Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    TTTE ftEE: OMAHA, TirKSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1014.
Jeff Couldn't Keep the Rain Off with Omar
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
r " C oamr A C NV tWY r .
G6,,Vi RN.Nt J RUN ftCWJS THE AIN'T SO fcrMi k I Wtot
Tt do vorv f frH& -ofc kvhaK1 cot A cop OPW f CeTi quy I rrjf7
Sl' ' Msit ;
1 I y3rro
Grievancei to Be Aired When Bate
Ball Meeting i Held.
Beard f Arbitration, to Have lie
Hand Kali la etllnaj Dlspates
at tka Meeting; Here
Next Mania.
The board of arbitration, that commit
tee of men mho settle disputes which
aria between minor ieagle cluba and
minor league player, will find over l"0
controversies on the docket which they
must settle In the one-day assalon. Of
course, , many of the cases ara minor
ones, but one or two are of pretty heavy
rallber, and with baae ball In Ita presont
ticklish situation the board will be
forced to exercise considerable jurispru
dence In making decisions.
The board consists of the president
of the leading minor leagues. Barrow,
president of the International leagu;
Chlvlngton of the American aaaoclallon,
l.aum of the Pari no roast, Cavanaugh
of th Southern, O'Neill of tha Western.
Humane of th New England, O'Rourke
of tha Eastern association, Juatlca of tha
Central association and Moll of tha Wisconsin-Illinois
ara the men upon whom
the burden of deciding will rest
Rewrite Has Grievance.
, Pa Rourka of the Omaha club 1ms a
little grievance which will find Its way
before tha arbitrators. Pa is a bit peev-
Isb at tha action of tha Raolne club of
tha Wisconsin-Illinois club in returning
Jo Bell to Omaha Inst Auguwt. Bell
was given a tryout last spring and Pa
took but little fancy to Jo' indifferent
manner of play. He sold him to Racine
' for 1100. Hasina retained Hell from th
first of th season until lata in August
Then ha waa returned and I he Racln
management asked the leiura of the 1 100.
as Ball hat failed to make good. In
other words, Raclna returned hell but a
day or two before the time limit on
aalea. But as Uell was played' aa a teg
ular all summer Pa, boll.? h wat
treated shabbily, pta'ly as SI00 Is a
whole lot of money to losa when base
ball la a uncertain and aa :rofltls s
It was last season.
A few other Western ieagte eluba will
air their grievau.-'C before tee board.
'and several Btate league cluba will pre
sent their controversies for settlement,
I '
Thorpeian Athletics
Wallop Merchants
Th Thorpeian Athletic club team
Mralloped the Weat Bid Merchant Bun-
day by a score of U to t. Jake OavUman,
ona of th Thorpeian crack player, suf
fared c. broken collarbon when h
found himself at th bottom of tha heap
after a plunge. He was taken to the
Nicholas Benn hospital.
Cornhuskers Fast
Work Causes Gloom
in Camp of Cyclones
AMES, la, Oct. J.-(Ppclal.) Batur
day's game with Missouri was regarded
beforehand a an extremely Important
one In determining the success or non
ticcesa of Ames on tha 1914 gridiron.
This waa the official view of the roachea
aa wall as of th student body and fol
lower of Am foot ball.
On tha eve of Saturday's game th
Cyclone morale wa facing two situation.
First, to lot the Tiger gam meant
probable disaster throughout the rest of
the schedule, with Nebraska, Cornell,
Iowa and Drake.. yt to be met; and,
second, to win the Missouri game meant
a probable reaction In tha other direction.
Coach Hubbard and Captain Reeve freely
expressed that view as to how Ames
stood then, both realising that the criti
cal point was reached and t tint either a
profound slump or a renewal of confi
dence would follow on the heels of the
Tiger battle.
Ames won from tha Mtseourlans, t to 0,
by a slngU touchdown. The srtuad went
to Missouri In a frame of mind bent on
accomplishing a vindication of tha
coaches and It own capability In hand
ling it newer game, feeling that to
lee was nothing more or less than to
Ins .badly every big gam remaining on
tba schedule.
Tha Cyclones showed up well In play
ing th new style, open and shifty mm.
Thsy mad big gain on th forward pass.
spread formations, mingled with fakes,
and tha sensational wide end runs of
Quarterback Moss.
Ames plays Nebraska at Uncoln next
Saturday. The ' Nebraskans are feared
more than any other combination. Th
Cornhuskers' vanqulrhment of th strong
Michigan Aggie Saturday more than
upset the soothing effect which th vic
tory over Missouri had In th Ames
Standing of Teams and Bowling Averages
r.w. urn.
Iwls Mvrret II M I . I
Htiu'l KlIrf..l l .7.1
Blank's Kala II II MT
ftumohr'e otl Taw.. II I I .444.
Fairmont cresmrr..!! I ,M
Klornhelma II T 11 .21
Dreiel Hhoe (.... II I 1ft .)T
Am. IrM Co.... II U .117
. individual sveragas:
Max. At Names.
.) Karr ....
..IH Malisl ..
,.ln Mathe .
.la (Mbeen ..
..I Meyer ...
,.14 las ...
,.1M Noraaarl
..til ronMm ..
HI Kertwell
,.ir enin ...
,.n !
,.171 Hlend ...
..17 liriim'en
.177 l.lnAaar .
. Ill
. IM
liadaa l"i
Stlaa ...
Tarrall ..
Hhaw ....
Mrtlabe .
laina ...
Wktte .,
A. mars
n. HaOaan .17
Wllay 171
1. Hormaa..17l
Purahouas .171 halmar HI
UcOvr 171 Km V
Inxllar ....171 Mallot Ml
Kpatan 171 (tiranar ...IO
lalatr'ni .17u IJvioitn ,.1
Koran in Ixpinakl ...117
Rauni IM tlanlar 117
Moora Ill NrjulU'a ..1U
I, Won ...117 Thomsa . ...IM
llar-a 147 Hvltaaiar ..U4
P .ft. UPrt.
Tarn O BkaMara.... I I 1 .ma
Tbl.tlaa t
Kllllaa t ft 4 .ID
Hobble Bums .Ml
St. Andrew I I .tOl
kVmnie iMwaa . ... 14 i I .1"!
Individual srerstaa:
Namea. Av. Namas. At.
A. r'alooar.171 MTasrrt.lU
!W4 VA Musra 117
A. Hialne) Hamlllna ..121
U. Mala'M..lM W. Hlalu..12l
AlKAIaoa . 14 lnrdan ....111
Clark 117 J. Mal.'ui.lH
H. wsusa.114 Uaurhara ..It
Horn. IM J. Wataon .isi
Siail-ana ....It T. ralcoar. 14
Haa4 II tllddaraaa 10S
Mglr IM
P.W. UPoi.
Kms's L.USUS
Mlrkei 01
Old Htrla Laser
Individual averages:
Names. At. Names.
K. Hrlla...il7 Putter .,
ritual IK Powell .,
A. Beware.. IM pita
Terrell ....IM Iara ..,
Cos red ....14 C'orhrsn
111 Klnnams
In Hiieesbrg
ins Meal
..II II .til
..II IS t .141
..II M .446
..II 1 11 .IM
.11 I II ,V
i Jarneh
Teovaa ..
ranta .
Thomas .
Martia ..
tare ....
tie Iter
Mamrstrra 1
M iai..l7i
.117 Husttnet
,.117 C. Jonaoa..17
.IM r. Weaken. .171
,.1 Dokartr ....171
,.IU tlerf IM
,.114 Yauaaa ...141
...1UO. Johnaue 11
maqki i-iTT Lciara.
p.w. irrt.
All tan 11 It I .
Jettefa nit) Afa. 11 4.7
Willow Barman .14 14 I .in
larmera' girb se " I
Wkiu hn 1 I T .IM
Welah's QrorerT...l .400
I,, (inter at Moore. II I 11 lit
Cnro Mineral II t 14 .OS
Individual sveragee:
Kernel. Av. Names. AT.
Ham 1S4 flnead ....tat
It3er Ill Tuner ...Iftk
Hanooek ...7 Col VA
Keenrar ...171 White ....HI
Viler , 17 Ijeploskl .IM
Fsgerbert ..17 haaw ....IM
mivtfr ...17S Oeeaa IM
Klnnlinaa .171 Invlne ...111
TU 171 l-ulkln ....141
Boris na Maris ...14
terso ...,17 I aher 147
KlUferald ..lf Winter ..144
Dbnaaorg ...14 Qam ,UT
Hall . m In aladdan ..11
H. Cases. Jacob ... K
lrne.v Is Knglan ....IM
dribble 1M kenl'tf 1U
Kruee Ill Nunniaker 111
Lliadd 113 Dow I log ..101
Vanre till Maers ...101
rk Ill Moors ....101
Meesaa ....III Ylfer 1
p.w. I ret.
I. j on Engravers... II 11 t .lit
Huber ink Ce ill U .171
Klopo sV n.rtlett. II It 10 M
Hancock-Bfatene ..Tl at It 47S
lerr Print. CO .11 I II .411
Omaha Print. Co. .11 7 U .11
Individual sverstas:
Nam. Av. Name. Av.
Teal lb Kteele ....14
Hoffman Hohr I4i
R. Paetow.140 Kuril 14
hnbvna ....147 Wright ....141
Henttraw IIIEInrelim ...14
Orupe 16 Klaaaaar ...HI
Htrohbeln .14 l"l"l ...11
Kiw)nt lie Hhont let
Hauptmn ..lai liatwrn ...IM
Asoerana ..III Itoblnana ..It
Mailer ... 111 Tors 1U
A. laetaw 147
P.W. t .Pet.
Clara Bella 11 '
I'llco 11 4 .
El Pas 1 1
Corey a MoK 11 T I IU
Beacon press ....! s e .e-w
Maurers t 4lT
Powell SuPBtv 4 .SH
Mesne Club U I M .11'
IndlTMual aversaes:
Name. Ae. Name. At,
lsra l TVobertr ...174
Kldaoa ... II Pau 174
Neale 1 Mjnkry .....I't
Msrtta ....111 Kloa M
Pita lit Knsloa ....171
r. Weeks.. .) fMmmlnan 171
A. B.iwerm..1M to I
ptuns HI Howell ....117
Conrad ....111 Howell .'...UT
J. Jarosh..Ut Topple .tT
Cain 1l '"ochraa ...lit
Yousen ....HI K. aVlp1s..UT
Maurer ....lit 1
Horrman ..111 Koran ....".ll
Husennr ..lit Oreen ll
K. clpls..l Tssl 1
Toman ....ITS B. Bowsrs..l.M
r. Jamah, .17 I.Ttle Ill
o. Johasun lT Wsber U
nalur 17 J. Wskas,.16s
Hansen Clonar ,...1M
Klmrmaa ..IT Pobee IM
Klnnemaa 17 Nornsr ....IM
Bland 17 MoCshe ...141
Meluni ... I'l Cbambar .144
ara 171 Noene Ill
Hameret'si 174 O'Conner ..l!4
le 174
P W. UPet.
Tar Babies II 11 4 .711
UUpatolisre U 1
Large Shipments
of Cotton Will Start r
For Germany Today
The Fontenelle defeated the Athletics
to f. Tb first half of tha gam wa
a see-saw. with honors about .even, but
In tba third quarter the r'ontenellrs car
ried the ball from the forty-yard Una to
th Athletics' ten-yard line, where th
Athletics held them for downs The
Athletics advanced tha ball eight yards,
where they attempted to punt, Peatort of
tha Fontenellea blocking and recovering
'Oie ball and went twenty yards for a
touchdown. In tha same quarter tllas
gow of the Tontenelloe drop kicked the
ball from the twenty-flve-yurd line.'
The Athletics got their touchdown In
the same quarter on a long forward pass.
touchdown, lilackmun. Croft and Itos
ailrr were In the limelight for th Ath
letics, while Carlson, Beaton, Ulasgow
aod Wang berg played a stellar game for
th Fonteneilea. Next Sunday tha fon
tenelle play the Spalding at Pontenella
park at o'clock.
Performance of
Cornhuskers Also
Astonishes Iowa
IOWA CITT. la., Oct. l6.-tBpcll.)-W'lth
Chicago and MlnnteoU, mrt on euo
cesslv Faturdaya, new out of tha. way
on th Iowa achedti'.'n, 4ta Hawkeyas fig
ure that they hive but ona really difficult
contest before them. That Is the gem
with Nebraska, which will be ilayd her
on November B. The Cornhuskers sur
prised local followers of tha game by
their showing against, the Michigan Ag
gies Saturday and are now recognised aa
on of tha great teams of the west.
Northwestern and Ames, which Inter
vena on. tha loeal schedule, are not much
feared. The Agglea are likely to put up
a hard game, aa they always do against
lowa, but ihsy nave not snown enougn YORK,- Oct -lt was reported
cao worrrth. liawk. "' representative,
can orry th Hawk yes much. North- German government and f bank
western haa been beaten by other con- " " " ' ... ,nr hmd
, ing inirreaui ai'uua ,,,,.w.. ,w. --.
been large buyer toflay or American cot
ton In thla market and that shipments
amounting to aeveral hundred thousand
dollars would leave from a southern port
The report followed tha announcement
from Washington that th British gov
ernmsnt would not regard cotton as con
traband of war. It was said the ship
ment would b sent to Italian ports.
Clmk Claire, the Omaha !ad who
managing tha Grand Island club of th
Stat league, la gunning for material for
next year'a team. His first prospect 1
Johnny Hasan, a local youth, who ha
been playing around the sand lots of
Omaha. Hasen ha been seoond base
man fur tha Dundee Woolen Wills sev
eral seasons. Hasen will be given a
chance at the keystone sack on th
Or nd Island club.
Inteoaoa II I t 44
Comfort Irons ....II T I .411
D. U. K II .41
Hut Plates 1 4 11 .M
Individual STsrnsee:
Name. Av. Name. At.
Watt .171 O. M. Joha-
Bland IM son I
MrlkMBId .114 Murdovk .117
Conyer ....141 Wevmullr ..HI
Perg H9 Ivucena ....13
Campbell ..141 Mnrtlg ....134
Holler 144 Dohertf ...HI
Johnson .144 I). Moras. .jn
Hsneaa .. Hi Themaa ...II"
benller ...III llentley ....121
Wood ti:i Oillleon ...HI
Pugh 141 Wood 11
Parkhurst .141 Anderson .111
I'hllllps ...140 Klatx-r HI
Khemee ...14 J. Moran . 114
Hrbmldl ...Ul MoC'ullsr
Hrmb in
M TAuNDAJtD Oil. I-ttAOta.
P.W. UPrt.
MM Alls nresss..ll 1 I ..ft
Crown Oaanllns ..II M I loa
Potsrlne Ante Oil. II 1 I .IM
Individual averages:
Name. Av. Name. At.
(sits 171 Kline HI
Haum 166 VerUv IM
PlumoBdoa 147 Hawrmsn S
lrollatelle .14 Uorntkr ...ISi
Moore 141 Hrhenk ... no
Hohart 141 BennlMW ..It
Jones 144 Jokannaon 1-1
Haarman .144 Overholt ...11
Jnhnaon Ollmors ...IM
Byrne Ill
Basslla' Old M li ra 4 1 .47
Stars Btrlpea I .;
Bretfegaar Crowua . I 1 .sin
Hejidv Kida I 1 .40
Omsba Ulcjrcla Ind.. 9 I .
Kaglaa 1 ft .117
Individual sveragee:
Name. At. Nams. At.
Hull 1 Heaten ....11
Klnsemaa .14 Jsroak is
Brbults ....111 Hengela ...ll
Cain Ill MrOonnell IM
McUonaK .17 Katoa Ill
Ham 171 Morns
Chandler ...171 Tblel .
Cummiaaa .174 wetter
1TUe 171 mine .
Beaella ....170 Paterae
Watt 170 Mllnar
(Continued from Page One.)
Vsaa 14 Mltaksll
Nelson ....111 Jtlss ....,..!
Pita 1ST Hlnrloka ...14S
Bsahr I4 Hamael ...10
Holemoa ...IM Hough I
tlravaa ....144 Beard 14
ln 1st
P.W. KPft.
Pellrla II II I .
Better Butter .,..1114 4.717
Liquid Gold 1 1 .4
niedem II 11 .1X1
I'urttss Broilers.. I t 11 .177
Kalrmont Parma. .11 111.111
Individual sversgea:
Nam. At. Nam. At.
Pits 1T Oeaaer 114
MoOor ..171 Pavage ....IM
Olbattn ....117 Cavett ...An
Jensoa ...,1nt Connally ..111
NelMa ....Ul Olldar ....111
Smltk 1M Haslman ..1U
Bland Ill Hhrork ....1U
Ios 1M llsvmaek .111
Oahn.t ...144 C. Hess. ...ISO
Bertwsll ...141 A pel 12
Zlk 141 P. OII4SV..I17
Haldt II Berger ....ItT
Porringer .13 Miller It
tnvaer ....lit Klmmell .-1W
W. Hess...ll4 Hauser ....Ul
gulnlas ...14 Berry U
here and there off the coast during the
last week, so far with no suncesse. It
would not surprise th British If the sea
phase of the struggle became more gen
eral and more pronounced In the near'
future, though nothing 'like a general
riaval action 1 expected.
There ha been no marked change In I
the situation since the latest official
communications were Issued. The con
tending forces were at each other's
throats today, principally along that
thlrty-elght-mlle line stretching from
Nleuport to the River Lys. A strug
gle, violent, but perhaps lees active. Is
raging thence southward to Arras.
Von HltM-k Clvea l"p Command.
Confirmation from Paris that the
German extreme right no longer Is being
manipulated by General Von Kluck
came ss a distinct surprise here. It wa
said last week thajt he hi been super
seded by (reneral Von Arnim, but the
latent version lias hltn remaining on the
Algne, while Grand Duke Albrecht of
Wuvrtemburg and others are guiding the
destinies of the armies In Belgium.
Of the dlspstches unfavorable to the
Germans wss one saying that Antwerp
wss being put In a state of defense and
Intrenchments wore being prepared to
protect the road to Bruges. Among th
reports held here to be ridiculous was
that Germany was building huge sub
marine transports, with which It hope!
to land troops on British soil.
The status of the cruisers Goeben and
Breslau, which Turkey purchased from
Germany, Is sgaln brought te the for
by a dispatch from Rome, which salt,
that the Russian and British adminis
trators had Informed the port that the
allies would fir on th veanels the next
time they came out of the Boephorua,
where they are reported to have J net en
tered in haste. The Russian ambassa
dor, it wss addtd. explained the move
ment of the Russian fleet In the direc
tion of the Roaphoru a due to tha fact
that the Oneben and Breslau had left
Turkish territorial watarc
ferenc school by decisive scores, t'nlaaa
on of these team shows a reversal of
form, all Iowa preparations from now on
will look toward Nebraska.
Th lum has an open date next Satur
day and will be given very light work
this week. Today waa a day of . almost
absolute rest, th men being taken for a
long walk and then dismissed.
Harvard Tunes Up
For Michigan Game
CAMBRIDGE. Ms., Oct -Hjr-
vard's regular backfleld, with th excep
tion of Captain Brlckley. who I con
valescent after an operation for nrpea-
Murphy going twenty-five yards fur a I dlcltls, got together In practice today
Del Howard, former Rourke, and man
ager ,of the Ban Kranclsoo club. Is com
ing to the minor It-ague meeting here
and will bring ten of hta coast leagu
colleagues with him. Th coast Ivugu
t said to havs lost money this year,
and I one of the league which regard
the federals with slnilly favor. Howard
has many friends In Omaha and will I
given a royal welcome ty the old-timer,
l-'rsuk Kevin, president of th Detroit
Amertrea league olua, baa also an
nounced his Intention of coining to th
Omttha tueetlng.
toai Tbstae terlr Broaeatal roes ha.
Tbey i.auc on all winter if not checked,
and pave the way for serious throe.1 a ad
lung diseases. Get a bo tie cf Foley
Money end Tar Compound, and tak it
freely. fclop eouglia and rolda, heal raw
inflamed throat, loosens and phlegm and
is tul.dly laxative. Chas. T. Millar, Kd.
Kn'iuirer, CanntJton. Ind., had bronchial
trouble, got very hoarse), coughed con
tantlv from a tickling throat ti ueed
nly Foley' Honey and Tar Compound.
Vi entirely relieved. Wsr.ta others to
Lav if y .! Honey and Tar. All
tor the first time In many weeks to tune
up for the allchlgaa gam nxt Satur
day. Hardwick, Mahan and Logan wore
sufficiently recovered from thalr Inlurie
to- go through light practice with BraA
Isa, th only one of the regular back
field who haa not been crippled.
CHICAGO, Oct. M-A fund of about
f WO.OTO wa raleed at th New York meet
ing of the Kedsral league ownera for
"emergency" purposes. President aiW
rnori announced on hi return today. It
1 believed the money will be used In
I effort t perauad player now with
team in organised oau to jpia tn new
Roger Bresnecen, the Chicago Na
tionals' catcher, returned with the Fed
eral leaguer frora Ksw Yerk and wa
la conference with O. B. Ward of the
Hrooklye club. It sil announced he ex
pected to alga as manager of th Brook
lyn club late this afternoon.
An adjourned meeting of th leagu
will be held here November !t.
Lstaee tsek sst Weak Kidneys
greatly helped and often cured by Elec
tric liittera. Keeps kidney and stomach
tn hualthy condition. Give prompt re
lief. 60c and It. All druggist. Advertisement.
Be reader are too Intelligent to over
look the opportunities. In th "want ad"
column. They'r worth whtl reading.
Wilson Enters the ,
Fight in Illinois
Against J, G. Cannon
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. -President
Wilson today Joined in th fight agalnft
the election of former Bpeaker Joseph O.
Csnnon of Illinois by writing a letter
endorsing Representative J. O'llair ot
Illinois, who defeated Mr. Cannon at the
last election. I'p to the present the pres
ident has kept out tn the senatorial fight
In Illinois, where Roger Sullivan Is the
democratic candidate. Mr. Wilson prac
tically finished his letter-writing cam
paign today, sending endorsement to
democratic candidate In a -number ot
states. He has been assured by the
campaign managere that the election will
result In democratic majorities In the
senate and house, but writ continue to
work as much as possible for particular
In addition to the democratic sena
torial candidates whom the president
has publicly endorsed he 1 giving hi
upport to James H. Hawley In Idaho,
R. E. Baldwin In Connecticut, George A.
Neeley In' Kansas. W. B. PurcMl In
North Dakota. Edward Johnson In Houth
Dakota and Jama H. Moyle bn Utah.
Hpectal Interest In other candidates may
be ahown later.
Bank President
Convict Said to Be
Allowed Joy Rides
NEW YORK. Oct. M-Jolm J. Malloy,
auditor of Hlng eing prison, wa com
mitted to jail today In contempt of court
for refusing to answsr question before
th grand jury Investigating automobile
rldea and other favors alleged to have
been granted to David A. Sullivan, an
inmate of Blng Sing,
Sullivan I In prison for wrecking the
Union bnnk of Brooklyn, of which He
waa president Complaints that h had
been transacting hi prtvat business
from the prison, had collected money
which belonged to the assets of tha
bank and that he had been taken on au
tomobile rides about the country while
he was suppoaed to be In prison caused
an Investigation by District Attorney
Cropsey of Brooklyn.
Dr. Flower Pleads
Guilty of Larceny
Through Mine Deals
NEW YORK, Oct ffl.-Dr. Richard C.
Flower, promoter of mining enterprise,
who, after being indicted here on a
charge of larceny growing out of his
transactions, evaded arrest from 10)3 un
til he wa caught In Toronto last Wednes
day, pleaded guilty In the supreme court
today to two Indictments charging him
with grand larceny. He was remanded
until October 29 for sentence.
Broken In health, old and penniless,
th man who I said to have made
million through mining swindles de
clared he did not caer to fight conviction
any Iongr. When Justice Davis told
him to consider his action carefully, he
"I . have loneldcred. I have sient all
the money made in trying to get out of
being obliged to do what I now do vol
untarily." Justice Da via, while accepting the plea
ot guilty, appointed counsel for the sired
man and advised him to consult with th
lawyer before being arraigned for en
tence. '
Dr. Flower wa indicted on five count
b a grand Jury In New York in lfl3,
when he ws charged with th larceny
of various sums from women whom he
Induced to Invest In his . mining enter
prlxes. He foi felted his bail, as lie had
thine twice before when arrested In Terrc
Haute and In Galveston, and as he did
when arrested In Philadelphia In 1907.
After that he Is' said to have wandered
about North and South America until
arested in Toronto by a New York detective.
to the Board, of Commissioner In th facv
of hot opposition on the part of the
Gaxette. Mr Lehman contends that there
In spltework behind this opposition, while
the plaintiff In the suit claims that the
amount of money referred to by Mr. Leh
man was a legitimate charge which wss
officially approved hy the county commissioners.
Editor Downey Sues
- Official for Libel
MITCHELL, S. D.. Oct. Ja, (Special.)
Suit has been started by C. W. Downey,
editor of the Mitchell Gaxette, to recover
damages from Jacob Lehman, county
commissioner of Davison county. The
amount asked Is 10,000,
The suit was begun as a result of . a
statement printed in three of the county
newspaper last week, in which Mr. Leh
man made charges against the Gasette
in connection with the publication of the
delinquent tax list of Davison county.
The suit Is creating widespread inter
est because of th fact that Mr. Lehman
is waging a campaign for his re-election
Wfitti (dfcp Intel'
TTi "r it ?
C Man fcsniti C..U C ratal WU..C .IX
Lerch 8
Van Sandt
311 S. 17th St
and A 1679
Mr. RaehaeJ Allen.
Al'BlTtN, Nb., Oct ) (Speclal.)
Mra. Rachael B. Alien died at her home
In Auburn Saturday, ftha waa In her
eightieth year. She Is ths widow of John
Allen, aa early settler of Richardson
county. They moved to Auburn In liCH.
John Allen died some ten years ago. In
terment will be at tha Bhsrldan, ceme
tery. The funeral will be conducted by
Rev. Oeorge Warren, her old pastor.
FAIRBVRY, Neb.. Oct. H-"peeial.-At
th home of Mr. and Mr. T. M.
Ttppta. at of Feirbury, their daughter.
Mia Alice, wa married to Chester Bon
es 11. Rv. J. T. Parkr of th Baptist
church officiated.
Manager of New York
Reserv3 Bank Will
Get Thirty Thousand
NEW YORK, Oct. K.-Benjamin Strong,
Jr., governor of the federal reserve bank
In thla city, which begin business Ko
rnber 1. will receive an annual salary of
130.000, It was learned today. Plerr Jay.
chairman of the hoard nut tha
agent, will recelv axwiklinttely lU.OUo.
Local Institutions will b!n within a
few day to make first paytnanta for
federal reserve bank stock. It la 'esti
mated that the opening of the regional
bank will release fully l 6. U0. 009 and Im
part an easier tone.
Oleve raeterlee neenesv
OLOVERHVILLB, N. Y.. Oct. U.-Nearly
all the glove factories, which eloaed last
week because of the strike of I.VXJ cutter,
reopened today. All are being guarded
by th police and about 100 deputies,
many f whom are from eutiide rltie.
Th strike leaders claim that Waa than
twenty men returned to work.
BOSTON. Oct sa.-Ftve million dollar
tn gold from th mlntin Philadelphia ar
rived today, having mad th journey by
parcel post This I th first shipment
received from the mint by malt Such
shipments have been by si press heretofore.
Blood Destruction
Stepped and Rebuilt
Worries Orercome, Evidence
Brtiahed Away. Th
Skin Qc&red.
B. B. B., tb fsmou blood portSer, Is
man's architect, it coatmplte th dam
age dose and repair tb damage. It also
looks after lb poaathl dmg aad cor
rect all tendency to blood ruptioa. decay
of bonea, clogging of Joint and any aad,
all of tsoss aijrlad of destructive effect
ueh a rheumatism, catarrh, swollen glaade,
or throat! bronchial affection and tb
boat of lanrmltlea so well known a being
caused by Impure blood, and sow, why
should B. B. H, do all thlaf Simply keeause
It la Nstar' sotldot. a remedy ef search
ing Influence. It contains a powerful, sat
arsl ingredient, that sweep It wy te fb
site. Aad In doing this It aot only anni
hilate deatrnctlv germ but cause tbem
ts be so eosrerted thst they srs easily
aad harmlessly voided, expelled er de
stroyed aad the driven out through tb
natural outlet cf th body. Tbu let
8. B. 8. ke yoar Safeguard la all blod
trouble as matter what they srs. It
won't fall you. Get a sort! today of any
druggist but refuse any aad all ubtl
tate. Ut ta eonmaalortoa with th medical
depart meet Writ Th Bwtft Bpsclflc Co..
Swift Bidg., Atlanta. Ua. This special
advisory work en blood trouble has been
t laealcuiable beat tit aad baa cured a
host ef suferer.
Y f There's perfect, fit plus
luxurious comfort in
r iT Springtex improved spring-
i needle knit underwear.
J Form-fashioned and knit
f ' f exceptionally elastic fabrics
J , 1 Springtex never binds nor
V A ( bags. Union Suits and
.Al 1 separate garments for Men.
V All weights, $1 up.
. , for SpWngfeg.
j 7-A V M- r" SMITH CO.,
1 tikis SmlHmt U. A4aan (Vwa, A'. T, ,
Tae Beer for toe Home, HoteL Qnb ud C&fa
Anhcujer-Buich Company of Nebrajka
Rosenfeld. Liquor Company
Council Bluffs. Iowa
Family Trade Supplied" by G. H.
Hiuien, Dea'er Phone Donf . 2506