Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    THK r.KK: OMAHA, MONDAY. (X'l'OliMf 1!U4.
RUSSIA CONTINUES war scene looks deserted
Official Communication from Petro
jrid Styi Troop i Preu Annie
of Enemy in Retreat.
tlescavltea, la Repalalaa Attack af
Teteae, tester ri llaedred
Frlaeaer Mae Baal
Flrer. ,
PEiROORAD, Oct . Th following
flfcl communication was Issued by
twrl headquarters tonight:
"Our troop heyond the Vistula are
ureaing the armle of tha onemr in r
iraat. North of tha Illltca r'.ver tha Or
mana are offering only fehl resistance.
They have been driven back a far as
"South of the jfilltaii, on tli road to
t'.a'lom, bave forced the Anatro-lcT-uian
troop to enxaire In a anion battle.
"On October it, the fight line extended
tc-rtj- versfs (twenty-als miles). At cer
tain polnta the engagements took on tha
character at hand-to-band encounter.
. Take Maar lrleaer.
"In the forest around Radom several
of our Infantry regiment successfully
carried out bayonet attacks. At other
taints we hava taken prisoner and rapiJ
"Above the River Illanka, the Austrian
troop ar seeking again to oatabllah
themselves on the Vistula. hit our troopa
live crossed the river and ar offering
strong opposition.
"Along the river Sun and south of
rraemral deepert engagement continue,
but the advantage ta with our troop, who
hav her mad thousand of prisoner.
In taking tha height of Tvtehentia,
outa of Jsrowlau, wa have made prtson
era of five Austrian companie.
"In repulsing an attack of tha enemy
galnat our corn operating south of
rrcemyal we have raptured 500 prisoner
and Din rapid flrar. Tha left wing of
that corps taking the offensive made
number of prisoners and captured a quan
tity of arm and catsaon. A column of
the enemy which occupied Ptry ha Wen
!i"ered, A thousand prisoners were
"There I nothing to report from tail
Seek to 4'raak Invasion.
IX) N DON. Oct. Having defeated Ui
first German attack on Warsaw, the Rue
lana era rusblna reinforcements to crush
lrk the German Invasion.
further aoutli, the Russian have failed
to make the Austrian, who are now com
manded by German officer and stiffened
with Oerman troopa, give up their at
tempt to cross the Ban river.
In tha greaf eight-day conlllct between
Bimbo r and Prxemyal, the cannonading
ha been continuous for eight day.
Here the Austrian began the attack and
after being hurled back, concentrated In
a advance against Lambert tn an ef
fort to cut tha Ruaalan tine. It la de
clared they were defeated with a loss of
6.000 -prisoner. I
The German-Austrian torces are also
aald to hava taken Jaroalau. but to have
been ousted later. Tha official report
from Vienna claim tha Russians, after
V"lnf allowed to cross ''tha River San,
tare pressed back and that tha Austrian
defeated two - Ruaalan division at
J van ge rod.
Tfc Russians apparently ar engaged in
flenlv operations on the Kaat Prussian
frontier as the German official report
icfer to a Ruaalan attack at Augustowo,
which It say wa repulsed. -
Of tha fighting In tha Bosnia, the ac
count ara o contradictory that na Judg
ment can b formed. Tha Austrian
claim to bar defeated tha Servian and
Montenegrin while both those powera
y the Austrlao attack along the
Fctian frontier have been repuUed.
. Beat far kta Disease.
Ducklen' Arnica Salve la toothing,
healing and antlseptle. ' Beat for burns,
sore, wound, bruises, piles, etc. 25 cent.
All drogaiet. Advertisement.
Correspondent with German Army
Gives Imprewiom of Battle.
Meld Wkere ftleantle Arasle Op
pused la Tltaalf traale. Almost
flarrea I-awsrape Eaarlaea
of leraelea Hid.
K'ontlnueS from Pe One.)
Kepublicans Enjoy
Banquet and Hear
Political Speeches
(Krom a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOL,N. Ken., Oct. H.-fCpeclal Tele
trm ) Th biff banquet room at the Lin
dell hotel waa crowded tonight for the
annual banquet of the t'nlon Veteran
republican club. Three hundred and fifty
people were seated. Music was furnished
y tha Talmyra Ladles' Trumpeters, an
organisation of ten young women, tite
university mala quartet and tb Union
Veteran' quartet and drum corp. Sher
iff Qua Hyeia waa toaatmaster. At tha
conclusion of the banquet tha crowd ad
joutned to tha City Auditorium, where
addiease were made by Slterlft Hyers.
County Attorney J. B. nroJ, C. V.
Reavls. republican candidate for eonsres
la Use First district, end R. R Howell.
Mr. Reavts covered .the Issue of th
empaJta. the working af tha democratic!
tariff, th Panama canal tolls proposi
Ion. and said ba waa glad coagreaa had
adjourned, as he wa tired of running
against circular letter. Mr. Howell cov
ered about the same around a during
tha campaign.
Pape's Diapepsin
For Indigestion
Or Bad Stomach
Suur. gasav, upset stomach, indiges
tion. baarttHirn, dyspepsia; when tha footl
you eat fertneut Into gases and tnb
born lump; your bead asbee and yau
fiel sick aud miaeraU that's whea you
lealla th rnssic In Pape'a Plapepsiii.
It makea all atomark misery vanish In
five minutes.
If your stomach is lu a contiaoous re
volt If yea Vant get It regulated, pleat.
.far yoiir sake, try Pp"a Piapratn. It'a
needless to have a bad stomach make
our next cneaj a favortt food meal,
then take little Pt&pt-pstB. There will
not be any Clatresa cat without frar. It'
itciaune Pape'a Clapepslo ."really does"
ircuUte weak, out-of-order stomacbs
i but give it It million af aaJaa an-
t'lti a Urge fifty-cent case af IHpe'a
l;p.a'iu fmm any drug ature. It la tb
iui kft. suieet stomach iltf and euie
kiou. It acta aJmnett like maajto it 1
a muiI.'k, hsrnileaa and pleasant atora
Ktsi prrparauoa wtih trnty aeloaga is)
rry home Advertisement.
Instead of only next door, beyond Oorse.
however, the road leading eouthwest
through Chamhley. Pt. Benoit VlgneulUes
to Rt. Mlhlel waa crowded with long col.
umna af wagons and automobile trucks
hearing reserve ammunition, provisions
and auppllre to the front or returning
empty for new loada to the unnamed
railroad bai In the rear..
ieod Dlarlpllae Malfstalned.
Strikingly good march dleclpllne was
observed, part of the road being always
left free for the passage of staff auto
mobiles or marching troops. Life umimiI
most comfortable for the driver and ea.
corts, as the army In advance had been
long enough in poaition and It railroad
base waa so near that supplying It in
volved none of the sleepless !s!:ta snd
c'ays and almost eiiperhuman exertion
falling to the lot of th train In the fly
ing march of the German armlea toward
A few miles beyond Ooraa the French
frontier waa passed and from thla point
on the countryside with It deserted
farms, rotting shock of wheat and un
cut flelda of grain, trampled down by
infantry end marred with trenches, e
cavatlona for liatterlea and pita caued
by exploding shells, ahowed war' de
vastating heelprint.
Makes War Comfortable.
Main army heUiurteia, the resilience
ml working nusrtrs of a commanding
general, whose name may not be men
tioned, ware in Chateau Chamhley, a fine
Krcnrh country house. In the choteau.
the commanding enral made tr a
comfortable as In hla own home. Tele,
graph wlrea led to It from varlou di
rections, a small handquartera guard
lounged on the grass under the tree,
a dosen automobile and motorcycles
were at hand and groom were leading
about tha charger of the general and hla
ataff. At St. Benoit, five mile further
on, a subordinate headquarter wa en
countered, again In a chateau belonging
to a ilch French resident.
Th continental soldier leave tent to
th American army ami quarter him
self whenever possible comfortably in
houses, wasting no energy In transport
ing and setting tip tented cities for of
ficer and soldier. No matter how fast
or bow far a German army move a
completely equipped telerrarh office ia
ready for the army commander five min
utes after hadquarter have been es
tablished. Treated Almost with Deference.
At 8L Benoit, a party of some S00
g-tench prisoner wa encountered, wait
ing outside headquarters." They were all
fine, young fellow, in striking rontraat
to the elderly reservists type, which pre
dominate In the German prison camps.
They were evidently elite troops of th
Una and were treated almost with d
ferenca by their guards, a detachment
of bearded landwehr men from South
Germany. They war the survivor of
th garrison of the Roman camp fort,
who had put up such a desperate and
spirited defense as to win the whole
hearted admiration and respect of (h
German officers and men.
Their armored turrets and cemented
bastions, although constructed after tha
best rules of fortification of a few year
ago, had been battored about their eara
In an unexpectedly atvlrt time by Ger
man and Austrian ricg artillery. Their
(una bad been and tranches
were pushed up by u overwhelming
force of pioneers and Infantry to within
(iv yarOs n( their works before they
retreated from the advanced Intrench-
imenta to tha casemate of the fort.
ttefaee te Yield.
Her they maintained a (tout resist
ance and refused vry summon to ur
render. Hand grenadea were brought up,
bound to a backing of board a and ex
ploded, against tha opcnlnva Into the case
mate, filling these with shower of ateel
splinters. Pioneers, creeping up to th
dead angle of the casemates, where the
fire of the defender could not roach
them, directed smoke tube and stink
pots against th aperture lu the cltadol.
filling tha room with auffocitlng amoka
and gasea.
"Have you had enough? they were
asked after the first smoke treatment.
"No," w th defiant answer.
Fart la Taken.
Tb treatment wa repeated a second
and -third time, th response to the de
mand for surrender each time growing
weaker, until finally the defendara were
no longer abl to raise their rifles and
th fort wa taken. AVhen the aurvlvor
of tb plucky garrison war able to march
out. revived by tha fieah air, they found
their lata opponent presenting anna be
fore them in recognition of their gallant
aland. They were granted the moat hon
orable terms ef aurrandr. their officer
were allowed te retain their sword and
on their march toward an honorable cap
tivity they were everywhere greeted with
expression of respect and admiration.
Headqitartera guard her waa composed
of a company ef Infantry. The company's
field kitchen, the soup boiler and oven
on wheela which the Oermau army cop
ied from the Russian and which th
aoidler facetiously and affectionately
call their "ghoulish cannon.' had that
day. the captain stated, fed T9 nteti. sol
dier ef hi own and paaahig companies.
headtjuertere attache, wounded and th
detachment of Trench prisoners.
their io"ld hr dllectcd niisin't
the Xrench fort. A!', a HU;e
st the foot of that hillside, shot into
ruin by srti lty, ard with eery stand
log bit ef house l! sncd th bull"!
mark from the hand to hand conflicts
whl h had rd to and fro in its
streets, waa typical of ell the little atone
built towns serving a nutpnMa to this
natural fortress which had been the
scene ef embittered attacks and counter
stlai Its before the German troopa could
fight their Way tip Ihe hillside.
Th combat is still raxing on this day
from north and south eaalnst the seg
ment of thla range raptured by the Ger
mans. The French, ins using their troopa
by forest paths from Verdun snd Tout,
throw them s gainst the Germane In des
perate endeavors to break the lines which
protect the lt- for the German slec
artillery. havy mortara of 8't and
caliber and an Intermediate alie type, and
for the Austrian automobile batteries of
i:-ln siege guns.
The correspondent lad no opportunity
to Inspect at close ranxe the li-lnch
guns, tha "Groxlora" of I. lege, Namur
and other fortresses, which Krupp and the
German army uncovered as th surprise
of tlie war. They could lie heard even
from Met, speaking at flve-mlnute In
terval. A battery of them, dug into the
ground eo that only the gun musalea pro
jected . dov th pit, waa observed in
action at a distance of about half a mile,
the flaah of flame being visible even at
that distance. s
Their smaller sisters were lea coy. A
dismounted battery of th Intermediate
caliber, details of which are not for pub
llcatlon. wa encountered at the road
side awaiting repalra to the hoavy traction
and the Austrian It-inch (thirty end one
half centimetre) batteries were een in
gaaaly ll'ld In Woad.
The heavy German battery lay snugly
hid In a wood on the rolling height of
the Colo Lorraine. Better oft than tha
French, whose aviatore had for four days
repeatedly scrutinised every acre of land
in the vicinity looking for these guns,
we bad fairly accurate direction' bow to
find the battery, but even then It re
quired oonie search and doubling back
and forth before a languid cannonler,
lounginB by the roadside, pointed with
hla thumb over hi shoulder toward the
allies gun.
The artillery men were enjoying their
midday rest, a pause which set in every
day with the regularity of the luncheon
hour in a factory. Th guns, two In thla
particular position, stood beneath a
only in front by a Httle wood, b it ex
pohed to view from both sides, the tear
and above. For this erreeter exposure the
battery had paid rorretTcn'UnKlv. several
of Ha men having been kilicl or ivoun-le'1
by lio.tlle fire Here, a In t!ie Uerman
thttertee, the war ork In t;r"cres eent
on with a machine. like regulm ity and ab
sence a spectacular features more char
acteristic of a ro ling mill thon a battle
The men at tye gun. ncnt through their
work with the rtcftness and absence of
confusion of hiith rlass mechanics. The
heavy shells were rolled to the guns,
hoisted by a chain within winch to the
breech opening and dischsrged lit uninter
esting succession, a short pauj-e coming
after each shot until the telephonic report
from the observation stand waa received.
Flrlns at Fart Lloavllle.
The battery had been firing all day atj
Fort Llonvllle, about ft,00 meters and the i
bdtfery commander was then endeavoring I
to put out of action the only gun turret
which still nnswercd the fire. The task
of finding this comparative minute tar
get, forty or fifty feet In illanieter. at
a rwnKc of alx mile, tuus being followed
with a minute accuracy which promised
eventual success.
' The shells from these guns snarl on
their course with a characteristic minute-long
ahriek which seems to come from
the shell itself screaming on toward ita
destination. Watches, were pulled out to
determine Juat how long the flight could
be heard and the uninitiated were pre
paring to hear the sound of the explosion
Itaelf. Th battery chief explained, how
ever, that this snarl waa due to the con
dition Immediate to the site of the gun
and could not bo heard at other points.
He Invited close watch of the atmosphere
a hundred yards before the gun at the
next shot. Not only could the projectile
be seen plainly in the beginning of Its
flight, but the waves of billowing air,
rushing back to fill the void left by the
discharge and bounding and rebounding
In a tempestuous solution could be heard.
This commotion caused the sound, heard
for over a minute
Fee-Grabbing Bunch
Is Digging Up Mud
The desperation of the -f rafters and fee.
grabbers backing Corneer for county com
missioner in order to get even with Com
missioner Lynch for Interfering with their
treasury raids has now . turned to a
scheme to rake up the old Schroeder-
scrfeen of thickly branching . trees, the j Rapp murder caae for an onslaught that
la to be made by circulars or posters be-
Field Kitchen ItaaV H!a.
experienced officer attll tank th field
kitchen with the sturdy leg of th in
fantry, th German heavy artillery and
the aviation uorpa aa four (of the most
Important factora lu tba ahewtna mad
by the Uerman army.
. Beyond bt. Benoit atid Let raiu a inge
ef wooded Ulllr.. running north and aoulh
along the eaat tank of theMeuse, rise
tn steeply terraced alopea several hun
dred feet front the frontier plalu. tnler
pualng a natural lampsit between Ger
many and the French Hue of fortresses
beyond the 51 us. Tha French had foi tl-
tnuxzlea pointing toward round opcr.lmO
In this loaf roof. The gun carriage were
screened with branches, Th shelter tent
and the houses for the ammunition alo
had been covered with green, and around
the position a hedg of bonghe kept off
the eye of poeslbl French splea wonder
ing through the wooda.
Aaalew "have Prawess.
The lieutenant In charge of the guns,
aflxiuu to show them off to advantage,
volunteered to telephone th battery com
mander In hi observation post four
miles nearer the enemy for permission to
fire a shot or two against a village m
which French troopa were gathering for
th attack. Thla battery Juit had finlahe i
with Le Parochee, a French barrier rar
across the Meuso, and was so devoting
Itself to minor attack.
Only fort really counted, ald th lieu
tenant, recalling Fort Menonvllllera, near
Lunevill, th strongest French barrier
fort, which was the battery first "bug''
of the war. Its capture, thanks to hla
guns, hud cost the German array only
throe live, those of three, pioneers acci
dentally killed by the fir of their own
men. Now Les Paorche wa a heap of
crumbled earth a ad stone, fa default of
forts the guns were used against a
"worthy target" a . "worthy target" be
ing defined aa a minimum of fifty In
fantryman. -
At this moment the orderly reported that
tba battery commander authorised two
shot against the village in question. At
command the gun crew sprang to their
post about the mortar, which waa al
ready adjusted, for Its target, a little
les than lx mile away, the run mas
lie pointing akyward at an angle of about
lxty degree. A the gun wa fired the
projectile could be seen and followed In
it coure for several hundred feet. Th
report wa not excesalvely loud,
lief ore the report died away the crew
waa buay a beea about th gun. One
man with th hand elevating gear rapidly
cranked the barret down to a level poai
tion, ready for loading. A aecond threw
open th breech and extracted the bras
cartridge case, carefully wiping it out
before depositing It among the empties:
four more seised the heavy shell and
lifted it to a cradle opposite the breech:
a seventh rammed It home; number eight
gingerly inserted the brasa cartridge,
half filled with a vaseline-like explosive.
me oreecn wa cloaed and the gun pointer
rnpiuiy cranked the gun egaln Into poal
tlon. In lesa than thirty seconds thu
mn siMiuig dbck irom ne gun, again
loaaeu aud aimed.
A abort wult and the observer from hla
post near the village ordered "Next shot.
fifty meter nearer." The gun pointer
mad th sljKht correction necessary, the
n.ortar again sent its shell purring
through the air against th village,
whkh thl time, it wa learned broke
into flame and while th men went back
to their noon day reat. the lieutenant ex
plained the fin polnta of hi beloved
Nina. t
One man, aa had beer aeen, could
manipulate the elevation gear with one
hand easily and quickly, ten of his horses
could take the mortar, weighing- eight
ton, anywhere; it could fire up to M0
shot per day. He wa proud of tho
killful concealment of hi guns which
hsd been firing tor four days from the
same position without being discovered;
Ithough French aviators had located all
th slater batteries, all if which had suf
fered loss from shrapnel fir
Graves Aleaa Roadside.
Along the roadside through te Lor- '
ralne mere here and there grave with'
rude croete and penciled lnscrlptloaa. At !
the western edg of the forest tlie battlo '
panorama of th Meuso valley suddenly
opened out, the' hill a. falling a ay again
ateeply to the level valley bed. Tha
towna below bt. Mlhlul and Bannoncourt.
seemed absolutely deserted, not a person
bring visible even around the large bar
racks In th latter town.
While th Uttle party of officer and '
Prttoi. Including th correspondent,
eere watching the ertillery duel on the
far hortaun or endeavoring- to pick out
the tnfuntry positions a ahrs.nn.-l n.i.
caure too raw even for the evening yellow
"Joe" Rapp and District Court Clerk
Bob" Smith were in conference yerter-
day and Uapp secured a trarwrlpt of the
testimony taken before tho coroner' Jury
to be fine tooth combed for mud to lie
slung at Lynch, notwithstanding the fact
that the Jury found nothing whatever
connecting hlin with any featuie leading
up to the trouble.
Fire Thousand Meet Death in Flood
Caused by Opening of Levees
in Low Countries.
Many af Them Kay Kerred Prar
tier) t:aplaae aad Itasrast at
Risk They Raa aad Pen
alty far Offense.
(Continued from Pkae One )
by (lie HrUirli and Flench ships, which
are bombarding them from the sea.
It Is probably the most picturesque bat
tle ever fought. On shore the troops of
five nations are fighting the Austrian
and fWmnns on one i-lde and the French,
Eritlsh and Belgian on' the ether,
riakt tide ar Side.
At the sea liritirh monitors, gunboats,
destroyers and submarines are fifthting
BhlM hr aid w'lh Vrtm I. nar.liliil whlla.
i. The cutting of the ' a', the same time they are being subjected
i.o.M'ON. Oct. :
dikes In the low country southeast of
Dlxmudo flooded out a large German
force says the Bunday Observer' t-orre-si-ondcnt
in France. Rome estimates
rime the Uerman losses there a'. 3,000
drowned. besides JO.ano killed and
Wounded. Thla may glre some hint, th
dispatch adds, ki to what Is meant when
It In d dared that the flghtlnw In thla
region is the most desperate of the entire
war thus far.
A lan.r. number of woman splea have
been captured and promptly shot In the
vicinity of Kixmude. In some place the
women declared they had been ter
rorized Into practicing espionage. Almost
without exception they had no Idea of
the risk they were running or the penalty
for their offense.
The Belgian field army Is doing
staunch work around Dixmude. Four
Umes on Thursday afternoon the Ger
mans charged th Belgian trenche with
the bayonet along the whole front. Each
time thcywere repulsed with heavy
losses. '
Huge Fund to Go
to Cotton Growers
WASHINGTON. Oct. 26. After weeks
of negotiation between bankers and mem
bers of the Federal lteserve board, a
tentatlvo agreement wa readied tonight
which the board practically approved by
which a fund of 1138,000,009 will he raised
to take care of the surplus cotton crop
and extend aid to the cotton producer.
BKR1.1X, Oct. S.").-By Wireless to 8ay
villc. L. I. It Is learned that It waa the
German submarine U-3 whjch sank the
British cruiser Hawke in the North sea
October IS, by a torpedo attack.
The German submarine U-9, Captain
Weddigen. la tlie craft which earlier sank
the British cruisers ITogue, Abouklr and
to attack by German submarine and
Thus far. the warships' have had the
better of It. for while they ar reported
lo have inflicted terrible losses on Ihe
German trying to advance alonr th
coast, they, themselves, haxe suffered
little or no damave and have warded
of attack by marine.
The British admiralty ha Isrued an
account of the operation of thla fleet in
which It Is explained that the ships have
fired upon the German batteries In the
Vicinity of Ostend. It waa probably that
which lead to a report from Holland that
the German hv been driven back in
that direction and also to the statement
that the allies had reoccupled Ostend.
t'aaeaal Flartaatloaa.
About Lille, which the Oerman hold,
there have been unusual fluctuations, the
French gaining In one area and the Ger
man In another not far distant. There
has been so much fighting here as well
further south, In the direction of Ar
ras and Rove, that even the accounts of
tratnloada of wounded being taken dally
to the hospital cannot be exaggerated.
The same can he said of the district be
tween the fortresses of Verdun and Toul,
where two armlea have been battling for
many weeka with gains and losses
amounting to virtually nothing as far as
diatance Is concerned.
Today both sides clsim success In a
battle lu which there were o many vic
tims that the Gorman asked for a truce
to bury their dead. Thl plea waa refused.
Children Hate
PillQ fnlnmnl
a IS ) A Vy A A A. V .
And Castor Oil
Look back at your childhood days.
Remember the "dose" mother Insisted on
castor oil. calomel, valhurtica? How
you hated them, how you touaht against
taking them.
With our children It s diffei-ent. Moth
er who cling to the old form of phyaic
simply don't realise what they do. The
chlldrcna revolt is well-founded. Their
tender little -insHes " are injured by
If your chilli s atomac h, liver and
bowel need cleansing, give only delici
ous 'California Pyrup of Fins." Its action
.Is positive, but gentle. Millions of moth
ers keep this harmless "fruit laxative"
handy: they know rulltlren love to take
It: that It never falls to clean the liver
ard bowels and sweeten tlie stomach,
and that u tcasr.oonfu! given today saves
a sick child tomorrow.
Ask your drUKIrlst for a 5i- rut bottle
of 'California Syrup or Figs." uhlch h.w
full directions for buhles, children of all
a.aca and for grown-ups plainly on each
bottle. Btware of counterfeits sold here.
See thnt It Is made hy 'Callfornlu Fit.
Syrup Company." Refuse an other klnu
with contempt. Advertisement.
WATERLOO. Neb.. Oct. ffi.-tSpeclal
Telegraiu.) Republican candidates in
large numbers were here this afternoon,
and. the democrat expect tho governcr
and local candidates Monday. The farm
era were husking corn and were not In
town. The candidates were making an
auto tour of Douglas county outlle of
Bee readers are too intelligent to over
look the opportunities In the "want ar"
columns. They're worth while rending.
' n n
r a
I . !i I; , i J
Iff'" fl Ir
j : ; j jj: ' j (j-
s'iiil A
fled th alopo Uti row. I t',tl' bu" "-r them hi I, ia th ir.
Why Take the
of your beer becoming impure?
You are not asked to take a similar
risk with other kinds of food.'
And yet, every time you buy beer in
a light bottle you must assume the
burden of keeping it away from light
to avoid that skunky taste.
Get Schlitz Brown Bottle, and you get
beer that is kept pure from the brew
ery to your glass.
See that Crown is
branded "Schlitz."
of trenches, permitting Una above line of
Infantry te fir againat an advancing
enemy. For day a dmurl struggle
waa waged for th poaaeaaton of th
heights, which were Imperative far the
Oerutan ' campaign againat the line of
Dwa't Kite Ealeat at Lasers.
German da not mention the extent ef
their toaaes la any tnlc.uUr action, hat
It. was admitted aad is evldeut that it
had cost a high price te storm those
steep slopes ana win a pottitlow la th
woods crown'ng the range, from which
There waa a gvaeral stir, th assumption j
ueing mat th French had taken the
group on tb hillside for a battery gtaff
picking out poaition for the pun, but
a other shots were fired It wa seen
that tb ahtapael mas exploding regulartv '
abov tha barrack a mil and , half'
away. tU French evidently suspecting i
me presence or Uermee troop there.
Keaalarlty MekUJ.lkr.
A ten ml. ride southward led to th
I position ef the Austrian twelve-Inch bat
j tery. The two guns 'his time were
J planted by Hi Md of ihe road, screene.1
an m m ar m . m ' asssw - r m
Phon Doug U7
Schllt Bottled Beer Depot
TO S. tu otrcet. Omaha. JCebr.
Phon 43
Oerber. 1"1 8. Main ft
Council Bluff
fte Beer
Ttat Made MolivaiiiiteeliliijiiioiLes.
Missouri Pacific
Leave Omaha Ar. Kansas, City
8:00 A. M. :t ; 3 5 P. M.
2:00 P. M. 8:35 T. M.
11:15 P. M. 7:10 A. M.
Modern Equipment
Observation Sleepera
Superb Dining Car Service
Meals a la Carte
Direct connection in Kanaaa Cltv
I nlon Station for points
Mouth -East - West.
txcxbt omen
142.1 Farnarn St.
Union Station.
Trios. F. Godfrey
Ueneral Agent, 1'a.oaenger Dept
M u.. eu. sit
The Ber You
Brewed aad ti S
Bottled by 1$
Mercantile Co.
' IMatrlBoter
rheae Bene, lea
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Bvotd te Strlcm Clean, OUiij
MtTBIOAX. Btfax,aQtrs
TWICE DAlLYwk: Mat. Today
Hnra Kidman & tiertrude Rare
Ja Oaae a Tale Oasti
Vrssentlaf Baraey Oersrd'a Two.
Act Nondescript,
"What Poet tha Public Want?"
NO'i'K--Oiini(t' Annual RrpMM
,n t'lrlt 1 on tuc nie s.arr SfUraoou
lirn:iiv follosina in nisnno. esiij i.fsi
faltiMay. S..urnin to ls1l. '
iKH Ktl.tM:
I o on rrori t, clilmta th
' Ktili's" I til f!titr;il ihiD ws'rs
hal this You on Kank ea air
'rtt; l's aTr mt-'islorin row.
Tin" l"w kun t "siiBia " it a vsr
ttl "tla.b,
t. I.. JOHNSON, Msr. OavT.
Bvaalare, Bnaa7 a Bolittay Mat.,
iso, soe so ana a
w.VkMAT$. 1 5c in. 25c t Is:
ne evm It rey like, but ns nnokin
Bnhv I'unliit Oaraa in tire I.obbv
Tint nk: Kti Elmer A ts 'lllunu.
CIijortlMbr a Co.. ism a'harry Lewt gum'
MU, Oi tn-IUvsu rrt4 Nlte. Jomt 4.
tiMw, Clu. Miuom kju;au, Tk World
si a orK r4 l'.jr.
rrtr: Ms'lucs Gjrj , ve; bast SSals (sacasl
irr'" aaj Scb-layi. lc. l-h. 10-2au-aac-l.-.
Itcriath Seiica Xo. 8.
David Dugyan Opera Co.
AiTJiTomoi. oct. ar.
le-ls-ta cents to holder of member-
hips. Heoerved seats at Box
tiffi., Oct. ;7 it I i m.
Also od Beaaoa Bjreatteaa T