J Hi: HKK: OMAHA. TllTi.SPAY. (KTOHKK 29. 1014. BRIEF CITY NEWS ICascarets For I AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA CoStive BOWelS, jiiy Morning Fire Disturbs Oecu- Headache, Uolus ttt W. Bedford for state senator Aiv. ot. for W. C. Crosiy for eoronar. .V1 Lighting rixtnras, lliirRcss-Orsmlen Co, riaslity Storage and Van Co. Douff. 838. Have Boot Frlnt It Now Bfayon l'rc-ss. j Oaorga A. Mafntr for County Attorney ; Advertisement ' B. J. Maddsn for Tolt.-e Masutiatc. j Advertisement, j Tot for Thomas W. BlacMmra, for ; congress Advert ' sen-.cn t. oto for Oto. E. TurUnstcn, of deed Advertisement. Tot County Trtasurer W. C'rt a l'l-cent I ox new. Tm 1 !:.o iv "'. "ill - tin- I ciiil.K he, M!-j loi:sn-f. mi i(.-otin. tin- slrk. sour stoin i: h ::r 1 I .i 1 i oIi!.' turn tlitin out tonislit i-i'.l kw;i tin ;n out v. i t li Cnsi-aiet. Million. , o.' t.u-:i ai.'l women lako 1 l::s nrrt 11 iv r.ml tlic:i aivl new-.- Know pants of Htnnon Building. ARTKOTTER NOT ASSAULTED !Mrctlie, t pan latrMlaatlon, Ad vanre Theory of llrjirt I'allare, Allhoaah loss of Mairr nt l:iltilui1. I 1 1 10 ini 1 register j F- 1 liv.' i lie a. v la now treasurer. Aavertlspmenl. Tots for Frank Dswcy, rounty c-U-r'. now f ervin3 first term. n--cot ti'm . Advert'sement. Bsaatiful AU Modarn Homes Tor Sala ' on the easy payment plnn. Hnriiirrs Rralty Investment Co. Thone Iug. "Today'i Compltt Movie FrorramB' classified section today, and appear In. The Bco EXCLUSIVELY. Kind out whnj the various moving picture theaters oftcr Valuable Binfa Stolen Bui slurs stole two ladles' diamond rings, valued at ; SJjO. from the home of Gcurse M. Van Camp. 2102 Douglas street. Monday night. Oil Beater for Folia Twenty-four t oil heaters have born secured ly tl'.' J election commissioner to wjrm the u-w 1 vacant rooms which will ic useg ns pou lug places In some precincts whore '..out .1 buildings aie not available. Wants Mala TyyewrHera The United States civil service comn.iluri.ui rn- nounee that It ha3 been unublc to sup- , rly ths demand for ina'e Fenosa.lir and typewriters In the I'nlteO Ptatcs government service, cspei Inlly at Wart- ; ington, D. C. I ! Saloon Keeper But a Mrs lCfuinu BIU1; lias brought suit for $10.0.10 against Va.- ' lav llambek, a South Omaha saloon en. 10'. by c !aiy er or un ttpsot Fttini.'i. h. tvin'l put in another I'.ny of distress. Let l',i!'arc:. lc:itiM- jour "-tonii'li: re move lb" ;:.viv. tVi 1111 ii n lood; '.:l.e the fir;s 1 lie (nil our lir ami c-.-rry 00'. nil t'i? p, .11 to trr liou i If., lnr.l jU M ? Il.lt. r- A fire broke out In tno Hannon build In;: Just north of tv postofflc early Tuesday morning, cientl is dnmauc estl Hinted nt M. and ng tnted to . con- Miii :!i I wast.- t i:it;-r nnd ', u "' uegree tne tn. 1:11s 01 nuua bouils Tiir.i jou i" leil,"1' I lie fire started in 1 t ile of inhbisli in list night Aboi.t fifty guests were pres ent. Mr. Hopkins has been the superin tendent of the Ieflcl Memorial Sunday School for the last sixteen eis. Mis. Hopkins ami son leave toniuM for their nem home near Hasting". Neb, but Mr. Hopkins will remain for a few weeks longer. The filendai In meeting last night ! presented Ihi m with twj beautiful wall Thursday. 1 i,tnlwr .V All members ar plctcre. reiiuestecl to lw present. Maarle Hr t.osslp. I Office spate for rent In l'.ee of Hoe. 2'H lelnK reported. The ladles' Aid soiV of St. Luke's Lutheran church will meet at the home of Mrs. L. O. Mewlns at S'H V street on Miss Luella Andi-rson. assisted by Mer tha Clgrk Hughes, lr. Jennie Callfas and SiKiniind lanilsberg will give a musical at the First Methodist church Thursday evening, October 7. at t o'clock. Kvervone h Invited t attend. A big dam-Inn partv will be given next Saturday night at th Kagles' home by the Kiigla drill team. houth Omaha Camp Hfr Modern Wood, men of America will glva a snoker and card party Thursday evnlng nt Odd Fellows' hall. Twanty-thlrd and M streets. All members are Invited. A C:se:i.e; t.'.i j 1 tiui liten . yu by inoinins. Tli-y ci -.h:le - t t-!ec; A C-i e.t l-n fi.11 io" dll'f? i t ile ineiins a co.ir lu'd. fvn, .-to:.i:n'- and 1 icin. healthy liver r.i-.d lowcl ain for mo-v.l'.s. Chr.i'i i :i In ti.ey newv ..ipe o rent. "Buy It in Omaha." Rotary Club Slogan! "Bu' it In Omaha." i tlie week'a p'ugan : for t e Omaha Untary rluh. us nnnounced I In the call ! jr t'.ii.". voeVs T-iceti".S. wh fh will be a Hi'loweVn illn.-.cr nt t';- Hor shaw this evenim'. ill Ciai ke. wi'l ho; t hairui.in. and the s-penl.ing musts will' tie Hairy Lnudrr upd "o'toJ Uoh" 1 Manlcy, co:ntii!fioner of the Commercial : luh. ! out ' rear of the boiler room and crept i", tiirougli the floor Into the Hrunswlck l i.llard pallor conducted by Harry Leo pold. The flic department arrived a few Ciif .-.M( , because ! r.iu . ine uiarin e.au ueen iiirnen i eken - Advi v.Ipo- ' '" nl foon had the Hie under control j ;TI:c tenants evldenlly had secured some wind of the disturbance and whin the j department srciied not a single ocmpniit j was left In the upper rart of the building. llrnrt I'nllure. ol Aasaolt. Chief of detectives Shenhan and l'e- lei'tlie Leplnskl report after ln cntlgat- lrg the Ocxth of Heay Artkotter. that, death was not the result of an ciif-uult 1 ArtitoCer la . iid to have mumbled j ijown a stalrcnse to ;l icar of 2."!1 vj nrcet. from which pine he was carried 1 to the pround tb.nr by Joe and John , Pierba and J:m Mcrtliit. Dr. Koutsky j was called and after dressing the man's wounds he was removed to his home. l-l-a .all for Ihn 'nnnliiiP ulSo Stnles thtlt three men in the " -- - ""i- l uve be?:i e'ec te.L ruscd 10 hav d""'1 rrom lieH, t f'' ir' 1 an ins ineiKjM .iaie inoi ne na.i rum- une'er . n- spoclul , rule, newspaper profession to nienibernhlp. ' They water, eflinr of The are 'Victor rti.se- Bee. William H 1 one man from e.n h buslm tion In the city. ciassif.ea- MRS. FLOSSY STANLEY ASKS DIVORCE AND MAIDEN NAME keeper, whose alleged Miles of II tuor to her husband, Joseph, she declares have ! Watsnli, managing editor of the World- j made him Incapable of supporting her Hern'd. nnd John W. Kurt, business ' and two chlliiren. ! Asks 93,000 Damagas ll.larlo Oballe says he was struck In the head by a ; Piece of sewer pipe tossed to him hy his i employer, James Jensen, and that he suffered a bad headache and other ef- t fects trom it. His suit for $:i.O0' damages j has been brought to trial In district j court. Osnaral Barrlss Oo to CUioago Ocneral Harries., president cf the electric light company, has gone to Chicago, where he will attend the annual meeting of the American Association of Llcctricnl 1 Hallway .Engineers. For years he has ! been a member of the association and has j served as president. Coa Man Bant to Jail Two a'.leged confidence men arrested Tuesday by l'laln Clothes rolicomen Dudley and .McDonald, were ilispoaed of by Actinj I'oltce Magistrate Charles W. Biltt in short order. A. W. Williams was given cixty days In the county .lull and Charles Morris was given a suspended sentence of sixty days. Wants Wires Out of Way II. W. liurnum. the liousemovcr, who Eecured a peremptory writ of mandamus against the electric light company recently, has now filed a similar suit against the street car- company. Alleged refusal of th 1 companies to move wires so that Barnum : could move a house aero?s a street Inter' lection led to the suits. Asks Bsarj Damage An amended petition, asking for ?20,000 damages for alleged false and defamatory tatters said to have been written by the Fuller & Johnson Manufacturing; company of Omaha, has Vii,fTiea 'oTstrlrf Tonrr plained cm several occasions of Jains In the heart. No explanation has been given as to ' manager of the News. The notary dub's , l"e """ ur"lp -'" .lr r,,l.- .H.nlt. to memhersl.l., only d"nd m!U1 ' PP""" "VO hod Upon iiih ci.-uii, "lit 11 iea iiik 1111 mm? Sunday morning. 1-uneral prrvlcts will I be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday from 'the home of the mother, Mrs. Mary Knuckle si, Tiventy-flift nnd Madison street. Interment In laurel Hill ceme tery That her husband. Leon.il Stanley went downtown and never returned to ' rf-c-p.,n her and that be has r. fus;d to speak 1 A farewell reception was iendrei .Mr., to her. 's 0 le.!ed in Mrs. Klon'sy Stanley's,1!. U. Hopkins nnd family at the p.omo of petition -for divorce .lunt filed in district Hev. I. W. Henderson. 1.V9 Madison street court. , lhe naks for restoration .of her maiden name of Ftiniioff. - - . - - Judge Sears bus granted a decree of , divorce to Mrs. Anuia V. 'illams from Charles T.. who did iut appear t ,1c- fend the suit. S'.ie was awarded 3! permanent alimony. GUILD IS FARING WELL WITH DAYTON BOOSTERS John M. CJuild is di ivt.. a ids new auio mobile In D.iylon. o., wh?rc he went a year ago to lake charge of the Greater Dayton association, lie also has a large .new home of white stucco on the heights i A pert card photograph of the home hat ! come to the Commercial club in Omaha Mr. Guild says that he ia happy with his automobile. "Drove sixty odd miles yes terday." he says, "had dinner in the woods and cooked it r.iyeelf." Diseased Blood Calls for Help Nature's Willing Worker are Always at Your Service. by Hobert' F. I'luinb:' He was n rnrmbor-1 8'ven . by ' th Commercial rlub. This is COMMERCIAL CLUB TO GIVE FELLOWSHIP FEAST , MMn.mii i,nn 1,. h.! Jf frt'm- Klmples. bolls or worse- , " " , ... , ! ye'r safemard Is P. P. S.. tae famoq of tl-e school board nt Tcnnent, la., last year, and was authorized to. buy an on ltie for a school house, when the local firm's sieged letters were written. Germans Admit French Air Scout : Work is Hfectivejfs one of the features of entertainment the entertainment committee has in mind at present. This matter, together with that of entertaining the Nebraska Teachers p.ext week, were consldend at a meeting. Positively Mtin I roan- Foley's Honey and Tar Compoundrcuts the thick choking nucus. and chars away the phlegm. The gasping, strangling breath- Harold Berg, j Mess, Mich., writes: "We glvo Foley's IXiNPON.' Oct. 2S. The correspondent I Honey and Tar to our children for croup of the .a.llv Mail In Tarla in a .dispat"h and it alwaj s acts qi.hkly." No wonder a to his paper, give.-, a copy cf the German ! man ln'Te.as walked IS miles to tne store order on avoiding aeroplanes. It ays: U0 get a bottle of Foley's Honey and "ActorcJInr; to t,ho. report of aeroplane Tar Comroupd. Lvery user Is a friend. -Advertisement returned, hc lieen drilled by the Louis ville An enean AscHuton club. - I . observers- our troops are vei y easy t ) dealers -crywhero cliKcnver In spite it their nray uniform", -lcaue- of the density of 'heir form.i- j tion. while the French know --how (o Marks to l.onlm llle. pr.ite. themselves erfectjy from aerial pitcher Kr-d Marka of the Jiloom.iiKtnn rucontmiasance. j.Three I leatue . tai:i. who was sold During n flrlit ..ur Irnnri must make' earlle,- ill t. summer to Cleveland and use of ihe nnirow files among trees, al the edges of villages and near th shelter of houses, avoiding mass, form 1 Hons. Above all absolute stillness must be maintained in exposed places. At th .approach of an areoplane all move ment should cease and It is also necrs sary to avoid ull movement of batteries' when areoplar.es aro surveying A single j nun moving will betray a battery. There j t-hould tlto be no firing, for the flash of a gun betrays its position to the uir ! fc'iuadror.s. j "The success of the French artillery,' which has caused such marked losses, is due first to their quickness in determin ing the ' position of our batteries. To equal them It Is necessary that our ub servatlor.a should be pushed l te theirs far in advance of the lines by men -f good courage wli ar. not afraid of sharps!. roters." blood purifier. It Is always lined up to attack diseased blood. And It always d-es the work. It does the work after disap pointment, after alleged specialists, mer cury, Iodides, strychnine, arsenic and otlur destructive drups that have reapd a har rest of mistakes and left a host cf Invalids guessing as to what 1 1 to Come. 8. 8. 8. Is not such a drug a.i tbe cupidity or ig norance of msn would be able to produce. It Is Nature's wonderful contribution to our necessities. It is wonderful because It ren not be Imitated ; ran not be made any other way than to assemble Nature's prod ucts and produce what a host of men know as 3. 8. 8., the world's greatest medicine. There are people everywhere that had an old (ore or ulcer that defied all the snivel known. And yet B. R. 8. taken into the blood J-ist naturally put Into that old sore tbe ele.rats that made new tissue, new Besb, and covered It with a new costing of healthy skin. Get a bettle ef 8. 8. B today of any dmggest and be en the wt to perfect Wood health. Hut beware ot substitutes. For special advice consult tht medical department. The Bwlft Specific Co. TS Fwlft Pldg., Atlanta, Oa. It Is tree and baa helped a multitude. . Death List from Mine Exnlosion . . is About Fifty ; ROTALTON. v. 2M.-Forty-even ' bodies had been recovered at 8 o'clock this mcmlng from the inle of tU .Franklin Coal and Coko company. that was wrecked by a gas exp'o.kn yer'.crday. All but two or three ft the miners who entered the workings yesterday morning have been definitely accounted for, and ' If these perished the death lint w II total ' fifty or fifty-one. In an effort to al'evlite the hysteria nhich has been seneral among tl-e women and children, the coroner haj barred all relatives o( the d"ad from the two temporary nioria.- . The state mln.- lni-s-c tor's in.festiaa-. tion into the rautrs and responsibility for the disaster wl.l not '...fil l until the ht't body has be-n len.ov-d,, from H.j mine, according to a stateni-nt of the super intendent of the bureau of mines. The .coroner's iai.est -vas tegup tuduy, , 9 4"-- '-v.- r -rfTJF?. Sit, stand, stoop or run- You will forget you have Springlcx on. The spnng-needie knit fab ric is elastic and form-fitting. Try a Union Suit. $1 up, at your dealer. K. SMITH & CO., Distributers. bs. kVy Tbe Best Palis killer. Bui klen's Ai nc 3 -Salve when applied to a cut. bruise burn, scald, etc.. removes the pain: get a bo. Lie. Ail drujUts. . Advertisement. Oaktaad Grfa Rsdntwla. The A-ikland club of the Pac flc Coast! league has signed Plicher Harry tuiip. mm, a full-blooded Plutx Indian. 19 yearj kid, right-IiMidcd and cross-eyed. Do you want a job? II' you. will lva.l Tlw HcVa "Help Wiintcd" colujiitls every day you will soon find the rie;lit f. r yourself. It in your own fault if you haven't got a ratisfactory position. liKAI) AND HUX. Telephone Tyler 1000 The Omaha Bee Everybody readi Bee Want Ada !5?Store Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M. B u rgess-Nash Gompany. 'everybody's store" AVrtlnctday, Htnlor H, lH4 STtUlK M-.WS HK Till HsAY riiciiio Itoiiiflaa l5". Heres a Sale of Women's and Misses' Coats, Suits aid Or esses That for Style, Quality and Real Value Giving Will Stand Comparison With Any Offered Elsewhere WK want you to make a test of that statement make the comparison yourself. We know what the result will he. Von '11 huy your ready-to-wear here, where thorough satisfaction stands hack of every sTiinnent sold. There is no need of an elongated story of how, where nnd why we are nhle to offer such extreme values. Suffice to say that everything is hero exactly as represented and that we consider the offering of the most unusual importance. PRETTY CLOTH DRESSES 0s WE con s i d e r them extreme values, hoaut i f u 1 new models made of fine all wool serge in combina tion of satin and velvet. Ilie colors are brown, navy and green, also black. You'll agree they'r p nu final values when you see them. Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits S500 Km bracing the season's most favored styles, including the popular Kedingote coat, made of splendid winter weight materials of the most desirable sort. Plain tailored and trimmed with fancy braids. The colors are brown, plum, green and navy; also black. NEW SILK DRESSES $11 ff50 eh ft i mm CHARMING lit tie creations that you'll find very pleasing. Made of high g r a d o crepe de chine, iu the new blouse and tunic skirt style. The colors are navy and brown, also black, very desirable for afternoon wear and very unclal values. Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats STlrfnOO There is certainly a style in the material and color to please you, for the variety is varied to the extreme, in eluding the college coat, as well as tin? more convention al models. Beautiful mix tures and plain cloths; sizes for women and misses. The colors are the most favored shades for winter. Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats $J coo There are moro then twenty five of this season's different and distinctive styles from which to choose. Made of im ported mixtures and broad cloths, superbly tailored and finished throughout. There are all sizes for wo men and misses, and the sea son's best shades are represented. Women's Sealette Plush Coats 95 Genuine Saltz Sealette plush, lined with a guaranteed satin in pretty contrasting shades and beautiful de signs. Made with storm flare collar; sizes 36 to 48. We consider these coats the best values in the city at tho price. . Burs-ass-Hash Co. Beooad noor. ECONOMY BASEMENT SALESROOM Extraordinary Sale of Women's and Misses' (lO Coats About s Regular Price GOOD warm coats, made up in novelty, cloths, broadcloths, mixtures, periane cloth, chinchilla, etc More than .r)0 from which to select. They are not right up to the minute in style, but full of warmth and service anil at about one-third of the regular price. Four groups: $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 and $6.95 Here Are Tailored Suit Values You Can Not Duplicate A hiltUMJ statement, we admit, but we are ready to back it up to the 1 . very letter. Three groups: Women's $12.50 Tailored Suits for $7.98 They're made of plain serge, in blue or black, new long style coat finished with velvet cuffs and collar, full satin lined. The skirt is yoke style and trimmed with velvet buttons. Jtegular $12.50 values. sale price Thursday $7.98 Women's and Misses' $19.50 to $25.00 Tailored Suits, $12.98 THKY'RK all latest styles, beautiful in style, material and color efforts. Made In a va riety of fine materials. Broadcloths, fancy weaves, serge, etc., in all me most desirable shades. Regu lar $19.50 to $25.00 values, at Women's Skirts, Worth $4.50, in the Sale Friday at $2.98. A remarkable line of new- skirts, made plain or tunic style, of serge, shepherd checks, diago nals, mixtures, t-triped materials, etc.; wide .se lection of splendidly made garments, mostly black and navy blue. Thursday Women's House Dresses at 98c Made of good quality percales and glngbanih, to pretty stripes and checks; all colors; finished with stitching, rick rack and embroidery trim mings; all sizes 34 to 4, special Qn Thursday, at, each iOC $2.98 Jersey Top Petti coats; $4 Values, at $n 98 Silk Jersey top petti coats with silk messa llne flounce; color, navy, brown, green, taupe, midnight blue, emerald and tbe red shades. A lot of two hundred to choose from; regular $4.00 values at ... $1.98 Women's $15 Tailored Suits, $9.98 Latest styles, made of serges, fancy weaves and mixtures, in a splendid selection of new styles; good range of colors; positively worth $15.00, Thursday, choice, at $9.98 Women's 75c Lawn Waists, 49c Good quality, plain white with roll col lar and trimmed with lace; several pretty styles. Regular 75c At values, Thursday .'..4"C 75c Black Sateen Petticoats, 49c' Splendid quality, made with 12-ir.ch pleated flounce, regular 75e Mt quality. Thursday -.4i7C. Silk Messaline Dresses, $5.98 Made basque style, trimmed with white pique collar and cuffs and finished with pleated over skirt; blue, brown, black, green and purple, 5.08 Wool Serge Dresses at $6.98 Splendid quality and very pleasing style: wool serge, trimmed with braid, wide girdle, Rus sian tunic; blue, black, brown and green, at SG.Vb t aBurgess Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harneyi