8 THE HEE: OMAHA, IKTOBER 1914. WANT ADS Want ens ro:vjed at any linw, tut to Insure proper lsifle:it1.n must be Pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening million and 7:..l p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want sd received nftcr i uch hours mill ba under the heading, "Too l.ate to Clarify " CAPl! BATES? fiTii consecutive time. 1 cent word esett Insertion. Three times within one week, rrnls word each Insertion. One time 2 cents a word. CHARCK RATRS. Seven consecutive times, 8 renin a line each insertion. Three times within one wWk, 10 cents a line each Insertion. One time, j: rents a line. fount six morn pe words to a line. Minimum charge, CO cent. Tho lice win not ! responsible for nore than one wrong Insertion dun to yropr.-rh!cal error. Churns tor error it ist he promt.tlv made. An advertir-irtent Inserted to he run un til discontinue! mu.t Lc stopped by writ ten order. m byT?"leC,?honM,CP r" in The Bee TELEPHONE TYLER lrtf. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PlMKiltAMS Exclusively in The Hoe) North. suburban theater. 2tnr ames. The Iniostor. 2-reel. Lub. The Sriskeillle sleuth. Ess. The Gold Thief. Bio Unclaimed Answers to the s "Swappers' Column" r.UedJ?r,r".r;, .'r snswers have been Week i.ri.ai"' '""Vr""! dirlng the last Mr.n;:.,r.i.':r,,.r . want Ad. F c. Ml (o "1 r u nil 1 IC4 f27 H?4 !3 M HK 041 142 1M fc? PC. r73 P74 f77 f-1 11 '1 !! d2 W1 ft t" l'l't IfiJ Ji.rt imo l'r1 PC7 I'lll 1077 S C. I'CI 1i.4 ll ll'O r.m 1112 m 1171 1121 11 "S 1I7H mi ir'3 mi ii-. 12. .j iao 1M f.r. 1:21 1 2-4 1221 12M 1740 1241 1247 12-4S ir.? 12M 12" 4 12..4 1 2.2 12 4 1217 U1 i?;i 1274 12-.-0 C. 12f 12V7 im i.n i: 1312 1W ixm 11S2 1J.T7 ir.i 1.142 1H4 1.121 1.1:. 1 MM 1''2 1371 I nr. in ! Mil 1'fltfi lis? l.T2 1W ; 1J' ) Jf"2 31 1; Jtoli .ionlB. APOLLO TMEA.. 224 LEAVENWORTH. Tho rilood Ruhv, 2-reel. VII. The fahle of "One Samaritan Who Got I'aialysla of the Helping Hand." Est The Borrowed Hook. Hlo. CO LI ' M H I A 1 1 1 E ATI. 1 1," 17 In h . Mil. The ;iil and the Stowaway. Kal. Hearst-SrllK. No. fib. Eats. Vita. ' VM i-:OHTTliKAT'f:H21t VINTON. Thn Test of Klame. ;!-r. lomlno. The Master Hanfi I'rincess. The legend of Hla-'k Hock Keenly. K A ' t ) HI T E T 1 1 F; A T E K HI VINTON. Hearts and rlnmonds. Vlt. Hroncho l'lliy Hutts In. Ess. The Cuh Heporter m Asslnnment. Kal. 1.1 VK WIRK msi.XKHS MEN OK OMAHA t lateral mmd Well IXaslea. NEEP well or clslern cleaned or duar? H'-HAEKER does It. f'hone Web. Jffll. 4 oe I nler. Kn .lohnaon'g sped'. ' Victor nut, -.j.uu M fhnn J,, 1702. S big baskets r4l. $1. Warner, Itfil N11. tallforala l.awda. W. T. Fmlth Co , 1111 Cltr Nat. Hit. D. 211. f hlropractora. J. " I,wrei!ce. n. C. 2H22 Ifnwnrd. I). IU11. SE.V, IJ.H ful TU l.(TH ST. The f'han'om I.lcht. 2-reel Hisoti . Neglected Wife, I'nlversal Ike comedy. H. N SCiM THKATKK. -4trt 4c . aateliar. Hetective Dan Cupid. Nestor comedv. For the Secret Service, tvro-reel Hrdk The Mind's Awakening Frontier. 1.YRIC TIIEATETt. 1HI7 VINTON ST. Pride of Mirhlehead. 2-reel Vlclor. The Shack Next I oor, I'nl. Ike comedy. I-A ATI "ME. !4t"H AtKAVK N WO RTlT T". Ike. Jr . Nearly Married, V. Ike com. Her HoHOtv. Hex. Angel of the Camp, Powera drama VENEZIA TIIKATKU, 1211 S. 1JTH 8T. Tricking the Government. 3-reeL Whi, MONRO K, 2Xt FARNAM 8T. Trev o' Hearts. No. 12. 2 rrcla. Ijlt tie Plater, Hex drama. The Hase Hall Fan, I'owera fomedy. ifevnaon BENSON, Um MAIN STREET. Trey o' Hearta, eleventh episode. Hoob'a legacy, with bob l.onard The Proof of a Man, Warren Kerrigan. Coanrll Ulatfe. ELITE NO. 1. MS BROADWAY. H.-arst Sella No 7, An Affair of Honor, Ser-Eubln. T he Moving Picture Cowboy, SeT 4'anrl Itlaffa ROPFH-fJ7 HHOADWAV. n 'r r. i... . . I '111. Ill Pulls e Tooth iNest. Com. wit 'y '"'y Kaffle-yie Myterloua Haad, 0-1 , 1 n ri 1 1 1 , 1415 CARU OF THANK". I sincerely thank yon for the bountiful floral offerings and tho kindness shown me during the sickness nnd death of mv husband. And may the tie of these friendships hever ho broken. Mrs. W. W. Johnson. DF.ATII A 24 1) F4 Mill A I. TK IS JOHANSON Hev. Laurets. died at resi dence, i41S Ohio St., l;t. A IHlt; age 71 year. Funeral services held at Swedish Baptist (hurch, 1K N. 1Mb. at S:.1 p. m. Monday. Interment In Korea t Lawn (cemetery. oat ntn . T1EHSE TH KATKH, 24TH AND N. The Blue Flame. 2-reel. Sel. Sl'a Wonderful Mineral Spring. Kal. Fatea Midnight Hour. Kal. MAOIC THEATEH. 2ITH AND O BT8. Animated Weekly. K d Heiman s Hands. 2-reel Rex; I.. OeddlS, I'. 4V, ZJH Hee H'dg. Ioug 4il. ( bins ralatlac. Ttuth ltchford. decorating, firing. R. 4H2. 4lTl Knxlarrn. M. J. LACT Ml BEE BLDO. POfd. CIS. I ream "eparatora. The Sharplr-. Separator Co., 12th Karn. Ilrtertttpe. JAM r'H ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evl Jence securMl In all cases. Tyler 1!M. Ilonrlii Academlea. Turpln'a Dancing Academy, 2th A Farn. CHAMBKKS' Academy, classic. I. It.71. 1IKI.P WANTED -fi:majlk Uomrstlra. II oase Iter sera a ad Experlenc.d girl for general housework. Two In family, n.-asant room with bath. Muxt l a good cook. Wuln it 1477. Mr f;tenee. WA"nte1 A nurse maid. Mr. U lllller, px S. Soih St Harney 1739. 'I HE .Servant tiirl I'robirm Solve'i. The Hee will run a Servant U rl Wanted Ad KltFK uniil yo 1 get the desired results. This applies to residents of uinaha, touih Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring sd to The Be office or telephone Tv'r K WANTED tiirl for general housework. Mri. T. n. Porter. Berson 2C7. W ANT E I (i I rl for general houeoik; 4111 'as WANTED firl tor general lioisework; good wanes; no washing or ironing; 111 N. lilh Ave. OIRL to" iio general Smith, IR14 Lake ft. tiiuscwork. John WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing; mail family. Harney 2 1.72. 1.11 8. Mh S.. V A N TEt SITIATIQN YOL'NO lady with two ycare' exH-rtent as stenographer wants portion: can furnish good references as to chHracter aiid ahllliy. Address J fri2. care Bee. Bl'N L'LE washlnii and lronllig.H. iM DAVWop.K or nupoie ash" Woh 7t7. BAKER, first class, wants position. Bread. rak. Tour chance to Increase Vour trade. A. Koch. C tM, Bee. 'OSITION as watchman by gentleman, M. Sober mid IndoelMoup L RSo. Bee. YOL'NO ladv wishes position as nurse maid or light houn-keeplng. II. 3j2. WAN TEI Position as house salesman. bookkeeper or correspondent. with wholesale concern bv erperlenced man, 2j years of age. Address A 4M, Bee. COMPETENT, energcUo man, 26. with collcjte education, wants connection with advertising agency, real estate or special firm; commands English, German and Scandinavian Unguals: experienced; future advancement imperative. M iiZ. Bee Mackle's Acsdemy, now open HI Har. llreasmnklnaj. Terry Dressmak'g college, 2oth Farnam. Mrs. J. M. Todd, 314 N.ylnth: atyl.srt fall costumes at Introductory prices. D. M7S. Ml-S STl KDY, 241 Case. Red 732". OreasanaMaaj. Alterations, rellning. Mrs. Calvert, D.4400. FA81 1IONA BLK dressmaking; 15()7 Corby. WrilANUER In city wanls day work, 1 y'rs' exerlence, I" per day. Walnut 3241. Dentista. Ir. Bradbury. No pain. ISM Farnam. Ir. Todd alveolar.dentlstry. 4i3 Brandels Bailey, the Dentist. 70 City Nst'l Bank. Taft Dental Booms. I'd 7 Douglas. D. ilyl. Pyorrhea, I'r. Flckes. 724 City Nat. Bank. Draw. PIICOS at cut prlcea; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo Cc.nnell Drug Co , Omaha. Neb. F.leetrie gappllea. LE11RON Flee. Wks . m s. 12th. r. si7. Fwrrlexa. BEN FENSTER, 1410 N. 24th St. W. T7T7. Kverythlng far Wonn, Woman's ExrhanRe. 432 Pax. Blk. R.T911 ACCtlHDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, JI sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 21 Doiwt'as Block. D. ! Florists. A. DONAIH'E; 122 Haxney. Doug. 1001. j FHOI.li: TH EAifEK. w nnRuows. --reel imp Funnv Mr. Dingle, Victor comedy. Her Life's Story. Ilex drama. Hinid: mTi ten. MAiWJNIC Fl'NElt.VL. Master Alliums are -riUvted to as semble at Masonic Temple, at :.K a. in.. Tuesday, October 27, 1H14. to al.end the ftnerni service of our 'ti'e hrolher, Kred AV, Samp of Albert Pllu- lodge. No. toi, AVlchlla, Kan. S'rvicea .-it his hue resi dence, 21110 Dodun street, ,nt 10 o'clock KIX1AK L. JIOAO. W. M. JOHN F. WILCOX. Socy. Nebraska Lodge, No. 1. A. F. ami A. M. DIIITI1 !4 AM DEATHS. Birtha-B. and M. A let t a, 1121 Smith Seventh, girl; Itolicrt tuid Klorenoe Bush man, hospttul. Hoy; k. A. and J i axel Crelghton, 11K South Thirty-fourth, boy; W. and Lnvina Feilnrs. hospital, girl; Carl and Emma ulson, ;u"tf Parker, boy; P. and S. Plccola, 712 Pierce, boy; A (ton and Mary Prokopik, 213 Boulh Four teenth, boy; Lou and Uvien Plxlcy, 2237 North Nineteenth, boy; A. and Emma Wright. 671 South Forty-first, boy. Deetha-Mrs. l'rail Reynolds, 34 years, hospital; W. W. Hickman. 7 years, hospital- Mrs. Elisabeth Huh?, 79 years, 3211 Poppleton; Mia. Wli.iam Colwell, 71 years, 1014 Locust; Clarenoe K. I'lckrel, M years, hospital: Luurits Johannon, 74 years, 2418 Ohio; Mrs. Mary E. Jonea, 41 years, hospital; W. L. Kearnoy, 29 days, hospital; lars P. Lindgren. t2 years, hos pital; Mrs. Mary Hancdorn, 62 years, Imspllal; Mrs. Luclle huiborg, 27 years. South Sixteenth; Mr. Bertha Lull beg, 43 years, hospital; Anna Deposhak. 4 years. IMl Poppleton; Andrew Peterson, M years, hospital; Harold It. Chad well, 1'2 yeara, hospital: Mrs. Catherine Chrus- jin;n, w yeurs, 11 eiouin t weniietn. l M A It H I A t. K I.U E.Eg. Permit to wed have been granted to the following: Nnma and Hesldence. Age. Charles . Wilkinson, South Omaha. 2 j.uia Aduins, auuth Omaha Edward Stark. Oinsh Vaaikevllle. OKPHFITW. 24TH AND M., Ho. Omaha Series No. 11 of the Million Dollar Mys tery will be shown here Wednesday. Two thrllllnR parts llntHil-Tows. BMPRFSS THEATER. NEB. CITY, Neb. TUESDAY'S PRDOKAM. The Olrl at the Lock. 2-reel. Lubln. Murphy and the Mrrmulds. Vltsgrapn. ANNOUNCEMENTS Desirable Offices ' For Rent K in The Bee Building 1 ONE ON FARNAM STREET 520wi. Ft.-$50.00 1 Location and Service tho Best PLENTY OF IIEAT FREE L1Q11T Inquire of tho Superintendent, Room 103. BATH'S florists, 1M4 Farnam St. U HENDERSON, 151H Farnam. D. 126. Member Florist Telegraph I el. Ass n. HESS SWOBODA. 141n Farnam St. Hair Dressing;. Harper Method. P. , Bslrd Bldg. D. Mil. SWITCHES from combings, II 50. D. 2043. Live stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., S07 S. 13h. Red. 4X2. WANTKI ImniiI art rl lor senerai huUM- work; small fam.ly; good wages. 1M my own If desired Mill St.M'o'JncllJfhirfsTel 19.- WANTfct Competent girl for general housework at once 4,1 Dodge St. W A NTeT giri for-general housework. Coll at 110 s. 14th St. EXPERIENCED chauffeur IMic.i to drive private rar, or will drive car of Address 2r. Bee. WA.S'TKl Experienced girl or general hoMsework. f per week. W N 41st. WA NTF.f Brl for general housework. Mrs. C. D. Sturlevant. 112 R 36th St. OIRL for genrral houacj-ork; ly, no cooking. 106 Nv :nth. small lam- OIRL it - do general Franklin St. housework. 2. .02 Mlacellaoroaa. YOENO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tne Yourg Women s Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ale. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Cnon station. PLACE desired bv colored lady aa cham bermaid. Call Websfer PB8. YOl'NO lady of neit appearance with several years of experience, desires clerical or office positlm. Oood refer ences, thorough kno-A-ledge of general office work. Address 0-k, care Hee KTH CATION A L lf14 FALL TERM OF BOVLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both dsy ar.d night ses'ons. Tct It ts not too' late to enter. Begin st once to get that mental discipline that will double your earntug capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, jienmar.shlp, sales manship, hanking, stenography, steno typy, typewriting telegraphy, aoointing. Ill ng. private secretarial work and many ether courses arc open to you here. You nay work for board while attending. Douglas l.'.i royles coll5:ge II. H. BOYLE.", PRE?. Uoyles Building, Omaha. nnxTRt A.M StTPLlES frTEHEOTYPE matrices msk the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses, Thev are 17x21 liu hes. stronger and mor i rsble than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7Sc a hundred af" The Bee office WANTED TO BUY SI KellTLY used; high grade pianos. W. 37 2. OFFICB furniture bought and sold. J. J1 ed. 1207 Farn a m . Doug. Si4j. WE BCY 2d-hand cTothes. 1421 N. 24th". WH buy, sell, exeh. clothing. Jewelry, etc. Suitcases II up. Friedman, 14th I-odge. WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships. Big pay. Omaha exomlnatinns soon. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. bfflS. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE A Kent s, Ralesmrai and Solicitors. TRAVELINO salesmen calling on hard ware, Implement, lumber and wire fence trade, every statn, take orders for fast Bulling specialty. Big commissions, weekly settlements, pocket sample. Tha Toledo Cable Co.. Toledo. O. ) Mutual Benefit Health ond Acc. Omaha. OMAHA con. eras are looking for good men through us. See us today. Mid west Bonding Co., 312 Bee Bldg. AGENTS Ladies and gentlemen, terri tory for sale of Mexican Herbs Hair Ton.! going fast. Made of two Mexican Herbs. Big repeater. Big money to agents. rite today. La Faniosa Importing Co., El Psjio, Teg. TRAVELLING salesman, groceries; ex ccptlonal opportunity. 82 Bee Bldg. Ltsjntlnaj Fixtures aad Wlrlsjar. THOMAS DURK1N Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CTJM1NO. DOUHAH 25111. Mail Costume and I.oAare Supplies. M FO R. of lodge regallr. and costumes. Tha largest stock of masquerade an4 theatrical costumes In the country. The. Llelien Son, 1514 Howard. D. 4UI. Mfrs. aad Wlaalnw Shade Cleaners. OLD shade made like nw, Midwest Shade Factory. 41 Hamilton. Har. 4W1. Measeaarrr and Traasfex. WHITE LINE, 208 B. 11th. Douglas MIX MllllBerr. BWITCHES from combings. 11. M. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Kkk, 4 B. 11th. D. 667. Mevlna;, torae mm 4 leaalmn. W. C. FERRIN. 18th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Corena Cooper, Omalia , John E. Mourka, Omaha, ovet ltuse Srainek, Omaha, over Vrltg Olson, Omaha , Elva Mwaason. maha .. 21 .. 21 .. IK .. 21 .. lc .. 21 .. ID m ii.dixj rKHMi rs. Bankers' Realty company, .' Bouth Twcnly-nlnth. Irame dwulllng, M.500; P. P. Cismir, S Crown Point avenue, frame dwelling, )2,6uu. TODAY'S WMPIJCTB MOVIE PHOCjIKAMS EvcIuMvcly In The Bet). Di laws. v t'AMEnAI'llDAfc, 14UJ IDI.'OLA8 An At lair or Honor, 3d Adv. series, Lubln, His LuRiiown (Jul. 2-reel: V.lsgrapu. A hen fiipiwry J mi Met the t Itampton. ELITE Nl. irJM FARNAM. An American 'Heiress. Lub. rWed ami the luivmt Knl. Andy and the KcdMkma. 1--II FAltNAM 14ls FAK.AM. Tna Spark Eternal, i-r. K. B. Dra. Lice Joins Ihs W. V. W. No. . Koin. C. Ix.wn by the rn-a. Am Dra. HIPP AHEAlt.it. liTH AND J1AIUNEV Home of Paramount Pictures. AKK. bis N. lul'H BT. i.r t iecu intervene. L,uuin. 'Ji.s poieoueu lilt. 2-reel kiiun. buppery M.in and tieen--.ed Monster. rAHLOU JlltAItlt, 14USi UUtuUii. 1 Trey o' Hearts, series No. 11 1'KINCEsS. i2i;-l DoL'ULAii. Love and Surgery, 2 reeia ot laughter. i ml of Fiaine. Muruma MgutirriB. The Haieciow s Secret, tlraiiwof lUicklra. ijb.Mbl it I Ail KiiiUB of iHinial N ork done, under careful auiervlslon. at tha the Crelghton Collcgo of Dentistry, 210 8. lsth St. Children's teeth straightened. FEES very inmli'iaie. r.xiraciioos ie. PIA.SU ilNINO, it. HUANDON. Recommended by Mary Muiichhoff. Milie Kvaii. Bush, Dutfleld. Belle Roblll- soii 11 nil i.anaow. ve. ' - l:ii:n.m imwi'irdi. Clark A Sn. D. 1371. Maaseasea. MASS., rhe.. liver, kidney troubles. P. 711 Clara Iee. hath and massage. Doug,-87M ANNA MARKS B8.MAS; 13 Farnam St. Apt. &. Id floor. D. mi. Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat. Red tu36. MASSAGE, IPs B. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Violet Ray Mass. 436 Bee Bldg. D. tl't Mrs. Snyder, alec. trt. 1 S. Sth. D. 43W) M A Visl A flli Swedish movement. 44 K. Mack, massage and manicuring. D. 7 WO. Massage, Miss Walton. H. 224. Neville Hlk. Massage, Miss Gibson, H. 224, Neville Bik. RATH and Mass.. alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1K02 Farnam. R. 3. Doug. b fcL HAZkiL lAiaf Pile Conea. Best remeay for Itching, bidding or protruding piles. Mc postpaid; samples free, bhermao Met onnen iru vm -Wedding announcements. lKug. Ptg. Co. DON'T FOHC.KT. WATTERSttN'S I'NHN O RH ESTRA aaiTCM' ""Gibson's Buffet - 123 South 14th Bt ' (AWN COVE1UNU. WALNUT 3I2J TlTT'odd.. ll Paxton Blk.. D. r. Kverel iTiCKY wedding r um at Beodegaard s. ultileal. rOMTlCAb ANWOUNCKMENT I am the republican candtdata for ra ellcuSr, h?Uncaof aratary of a lata lt. Hlstratlon days, Ootobar and tlon. November x 14.-Artdl.a Walt. John H. Grossman, non-partisan candU da", for district judge. If el.oted 1 will not ba controlled by aoy poUUcal bow. uvb wtkb bu8iness mn OF OMAHA 24 or tat. -i AUIAMUKA, 1.-14 NO. S4TH. Vaudevllla with full prngrahi of pictures. ALAMO TH EATEltT-24tTi AND KoRlf i'rt.sies, liex. I nlveiiuti 15 . ', Imp. A iiern Me.notte, 2-reel Powers. IU A MU.N l241w"lAk KkT. " Futility of Keventte, 3-r. Imp. J'iiiy'a Deliverance, Erou. Siui hx on t'.rvle C, Eel. Com. E i i A N K L I N T 1 1 ' R 2 4th at FRANK LI XT Mysiery of the Sleep. ug Deaiti, KaX. t-weedit's Skuie A.fcu. 'I he New IvKdU s jtOot Bio Hli'ptjDKuatE, Ittti AND CL'Ml.SU ) .hei's Tw her, Ko Couudy. oiibcieoio, 2-i eel Thanhuust-r. Drama. Per:l of Pau Ine. P.tn epli-oue, 1 parts. if TH'KaTEK hAh a'VjjCVUT. ' 'i ue l oiter bud ttic 4 lay, 2-r, Kal. A Summer Ueoi t loyii. 1..11. 'I he uy lit His Fkliit r IJus I.OTIHU'P TIlUTuI, 24 A Du'lllUOP juuiusj uirL Ler i.ig Utotlitr. Comedy. 'I lie IiefhUiter. firamu. L O Y A l7T H K A T E H ." jTa C.VLDWELU ul ol thn Fry nm Pan. Nestor vornedy. 'ltitt Atiets. Powers Ti.a Ruek of Huk. 3-reel Victor. J'Ai'K. 1,14 N. It. '111. .'i.e.p's Clothing. 2-tee'i EiJisou. 1 le .veuliy til 4JUt, Li'bllt. 1.'.. 'e.. tr.e Knu.eer. Kif-in. PALACE TMEATK K2 ' 1 1MV LNI-okt! 1 le, Jr.'s r'oriuiie, I i,L cuiiieiiy. Tf i- J-r. r.iuii'e 'j r- i.ei y. N vtor. l.'cita 11I liV On;., J.up. A B C of Omaha A LL WATCHES, a amonua ipeclai pncea, l"-e- - 11 a week. W estern Wat Hoom 317. Karbacn now. si a and Jewelry Co., block. -v T EW and eat-ono-nau- " J,T lI and hiolora. utiiron r.mu 1 sik 8. 12ih. Iiouglaa lf. ... t 1 .tit. . larf Cuiiilna ODoug 2467. Renovates feathers and ns.ttre.sej of all kinds, makes feather mattresses aad down covers. Oealleta. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, par aa you can Dra. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg, Oateopathlo 1'hyalr laaa. Dr. Rerucha, 203-4 McCague Bldg. T. M3S. Pateala. H. A. Bturges. 83a Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Hiirncll, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red "117, Patrat Ie veJopwseat. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 - llth 8t ITiallaa. WATKRU-UARNHART Pt. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2180. 634 8. 13th Bt. Clerical aad Office. WHY EXPERIMENT? Come to us In the first place. We are In touch with the very best firms In Omaha, who tell us their wants because tney know we deal n r v with the em ployer and employe. We want competent men In all lines of hus'ness; men who are ambitious. We especially need the nigner grade or men at this time. Uet In touch with us at once tf you want action. watts iter. Co., mo-42 Bran. Then. SQUARE PEUH IN SCJCAUE HOLES. Wo find a position that fits you. CJO-OPERATI VK REFERENCE CO., 1015-1 City Nat. Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER AND ST UNO. Apply at once, bX State Bk. Bldg. HIOM-ORADE commercial positions. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. 7M Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTEIk Young man steno. ; out of town, good future, fOO. Y. M. C. A Employment Dept. boys. YOI. NO Omaha man, university graduate, four ycare' experience as office man and city balesruan, wants position with charica to advuncc. Willing to begin at bottom; can Invest rotne money next spring. Address, J V10, Bee. EXPERIENCED salesiody aiTd aisl practical nurse wishes position. Web ster tS50. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; can cut meat If necessary. References furnished. Weh 27,1, fliTl'ATION wanted In private famifv of not more than three, by colored lady. 1 rtererences. call Weheter 47iW, Mrs. Hayes Tho Van Sant School Stenography, Pay sc hool, 9:00 to 4 (si. Night school. :lf to :15. Ibth and Farnam Sts. i Douglas K47. EN PERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc.. -taught and conip.ete training given for business ca reer. Private Instruction If desired. 4.34 Dotislas St. Tel. Walnut 2127. LIVE MTOCK MAHKKT OF WBSt SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Ssvs mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt arid careful attention. I.lTe Stock Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN FOR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited scholarsnlp In Boyles Business col lege, Omaha: good for either .shorthand or bunlness courses. Apply at the oftlee of Omaha Bee. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months, 14.00. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO.. Douglaa 2919. !000 Farnam. Y. M. C. A. night school. Enroll now. FOR HALE w ANTED A position as chauffeur. Not afraid of work. Som man. Don't lose the chance. Address K W1, Bee. CARPENTER, first-class workman, de sires steady position. Walnut 14.U1. WANTED By good colored woman, day work. Address H 13. POSITION desired as general housework and Janitor, or porter, with 12 yeirs' experience; can furnish reference. Phone W. 21M. DAY WORK wanted. Phone Doug. 8407. WOULD like place in housework where I may go home nights. Call Douglas 865)!. WANTED Position aa 1827 No. 24th. chambermaid. A SOBER, reliable young man wishes respectable work that will bring ad vencement. Address J 675, Hee. CITY SALESMAN, havln- eight years ex perience; three years wholesale and re tall; 6 years city saleHniaji for present employer, Is open for contract. Line must be good and business policies! must be A No. 1. Salary must be II, W) a year or better; references exchanged. If your line will not stand for this salary, or can't be worked up so as to oay it. don't answer this. I can make good, and mean busi ness. Address S. t'sll. Bee. AUTOMOBILES Llndhorg Bros.. 2'.72 Leav (Fly ty Merklc). Oreenough Oirrnh Rad. Rfi'. Co . 2"2'l Far. OAKLAND. 4i)-II. P., lall roaunter tor eule; price right. Call Bouth Omaha,. South 290 for Information. TRY PELTON 8 OARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements now. iu6 Farnam. 1 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer. 210 N. II Industrial Onrage Co., 20th & Harney Sts. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE, In steamheated garage, 17.50 per month. Auburn Auto Co.. 2."9 Farnam Bt. FOR SALE Five, passenger llaynea cor for 15o0; driven less than 10,000 miles. A, Omaha Hee, Council Bluffs, la. WBltuTdIy"VD'er.lth E2a Cages'0 a"nd HORSBfPOWEI6ass7.nger 1913 Au prUend'M. liSSlonTllu Vug- JSL' -Kd, "i.'J Apply 7 p. m. las. " j condition, for sale cheap for cash. Factory and Trades. Drug store snaps: Ions. Kne.st Be Bldg WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. Positively the best trade of the kind Hundreds of poslalons vacated on account of the foreign burbers being drafted for Euroi-ean war. Can prepare you In few weeks. Wages while learn ing. No previous experience necessary. Appty by mall or personally. Open to everyone. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th St., Omaha. Miscellaneous. LKARN Tartaric Mirror Silvering It pays. Dong, closely guarded secret ot big luctacics. Particulars freo. Wm. Bar- slow, B14 T3d St . Oakland. Cal Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the demand Is great for our graduates; have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2114 N. 20th St.. Omahu. Neb. Or will accept a clesr house arTcTHot. No. mortgaged property considered. Cast nek about 11,975. H Cfc. Bee. Motorcycle. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargalna In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 2701 Leavenworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. O. 3728. BUSINESS CHANCES BAKERY and restaurant, confectionery, northeast Nebraska county Beat. Ona of tho best In tho etnte; no junk; doing a good business. Would take part trade or carry up to one-half. Address V 247. Bee. LEARN to play ragtime In twenty les sons. Call or write Chrlslenuen School, 4220 Cuming St Phone Harney 3379. o iHil'QLAS Print. ng Co. Tel. Doug. 641 COHEY A M KENZIE PTG. Co. D. 244. R1ES-HAI.L Ptg Co., p. Capitol. D. 1103. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. I7b4. Paiattaaj aad Pasierlaaj. HUGH M'MANVB. 4rT N 40thj, H. 1711. Mantes Heaovaled. PLUMES Jk flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 4X9 Paxton. D. K3U4. Hoach sCateraalaatar, B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist. Safe aad II ate Luck Experts, Opened, repaired, oomb. changed. F. E. Daven port. 14. Dodge. D. U2L SAFES ataa Repatriate. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., Ii7 St. Mary's At. Siaiaa aad Skawaatrda. AT CUT PRICES. E. M. CLARK BON. Ill So. lth. Hoom 14. SIGNS Store, aad tiffloa Flslarea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, tc. We buy, aril. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-14-U g. 12th. D. 2724. V IH Lu you nave to phone tor help if your ignition rystem on your car went wrong out In the country T Learn bow to car for your own car at TILE NEBRASKA AUT0M0 BILE SCHOOL, U.1t-17 Dodge. Write for catalogue C, Omaha. GOOD MEN WANTED Now, to take our auto work until com petent: then go right Into the auto busi ness, from here. Big new building; ma chine shop, lathe work, weld.ng, starting systems. Writ for lift of openings. Free catalogue AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 21 19 -Farnam St.. Omaha. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, 126; set of tools given; wages paid Tri Clty College, 12th and Douglas BH. MEN with patentable Ideas write Raa dolph A Co.. Washington. D. C. $24 PER MONTH and up. Must have 1109 to Invest. U. W. Johnson, Lock Box W. Beatrice, Neb. 174 MONTHLY for man to manage branch office. Eastern Nebraska. Hmall In resment for fixtures. Address Capital Collection Co., Dea Moines, la. WANTED l,u" men to rat hum and eggs. 15c. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. Steel Cell lac. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. 10th. VACLIM cieauers tor cleaning dun In the hum. Service Co.. Sob Be Bidg. Vacuum Sanitary rK rent, rpalr. sell needles and parts w If.th and Harney. louglas ItoS. for all sewing machines. IX E lilt ASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckal's," A rruHSIkl ts. MELVILLE D. THOMAS It COMPANY. 12J7-3 -lly Nat. Hank Bldg. Tyler 1M0. Addlaaj MacUlnrs. Dad on Add ng Machines. 411 8 IS. D. 1449. Adder Men Co., tVV'alee W. O. W. D. bu. Altracttvaa. OMAHA film ex., Hth and Doug. Motloa pliiuie mnrhlne and film bargains. Aala aad atagoet Hrpalrlaisj. Magneto repair work a eelalty. D. 1411. Aacltvaee.se. Dowd Auction Co i 1121 W. O. W. Red t2& Harbera. It Chairs. Ine shave, neck shave 1(17 Par. ttla frtallaif. HOKNBY CO. Blu prluflng, under new ownership. '2 Omsha Nat. Bk. D. 1167. ttraaa Kssssriss. Paxton-Mltrhell Co., rti and Martha Pta. Mallata aad He-palrlaa. EFRA.NTA, 11 Paxton Ulk. Douf. 21S7. Tswtl Sappllea, OMAHA Towel Supply. W7 H. Ulh. P. 628. Traaka aad Salteaaaa. FREL1NG A BTE1NLE, 180 Farnam 8t. Tall CHAM. C. LANPERYOU, 101 N. l&th St. Vetertaarlaaa. ; DR. O. R. Ytil'NG. 4 Center. 11. a. V. tae. aad Llaaar. ALEX JKTE3. 2DI-1 K 13th St. Wines. Iiuuora, clgur. Ilate dinner 11 to 1. loc. ' k.uKY '" LJgl OR HOUSE. JSth and Capitol Ava Ten-cent eaach GlABE Uuuor Hous. 424 No. Ulh. I uls.. cold beer. c. Write for pile list. D. 4A1 MEN AND WOMEN Own a rich, inde pendent! business of your own. Why work on salary all- your life? We have ten valuable- and simple methods which will bring you a large I a corns regulafiy. Send II for theaa months, or write for further particulars. No fake, no risk. National Progressiva Corporation, Fan oourt Bt. and Duquesn Way, Pittsburgh, Pa CONCRETE construction business open for some energetic party aide to in vest fl.Otx. Experience unnecessary. Great future for hustler. Address Y 2. Bee. FOR SAL4i Best job printing plant In Omahax paving ; owner must sell ac couut-'Of sickness. Can arrange terms. Price, l. QUICK SALES CO., . Ree Bldg. GROCERY STOKE (or sain, only ex clusive one in live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doini good -business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling Address Y-234. rare Bee GENERAL' STOKE Inland atore ot general marcharnllHe for sale, stock In voice about tO.HU; business $18,000 yearly flno location; good reasons for gelling. Address Y 245 Hee. HOTEL FOR SALE One of the best com mercial hotels in the state of Colorado; only commercial hotel in town of 1.M0. 20 rooms, steam heat and electric light, do ing from 11.000 to $1,200 per month busi ness. Address P. O. Box f. Brush, Colo. SMALL OUTSIDE OFFICE Good location ' 810 Sq. Ft. $12.00 CAN SHOW YOU NOW Others st $10.00 and up. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE THE BEE BUILDING. Office Room, 103. SIGNS, enow cards. Clark A Son. D. 1371. LIST YOUR BUSINESS . with us fur quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALEa COMPANY. 411 Bee Lldg Phoue Red 32M. STOCK ot goods and fixtures lor sale or trade. A snup. Address bug as-S, Silver City, la, TO QUICKLY sell your business or real Hate, write KenneoecK to, tunaiiu. HELP WANTED THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies turough Theater Exchange Co.. 14oti Farnam St Faraltare. New 2d-l.and furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., SOTi N. 16th. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage 2 w R llitn st EXTENSION table, coal range. D. JoieT. ONE Riverside hard coal .stove for sale cheap. Call Webster 5o4S, 5 ROOM 4 01 u.rniiure of all kinds, in good condition. Kid. or will nell bv Dlcce. 0li N. 17th. St. FOR SALE Excellent heater. Garland No. 3i, 114. Call ?3U Cnliforn'a St. GOOD furnishings for a 7-rooat uouse, reasonable. Red 6513. HOWE Ventitator base burner. Tyler 2174. Musical loilrunirMt. P11NO player: a barsaln TVl. H 471L UPRIGHT piano for sale; good tone; cheap for cash. 2"07 Charles. Web, MSI. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, E07 S. 17th. RENT Hemingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. Tho Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1214. Rental rredited If you purchase, and only vefy newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for $ri for undcrstroke machines or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. All makes typewr'ters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter, 180S Farnam. D. 6Qal. Miscellaneous. Bakery and furnace wood. Tel. Flor.' 401. 1 25 H. P. 7x10 Ideal engine. 1 10 H. P. Climax engine. 1 K. W. 12b volt. Amp. 1025 R. P. M. D. C. Wttlnghouse generator, complete with switchboard. - 2 10 H. P. D. C. motnre. 1 IS K. W, 100 D. C. generator. 1 7 H. P. vertical Nagle engine. 1 30 II. C. motor driven fan. 1 11x72 tubular boiler. This machinery Is all In first class condition. OMAHA CMDLD STORAGE CO., 1th and Farnam Streets. FOR SALE Invalid chair; practically' .new, used 6 weeks. Phone Web. 762. FOR SALE at a discount, a full un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Fee. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 & Paul. 6x7 GRA FLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying rase for camera and carrying case for plat hold ers. The outfit in good condition and a b g bargain for the lot at $110. Address A 690, Bee. AUTO robe. Canadian blanket, 16 gauge Winchester pumper. Friedman, 1328 Dodge. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard rabies and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures ot all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collcnder Co.. 407-4"9 S. 10th St. SOD of a few lots. Telephone D. 2W7. 4 flA Buys best coal for the money; try it. Web. 848. Harmon tt eeth. BARGAIN in soda fountain Benson 123. LIVE STOCK FUR SALE. liorae and Vehicles. LARGEsT stock of delivery wagons In tbe city; ail kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Jounscr.-i-tanforto Co.. new lu'.atluii. 16.V-1I N. ldtn EL TEAM of mares weigiung 2,4(w, 1170. Big team of work horss, $1 36th and county line, So. Oniana. Tel. So. ;'29. SHETLAND 1'o.NV, sale for children to ride or drive. Also saddi and bridle, practically new. Call Webster 1946. FOR SALE CHEAP-Mare, weight about 1,4411ft. Phone Walnut 1KI73. HAY. IS per ton. Wagner, 01 N. . 19th. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up th ofiice of the Omaha Council Blufls Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore thei.1 to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. IF l'ARTY who found lady's purse with $)0 and locket will keep IIO and return balance and locket, will appreciate It. It's all w got. W, A. Scott. Address B V8, Bee. lA.SrT On Farnam car or near 13d and Harney, a small black leather pocket book, containing railroad ticket and paper bill. Reward. Harney 1246. YOST Brindle bulldog, about 4 months old; answers to name of ipieenie. 2u02 Iavenworth. Tyler 2T"3J. lie Sard. ENGLISH bull terrier, all white, long tan, ears cuppeo, montns old pup. Return 113 So. -.th Ave. R. J. Sajnders. Liberal reward. MEDICAL. ,.Y ,0?? Uux,ly iiuuora at Klein's LWuor House, bZi N. 14th. Douglas la 1IELP WANTED i'KMALE 4 Irrlral avad Uf flaw. YOUNG lady with soma knowledge of bookkeeping for pluutk'ng cupoara: state wagea. Address A Sel. Be. WH OAN place you whei opportunity 1. greateat. SEE 18 TODAY. WATTS REF. CO., 40-41 llrandela TKea. 9Ve4urr aad Trade. PRESMAKEH In Lincoln. Neb., wants rxpeiieae.l sslrt diaper to take charge of ekirt rojm. Xood salary to right larty. address T iHx. e-e LwkittV tMiissias. U4.paiu4 Parlra, II1LU AND I- ESI ALE. . ' Itl UhT in or out of bus liens, call on THOUSANDS government Jobs n to OANQESTAD. 404 BeeBJdg. D. ?477. men and) women; lvi to I'.IO month . v r 1.-fi iTi7w u'i..Trs ihiw of iW HrH he,.ierKNnYhn InStl,Ul- 1' tntei to Hro,.? 1.1 f. tiH nester. . you. ,Bey ,nMV brI1K you Wealtn. GET government jobs. t to 1160 a W rite lor "Needed liiveiuious and "How rni ntli; 2 uo appointments each month, to Get Your Patent atid Your Money." For list of positions obtainable addrw l'.andolph & Co., Patent A'.tornoys, ash- YH.BeL c Inmon 1. C. ( MEN WOMEN Get government iota laveatmrata. S to 1m0 moath. Writ for list of po- INVESTMENT Wai. ted. a man to In- sltions available. Franklin Institute. vest about o.(Xv in an old estkblished !ak k). Rochester. N. V - geneial nierchuudis business: will run EXCELLENT opportu'Mtv for man or 11 with ray own hflji. A g.iod t.ivestment woman with selling ability to own a ,ur the man that has eome money to local buslnera. Call Red .Vm, 4 to 7 p. in. In out. Slock about l.tMiW- German .... . -. f - . preferred. Address 2H Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS --.:- .. WAN TED-Work aa chain oar maid in bolal 1-DUCATlONAL Omaha or -oath Omaha. Phoa. i M01IEIVM1'IAN YOUNG man warns piac to work for s CJOLLEftE boaid whii atieudlii B-'ylea' coliaga -wi.vj j, Mi..i.i..w' FAIX TERM IS N0V OPEN SITUATION ulJ aa cartker of studenta admitted any day. Unsur- roomlng house. Address A 6.1. Be. psssed classes in all business and Eng- EXH-Rll-NCED chauffeur wishoa la ish bruin hee. shorthand. Graduates drive private car: careful driver; know guaranteed good poaitiona Places pro- city very well Address F &63 Be. vided for young people to work lor board. lV vec u.J 1 1 11 . ' 1 , ; For a nw free catalogue aldress VANrEl By ntlddlMged lady. good iiAOllvlS I tlintf tv plso In general housework. Addieas MOS11 JL W-LtA M I AI AN 422- N. I lh. g . 1 WASTKII-i'onkui, position by colored V.VlIXUIj person, day aerk preferred. VVsu. 737a. U15 Far asm St., Omsha. Douglas HIS. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. a R. Tsrry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wr'te for book erfi eectal ulseasea with testimonials. DR. .. R. TARRY. 140 Bee MONEY TO IMN NEED MONEY? See us. Ojick service Half usual rale. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Paxtun Block. Oouglss 1411. rERSONAU AUTOA 30-11. p. Mitchell 6-passenger car, (no topi; las wind shleid. lights, etc., to trade for lots or diamonds. Ad dress 8. C. If.1. Bee. ACCOUNT of financial reverses wil trade or want to sell my Apoflo player piano St a .great sacrifice. This is an excep tional bargain for someone. 8. C. 157A. AUTO Maxwell runabout, first class condition. Cash or trsde. No land of fers. Address 8. C. Bee. AtfTOMOBlLES tor otnsr automoblli bargkla sea tha "Automobile'' classlfi ration . BUSINESS CHANCES Manufacturing business protected by patent and all Mints for real estate bankable notes, r what have you to the extent of $1,000. Ad- urcss S.. C wsy. Bee BULLDUO6 months old bulldog; good watch dog. will swap for furniture or makf me cash offer. Address ln76. Bee. BICYCLE One ver old for cash, or what bare yotl? 8. C. 1D61, Bee CAMERA. ETC. Will trade camera, gui tar or other articles for a llin'ted num ber of butterflies: need not be rare va rieties, hut must be well preserved and of atlractlve. design. Address 8. C. ir6,Bee. CAMERA One minute post enrd. new. Complete outfit, cost $42 00. Will trade (or anything I can use. Address S. C. 161 Bee. CAMERA. ETC. I have Carmon com- bttihtlori and postcard camera; an East man pcitcr.td cr.mcra, lUxfi'i. Sn leather rase for film and plate both; alro a 5x7 machine complete, with two lenses, chem icals, trsvs. impply of slock. Want to sWHpMr.r a iW Colt's revolver. Also a 25-20 repeating rifle for anything, or will sell Cheap. Address. S. C. I.'i57, Bee. CAMERA-Rx7, Premo camera, complete, . with a .plate holders, 6 supplementary lertses,' triirod and carrying cose; want tyfiewriter. Address S. C. 1567. Bee. CLEAR" 1 1OTS to trade for late roadster. Ford preferred. Address F-687, care Bee. CO NTRAt TORand caTpcnirr w ill dT your carpenter work and repairing; also put up your storm, sash: anything of vfiltie tskerr In exchange-: a good heater wanted. Address 8. C. 1S84. CLOSr! TO OMAHA. IMP. FARM n.rga!n. Isaac Conner. Omaha. C J ANAS. le a lei xcnanKea DAVENPORT Sanitary davenport and mattress for chairs or anything I can use In the house, or for $0 cash. Ad dressS. C. Ifi'is. Bee. if GRAFLEX ne,wspaper camera, with 11 plat holders, carrying case for Camera and carrying case for plat hold. Srs. Th outfit In good condition and n !g bargain for the lot at U0. Addresi S. C 1R1J DUE BILl A tr due bill; good as cas.i as first payment on any piano: sell icr $ or trade for diamond or anything. K : ' DESK. ETC. toiler top desk with safe flat top desk, four-foot floor show case", snd candy case for what have you? Ad dress S C. ISM. Bee. DRESS . SUIT Complete, and Tuxedo It desired. $0 swap for Vlctrola or any th I ng I Can Use. Address 9. C. 1035. Bee. ENGINE-One I. H. C. 1-H. P. gasollno engine. Will trad for what? Address P. C. IStlS, Bee. EQUITY II, (X equity in a coxy four room cottage, almost new; two beauti ful lota, each 40xiro, located at Benson; trade for . equity - In Omaha property; price, 11.W0. 8. C. 16S9. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-passenger . Hupmohlle, In first-class running order, will trade for another car that I can work ever this winter, or what have you? S. C. 1619. FOR SALE OR TRADE Lot, north ol Krug Park; fine location; a bargain If taken at once. A 6n6. FURNITURE for a 46-room hotel , near Omaha, ",009. Low rata rent o I the building. What have) you to offer! Address H 1 17S.1. care Pea HEATER A good oil healer, almor; new; sell for 3 or trade for anything P C. -137. . . HENS, ETC. 100 Standard bred white leghorn hens and a few fine cockerels. $1 26 to $2.50 each. Might accept new mer chandise or a good typewriter in ex f hange. 8 C 15. Jlee. REAVING city! Will rell or trade my Kimball piano for S6. Cost new $32o. P. C. 1K74. MERCHANDISE 11.600 EQUITY IN 12.000 merchandise, Invoice of new goods to exchsnge' for tools or what have you? Address Box 64, Clinton. Neb. MOTORCYCLE Twin Excelsior, 1913 model, fully equipped. This ma chine has been run very little and en amel and engine in A-l ahape. Will trad tor roadster or runabout of equal value, or mak an interesting price for cash. 8 11441, Bee. EoTORCTCLE-1914 7 H. P. twin cylinder motorcycle, nearly new, been run leas thau 00 miles, and fully equipped, worth $M0. Will trade for real estate, diamonds or anything of equal value. Address 6. C. 1370, car Bee. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Reg ina mu sic box. value $36, and on hlgh-grad ''Bowtton" mandolin. Address 6. C. 1M2, Bee. NO. t Remington typewriter. In good run hi fig orde If ng model ning order; will trade for B-flat cornet. OFFICE FURNITURfi Will buy soms good sacond-haad offlo furnitura: must ns cheap tor cash. Add.- a a 1240. Be. PHONOGRAPH A dandy and 125 records, would exchange for diamond ring or cheap lot. worth $150. Address 8. C. I6 car Bee. PAINTING AND PAPERHANOING First class work and reasonable price charged. Want some good furnitura. Ad dress 8 C 1538. Bee. PIIONOGRAFH, ETC. A small phono. graph and ten records for sale or trada What will you give ine in exchang for them? Address a C. 1M6. Be. FLAYER MUSIC A limited numhar oi new rolls for M-note player piano t trad tor typewriter, rifle or Edison pho nograph records. What have you? Ad dress S C. 1-.77. Bee. I'CaNTS Plants to swap. I have dark ' red dahlias, red and yellow cellos, bluish Iris, which I would like to swap tor other tafletles. 8. C. 1660, Bee. PHONOGRAPH and Uu fine Edison rec ords. lor piano or good diamond ring or lot. Afliirens s. c. 171. Bee. l-ESTAURAT Wanl for a oo:kilete, uf outfit: must, he first-c THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, msga Iir.es W collect. W distribute. 1 none IKiuglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, U1U-U121114 liodge St. Y0UN1I women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited lu visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary a Ave., where tney will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Luck (or our trav elers' sld st the Unci) Ststlon. Want to swap er deal p-todato restaurs tit cutrit; must, n rirst-ciass in an respect. v I mean- business, and give full particu lars in first letter. Then you will o me. S C. VM. bee. ' RAZORS What have you to offer for . some () new safely razors? Can b seen st any time; more can be had at th factory; big money in the business; will accept anything that I can eat. wear or Use p C. IMiS, Bee. fela, siiQvi cants. Clurk tt Son. D. 137a TUBES room bungalow, at Diets club, tor vacant lot or auto. Phone Tyler 166s. PARTY comieiiiplating trip to Pacific coast points will find to advantaa to address C. Adam. Tekamah. Neb POULTRY AND SUrPLlES MUd train. l a per lvi. W agoer, sul N. 1. ' TYPEWRITER Have a firi-ciass standard mak typewriter, two-color ribbon, etc., will sell for 3u, or trad for anything ot equal value i can ua. 8. C. 14.41. Ba TYPEWRITER la good condition- will snap, for good Watch. Address 8. C. IS, bea. WATt H lAdy oi"-n fao watch, to r gold-fii,1 taae. good timekeeper, to trada for siHall kodak. What hav y..u a C 14A. Bee. ' WiLL accept runabout or good driving n , . 1 fi t a t,mt ,,.mAn, - lul . standard piano or player piano. 8. C- V