Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Boitrom Sayi Registration Board
Trying to do Bight Thing.
Mtlfore Ma Proheblr Fitillr
Jarre Wkti Adtmobllf Col.
tiers Wltk Baiter
(From a 8taff Corrrspondsnt)
LINCOLN. Ort .;.-( Special. )-Dr. A.
Bostrom, bead of the stallion registra
tion department, dcnl that thero la any
effort on the part of himself or the
made by men who are unable to put
talllon registration board to make It
hard for any breeder of homes to do
business In Nebraska and sayi that the
whole agitation against the board Is
across certain things which the strict
rules of the board prohibit them from
doing. The stallion registration law was
enacted, according to Dr. Bostrom. to
protect the farmers of Nebraska from
bplng Imposed upon by breeders of horses
who were not caret il in their buying
and who frequently brought unsound and
diseased horses Into the state.
The law had ha.i U-ndency to hold
that sort' of fellows down and prohibit
the unsound horses of states which had
a defective law or no' law at all from
being shlrped Into Nebraska. In the
mind of the doctor no one is raising any
fuss or objection .to the law who owns
sound animals, or do people object seri
ously to the examination when their ani
mals are found unsound who really want
to do a business which will bear investi
gation. Hurt In AV Accident.
As a result of a collision of an auto
mobile with a bufcgy Just west of the
city limits Charles H. Bates of Mllford
was probably fatally Injured last night
and L. E. Daniels of the same town
slightly Injured. Th etwo men had Just
left Lincoln and In attempting to pass
a horse and buggy driving In the same
direction the automobile collided with the
rear wheel of the buggy and turned
turtle. ... i
Mr. Bates, who was driving the. auto,
was thrown from his seat and sustained
severe Injuries about the head and his
chest was crushed. Mr. Daniels was
thrown under the car. but was rftore for
tunate. The buggy was being driven by
Jacob Streclieckcr, accompanied by his
son and daughter. The former was
thrown from the buggy several feet; while
the daughter was al?o thrown out The
son whs thrown entirely over the horse s
head. The horse wrfs knocked down and
Injured so that ho Siad to be killed.
Mr. Bales is maniser of the f-liogo
Mthia company at Mllford. having been
with the company about two years.
Fights With Bartender.
TN U McLaughlin, a Havclock saloon
kcerr. who bas been In severe financial
troubles for some timo, hot Into a fight
with his bartender last night, from whom
he liml Corrowed some money, and as a
losult of the altercation is very, badly
h.Jured. The bartender, J. J. McNeil.
c;ime to Lincoln this morning and p.endcd
guilty to assuult before Justice L6ve ar.d
puld a f ne of 5 and costs, but it Is said
tta; as soon as McLaughlin Is able to
appear McNeil will be again arreetcd n
a more serious .charge.
rfo IIcv Baby
is World's Vcndcr
ImproTeri Vainly Inrite Them to
Discnu School Politics.
Prealdeiwt LmimIi, Apele.lslasji la
. rn'inresl that "ontehwdj, !(
time, Isnrwtrr, Toll Him
Wnmea Wanteal Talk.
Nary a lsdye fsrrs trim need of the
; urgent tnvliatlon to attend the Field
I Club District Improvement club meet-
I Ing Tuesday night, albeit flamboyant an-
Every tiny Infant make M pfr-" "ounwrnents read thM :.ey would be
necUva wider and brighter. And what- there In numbers to hear school board
ver there Is to enhance It arrival and politics discussed.
to ease and comfort the expectant mother "Where did I get the Idea that the
should be given attention. Among the i1. !
real helpful things t. an external ab- d !. , i ! T, , . I
nominal amplication known aa "Mother's PllUveIr queried resident F. P.
Friend." There is scarcely a community Loomls. "Somebody toll n-e they wanted
but wnat has Its enthusiastic admirer of to come. I heard It somewhere. Home
this splendid embrocation. It Is so well
thought of by women who know that most
drug stores throughout the United State
carry "Mother's Friend" as on of their
staple and reliable remedies. It Is applied
to the abdominal muscles to relieve the
train on ligaments and tendons.
Those who have used It refer to he
J2"lEZ,2l m three dys of suffra '
refer to the absence of nausea, often so ,
prevalent as a result of the natural
expansion. In a little book are described
more fully the many reasons why
"Mother's Friend" has been a friend
Indwd to women with timely hints, sup
gpstiens and hHps for ready reference, it
should be In sit homes. "Mother's Friend-
msy be bsd of almost ssy driicrlst. hnt It
you rail to nnd it write us direct ana at
Udy suggested It. Who was It? t do not
know. Perhaps I should apologise to the
club, but really"
"That's why I came," said W. 3. Cor
nell menacingly "I understood the
women would be here and tell what they
know about the school board politics
"Ahem mm in. Err rr."
Subject ot Rannetl.
Still, the subject was not taboo and
the men did very well In the discussion
ot It. W. F. Baxter t-ald the citlien's
slate should be elected. He thought con
ditions on the board warranted a change.
There Is a certain dissatisfaction with
write for book to Brsdfleld Kcculatar Co- some of the nrmpnt members, and one
43 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Gs, of t. ,.,. aUtp WH, pllt on a
concession to this fentiintnt," he de
clared. I Mr. Connell had not gone Into the mat-
rt 1 j "p t, 4- ter but uKKeeted thit there m.ght He
U1UD Ob JJOrCllGSLGr two sides to the esse. "There usually
is." ht said, "and It occurs to mo that
DORCHESTER. Neb., Oct. 2.-Spe- 1 lf tner0 hM beel' nwbordlnallon It
clal.)-A Commercial club with 107 charter ,hmjld not 'oered. I may be Incor
members, about half of hlch number are reot but It seems to me that loyalty Is
farmers about here, has been organised at on of lne entlJ managing schools
Dorchester as well as other institutions."
Organize Commerce
North Platte Will ,
:; Have New Hospital
NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Oct. 28:-tt;pe-cial.)
The Good Samaritan honpital has
Just been oreanlred In this city, the or
ganization being under the auspices of
the Episcopal church of this city. Dean
Bowker ill ue chairman of tho execu
tive ommlttfc and general manager. All
other hospitals now being conducted In
this city will bJ closed with the excep
tion of the homeopathic hospital. The
new organisation will be under thecon
trol of several committees of theEplsco
pnl church, and It will be a general hos
pital In every sense of the word. The
new organization hss leased the building
heretofore occupied by the Rltner hotel.
It will be entirely overhauled and
equipped for Its new use. Miss Pearl W.
Larson pf Om- wln me an1 ct 8"
head nurse. It is expected that'the new
hospital will be open about November 16.
Hotn frees Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. S.-(8peclal.)-Farm
Demonstrator LJebers Is arranging
(or an excursion party to probably 600
Gage county residents to visit the state
farm on Novermer 4. Those dealrinsj to
make the trip can leave Beatrlct In the
morning, spend the day at the farm and
return home In the evening. :
At the opening session of the Uennontte
nftronu Tuesday reports were read
and routine business transacted. Tho
speakers at the evening session wer
Revs. Relnlifcrt Wiebe. Micnaei iuen
and Oustave Harder.
Emery W. Lyman died suddenly Tues
day at the home of his daughter. Mrs.
V. W. Moore, aged 7 years. The body
... t.k.n in Holdrece. Neb., for burial.
Congressman C. H. Sloan will make a
campaign through CTage county nexi
Friday, arriving In Beatrice In the even
ing, where he will deliver an address at
the Paddock opera house,
inn., pmtwrton Tuesdav granted a
decree of divorce to Dora Phillips from
P. Phillips.
It Is the IntenUon of the club to take Not Political i inn.
UP all matters pertslnlng to the best In- "This Is not a political club," con
terests of thetown and surrounding coun- tlnued -Mr. Connell. "And naturally
try, svernl special matters being now each of us will decide the matter hlm
under consideration, among which are the elf."
betterment of roads, construction of a . And no endorsements were made,
modern hotel building, a municipal Ice- "Tn newspaper men will please take
house and the Improvement of the present not that we have not endorsed anybody
telephone exchange and service. :'or any ' ticket," said President Loomls.
.. . . .. "We've Just been getting Information."
DECREASE IN POPCORN Mr. Baxter commended Member A. C.
ACREAGE OF NEBRASKA : up for re-election, although not on the
I citizen slate.
LINCOLN, Neb., Oct 28. (Special.)-1 "Mr. Kennedy is a man of many good
Popcorn growers of Nebraska planted qualities and has done many things de
2,063 acres In 1314. according to the re- serving of credit" said Mr. Baxter. "He
ports of the precinct assessors, tabulated has many friends, too, but we believe
by the Nebraska State Board of Agrtcul- his policy on the board excluded him
ture. Last year the acreage was J.799. from the endorsement of the group that
the decrease being 73S acres. brought out this ticket"
Valley county leads In the production' Mr. Baxter said he and Mr. Halleck
of popcorn. In 1913 the acreage was 870, Rose and the others who "grouped the
this year 683. Knox county Is a . close eight candidates on the citizen's ticket,"
second with 604 acres this year, as did not pretend to think for all voters,
against 734 last year. Greeley county but Intended merely to do a public
planted 21 acres in 1914. 274 acres in 1913. service and help In a way to get able
Conditions in these counties. It is sa)d, men who would give efficient service as
are Ideal and the crop ripens without school board members,
artificial drying. j This was the first meeting of the club
i in several weeks. The only business
GETS NEARLY $50 APIECE j brought up besides the discussion by
Clin PUni CDA DOnnC UnrC!Mr' Baxter ttnd the impromptu anwer
run UnULtrtA rttUUr Mr. Connell was the question of
1 whether or not the Field club policeman,
SUPERIOR, Neb., Oct. 3S.-(8peclal Tel- maintained at the expense of the resl-egram.)-Albert
Smith of near Cadmus, -dents, could keep walks clear of snow
today sold a large number of Red Sov- this winter and do other little Incidental
crelgn boar pigs at an average of nearly vJob,. KtnaUy )t w joclded to reTer
$50 apiece. The hogs had been plaoed In to a committee the matter of hiring a
pens wtlh otters Infected with cholera; mha to shovel snow and allow the
and stood the test successful!. policeman to confine his efforts U pollo-
,,. vd. n, " ( ',1R' Tha lueBtl" i-aUed as to
Annnal Trade. Day, 1 . . .,
SUPERIOR, Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special Tel
egramsSuperior's second annual trade
WomanLoscs Life,
Her Child Its Sight,
in an Oil Explosion
BItlR. Neb.. Oct. W -(Special Tele
gram. 1 Mrs. Pine Carter, Jr., was so
terribly burned by a kerosene explosion
at her home In North Blair this morning
as to cause her death a few hours later,
and her -months-old baby was so badly
burned that It cannot recover. A. Carter,
the woman's husband, was In Burt
county at work, and Mrs. Carter and child
stayed all night with his slater. Return
ing to the homn, Mrs. Carter emptied
coal oil from a can Into the cook stove
to start a ftte. It Is supposed that a
grate of hot coals had remained from the
evening before, causing the explosion.
Mrs Carter was unable to give any
clear explanation of the accident. The
baby was In a carriage near the stove.
Just as the mother had left It while she
started to build the fire. The child s
eyes were so bsrily burned that the sight
Is gone. Those who first reached the
woman found her In the yard a mass of
flames, screaming for someone to save
her baby. vx
Cotton Loan Fund
Details Announced
WASHINGTON. Oct. JS-Full details
of the plan for a loan fund to
care for tho surplus cotton crop were
made public tonight by the Federal -Re-serve
board. The board's outline of the
plan was sent to clearing house Associa
tions throughout the country. Responses
are ' expected to reach the board before
the end of the week and officials were
hopeful tonight that the p an would meet
with sufficient banking support to make
Its adoption certain.
The outline differs only In detull from
the previous announcement. The fund
It showa Is to be administered under the
direction of a committee to be known as
the central committee to be composed of
the Individual member of the reserve
board. Actual administration of the
Tund will be under a "cotton loan com
mittee," to consist of W, P. O. Harding,
member of the board, chairman; I'aul M.
Warburg of tho board, Colonel K. M.
j House, Austin, Tex.; A. H. Wlggln, New
York; James S. Alexander, New York;
James B. Forgan, Chicago; Fret us J.
Wade, St. Louis; Levi L. Rue. PMIadcl
phla and William A. Gaston, Boston.
Thero are to be two classes of sub
scriptions to the fund, the first known
as "A" to aggregate $100,000,000 and to he
raised among1 bankers and other persons
or corporations and firms In non-cotton
producing states. Cl.iss "B" subscrip
tions are to bo made by banks or bankers
In cotton producing states.
Warmer Weather
Coming Eastward
WASHINGTON. Oct. 28,-Asmiranee
that today's touch of winter will be
followed Immediately by warmer wea
ther generally throughout the country
was given tonight by tho government
forecasters. Warmth was said to be
moving eastward In the wako of the bit
ing wind that brought freezing temper
atures and killing frosts to the Ohio and
tha "upper and middle Mississippi val
leys. I Maine was the only state where tem
peratures were below freezing tonight
In Greenville, Me., the mercury went
down to twenty-two, and at Portland
, It was thirty.
Tonight's forecast Indicated tempera
tures would be higher Wednesday In
the middle and upper Mississippi ami
; the Ohio valleys and would rise slowly
: Thursday In tho northeastern districts
and the south.
In this connection President Loomls said:
"I bellnvA. with th. 1.1 I. -
dy come, off tomorrow with leading is ekrnln(f h j have been
democratic and republican speakers I no robberle, , ,he FMi cJub
j Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
i i
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Oct 2S. -(Special
Telegram.) In the Cass county dis
trict court Fred Davis and John Pease
pleaded guilty to the charge of highway
robbery from the person of William
Nenstell of one gold watch and $4 In
cash near Elmwood last week. Judge
James L. Begley sentenced them to from
three to fifteen years at hard labor In
the state penitentiary.
tor it is known we have a policeman.
The man's dog found a fellow sleeping
In a comer of the park and tho man
not being able to explain his presence
he was sent to the station."
Mrs. Ilnspa Nelson.
Mrs. Uaga Nelson." aged 88, 2304 Daven
port, Avidow of Kund Nelson, died yester
day. She came to Neoraska in 18ti3. Mrs.
Nelson leaves four children, Mrs. Mlele,
Mrs. Miller and Miss' Anna Nelson of
Omaha and Ben Nelson, with the Cudahy
company, Chicago: also a sister, Mrs. K.
Knutson of Omaha. '
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2S. (Special Tele
grsm.l Frank A. Mlllhouse has been ap
pointed postmaster at Summer, Dawson
county, Nebraska, vice Joseph Ormond.
A postofflce was established at Wlllett.
Arthur county, Nebraska, with Charles
T. Ross as postmaster. Miss Mayme
Duorak of Lincoln wish appointed a sci
entific assistant In the Agricultural de
partment J. F. Chrlsteansen of Water
loo, la., was appointed a clerk In the
Treasury department
The First National bank of Omaha has
been approved as a reserve agent for
Fremont national banks arjd for ths
First National bank of Stanford, Mont
Many Candidates Visit Panes.
POXCA, Neb.. Oct 28. 8pectal. Yes
terday was political day In Ponca. In the
morning R. B. Howell, republican candi
date for governor; Charles W. Fears, can
didate for attorney general: A. O.
Thomas, candidate for state superinten
dent of schools: O. S. Spillman. candidate
for congress, and H. P. Shumway, candi
date for state senator, addressed our po
I le from autos. Their remarks were
listened to by a large and appreciative
audience. In the evening Congressman
Dan V. Stephens spoke on the political
lsues from a democratic standpoint to a
fair-sized audience at ths opera house.
Two Yea re far Attacking Child.
TORIC. Neb., Oct. 29. (Special. Frank
Norrta. who was arrested Saturday night
and placed In the county Jail on the
( barge of an attempt to assault tha 6-
ear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Richardson, who live near Bluevals, was
brought before Judge Coraoran yesterday
afternoon and sentenosd to two years In
the penitentiary.
New Postmaster (or Avoca.
AVOCA. Nsb., Oct. 28.-Speclal.)-8. C.
Hobark has been appointed postmaster
ax Nehanka to succeed J. H. Palmer,
who. has held this position for several
Do Women Realize
That They Will Be Compelled
, To Serve op. Juries
If Woman Suffrage
Carries This State?
Read how seven women in Seattle were obliged to
serve on a jury with five men to try a man accused of
MURDER, the trial lasting three weeks:
77 Stof th Dmilf Tlmm
FriJty Evening. AW. 14, 1913
Peter Miller Jury
Fails to Agree on
Verdict; Discharged
Sevan Women and Frvo Men Deliberate
Twenty-four Hours on Question of
Got It or Innoconca of Accused.
Do YOU want
. Your Wife
Your Mother
Your Sister
Your Daughter,
summoned as Juror?
If the, thought of women as
jurors in Murder trials is repel
lant to you Vote Against Wo
man Suffrage Amendment
PxJUUktd kl Mn. WHiam Font Scott, Find Vkt-PruUtnt -CuiJon
Club OfipoteJ h W otnan Storage.
Aftar Jstborating twenty four hours
without machine a verdict tha Jury before
whom Peter Miller, charged with the mur
der of Hugo McMahon, November 27,
1900, Kas been on trial for the last three
weeks, was discharged at 1 2:50 today by
Judge Mitchell Gilliam. Tbs jury was
of seven, women and ave man.
There's a big, broad reason
Fiohy your new clothes
hould come from this store
jys " "e "" wi"" t&A
Mt 11 ,ia . ' v , 11V. m Ft' t li! . M , ' t .11 . M J t. na.
its?;ir-3r vis . ui i mil mi irw m' j i' nut
WX 111 I i There's the reason in com- X
'I I WfflK' every man that reads-and re- W
There's the reason in com
mon English understood by
every man that reads and re
alized by every man that does his
clothes buying here.
You'll Be More Than Ordinarily interested in the
Suits and 0'Coats '15, J20, $25
If ifroqwiros stylo, value, Mipcr-tniloring nntl rich fabrioH to in
fori'st yon in things to wear, then we are doubly certain that these
displays of Quality Suits nnd Overcoats will prove ns interesting as
the coming election.
Exceptional Showing, Finest
Hand Tailored Suits
A showing that embraces tha
cleverest designed models of the
Keasou-c-tlie most favored fab
rics, wanted rol-$on . $ J
ors ami patterns. 03 10 Ttll
Value and Style Combined in
Quality Overcoats
The distinctiveness embodied in
these coats wiK win your favor
on first sight nnd they'll im
prove as inspec-$OA . $f-A
tion progresses. . Ox IU UU
gift. 16 tb atn?QWARD7y.
1 "ffiUs J
. s I
I - -A Case . i
It s7pSJv oucan 2et tne best beer by asking for 11
ft' . CLKS it.-- Make no mistake; Blatz Beer l
V' v IS admittedly the' finest tasting beer '
It fi4'u rc5vc 'c IS a s'2nficant fact tht tt
' vij feiy every one who tries it immediately 1
1 gjsi . : ' ' . I
vv Tnc besN cafes in yquritown serve it J
f 1 yjf Case in yur nomc mcan$
OjV V that complete satisfaction that HJg
mmm - - nAT'z company I
Omaha real estate is going to take a
jump this fall. Buy now.