Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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't for W. C. Croat for coroner. Ad. rizturtt, Pursrsa-Grandrn Co.
, Fidelity Morer d Tu Oo. Done 88.
at Hoot mat It New Tteacon fres.
wore- accountaut and auditor. P. 740.
Tot for Tttomti nr. Blackbnra for
enngresa Advert'eenient.
r. W. O. Hairy, office hours. 1 1-1 J
end 1-5, Braodets Theater T?ldg.
Tor County Treasures W. O. tre. He
Is now treasurer. Advertisement.
Tot for Trmak Bewey, county clerk,
now serving first term. Re-elect him
Beautiful All Modern Komti Tot Sal
on th Mty paymfnt plan. Bsnkers
r.ealljr Investment Co. Phone Doug. 2!W.
Kra. farm wick Waste DiToroa Mrs.
ltilla Merta Farnwlck w filed a d'vorr
petition aiiainKt Oeorge Collier Farnwlch,
alleg'ng as ground nonaupport.
"Tod ay 'a Complete Mori rrorrama"
las If led section today, and appears In
The Be EXCLUSIVELY. Kind out what
i he various moving; picture theater offer.
' Business Club to BraaMaat Tne r-iel-ness
elub of (he Young Women's rhrls
linn association will give an autumn
hreakfast Thursday. October 2V, from T
until 9 o'clock.
Knnunara tale for Two Bays
Women of the I'lyinouth Congregational
hurch will conduct a rummage sale
Wednesday and Thursday at 2T16 North
Sixteenth street.
chaffer la Suad Peter Nelson has
brought suit In district court for ti.M
damage against George gchaffer, sllrg
Ing that the Utter ran an automobile
ii to hlin it n'ht on the Military road.
Toatar Funeral Tuesday The funeral
of I. O. tester of Nelson. Neb., father
of Tollce Magistrate C. E. Foster, will
be held Tuesday afternoon, according; to
Information received by friends of tne
ImprOTmQt Club to Msi t V meeting; j
of th Kleld Club restrict Improvement
club will be held at the club house on
Tuesday night, October V. at the hour of
f o'clock. The women of the district are
invited to be present.
Bailroad Bsbate have made some men
lieu, but Thomas W. Blackburn, repub
lican candidate for congress, having; never
BiV-gs "wiaV. vwUkm.oiS9
Th CtHoral
In our big mill we have
worked out the most scien
tific method of producing
the longest-lived roofing
possible to make. The next
time you buy roofing, in
vestigate the merits of
Qaaftcy Cart-ifiei Duialsutjr Caara-fW
guaranteed to last S veart for
1-ply, 10 years for 2-t7 nd J 5
years for 3-p!y.- This is not s talk
guarantee, but real one backed
up by the biggest roofing; mills in
the world.
xoirxfTT xwATSTisnro.
Boa- .folloy tha Oaly Baooess-
Bualneea) that would attain
leadership In a competitive Held,
must advertise. A big; mua
factoring; concern dolor busi
ness everywhere and eapecially
en who good last o long;
that they ell each consumer in
frequently, oannot afford th ex
pense of having men everywhere
on tb ground to solicit orders
at Just the right moment. This
causes a demand for the goods
and big sailing- or Jobbing coo
eerna gladly do the rest of tb
work of delivering the roods and
collecting for them. This makes
tb beat and rnotl economical
way to do business. Sjam
Advertising; effects ' a saving
By economically paving th way
for tb sales manager to mak
ales quickly and easily by cor
respond ance or th call of his
salesmen. It picks out the real
prospective customers and leaves
out those who are not Inter
ested. "
Thar ar konest and dlshon.
et kinds of advertising. Facts
clearly and honestly stated are
th beai selling arguments In
th world and mak healthy
growth In business. One cer
tain rat Of progression has been
attained on an honest basis, th
business will generate its own
power and ascend th hill oC cue
cess flf. en too ether hand, th
ooda a r misrepresented
hrongh dishonest advertising,
th confldtnee of the people in
that house will be shaken and
ruin will soon come from the
xpns of th advertising with
out th necesaary volume of
business front happy customers
to pay for it. Such experiences
affect th eon ft dene of every
one In advertising In general,
and Injure, to a certain &tnt,
th honest advertiser.
Advertising, to be a success,
must be honest, not enlr in big
things, but In little things as
well. The popl may be fooled
part Of th time, but th time
soon comes when a dishoneat ad
vertiser finds out he can't fool
th people very long-. This sc
counts for most failures in advertising.
There"! a Crtain-t4 dealer In your
locality. II will be pleased to give you
further information about our extensive
line of goods and will emote you reason
able price on all of them, fie sure, the
good are nude and guaranteed by us.
General Roofing Mff. Company
WorifTt tsrvwt iSmi m m Jtjg
euS SwiMine insert
- EL A. Loaf BeriUlag. Kansas City Mo,
TswUt tUim a700-Bh PfaMM
'XawTirkCitT Cainta fUtaawra
f MaMse Atiaeai Ckwd betns
St. Li CaatM.0) Sums Car ltj.iii
Ut riMcuce ioiue Uais fcUaaatg faay
Carpenter Paper Co.
Distributors Certain-teed
.Hooting and Building paper.
40th and raraaaa Sts.
Tuesday Ivealag. 0t, tTth. a O sloek.
Concert Vocal snd Instrumentfa
Jy the Sunday hcliool for Eeneflt of
.Vcw Cliurctir AUnilastun :ic.
bcn In Ih- grain busine.'s lu Omaha o'
( snynheio oie has nothing to explain in
"i! psrtlotiUi . Advertisement.
Beard Visiting Xere Ira J Feard I?
spending a fee. days In Omaha. He wee
forinerlv religious vork diiectnr for
Voiiutt Men u C'hH-tian aesoclatlnii here
snd is now general serrarr at the h'.t l
of the ih pol lution at Atchison. Kan.
Chambers' Baaelag Aoademy The
home of modem and ilassio danvs. In
slrtirtor of teachers, who are successful
btith In Omaha and other olt!e. Classes
reopen September 2!. 114. Telephone
Pouglag ln. The school to deiend upon;
atastsr avag Baa a arty A birth
day party at which Robert Ooret ssgc.
sire.l 5 years, was'hist. was liold yester
day at his home. f.iT ratrlik avenue.
There were fourteen guests. Master Sav
age received a number of presents. In
cluding; a fox terrier dog.
Tlltor Victim of Old Oame Tlie old
fako cxpre.-a bill game, so well Unowr.
that good confidence men usually shun
It, was worked successfully on Tetr
Njllsen of Orxley, ho gave up t20. IT
reported il to t Me police when he fouiv".
that he had lieen buncoeil.
A Clnh Meat a Tuesday There will
le a i;ierlit:; of I lie Cumi'ia Ad i liib at
the I'.oint- hotel Tuesday evening. A din
ner will bo served t t.:Su o'clock and a
meeting ia to he held an hour later w-hru
the axvemhly will discuss advertising In
Its relation to ''i 'liter's Ink."
Omaha Boosters Complimented Com
nieiitiiifi upon the lecont Wyoming trip
of forty OmahH business men. the news
papers of Wyoming praise tt-e ob.ieot of
tlie visit In the highest terms. They also
are generous In paying compliments to
the personnel of the Omaha delegation.
Beghtol Becomes Oorreeponaent Scitt
K. Heghtol. advertising niannger of thu
Omaha Hotel Reporter, has been chosen
by the Xebiftska-lona liotel Clerks' as
sociation to be its correspondent for t:ic
official organ of the national greeters'
organisation, the American Greeter, of
Bneg to Quiet Title Failure of the
House of the fiood Shepherd, a religious
orgn nidation, to attsch Its corporate seal
to a deed conveying a lot In South Omaha
Is the reason of a suit brojght in dK
trlct court by JogeptfJanHowskl, present
owner of the property. The court Is
asked to quiet the title.
Beaches Bom Safely Kd Wlrthsaflv
of this city has been greatly relieved by
receipt of the news that his uncle, Max
I'lII of Sioux City, has readied home
safely, after exciting experiences in
Budapest, Vienna end other clt!ea.?ol-low-lng
the outbreak of the war. Mr. I'lH
succeeded In reaching Italy und sailing
from there. '
Woman Xioses Dress A woman mem
ber of Rev. C. W". Savldge's congregation
yesterday suffered the loss of a dress,
stolen after she had cleaned It and him5
it out to dry. In preparation for attending
services. Rev. Mr. Savldge has made an
appeal for some person to provide a
dress for her. Her telephone number Is
Webster 7868.
Women Mission federation to at set
There will be a meeting Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock of the Federation of
Omaha missionaries at the Young
Women'i Christian association, when
plans will be foi inula ted for work during
the coming year. Mrs. E. A. Van Fleet,
actln? president of the organization)
will preside at the meeting.
v. Bowlaads to Bpeak at "T" Rev.
H. C. Rowlands, acting pastor of the
First Baptist 'church, will speak on the
subject, "Wanted, a Man," -at the men's
Sunday meeting at the Young Men's
Christian association. Special niualo has
been arranged, Including eolos by W. I
Mitchell and Dean Smith. The meeting
will begin at i p. m.
University of Nebraska Activities
- Are Progressing Finely.
Frenhniea Win by Threw relets Over
Pnphomore In the) tirest Olyssp
Ice t annas the ebrV
Kerosene Flames
May Destroy Eyes
Because she "Started to fill a kerosene
lamp while standing close' to a redhnt
kitchen stove. Mrs. Mary Molta, UttS
South Seventeenth street, may loao her
eyesight. The oil splashed on the stove,
and la an instant she was wrapped In a
blanket of flame. She retained her pres
ence of mind and was able to extinguish
th Masa herself, but not before she was
seriously burned. -
Police Surgeon C. B. Folu dressed her
Injuries and ordered her removed to a
hospital, but she refused to leave her
Sergeant "Chick" Ferris, with a mark
of 67 out of g possible , led all marks
men of th polio department Saturday
at th close of the second monthly com
petitive shoot for tli gold medal o'fered
bj Chief Dunn to the man with the beat
ability at hitting the bull's eye. The com
petition will conclude next August, and th
man with the highest average for t!i
twelve contests will be awarded the
prixe. Chauffeur Ie Fleming is second
in class A, distance 45 feet, and Motor
cycle Cop Farrand and Officer J. n.
Oraham are tied for third place with a
mark of E2.
Harry Buford, th colored chauffeur,
and Detectice John Psanowskl share first
and second honors In class B, dlstsnc
30 feet, with a score of 63. J. D. Byrnes
Is third with 61.
Class C, distance 21 feet, is led by Offl
c'f V. J. Vobrll and Deskmaa Michael
McCarthy with a knotted count of 64.
Officer C. E. Pipkin la third with 51.
Among the prominent dairymen who
wilt represent Omaha and Nebraska at
the National Puiry show at Chicago
this week, will ho Charles F. Behwager,
president of the Alanilio company. He ia
known to members of the national asso
ciation as a pioneer in the UpUft of the
milk Industry, and a leader in all bottling
and sanitation features adopted by milk
He was the second dairyman in the
country to produce certified milk, and his
wide acquaintance among members of
the milk iudustiy is perhaps largely due
to the early lead he took , In advanc
ing the business along such lines.
The dairymen from this .state will leave
Omaha in two special Pullmans this
evet-lng. Thty plan to boost strong for
Nebraska, and expect to attract a num
ber ot dairymen to start new dairies here.
How Car a sra!a. "
A sprain may b cured In about na
third th time required by th usual
treatment by applying Chamberlain's
Linlnwdt snd observing th directions
with each hottl. For sa! by all dealers.
'A d vert iffnaes t
traas Schooner kaak.
HONOHTLU. O.-l. .The Genn-u
schooner Aeolus, captured bv the Jarutiv
esa battleship IIlj.xi 0rf Honolulu br
Irfir rsrlv lodny. wss towed out to a
lioint un milee oil tins liri tonkin
rtOdl'-d ith klicilr ;md sunk.
The frrnhinen won by a narro. margin
over their hereditary enemies, the sopho
mores, in the annus.) Olympics Patutdsy
morning. The score, to to 4.1, shows by
the narrow margin of three points how
close the contest really was. It was hard
fought throughout, the sophomores seem
ing to make up In quality of aggressive
nees what they lacked -In quantity of
.numbers, in the pi-ellmiiMi-y Innings.
ItefOre the push ball contest and the free-lor-nll
scrap, which are tT.e big events
of the day. tll" sophomores won the tvtg-o.'-wsr.
the shuttle race, th lightweight
Kixlnc; inatrh. The freshmen wen the
heavyweight boxing, and won points on
llic other events. The push bail scrap,
fought by teams of fifty picked men
from each class. ss won In tbe .last
minutes of Its half-hour duration by the
This scrap was an Innovation In the
Olympics, and the push ball was borrowed
for the purpose from Ames, where It also
figures In the annual first-second year
mix. While the ball, of about saven
foot diameter, remained on the ground
but a little gain could lie made, since
the teams were evenly matched. But
when It occasionally was forced up Into
the air and kept there by the npstretched
hands of the men beneath It. It made
rapid progress for a few moments. The
class rush this year took the form of a
pole scrap, a strip of hunting on the tfp
of a twenty-foot pole being defended by
the sophomores grouped about Its base
agaiivH the hordes of freshmen who
charged the pole.
The freshmen secured tile bunting, hut
in ovcrturnlne the pole tVy had vio
lated a rule, and the points on this con
tost were divided equally between both
classes. The Innocents' senior society
was !n charge of the scrap, assisted by
committees from each class participat
ing. Roy J. Harney, president of the soph
omore class, returned from an enforced
absence from the scene of aitfon Sat
urday In time for the Michigan Aggie
Kiime. But he was not present at the
Olympics to lead the efforts of his class
mates against the freshmen. He was ab
ducted from a barber shop Friday eve
ning by a group of .freshmen, rushed to a
waiting auto, and escorted from the city
limits to a place agreed upon. The fresh
men refused to tell his whereabouts.
They insist that he was well cared for,
however, and comfortably housed.
The Interfraternlty council will meet
Monday to elect Its secretary for the co.
operative buying plan which was re
cently proposed and accepted by practi
cally all of the fraternities and sorori
ties. Prof. P. M.' Buck, president of the
council, states that an abundance of ap
plications has been received and that a
number ef students snd men who are not
students have applied. With the selection
of a capable secretary to manag the
proposition, the plan of co-operatlv buy
ing seems assured.
Prof. S. B. Gaaa and Prof. D. H. Fry
of the rhetoric department should arrive
In pncoln within a few days, although
no smrd has been, received from either
since they sailed from Kurope. They
were due to land In Ifew York Saturday
or Sunday.
The first meeting ef the 8em. Bot.
the society of bo ten y students, wss held
In Nebraska hall Friday evening. No
program was given, the meeting being
given over to the Initiation of new mem
bers. The English club met Saturday eve
ning at the home of Miss Louise Pound.
Prof. J. I). Hoffman addressed the
weekly meeting of the Young Men's
Christian association roundup Saturday
Kosmct Klub rehearsals will start this
week, under the direction of Prof. Robert
t. Scott.
Thirteen new members were elected to
th Gorman Dramatic rlub, out of thirty
five cantostant. .
Mora State Xoraaal School.
The first lemie or the tngllah Sparrow,
a weekly publication by the class In ad
vanced English, was read before the class
Tuesday morning.
Superintendents A. K. Fisher of Aurora
and N. M. Uruham of 8outh Omaha,
members of the bosrrt of examlnera for
state certificates, were visitors Friday.
New enrollments during the past week
were: Pigne Johnson and Mabel T An
derson of Wat.a, Ida S. Taylor of Ponca,
Oale E. Stocking and Agnea Manke of
Bloom field.
Colonel Johnson of Austin, Minn., a
Xh,!lh?m0,r ith" Clv'1 w,r' "nd ho knew
Abraham Lincoln personally, gave a very
.uureatlng talk to the students at convo
cation rriday morning.
During the Stat Teachers' association
meeting the headquarters of the Wsvne
Normal will be at the Rome hotel. The
annual reunion aiid banquet will be held
ber 6. Thursday evening, Novem-
On Friday the. oung Women's Chrla
tlan i anwuc'atlun jeedvod contitbuUona
for the t hrtHtmas ship to be sent to th
L "? ''urpe. collecting S1S.S1 in
cash. -The ladles expert to spend thia
amount In purchasing material for doth-
--... ,,.y uiiiuin associa
tion sent seven delegates to th student
...... i.uVnni& i. aiacisen. Anna
young women left Friday morning to be
present at the opening session of thu
nterence: Kugent, l. ,,. nnn'a
M Baer. Roberta Day, Alice Roof. Kva
w ood''"' France" S1'ner and F.thel Oar-
Hastlagca Collra- Notes.
Prof. A. B. Hansen of the violin de
prrtment began (Sunday the direction of
2th $tt tb' Pr"b"""
The faculty of the college were delight,
fully entertained at th home of Prof II
M. Cunningham last Tueeday following
a a o clock dinner.
k.Th..E1 Phl L"1" Literary society
held Its first open meeting of the yeai
In the chapel Monday nlglit. A varied
program, including debate, was given.
Among the faculty leaders of the chapel week were Mlsa Horuaday. teacher
ef domestic a. dene, an Miss Ruth
Johnson, the head of the piano depart-lot-nt
of th conservatory.
The fii.t issue of the Collegian, which
I a student monthly publhaUon, comes
pft the p.i ens tills week. Thla first issue
Is alwaya looked forward to with real
interest by tb student body.
The college orchestra was recent! or
ganized. Miss Octavta Jones is ureai
d.nt; Kobrt Likely, vie president, and
Carol Btuart, secretary-treasurer. Prof
Albert S. Hansen has chars of this or
chestra. This choir of th Presbyterian church,
which la under th direction of Prof. It
M. Fuhr of the college conservatory
gave a cafeteria luncheon In l tie church
dining hail on Monday evening, th pro
iteds of which are to go to the pwrt-haa
of xestineni for th members of tue
Prof. Willfsm K. Raney of the thair
of hlatory gave a short talk St chepel
last week oo th English side of the
pieser.t Kuropan cenflii t. Mta Adelta
Itruift lant Tueaday al 4Vaei on
".U'Kiial Hi'lM and Kon aratw e ' Mies
Dodc li the slid.nt field secretary of
the Young T omeu's Christian assoc la
t ion.
The Kappa Tan l'hl literary sietr
of the college held its opening bann'tet
at the Clark hotel Saturday evening
Vcasts were responded to by lll-ri
t alter Ttnsenlof, Vernl. e New-
hck-r. t'.h-n keini-dx. Wirifii va virt
American Theater Scene of Another
First Performance.
ate' enmpknv . . George 'he!p J vav 1 T
"V nogenlhai. ..f The h iu ll y' i W Ol'K IS Btifflin Oil
n.-Miaim ' .omi-any ...Minor Ua'.w.u! " W1 ft iU AVCj U VIA
Big Electric Sign on
Fontcnelle Hotel
rl. ii.
son. .lake l'.ltner aid Ward Xlnt'n
land lall acted as t'atmiti .
As a result of t;i effort msrte ttt se. i:
boks fir the hbrsrv mir volumes . fc ! ' '
have Wn added. The-, have been cats-"sromrra M rL-omed
loguert hy Mrs Capps of the city library;
during the last two weeks More thsn
hslf of those are new foks and ate!
splendid addttlonw t the different H'--partmentst
llhiarles of the college.
Nebraska tVrlesa 1 alveralt. !
Prof, and Mr. F. fl Hrlghtmail left ' ,lvcn cordial wrhome al tlie A men. mi;
tor Chicago last AVednenlnv exentn. Iliej. t.T Sii'. i;r n . otf.-rl:iK for its f'r-t
where Mrs. Itrlshtman will tske treat- ,lorfr,. .,, ... , .,.,.,, .,...
meni ai a nospttei. .... . . i
..... . infiii..' ...
h l a rue
tnrtleace nlth tpplanse that ,
Megna .Mack for Ktre ,
S'rlenrtly Uinrt.
The Woodward toik voinpsiix
nnlllon.'i'.e s son
I'lill I stl :e. k
I lolt. I nol,, a looker
I ierre s i Wim
'iii"-' li. Murgur. omiier rtf I lie
,afe-v mine f unVs ttiegel
Hon John II. T r, a ret 'red bust- 1
nes. men .. Ha.jv H q ue v , k P1 ,Ur the mnti
ieVn.. ",iln,',r,!,v"?i.!drus:ve,!-'''t''' -rtnount ti.-
t'aj'taln rt, C. A. -e.rrt s-rle.. new f'onteTulls h'ite building' Ki h
I. II. lnle ietter will be over six feet tall, and the
t J il'in
i. p, I
fim-r putltnif In some additional ar
. s.-. it sere
serirt ("iil'T
e. !! ry rr
Inl'n.r i'slth
.'i il el.'h s iv.Mi ecixant. .'n.-k ;srrtt
I'aul. M litre .l lio:i 's.i r, St. itniitn
lfeil.1-. olr.e Im.v Ini.'. s II. SlHntotl
1.1.1 Tvlet
Mrs. .I. hn Tli
slgrs will he i;.le for many miles st
! niskiiiE a new and promlnen'
Johnson h'enlrin Ontahn's "ky-Iln.
fitlier woik en th ll.),0i hotel l
progressing laphlly. Tlie plastering l.
nesrlng rriiiplc tlon. affr which the beau
llful deioratlnc will lie rushed Th 111
J..4 - Iflclrjl ,,. Hrrgo'y ln Pat.f tn ti.
Mils Mnnrl ltr.l t . . ,
teiina Hire al fie wirelea station ihelater was cotufet tsbly nell filled, and s Viss Msrgi-ret l.-' . M ei Thonis j hasenient. and the kit' hen equipment and
r"i i..i iinrm i- ii-.iiiB n.i io o.e ine pisv went on the nmlicice fl more ,'iiss i.rmc i ytrr iis ni"ei .uu-nii'iK ri ii ik "rai.on pisni wi.i o insisiirn
power stations.
NVesleyan will be Mell represented hv
alumni and fa. ulty member on tlie pro
grama of the various se tu.ns of the coin
Ina teachers' assoeliitl.m nt Omaha. A
numlier or faculty members will attend
ss tisunl.
The nuti'ial Olx ni.. . ti.e ioitet be
tween tlie fr-s.nuin snd oilu'iint e
classes tork place on Johnson Hcl.i I'r
dav aftorniMiiv Tie ireHlnnen were out.
classeil in niont of the events, is htir ng
only the foot ball punt, tbe lelsv and
the tn :-ol'-ar. This contest Is held utidei'
the direction of the eolleae conn. II a nd j ood a rU to see his newest ,.ntnre
and more aequslnled with Ihe sctois, ,
nt.d the aPPlane that followed th" point i
leiuine lucre nod nnr aponiancous, un
til the final curtain, when the approval
wis di.Mln.'t.
At Ihe close of the se ord net many ;
llowets went over ihe 1'ooiliulils, pto
Ing neweOTiiris have nlr.-sdi
fr ends here, ih.i are "ttHlnly In'eirste,!
ii their auccesv Mr. Woodward rsnir
In from Denver, aernmiumled bv Mr.-
Nearly 2,500 Voters
Register Saturday;
Many Lose Votes
November 1,
Managing Dire, tor 'William II. But
hanli. who will i el urn from a buying
tilp in the ess tiis moining. brought
about Ihe substitution of plate rlass for
. eini.ion flara c he left, which lll
I add to the beauty, and Incidentally th
'expense, of the Iniiliili g. for I'leie aie
i rwfy i i-hi windows In the f.nirteen slorle.
I'etoie l!ie strntur Is rompteted. Feb.
takes the place ol t'.e fiw-.f,,r-all scraps
. till h once seemed to ie sn annum ne
cessity In order to sel'.lc the supremacy
of ih two classes.
The territorial c.nit'erence of the
Young Women's Christian association be
gan Friday itn a lura number of dele
gales In attendance. The lTikdnn. Iowa.
Minnesota and N'ehraakii nrii-et" billed In
this conference Two of the student gen
eral M'cretsrles. Miss Mollis sn.l Mls
liodge. wet's present st convix'iilbni Fri
day morning end spoke l.r.eflv io the
students. Ilev. Titus Lowe of Omaha ad
dressed the convention Friday evii'ns.
A banouet was held - Sntmday evening
The la."t session t'J held enindav e ,
rilim ,t the First Methodist Knleopal
Kearney stale ernl gehool.
Miss Para 1. lUrrett. aasistunl leg
Islrar. left Friday afternoon to si.end
the week-end with the 'home folks at
The school Is looking for a treat next
Tuesday when I' is t-gpeclctl that Or.
Anna How st d Pilaw will be present and
make an address.
Mlsa Marlon Finllh of Ihe art depart
ment, gave a tallt before the Woman's
club of tho city on Tuesday afternoon,
taking for her subject "(Unman Archlter
ture and Roulpttue."
Of the 110 children in the Fifth g'ade
of the Kearney schools. Thomas Klnuev.
10 years old. pas.ed the highest test given
by lr.!, using (he fimon U Inet
syatem. Master Kinney passed the test
In everything up to 15 years of age, und
aome of the tests for adults.
The study center work undertaken by
tho Kearney Normal school Is receiving
very cordlul endorsement from the lesd
lug school men and women of thla section
of the state. Mr. Neale will go to Hold
rogo on Saturday morning to address a
meeting of tesihets at tlml place, snd
also to lay before them the plan of the
study center work.
On account of the faculty wishing to
attend the Omaha mneting of the ftnte
Teachers' association, the normal school
work will be suspended for Thursday and
Friday. November 5 and A. with the vx
eeptlon of the training school. The
library will also bu open to accommo
date students who may not wish to go
home, although nearly the entire student
body wish to visit at their homes during
Jhese two days.
Fremont College tes.
Prof. Oscar Schavland, head of the t-iano
department, gave a most Interesting re
cital In chapel Monday, October 19. '
Frof. Phil His has begun rehearscils for
a series of vespm-s. the first of which
will b given November 22 at t o'clock
at the college chapel.
The Musical Art society, of which 3ohn
W. Phillips Is conductor, will uiet for Its
flrat rehearsal this yeai- November 1 at
the old hlyh achool auditorium. i
The clans In physical culture, under the. !
instruction of Mlsa Kva Jfixer. Is one of
the largest In tho school. The folk games
are particularly attractive and the chil
dren take readily to tluni.
Mr A. M. rteynoloa, head of tho art I
department, had on display a number of
pieces at the Pig Four fair, much, of i
which was done by atudenta th last few I
weeks, fhe received a liberal numlier of j
first prises for both her own und tu
denta' work.
Fremont College alumni are preparing '
for a reception to be given at the Fax- i
ton hotel during (he State Teachers' as- !
soclation. which meets In Omaha Novum- I
ber 4. & and . Tho reception will be held I
on lliursday afternoon (rom 4 to K o'clock.
lresldent Olemmons last vOek waa the
recipient of a splendid collection of books
on psychology, the latest and most up-to-date
treatises of the eubject, a gilt of a
former student. Mrs, Dora Dlers Arnold
of New York City. 1'resklent Olemmons
and faculty greatly appreciate Mrs. Ar
nold' kindness In adding to this depart
ment of the college library.
Oraad Island Collcae.
President Tsft and Mr. Benjamin stats
financial secretary of Grand Island col-
iAnntMnl.H .... ,.., . .
I'-- m ' l 111(1 i
Omaha Baptlt association and conducted ;
cuiesge aessioii.
The Athletio association beeau work on
the cindering of the quarter-mile foot
ball race track this week. Ground waa
also surveyed for tennis court, whlcn
will be iu good condition for spring sport.
Mr. Fisher and Mr. Bodwell, represent
ing the Ktat Board of tducatlon. in
spec ted Grand Island college last wce!.
Mr. Bodwell gtuv a short talk lit chapM
in Which he commended tlie work done
and encouraged equally good work In the
Dr. and Mrs. W". T. Flmore are visiting
Ir. F.lmore's hrother Prnf. l:lfiifire fir '
and Mrs. Ktrnore are home on a visit
from ftanapatmun, India, whero they are
enga(TniJn missionary work. Dr. Flniore
gave an illustrated lecture ef the stu
dents' prayer meeting, Thursdsy evening,
and Mrs. Klmore. talked to (he student
body In chapel Friday morning.
Pera State ermal.
President P. W. Irayrs was in Omaha
on business Saturday.
Dr. 11. C. House la busily engaged In
writing; a text book on theme work.
At th laat meeting of tlie Board of Kd
ucatlon the attendance report a ot the
varioua normaia showed 1'oru as having
the lead by nearly iW.
Mlsa Rita Thomas of the music depart
ment occupied .the chapel hour last
Wednesday. Miss Thornss has quite a
reputation, having played for many of
the beat singers of the I 'lilted titules.
The Rate Hoard of Education, with the
President of the school and Architect
Ciaddock of Omaha, have just, finished
laying off the grounds for (he new build
ing. Work will be started Immediately.
Class contents In various guinea are
now In progress. The freshman and
junior girls met ln volley ha II last Thurs
day, and the freshmen won by a store
of il to 1. TonUht (he frrxhinau boys
will play the eobhomoies a game ot In
door base ball.
tr. Alexander Corko. who had been
engaged for the depai Intent of history
and economic In iltllevu college, has
been forced to resign his position on ac
count of th very serious illness of his
wife, which will necessitate an operation
and a prolonged atay in the hoopltal.
When II became known that Dr. Corkey
would have to give up hla work, stepa
'were Immediately taken to aecur his
auceessor, and afiar a careful aeaixh and
comrison of many candidate, J. Fred
erick F.rtckson was chosen for th posi
tion. Prof. Hrlckaon ha hla Bachelors'
degree from bt. Olafa college and hla
Master' degree In the department ef
sociology In th Chicago university. It
ha had two years' teaching xprlnc,
one In Concordia co lime, and one In the
etals university of North Dakota. 11
la getting well started iu Ins work, and
gives promise of tarrying on tlie work
of thla important department in an es
pecially successful manner.
Bee readers ate too Intelligent to over
look the opportunities In the "want ad '
columns. They're worth while redding.
safely Is.inched, teiuriiiPB on the ml
t'.il train, that he may be sl the 'eii 1
ham the:itr. tvheie a new bin bertns at ! egi. ter for the coining election.
H e unit, nee performance jnUnv. Ilel -X '"eiiial force loo tuiall rien to ban-
I'r! Keen '' im-l citirens. lorceil to
i mo f..,. La.,. ut il,. ,.V..ii..,i
, , , , ' risair 1V. several s-oi carlogda of wall
II j loners force strigg.e.l e it!, ! . , T . . .
tin- Mne ahead of thm. wefr iu:i'ole If.,
icu'bter Satin I . I an. I tiill be unable o
par-r. floo- tile gud shelf hardware will
he put in place. Almost V.ann.noi brtrn
were us. d in th walla Innludlnr LfnAi
le PI III.' ein. iioil. u 1- llui. l"l 1st- , , . f-
brick of an tpenht
p'sns to make weekly trips over Hu
ron! this ti Inter, sueudlpg part of tin
week in Omaha and part In lennr giv
ing peronal attention to the direction
o,' both companies
d;e tho lefjhtmttou Ftldgy. wIkh
W men a "pea red. was on I lie lol
Abtahim Burbank, hrother of the presl-
' ""'V I Hrtit and mstiaglng director of the com-
pany which wl'l operate Ih Fonlenelle,
la in limii'i, and has chsrge of the com pany's
temporary office In the Baiiudere
Kenniriy building. He will be assistant
manager of the hotel, being hotel man
of wide experience.
tcrday, when nearly :i,ii appe.iri.t. t.'t
this latier number neatly I. 'Oil registered.
The majority nf the belated ones were
' fcorklrimncii. from whom County Com
tbnal Ihe 1 a in pa h . 'misrlonrr'M'n stionce-t s'lipoi t e III
The company entered Into the spun ot ' rem. . l'aiiy In the day It was sng
the comedy with a snap that bldi w pi. ,:ete,i t . Commissloiier Moorheid (hat
foi lis future suecnus. -Mr. Conway, Ihe addition be inaf'e lo the cirrn-nl fore,
leading man. has his opportunity In Ibis Mint that tah'es be In. o, In (he corridors
hill, and Is making the most of It. He l j to aeroniuiodiile t' tow.h. lie r. pl cd
a good looking chap, with a quiet tnsn-) nWit tl.ey shotild have rcfii-terci before,
ner that Is very effective. Miss Alien; .M f o'clock there wss a double line of
hssn't a greet deal to do, beyond look- v.ien mp-1 -l ed froni the off'ee of the
lng pretty, which she doesn't need to as-1 ,,.,.,..; commissioner clear back lo tu-
sum. Khe is petito and apparently w.-pi nut of the corridor, to ssv nntinn. J uiuslte's demand for good subiJTbaii
vivacious. In time Omaha will get lojpf hundreds who wie not In line. Miti.v , irshlem e lots on easy terms was forc
se her in roles that will give her oppor- ! left, believing they would have no oppoi-l fully demonstrated yesterday t tha
tunlty to show hef1 ability. Mlsa Heed. I innitv to rerlster before the off lee i iosect. ' ouenlng of Center View, the now tract
Brisk Demand for
Center View Lots
at Easy-Term Sale
Mlsa Warfleld and Miss Thomas all ban
die their role well anil made a good Im
pression. The strongest bit of acting Is
that req ilird ot Sir. Hayes In the part
o.' Jackson Ives, the counterfeiter, and
h does It with pood tat and finished
effect. The others In the cast show
themselves to be capable actors, familiar
with the reqiilrrpirnt of a stock com
pany. laat for the Rill.
Mr. loye. who Is stage director o the
company, did excellently In providing
for so appropriate a production and In I. wi lies: "L'r. Kinu s Ne
the matter of getting (ho best nor': mil ! most wonrterlul cough.
Flection Commissioner Moorhead. aftei
the taking of registrations was ended,
estimated that close to ?.."'V men had
Kglsleied during the dav.. This brings
the total figure for Omaha and South
Omaha tip lo about SVCt', he eal.1.
Most of the me i who came lo the i-oun
ho'ine estf rdny n.fide new rrglstt at Ions
and not for i-hgngeg of residence, al
though there were h indreds of tiese, toe.
of the company, lie Is to be congrstu medicine. oO cents and JLls". All ilrug.
laled on his opening effort. The cast for I gist'. Advei tlsrmi-nt.
Ihe play Is:
8l'..-".l,r:LOW"'r oT vh" J'P" Kee Want Ads .Me I'amoiis a Itesuil-
rocket mine rrauk onwav
William 8tewart of "The Harden l.s- ' I Otters.
Woaderfal lonah Kerned.
Mr. Ii. It. I.awsiui of lMison, Tenn.,
l.ilacnvery Is a
old and lung
on West Center street, which I being
hen. lied by the.Hvron Reed company.
Before 4 o'clook 103 lots were gold, and
only thirty-seven, remained. At that
hour the crowd was buying at th ratg
n( l wo lots per minute.
The desirability of such residence prop
erly was further shown by Ih offer of
several bonuses of I'.'S to $,Vl for choice
Ir.catlona in the tract and by tha fact
that of the good-slied crowd that went
oui io tlie grounds In the company's
gutos only five persona went away with
out buying.
hi .pite of tlie popular Idea of "tight
money," the sbIss irrsngenrenl. of
only $1 doan and ti a seek, tea loll In
Center View were gold for T"t cash and
over ono-lhlrd of Ihe addition went for
part cash.
Here's a New. Jov
A new WRIGLEY chewing- gum with DOUBLE
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DOUBLE wrapped and sealed to keep it good.
It is delightful and the delight is lo-n g la s tin g
It's like a Peppermint Lozenge that you can
chew and CHEW!
It has lots fit "Pep" you can't lose the flavor.
And with each 5c package you get a
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Try this new joy today!
Mad by tha
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K'1CY MINT LKAF llllT-tt
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