THK HKK: OMAHA. KATTUMAV, UlTOHKll :!, UM4. ( HALLER DEFENDS ' GERMANY'S POLICY Declares Teutons Art righting England and Bustia for Very Existence. PEOPLE BAlLY TO STANDARD Realising Hostility o( Jraloa. Cvaetrle. ha( Sorronnd Fatherland. A kind f Insanity ami deplorable Ignorance prevailed among Americans Jus after the declaration ot war In Eu. rope, sate F. L. Haller of Omaha, ds fending; the German cause bcforo an audience at Windsor ichool last nlRht. "We displayed awecplng lack of good judgment In belitvlnc all tha false and malicious report! published about Ger many and German militarism' atroci ties," ba aaid. 'Tha German poo pi a did not wont thia war. Tha kaiser did not causa it. Ruasla tarted It by standing back of Servla wh.n Austria-Hungary desired a put an end to h vrlatln: Intrigues that had keen hatched and fostered In Servla, rtir ruler are rnuidursd frequently. Kalan4 thsit to Haul. "England wag (Ivan every opportunity to stay qut of tha war, and deliberately choaa to attack Qertnany now," Mr. Mai ler continued, reading from tha famous "White papers," where glr Fxlward Gray was said to bava admitted that Germany offered to do anything in tha line of reason that England asked, and that two ministers and a labor leader In Parlia ment resigned because they knew this and knew the facta were not furnished tha British people, who even now Ilka tha' war ao little that they are not en listing readily." Continuing. Mr. Haller aaid: "There is a reason for war and an is- cua. Violation of Belgium's neutrality wag an excuse for England. England ba violated neutralities every Unit she has had a war. 80 has the United States. Any nation does it, when It becomes a necessity. Kaiser Not Responsible. "A to the power of the kaiser: If , ha less authority than the president of tha United State. The Bundsrgth and tha Reichstag voted the war. "Remember thia about Germany: There are no slums in German cities. There U no corruption in German municipal gov errtments. They would never submit to adoption of the American system of gov erning cities. There are few cases of disease. American students In medical universities in Germany must go to Switserland if they would study small pox or typhoid cases. There are none tn Germany.. , Uerraana Contented, 'The dormant healthy, prosper ous, contented people, and they are stand ihg back of their falser -wth a unanimity such as has never before been witnessed. Their existence is at stake. With bar barous Russia on the one d and Eng land and Franca on tha pther, Russia waiting for an opportunity to make war, tha German government merely protected itself by its militarism. "We are afraid of words in this coun try. , Militarism frightens us, hut if Mex ico were a powerful, hostile country waiting for the opportunity to win back the state, of Texas, which we took from it, wa would have militarism heps.. Militarism Great Leyeler. , "German militarism is the great! lvalr of Germany as of other European coun tries. The peasant and the millionaire and the aristocrat west the sixne clothes and lly In the sera quarters for one, two or three years. And if the service were not compulsory It would b willingly done. "German boys go. to men teachers. In this country they are taught by woman and thay enquire . feminine . tastes, an hysterical wanner and fall short of a certain manliness of thought which they would have were they taught, by men. This is a condition admitted by the great, est educators In hf world. "lt us ba sane and Judge without pas sion and w will see that our sympathies should be) with th Teuton race In thl struggle.'' ... Th audience gay Mr. Haller a rising vote of thanks. Swedish-Americans Favor Uni Removal ". " After Frank I Haller, regont of th Vnlverslty of Nebraska, had addressed th noonday club ef Swedish-American business men, Jbjt club adopted a resalu. tlon favoring removal of th university to th state farm, and recommending that al Swedish-American voter In Nebraska cut their ballot In favor of removal when the question Is voted on at th No vember election. Elks Have Somo Bad Dreams After Their Annual Clambake l'romincnt nffit lata iimI htminpss men. mostly Elks or friends of Klka, were going sooui r rltlay exchanging stories about niKiumares ana dream. Thsy. re unani mous In laving the blame for the nor turpal disturbances to the big clam bake at Krug park Thursday. '"Whewl" exclalnnd Ian Butler. "I fell in love with that broiled blueflsh and crab meat, and on lop of that I laid tn plenty of rUnis. Lat nlKht 1 dreamed I was tied down, hand and foot, and Chief Bailer was running across my stom&rh In an automobile which aom enterprising faleaman was trying to aell the city. I could hear that salesman say Just as plain, as he backed the machine over me oguln: 'Now watch this ma chine tak a 60 per cent grade on ro vers.' " A bunch of candidates whq attended the bake also had dreams. They thought they Were going to be elected. Imports to Omaha Are on Increase Cadet Taylor announces a very material Increase on genera) merchandise Importa tion. Goods have been received from England, Franoe and Holland, wlthiu b last fear weeks. Th imports from Holland ar In g great measur taking the place of art Idee formerly Imported from Ger many. A larg quantity of glycerin is b!ng expert; to Japan from this coun try. . Harries and O'Brien Join Commercial Club General Cure H. Harries, new head of th elect rlo lU,ht company, and W. P. O'prlen,, real estate man, have been el:tel to membership in th Commercial club. At a meeting of the membership committee a report on the total member ship showed a gain past the 1,UU ma-k. FINED FOR PARKING CAR TOO CLCSE TO HYDRANT Kd M- Kent, ira JJreditli street.- paid I3.fc in ptilk equrt fur education In the matter uf rules governing city traffic. Officer Ucit Hodscrs sent hm before Acting J'tliie Magistral (Jpurles W. Drill, charged with 'stopping a vthlc-le too close 10 a fir hvdrurU. The fire department h had much dif ftrulty lately because of the hydrant being Mocked and Chief Matter has asked th police to pay pwr allentlun a n old ttrtltnuuce governing the matter. Jo KniieaM, who works for Kg-geraa-O'Flyng company, was given a five days' suspended sentence for violating tb wis. mt th roa4 on a motorcycle. Farmers' Society to Meet in Omaha Another national convention, that of the Farmer' Society of Kqulty. baa been secured for Omaha by tho publicity bu reau. Manager E. V. Farrieh of tho bit nan is in receipt of a letter from Presi dent J. A. Bveritt of Indianapolis, who say the society will meet In Omaha December for a session of several day. About too delegate from all over the country will attend. An auxiliary of the society, known as the American Farmers' federation, will also meet here at the same time. Both organisations deal with the .marketing of farm product. Their meetings her will b held at th same time th Ne braska Farmers' congress la In session in Omaha. The latter deals especially with legislation of Interest to farmer. The selection pf Omaha the meeting place for these two national associations indicates tlM importance of Omaha as an agricultural center. Drummers Eeport Increased Business "Merchants evidently ' are seeing sign of prosperity and are 'loosening up' and buying freely," says Herman Peter of th Merchants, In discussing the present business situation from the hotel man's viewpoint "The Increased number of traveling men now visiting Omaha, and their In creased length of stay her, indicate th Improved situation. A while back fewer drummer visited Omaha and they didn't stay long, but now they report encourag ing order gnd plenty of customer." COMPLETING DETAILS FOR BIG "Y" RALLY DINNER Detailed arrangements are being com pleted for the big membership rally dinner to be held at the Young Men' Christian association Saturday evening, October U, when William Jennings Bryan will apeak. Secretary Bryan will talk; to the nw members, and membership hustlens, be fore going to tho Auditorium to addr a political meeting. Former Senator Norrls Brown will be tooatmaster. He will make a ahort ad dress, and there will also be talks by George F. Gllmore, president of th asso ciation; General Secretary H. V. Denl- son and Frank G. Clark, chairman of the membership committee. Th association band and glee plub will furnish music, and Jam Edward Carnal will sing a solo. The dinner will be pp of the biggest ever held at the association building. KUGEL WANTS CHAUFFEURS' LICENSE PLAN CHANGED Police Commissioner A. C. Kugel, chair man of th chauffeur' examining com mittee, ha asked the city legal depart ment to prepare an ordinance abolishing examination fur chauffeur gnd making It necessary only that the committee, shall iaau a permit to a driyar. Tha examination now apply only to automo biles driven for hlr. "A man may be a aood mechanician and at the same time a reckless driver,' said Commissioner Kugel. "He may be able Jlo take the examination, and yet have only one leg or on arm and not be abe to handle a machine. The, committee ought to be authorized to pas on ap plication for chauffeur' licenses." ' Th new ordinance will be made to to ri to all driver of automobile, whether lor hr Of pleasur. roths Resci.3 In Blood Disease Jut thm Help Needed to Over come Worgt Troubles, In . S. 8., tb famous blood purifier, 1 tb greatest natural reptlr crew kunwu. It la aa aatldote for genus, tkal eaoa let louse, multiply so fsst that a definite dis ss 1 apparent ever night. An) yet M powerful U the Intiuenee f B. H. H- thst like a vast army It spreads all through tb blood, checks disease, opens up all th valves, of escape sod throw out disease tutouK tb luags, kidney, bladder, bowtla aad skis. Do not becem paola stricken If g rsiti ft boll or eruptlou lulls we tb kla. Nstui I doing bcr best but Nature I at the Mm tie calling for hslp. sod la g. 8. H. Is Just ta kind ef help Nstur demand, lor it I g pur vcgetabl remedy with aa scllcn that vigorously fullov the blood channels ar.d cleans and repair ss It gne along, la errr euipoiualty r propi who know tb.! ta b true. Th bar used 8. K. 8. tod ar blood clean, through ad through. Get a buttle of g. a, l. today t any drug tor. Drlv eut those dsslruetiT germ tbat cause skin eruptions, sore throat, swollen glsnds, blood rising,' painful rheu ms tie Jciluts, ehrcptc bronchitis, sag most ail condition ot dtstse. ftead tbe folder round the botl thst tall about th great work being gun t assist ufferr. If yon would kaow more about tb blood aad ts treatment, write for special book to Th Bwift Bpeclflo Co C Swift Bldg., Atlas ta, tl SEA FOOD PLEASES THE ELKS Annual Clam Bake Voted a Moit Successful Affair. PRESENT SPLENDID PROGRAM t orp ef Walter Serve t'oore After (ferae of Moat Kellclona Vlaaili Freeh front the Iteeeisi, I'r. pared by aa Cert. A thousand mouth opened simultane ously in a long-drawn-out "ah-a-e-aaa-aaa-aaa-ahh!" and aa many noses sniffed eagerly Thursday afternoon at Krug Park when a corps, of waiter pulled the tarpaulins off th annual clam bake of Omaha Elks' lodg No. if. Mayor Dahl-, mounted on a clmlr, made th shortest sreech of his llfo when h an nounced "Th clam bake la open, help yourselves." A thousand well dressed buslnea pn who in ordinary times would cave In a restaurant wall if they found a fly In their soup, commenced to beat on their plates with their spoon and clamor for chowder. Ilk a bunch of hspry kid. The hungry thousand were seated, but not quiet. Thayt gppetialng amell that ooaed from tinder th burning seaweed just naturally would mov a corpse, and tbes wer Elks. Plejity of Hem Kwod. From clant chowder the gathering moved to rlam, gnd (hen. to blue fish, and then to roast yam and chicken, and then to crab,. nd then to oysters, roast and raw. Py this time th crowd showed Signs of wanting to go away ornewher and sleep for a while. There wa much lonntenlng of belt. , Hut going away to deep Is not the Elk wy. especially h way of lodge Num ber 3J. They bad a regular tegrarn mpp4 out The famous Coumeman brother, bur lesque wrestlers, opened H. A six-round bout between two colored boy waa wjn by pgve O'Hrlea when h ohaaed both of them oft the platform for "stalling." Takes Official r let are. Herman Sohonfleld of Th Hee took th official picture, and Will Roger, who comedy I making thousands mil thl week at the Orpheuro, followed. Than "Hud" Bill Iwrenc did hi inimitable Imitation of Harry I-audrr, and George and Jack Hughe of Council Bluff sang. Uetcgatlon from lodge In Bouth Omaha, Council Bluff and halt a dosen other Nebraska and Iowa town wer Iher. It waa the most aucressful "bake" taped yet by th F.Ik, declared Secre tary Miner. All of th clams, oysters, crab, and seaweed were shipped here directly from Khnrie Island, and tho bake wa put on under tho direction of John Slpple, an expert brought here for the occasion. (lovernor Morehead waa on of th guests. OMAHA TO PARTICIPATE IN BIG TRADE CONFERENCE Omaha has been Invitee) to participate In a conference on tho problems and pos sibilities of foreign trad at Memphis, Tenn., November 11 and J. The confer ence haa been called to exchan view upon th following questions: Transportation by way of the Missis sippi valley routes to and from Central and flout h Auiorlca. Ih-omntlon and development of trading eompanle to effect an exchange of com modities and products between th lnltd States ahd other parts of the world, particularly Central and South Amcricfi. FstHbllshment of a direct method ef eti'lisnsn of credits with Central and Hcmlll America. Kstahllahment of Industrie In th t'nlled Stales to supnlv the demands de nied by conditions caused by the war In I'.urope and to suggest th necessary lecisintlon. Tbe Chicago Association ot Cotnmorce. the Npw ttrleans Association of Com merce and the Memphis business Men's league pmmulfrated the affair, as the above questions are constantly becoming more paramount to the middle west. tSroDIcfrrtufia: JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres. WM. U HOLMAN, Treasurer. A Wonderful Demonstration of Buying Power a The surplus stocks of three of Rochester, iV. K. ' greatest clothes makers, and that means the world's best, -..HI JL. fnAo7 rs mnfdt SiyittTrtrMf nl tv7 is ft rrwrm fe fit rr h fln hirtnrlmtnilnmrt rlrtfhin rr 1,760 New Fall Suits, Overcoats and Balmacaans an SUPERB NGW SUITS -AT $20 Go where you will in or any other city in Amerioa and yon won't find suits so good as the?o the price. The very choicest autumn patterns, colors, designs and color combination!. A host of distinctive, splendidly tailored, cleyavly conceived and perfectly finished' models. Newest two or three-button styles. Young men's Ultra fashions or conservative models for business men. Fall Suits worth $25, $27.60, $30, at... I Young mni tzg 32 to 40 cW; Men's up to 48 ehe$t; Stout $ize$ up to 48 cht; full range of long etoutt, mlimt, $hort tout and extra $ize up to 52 chett. Thousands of Men's and Young Men's SUITS, OVERCOATS and BALMACAANS at Values that are the talk of all Omaha. Men's J r ,,!ta in a K-vtl 11 ! f 11 1 OdlAtflAn of fancy weaves, and blue serges. Silk lined Chesterfield Pair Oyer coats and swagger Balmacaans. Unmatched elsewhere at f JO 5 f41,5U. r2r30OVAI6IE5 . . -j'iuiin Wsr-sT bt v mm mm m a All sizes in this wonderful xnid-seaon offer of high grade Fall Suits, Overcoats and Balmacaans at $20 ) SMART OVERCOATS AT $20 Biggest values of the season are offered in this great purchase of fine overcoats Overcoats in every new fabric and model. Silk lined oxford Vicuna Chesterfield Over coats luiiings guaranteed for two seasons' wear. Swagger Baltnncaans in rough mixture browns and grays; quarter aatin lined models. Many imported fabrics. Shawl and convertible oollar ulsters; ulsterettes. Somli-fitted Guard coots, and novelty designs at... Young men' ixe$ 32 to 40 chett; Men' 9 sizes up to SO cheat Stout sizes up to 52 chest; Full range of fonf stoats, $lim$, short stouts an J " extra sizes up fo 52 chest. Extraordinary Values in All Wool SUITS. OVERCOATS and BALMACAANS at mi ; 1.. l 1A 1 : BUlttziujr vtuutJB wtj uiiet nt ipiu ptninitiaiiiea the great service the new Nebraska renders to men of limited means. Fall and heavy weight suits, Chesterfield Fall overcoats and Balmacaans. Compare with $15.00 values elsewhere. You Men Who Admire Imported Fabrics and the Utmost in Fine Tailonng--iood News for Yon Tb. purpoie of thl nw tn4 greater tore Is to b ot gnut wvlce to eTerfbodf In evary itttltfii ot lit. Sufoeuful bankers, lawjers, professional pen and leaders in every line ot edevor ar Invariably well dressed, We'r convert)nf hundreds ' Men's Regal I Masterfully Tailored Suits SHOES $25.00. $30.00. $3500, $40.00 a a &a tlf te Unequalled Elsewhere at $35 tv $50 Bv m m t l ai rT mm - Acknowledged supreme in style; and perfect fit. Other oq4 BUoea $3,50 and $3.50 of these men to cur new way of selling neady-for-Ksnrloe clothes. Magnificent new fa brio the finest America and Europe produced. Models of character dis tinctive In every line; perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. to 1 20 on best ciotnes roaae We'll save you fiO World's Finest Overcoats $25, $30, $35, $40 and $50 Silk and Satin Linings guaranteed 2 y'rs. ww mm w J . . m. ir a - mw w j sm. u w rsam. nv wmAWm mmm w -w. sfsHsv """.fffA. JOHN A,SWANSON,mi OOJIRECTT APPAREL TOW MKN AND WOMUN. John B. Stetson HATS, $350 to $10 Jjnrgest western show ing of celebrated Stet son Hats, Other good Hats $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 A Message for Pen ivereoat Sale Extraordin 2,300 Drand Now Coats Every Ono Purchased for This Evont Balmacaans. ' Conservative Chesterfields, Form-fitting English Models, Motor Coats, heavy uisters in lact any siyie cpai you wish, and every coat guaranteed. , $15.00 and $18.09 Overcoats $10,50 $20.00 and $22.00 Overcoats $15,50 $2590 and $28.00 Overcoats $19.50 $30.00 and $35.00 Overcoats $26.50 $4), $45 and $5 Overcpats $31.50 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits $20 A special lot of $23 Buits, broken lines, taken from the best early sellers. New color effects and stvles. Be here earl v and fret vour pick, Only about 100 suits in this lot $25 1 Suits at 520. Men's and Young Men's Suits $10 Some of the best values we haVQ ever shown are in this price, Tartan cheqks and plaids, chalk lines, black or blue evening suits, pure wool, fine suits for a little money. ( B b 'rH THC STEWART fOOD COMPANY Guarantees ELSConsflbation It Never Falls In any man, woman, di lid r baby who drinks It sch momlns Mm praaWlut, It contains th our, Ux Jillve, currKtlv, salts ol fruit th natural r.mcdy or biliousness, constipation. Indigestion, allton, Piuddy cornplssion, akkhesdacha, plica, .Tc It cure y maklns pun blood, strong nuvm, healthy tissue. fetter Sat Medicine, fill r Mineral Water or Stomach, liver, Dow Is, Kidneys 91 par far at your druggist or by mail from u. TrWAirr QOD OvtMtMrttysMs.CHICU0 For Sal by Sherman Jk McConnsll Omana Omaha LIQUOR -and- DRUG Treatment 1602 & l&th St, Phonf D. 7650 , OMAHA bokaUtw jk kUav Best Best Clothes n Assortments TEST' TFr" (o) RWft'M Jfl f rtaaaM all awi.n Ukaa w j rrvuav a muuuui a111 ? V i " VatlS to Heater OrajH .-i i" kur falilui. f TT.j r i'-'.i ti "o t ryirrts. K ansas City "three Trains Dtvtly VIA THE Missouri Pacific Leave Omaha Ar. Kansas, City 8:00 A. M. 8:85 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 8:85 P. M. 11:16 P, M. 7;10 A. M. Uodsrn Equipment Observstloa Sleepers Superb Dining Car Service Maal a a Crt CUrart oonn.otlon tn Kanaa City Union Htatlmi for point Bouth EaatWaat. TIOX.XV omoii jm Famam t)t. Union blatlun, Tho. V. Godfrey ' OenraI A sent, Psu ppt. . if "