday. Tha centerpiece was a
! mound of electric-lighted pumpkins, and
the place cards were unique Ilsllowe'en
j novelties. Three tables were placed for
' the game, prises being won by Mea
damca Ales Jetea. M. M. Kline and 7.
II. Oaks. Miss Eva Morgan of York,
Neb., wss the guest of the club. Tha
negt tneetlnK will .he at the home of
Mrs. M. M. Kline. In two weeks. Those
present were:
Fruit Vigor upbuild and enerrtliei the entire tys
tern by vitaliting the daily fond. Never fail to givt
F. It. Onks.
Thomas lfelui,
W. A. Smith,
Alex .Into.
1. Vt. l.ivejoy,
M M Kline,
J. N. Hoed.
M. K. Newton.
K. W. Usnoy.
y. H. Ilngsn.
Krsnk Brawns.
T. itehfine.
corrective. makes weak totnaiiit strong.. sno -
comtlpatrd bowel active In thvfr own musrulai sonic temple
power. Tone un the liver ai nothing rlie can di i .,,, -i-
and promotes healthful activity ol the kidneys ; ' ' , " "
!For the Future.
reilel from conillpstKm. b,liounei. lndlse.tlon v "eitaii ciuu will give a nara
skkheadache. muddy coiTiplMiim, iinilslunet. pile j times party at Odd iVIoae' haJI Thurs
dropsical and rheumatic tendencies, and kindred (jy evening;
ailment. Thee arc only indication oi a derangec ,, ,., ,, , ,,, . . .
system which Kruil positively corrects. I Mis. A . .N. Harrhnan will be hoeteas
Kruit Vitfor is In highly concentrated ntnederei! i at luncheon at her home Thttraday com
focm. Addnl to wstcr makes s delightful etfee i rii,.P ... tr n- -i.u. ..
Ing drink eagerly drunk by old and young -ever i r'lmentary to Mrs. K. CJarke. uest
babiesi. So gentle, yet potltlve In art ion. that ex ; of Mrs. Cltsrica MtTlonald.
riantandnuisindiuothenitakelt Ui kep4hemi Vests ilmntsr. Order of the Kaslein
aJSlSMi ala4j ttiaKu sea ef.4 kaa lh I K m nalneai
corrective. Makes weak stomachs strong., sno War., will ftlve a card pal ty at the Ma-
October II. This same
announces a dancing party
Rsmsmbsr-lt Never Falla I i nuraiiay evening. November S, at
ItJerlsralyourdrug-ilil-orbynisllrromiis. j Clianibera' academy.
Stewart Foed Ce, IM Issarity Msg.. Chlcaae i
Said by SHERMAN A MoCONNtU , Social Settlement Benefit.
A Innrhonn will bo given by the ladles
of the rirst Vriabyterlan ohurrh for the
renciit of tli - Pot Is i flettWment. Friday,
Noveoiber . This lunrharm was
prevlouslv announi for this Krlday.
Dinner Tarty.
Mr. and Mra. C. Vimtut will entertain
at dinner this evening for Mra. A. C.
Wynne of Cleveland, O., guest ' Of Mr.
and Mr I. J'.usacll McKelvy. The table
decorations will be of cosmos, and cov
ers mill lie placed for fourteen.
Dorcai Sewing Club.
Mrs. Halleck Kose will bring the clll
sen' ticket candidates tor the Board of
Education before the lorcga Hewing club
Friday afternoon. The meeting will be
hold at the home ef Mrs. Joseph Kelley,
:iUR Kinney street. Mrs. K.llsabeth' Hlg
gins dulllvan a HI also be eus of the
Surprise Party.
A surprise party waa given Tuesday
evening In honor of Amtu . Yun at her
home. Those present t;
Anna Yun.
Heeele Yun.
Molly Hroan
Mlllan faaeb k.
Oiadya Wsaiiilr.
Crete Knicrluiu.
Thomea IMetx,
Havliie Nelaon.
Kobrrt ttaatn .
III u.l v
I " '
Mrs. Resel Saves i Farmers' Congress
I'T" "V v'-'O '7 ,' "i'mf J A
ym0r Taltpa,
Craeaeea, I '
l.lltee, Kte. 1
Catalogue on
I requeat. I
I skk.u anutr.. I
I 111 N. 1
N Ore. PeetefTlee. I
Uoaalaa TT.
w . . 1
fgMMBiiJuiwaa-imiii.i ii i n iraaj
I f . . . t i .,s.r.i idvD'ltf 11
. ii; . 'j i
i ii.nmiin i ii is iiii a i iii r I ' 1
Ail offneis of the Visiting Nurse asso
ciatf"Ti were re-elerted st the annual
meeting held at the city hal. The annual
reports rhow the last year to have ben
the moet successful since the association
wss organised There were 7 010 visits
made to 1,05 patients. Over Ivoon was re-i most
celved during tha last yesr. An additional
nurne, Miss Elisabeth Elsasser, was re
tained because of the heavy rush of work.
The officer" are as follows: Mrs. Her
bert M. Rovers, honorary president; Mrs.
I. other I Ko intxe, president; Misa Ixuls
McPhersoii, vice proaldent; Miss Clara
Thomas, sreretsry. and Mrs. R. W. Con
nell, treasurer.
New members of the board of dlrectora
who were elected for three years are:
Meadamea J. Konnenberg, Ralph Breckin
ridge. Myron learned. W. H. Adams. Her
bert M. Holers, Ren Oallagher and Misses
Alio Buchanan. Clara Thomas and Louise
The following commltteea were named:
Membership. MJss Alice Buchanan Mea
damea Victor Roeewater. Frank J. Nor
ton, W. E. Rhoadcs.
Finance, Mesdamea R. W. Connell, Vic
tor Roaewnter, Ben Oallagher. U I
Kountxe. Adolph Storg. Victor Caldwell,
V. J. Mcfihane.
ruhllcity, Mra. Thomas McTherson and
Mis Alice Buchanan.
Nurwu. Mesdames W. J. Hynes. Herbert
Roger. Barton Millard. Charles Mctx. P.
C. Morlurty, Albert Noe, F. J. McShane,
I.. Kountxe and J. W. Towle.
Church and supplies. Miedames T. U
Iiavls, G. I Bradley, Thoma Ward, Al
bert Noe, Wlllard Hoaford, Thomas Kll-
patrlck. John McCague. W. R. Adama and i
Dr. Mattle Arthur.
Little Son from a
Burning Building
Though badly frtg1txied by Tames that
leaped from sll parts of her home, Mrs
John Reerel. ICi rkiuth Eighteenth
street and wife of a cabinet maker, re
tained tier presence of rolnd long enough
to save the life of hr 5-year-old eon,
Johnnie, who waa sick In bed.
Mrs. Reasel made her way through
the smoke and flamn wlwra the younu
lad lay half ttnconarlous and carried
him out of doors where the cold air
revived him.
A few minutes later .firemen (tm to
fight the fire. The Resw-I borne was al-
entliely destroyed. Investigation
afterwaM failed to determine the cause
of the fire.
Mrs. Anna C. Paulsen, agyd f) veaa.
wife of the late State Senator John T.
Paulsen, 1 and 1SS9. died Toesday night
at .the home of her daughter, Mra. J. O.
Brandt, 2W2 Ike street.
Deceased had been bedfast for two
weeka, but bad been suffering a gradual
decline of health for a number of years.
Mrs. Paulsen came to Omaha to 1S57
and resided here ever since that time.
Rurvlvlngr her are four sons, Ednmnd.
William C, Herman S.. and Henry K. ;
one daughter, Mrs. J. O. Brandt: three
sisters. Mrs. Wlllamena Karbach, Mrs.
Frank Klessner and Mrs. Henry Snhmidt.
also thirty-one grandchildren and three
great grandchildren
Funeral services will be held at the
residence Friday at 1 p. m. ami burial
will be at Frospect Hill cemetery.
to Choose Between
Omaha and Waterloo
Whether the IMS Farmers' Nstfonal
Congress Is to meet in Omaha or In
Waterloo, la., wilt depend largely on
what an Imrreenlon Omaha makes on
the locating committee today, when
that body cornea hero to consider the
matter of locating the convention and
fixing the date. Waterloo Is offering a
substantial bonus for the If is convention,
accordlnc to Information received locally,
and Omaha Is to some extent opposed to
the bonus Hea.
Frank O. Odell, member of the ex
ecutive committee of the congress, re
ceived a letter from V, I,. Ames, rre'sl
dent of the association, saying that the
locating committee Is at Waterloo and
will be In Omaha Wednesday morning.
It will confer with Mr. Odell nnd E. V.
FArrlsh, manager of the bureau of pub
licity, with regard to the location and
arrangements that could be made for
such a convention. The locating commit
tee? s made up of W. L. Ames of Oregon,
Wis., president of the congress, and IX
K. Unseker of Wright, la., treasurer of
the congress.
Bee Want Ada Produce Results.
It has been announced at Washington
that Revenue Agent D. C. Ferryman t
New Orleana has succeeded H. B. Taylor
In thla drvlslon. comprising the states of
Iowa and Nebraska, as an examiner of
Ineome and corporation tax reports. Bpe
to Louisville ,K, on special duty. Dingles
who has been on duty In this division for
the last two years, has been transferred
to Louisville, Ky., on special duty. lMngle
has been succeeded by Ppeclal Gauger W.
W. Ystes of Covington, Ky., an experi
enced officer of more than thirty years'
The two new officers will be attached
to Revenue Agent Harvey Bluster's force,
with headquarters in the federal building.
Bad Complexions
Peeled ff at Home
A. B. Cook, general manager of tha
t'nlon Fuel company, on trial In police
court for alleged shortwelghlng, was. dis
charged by Acting Police Magistrate
Charlea W. Brltt. when the former
pleaded that the difficulty was caused
by a natural and Justifiable error.
The girl with the poor complexion com
plains. "I have to touch up my checks.
I am sallow and a eight, and only my
makeup aavca me."
Now, as a matter .if fact, more women
spoil their good look than Improve them
with cosmetics. The practice certainly Is
unnecessary, now that the virtues of
ordinary mercollred wax aa a beautifhr
have become known. It has been found
that the wax has wonderful absorbent
powers. It causes the faded or discol
ored scarf skin to flake off In minute,
almost Impreceptible particles, so gently,
gradually, aa to cause no Inconvenience,
at all. In this way the old complexion
is actually removed likewise all fine;
lines, freckles, pimples, blotche;, moth,
patches and other surface defects. A
new complexion appears a clear,
smooth youthful, healthy-hued skin
such as no paint, powder or lotion csn
produce. Mercollied wax, to he had at
any drug more In convenient slie pack
ge, is applied like cold cream. Advertisement.
Election returns will be received at the
Commercial club rooms next Tuesday
evening until a late hour. Members of
the Commercial club and their families
will be privileged to remain as late as
they like at tha club rooms to get re
turns. The votes on governor, congress
men, other Important offices and on
woman suffrage are to be received reg
ularly and aa fast as they come In.
Bee Want Ads Are Famous aa Result-(letters.
Mr I A R M OMTf.l St.
The Russian effect Is much sought after
by designers of the new fall styles. This
evening gown of yellow brocaded satin.
with trimmings of net. delicately suggests
the RusaUin touch.
"fouth Dakota never was tn better.
comll'loii thau It la today." said, Frank
Jackson of Jgckson Brothers of Dallas,;
Winner, etc. Houth Dakota, while talk- i
lng In some, friends at the Merchants!
hotel. ' The winter wheat Is all in and
In looking fine and the stockmen are
getting a good price for their cattle and '
everybody fa happy. The cultivated I
arrcage is increasing fast In our section
of the country."
875 W omen's Coats
en s
470 W omen's Suits
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burns leave Frl
dsy evening for a two weeks' stay at
Excelsloii Springs.
Mrs. W. D. Crawford of San Fran
cisco, Cel., Is expected Thursday to be
the guest of her niece. Miss Mayme
Hutchinson, at the Oeorgia apartments.
Mrs. Crawford will remain but a few
Minister Pralaee This Utstltr.
Rev. II. Dtubenvoll, Allison. la.,
pralsos I'r. King's New Life Tills for
ronstlpatton; best for liver and bowels
tSc. All druggiata Advertisement.
be Pretty! Turn H
Uray Hair DarklS
Look Young! NoImmIv ran tall If vna Ql
Use (iraiKlmcitlinr'a ilmnla hkHim K
of Hage Tea and Sulphur. ft
AimMi everyone Knows mat Bags Tea pi
mm c.'iij.iiur, ijroi'riij- t-pinpoumjrti, pringa
bark the natural color and, lustre to the
hair when faded, streaked or gray; also
fuds dandruff. Itching scalp and stops
falling hair. Yesrs ago the only way to
tet the mixture was to mnke It at home,
which Is muasy and troublesome. Now
adays, by asking at any drug store for
"Wyeth's Page and Sulphur Compound."
you Bill gat a lare buttle of this famous
old recipe for about 60 cents.
Don't stay gray! Try It! No one can
poarribty tell that you darkened your hair,
as It doo It so naturally and evenly. You
dampen a sponge or soft brush with it
and draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time: by morning
the gray batr dlnappear. and after an
other application or two, your hair be
comes beautlfuly dark, thick and glossy.
ssBSHMSKsaasKSMSSBasKSBssv . xeMssxsseHsxsavsHsisaaseexsBssaxaxvsxsKsxsaxve esssBsaaasaaaaaasssKexasaavaaaaaaaasBBasxe
525 Children's Coats
1100 Women's Waists
Bought at an average of
. Misses
Rlaii' he Bartes.
Nelly tlahrn.
Mlauvs Cootiey,
Helen l.veylek.
Anna Krelht.
Knvey rtchllck,
Frailly un.
Free Relief rr.?.0,.dS
Send to u forgeneroua free ample Bnugk
tor kevcml iU ' treatment tor , ol.i la iiaad,
tbrouttoaaaltaurth, dry catarrh, auie note.
Original and Ganulna
atandard remody for IS ye&r. 1C OiO.QoO
tabehva been told. Api1ml itiMilenuMiila,
It brings QuUk ri'ef. I ii)iU"ly hml in
flamed Bul paaauge. -el a 2V or .Vk- t .iUe
Irom yuur aiugjtt.- iii0iu!gitA
sod gukr.mtre it. slm r t.. k it it I ail a.
fcefuM subxitatas. 'ILey sie daOkeroua.
KONDON Mra. CO. Minneapolis, Mtaa.
Omaha Club Luncheon.
Mrs. It. C. Howe was liostraa at lunch-j
eon today at the Omaha dub In honor of
Mrs. W. . Banker of Indlsnapolls. the i
houae guest pf Mrs. David Baum. The!
table had an attractive rentei piece of!
baby chrysanthemums and covers were
laid foe:
Duncan M
It. C. Iloee.
W. D. banker.
Dav Id Batkm.
V. D. Mi-Hugh.
Wllaon le.
William F. tlurley.
m i- t'yy. i -s "e-vr-
$1 A WEEK, 14c A DAY
xnu, nvx asx piwk of
JKWIOJtY IN Ol ll HTtiUt-:,
Western Watch tJewslry Co.
'M Floor Karbat-li lilk.
2Utt South FlfteatU Ktrrct.
Mis. W. 1!. Clarke of Milfotd. Conn.,
nas guest of honor at an amnion bridge
party today given by Mrs. N. U Gurk
ert. '
Mrs. Charles B. Molony, who kss beeu
in riocsly HI at her home. Is reported to j
I be Imptovlng rapidly
Wedneiday Bridge C;ab.
The nreiobers of te Wednesday
Bridge club met today with Mra Harold
Frltchett. There mere three tables of
Personal Mention.
Mrs. W. O. Barker of Indianapolis Is
the guest this wsk of Mrs. David Baum.
Mrs. liaukrj. win be with Mrs. Duncan
M. Viaaoniialer next Week.
Mrs. flcorge B. Ayers. who has bean
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mra
C, I). Cnon.' left Hundsy lor linooln.
where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Foster. Mrs. Aers spent tve weeks
ainoug tier old friends In Omsha. and
was extensively entertained while hers.
After several days In Lincoln she will
leave for ber home la Deed wood. a. D.
For Our Little Busy Bees
Free Dolls
Bee Waat Ada Produce Results.
'Tlus Beautiful Doll
will be given Free to the
little girl, under 10 yrs.
of age, that brings or
mails us the largest
number of the doll's
pictures cut out of the
Daily and Sunday Bee
before -I p. in. Saturday,
October 31st.
This cell's suss Is AUee. .
he la aa laches high, has
light hrows hair aal blue
eyes, and la beautlally
Her picture will be in
The Bv every day this
week. Cnt them all out
and ask your friends to
&ave the pictures 'in
their paper for you, too.
See how many picture.?
of Alice you can get,
and be sure to turn
them in to The Bee of
fice, before 4 p. m. Sat
urday. If you don't wtn this Dolhe.
perhaps you can jret one next
ink. Onlv one dll will be
given to any one Pesson.
You can see Alice at The Dee Office
. . f I -
V2 Price and Less
W From New York manufacturers who were heavily overstocked on account of the unsea
p sonably warm weather that prevailed so late into the fall. AVe bought at our own prices,
practically, ana the values offered In the sale that begins tomorrow are nothing abort of phenomenal.
Because of the unusual character of this sale and the extraor
dinary values ottered' there will be no lay-aways--none sent
on approval and none reserved during this sale.
A Sale of Corsets
That Offers Excellent Values
At Economical Prices
Sale Thursday-Corset
Dept. Second Floor
Madeline Corsets Made of
imported coutil and fancy
broches; walohn filled. Spe
cially priced Thursday, to
' Nemo Corsets
Made ot fine quality count
lightly boned, low top, with
rubber gusset above the waist
line. Long hip with tour gar
ters attached; sites te) ff
i: to 30. Price... Pa&eUU
Comfortable and Stylish Corsets
With medium top, long skirt, with wide
graduated front steels; two hooks at bot
tom of skirt; reinforced over abdomen.
Sizes 20 to 3G. Exceptionally dji A A
good values, at pl,UU
1 A A l
close out. iniB
We Give You Advance Notice
Millinery Sale
To Be Held
Iu which new-high records for value-giving
will be established. Watch tomorrow after
noon's papers for full particulars. Every
woman will be interested because the sale
will not be limited to one or two particulars, but
will take In many lines of millinery trimmed and
untrlmmed also plume and children's Hats at
prices that you have never beard of before.
Sale Wavy Hair Switches
tural Wavy
.::!:. $5.98
20-lnch Triple Stem Natural Wavy
Switches, $6.00 val
ues, at , . ,
34-lnch Triple Stem Natural Wavy
Switches, $10.00
ues, at...,
These Two Numbers We Guarantee for ONE TEAK
FYora Date of Purchase.
We specialise Hair Dressing, Shampooing and
Manicuring. Appointments by phone.
Women's Fine Dress Shoes I
. &
Footwear of highest excellence in style as well as in service value.
Soft patent kid foreparts; satin de laine tops, gaiter pattern; ffl
Louis heels; hand-turned soles; plain toes. All sizes and all
widths, shoes that compare favorably with footwear selling
usually at $T.00. Our price, Q PS Gj
rn 'i i ci 5
unuaren s onoes
Women's Tan Calf Shoes
Worth Up to $5.00 a Pair
Splendid, serviceable ehoes. Good styles for win
ter wear. All sties, A limited lot only, and for
that reason the price la about half ot actual value
Special Thursday, per &n OC
pair 9edas3
Very Special Values Thursday
One let of shoes, sixes 6 to 8 only, la patent
leather with cloth, dull kid, red or tan kid tops;
hand-turned soles; nicely made and finished.
Shoes worth $1.49 a pair; on sale GO
Thursday at. pair eVOC