Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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"Vi liuv lunl liig ' Laf Cuitnin Sales ltoforo, but novpr
hnvo tv Ikmmi so Icrtmiato in lrinp"ff fii'-li bargains, as will be
offered Momlay and Tuesday, to the women of Omaha. Wo
bought f)G eaes of Curtains (thousands of pairs), and hun
dreds of piece of Curtain Material. Rvery woman should attend this
sale. Every h(el owner and every rooming house manager should be
ace umams am .uj nam
There are hundreds and hundreds of Imported Duchesse,
Antique, Ileal Arabian, Fine Cluny, Irish Point, Marie An
toinette, Marquisette, Etamine, Quaker Lace, Loom Lace, Duo
Curtains and Bungalow Curtains over 1,500 patterns. "We
will devote almost our entire Third Floor for this sale next
Lace Curtains
Worth up to $
$6.00 a Pair
Here are some
of the Bljtgest
Kargalnn 1 n
This Sale An
endless assortment of Cable Xfts,
Loom Weave. Duo Curtains, Quaker
Lace, Filet" Not. Iluuaalow Net and
fine Nottingham Curtains; worth to
$6.00 a nalr. Your choice Monday,
$3.83 a pair. !
Lace Curtains
Worth up to $
$10.00 a Pair
All the Finent
Curtains from
ThJs IHg rur- f I'Ain
ehane Such
as Real Imported ruchenfe. Antique
Lace, Cluny, IrUh Point and Arabi
an Curtains; worth from $7.50 to $10
a pair. Go Monday at 9(1.03 a pair.
Full-Size Curtains
Three Cases of
Full 8txe Curtains
Both single and
In pairs; all col
ors. You'll easily
be able to pick out
pairs of a pattern
If you come early.
last, Monday, at ac each.
As long as they
All Lace Curtains
Go on Sale
Monday, Oct 26
All to be Sold on Third Floor
; iv'-'
II. I i i II in i ii mi ni)i ijii ii iijui.iii.iniii.i
... ;'' ' r
I mil aaliaaWMaaaaiatwaaaisi
U. ..
ijii jiijjiii..i w mm mi msujj j mi. mi f i iiih i in i u iiii.ii
v: l::;",;:r I , t :
nil .i-iii-ih iiii I nun ii r mm imn iiiiMfcui i iil
For Fine Filet Net,
Quaker Curtain
Bungalow Net,
Loom Weave and
Fine Nottinghams
Worth up to :!.AO a 1'air About 2.000 pairs In this
sale. We do not recollect eer having shown such
high grades of lace curtains at thin price In .all the
years we have held these great curtain . sale. The
vhole 2,000 pairs will go In a short time Monday.
Bungalow Net, $
Filet Net, Cluny,
Etamine, Loom
Weave and Cable
Net Curtains
Worth S4.00 to rt.OOarlr Hundreds of pairs of these
fine curtains were thrown In by the manufacturers at
close to half price, because the lots were too small to
carry' In their regular stocks. Wonderful bargains, and
early choppers Monday will quickly pick them out.
Lace Curtains, Worth to $3"Pair
There are about 4,000 pairs
in this lot. They, are fine
Loom Weave, Cable Net and
Novelty Curtains. A bargain
that will catch the eye of
thrifty people. Worth up to
$3 00 a pair; Monday, at
Lace Curtains, Worth to $4 Pair
Small lots of each kind only.
That's why they are so low
priced. Single Curtains and
one and two-pair lots of fine
Lace Curtains; white, ecru and
ivory color. 45 to 60 in. wide.
Worth as high as $4.00 a pair.
Monday at 48c -each.
Think of This! Lace Curtains Worth Up to $6.00 Per Pair
None Worth Less Than $3.00 Pair Monday at 98c Each
6,000 Pairs Lace Curtains The great
est bargains In the sale. All the lots,
consisting of one, two and three pairs,
regardless of cost, grade or pattern,
have been put in, one lot. to sell at this
low price.
Ton can match them. The lots are
big enough for that. Some of these
curtains are worth as high as 6.00 a
pair, and none less than 3.00. In white,
Ivory and Egyptian color. Wonderful
bargains, indeed.
Black and Colored Dress Velvets and
Smart Silks for Suits and Gowns
This is a Pronounced Velvet SeasonMonday, we 'offer' at
very special prices 50'pieces of Imported Chiffon. Velvets,
, in black and colors; 42 ins. wide. AVorttifi! C( Co AC
$3.95 and $5.00 yard, sale prices. ..?.' Vsa3U-v0i3
Beautiful Chiffon Weight BouleyardrVelveteea
. Varying In width from 23 to 4J (penes.. Here art the'new wood
browns, Holland blues, Bordeaux, olive greens, marine blues,t tete de
negro and black. Prices . .'.,
$2.95, $1.48, $1.19 and 69c a Yard
Hiffri flnt DrrtS Silica 40 inches wide. Consisting of
nign uass uress ohks Cnnton. Cnjpe Sublime
Crepe, Fuille Merveilleux, Satin Taileur; beautiful Roman
and bnrml Crepe do Chine, Satin de Luxe. In extreme
novelties, itolh for street and QQo fr K(
evening wear. Price, yard OC 10 yaCi.DU
Popular Priced Silks on Oar Famous Bargain Square
Just received ISO pieces of this season's mofct wanted weaves
Crepe de Chine, figured and plain Jacquard, Silk Poplins, black and
. white Satin and Taffota Silks for combinations and entire dresses,
v 36-ineh Chl.'fon Faille, niac Satin, Black Peau de Cyjne, Black
Meaaallne and Black Chlffbn Taffeta. . . Of a.. QO,,
Prlces. yard OVC tO UCLC
Chiffon Weight Broadclotlis " 0h,f jf ''two
specials m a wide range of smart ft nf qq
street oolorings. Price, yard pleJ"yOC
At a big reduction in
price. Each pattern 4Vs
to G yards, according to the width. Over sixty styles to
select from. Prices, i nr J0 nr CQ OC
each $ 1 03p&. i7 J-$ J. i D
Ffonrli Cavta Most P0Pulr areas fabrics on account of
ITCnCU UClgeS their clinging effect. Nothing more 7Q
satisfactory than French serge, at the special price of. yard, SJCj
Roman Stripes in Poplin and Serge Weaves
Three sand four-tone coloring, especially selected rfi a i 1 nf
. to match any of our plain cloths DjC 10 Ml0
On Our Famous Bargain Square I
2,500 Full Dress Patterns
Fashionable Dress Goods,
select splendid qualities to
suit every purse. Ya
e plaie on sale
000 virdi of
In ull weight and styles. Here you can
m.;..; 39c-49c-69c-98c
250, Pairs Genuine All Wool Blankets
Made or nnest uaiirornia and Australian wool. In all the
wanted colors, plaid shades, plaids, etc. Extra weight,
warm, fleecy nap, 97-50 value. Monday, each .'
Fine IUhI llUukets Full
size, German wool fluUh. extra
weight, permanent fleecy nap
Plain white, tan and
gray colors. Mon.. pr
Cotton Iknl IvUnkrt Kull
sUe. Made from long staple cot
ton, perfect weave and finished
with warm nap; fant colors, col
ored borders. Monday,
!. .51.69
fJ.50 Fine Cotton Killed Comfort
Covered wttli bet quality
silsoline; fail and winter weight;
nana lutiea and scroll qq
stitched. Monday il.iJO
MMliv IllankeJ In iU1n
uii wun a ueauurul astiort
tueni of. neat pink and blue bor
nu'uiumijr l8l colors, f
lc values. Monday, each. . .iC
Showing of Fall and Winter Millinery
Curtain Material
Go on Sale
Tuesday, Oct. 27
85 SaUipMople tor This Salm
An entirely new line of unusually smart hats for all
occasions for winter festivities. The fashionable woman
will don colors, seal brown and a wonderful new shade
called 4sand." These will take the place of the too pop-
ular all-black hat. Some all-white hats will be shown, asi.
well ns white, pink and blue in combination with black
and brown. A certain bright shade of red called "Vio-
toria" is'a!o in roguery :- "' -:':'' '
Satin Antique 4s a new fabric beincr used almost as
much as velvet; gold and silver are being used, but quites
differently than earlier in the season. For instance, trans-
parent brims of gold and silver with velvet crowns; also hats entirely of gold and silver
cloth are entirely and distinctly new. Ostrich will be worn more than in years in decided
ly new and charming effects. Flowers and fruits in natural shades and in gold and silver
are happily COMBINED with fur.
AVe will show a number of matched sets in Mon- ,
key, Skunk Seal and Fitch. Those sets are very chic and
add the"right touch of smartness1 to, the simplest toilet.
The Winter Panama
This is quite the smartest and most seasonable street pr
outing hat that we have shown in many a day, in an as-,
sortment of new colors and black; trimmed very plainly
in fur, grosgrain ribbon bows and ornaments. Fitting
comfortably on the head as these' do, there is no doubt
that they will be the popular morning hat.
Special price P 1 0
The Newest in
Calling Cards
Tj'pogravtnr. that has the appear
ance of plate work, liaised letters,
Old English type. Now
selling in the east
$2.60 per 100. Oui
troductorj- price, per
Special Sale of
Service Trays
Kmc) H..IW1 Oak Trays SUe 12xlC.
Ulnss with golden oak, leather- lin
ing. TwoHolidbrasshand-
dlt-s. Tray well worth
$2.50. Monday, In Chlni
section ,
CilJffhAnJ GoldfiJt SuppUt.
Complete stock at cut prices China
. Section.
a 98c
( lrau-l i Side of Ilooka. Ilought at
Publisher tVaii-up Hale Won
derful opportunities for saving In
this sale.
Fresh, new. clean books
that have been se
60c. 75c, $1.00
$1.35 and $2 00. at.
n books f m4
telling at "U
Is There a New Figure?
Jhls question is asked us dally by women. Our
answer: Yes. . There is a new figure, but It Is only
a step nearer the perfect figure. The bust Is being
supported, not raised- That means the corset must
have plenty of fullness above waist line to let the fig
ure rest comfortably In the corset when sitting. We
have experts in every branch of the corset business,
and by taking advantage of our fitting service-(which
is free) you get the right corset for your Individual
if you have worn the boneless corset the .past tea
son, you must choose your corset with care now, as
me iigure musi oe supported
and "held In," and the corset
must have sufficient stays.
The NEMO Corset has figure
molding qualities. You can
have the fashionable figure and
be comfortable and happy.
Miss Sanford, who la a gradu
ate of the NEMO Hygienic In
stitute, Is here to help you.
Her "advice will be of, great
value to every woman.
NEMO Corsets are made in
every . type of figure, from
the very slender to the extra
and 8t4 Are shown as the
Iastlkops" Corsets for slender
and medium figures, low bust
and very long skirt, with free hip.
Price t
Model 4u3 For stout figures which require
the figure reduction with the abdominal
support from underneath, low bust and
under arm, long skirt, with
elastic band at bottom of back
Models 803
wires. .
$4 I
OUter ModrU at SS.OO, S3.S0, Sl.OO, $3.0O and $10.00.
rt.l . iM miut
Terms i
Black jersey cov
ered bust forms,
sizes 32 to 44,
special, "each
'Acme" Adjustable
dress forms can be adjusted at
neck, bust, waist and hip; perfectly .
proportioned regular $8 4 QQ
Special, carti
, Xaltttag Cotton Per
ball .
Tape 4-yard bolts cotton tape,
bolt .S.
Ooat Baagere Best wire coat l
flutters, special Monday, ea. s U
amltary Aprone Selling- rg
larly at 25a Each ,
anltsey Belts Regular tio
value, each
Sfottea Bomee Special,
each t
Bewtag Bilk 100-yard apeols, any
color. Monday special,
.pool Q21
Safety Was Special Monday, ' C .
8 doien for
Bfxt.lilne OU Large bottles good ma
chine oil. worth 10c Speclei P..
. WW
Thread One big lot Clarke
A Merrick's machine thread. A.
Special, spool ...aU
Tov polish
t arnlahed
floors; reg
ular 60c val
ue. Special
Monday, ea.,
Lace Curtains
Worth np to $
J7.Z5 a pair
Over 8 0 0
Pairs of Fine
Curtains in
Mar qulsette.
Dnchese, Quaker Lace, Cluny, Point
d'Rose and Real imported French
Curtains; worth from $6.00 to $7.26
a pair. Oo In this gigantic sale
Monday at $4-A5 a. pair. They are
extraordinary bargains.
Fine Curtains
Worth up to
$4.75 a Pair
1.000 Pairs of
Etamine Cur
tains, Scrim pair
C u rtains.
Voile Curtains and Muslin Curtains
. Worth from $1.25 to $1.75 per
pair. One thousand shrewd shop
pers will want them Monday at
$1.00 a pair.
Lace Curtains
8,000 t Travelers'
Samples of Lace
Curtains and Bun
galow Nets
These are from one to two yards
long, as many as six of a kind.
NOTIONS and Smallwares
A Monday Sale of Saving Opportunitiee
mwwmntai gold eyed needles. I .
Bale price, paper T. . I C
Tange lUarea for Medial Cellars
Specially priced tor Monday, P
" each , QQ
Breee Shields "Kora" dress shleins.,
any else and etyle; worth up in.
to 7Soapair, Monday special, I US
Uaea Tape Extra rood quality -linen
tape; regular price from 10c to
Mo bolt. Special, any width, C -belt
Barnlnc Oottoa Black, white I
and tan. Sale price, spool .... I C
Bom Supporters "Hickory" hose
supporters for children, any size.
Hickory Tablet free with 14.
each. 8peclal, pair I au
Baa-Hilk Tat tatting, asy 0,
color. Special price, spool 02C
Xleatio Bemwsnte One big lot of
elastic remnants, any color; worth
up to Sac yard. Monday, 2'2G
Bone Heir Fine Good quality bone
. hair pins. Monday, per JT
doeen 30
Silk and Cotton Dress Crepes
36 Inches Wide. Worth to 60c Yard
White and tinted grounds, in dainty floral and Dresden
designs. Also plain evening shades. A large assort
ment. Very special in basement Monday, yard
Burton's Irish Poplin Full mer
cerised; strongest 'Poplin made.
Black, white and colors. 27 inch
es wide. In basement
Monday, yard
Art Liifen Natural color pure
linen, 18 in. wide. Spe- r
clal in basement Mon.. yd . CiOC
Irish Linen Cambric 38 lriches
wide. Snow white and pure lin
en. Very special in base
ment Monday, yard
White Cotton Crepe For Under
wear. "Easy to launder and re
quires no ironing; 28 inches
wide. 18c value. In base- lot
ment Monday, yard. . . .1&2C
White Organdy 45 inches wide.
Finest quality, worth 39c a yd.
Very special in basement Q
Monday, yard luC
Imperial Nainsook Pure white
and free from filling; 36 inch
es wide. In basement
Monday, 12-yd. bolts.
Fine Quality English Shirting Madras
36 inches wide; plain and fancy weave; stripes and figures
on light grounds; fast black, blue and heliotrope designs.
15c value. On sale Monday, yard ..,
Oood Quality javeaiU Baiting ii
lnchea wlue. Stripes, plalu anil
check a, lie Yaiuee. I Af.g,
Monday, yard IU2K
Beaattfia Dim Olagbaaaa aa4 Beph
yie Absolutely fast perfect goods.
Lengths up to IK yards.
, lOfeo valu. Monday, yard
Tlae Wool lslaed riaaael Moedy
dark colorings, extra weight I Cm
A 250 value. Monday, yard.. WW
Btagle Baoea XMeraeem All desir
able shades, tine qually, IQm
worth c yard. Monday. .. . IvW
TBbleaohed mislln -3. inches wldj.
Extra fine woven fabric; , very
easily-bleached. 1 So value. . C
Monday, yard 7 U
Oeanlae Aaaoskeac patiag riaaaol--1'lain
shades aud t&iicy 11 .
stripes. lOo val. Mon., yd. 2U
wwie aaaxer riaaael Kxtra Nn
warm fleecy nap, both mdo C,
alike. 10c values. Monday. U2w
Bleaehed atoalla ? In.-bes wide.
tin eoft finish; perfect blcarn;
ryuad thread juuallty. . Mon
day, yard
Bleached ami ess Sheets Extra
fine standard sheeting, kl0
Inches, -lnch hems, torn CA.
and Ironed. . 70o valua Mon. . QUw
Bleaeked IrUlew BUpe 42xit inch.
Made from good quality bleach 1
mualln, well finished. lc I .
value. Monday, each... I &2U
yjese Opleut frtlels fmim tsiisal
ItlrfDI Knl Uas
eVii'Ad!roDdrk guide drotitd Into Ucsjn-
vl!lc. north of itome, x. v., ,h, otw
dy, to lay In hla winter supply vf
vUions, tiaps. ammuniijon and clothing,
and told of his Ingrnloua vuplure, ollvo,
of a big buck.
A man who omnt a 'large dr park In
the soutLera part ef the Adirondack had
n an unusually large buck that he a as
very anxious to secure for. his preserve,
and he offered SlOO for - It, alive aud
crated, ready for shipment. AH the guides
in that sectloa knew it the big deer and
made efforts to get It alive.
Juaa Bteakem weal to the aeareat vil
las end had the druggist make some
pellets of glue, flour, paste and opium a
trifle larger thaa buckshot. Tbea he
leaded severs! shells with them.
The uext time he saw the big buck on
the runway he sent the contents of both
berrvla late ite side. It ran and be fol
lowed It. coming up to It about two hours
later. The buck was la a clump ef ever
greens fast asleep.
As soon as the hardened mixture so
heavily loaded with opium entered the
deer's body It had begua to dissolve, and
soon the eairaei was overcome by sleep.
Beaham said the deer had run in a cir
cle and was only a few rods from hla
Lcamp when it dropped asleep.
It was carried to camp ana ooxea rar
shipment, the antlers and hoofs being
tied to the tides and bottom of the orate.
Whsa the buck awoke It was well ea Its
way to the private park. Bechsm sot a
check for 1109 the next day.-Xe.v York
Bee readers are too Intelligent to r- vr
look the opportunities In the "want ad'
columns. They're aorth while revalue.