14 TITK TtKK; (:,AHA. Til VlXlh Y IKTOKKU '19, VJU. MARIE HIK BACK FROM PARIS SHE DARKENED HER Has Little Difficulty in Getting Out of France. PAlds NO LONGER A OAT CITY Parka of 1-e.aae Flllea with iol ellara Prime Irinre ta II eat Front Meet the Grmaii. Jo Mlk, Burlington psssenr'r dlTCtor, hu rfturafj from New Tork, wtir h went to. accompany home his daughter, WIm Marls, who for the last yer has v bean studying tnualo In Europe, a greater portion of the time In Paris. The war having Interfered with her studies she returns to Amerks and ah will prob ably remain here for acme time. While Mini Mlk waa not In the heart of the war tone ah waa cloae enough ao that ah aaw the results and felt the effect. ald Miss Mlk: "1 left Tarla October U and two day later aalled from Folkaton for Liverpool. From there I went to London and re mained a couple of day, securing pas sag for New York on the Philadelphia. 'Taria li feeling the effects of the war and haa lost moot of Ita gay life. The torn and ahopi, or at leant a great Thany of them, are closed, and I waa told that there waa little business, people buying only t necessities of life. At night the atreeta are dark, few lights burning. Tbla precaution ta taken In or der that the city may not be a mark for the alrshtpe In case they fly over and do sir to drop bombs. At thla time the rlty la really controlled by the women. They, the old men and tint children being about the only people who are there. 1 The young and the able-bodied men have! all fon to war. The hospitals are full I of wounded who have been brought In from the front. Many of the buslneaa houses and public buildings have been converted Into hospitals and are filled with wounded. Espeet Lonsj War. "To French people expert that the War will be of long duration, but feel certain that In the end the alllea will be victorious. They are not dlsoouraged In th least and aseerl that th Germans will never reach Paria. "I had little trouble In getting from Paria to Folkatone, the train service being practically uninterrupted. However, for time It looked aa If I might have aome difficulty in getting out ofHCngland. I waa searched and put through a thor ough examination, physical and mental, th officers seeming to think I waa a German spy. All over London In every park and oa every apot of vacant ground I aaw soldiers drilling and being made ready for sending to trwi front. England Is constantly calling for soldiers end I understand that th most of th young men bad gone to th war. "In both Paris and London you don't hear as much about th war aa here in th United States. The papers print few details and generally It ta not talked very freely on tb atreeta. Th voyage across th ocean waa without Incident, with th exception that all lights on th veaael were out until ws nearly reached New Tork." GtlAY llflm ' A Kan City Lad Darkened Iter (Jray Hair and Ht I mn latent It Growth by a Him pit) Home Process. She TeUs How Mia Hid It. A well-known resident of Kanaaa City, Mo., who darkened her gray hair by a simple horn process, made the following statement: "Any lady or gentleman can darken their gray or faded hair, stimulate Ita growth and make It soft and glossy with thla simple recipe, which they can mix at horn. To half pint of water add 1 ot. of bay rum, 1 small bos of Rarbo Compound and H os. of glycerine. Thee Ingredients can be purchased at any drug etor at very little cost. Apply to the hair every other day until the gray hair la darkened sufficiently, then every two week. This mixture relieves scalp trou bles and la excellent for dalruff and falling hair. It does not stain the scalp, Is not sticky or greasy and doea not rub off. It will make a gray haired person look 10 to 20 years younger." Advertisement Mother Swears Out Habeas Corpus for Married Daughter A mother's complaint that her 17-year-old daughter was married without her consent, although under age, and since th weddlrut eight days ago haa been I rohlbltcd from seeing her parents by woman who gave alleged fals ln . nation to th dark ot th county . i in order to secure a marriage U- its? for tit glrU waa Involved In habeas corpus hearln be for Judjr English In criminal court. Nelll Downing was th subject of the habeas corpus writ Th mother, Mrs. Thomas E. Downing, 1000 Paciflo street alleged that th girl's husband of a wek. H. Victor Whits, tl years of age, an Omaha Box factory employ, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shaw, 1014 Pacific street had conspired to keep tb girt from her areata sine th wedding. The records show that when Mrs. 6haw secured th Uoens for th wedding of th Downing girl and young White, she stated that tb girl was U years of age. The mother asserts the girl Is only IT. and that th marriuge la therefor void. , Pine Ker. C. N. Dawson ot th Wets Memorial Methodist church mar rled th youn folks. October SO, they liav been living with th Shaws. Mrs. Downing declares Mrs. Shaw has prac tically held th girt a priaonr. and haa refused to allow th mother to se her. Deputy Sheriff Foster brought th girl, her husband and the Shaw couple Into court Thirty-Five Omaha Men Have Lost Their Topcoats Recently An epidemic of overcoat atcaling la giving th poll" department no mean amount of annoyance, lnirlnir the Inst fifteen daya more than thirty-five valua ble coats have been stoli-n. mostly from automobiles left standing down-town, but also from front hallways of homes. A woman on Cuming street reported th theft of an Icebox from the back porch; another woman told, ot three rocking chairs being stolen, and' still another complained of doormat larceny. Autolsta tell' of hortia being ' unscrewed, 'of tools being taken and of lamps being pried off. Th following are the overcoat victims of th last two weeks: Ourdon W. Wattles, preaident of th street railway company; W. W. Vmsted of the Western Union; A. I Van Gor don. SM3 Cuming; Dr. Qulgtey, 7Z8 City National bank; II. P. Engel, Tim Far nam; Qlen Hand, Rhenandoah, la.; A. N. Thompson, Omaha; W. R. Clark. Kanaaa City. Kan.; H. M. Mowlnkel. Gretna; J. Pulllon, l North Twenty-third; Arthur Plagel, Union Pacific hotel; L. Walsh, Alvo hotel; Drown Loarr-bsllk, 1211 Doug las; Frank Walsh, Tekamah; Dr. Bhearer XH South Twenty-th'lrd; Lee Davis, rlty hall; Harry Itosenbloom, 424 North Sixteenth; Lurien Stevens, lnot Farnam; two coata from Ilrandeia store auto; H. D. Lanyon, Little Ploux, 8. D. ; T. 8. Farnsworth. Council Bluffs; W. D. Doten. Z713 South Ninth; P. J. Drelbua, 50 South Ninth; T. F. Naughton. til South Thirteenth; Mrs. R. M. Hswes. 802 North Forty-ninth; J. ,W. Murphy, Harry Carpenter, MM North Twenty-elghth: H. M. McCormack, 1408 Spencer; Harry Huntllng. 2116 Douglas; Arthur Trimble, 1102 Howard; H. Rabin. Bushman block; Mrs. O. H. While. Heller apartments:. Frank Dunn, U2 South Sixteenth; Matthew , E wing. MO Capitol avenue; O. E. Oerock, Council Bluffs; W. H. Clan, Kanaaa City. It la estimated that th two weeks of overcoat pilfering has amounted to a loae of over 11.000. DIVORCED COUPLE MAKE UP AND ARE REMARRIED After belne separated from his young wlf for a short time by divorce, John A. Zerb was remarried to her Sunday by Elder Blosh, of the Mormon church. When Zerb secured th license, twr u said to have stated that hla marital dif ficulties were all straightened out and that the paat waa forgotten. He la 25 yeara of age and hia wife, who waa Mlsa Jessie Leach, daughter of M. L. Leach, of South Omaha, is 2J. The city direo. tory states that John A. Zerbe la a Union Paciflo machinist and lives at 610 North Fourteenth street. CARTER LAKE CLUB PLANS BIG HALLOWE'EN PARTY The Carter Lake cmid is planning for a big celebration Friday evening wM.x will be In the nature of a Hallowe'en af fair. Th evening' la aet aside for club members only who will enJov the forts of a tire In the huge grate in the club house and dancing In the pavllllon. Sandwlchee and coffee and dill pick Irs will be served. NO APPEAL TOMIAHA BANKS Fond for Cotton Loan Not Tet Asked of Local Institutions. CAIW0T SEE THE WAY CLEAK Krea shoald Aaaletaare lie Asked Here They InM Whether Any substantial Help oela e titvea. Omaha bankers have not yet received the official appeal frrm the federal reserve board for funds to be used a a cotton loan fund to relieve the cotton situation In the nouth. They have noticed by th Washington dispatches that the reserve board la planning to make a big loan to the cotton growers of the south with money subscribed by the banker throiiKho.it the north Snd the south, the loan to be secured by oot ton In bale In th warehousea of the south. This is to tide the southerners over while they are unable to sell most of the cotton crop In Europe, where they usually market the bulk of It. Local bankers are doubtful aa to wether the local clearing I. one would act favorably on the 'nroMnstllon when It Is finally put up to them. "I hardly nee how we can do It," said T. K Kavis, cashier of, the First Na tional bank. "I doubt very much whether the Omaha bnnkera Will respond at this time. W have had a great many de mands made upon us. We didn't get as much crop-moving money aa we expected, and our first duty Is certainly to tak care of the situation at home, in Nebraska." Henry W. Tales, provident of th Ne braska National bank, aid also that he doubted If jhn.Omahu brinks would re rpond. "V responded to the big gold pool, mndn up to meet American obliga tions In Europe," he wild, "and now we are about to lie asked to come In on this. I hardly bcllove It will be done." Railroad Sleuths Land Big Gang of Boxcar Thieves Officials of the Milwaukee and tne Northwestern believe that they, through their aecret service departments, have broken up a gang of freight car thieves that have been operating on the main lines through Illinois and Iowa for nearly a year. They sprang th trap this week and lit Chicago, Klgln, Sabula, Davenport and Tama City, arrested forty men, all of whom have waived examina tion before United States commissioners and been held to the federal grand Juries of Illinois and Iowa. The men arrested by the secret service officials of the Milwaukee and the Northwestern had their headquarters In Chicago and worked tho lines out ot there, alternating between the two roads. Branch offlcea for the disposal of the loot Is asserted to have been maintained In several Illinois and Iowa cities. None of the. partlea were railroad men, but Instead are aaid to have been members of a regular band of thieves. Officials ot th two roads estimate that the thievery of the gang during the last six months will, aggregate many thou sand dollars. They are said to hav rid den freight tralna out of Chicago and at etatlona along th line and In th coun try opened the cars and to have thrown out large quantlttea of merchandise. It is asserted that the Job that led to the making of the arrests waa pulled off In Tama City. la., last week, where mem bers ot the gang broke Into a Milwaukee car and stole more than 100 automobile Urea. Sample of Pyramid Pllo Remedy mailed free tor trial a Ives quick relief, stops Itching, bleeding or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles, in the privacy of your own home. too a bog at all druggists. Free Hmpla for trial with booklet mailed free Jn plain wrapper. FREE SAMPLE COUPCN PYRAMID DRUO COMPANT . 6U Pyramid Bldg. MarshalLMich. "Kindly send me a Free sample of ryraaua rut nasBMy, in plain Wrapper, Kama Street City.. State wo stropping:. M'CLELLAN GETS LIBERTY . ' ON LEGAL TECHNICALITY Attar being arrested and held ta the Douglas county Jail on th reqaeat of hoortff Frank Noonaa of Dead wood. 8. who bold a requisition on th charg of rabeulement, George D. McClellan haa secured his liberty on a technicality. JU first got a lawyer to start habeas corpus proceedings, but to check that, th looa) authorities arraigned hlrm in Justlc Britt's court on a charg of be ing a fugitive from Justice, n developed that McCleUan'a alleged, arabesxlement from th Spanish War trns ot Dead wood amounted t,, ait . - . is is a i braaka erabexalement la not r.i . I unless th amount exceeds . ao Mc- nujcnargeo. and th writ of habeas corpus was quashed iu district court, as Sheriff Noonaa had ao other charg to bring against th man. MANAGER OF SERVICE OF -MAXWELL CAR IN OMAHA Charles Gould of Detroit Mich., man ager of service of the Maxwell Motor Car company of Detroit. Mich., is in Omaha la tb Interest of the service ds partroent which th Maxwell company aspect ta open la Omaha about Donv Wr L Mr. Gould Is arranging for a lo cation for th aorvloa station in rw.k. at this city haa been selected as on t n fourteen point or enuns which will liav a service Nation. NO HONING fl The t-rlr Bra.il Coaaks. Toy hang oa ail winter U mot chocked, aad pav tb way for serious throat and lung dUeases. Cat a botl of Foley's llouey and Tar Compound, aod take It freely, fctopa oouglia and colds, heals raw Inflamed throat, loosens and phlegm aad la mildly lax.tiv. Cha. T. Miller. Ed. Knqulrer, CanarJton. Ind., had bronchial trouble, got very hoarse, coughed con stantly from a tickling throat II used only Foley Honey and Tar Compound. Was entirely relieved. Wants others to knots- of Foley's Huney and Tar. All The The new Gillette . designed with a thick heavy handle for the solid-framed, athletic chap who chooses all his belong ings to fit the generous size of his hand and heart and now selling fast to men of every build, kind and occupation everywhere See it at your Dealer's $5 and $6 " - CUXETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY, BOSTON Registration of Teachers Starts Here Saturday Registration of achoot tear hers who will attend the Nebraska Kt.t Trli,n' aSKorlstlon meeting next week, will be gin at the rtomn hotel Saturday and continue until November . Treasurer J. F. Matthews of Grand Is laud, who will have charae nf the registration, will clow the booVs Tues day until 4 o'clock, in crder to return to Grand Island to vote. The rulea of th association provide that all resrlatrstlnna shall b In the prexe.v of the treasurer. word haa been received by the local committee from aevernl cltlea In Iowa and nearly all of the towns in Nebraska, saying the entire teaching staff will at. tend the meeting on pay, with expense paid. UNION PACIFIC STOPS URE'S TAX SALE OF ITS PROPERTY rending a hearing set for Saturday lornlng, County Treasurer W. O. I're as been temporarily enjoined bv Dis trict Judge Sutton from selling certain teres of property at tax sale. The fnlon 'aclfle railroad la complainant and al 'gea that the aale of the crooertv con cerned will work Irreparable hardship upon It. M'CABE CHURCH MUSICAL A MEMORIAL TO ITS FOUNDER Aa a memorial to Its founder. Mrs. ftarah S. Clark, McCab Methodist church Ti.esday night waa the scene of a very attractive musical concert given by mem bers of the church with some outlde talent. The orchestra of violins, a cell end claronet furnished several specially fine numbers, while two members of the or chestra, Messrs. Hethertnn and Clark, the latter a grandson of the founder, gave some special numbera. Solos were sung by Mrs. Weathers, Miss Pool and Mr. Dlabrow. Mrs. O. M. Entiikln reviewed the his tory of the church, from the day of Its origin ss a small Kbleth school In the heme of Mrs Clark at Thlrty-elxtn 'and Jones ' atreeta, through all the Vicissi tudes of thirty-nine years to the present, when the congregation, atill worshipping In the modest building on Farnam Just west of Fortieth, ia looking to the early erection on the adjoining lot of a large, modern edifice. The present orgnnlxa tlon was effected by Rev. J. W. Jen nings, former prealdlng elder of this dis trict. This building was dedicated el most free of debt In 190.1. It was one of several church structures badly damaged by the tornado, whiMf- proved to be one of those HI winds that blows somebody good, for It fanned Into action a new spirit which Is now aspiring to larger things. " Regional Reserve . Demand Will Not Be Hard on Banks Here The 1 rr cent of the capital and sur plus of the naMonal banks of Omaha, which must be sent to the regional re serve bank at Kansaa City before next Monday will likely not amount to over tino.000 In Omaha, according to the opinion of bankers. The next one-sixth will have to be forwarded In ninety days. The first Installment will probably take something like $1.000. VX out of banks of Nebraska as a whole. Local bankers say the llOn.&se taken out of Omaha at this time will not be felt at all. The demand Is apportioned to the various national banks of the city, so that each on will send Its amount In gold or gold certificates at will during the week. Salts Fine For Aching Kidneys 1 wk miirlt i.i..q( uMrh r.OC T" e-w m" " - - - r- Kidneys, thn llatk hurts nil Illadilcr bothers you. CHICAGO HOUSE MAY BUY OMAHA TAX SALE LOTS Omaha tax sale property to the extent of IRO.flOO worth, may be bought up next Monday by a Chicago concern speciallr Ing In that line of bualnesa, sccordlng to rumoramortg real estate men. and tax sharks. A Mr. Foster of th Foster company of the Windy City la said to be In Omaha preparing to Invest that um of his company's money In the tax sale to be held next week. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and cloRged and need a flushing occasionally, els we have backache and dull misery in tho kidney region, severe headaches. rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleep lessness and all sorts of bladder disorders Tou simply must keep 3-our kidneys activ and clean, and th moment you feel an ache or pain In the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts front any good drug store here, take a table spoonful In a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is msdn from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and is harmless t flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralize the acids In the urine so It no longer Irri tates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Falts Is harmless; Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everybody should taka now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding nerloua complications. A well-known local druggist says h sells lots of Jad Falts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. Advertisement. Phenomenal Bargain-living Sale of Uomen's, Ellen's and Children's Ready-to-Uear Outer Garments Begins Thursday THE SURPLUS STOCKS OF SEV ERAL OF AMERICA'S BEST KNOWN MAKERS BOUGHT FOR CASH AT A BIG DISCOUNT PRICED FAR BELOW COST. : : : : : : : : : MsljaaaassaaseartMiiaainai u OVER $75,000 WORTH OF SPLEN DID NEW GARMENTS- TO SELECT FR0M-GARMENTS WHICH YOU CAN DEPEND ON IN STYLE, WORKMAN SHIP AND FABRIC. : : : : : : The exceptionally warm fall has been the cause of nearly all makers being left with a considerable sur plus on hand which they were willing to dispose of for cash at a discount which permitted the buyer with the cash, bargain opportunities seldom, if ever before etjualed. Our New York buyer, under instructions from us, bought heavily, but carefully, picking and choosing only the best of the scores of most tempting bargains offered. The result: V Throo Great Linos of TAILORED SUITS From Weltman Pollack, 35 West 33d JSt., New York, IVrtTvi T1, ; 1 !."'- 11 tXT.4. ociU oa j rrv i . i a. a lorn tun nau, li HCTl OUIU OU tUUl Ateiliei Ou Felstner, 105 Madison St., New York. Throo Splendid Stocks of From Nat Goldston 26 West 17th St, New York, Levin-Katz, 15 West 2Gth St., New York, and the Windsor Costume Co., 19 West 38th St., New York. Four Romarkablo Stocks of WINTER COATS Meyer & Vessel, Manheimer & Kasse, Shear & Meyer, and Altmanall of New York. . THE SALE BEGINS THURSDAY At 8:30 a. m.,- offering women of Omaha and vicinity values in winter garments of most desirable styles and absolutely dependable qualities never before equaled in any other Omaha store. Garments produced by makers well and most favorably known from coast to coast, at price savings to you of easily. one-half. : :-7 , 250 flew Fall Tailored Suits Made to sell at $15.00 to $20.00, -in choicest Serges and Fancy Suitings, in splendid assortment if mm of most desirable styles and colorings, rK- on sale Thursday in Domestic Room,' at tt UiJ " choice .385 Handsome Fall Tailored Suits $25.00 and $35.00 values in Broadcloths, Serges, Cheviots, Gabardines and Novelties, best satin andk wm m silk linings, broad, assortment of colorsf j and styles, choice Thursday in Cloak Sr 1 L " Department, Secoud Floor fc-3 i PRETTY DRESSES Made to sell at, $10.03 and $12.00; newest styles, all sizes, in silk pop lins, wool serges andC fllT other desirable fabrics,VH sale price Thursday ELEGANT GOWNS AND DRESSES Made to sell upward to $45.00, and in cluding charming designs in evening towns, dancing dresses and afternoon dresses in velvets, crepe de chines, satins,' etc., -.' trimmings alone worth more. . . $10 CHARMING NEW DRESSES To $25.00 Values, in fine silk crepes, chiffon taffetas, satins, serges, etc., in the season's choicest P colorings, broad assort-V 3 1 ment of stvles.; mfjXJ mm m a. - v i i frs n i ' ' t i NnnrtCnmf. I Jintm- lift to ieuriy x? 01 utr' VBi"e8 UP 10 m suaaow pony tiuiiuHwiiiw ksitiiwi wvuia coats, set skin, satin and fur coats, sea lette . plushes, fine astrakhan novelties and tilain rt A4A i-s cloths, in newest colors and styles, in two lots... j)f B3Uv IfcaOU Scores of Other Splendid Bargains Offered Thursday New lots brought forward every day.' AVatch the Ads and windows for garment bargain surprises you'll probably not find duplicated again this season Be hero early Thursday. f A Groat Clearance Sale of Fancy Goods All kinds of Fancy .Needle work Pillow Covers,. Dresser' Scarfs, Center Pieces Pil low Slips, Stamped Towels, Silk Floss, D. M. C. Cottons, Penants, etc. All at'spe- cini Dargain prices. Buy Blankets How When big special purchasea from America's best mills makes It pos sible for us to offer you values seldom. If ever before, equaled. 75c Blankets, else. . . ..IS $1.25 Hlanketsi full slze...S8f 11.75 and $1.98 Blankets, full site SI. 18 $2.50 Blankets, full slze..gl.48 HLAXKKTS AM) COMrXKTKHS $J.OO values at Sl.tM $4.00 values at S2.t5 $6.00 values at 84.8 $7.60 values at...'. S5.18 $10.00 values at $7.-48 $12.50 values at 80.85 $16.00 values at 811.50 Blanket Knhes, wool filled. rexuTar $3.00 values, at 82.18 66c quality Crib Blankets. .45 D. M. C. Cotton, all sizes, on sale Thursday, ball. .... 10 Kinbroldrry Floss, per nkeln, i? I'illuw Tops, special at ir and Onter riere., 25S 50. '98s Pillow C'ortl, per yard 5 Pennants, all kinds, up from lOt Serving Trajn, each 25 Pin Ciifions to 50 Many Other Specialties lu aU Kinds of Fancy (mm. F..EN S FIXE FLAXXEL SHIRTS Manufacturer's surplus stock of gar ments, made to sell at $2.00 to $3.(X), -.all colors, militarj- or flat collars, 100 dozen in the stock, on sale" in two lots, choice...! .$1.45 and 98e BOYS' FLAXKEL SHIRT WAISTS v Garments matle to sell at $1.00 in navy blue, light or dark gray, tans juid olive, military collar style, with buttoned cuff, big assortment, in all sizes, on sale at, each , 49c r.iEti Should take Immediate ad vantage ot the splendid values) we're offerinK iu WINTER OVERCOATS Prod acta of America's best makers and greatly under retail worth. It will pay to INVESTIGATE Haydon's ITlako tho Grocery Pricos for tho Pooplo, Not a Fow Oar Aim la Quality, It Oaaoaa to tha Too aa a-aTtaf of U U H Far Cast oa taa Cost of TATinr. IT lbs. Best Granulatad Sufar. .f 1.00 it-lb. aacas Host tll(H Orada lta mood If. flour, nothing finar fnr bread, ls or cakss, aack....91S 19 bars Uiamond C, Beat F.m All, Lennox. Whits Russian or Laundry 8ueea White laundry 8oap....sA iba Rest White or. Yellow Corn-' . meal for aaa I Iba. HmI Hoi led Braakfaat Oata. . SOe lbs. Choice Japan Hire. SAe 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Hlca, 9c qualliv, for lie Tte Beat Ikocncsttr Mararonl, Ver. . miorlli or tislit tl, pk( to cans Oil Mardlnes tor...! tic I-lba. cana Fancy Was, btrlna. Green or Lama Means TVa I-lb. cana Early Juno Feaa 10a I-lb. rans Kaacy eeet bajfar Corn for 7T....Ho Corn riakes, oka Se Urape-Nuta, pk .....10 llerebey-s Breakfast Cocoa. tb...so Tha Beat Tea HlfUncs, lb IS We Goldea fean toa Coffaa. Ik SOa Baa, vaartaa a Csiiss aKaxkas The beat lYaamery Butter, cavrtoa or balk, par lb 0s Kanry No 1 ountry Creamery But ter, lb 30o Oood Ualry Table Butter, lb aaa I Iba aood Butterlne ao Fancy Table Butterlne, equal to - creamery, lb.. ....,-. sc Full Cream Cheese, per lb Lse IS lbs. Bee Ve4 Bivos Barlj 010 rotasoea e Una sck ... .Me Liemand ! Iba, the law requires it. fancy Holland Seed t abbas e for kraut, lb l Had Ulobe Onions, par lb as bunches Freeh Kadlahes ,a I Beads Fresh Hothouse Lettuce. .Se Iresh fcplnach. per f.eck... lS. Celery Cabbase head. . JS llolhouse Tomatoes, lb "-'."iL, Hothouse Cucumbers. . .Sc.' TUeVia. I stallt, Freh Celery . . ' TH' S? Csrs Cod CranberrUj. uuart! ! ." !rso IT PAYS TliY HADKX'S FIRST IT PAYS- . - Bpactal Tkls Week 3e":rk--