TJIK HKKi OMAHA. SATURDAY, OCTOBKK 24. 1!M4. The Revival of Broadcloth in Suits and Coats Broadcloth, tho Most Distinctive and Aristocratic Fabric of the Fashion World, Has Again Returned to Favor, The reason's shades freen, brown, tete de negTe, bluo and black are most cleverly expressed in this rich cloth. Every bit of the cloth used in our apparel is thoroughly sponged and shrunk, thus preventing yater spotting and other defects commonly associated with some inferior classes of brondcloth. Such little unseen items as these contribute toward making the superiority of our apparel an actual fact. An unusual showing of Broadcloth Suits for $24.50, $29.50 and $35.00 The extonsivo Cost showing includes attractive Broad cloth Coats for $24.50, $28.75 and $29.50 . No Extra Charge for Alterations. Goods Specials TOJLKT SOAP, 19c a box. An extra fino grade at a verv lw price. . . CUCUMBER HAND LO TION, special at 19c a bot tle. 50c WHITE 1 V () H Y COMBS, 35c.' Cavalier A Hood Pique Glove. For enduraaca, quality and fit rou will find nothing will frtv rou greater satisfaction n a medium' prleed Glove than our "Cavalier," -t '1-rlaap street Olove, la street shades and fclack an? whit. $1.B0 fi pair. The 'Store for m X Shirtwaists,' FIGHT IN WESTERN THEATERKEEPS UP No Decisive. Victories Howtyfr, Are Erporte by Either Sida of the Battle. ' ARTILLERY IS SL0WTN0 DOWN lncv. Ill Knrnmttrr on Tenth of the Monlk o llenvy fiun Hnf Uerii ArllVrlr Knnoped In RHc Ingr Opposition Forces. At a Special Price. Silk Lisle Hose Blaek and white Kilk Mate Hose, double soles, eight thread heel and toe, guaranteed to give satisfactory eerviee, 50c Quality, Box of 3 Pairs, ($1.00 For Correct Coiffures 4 We invite ypq tq vjit our Ifair Goods Section, Third Floor, and see our exclusive line of Yvette JIair Accessories. Yvetto Switches Specially Priced for This Sale: 20 inchea long, finest naturally wavy hair, at SXfGJi , 24 inchea long, finest naturally wavv- hair, t ! m Q InrTiAa Irtrif fin a of not1 urn lit xxratTxr nair, a .$5.83 Yvette Transformations at Special Redac tiong; All-around the head size, fino wavy hair, at ....OiJc All-around the head, siie, finest naturally wavy hair, epocial at , , , . , .$4.83 few Pir expert t-. tendeeta will abpw you how to dress your hair becom ingly.., ... Send for Our Free ninstrated eafjet of Ptyjea and IVices, Mail Orders Filled Promptly nJ Satisfactorily, .i Women's Knit Underwear For Fall and Winter, UBU'J VEHT8, high neck, long or short sleeves, pants to match, knee or ankle length, 50a. RIBBED COTTON UNION SITITSv light or medium weight, all styles, $1.00. . Underwear- RIBBED WQOI.I UNION SUITS, liglit wpight, 11,25. MEROERKED .UNION riUJTa, lpw peck, no sleeves, ankjo length, ft beautiful garment, $3-00. Third Floor, Black and Colored Dress Goods 50c to $4.00 a Yard, Black and navy blue predominates this season, hut other colors, such as brown, green, wisteria, 'areVfcry popular, J'laida and striped materials are favored, ear pecially in combinations with plain, materials. ." FOR SATURDAY: An etra value, 39-incb rida and Roman Stripes, your choice, , 1 50fl ft'yard Men's Furnishing Specials SIIIUTS-rMen's new $1.50 high grade coat shirts, , good values, Saturday , ..$1,15 NIQIIT ROBEfti Men's 75c outing flannel night obes, good quality, Saturday v 50c LINEN IIANDKERCIIIEFB Men 's 15o pure linen hand kerchiefs, good quality, Saturday, dozen. , .$l,QO Men's 25o pureLjnen Handkerchiefs, fine quality, Satur-r day, 17C I 6 for , , ... . ... . , . $ J..00 KOViMID i AND SIXTEENTH GTREETS WEST HEAR LILLE Ten ton i Making- Valient Effort tq . Stniyen Put Kink in tU Fightinf iat, BIJLPMES AE FliTOQ EJGHE5 Arl tt tlte fm Dar imm Tfcr Warf pt aeplaalyf f War mm 4ttk Let U BInvatlaae. BSBUM (Via The Ilaau a4 Lendea), Oct tt. Wlill the (Wmu armies on the "Kt wtnf are tlawiy ptuhim (ertreii aaint the flronceit cppitlon a the rt-KWa Votweon Laiie 4 (he chaansl (a a cinpta tu ytralflUaa put h flank, wbluO, a $he aarlUii ! of the tru B. fa bent hack almoai, the Ueiitaa IroBtlor, la r4r to cover the soramunl cuoa with the hofne lapd. the aiiuaUoa to the aatard, oa the fortreM Una e( VtNlua. Tout ftod Balfort. haa changed b.ut mu iioce thf p4 et Ccptamttr, a i .port recalved illracUjr fpora that reiton by tfea Jeoclald rut eheaf that the (Urnaa arralea Mwmd Verdua and Toul tin rta.ln a foothold an the west hank of the fteuee daaptte the frequent kVeach effort ta eject' them. The Oarmana aP IerenUr are soatent te Iul4 the peaHloaa aalned pending the Inauguration of aa ar tillery attack asatnat Vardua. The eaptured anriiar fort of Camp Ro maiaa, now a part f th Parmaa Una, a4 a (iaraiao riit acroae the Ueuae. protected by formidable worka, at the brl4r Mad, offer a thoreutbfare for etariM ' a Peripan vedae ayalnpt the oenter of the fenoh whenever a reaump tlon of thla maaa play Is deemed advls aWa. rrenca Attaeka freaa Math. The Frenoh attache item to come more from a southern, even a eoutheaaterly di rection, from the region of Toul, Nancy and roni-A-MouMuu, acaiAft the prlfinal flank of the German potation, than aaalnat the point of the wedge at St Mlhtel, The fortreaa poaitlone at Toul are too atroog to olfat the posalblllty of tak ing them by etorni and thereby forcing a retirement of the afrenoh Una. Southward pt Toul, particularly In the Vttegoe mountain (COh oomoaraUve qniat prevails and no major operatlone appear to be In progreaa. between Verdun and Teul, both pldes dug theaaeelvea In meet thoroughly. Tt0 French, and Uermaa trenchea are mar vi ft Ingenuity and the edvencad poate are snugly eneoonocd la theee abetter pits. Kven the oontmandlng general, far la the rear, bag a bomb-proof beet4e hie headquartere, in ahloh he takes shelter U the enemy'a bcavy artillery ohooaee to drop a eltell pr two la bis vicinity. ptaone Pa Deadly. The machine gun a so atfeotlvt In thla warfare that advances , squire almoat ae elaborate eapplng and digging as did the old-atyle stuck oa fortreaeaa. The at laoaing force puanae forward a aucoaa sive line of trenches, which sometime ap proach attain twenty yard of the eaemr. atining and eeuatar aalalng Is In the struggls for the tenehea. Aeroplnne scouting Is so effective thai battcrlsg must be completely maakad by breaches or een plaoed'la regular eod houses, e escape detanlaa. It Is ragmt' m I R iffe tffc TX Wq need room or our Hon- ! OleVHJil day Stock. Wonder fullv BARGAINS cut to move them quickly, I pns ioosi. . i.y4. Wck.fts m cn IJ-Vol. set tsrtanlcn fe QO fur ddiOU Z Mcyclopadla VUJO I H-VoL set Nations of ft J r-rt 1 I I H-VoL sat Chaaibers Ka cyclope4a, laa........ S3.Q0 to-Vol set UiiUuinlc CiO QQ Kncyclopadln. V la. .. . W I W 9 S4.50 94.50 $11.98 $5 LATE BOOKS OF FICTION ths World -Vui. pat pumaa for mlnlatratlon te-VoL Kncyclopedla Prac tice pf Uadtulne.... B-Vol. et Brltaoinlca I A ftf Encyclopedia, lotn,.., V I WVU 500 Ukea fren our Two Cestg g pay Library, larludtag Eyes pf World Polly Anua. Balauander. 6top TUUf, Vs V' Kyea aad many others Aa oppprtuoliy to get i and 4 books for tbe rlcg of ana; each 5 KIESER'S BOOK STORE - V- ft A. PU(Jlog, PHhg, . pble that military- requlremente forbid a description of some of fhe tfgenloua methods of concealment- ' Blrdinra Fir JUgbar. Aeroplanes In turn have been driven to h'gh raglons of the air by artllltry lira, particularly from anil-balloon guns. They now gcout at a height pf T.N0 feet. In stead df ioo fart gs they did earner In tne war. The heavy artillery le located, es In 6ptembrr. wrl to the rear, but occa sionally receives the enemy's oqmpltmeqt in thf shape of a showar pf ehrapnl from an audlcloua field battery, wb'ch craens up within range pr from heavy shells from tbe )" range. ligb angle guns Mucl of the heavy artillery pravtlva oc curs at night t avoid aeroplane detec tion, tiuch guns, which are operated eg. clualvely n direct firing, never see the target and are naturally quite as scaur ately aimed la the darknees aa la day. light. Cartaln reaiopa of the furtreee line la thf eaatern front are heavily wooded, eg in thf Argouae forest, . west ' Vr dun. The atruggleg.eoihe wood of Ar- remont, eouthaast of Mlhlel. have bean quite as desperate and sanguinary a In the Argonne forest, Tbe fighting In three French forests Is not only oa the surface, but Is also aerial and under ground. Riflemen and the machine guns operate by preferneee from the tree tope The ground a( thg surface la described as one eontlauoua mass of wire entangle ments, and traps aad aa advance le ee difficult thsre thai the aoldlere burrow forward from the trenvbeg pad endeavor to blow up their opponents. Geranaa tlaapllals AdnUreble. The OermaA hoe pile) arrangements, as seen, In the Argoane, region, are admir able. Automobile bussM are doing par ticularly good work !n the rapid trans port ef the wouadad from tbe battle fields to the hospital- w0na column ot Berlin auto busses brought log woundad frotn a battle In Argunna, which a tart ad at noon, and delivered them at the field hospital, mora than fifty ntlla In tbe rear. by i o'clock. Peats have beea removed from the ambulances and rack Inserted p4 Which twelve itretcbera can be placed- SPAIN PROHIBITS EXPORT OF HORSES AND MULES LONDON. Oct. p A dispatch from Madrid to the EUcbange Telegraph com pany, under Thursday's dels, eayg that a liarcelona msagf states thai the French, cuatoaif officers at Cerbere, per tbe southeastern boundary between France end Bpatq. sUd g contraband qoan Uty el blankets which pare mad Iq Cei uma and wrq s4drsaed tq f l fae toiiea, but which It" Is believed were f tined for the Uermee array. The Spenlch government, the dispatch glsq ettes. has prohibited ths export of horses and mules, which bad ba slerWd pa a large ecale. GERMAN RETREAT BECOMING A ROUT (Continued from Page One.) fight ensued. Ksllhes side could,, gain the advantage' and tbe slaughter was fcarML "Finally a Russian hurrah came down o the wind from, the flank, followed by brisk firing. The Germane mistook this for a successful outflanking movement and they broke and fled, abandoning everything In their ruQ for safety. Tbe Ruaainna pursusd them twenty miles dnd the plain was strewn with the German dead. Aastrtaa OsUlsg Croon. BERLIN, Oct n-(iy Wlreless.)-In- fermaUoa received hart front VUnna snye It has been announoed .officially that the Austrian troops f re still gaining ground. Thsy attacked the Russian forti fied positions near Itolsstym and stormed the heights tq the north of Magtera on Tuesday. - Tbey have occupied the last pass ecroea the Carpathian mouaUlns In Russian hands, called the Jaboalea pass, and Hungarian territory Is now com pletely clear of Russians. In tho crown land of Bukewlna the Auatrians are sd- vaaelng toward Be rath. Tbe oorrespoadent- In BerlU of the Rome Tribuna has admitted that the confidence ot the Uermaas la the general staff of the army Is quite justified by Its Incomparable organisation. Tbe Paris Temps, according to an nouncement made hera, reports that the bngusa have confiscated and sold many e.uKHie warm an aa Auatrtsn race horses, worth In all more than IMO.aoa This fact. It Is S414, together with the connscptioB of the facia yacht owned by Herr Kmpp yon t)oklen, proves that the fCngllah bgv tie reipfct toy private property. aastrtaag Retake Bralas. BtMUN, OuL .-yy Wlrela.)-Ac- eordlng to Plficig) anaouacsmeut made U) Vienna. Veraowlcs. enptal of ts crown tana Pf Hukowina, which has beaa la the Possession pf Up Rasslaaa sTnos early la the war, has beea retaken b tea ausirisna. They have raptured also two Ruasiaa field fortifications located pne behind me outer, to the soutnaalt of aambep. Te the northwest of fain bar Austria troops are proceeding la the direction of otraseai. uurtng recent engage.meata Austrian troops bave taaen 14 Kuesiaa prison- era, among srhom ar twanty-fiv offt- oera. Thsy have captured also fifteen aanina guaa. I5NOON. Oft. C3.-The official Informa tion bureau hp nl)fn out another ac count by an eye-witness of r.cent opers tlons. This recital Is cat?1 Oilober it and explains that with the arrival of re inforcements the Hrttlah have been able to play a mor prominent "part, assisting In tho grftilusl extension to the porln wanl, which hns thrown British troops t" the Franco-Unlulan border. "Up till rently,'1 says this statement, "the extension northward has been car ried out by the French alone." The nar rative goes on to explain that there have been actions In the two western iheator of the war from Nieuport south and along the Alsne and continues: "In both these theaters the results at tained, without being In any wsy de cisive, have been entirely satisfactory and In furtherance of the general scheme Which the allied armies pre carrying out ia co-operslion. ' ' 'In the southern of ths two spheres on the Alsne our right wing has been main taining ' Its pressure without actually moving forward, while In the northern ;hare our left Wing hps advsnced a con siderable distance in face of opposition. No Blgr artillery KlahOng. ''On lh a starts sines the repulse Inflicted on the enemyf'the night of October 10, there has been no serious and less arti- 1 ... .iillnn Ih.H ti.ii.t tAs.aiiaa .Via mlnlw I relny wepther'.has rendered observation almost impoaslDis. on the night of Uc- i toper 13-11 the enemy commenced an at tack whoh wag not pushed through, end Which may bp regarded as a demonstra tion. Our patrols, have been active .with ths bayonet at night, and they have ac counted 'or numerous small parties of German Infantry ' left to occupy their front trenches. But the positions of the opposing 'force have remained practi cally 'unchanged. Weather Hinders AetUa. 1 "Jn the north of France the fighting ap far baa been 'of a preparatory nature along. As, ttsyd. ground" has been gained by us, but tbe misty weather has ham pered aerial reconnaissances and at tlples rendered artillery co-operation almost lm peesibls, which factors have made prog; ress somewhat plow." The narrative hers describes ths nature of the country along the Belgian frontier, explaining that hedgey are frequent, that tree often restrict the view, and that means pf communication are bad. It Ip !, a blind country of thle na ture,' tbe narrator . goes on, "that our advanced guard near the Belgian fron tier are engeing the advanced troops, of the enemy. The latter copslst In, some places of cavalry supported by Jage pnd Schuti detachments, with large num ber .of machine "guns arid others with larger bodies ot Infantry. "A It "was In the case of our march ui to the Alsne, the enemy I making avery 1 effort to JelT our progress, no doubt to glv time for" the stronger forces tehlnd to perfect their arrangements. In een- eral they take aveiy advantage that is" ta be obtained .from tha ground and oon. oral themaelW weal, making uso o1 dltche and hedges and 1hsvllWiges they hold, together with building, ' many of which have been placed .In a state of de ff nse." . . . ' . ' ' Parapet Ara IpepnapJcuoas. "Furthermore they ,oopupy . narrow trenches with tncppsplcuou parapet on, the outside of the villages. Machine gusa of ten arp placed In the center of rporus, whence hey 'can command an approach, through g window. '8o far In pur advance, wa have In flicted considerable loss on these detach ments. They bave mado geyerar deter-' mneil' counter attack in order , to .' free themselves and throw 'us back. Many of the prisoner falling Into our hand havd expressed gurpriee pt being opposod by the British, In this quarter. "To tho north of th.e Uiu, although fof reaspnt already glvpn, sn pdeQuati re connaissance ahead he been practically Impossible, and n plt of the fact that tha Germans held a strong position on a high bridge between Godewaersvelde and Hatlleul. one' of our cavalry foroea, sup ported by Infantry, baa driven the en emy back steadily. Some hard fighting has taken place In this direction, es pecially in tho neighborhood of Mont Descpta , ' "On October 13, one of our cavalry patrol came.tuddcqly op g German ma chine gun detachment pad charged. Borne of the Oermaps' were killed, the rest scattered arid the gun captured. . Pxosrreas Slower oa Rlsbi. "On the right to the south of the I.ys progress Jipg been slower, partly because tha Lorrelne afford. greater facilities to the .force acting oj . the defense and partly because the enemy has hsd more time for preparations ' and' is ' In greater Strength. - The . numerous dikes in this part of the country are ao broad and deep aa to necessitate the transport of planks and ladder bv Which to cross them. It la In thl quarter that the most obstinate combat for tb poaseasion of village have taken place and tnat the enclosed country has rendered the co-operation of artillery mot difficult, except Where the village' contains a church or other landmark above tbe trees by means of Which gunmen' get their range. t'Fart pf the region whore thl fighting has been In progres prevent a melan choly aspect. Many once prosperous homestead spd hemt ' are literally torn to pieces. "The, work of burial fall to a great patent en the local inhabitants. Amidst ths greves scattered all over the country- aide are rifle pits, trenches and emplace ments, which tbose now resting below the sod helped to defend or attack. From these tbe progress of the fighting can be traced and even its nature, for thsy vary from carefully constructed and cunningly placed works to ths hastily shaped lair pf a Germs n snlppt, or roadside ditch With He pldo scooped out bv tha pn Uenchlag Implement pf pur own In- feptry." , ARMY OF TEUTONS J IS BEING ROLLED . UP LIKEA RIBBOty (Continued from Tape One.i for the possession vl the North sua end channel ports. Kor tlie firnt time since the war began air craft an ! ,wai'KhlH ere aiding siinul tnnoonsly In the movement of land forces; thus the strupKlc Is being waged in the sir, on the and on the land, at the same time. The itrmans are hurrying forward fresh troops snd heavy guns, the latter to rogk redly to ibe damaging fire from the shlp, and although . they have ben pusiisd bark at crrtsin pidita. they pp peaf to behpldipg tlier tins bftaren the sea snd Iji Hesse, without, however, making noteworthy roKresa. Terrific Artlllrrr Dar. The flaht. eo far aa Belgium is con cerned, pas now rtsolved itself Into a terrific, artillery duel. In which it Is rlslmed that the allies, by reason et vantage. The muddy roads and the net work of ranuls doubtless have hindered the invaders In getting their guna of equal or greeter range Into positions. , When hey do accomplish this the sit uatlon will be even more acute. It Is said that up to the present time ths Brltivh naval losses have been negligible, although both sides have suffered heav ily on land. Tho German claim to have put a Brltljh torpedo boat out of action. fclna; Albert at Front. .Albert, kng o the Belgians,, who since his retirement from Ostend has been re ported at verious points In northern Frsnce, appears to be nctuallv at le scene ot fighting. This Information Is on tbe authority of tho Brttish admiralty dispatches vtiioh say that the quean Is also . with the Belgian army, hut this must be classed as a rumor, much the same as the reports that General von Moitke, chief of ' the German general etaff. Is seriously III or the. statement that Emperor William again has moved his headquarter. ' ' Ths report that General Moltke's son has been killed Is also revived and It will be remembered that only recently It waa rumored that General von Moitke has been removed a chief off the general staff. I Tbaf the German. line south of Oatend has been cut god. that a retirement has set in, figures among a number of other unconfirmed' pews report this morning. On tha other hand "another correspondent of the Time aaye the German have not left Brussel and thgt they are still In ereat force In the neighborhood ot Ostend. What withdrawals of troops there has been towprd Buuges, this cor respondent adds, i oply a precautionary j measur. . Brlalaaa Uerroas Vser. A message from Havre says the Bel gians have regained the right hank of the river Yser, and this Is the first in formation that they were forced to give ground there during tha recept fVhtlng. All official statements given out by the allle have inslated that they were val iantly resisting the German assaults. The use pf tbe word ''regained." how-aver, would seem to Indicate that the German at times have made advances. The dykee of thl waterway have now been cut, making the situation tor the Ger man more difficult. The German press is brandina- ths round-up of Alien enemies in the British isles aa funtloal persecution, and. In later diepatches from Berlin there have ap peared allegation concerning - atrocities committed by French soldiers, although, later dispatches say that none oi these has been substantiated.' .'"- ' .v t - ,.' . : - . Bar and Zeppelin Bonaboo. Tlie oftdon, pre 1 congrturitlwj the country on tnt gathering up pf alien la th Britlin isle on fhe theory that while individual hardship may reault la ome case, If fetter in general to remove what is regarded as a menace. A a matter of fact th German spy (dep has beet) becoming mpre and, nipr of a buga boo, until It finally got on Brltleh nerves w,ii m result tnat it wa decided to tgkp no chance. TbU action ia In a way similar to th precautious against possible attack by Zeppelin, but the In&uraope compnlei arp doing a large business not only on property, but against persons,! Injury from bombs. pven .Westminster Abbey ha 3C The ESousc of fi2enagh Offers Some Very Unusual Values for Saturday Chic tailored suits mado with the new 28 and 32 inch jackets, These are the models that very woman wants. The materials are broad cloth and velours. They are priced at $24.50, $35.00, $49.50 BocWlr'e aralva alp revalued vioud puisua pa Mr. Q. W. tTuyd of flunk. Mo. Thl southing salve healed a dangeraug wound, pa cauta. all aruggipi. ACvarUaemenC Pure Blood Makes Healthy People Hood's 6arsaparllla - removes scrofula sores, bolls snd other eruptions," because It drives out of the Mood the humors that cause them, eruptions cannot be suc cessfully treated with externlal applica tions, because these cannot purify th blood. . ' ' Hood' raprllla make ' rich, red blood, perfects th digestion, and build jp the whole system. Insult on having I Hood's. Get If pow. Saturday Millinery Special Any model hat in our house worth up to $25 on sale Saturday at $9.75 50 suits that were made to sell for as much as $30 are offered Satur day at $15 College Coats Made From Pret ty Novelty Cloths gQ Qg These are the girlish , models that every school girl in Omaha wants. Come in and r'se them, They are excep- CQ QC tional yalues at. , . .03i03 The House of Henagh "The Stora for Gentlewomen' Located at Sixteen Thir teen Farnain Street. pirect from th Raul Areexp. The Bee's Real War Photps Peat of Them All. FIRELESS COOK STOVE DEMONSTRATION 1 ii at MILTON ROGERS 1515 Harney Begins . Monday The National Capital Frfdar, peteber. 9, iet, . Tbe I net . . Idet at noon and after futile ntUmpta to eno tne erosion gujuurea pi l it n. m. to Hoyn tomorrusr. The Hens. - Adjourned at I U p. m. until noon to morrow. "Follow tho Beaton Path" To Bigger and Better Drug Values Than Ever Offered Before In Omaha $3.74 HtorllOt's Marted Milk tl l'lnaud's Ulne Vagstal 60a r'sbeco Tooth paste... sOc PpWUfa Kidnty PUts 15c 47li Soap ?&c Beaton' Tooth Paste, tic I'nckere Tar Soap.'...', tie Pocket Scissors Ha and o Pockst Knives... f te De Mars' Glycerins Bqnp., 1.(4 ' Beaton's guaranteed Fountain Syringe.' for 11.48 Usntoo'e guaranteed: Water bottles 11 I Mar' IVmsle fWuche. . ta.89 30 , ....e 4 SO l'....iao ,,t,.P .....140 loe le -quart . 1.10 t-u.uu.rt ... POe . l.9 Qoutorbee 'c Powder Pie 15 Purhsm Duplex pomlno Safety Rpsor. vllh atropper aa.nd eta hlti4a la leather case ,,,,,.,.91:00 ft Uromo neltser ...v I9P sio i'rtr's Little Liver Pills.... lso t&c Castprla i fl,Yt,.gle 11 Caldwell' Syrup .f Pepsin... 6o lOc t'anttarex ... ?e 11 Cooper F'lscovery ........... 4e S6o Uuan's Kidney Pill.... 40 11.60 Fellow's tiyri4p ,,...,.,.11.14 71c Jad salts .., .4e tl .00 Listerins ., se tOc Menthulatum .. 40c Papa's Dlapepsin .So tl Plnkliamc's roniuoitnd PTo SOc rtyrut of Hg ,., (Op Sal Jlepatlca .31f ToUew the Veatop Patk. BEATON DRUG CO. Fifteenth and Farnam V ,. ., , r. J r- .- j , .. , ,. i ,i . .l. ii ..... i r , j, j ... rj I ' in i ii. i I, , to mam (3J a-iu