i iii'. ih-.i.: m.ii.. .iu.M.v. tn'iinu'.H i:i4. WANT ADS TODAVN t OMPI.KTK MOVIE PROGRAMS ExrlunlTrly In The He Asnt ad received at any tUne, but to iranr proper classification mint be pr-a-nted before 12 o'clock noon for evening million and TSO p. m. for morning and Sundey edition. Want ads received after ni'-h hours will be tinder the heading. loo I.att 10 Classify." CASH RATE".. Seven renicuUv times, 1 cent a word earn Insertion. Three times within one week, H4, eente word es-h insertion. One time 2 cents a word. CIIAROK RATES seven consecumc times, I cents a Has ea h Insertion. Three times ithln one week, lo cents a lln each Insertion. One time. 12 rents a lint. V.?"I" "1 average words to a line. .Minimum chart. 2 rents. mlr.' ,r! '! o be responsible fT ivVinM 1n mron '"""-tlon dun to ,VT.rP rror' '"Jr-is for error must be promptly made. Anadwrtleement inserted to be run un-ti-nr. m'ed B,Mf,t b 'top", V w". TELEPHONE TYLER ifM Unclaimpd Answers to the 'SwaPD-prs' Clnlnmi.') ailed Jh,r "" ". h.en wk H i."d ,"'"Trr n"'rlng the la.t aired aJTirKb"?w nv rn'" h" -"Ire "tlI.'S,.r Want Ad. 4 nacll metis ELITE NO. I. f.. BROADWAY. n.tHi tiij o An Affair of Honor. Ser-l.ihln The Moilna- Picture Cowtwr, Se ropf n the at f.n. .rirHOAbwA v. The HHI.. of Marhl.-hnnd, 2-re"l Vrt. The Derision. Rex Mr Smallpox In circle U, K lalrrnmjdy. nath Omaha. WrpSK JITII ANM N. The Ixit Mail Sac k. S-reel Kal. "iweetlie learns to ,wm. r. Thloan ihark KlnaVlta. MAGIC THKATKR. live WIRE IUNINEHS MEN OK OMAHA K.ver, thloa for Women. Woman's Exrr,sngr, s; Vet A f.' (HI iN. t'l. Knlf, inhrt. bo nleiitlnK: i-nered tuiitnii. nil and et ! - hiTittt'hln(r. fl' "Ui". l(ll I'lea'tn 'n . l'OM(':i Ultx k. IV V.:V.. 1IKI-P WAXTr ll MAIE. Clerical ! Ufliee. H?l( f5T:ATK rorrimerciai p"ltlon. WtPTEKN RKr. HO.NI AhtiN. Vu'2 )wY Net. Pxtik B'da, AtTIOUII.KM LlndhotK Hron . Vul tynv. ( r'lyln Me rk1V $! forf!t for anv niKKiti we ran t re pair. Coll rrpar a. I Ilayxdorfer. "!0 N. It nik. v.. mi. rr-.c.LTrr.T."" mnn nln'. ; town. Kood futjre. it). V. M. f rnnlo-mrnt !pt. .i.t ir,)'irlnl irne .' . - Harney Sta. Karri era. I ' K N KKNSTK.lt. TrtV -KI,TIN P HAHAOK ; for winter ntnra'-; eteem heat; make ar- . ; rHnarnenii riw. Firn;n. ollf-lor. - KTrVrriw'rl-'.TlTdtVr-fi7r"VilV': TKAVKUN"; thl.-.-,Ti-1) a IIIhk on I.htO-i vtW Mrllt. fall Pi. nth Omaha. Fouth r' for InforniMttnn. ta-eata. walemea and i( N -jtih JVI. V. Klorlala. A. IiONAHI K. Hi. lnrnv. I."iia At T'iMuHII.K .T'K.St:. In rte:inihe;t.l hpvih,i 7 ." p-i inonth. Aubtim Aulo 'o., i"!t Karnnm tt. BATU'ii forlet. Ism rurnum Ht Cruel. Crnnl World. Joker f'oin. The I'hetitom Unlit, L'-reel ltleon "1TII 4 vit o I fir..i'r !.., Lou rnmmo. ..in .. .. M(l, ,,,. .ir(t Telearaph I -l IIKHH HVVfIM)lA. i. ljr.t. Aaa'n. VaedrTllle. OltpHKl M. T1TII AMI II.. Kr. Omnha 8er1- No. IX of the Million follar Mv ti ry wl'l be ahown here Wedneadny. Two thrilling part. Itat-of-Towa. KMPRK.Krv NKBRAPKA flTT, Kl'MiAVH KHotlltAM. The lll.lrlon lttera, i-re-l Vlt. A Homrahne, Kor Kurk. Vlt. A X XOl' X t t'M K X TH NK.IJ. 1 . 'I . -t' . 1 ' Kit . ' . ! M1- ;-rf f.r. .t.-3 ' art v m rl , . m IVl.t -i J001 "OjJ 1011 ' 1W ' If -1.1-1 1077 1 8 f. . .a c 'A"t Jt i l.';s ' !; wi irt , 3 1' ?aw i ii'i i:i- lt; it.,- l.'4T MP 'Ha I24 Jr :i?l l ;;r! ili :!- 12 V ui-j " i;:,4 tr 11V l?."A rz-.v H - y.3 IW ' ;: ii!' :.v,t v!.i 11!- IMS If. i '2:1 1' L'T4 Desirable Offices For Rent in The Bee Building ON'K OX FARM AM STItKET .VJ() S. Ft.-$")0.0() Ixcfltifin niul Son-ice tlio Best i'licxit of j i eat -fri:e light Inquire of tli Superintendent, Room 10:5. nr. net VOW l.tM 1 Jel IW JT.t ir4 1'tsrr H) iw. I4!f. 1 "urn am HI Hair Kreaalns Harper M. thod. R. . n-ird I). S11. SWItT- iiy.Hl nmTro rirt'lrTKxT $l7jl 2o41 Lite ntoek Hemedlea. OMAHA Prniedy fn, iV7 P. 13th. Red. 4J.2. Mlbtliia Mil area and tvlrlnr. THOMAS DURK1N Ftlertrlc flxtur' end' (iipplloa, contruct Ina mid rephl? work done reasonable. 2ii! 'I'.min;. iKit-ii.AH yr.itt. laal I oalame and l.onae aappllea. ll''!R. of IihUt rritalfn mid roalnniea. The InrieM fto. k or niax't'ieriule an. I theatrical i-oetutnea In the i-oiintrv. Theo lllx.n Hon. iV14 Homwi-d. I. 411.'.. Mfra. and W ledorr hade I leaaera. OLD ahadea tnade like pew. Mldweel Hhade Ka tnrv. 4"10 llHrnllton. liar. 4M eare. Itnplrm i t. I imlor and elre fenre . trad", ti i y et:if, t.ike u.dera for fat 111 ! eelllr.,T epe.'tnlly. ! 'tr commlHalnna, I nwkly evttli nieni. po-krt a iinplo. Thn Tirol Tol-dn I 'able ! .. Tol.do i ). ! Miiiuti ii.n.n. . -,, r I l'"R fAl.i: I'lte-piicwncer Itevn.a nr M"'"''1 "rnr,t- U'" A,,':..'i!n".,iM for driven I-- tl .n K'W mllt-a. '"''"'I' Ivtdl.a hii I uentienien. terri- , A (imi'n Itee, roun.-ll Ilnff ia. topj- for aale of Mexiean Herba ll.ili- r Tnni.- koUik f,nt. Made of two Mejri.-an I M.ir,rlM. I llerha. Hie renentre ,nnn..v ' 1 1 A Rl ,KV-1 AVI I)SON MtjTORCYn.KB. ' rlt t-Kliiy. Ii Kaiiioxa liupuitinK Co., , F.l I'oao. Tex Meaaeaaer and Tranafex. WHITK 1 .IN K. fl H. IMh. Poimlaa J.112. Mlllln.p,v SW ITi'lIKH from ornWn(t. II S", rayche fr-e. Mra. H. M. F-k. i4 H. 11h. I. Ku. Molina, Ktortae and I leanlna. V. . KKRMIN. 1Mb. and t'apttol. Ty. V.'O'I. Maaaenaea. MAHH.. rheii iver. kidney trouhlea. IV T1X 'laia Ie. I. ii.h and nmenitfte. Iiona 1P7M :nt rRO or THANKS. I alncerelT thank yon for the hen lit I fV I floral nffeiinna and the klndneaa ehown tne during the airkneaa and death of mr huaband. And. may the tie of theae Irtendahlpa never be broken. Mr. W. W. Johneon. - . IXKATII Ant! ri KHl- NOTICE. JOI I ANSON--Rev. U'iPti, died at real denee, "I1H Ohio r5., tv. 3, mil; Hge 71 yeara. Funeral aervtnea held i.t Hwedlah Raptiat hurch, l N. INth. at 2:.) p. m. Monday. Interment In Forret Lawn i emetery. I .TODAVB COMPI.KTR MOVIE rKO(JltVMH EicInaWrlj In Tito I)e. Dnifl T'e CAMKRAPHO.M4. , l IiOTT'JlR An Affair of Honor, M Adv. aertee, I.ubtn. Ilia I'nknown tllrl. x-reel. Vitawraph. When HUapery Jim Met the 'ha mplon. f.I.ITK. liTl FARNAM Tha Koaa and the Thorn. It. Vltafraph. Twlna and Trouble. Fxlleon. Hion.'ho Hilly and the (Ireuaer. K.ee. PARN'AM THKATKIl, 14l KAjl.VAAf million Iollar Myetery. No. I. Out of tha Olputy a Hand. Kel. The Property Man, t;hurhe fhapman, Mabel-Norman. fur p" "th BAT-StTiyn iA n dh a" rn k vT Homa of Paramount ricturea. l AKk, W N. IITU BT, Iord t'aoll Intervene a. tvibln. Tne rolaoned Hit. 2-reel EdlaoD, hllppta-y bllm and Ureen-Kyed Moaatar. eXKiiTYifEUTKT. lo lMjtVUAA Trey oV Hearts', aarlea No. IS. PRINCEH8 THKATKR, 117-1 ltL'i Uraoa Cunard and Krancla Ford, famoiia "Lucille 1av" atara. In "The Myaterl oua Hand. -r. "tlipW I'ulia a Tooth." L K N T I iS TRY A I ! kirwJa of lental Work done, under rat' fir enper vImIoii. at the the t'eelghirin I'olieae or l.entiatry, Cld 8. Jfc.tr, HI. Children's te th atralkhtened. KKFK very moderate. i:xtra lloiia free. i.V -VlMtlVO t.-i,. MASSV'iK. I"2 Karnani St. ' Apf. I. M floor. I . )W1. Mlaa Klnlier. maaa., eleet. treat MAHHAilK, li H Red MM. th Ht. Mra. Hteele Violet Hay Maaa. M Hee. Hlila l. HI12. Mr.""Hnydoi-, .-I..... trt. liii'sith. 1. 40 Factory and Trade. tlrug Hora nao: y.fe. Kne.at ltee p.l l W ANT F. I M K N tTT T7k a" KNUA Kl'uCR TRAl'K. I'oaltlvely the best trade of the kind Handrrda of tioaialon vacated on arrount of Hie foreian barbera being drafted for Kuropeun war. Can prepare you in t. i we. Ke. aire while learn Inc. No previous oxperienee ner-eaaary. Apply by mall or prreonnlly. Open to ev.-ryone. M'tl.KIt RAIlHKIl COM.KtlF., II" S. 14th Ht.. iitnnln. Mlaeellaneuaa. LHVARN Tartarle Minor Kilverlnaw It pay. Iong, eloaelv guarded aecret ot big farorte. Partleulara free. Wm. Itar etow. 514 ffl Ft . ."(aklaiid, Pal Paraalna In uaed tna'-hlnea. "p tor Kona. "The Motor, yi e Miin." 2703 Leavenworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTOKCYCLK now teady; harsalna In uaed nmihlnea. OMAHA RICYCLI-; l it, b'.lh and Chicago, i. 72x. ItrSINKNS CHAXCKH HK HALE Mtetrellaaeoae. Takerv and furna.-e wwl. Tel. Klor. 401, t 25 II. P. 7x111 Meal nrine. 1 10 H. I. Climax enaine. 1 K. W. 15 volt. Amp. I"-'". n. P. M. O. C. WeatliiKhnuae fenerator. complete wltt, awli.'hl.oard. 2 10 H P. D. ". mot i a. 1 1.". K. W. !' 1. C. ireneiator. 1 7 H. P. wrtbaJ Naale engine. I M P. C. motor drixeu lan. 1 lx72 fibular boll"r. Thla machinery la all In fir.M . lass rotiilltinn. OMAHA COLP FTOHAGK CO. 8th and Kanini Stre-tx. SWAPPKIl'S COIAMV 7 UKAFLKX newspuper ruiifix, wttll II plate holdere, rarrylng caae fof camera and .aitylng aae for plate hold era The outfit 'n good condition and a big Lark-aln for the lot at 1110. Address S. r. ish Ll i; HILI-A d ie bill: good ae eaa i aa flrat payment on any piano: aell tor or trade for diamond or anything. . c. FOR SALK at a diwonnt. a full un limited ei-holarahip in Hoylea Hualnesa eollrge. tmaha: good f ir either abort-j hand or nualneaa eourer. ..ppiy ai me office of TUe Omaha Bee. 2-haml mch. rroa Wreck t o . 21 & i'aul. Wanted at Once BAKKRY and rvj-iaurant, confectionery, northeaat Nebraeka county aeat. One. of the lxt In the Mate; no junk; doing it good bualneaa. Would take part trade or cany i.p to or,e-half. Ad'lr-as Y 217. Hee. j CONCRKTI-; i onai i uctlon bualiie.sa peii j for '.otne nergcli.: party able to in- , teat l1.fM. Kxperlonc" itnne. exHry. 'Jreat j future for huatler. Addrea Y 2. He.-. : 1x7 ORAFLKX newapaper camera, with 11 plate holdera. carrying I'p.ae for enmera and carrying case for plate hold era. The outfit in good condition and a bg bargain for tho lot at $110. Addrcpa A 7.90. Itee. 1KS"C. KTC. - Roller tup -1ea' with aafe. Hat too (k, tour-foot floor ahow caae', an.l randy rne f(,r what have you? Ad dieS 1K, Hee. 1'KF.SS SCTTipiete. and Tuxedo If deelred. to aaao for Vlctrola or any thing I can uae. Addreea 8. C. l'W. Ree. KM! I N nTT."l - Zf lT P. gTiaVuTne engine. Will trudo for what? AUdre.8 I. C. 1.VV1. Hee. MI".S to learn the automobile huaincM; the demand la great for our graduate; e iiave trained hundieda of men; let us train you. Y rite for free booklet. Foli SALK Heat Job minting riant In) Omaha; t.nvlng ; owner must aell ac count or slcknrea. fan arrang" lrm. Pile, $j.flr. 2UICK SALES CO.. ; Bet- Hldg At To robe. Canadian blanket. l'i gauge Winchester pumjer. Kriedman, VOX rod(!e. I'M It PA LI". -New gnl e-ond-han,l arcin and pocket l.lll'ard tables and bowling alleys and ncceaaones: lor fixtures of all kinds: enuv payments. The Hrunawl'k-l'alke-.f oMender fo.. 4i7-4..' S. Kdii t. SOP of a few lots. Telephone P. 2l"7. for the nmney; try Harmon Wecth. H A Ri i A I N In godn fountain. Henaon 12a7 i-'t.iR 9ALK ItixaUd chair; tractically - . . . 1 k T 1 1 - Vt. W "J" utt.t, ueri a (TRi.. nun? i ri', $' IM1 Huy be.st cos .tU lt wh m 742. OR04?KRV STORK for sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.1'm. located In m-eatnrn Inwem T ..V n cnrnl hualneaa. 2xat 1 Auto Trilininir Ass'll. W1" I'v ,f Inveeligat. Oood reasons fori . . . 7. . ' ' aelltng Addres .n .I'tn t.. omana. n. IAT. KTUCTl fOlt KALR. Iress Y-234. care Hee. WOl'U) you have to phone for help If your Ignition ryatetn on your car went arong out In the country? Learn how to care for your own ear at THE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL, Podge. UKNKKAI. STOI'.r: Inlnn I store ol general merchandise for Bale, stock In vtilce about H.OOO; bUHimsa I1S"0 yenrlv: flhe location: ko1 reasons for aelling. Address Y 245. Hee. 14 t-17 HOTKI. KOR HALF. One of the beat com mercial hotels In the state of Colorado; oi.lv commercial hotel in town of i.foU. JO Write for catalogue C, I rooms, steam heat and electric liht, do Omaha. ! Ing from $1.i to xl.flo per month bual- Hruan, t oio. M iSl Mir.1 Swedish movement. a. yMa 424 Pniielas i72. K. Mack, inaasHge and niauleurlng. P. 76X2. ' l ., J U .,o Ml.. Wnltnn f 'J)A X' u .. 1 1 1 Till, PIANO 'Ili.MNG, 11. HHANPON. Hecommended iy Mury Munch hoff, Slllle llyan. Push. Puff!. I I Helle Robltv-r-n H t endow. W. 4:2. 4fiX N. 2th Ave ejitt.NH, showcaroa. Clark AV Son. P. 1H71 1 1 AKL iTeaT'l'l'le Cones. Rest remwly for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; MM postpaid: Mimplra freo. , Slicrmaii & McConnell Priig fo., Omaha. x. eddlng announcement. Pong. Ptg. Co. Maaa:ie, .Mlaa (llbsoti, It. 2i.'4, Neville Hlk. RATH fcii.l Mass., a'.cohul rub. Ijiura Wilson. 1W2 Kamam. II. 2. Pong. H7r.l. GOOD MEN WANTED Now, to take our auto work until com petent; then go right Into the auto busi ness from here, nig new hull, ling; ma chine shop, lathe work, adding, starting systems. Write for Hat of openings. Krce catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, !ll!f r'arnam St . nmaha. peas. Addreea P. O. Hox .".. PARTY with l.'.nOft or over to Invest can make Mg returns In short time; Invest ment well secured. Address O 870, Hee. MFN to learn the barber trade; tuition, j $2."; set of tools given; wages paid Til-, Cltv folleire. 1?th and Douglas Hta. Oeullala. . Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay can. Dra. Mcfiirthy, 1111 W. O. W MFN with patentable Ideas writ Ran dolph & Co.. Washington. P. C. SMALL 0UTSIDK OFFICE Good Location 210 Sq. Ft. $12.00 CAN SHOW YOU NOW Othoxa at $10.00 and tip. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE THE BEE BUILDING, Office Room, 103. PdN'T KOROKT. WATTK.RSoN'rl I NloN ORCHESTRA for all orcaa'ons. Strictly the best. Ad dreas SU N. Jth St., or phone Pong. MM- ""Gibson's Buffet LAW N in South IMh Bt STv itR? n iwXiTn i t i m. Everett S. iHidils, f.12 Paxton Hlk. jlrU VV CK Y wedding r ng a at llrod'egaard'e. ! ' rolltlcat, POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I am the republican candidate for re election to the olflca of ccitary of atata. ReglstraUdn days. October and 24: eleo Uun. November a. 1H14 -Addlana Walt. joThn H. Uroasman, non-parllaan candi date for dlatrlet Judge. Jf elected 1 will not be controlled by any political boss. LIVE WIKB BUSINESS MEN OV OMAHA , Nertfe. ALHAMBRA, 1 HI 4 NO. X4TH. Vaiidellla with- full program of pictures. ALAIO-TH F7ATK K C4TH AND FXHt7 out of the Kfying Pan. Naat. Cora. Tha Actress. Powers. Till Rands of Insert tirow Cold l-reel. Kd PIAMONP TllKATr:R. 2410 LA KB BT The Line Rider, 2-reel.' Kt lair. Her Life s Htory. Powers Or. Heinle's Outing, "terllug Com. FRANKLIN. I4TH AND FRANKLIN. TTia Going of tho White Bwan, t-raal. SL Sophie's Legacy. Kaa. ' Hia Change of Heart. Rio. JUPPOUROMIC. M'H ANU CUM1NO, Khel'e Teacher. Ko. Comedy. Conscience, l-reel Thanhouser. Drama. Perils of Pauline. ISt h episode. 1 parts. IT, 1T"H AND LOCUHT. Shesp's Clothing, l-reel. Ham, tha lineman. Kal.' The Man W ho Knew. Vila 1yTHROP THKATKR. l4TII-U)THROP, False Uods. S-reel American drama. A Pur's Good lated, Thanhausar drama. Si spended Ceremony, Keystone comedy. IOYAL THtATKK, Z CAUUWELL 1'rey o -Heart. No. 11, I reels, i Hi I and tho Smuggler. Vict. Dr. Hyp nulla Powxra. HteiUng Cum. A B G of Omaha is you WANTKP A competent house and yard itiitir man. must ne inmuiar wun not water . ! ..I.rO lri t'nixeat 1" llorl T.I. Jr.l Hi I Osteopathic Phyalrlaas. Couni ll Hiufts, la, Tel 274. or. tterucna. 2Q.t-4 aict ague Hldg. p. aw.:. .k.r MONTll and up. Must have I'aleais. IOn to Invest. L. W. Johnson, Lock PIONS. show cards, Clark Son. P. 137. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with ua for quick action and squars treatment. QUICK SALES COSIPANT. 41 Reo Bl.Ig Phone Red 82S4. Horses and Vehicles. LARGEaT stock of delivery wagons In tbe city; nil kinds of blacksmith work, painting. and leutnng. John.tc.-i-i-.anfortJi Co.. new location. 15A-31 7" N. liith St TKA.M of marca welguing 2.40-, !7ii. Hig team of work dorses. $7... &th and county lino. So. Omana. Tel. So. .tn2!. HHKTLANP PONY, aafe tor children to ride or drive. Also saddle and bridle, yi a. in-nuj new. i.an n custer .ino. KOR SALK t'HICAP Mare, weight about l.Hno. Phone Walnitt 117n. HAY, JS per ton. Wagner, Wn N. Ifith7 LOST AND FXUN1). OMAHA & COUNCIL R LUFFS HTRELT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of thn Omaha A Council Hlufrs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In tho street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner Call Douglaa 4R. H. A. PMrgea, Ctt Rrsndels Thenter Rldg. I '" Real rice. Neh. P o Uarn.-ll Paxton Hlk Tel Pe.i -it? I MONTHLY for man to manage branch ' "rn " ',"K?"n "' "' ''' office. Kastern Nebraska. Small In- Patent Development. A M KRK'AN Machine fo., 110 . j vesment for fixtures. Addreas Capital 11th ft - Collection Co., pes Moines, la. Prlntlngr. W ATF.llH-ftA RN'H ART Ptg. Co., quality i priming, i rl. I long. 21W1. .VJ4 H. lUth St. WANTKD egaa, Kc. -I.COU Coff men to eat ham and e John. 14th and Capitol. POUOI.AS Print ngt'o. Tel. Pong. 1144. CORKY A M'KKNZIB PTO. Vxt. 1)772M4. MF.N AND WOMEN own a rich, Inde pendent business of your own. Why work on salary all our life? . We havo ten valuable and aimple methods which will I, f I ir t m In run foroine reffillaelv RIKS-HAI.L ptg Co., l'2ft Capitol. I. 1102. I Send II for these months, or write for rurtlier particulars. i o laae, no risn. National Progressive Corporation, Kan court Ht. and Piniuosne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. CENTRAL PRINTINO CO. POUO. 87 M I'alnllna and I'nperlngr, HI'tlH M MA MS, 417 N, 40th. H. R728. Plamea Renovated. PLUM KM ft flowers made over, cleaned dyed. Iter! ha Kruger, 42 Paxton. D. K3M, ILL WATCH KM, d.amonda and Jew olorv, special prices, Sept. and Oct Ruv now. II a week. Western W atch Co., Room 117, Jvarbacn and Jewelry block. VT KW and sowna-nanu eievino im.ia J and motors. Leltroh Elecino ors, II H S 12th, Tkiuglas 2I7H. M AHA PILleJW CO.. l'JU7 Cuming. Doug. 2467. , Renovates feathera and mattreaaej 'of all ' kinds, makes feather mwltresaea and down wivprs, o AClUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum ioino. Sanitary !lg. VACl I M cleaners for si cleaning done in the hoi Service Co., 3tJ Hee Hid K rent, repair, aril needles and parts for ail a.wli.g machines. NK- RAHUA CY"LK .. 'Mlckora." 1Mb and Harney. Pouglaa liiit). Ws Aeessalasli, MBLVILLK I. TIIOMA" aV COMPANY. U37-3A City Nat. Rank Rid. Tyler 1K10. Addlaaj Maehlaea. Dalton Add.ng Machines. 411 H. IS. P. 1448. Adder Men Co., (Wales) W. O. W. P. MJs. Attraetloaa. t OMAHA film ex., J4tti and Doug. Motion picture tnuehtne and film bargains. Aats and Maaoa Hrpalrlaa. Magneto repair work a specialty, n. 241S. Aaetloaeera. Dowd Auction Co., 1128 W. O. W. Rod J2M. Hsrkeri, 11 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 1M7 Far. PARK. Obi N-.-hee p a Clothing, l-reel Kdlaon. Ha Nearly Won Out, Lubln. irouch, the Engineer. Kalem. lsTTL PALACH THEATER. X DAVENPORT. Trey O' Hearts. No. I, 3 reela. Four daya. Kron. , And a good oomedy. Hl'BL'IUiAN, 24TH AND AMES. Hearts and Diamonds, l-reel. Vita. Whlta I .lee. Kaa. . Fates Midnight Hour.' Kal. aata. ' APOLliO. tS4 LEAVENWORTH BT. Hearet-Selig, Ko. &. A splendid Plahonor. 2-reel Eaa. Huster Rrowu Oeta the Worst of It. Ed. aata. COLUMBIA THEATER. 17ia HO. 10T1L The lxiyalty of Jumbo. Sellg. 1'be Vanishing Tribe. 2-reel Kalem. ' A Horseshoe f..j lAick. Vltasraph IV.MPORT THKATKR. 24th and Vinton. Tim Million iHular Mystery, 2-r., episode No. l; Parson ltrkin'a Wlfe. 2-reel ftnoncho; Patty's Det.ut. Keystone. FAVORITE. IT". 4 VINTON ST. The Vanishing Tribe. !-ree( Kal. Hroncho billy, a Krtend In Nel. Ess. Murphy and the Mermaids. Hiograph okm thkatekT ia. nm sr. Trey o' Hearts. No. 10. 2-real. lie Never Ssld Word. Nestor Comedy. Mary-e Convert, Imp. drama. ,HJ"K.AT.!;KL;;,h CaataUaft lattertiva Dan Cupid. Neator comedy, for the Btcitt aWrvtee, two-reel Ksx. J ne auia sA wakening. Frontier. LYRIC THEATER. loirvi NToIThT. haiiowe. J-reel Imp. Plsllluaioned. Victor. Mlaa frtallas. HORNBY CO. Blue printina, under new ownership, inj Omaha Nat. Bk. D. S147. raaa Faaadrtea. Paxton-Mttrhell Co., 27tli and Martha Sta. alldlaa and MeaalrlaaT, E. KRANTA. ll Paxton Bill. Doug. 21rj. A. J. Jthnson, carpenter, rep'r'g. D. fi92. t Islera and Well Dlggln.. NICftD well or datern cleaned or dugT pVHAFFKR does It Phone Web. (nj.11. Coal Dealers. ttA Johnson's special, also Victor nut big baakets coal. $1. Wagner, tK'l N. 14. lalllarala Lands. W, T. Bmtth Co.. 1111 City Nat. Rk. D. 3811. Calranraetora. J. C. Law tepee, p. c. K2J Howard. D, S44I. L. Oeddte, D. C, 2tx Bee K!dg. Doug. 42srt. I kiss Palatlasj. . , Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 442. Ill fctagdaeen. l. J IACY A1S HKK. PLPO mra. 7to. Itoach ICt terminator. R. P.. R. Roach powder at your druggist. Mate and Tins Lurk Ex per la. Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. V- Daven port, 14i Dodge. De 1X21. Oho Heaalrlna;. Klertrlc Shoe ftcp. 'Co , IW St, Mary's Av. SAFES HELP WANTED MALE AM) KKMALK. signs and Kaonrarda. AT CUT 1'RICF.H. K. M. CLARK SON. 113 So. lath. Room 14. SIGNS Store and Office Klxtarea. DKsKS, aafea. scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. w buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply fo., 414-11-1 H. 12th. D. 27m. Steel etllnss, CARTKR Sheet Metal Works, 110 fl. 10th. Towel aapplles. OMAHA Towel Supply. 3T7 H. nth. D. B2. 1'ruak.a a ail Hnltcasea. FRKI.INO A BTKINLK. 1X.)R Farnam Pt. Tailors. CHAS. C. LANPKRYOU. lot N. 15th Bt. PR, I. R, YOUNH, 4tt'2 Center. it. om. ll and I.lqaors. ALKX JETKH, 201-S s. mh S,. x,vinea. iiii"..Hmira. Plate dinner 11 to 3, lis.-. U!i!i'lX 'LI AJCK LIQu6rHOUSE". ... eo.n miniiii Ave. Ten-cent lunch. OUiHK IJguor House. No. liith. I qts. cold beer. :ao. Write for prloe list, D. vc! HS'io..o!.0i,.r fM".,.'yv l,',or KiehT. Liquor lloitsv. tJJ N. ptth. Pouglaa lsn9. HKtl WAXTKU lEMALK Kaetary a ad Tradea. DRESSMAKER In Lincoln. Neb., wants experienced sk(rt draper to take charge of skirt rojm. O.kmI salary to right party. Addresa Y 24H. Hee ' "1 LKARN halrdressmg. oppenhetin Parlors. Heaaekeepera aad , Doaaeat Ira. WANTED-aood girl for general house work; email family; good aigea. 7;' Mill St.. C.mncll Hlulfs. phone lj . ,. " 'or ""I bouaework. r. I1.1-1. '""' 00 Place for good girl iJLJLif"I!JJ!hr'ijiji" Elrlenced girl for general housework". Two In family. I1iaant ruin with bath. Must be a good cook. Walnut 14J7 Mra sten. WANTEI A nurse maid. Mr UW S. Wth tit. Harney i.Sil. L. HUler. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The '' ' Servant G rl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. Thla appllea to residents of Omaha, bouth omana and foil mil llluffs. Bring ad to "-ai pin or leiepnune Tyler looo. WANTED Girl fur general bouaework. Mra. T. It. Porter, He.ison lrt7. lu. usee ork. John GIRL to do general Smith. IK14 Lake St V A.NTl'l Experienced housemaid, fam ily of two.- references re.ulid. ApoIv 411S. th St. Harney 4347 THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; $W to II.tO month. Write for list. F'ranklln Institute, Pept 222 S. Rochester. N. Y. GET government Jobs. US to tl&O a month; 2,0ixl apiwlntmenta each month. For Hat of poaitions obtainable address Y 239. Bee. STOCK of goods and fixtures for sale or trade. A snap. Address box MS, silver City, Ia. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real entute, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha, THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Kxchango Co., 14vS Farnam St Pouglaa 17. TO OET In or out of bua'ness. call on OANOKSTAP. 4 Ree Hldg. P. S477. WANTEP-An Idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideaa; they mav bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventlona'' and "How to Get Tour Patent and Your Money." Randolph it Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington p. O. MKN WOMEN Get government Jobs. Iiii to 160 month. Write for list of po sitions available. Franklin Institute, Desk M, Rochester, N. X. Inxeat otents. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man lo In vest about l&.ono In an old established J general merchandise business; will run iv niiN in y own neip. j g.HKi invesmenv for the man that, has some money to loan out Stork alout liO.txM. German preferred. Addreas Y SiH. Bee, WANTED SITUATIONS EDUCATIONAL WANTED Work as chambermaid In hotel In Omaha or South Omaha. Phono S. YOUNG man wants piaee to work for board while attending Boy lea' college. Teleolione Pouglaa 16.IG. SITUATION wanted as caretaker rooming house. Address A KM, Ree. of h XPF.U1KNCEP hotel keeper ileaires po altlon, either In hotel or private house; references. W09 South 11th St. M IPPLE-AOED lady dealrea rare of email rooming or apartment house for rooms. Addresa P , Bee. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wlshea to drive private car; careful driver; knows cly very well. Address F M2 Hee. WANTEP By mlddleuged- lady, good Place in general housework. Address 4-ai N. irth. WANTED 4'ooklng position by colored person: dsy work preferred. Weh. 7t7a. YOUNO lady with two years' experience aa atenographer wanta position; can furnish good references as to character and abtllty. Addroia J 402. care Bee. BUNDLE washing and ironing. II. f.S4. PAY WORK or bundle wash. Web. 74H7. BAKER, first clasa, wants position. Bread, cake. Your chance to Increase your trade. A. Koch, C 4X4, Bee. POSITION aa watchman by gentleman, Ht. Sober and lnduet'-ious. P Wi. Hee. WANTED Position as house salesman. bookkeeper or correspondent, with wholesale concern by ey perienced man, 20 year of age. Address A 42, Hee. COMPETENT, energetic man. 36. with college education, wants connection with advertising agency, real estate or special firm; commands English, Herman and Scandinavian languages; experienced; future advancement Imperative. M 422. Bee. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for bualneaa ca reer. Private Instruction If desired. 4G24 Pouirlaa St. Tel. Walnut J327. 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE , IS NOW. OPEN in both day and night sessions. Yet it la not too late to enter.. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, stend- typy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, riling, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board whllo attending. Douglas IMS. BOYLES COLLEGE 11. H. BOYLES, PRES. Royles Building, Omaha. MOSHER-LuVMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur passed classes iu all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand. Graduates giaranieea gooa positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new free catalogue addresa MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE W15 Farnam St., Omaha. Doug Is s U. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes to drive private car, or will drive car of my own if deaired. Audress Y 2.V., Hee. PLAf K desired by colored lady aa chum hermatd. fall Webster likii - YOUNG man wants position as butcher; will work reasonable to start; good ex pfrtenoe In old country, full Puug. 7449 EXPERIENCE! young man wintiea posi tion aa salesman, on the road or In city. Addresa A-2. care Hee. 4 res m aeaaratar. The Sharpies Separator Co., 12th Farn. Detective. JAMr3 ALLAN, 112 Neville Hlk. Evl- lenee aee.ired in all cases. Tyler 113a. bssrlsg A va dens lea. Turpln's Iasni lng Academy. 2Xth Farn. I'llAVHKRH'' Academy, claeslc. p. l7l. Ma'-klea Aislemy. now open, ixit liar. PASTIME. 24th and Leavenworth. Redemption l-reel Imp. In and Out Sterling C.wne.lv. VKNEZIA TUEATEH. i.'U S. UTH eT Tricking tea Government, 1-raeL MONROE THEATER. . FARNAM !" Padrone's Ward. 3 re L Poaers. n.e 1-uiii.y Mr. Pinjle. Vk tor comedy, i he Cjuarr'i Eclair. Ureusukisf, Torrv Iirensnisk g college. 3ni h A Farnsm. Mra J. M. Todd7lTN7W,i b ; "aryhsh faTl oatun.es at Intrwluctr.ry prb-es P. MTU MHS STURliY. ."41 ass. Hett ,JJ. W A.NTKD-A n'use maid. Neaman. 3e20 Howard St. Mra. M. H Hsrney 33I&. WANTKl-Glr to lake care of baby"; good home for right t arty s easy aotlf g.ad pay. Ikiuglaa fc' AN ffcH A girl for general housework; no washing; small family. Hsrney 2if3 1.11 S. Mh St. GIKI. for general housework; Phono Harney 3'Sja. children. A lilKL, for general housework. Walnut WANTtli Good Kirl lor iteneral Iioum Work; small family; go.al wages. 7' Mill St., Council Bluffs. Tel. Ig7i Dreaaniaklna. Alterations, rellnlng Mra. Calvert. D.4400. FA8H 1QNA BI.K dr sn.aking ; 1M7 Corby. Peat lata. Pr. Bradbury No pain. 1.V4 Fsi nam. pr. To.id s alveolar.denilstry. Brandeis Bailey, th larntist. 7o fiiy Nat I Bank. TeftPvniel K,inu. 1M7 liouglaa. p. . Pyorrhea. Pr. Kl.-kes. 7V4 fit, Nat Itank. He.naaa. HFNSON THEATER. 135 MAI ST J .!., a. y Theky-iiarry Viiers The H-k of Hope." 3-r. Mary 11. k ford in 1 K.leelrla opllea. Ihe Park liorae," Potd bUrlma com. 1 LEBRoN Hoc. Wks.. Ill 8. L2lh. Ursga. tRl'j4 at cut prices: frelcht paid on 110 or dors ataloifues free. thermn 4t Mc Connell Drug Co, Omata, Neb. I. S74. W ATKI 'oimetnt girl for general housework at once. 4643 Podge St. WANTEP girl for general houaemurk.' Cull at 110 S. 34th St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 34 per aeek. 409 N. 41st at taeallaaeaaa. YOUNG women coming lo Omaha as strangers are invited lo visit the Vouog Women's ChrUtlan Association bu I Idiot; l St. Mary'a A vs. and t;ih St., where tiiey kill le ,4ir,M.e.4 in iill.hl- k.. . 1 . -. places or other lee aesiaied lokXorour l'AV WORK aunted Phone Doug. o4U7, uiivien biqc: av visun station. . EXt'ERlKNCF.lt chambermaid wauls Q'k. 2713 Parker St. Webster 'AM. YOUNG lady of neat appearance with several years of experiem'e, desires clerical or office lHWiti'.n. Good refer ences, thorough Kiio ledge gf general offloe a-ork. Address tl-tMl. care Hee. The Vau Sant School Stenography Day school. :00 to 4:00. Night school, 4:15 to 9:16. IMh and Farnam Sts. Douglas 6S47 FOR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited scholarship In Hoylea Business col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or business courses. Apply at the office oi I'inaiia uee. PRIVATE Instruction given In bookkeep ing and penmanship by an experienced vencner. rnone vvainut zjs. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOMB. Three months, 34 00. THE OLIVER TYPE WRITING CO, Douglaa 2019. rarnam. Y. M. C. A. night school. Enroll now. VOll HALE Yd 'NO Omuha man. unlverMly graduate, four years' enonce as office man and city salesman, warts position with chance lo advance. Willing to begin at la.uoiii; can invest some money next hi ring Address, J at), Bee. EX P KltTEMT r: D saleslady and also pracil.al nurse wishes position. Web ster 4:00. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; can cut meal It necessary. References furnished. Web :vr;'. SITUATION wanted In private family of not more than three, by colored lady. References. Call Webster 47t. Mrs. Haves. WANTED A position as chauffeur. Not atraid of work. Soin. man. l'on I lose th chance. Addiess K M. Bee. CARPENTER, fl ret -class workman, sires stoady position. Walnut HJti. d- WANTED-By good colored woman, day work. Address H . POSITION desired as general housework and Janitor, or porter, with 12 years' experience; ran furnish reference. Phone W. 2MM. WOMEN wsnted for government clerk ships Big ay. Omaha exominatlons so..n. Sample o'lestlona fre Kranklht Institute. Lvpt wH. Rochester. N. Y. AUTOMOBILES. HAVE S-passebger auiomobli must sell at once: no reasons ble o'fer or trade re fi sed. 243 Ave E. foun. il Bluffs t.reciiougli Omaha Lad. Rep. Co-. -UM Far. Farallare. Nea- A 2d-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable.- Amer. Kxirn. Co.. U5 N. ltth. SEVERAL van loada of furniture and some pianos, Omaha Van and Sloiatia c.v, am s. ith st LOST Small troy mare, with rope around neck: last seen near noatofflce Thuraday. Reward, full PotiglnS S34S. I5T On Farnam car or near 33d and iiamey. a small block leather pocket hook, containing railroad ticket and paper bill. Reward. Harney 12ti. le"ST ttter. addressed Itt4t Walnut; finder ret, to P.'ViO Walnut. Kew. H. T1ST. YOST Rrlndle bull-log, about 4 months old; anam-era to name of Queenie. 102 Ieavenworth. Tyler 2T73J. Renard. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured ' Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writb for book on rectal dlsensea with testimonials. DR. E. It TARRY, 240 Bee. MONEY TO LOAN NKKP MONEY 7 See ua. quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Mi Paxton Block. LHuglaa 1411. " PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothinif, furniture, maga Bines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1111 podge St. lot Nil women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where tiiey will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers aid at tho I nlon Station. PARTY comtemplaling Hip to Pacific coast points will find to advantage to address C. Adams, Tekamah, Neb. rOULTRT AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and .cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7uo a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain, $1.60 per 100. Wagner, 01 N. ltj. WANTED TO BUY SLIGHTLY used high grade planoa. 3726. W. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6I4S. J. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. WE buy. sell, exch. clothing. Jewelry, etc, Suttcaaea II up. Friedman, 14th Lodge. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WKSl Kl4it live .l,wk to South Omaha. rtiv mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Lie It lock Conaaalssion Merchants. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN EWl'lTV I1.I-0 cipilty in a cosy four room cottHge, slmost new: two beauti ful lots, each 4ixl.vi. located at Benson: trade for equity In Omaha property; price, 11. soft, jt, c. UcW. ' FOR SATTk OH TltA I E 5-pnssengct Hupmobllo. In flrst-ciaes running order. Will trade for another car that I can work over this winter, or what hava you? H. C. 1519. FOR SALK OH TRADE Ia, nortrl ol Krug Park:, fin': location: a bargain if taken at once. A ejfi. FURNITURE for a 45-room hotel near Omaha, ",U00. Low rale rent o tbs building. What SAva you to offer f Address . c 1!x. care Hee HKATEH A g'd oil heater, almost new; sell for IS or trade for anything, s f isw. HENS, ETt'. 1011 Standard bred white leghorn hens end a few fine cockerels. II to 12.50 each. Might a'-rpt new mer chandise or a good typewriter In ex change; S C MM, Hee. LKAVINU "city! VHirell or trade my Kimball piano for 1. Cost new f32u. S. f , 1574. Me"rCHANIIS1-1.5i. IIQUITY IN l!,0ts merchandise, invoice cf new goods to exchange for tools or what have you? Addresa Box .A. Clinton, Neb. MOTORCYCLE Twin Excelsior, li' model, fully ejulicd. This ma chine has been run ery little and en amel and engine in V I shape. Will trade for roadster or runabout of equal value, or make an Interesting prloe for cash. SC. 144. Bee. MOTORCYCLE lull 7 II. P. twin cylinder motorcycle, nearly new, been run lesfl than W0 miles, mid fully equipped, worth nt. Will trade for real estate.' dlamonda or anything of equal value. Addresa S. C. I570, care Hee. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Rogina mu sic, box. value 3o. and one hlgh-grado "Howtton" mandolin. Address S. C. 1J2. Ue. . NO. tS Remington typewriter, in good run ning order; will trade for B-flat cornet, long model. H. C. 1572. OFFICE FURN1TURR Will buy lotni good econd-hand offlco furnitura; must be cheap lor cash. Addreas e. C L0, Bee. PHONOGRAPH A dandy and 126 records, would exchange for diamond ling or cheap lot, worth IliO. Address S. C. loSO, care Bee. pXl vfTNG A N P PAPERHANGI NO First class work and reasonable prices chanted. Want romo Kood furniture. Ad- dreog S C Vy, Hee. ; PHONOGRAl'H, ETC. A small phono graph and ten records for sale or trade. What will vou give me in exchange for them? Address 8. C. lo36. Bee. PIAY"er MUSIC A limited numler of new rolls for KH-note player Tlno to trade for typewriter, rllle or Edison pho nograph records. What have you? Ad d resa S C. 1577. Bee. PLANTS Plants to swap. I have dark red dahlias, red nnd yeilow ralias, bluish Iris, which I would like to swap for other varieties. H. C. 1.W1. Bee. P H ONOG RAPH and 1lx7 fine Edison reel ords, for plamo or good diamond rint; or lot. Address, S. C. 1571. Bee. RESTAURANT Want to swap or deal for a complete, ti-to-date restaurant outfit: must "lie first-class In all respects. J mean business, and give full particu lars in first letter. Then you will ace me. S C. 1564. Bee. RAZORS What have you to offer for some i.'M) new safety raxors? Can b. seen at any lime: more can be had at the factory; big money In tho business; will accept anything that I can eat, wear or use. S. f. lrviT,, Bee. B1GNS. showcanl. Clark & Son. D. 1378. THREE room bungalow, at Diets club, for acant lot or auto. Phone Tyler lh.Vii. TYPEWRITER Have a flrst-clae standard make typewriter, two-color rirhon, etc., will sell for $30, or trade for anything of equal value i can use. 1459, Bee. TYPEWHlTFiR in goo,! condition. swap tor good watch. Address S. C . IM. Bee. ' .1 i. S. C. n, will 1 S. I! .4 WATCH Lady's open face watch. Ml year gold-filled rase, good tlmekeenei to trade for small Kodak. What fia you? S. C. 1 4fvS. Bee. WILI accept runabout or good drivim outfit as first payment on a high rrad standard piano or player piano, s, C 10. 6. . j - ' ' It)R RENT r Apartments and Flats. S-ROOM furnished flat IU. i23 Leaven worth St. J. I. KEMP, Sr.?! Leavenworth St Doug. aSTT 6-ROO.M 213 S. 2th Ave.. Douglas; beau tifully decorated;, lias sun parlor, close In, walking distance. See this at once. HASTINGS ot llKHJr,.n, wis narney re. NINE-ROOM modern flat, flrst-clase condition, 4E. -K", Cass St Isaac A. Coles 21), Brandeis Theater Bids. Phono Douglas 274. . $9 00 Three large rooms, apartment pare modern. 1HI5 Elm St. Harney 4.V.. AUTO A S0-H. P. Mitchell i-Passenger .car, (no tup); has wind shield, lights, eta, to trade for lots or diamonds. Ad dress S. C. 1C.S5, Bee. 6-ROOM HIT N. Wth St; heat water, Janitor service, all furnished at $26 I summer, I.. i. , .inbr. HAKTlNf.S A HEYDEN. 114 Harnev Ht. ST. CLARE APARTMENTS. S3d and Harney Sta , $ room apartments. Call H. 47 or D. 660... ACCOUNT of financial reverses will trade or want to sell my Apollo player piano at a great sacrifice. This is an excep tional bargain for someone. P. C. Ii73. AUTO Maxwell runabout, first class condition. Cash or trade. No land of fera. Address B. C. 15e-g, Bee. AUTOMOBILE.- For otner auiomobli bargalna e tbe "Automobile'' c'.aa:L BUSINESS CHANCES Mun'Uaclurtng business protectel by patent and all rlghta for real estate bankable notes, or what have you to th extent of $1,000. Ad dress S. C l.". Bee BULLIXXl months old bulldog; good watch dog, aill swap for furniture or make me cash offer. Addreea l.'76. Bee. BICYCLE One year old fof cash, or what have you? S. C. 1V.1, Bee. OQDKN ANNEX Rooms with kitchen ettes. Council Bluffs. Gordon Van Co. 319 N. 11th St. Storaae. Phone D 394 or Web. 1383. EXTENSION table, coal D. HUM. ONE Riverside hard coal stove for aale cheap, fall Webster 6"3. 0 ROOMS of furniture of all klnda. in good condition, $.. or mill aell by piece. St N. 17th St. R SALK Excellent heater, Garland No. (M, 14. Call 3311 California St. GOOD furnishings for reasonable. Red 4T.14. 7-rvMin nouse. HOWK Ventilator base burner. Tyler 2174. alasleal laairaaaemfa. PIANO player: a bargain Tel. It 4Tl UPRIGHT piano cheap for casn. for aale; good tone; 3uti Ciiarlea Web. 6131. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS aoid. rented, repaired. Central Tyiewr1ter Kxchanga 307 H. 7in. KENT Reininglnna, ilonarchs and Smith Premiers of their maker. Th Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 124. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma rhinea sent out Rate, thre months for $& for undersiroke machines or $4 per month for latest ntodel visible wrltera All makes typeariters rented, sold, terms. Bulla Typewriter, Hex. Farnam. D. tfWL CAMERA. ETC. Will trade camera, gui tar or other article for a limited num ber of butterflies: need not be rare xra rtetlea. but must be well preserved and of attractive design. Address M. C. 15w.Bee. CAMERA One minute et card, new. Complete outfit, cost 42. Will trade for anything I can use. Addrees S. C. lMt Bee. CAMERA, ETC. 1 have Cannon com bination and postcard camera; an East man poatcard camera, Jxi.'t. In leather caae for film and plate both; also a 5x7 macMn oomplete, with two lenses, chem icals, trsys. supply of stock. Want to swap for a 39 Colt's'revolver. Also a S5-2i repeating rifle for anything, or will aell cheap. Address, 8. C. 1,57, Bee. CAMERA 6x7. l'remo camera, complete with 3 plat holders, 4 supplementary lenaes, tripod and carrying case; want typewriter. Address S. C. 1567. Hee. CIJ2AR LOTS to ira-le for late roadster. Ford preferred. Address F-SX7, care Bee, CONTRACTOR arei carpenter will do your carpenter work and repairing; also put up your storm aash: anything of value taken in exchange: a good heater wanted. Addresa 8. C. las. CLOSE TO OMAHA. IMP. FARM-" Bargain. Isaac f tinner, Omaha C J. . a.va. Ht, i.riiia tun Excnaogea DA VESPORT Sanitary davenport atid mattress for chalra or anvthing I ran use In the house, or for $. cash. Ad dress 8. C. Its. Be. S-ROOM liick flat corner xth and Wil liam Sta; moat desirable in Forest Hill Pr.rk. DouKlaa 2O40 5-ROOM 2.'7 S. aith Ave. Hudson dining room has built-in buffet, panel walls, oak finish throughout, close In, no car fare. See today. HASTINGS At HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St BEAUTIFUL i and 6-room apartment; nothing classier west ot Chicago. 2501 Sherman Ave. Rental Service Free W can save yon much worry, trouble) and annoyance. Wa can tell you what houses and apartments each real estate office has for rent Phone us, Douglas 2x. Fidelity Storage and Van Co. 2013 CHICAGO Nice 3-rooms and bath In modern apartment house. 4-ROoM modern flat fl 1! 60. 11th. Stesm tad flats. 16ih ".Teh. Tyler 23. Board and Haoaaa. ELEGANTLY furn. room, excellent tHiard. for married couple, $7 week. 2ol4 Dodge St. WANTED Young lady to room ami board; use of piano. Address II. , Bee. THE GRAS.VJ ERE, large irunt room, ma hogany furn.; private luvatory; board, private table. jTopT ROOM, good board. Web. i-Vt.. OX K furnished room for renl to lady or gentlemen: located between two car lines; walkinsc distance; eS per month. 420 Park Ave. Phone Harney 4725. NEATLY furnished sunny front rjoni, Willi fireplace, J3 for permanent parties. no4Nl!'lh. 32w N. 1HT1I, frutit room In private fam ily; modern; to permanent roomers $1 week. && S. 25-TH -Furnished rooms, family. Harney . privaia 2el N. 20TH Jieasanl, mt.dern rooms, Wabster 75"A