Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    Now Books
Jnvf tillr,
i faints. 31 IT. il.M. Harper Pros.
A thrilling tale of the supposed In
vasion of tha United States by a foreign
power, with battles en land and In tht
skies In which two youthful htrot play
prominent part. Not only Is It an ab-mM-Mrnf
story for boys, but for grown
up a well, as all the, mom modern de
vices used l war art described, many.
If t'ot all of triam, being employed hy
both sides bi tha great European war.
Bird Ortnntj:. 4 I'p, ll.. Charles
Scrlbner'e Sons.
The true adventures and thrilling ex
perience of three young cavalrymen
who spend tha winter of 1851-6? In hunt
ing wcWea on the western plains. Wolf
hunting wai a recognised Industry at
that time, and tha work wna hard, auJ
not without danger, as the Indians were
opposed to the operations of tha wolf
Henrietta Eugenie Pelamare. tl.t.
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company.
The story centers about Jimmy, a bright
lad who has run wild and has to undergo
a radical change. Jimmy la human and
likable, and the whole family problem
ana Its solution rorm a siory mu no one
can fail to enjoy.
1 r-" ,.
Lf I I 'tUMUd.tTO:;' I
I irr Ii maun mill ill I Sjui I II IISI l LIJJL J I
e a e e . a . m .
yrUU LL Hnd the wise shopper quickly taking advantage of the splendid bargain offerings Saturday. The last
I sale day of "Made in America" week. We were not surprised, but were much pleased with the splendid re
sponse of the buyers of Omaha and vicinity to the "Made in America" idea. It's a good thing to push. Ask for
and insist on getting American made goods and be a booster for American industries.
Jiiwiw dim ii 1 1 ii 4 i.l ji i n i -S
By Anna C.
lothrop, Lee & Bhep-
Chamberlain. si.
ard company.
Tha twins, being rtry human or they
would not be so likable, get Into many
comical situations, often Involving others
of the family, and always the tactful
kindness of their mother sets thlaifi
By Clarence B. Kelland. fL Harper
A Bros.
The "fat boy" now pits his wits against
the schemes of some scoundrels who try
to defraud his friend of a treasure, and
shows himself to be quite as resourceful
as he appeared In his first Introduction
to us.
William O. Stoddard, Jr. L Harper
The Cat's-Paw was a motorboat which
a high school boy built to make menay
to pay for his college course. It took
pluck to sueceed, but he does It.
lustrated by Louis Rhead. 11.60. Harper
fk Bros.
This new volume has been added to tha
editions of children's favorites and con
tains over 100 Illustrations, which give
new Interest to the familiar stories of
The Ugly Duckling." "The Snow Queen,"
"The Fir Tree," "The Ice Maiden." "The
Little Match Girl." "The Tin Soldier."
"The Emperor's Clothes" and the other
tales of the beloved Danish writer whose
world is so full of enchantment and gen
tle wonder.
liam O Stevens. 11.50. Harper Bros.
Here Is told the Inspiring history of the
American navy from Its modest begin
nings to Its present Imposing strength. In
addition to stirring talea of Individual
heroism the author shows the why and
wherefore of successes and failures, the
importance of sea power In war. the
changes brought about by steam, elec
tricity and armor and the less familiar
service rendered by the navy In times of
Cameron onager, w -
The purpose of this book Is to describe
and make, plain all tha electrical appa
ratus In common use. Through these
pages the youthful reader will also find
detailed descriptions and plans for mak
ing a great many Interesting and useful
experimental electrical devices. Incorpor
ated herein Is a simple explanation of the
fundamentals of everyday electricity.
Each chapter contains various examples
and experiments, amply Illustrated.
wrt ttif i.AVD OF THE CARIBOU. By
Paul Tomlnson. $L. Charles Berth
tier's Sons.
The story of the experiences and adven
tures of four college boya who sailed from
New York to Labrador In a yawl. Their
narrow escapes in squalls, storms, and
fogs; thetr hunting and fishing adven
tures in Newfoundland; the delightful
comradeship of their dally life, with many
amusing escapades, are depicted In a
manner to hold the reader's interest from
start to finish.
By J W. Duttleld. M cents. Sully
Two new volumes ot the "Bert Wilson
rt.a. In the first ths picturesque flgTTres
of the frontier greasers and gTHslles,
rustlers and road ag-ents-appear In ad-1
ventures that make one throb and tingle
with excitement, while the second.
it. J1 with the "never-say-dle" spirit of j
college foot bail that makes It such a
glorious game, sparkles on every page.
August Hchwarts. Little. Brown & Co.
Two little volumes telling of the baby :
mammals of the wlldernees and the j
grown-up and baby Insects of the garden.
Miss Schwarts has written these books i
especially for use In the schools, but'
very little boy and girl will enjoy read-
Ing them, and their instructive value Is
KOK CHILDREN. By Ellye Howell ,
Glover. 17 Pp. 0 cents. A. C. McClurg
Co. I
There are over 100 games la the book, j
and there is no occasion into which
they will not fit.
Campbell. M Pp. 1 The Page com
pany. Virginia Hammond Is a very real girl,
and her struggles to have and held U
her "fiddling" career are most pathetlo
and Intensely Interesting. Her step
mother, lovingly called "Ma." U am-!
bitLous for "Jinny," and her sacrifices
and lovlng-klndness do much to help
gain the heart's desire of her fiddling"
L25. Q.
Ooodi'ldge Roberts. 429 pp.
vv. Uillliighuni company.
Jeea. the daughter of Old Chief Mor
gan, falls In love with Archie McElroy.
sturdy, pioneering lumberman, on his
way sown the river with a big run of
logs. In vain doe the father storm and
In vain do adverse circumstances fling
themselves athwart their pathway the
triumphant denouement portrays a glor
iously happy adjustment of threatening
complication. Old Hedley Bean, the
wily whUkey runner, Is an unforgettable
hamate, while the hoodwinking of the
fw rt servloe Inspector Is an entertaining
And hidtcreue episode.
Men's Suits Overcoats, $5
Saturday morning we place on sale 300
Suits and Overcoats that were sold at
$8.50 and $10, all good styles and colors,
sizes 33 to 44 breast, on sale Sat. onlv,
$8.50 to $10 Suits and Overcoats $5.00
Men's $2 and $J.50 Pants $1.35
For one day only we will sell 200 pairs of
$2 and $250 pants, these pants are broken
lines from our 2d floor clothing dept., the
most exceptional offer for a one-day sale.
Ik))' ftf.OO Suit at $1.05 All wool suits, llh
one pair of knickerbockers, blue, brown and gray,
coats made Bulgarian. Norfolk, with pitch pock
ets, suits that are actually worth $3.00, for Sat
urday only 81.95
Roys 80c and 7 Be Cordnroy rants 8 Or Ages b to
18 years, the best school pant made, fine weave
corduroy that is positively worth 60c and 75c,
for Saturday only 3fJt
Shoe Sale Saturday
In the Busy Shoe Dept.
Saturday wo place on sale sme fnucy slip
ers for evening wear, in patents, satins
and dull kit!; all the new ones are shown
here, specially priced for Saturday; $4'H
values ." .'$12.50
Women's Talents, Gun Metal or Vlcl Kid, button
with dull kid or cloth tops. $5 values ..JH3.00
Women's Tatent, Gun Metal and Vlcl Kid, button
welt sole shoes, $4.00 values 83.50
Men's shoes In all leathers, good dependable mer
chandise $3.50. S3- S2.50 and 81.0S
Men's and Women s warm house slippers . -50
Boys', Youths' and Little Uents' school shoes, also
Misses' and Child's dependable school shoes
t 82.00. 81.50 and 81.00
Stetson and Oossett shoes for Men. (irover and
Queen Quality shoes for Women. No better fitting
shoes or better wearing shoes or more stylish shoes
turned out by any factory In this country.
Neckwear Specials Saturday
Of keenest interest. Seldom iu a lifetime
will you find values to compare.
Linen Collar; 4 stjlca
Lace roll cuffs and
collars, organdie frill
ed collars, organdie
collars: reg
ular 60c vals'
A special lot of Fancy Mesh Vetllngs, soma worth
35c yard, at, ard 10
Lace Chemisettes; lac
dlckys, lace blouses,
pecot vests, lace col
lar sets; reg
ular $1.00
1..0 Anto Veils, Tftc.
Full length chiffon
auto scarfs In all
staple colors, $1.(0
values, at
2.V I .are rieat intra 10c
A clean up of tha stock
of fancy lace pleat
ing, 25c and 35c val
ues, yard 10
Illbhona Worth Sc and 10c Yard at Htc.
Plain colors and fancies; big assortment for se
lection. JVOc Fancy Ttlbbons at 20c,
All the very latest color combinations and
2Va-Hour Sale for Sat., 8:30 to 11 A. M.
Boys' $5 TZ, Suits, $35i
Last Saturday morning a great many la
dies were disappointed in not being able
to buy the advertised Suit after 11 a. m.
Se wo caution you that none will be sold
after 11 a. m. These Suits are all wool,
both pants full lined. Every suit has our
personal guarantee. They are our regu
lar $5 suits. Other stores ask $G and $fi.50
for the same thing. For hours Satur
day, your choice $3.50
Hoys' Suits, big selections to choose from,
at $2.95 to $12.50
Hoys' Overcoats $2.95 to $15.00
Boys' Mackinawft $3.95, $4.95, $5.95
1 1 -
L Shapes
5 yf,
A Wonderful Sale of Millinery
Wonderful in Point of Assortment Shown
More Wonderful from Standpoint of Values.
Your Unrestricted Choice
of All Trimmed Hc
& Up to $35.00 Values 2t.
Never before, in or out of season, has such a
millinery bargain feast been offered the
women of Omaha and vicinity.
The earlitr yoa can get here Saturday the
better, for these beautiful $12.50 to $35.00
hats will go like wild fire at the sale price
In Addition We Include all Trim
med Hats to $10 Values at $2.50
All Trimmed Hats to $6.50 Values
at $1.00
All the Unlrmmed Hats
Must Go
Your choice of the house in two lots:
that sold to
Shapes that sold to
$2.50, choice. . .49c
Black and colors; immense variety of styles.
Plumes, Ostrich Band3, Fancy Feathers and
Novelty Wings; to $3.50 values, on sale Sat
urday in one big lot at, choice $1.00
1,000 Pieces in Fancy Feathers Value?, to
$1.50; to close, choioe 25c
Saturday Snaps
On 4th Tloor.
75c Inyertetl Gas Light, com
plete with globe and mantle,
at uoc
Lindsay Gas Mantles guaran
teed for 90 days 10c
10c Gas Mantles at Be
23c Keflex Mantles 15c
Saturday Specials In Toy Dept.
4th Tloor
1.BS WasnaMa Bolls, 19 inches
high, Jointed: moving: eyes..T5o
Baas or Ooaetar Wavoas, una of
the best, at aa.50
75o BoU Oo-Carta, collapsible, well
made fiSo
76o Kaofcaaioal Trains, on track.
special tSatuniay eo
to Bxtaaaioa feollar kaUs..49o
Newness and Charm
Quality and Style
In variety so great that customers are certain to find
something just to suit their idea of style perfection are fea
tures which distinguish our display of women's ready-to-wear
Saturday's Specials are Unusually Enticing.
Hundreds of Classy New Coats underpriced for C4 QA
Saturday's selling at viTaVV
The materials are fine Broadcloths and Novelties, Ural
Lamb, Pomerio, Sealettes, etc, in all the very newest styles.
Beautiful New Dresses, made to sell at $20 to $35,
Very special values for Saturday. f r aa
hundreds xf them for selection, choice VwvV
Fabrics are Satins, Crepe do Chines, Velvet Combinations,
and most desirable wool fabrics. Designs suitable for street,
afternoon or evening wear; all in this season's newest styloa.
Manufacturers' Sample Dress Skirts; $6.50 dQ (jrj
up to $12.0() values, on sale, choice vwvt)
The most fortunato purchase we ever made; styles are the
latest, fabrics include Silks, Satins, Crepe Cloths, Serges
and Novelties in nearly everr wanted color.
An Immense Purchase of Handsome New Tailored
Suits, Including Hundreds of Makers' Samples. On Sale
at Greatly Below Worth.
i . y s
W )
Tailored Suits, made to sell
at $50, at $35
Finest quality broadcloths
in short or long coat styles.
Many trimmed with Fitch
and Marten. The choicest lot
of bargains shown in Omaha
this season.
Children's Winter
2S5 of them, made to
sell up to $10; all col
ors, all sizes; in 3
lots $1.95, $2.95, $3.95
200 Elegant Suits, values up
to $30, at $10.50
The season's best styles;
in gabardines, serges, broad
cloths, cheviots, etc.; values
youH find it impossible to
duplicate at Saturday's sale
Children's Winter Dresses
Styles suitable for any oc
casion; greatest variety
and best values ever shown
at pricings from 95c,
$1.95, $2.95 up to.... $15
Tailored Suits, made to sell'
to $20 at $10
Nobby new styles in diag
onals, cheviots and fancy
serges, in all most wanted
colors; nil sizes 10 to 46,
choice assortment of designs
for your selection.
Women's Klosfit Underskirts A big
assortment of broken lots and discon
tinued numbers, including elegant all
silk garments that were made to sell
up to $6.00, none worth less than
$2.50, at $1.48, $3.08
That You'll Seldom Find Duplicated, Never Surpassed, at Our Special Sale Prices. We bought
immense quantities of winter underwear from America's best mills, in many cases selecting in ad
dition to our regular purchases their entire sample linos at a big discount for cash. Sterling,
Keyser, Velastlck, Stratford, Root's Duofold. Norfolk, Nevr Brunswick and several other well known
brands are Included In the garments we're offering at 25 to 50 under usual retail prices.
Saturday's Bala oa "Hade la America''
Drug and Toilet Articles
60c Milkweed Cream 3So
26c Jerfsii'a Bsosula and Almond
Lotion 19o
25o Pond's Vanishing Cream . ...ISo
6Qc Pond's Vanishing Cream 89o
60c Mme. rse'bell's Face Powder Wo
60a Whits Cross Face Powder. .. . 8o
60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream
tor 8o
10c Una OH and Buttermilk Soap So
JOc Palm Olive Soap..... So
10c Sayman'i Bonn Sc
6o Ivory Soap, 6 bars lea
10c Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 rolls ..80
100 Hlnkle's Cascara Pills 18e
60o Bui Hepatica 31o
it&o Uravea' Tooth Powder 1 Sc
50c loan's Liniment 48o
75c Jad Salts 4o
12.00 2-uart Had Rubber Hot Water
bottle , 91.00
Bast Qualities Vrtoae
Xaydea's Slpaclal Wbiakey Bottled
In bond, full quarts 9l.aa
Old Taylor Whiskey S yeara old.
100 proof, full quarta S8o
mvata snook Whiskey 6 years old,
full quarts S9o
Book and Bya Kull quarts 7So
Maryland Bya t'ull quart 76c
Old Crow Whiakey lu yean old
full quarts $1.00
S-Btar California Brandy Excellent
flavor, per bottle TM
Oallforla Wines, Fort or aherry, per
bottle 3So
Boms Mad Orape Wine Klne nnal-
ity. per itallon 11.00
rhoae or Hall Orders ruisd.
The Best Quality 1914 Spring
Chickens, Per Lb. II U
Bamsmaav Kaydan's have only one
prioa, and IS ounoee to tha pound.
Genuine 114 Spring Lamb Hind
quarters, lb 11 H
Genuine 1114 Spring Lamb Fore
quarters, lb .IH
First quality Pig Pork Loins, 15a
first quality Pork Shoulder, lb. 12o
First quality Pork Butts. I0...14V4O
First quality Rib Bulling Beef. lb. to
First quality Steer Hound Steak lHo
lbs. best Laf Laid 8o
Tha beat Bulk Oystera, solid meat
no water per quart 400
srocuxa nr nconi miati
Diamond C or Bwlft s premium
Bums, lb lSUa
No. 1 quality Lean Bacon, lb. ,.aava
No. 1 quality Bark Bacon, lb. ..174s
No. 1 quality Ptrnio Uains. lb. IBS
54c aajla Laid. HaUirday So
1014 Keg Herrtnic tl-OS
Men's I'nion Suits, up to $2.50 val
ues $1.15 and Utiv
Men's I'nion 8uitn, np to $3.60 val
ues 2.BO and $t.8
Moil's Union Baits, up to $5.00 val
ues 93.98 and 2.0H
Ladles' I'nion Knits, made to sell to
6.00, at t:i.OH and fH.RO
LadJea' I'nion Knits, made to sell at
$7.00, at $3.!8 and H4.0H
Iiadlea' Union Suit, to $1.00 values..
Ladies' Union Suits, up to $2.00 val
ues, at 1. 45 and UNo
Ladles' Union Suits, up to $3.00 val
ues, at fl.OH and fl.RO
Iadlea' Union Suits, up to $4 00 val
ues, at $2.IH and 92.50
Ladle' Union Huits, to $1.00 values,
at 40c and c
Iadiea' I niou Hults, to $1.50 values,
at 71V and fic
40c and 80c
Many Other Lots of Men's, Women's and Children's I'nion Suits and Sepa
rata Garments on aale at equally attrractlve price reductions. Lay in a good
Eupply now and save.
The llest In Hosiery, Wayne
Knit, Interwoven, Phoenix, Kay
ser and several other brands,
many specials Saturday In the
Hosiery section.
Children's 25c Stockings, big spe
cial lot. at 12 He
Men'a Guaranteed Hocks, guaran
teed for 6 months, 6 pr., at. 40c
Lsuliea' Outintf Gowns, bis; as
sortment samples and odd lots,
to $2. SO values, 40c, 10c, OKc
and 91.45
Sweater Coats, all colors and styles,
to $7.50 values 9L0H, 92.50, $2.0(4
and 1.50
KMiiiDl Kalh Itobvs, made to sell to
$12.U0, on sale 92.0H, 9:1.08, 4. OH
to 90.OH
Children's Outing Gowns and
Sleepers, to $1 values, choice,
at 4e
In the Corset Section
The most complete showing ot
standard corsets in Omaha, with
several Housing SiKMlnU Sat.
$4.00 and $5.00 Corsets, odd lota
and broken lines, plain and fan
cis, all sizes 92.;i
91.50 and 92.00 Corsets, stand
ard makes, slightly soiled, near
ly all models, at OHc
Silk Lined Kid Gloves, two spaolaJs,
at .08c and 91.50
91.UO Wasli Gloves 40c
Outing Flannel Gloves, to $1.25 val
ues (10c and 40o
Night Shirts and Pajamas, to $2.50
values 91.45 and 08c
50c llraasiers, neatly trimmed,
fastened front or buck, all sizes
34 to 44, at 85o
SjtnlUiry Napkins, regulur 4 0c
doc. quality, per dot 25c
IjuUvu' and Children's Sweater
Coats, all colors and styles, ut
a saving of Ono-Thlrd
We lead in showing New
Gloves. Fownes, Derby, Mon
arch, Kayer are names which
mean to those who know, the best
In gloves. We show complete lines.
f7 I
' v 'MWMh; 1
11 wutmn
Bags and Suit Cases
Manufacturer's Samples, made to
sail at $5 up to $20, on sale Sat
urday In lour big lota at great
reductions. See the splendid
bargains at 93.95- $4.95
50.05 n 812.05
Ua wood Trunks, linen lined
with two trays, a splendidly
made, extra strong trunk, $12
and $1$ values, gg and S10
Cape Gloves, to $1.90 values, tan
or white 75c
Real French Kid Gloves, fancy
backs, perfectly fitted 91.25
to 92.00
Kavser Leatherette Glove, also
rhamoteetle, long or short, with
fancy backs, at . ,2te to 91.00
Children's Kid Gloves and Mit
tens, lined or uullned, at 40c
and .91.00
Men's Sample Hats
$2.50 values. Saturday 91.45
About r0 doz. Hats la this lot.
all up-to-date styles and beat
colors, to $2.50 values
t 81.45 nl 81.00
Hoys' and Children's Hats A
complete clearance, all fall
stock, at one price, values to $1,
choice 25f
Eead the BIG SPECIAL GROCERY SALE for Saturday.
The areatest market In ths west for
tha jMH'Ple and a suvlng of 25 to 50
fer cent on the com of living.
17 lb. Ht-Mt 'iranulattl SuKur. $"1.00
48-11). Hack Html HikIi (jrude Flour;
nothing like It for bread, plea or
cakea, par sack J $1.35
10 111 s lieat-'Kni-All, Diainonil
Inox. White ltusniun or Laundry
Quwo White Laumlry Koap Sfto
1 liars Ilaskln Hros. tiectrlc Spark
Soap 8o
10 lbs. Best White or Yellow Corn
meui ISe
lbs. UtMit Iiolled Breakfast OaUnvsl
for 8 So
S lhs. Oonif Japan Hlra 8S0
i lbs. Baxt Hand lacked Navy lleana
for S6o
The Best lonientle Mararonl. Verml.
Large Bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure
Tomato Catsup, Pickles, Assorted
kinds prepared Mustard or Horse
radish, bottle SWo
000 Mim arzcLaxa.
All regular lie cookies, lb lHo
All resulux lte cookies, lb lOo
All regular 10c crxkis. lb eio
The Bxst 'Tea SlftliiKa. lb IS It a
Hersriey's Breakfast Cocoa. lb...80o
(iolden Hantos Corfee, lb HOs
Tha Meet Creamery Bam, carton or
balk, lb Sao
Tha Best. Ptrli tly fc'rash, 0iiiiitrl
Kcs. per dus SSo
Oood No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb 8O0
(kod Dairy Table Butter, lb 97o
2 lbs. tiuod Butterlne ....860
Full Cream Cheque, lb lBo
TH1 riOrll Or OlUHi,
15 lbs. I'otalufs to tlie pk 90o
Demand lb lbs. the law requires it.
New Cabbage, lb lHo
Huhhard Suunsli, each . . . . loo-liHo
k bunches i'lesli ItHiiiKhes So
bunches r'reh Kaillshes 6a
2 heads k'leeh Hothouse Lettuc 60
l1'eh ttplnach, (er pk lOo
Beets, Carrots or Turntpa, lb 8s
Rutabagas, lb. 8o
8 stalks h'resh Celery... 60
Ureen Tomatoes for pickles, basket
for 15e
Ws adne our customers to buy
now. Wa have two carloads of Kk
tra Fancy Fiult fur this sale. Ths
market la netting stroiiKer, and you
can look for higher 1'rlces shortly,
borne vsrietias In the cars luna
thans, Urlmea Golden. HpttSHiiberKer,
Wealthy, Hoover, banana, etc. On
LVr $1.35 to $1.75
1LADA1CS T0II, ths great
choese connlseur and expert of rheen
products, will demonstrate to our
customers Friday the wonderful
merits of Mac Laren's Famous Walak
Karlblt. Every lady Is cordially In
rltnd to sample this cheeae. also other
products of the Mas Lares Ce.
sFef Mattresses Saturday
The slump In the eotton market
and a maker's Immediate need (or
ready cash brought us the oppor
tunity to secure the best bargain
In 1,000 felt mattresses we ever
knew- We took advantage of it
and are going to give our cus
tomers full benefit ot the snap.
Snow lull, genuine layers of felt
mattress, 4 5 lbs. weight, 6 ever
sold for less than $7, Saturday,
t 81.75
One Thousand Gen
uine Layer T 3 It
Mattressen at less
than usual whole
sale cost.
Three Specials Shown
Saturday, $4.75,
$5.75, and $0.75
Hercules, a choice quality, roll
edge, art tick, layer felt mat
tress, usually sold, at $8.(0. any
i 85.75
lllue Hlbbon, universally known
as one of the softest, fluffiest
and beat Uuer felt mattresses
made In the south, greatest anap
ever, at 88.75
Never before, probably never
again, will eoch a luattreaa bar
gala opportunity offer. Act
Saturday's Specials
In Omaha's Hard
ware Bargain
One lot of galvanised palla, while
tlmy last, one to a cnstoiner ..0c
Small slse galvanised tubs ....20e
Medium size galvanised tubs ..80c
Large siia galvanized tubs ...,40c
Extra Urge size galvanised tuba GPc
Medium slse garbage cans, with cov
er rlVu
Large slse garbage cans, with cover,
at 89C
Extra large ash or garbage cans,
Extra large, extra heavy ash or garb
age cans 91.08
We are Oiuaha selling agents for
the famous "LUk" mmhU boilers,
(uarauteed not to rust.
Medium site heavy tin, copper bot
tom, Lisle boilers 91.19
Large slxe heavy tin, copper bottom
Link boilers .91.99
Extra large slse heavy tin, copper
bottom LUk boilers 91.00
Premier heavy tin, copper bottom
boilers 91.19 and $io
Galvanised boilers ....70c and 9c
V arrauU-4 Wringers 91.9(1
FuU slse, best slue wash boards 19c
Solid braid cottou clotheg line 19c
TwUted cotton clothes lines ... ..oc
6-plece Mra Pott's sad irons ,,70c
$1.25 folding Ironing boards . .08c