Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 18, Image 18

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Stop Paying
Here's Your
A very pretty 4-mom. partly modern
cottage, 3 block! from car line.
$20 Down $20 Per Month
Or Will liVnt
6 Rooms, First Floor
$3,000, Paving Paid,
Hot Water Heat
392S V. Sth Pt. All on first floor and
II room food air. Bealrtr six room
there 1 a rood bath and front hall;
strictly modern: (rood cement baaement;
all complete. reeidy to occupy; east front;
on block to 341 h Rt. car line; SS00 caah
and balance monthly.
Thla a worth seeing. Oo direct and In
spect tha property or call u up and wa
will ahow him.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
yn Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 4'.
$60 OASH $TjU
TV bava a dandy 7-room house, mod
ern except heat, only two blocks to car
and eloiia In. Price I3.W0 and eaay term.
1!li-l W. O. W. Bldg. lougl SWl.
MBW and modern S-room bungalow, built
by owner. 22d and Amrt, Weiiter 4V28.
West Farnam
Lowest priced lota aver offered In thla
district. Directly north of Farmam street's
beat homea. On th, between Dodge and
Two eaat fronta. toT each.
Seven weat fronta. U to l0.
Call and reaenre lot. Halo later.
O'Keefe Real Estate Co.,
VM Omaha Nat.
Evening: Wal.
Tel. Douglas 271J.
m or H. MM.
For Sale
Landsom. thoroughly modern, up-to-date
Ift-room realdence, on one of (lie rineat
aiteeta on Weat l'arnam hill; onlv IM.iiflO;
owner going away; might conatder ama.ll
iicuse or vacant In part payment
HICKS, 44 Hoard of Trade Bide.
Seven rooms, hot Water beat, bath;
full cemented basement, with laun
dry; near Farnam car line. Terina.
D. "111. 1111 City Nat l Dank.
Why Pay Rent?
27.i P. ?4th Pt . la a f-room, partially
modern cottage that you can buy fur I."!
caah end M per month. Price haa been
reduced to aell thla nnnth. la on paved
tret and car line. It la worth tha pric
J4 Dupont Pt.. la a lo-room. modem
except heat house, arranged o aa to
make two ft-room apartment. Owner
will aell for IX) rash and 13) per month.
The aavlng you make In your rent plu
the rent on the other part of thla houae
will mak your monthly payment. It la
worth thinking about.
33 8. 1th St.. la a 4-room cottage, with
city water. Cottage needa repairing, but
price and pavmerta are reaaonable. Can
be had for tt caah and bale-ire monthly.
The party who buy thla place and puta
It In good repair will make money.
Creigh, Sons & Co.,
'Phone Douglaa 3J0
fW Bee Bldg.
We have a practically new houae with
reception hall, living room, dining room,
kitchen, Jntry and entry on the flrat
floor; two nice large bedroom and hath
on the aecond floor; large rloaeta, good
furnace, full baaement. ahadea, water
meter, etc.; paved atreet; one block from
x-hool. Only 2,d"0. Terma, 10 caah, bal
ance very low monthly payment. ZXtl
A me Ave.
Norris & Norris
V) nee Building. Phone Doug. 4270
If ao, phone u about a -rm. modern
homo, corner lot, 2 paved atreet, choice
location, near Ixwe Ava. Cut to 3.ii.
Any term. AIo"-rm. modern, hot water
het, near tiherman Ave. and Maple.
Snap at ii.MO. Eaay terma. Will take
Ford car in pari pay. Alan offer I1.20U
equity In new choice S-rooin home' for
good residence lot.
McKITKICK It K. CO., Douglas 1W.
FOR 8ALK Houae and lot In Piatt-
mouth. Neb. Itenta for $7 per month;
Large Concern. Are Heavy Seller! of
May Wheat Future.
f hleaao Miller Report Better Trade
la Both Foreign aad Doraeatl
trroaat Trade la far
I Light.
be bought right
Fred Oundy, Mln-
KOK HALK A well-located lot In Ken
wood addition; a bargain If taken at
once; term, cah. Arthur Itoacnhlum. D.
Bee Want Ada Produoe Beau Its.
Invest Your Money With Us
In our new nrofit-aliarln plan.
In amount of 1100 or more and
b aaaured at least
rrmrr-CLAU hsktubm-t.
Be or wrlta ua about It.
1(14 IUm TBXZT.
OMAHA. Oct. 23, 1914.
The feature of the wheat market again
yesterday waa the heavy aelllng of the
May future by one of the larger con
cern In order to aecure available profile.
Thoee who aold them bought the itay In
Duluth In goodly quantltlee. One of the
large Italic atreet concern wa
credited with lllng here and buying In
the northweatcrn market. Salca of wheat
In all poaltlon on export account were
reported at l.OOO.OOO buahela, half of which
waa aold. A New York meerfage re
ceived here late laid that fourte m grain
Meamera were chartered there late
Wednesday and yeaterday for the 1,'nlted
Kingdom, and thla aarne meeaige aald
that eiportera figured that 1,000, 'mo bush
ed of wheat or poaalbly more, were
taken at the aeaboard alone. In addi
tion to the taking of wheat for eiport,
there were 2fi,rt)0 buhela of rye and SO.ttiO
buahela of barley for foreign ahlpment.
Veel room w chartered yeaterday for
1S0.MJU buahela of wheat to go to Buffalo
at 1 cant.
There la a better demand for flour.
Foreigner were aaklng the price for
round lot and Mlnneapolla laid that
rale thr were liberal for the day.
Chicago city miller reported an Im
proved bualnea on both domestic and
eiport account.
The wheat market yeaterday preae-nted
tha appearance of an old-time "ahake
out" of the entailer longa and the writer
dare to venture the opinion that the
market after the cloae laat night waa In
a healthier poaltlon than for several
Trade In corn la light at prevent and
Comparatively light In oat.
Wheat wag Vtec higher.
Corn waa unchanged to tr. higher.
fiata were unchanged to Uc lowor.
Clearantea were: Wheat and flour
eo,ual to 8SH.0KI buahela; corn, 2.UU0 buah
el; oata, 2:4, (J0 buahela. '
1-lverpool closed; Wheat and corn, no
Primary wheat recelpta wre I.W.ftD
buahela and ahlpmenta M'2,IU0 buahela.
agalnat receipt of l.Otrt.OU) buahela and
(hlpmenla of 827.CUO buahela '.iat year.
Primary corn receipt were aiS.JOO buah
ela and ahlpmenta lXi. buahela. ayalnat
re"elpta of fias.oou buahela and elilpinent
of 232. ("T buahela laat year.
Primary oata receli t were X.13.00O buah
ela and ahlpmenta l.nwi,nou buahela, agalnat
recelit of K.' buahela and ahlpmenta
or 7K,O0u buahela laat year.
Wheat. Corn. Oata,
6-Room Bungalow
in Dundee
W a are orfeiing for sale a (-room bun
galow, all on on floor, located In tha
highest point In Dundee, overlooking the
ountry and tha city of Omaha, Can be
had with on or two lota. Ixwaterf on
Mlcholae street between 60th and and (1st
Hta. ' Houaa has living' room. den. two
bed rooms, dining room, kitchen and bath;
has fireplace, bullt-ln buffet and book
cases; all tha room are nicely decorated
flrst-elaas plumbing and heating; hou
is complete ana reaay to move into, can
im bought with a small payment down.
me oaiaoca aoour. tna aama as rent.
Hastings & Heyden
1(14 Harney 8t
Oottoa Bead Cake Cold lTeee4 Caka,
From Texas Mill direct to you. Writ
or wire u for prlcea on High Utade
Meal or Cracked Cake, 4:: to 41 per rent
protein. Cold Preaaed Caka.
. DAT.T.aa. TZZ.
UNIO KTATION Teath aal Maeoa
,... I vw urn
a...t...kl:M pm
i W ia
Weat era
I M pm
a I 39 mux
a It .vk via
7 U am
I .W hi
a ln
Happy Hollow
With any other realdenoa part of I
Omaha and your conclusion cannot help
but be favorable to Happy Hollow. Thla
Itaw and carefully planned addition haa
everything In tha way of public con
venience and accommodatlona.
Aek about tha low prlcea and easy terma
for thee large lota. None leap than CJ
feet wide.
George & Company
Phone t. 76. K1 City National Bank Bldg.
An Attractive
Dundee Home
2 Blocks to Car
4M7 Burt 8t, 1 rooma. large living
oom. dining room, kitchen. ' pantry, rear
vestibule; three large bed rooms upstalra
and sleeping porch or aun parlor en
closed, ao that It can be used for a bed
room, heated; downatalra flnlahed In oak;
upstalra haa oak floora and two-panel
Wn-h doors; large attic, full baaement,
with fruit cellar and coal blna. Haa
beautiful aand-flnlahed wall, decorated
wlin oil paint Houae complete with
ahadea. scretn and water meter. Paved
atreet Price, Kw0.
Hastings & Heyden
U14 Harney Bt. '
. l:oo am
. 4 J0 pm
...11:U am
... 1 16 m
...a 4:1V pm
...all 01 era
...lo w tin
...all M am am
,. (16 am
. a 4:10 pm
.bll:41 pm
.a i M pm
..a I.M am
K. C. A Ht. U En
K (.'. a 8U U Kpl
K. C a it. laul...
Chleaaa Ureal
Tel II r tlmllaa
Tola Cltr Biprtaa
Chlae ICxproaa
taloa Pacific
Orarlaad Umlled
Calllirf-Bla Mall
Omaha Kipraaa
AtHUlU Eiprva
liua UulUMt ,
panvar 8p-lal
ttolerade Cipreas
Uoleraou eewrlal
Man rraneiica IJoiltxl
Pacllla l.lmltae
Or(au-Wultintun Ulmioa.
North Pltlia lcal
Ura4 UUa4 local
MtroaMburg Ieal
llllaals teatral
Chleasa Limited
Chlrwi EtrM
hleaao. MllwaoUeev 4t Ht. I'aal.
Parine tlmltad ll Mm all II (m
Chliwao aveclal 4 40 pm I : am
tUa KraaolaeQ Lamita inian
t'klrase Dariuht Special a 7:10 am
Manilla Local t.wpm aii tuam
Omaba-tn. tout Wxpraaa a I pm
Mall aad Kipraaa a 1 i am
leaharrr Lrooal from C. D.. bl00pm
thlcage A Marlhweatera
a 7 44 am
a I ii am
14 pnv
a 44 pm
a I M pm
a 1 41 am
a 7:0 am
a 7 -4 am
all 3J pm
a 4 w pm
. 1 u m
a 00 pm
No 2. l.oiaifl); No. 3 ".tn; choice
n Uiland. JlOV; No 1, t1 ! : No. 2,
p, ok,ij.v- No. 3, I". ftVn ftl, chnl'-e Inn
land, ; No. 1, in.00; No. 2, pi Xi'T ;
No 3, M '""in. on.
STFIA W Choice wheat 15. SO; choice
oat or rye p nt. So.
AIKAI.KA Choice pea f'-n, T2.00; No.
1. I'.l '"'ail .'i0, No. 2 ef.OfjTl 00; No. X.
Irregalar Apaearaaee ef (omaaer-
elal Flaaarlal Affaire,
gggg NEW YORK. Oct. 33. Bradatreet
trm-rrow will ay:
CToaa currenta In "trade and finance,
domestic and foreign give a very Ir
regular apicaran'e to commerrlnl and
ilnaniltl affaire. The war abroad 1
(till the dominating element In the entire
iluatlon and whatever dullnea or on the
other hand, atlrnulatlon la vlalhle, take
Ita rlae apparently In the hnatllltlc In
Kurnpe. On the favorable aide of the
picture are to be found the rather better
tone of financial matter canaed by In
ternational effort to bring about a re
aumptlon of normal condition In the ex
change market, the cotton export situa
tion and the reopening of the stock
Hank clearing for the week endin?
Ootoler 22, according to Bradatrect.
were $2.733.14).fltt, a derreae of 24. per
cent from the aame week laat yoar: bnal
ne failure were ?31 atralnat ?6 laat
ear; wheat export, Including flour
47 huahol
It at year.
jalnst 8.325,388 bunhel
.& to
Cattle Receipts VeTy Light and
Pricei Steady with Thursday.
WftRJ rtVr Trt TTV rnsTTC m they ".rrerdcd. the bulk of the lamba
ilUUS rl TU TN LENTS Ur j aelling at the top figure for the day
7 W 61
7 00 It vw
M U lul
4 44 11 lit
u to .. ; w in
WlIh.KI' The market neing lightly pup
plled thla morn ng anllera held out for a
dime advance on fat lamha and In the
7 3
7 40
Ka Bheea Active are.r aad Steady
ta gtmna- Fat l.atnh Stroaa;
lo Tea Oalfa lllaher
f eeder. te.dy.
nereipia were:
Official Mondav
t initial Tiiendav
Official Wednedav...
official Thursday.'....
Kstlmate Friday
. 7.o
, 6.7;i
47. Si!
. 1 C
19, 711
Touchdown by Neville Only Count
in Disappointing Game.
rive davs this week . 34 4:11
Same day laat week33.17o
Same days 2 week ago :k.S1
Same day 3 weeks ago 37.W1
Same day 4 weeks ago 34.T79
Hame day laat yer. .28,W2
1 he following table shows
d iy, compared with 17 6o on Thursday
Klght loa:l of the Klnm y lamb sold to
the puckers nt th-? top price, with a sort
of 2o per cent. Not enough mutton waa
en sa.e to lent the marKet, though what
was hre moved at fully ateady pricta and
old early In the morning t I4i7 .". for
eea, the latter price the high point of I
the day. Last Friday the beat lamb here I
brought li.lo nnd the beat ewes (.S5,
showing an advunce tor the week of fully I
lojilnc. Home traders claim a l.'Ai'Jf.c ad
vance on ft ewea. Taking the week na a I
h?"."rij 11 ,nH" ?'en a satisfactory ut)honlll, f.r(lt name of Eugene, but
irani, aa me receuns nave neen lineral, , ... ... ,
amounting to a- many as m;il head. I which more recently wa added tha more
Rgalnnt .M laat week, 132.S two weeks masculine title of "Chick," wa all that
Lla-M aad Weak Team. Orllleel lata
a Kalr Machine by C oach Pardy,
at I p tlff aad Inger
oa Opposition.
One lone touchdown, maneuvered and
executed by a rllht youth by the name
of Neville to which was once added gthe
17. xn 1:ViVi4
24.17 n2.2l I
2J.4:U lM,21j
l.k J43.S 114
21.a) U.i.7
Cue receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at the tinth
Omaha live stock market for the year t?
(lata, as compared with last year;
1914. 1913. Pec.
Cattle 7r.7.!23 7H3.571 25.MS
Hog 1. 875.1:0 2.UI2.KJI 227. '719
Hheep 2,Ka.f 2,4l..Ky
The following table show the price
for hog at the South Omaha live stock
market for the last few days.
with com-
Twl Cllr Kipr.,
Dakota I'aawacar ...
Slum CHr loral...
Mlaaaapolla Kiprew
Tela City Ulmlt4.
l:6 am
3U pm
1.40 pm
I 44 pm
I II am
4:80 pm
4 .4 am
a 44p
a l i a
a 4 w pm
a 1 oo am
a 7 i pm
a 4 .14 pm
a 4 IS pm
a I 40 am
b I n pm
I 74 am
I W pm
:!4 cn
11:14 pm
bio : 14 am
1010 pm
4:4u am
a 1:41 pm
1,10 SO pm
a 1:11 am
OaaTar Hpeclal
Itarmll Ural
Hawkar KipraM
t'klcasu It' al
tamill Uxll
CblcMO ttlal
as haBclace Umllaa...
llvarlaaa limited
7 to n
a so pm
alt 44 pm
a 8 44 pm
alO .OO am
a 1 10 pm
el 14 am
It aar
all 1m am
all:o am
New Bungalow .
in Florence
a are "rinir lor sale a new atyla of
bungalow that has S rooms all on one
floor, coaalatliur of llvtoe r. ji.i..
room, kitchen. I bed room and bath, all
well arranged. The living room and din
ing roam are flnlahed In oak; haa flrat
claas plumbing, registers put In so, fur
nace can be Installed any time; has attic
and large cellar; located on tha northeast
corner of Sth and Washington Bts.. ons
block east of Main street car line and on
block north and a block east of the June,
lion where tha car turns and goes to the
cemetery. Ths lot Is large, being 1S2 fee.
south front oa Waahlngton St. and i feet
fronting. west on Uh atreet, bealdea 14 feet
of tba atreet, which haa been vacated
which makea It practically two 4o-fou't
lota, and plenty of room to build on or
two more houeea. Wa are offering this
at a small payment down, balance about
tha aama aa rent; very low price for quick
as la. Houaa haa Juat been completed aad
la ready to move Into.
Hjastings & Heyden
WIS Harney St.
Oraoe-Wash!Btea Umlletl. . 1 11 pm
Ua ABfele l.laliaa .c pan
. WUT.
rhatrea local a 0 pm
Uaaola-Pallaa a I pm l pm
Uacola-Loiti Pin t 14 pm i l pm
Itutlaca.Huparlor a I 14 pm b I 10 pm
tMjao-Ha garlasa a I 44 pm a I I am
t-aaear-lAndM- a 4 pm all oaam
AJawa-uakaala k 4:4 pm k I 14 pa
Cklraa. Rock Island eV Paellle
Rorkr UounUIn IJmuee all 44 am
( hlMS Ll PmBar bl 4 am
Chicago lr Bptei a 4 S am
Chlaaaa Nlht Kipraaa a4:lpm
M Molaee Loral paenaar.a 4 n pm
( klaaae Mabraaaa Umit4 ....a 4 pm
Ol-Nak. Llmt4 e Uacala..a I 41 am
roloraao a vallfortila k... I pm
Oklahawa a Tmaa Kipraaa. ...a 4 pm
Heckr MuaaUle Umlud....all:11 pta
It 4 pm
4l :4 pm
a 4 44 pm
a 1 r4 pm
all 14 am
a team
a 4 T pm
a 4 04 pm
all X am
alt Si am
fU BLlNtiTOPt aTATIOIk Teath aad
Depart. Arrl.
IeTr limit a 4 40 am il kia
kasa-Omaka a 4 41 am
Daaver aa4 Callfrala a 4:1 pm a I 4a pm
I t 'BVan4 Kipraaa a 4 14 pm Ilk pm
NBrka yalala a I IS am 4 I pm
Black Mill a 4 10 pm all pm
Uarula Mall a 1 10 pm alt 14 pm
Nortbeeet Eipraaa aii :pu a i w am
Nabraaka Kipraaa a I in a 4 14 pm
IJacolo Loral 7 IS pm h 140 am
Urbarler-lnaiiameutk b I at pm km t am
rlHrtoh-u.a H Hia a 4 4 am
Bellaa riatlmatb alt w a I 44 pm
i-klce irpecial a 7 14 am alt N pm
TMatar genial all 4 pm
"hleaao Eipreea a 44 pm I IHa
rblreae v" K'peam1 a W pm a 4 am
Loral I 4A pm bll 0 am
l- K C gpectol SIMM
t Lcla mveelal ! all la am
K r a m Jek il ii a
liaaola-PUIteawutk ......... I pm 7 4 pm
teeath aad Webater.
I. Paal, Mlaaeaaalla t
Chicago 146
Mlnneapolla 34)
Imluth 3o4
Kanaas City lWi
St ljuia m
Winnipeg 2H2
These sales wore reported today:
Wheat; No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, 11.07;
S rare, l.u7. No. 3 hard winter, S care,
11.07; 1 car. I1.0SH; 13 cars. S1.UHH; 1 car.
SI. 06',. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, II W; 2
car, tl.OOVt; 1 car, SI 03; 2 car, S1.024: 1
car (amuttj ). 11.01. No. 2 durum. 2 car.
11.02. No. S durum, 1 car, i'. OIH; S car.
11.01. No. S mixed, 1 car, II Oft; 1 car. 11.04.
No. 3 aprlng, 1 car, II (W. Oata: No. 2
white. 1 car, 44c. Standard, 1 cars, 4UVc.
No. 8 white, 1 car, 45c; 7 car. 4fic.
No. 4 while, 2 cars, 46So; 7 2-6 cars, 40c;
K car, 4Go. No. grade, 2 cars, 44c; t
cars, 44Hc Corn: No. ? white, 1 car, 75c.
No. S white. i cor. 74n. No. 1 yellow, 1
car. 704c. No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 70c. No. 6
yellow, 1 car, Ch,o. No. 6 yellow, 1 car,
c; 1 bulkhead. ::. No. 1 mixed,'
car. mc. No. I mixed, 1 car (near white),
71c. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, i9c; 1 car, 64c.
No. IS mixed, 1 bulkhead, 6e. No. 6
mixea. 1 - cars, mc. Rye: No. J, J
iar. fvc. no. s. l car. 8H4c; 1 car, 8c.
No. 4. 1 car. Kc; 1 car, 4c.
Omaha Caah, Prices: Wheat No. 3
hard, $1.07hl.mA; No. 3 hard. Sl.0umri.07H:
No. hanl, S0HC4JI1 OH; No. 2 aprlng. SI .OrVyi
1.07; No. 3 spring. Sl OMflOU: No. 4 prlng.
elc.S104S; No. 2 durum, tl.01lM.0Z;
o. uurum, Sl.ootfei.iil. Corn
ro. i white, 7Mi76c; No. i white.
,fV,ac; pjo. I white,, HnfJt", No. 4
wane, iji,iii.(c; rso. ft white, T3Wi3e;
No. 6 white, 7S073'c: No. 1 yellow. 70
71V.4C: No. 2 yellow, '& 70c; No. 3 yellow,
6MVii70c; No. 4 yellow, RlVtWtrVc; No. S
yellow. fiVi!c; No. S yellow. S&frtiSc:
No. 1 mixed. tnaiic; No. 2 mixed.
ro. .i mixru, Nuriwr; ro. 4 mixed,
6.-liKk-; No. 6 mixed, 6WUc; No. 8 mixed,
eWniWViC. Ot-No. 2 whit. 4ViSi4HM.c:
tandard. 4iti4iic; No. 3 white. 46HtjHc;
No. 4 white, 4ru4;vV Barley Malting,
68'd-72n: No. 1 feed, 4Sf(6oc. Rye No. i
MkBIWV; Ko- 3. KVr4jHti4C
f llltAUO (alt A IN AMI PUOVI9ION9
Feat a re of the Tradlna- aad Claslaa;
Prleea aa Board ef Trade.
CI1ICAOO. Oct. . 2a.-Vmmense export
salea gave the wheat market roady a big
upward awing. The volume of trade waa
the largest since the excitement at the
beginning cf the war. Prlcea closed
kteady at l44il3 net advance. Other
leading staples scored a gain corn, 470
oat. SVVc, and provision from a ahade
to 10C.
Foreigner accepted without haggling
nearly every wheat offer of today from
any point In the I'nited Htatea. Tha
amount taken wa estimated aa high aa
.1.000.0110 bushels. In addition to the heavy
purchasing of caah wheat, there ex as
a lively demand from exporters for the
December delivery, both here and' at
other centers. It was current goaslp
that In mmi tilaceg the agenta of Ger
many and KngUnd mere bidding against
each other for supplies. One transaction
that Involved fifteen boatloada to go to
Italy, wa said to have been made at the
highest price ao far on thla year's crop.
Barring an eaujy dip, which waa due
to ' apeculatlva selling preasure. wheat
prices had no Important setback from
tart to finish. The temporary down
turn came to a auaaen end aa soon aa
tha magnitude of export bulnea began
to be apparent. In connection with the
Kuropean buying there waa high author
ity for statement that the crop yield in
Canada had been ascertained to be worse
than Indicated by the moat peaalmlstlc
eatlmatea heretofore made puhllo.
Coin roae sharply, influenced bv num
erous reports that husking waa not turn
ing out nearly aa well aa expected, and
that many vesarls In the South Amer
ican trade had been aunk by the Ger
mans. There waa peraiatent buying on
tho part of one of the largest houses on
change. Profit taking holders appeared
to resist the advance In oats. Receipts
at primary points were ehort of last
year s figure, the first time this season.
nuing of provisions was of a more
reneral character than for some weeks,
The Incentive cam chiefly from tha
strength of lings and graliw
Grain prices furnished by Igan A
Bryan, office. 31., South Sixteenth atreet
Article! Open. I High. I Iw. I Clow Yea y
B1TTTKR N"o. 1, 1-lb. cartona. 80o; No.
1, 0-lb. tjba. 2c.
CHKK.HK-Imported Swiss, 38c: Anier
can Swiss, 2xc- block Swiss, 22c; twins,
16Vc; daisies, 17Hc; triplet. IRc: Young
Americas, ISc; blue label brick, USc; 11m
burger, 2-lb.. 30c; l-lb.. 20c; New York
white, 19c; Imported French Roquefort,
FISH Trout. 17c: large crappiea. lO
16c: salmon. 12ifrl5c: halibut. vc; channel
catfish, l; pike, 17c; pickerel, 10c.
POl'LTHY Broiler. 14Vc; spring chick
en. 11c; hen. d'llc; cock. He; duck,
10c; giee, 8c; turkey, lHc: pigeon. nr
dos., MOc; duck, full feathered, 10c; geese,
full feathered, Cc; squab, No. 1. $1-50; Nj.
2, fi"c.
BEEP CUTS Wholesale prices of beet
cuts are aa follows: No. 1 rib. 21c: Mo.
I ribs, 15Hc; No 8 rib. 12Vc No. 1 loins.
22Hc; No. 2 loinu. 17c; No. I loins, 14o.
No. 1 chucks, lie: No. 2 chucks, c: No.
3 chucks, 84c. No. 1 rounds, ir.c; No. 2
rounds, 13V:; No. 3 rounds, Uc. No. 1
plates, SVfcc; No. 2 plates, Sc; No. I
P I at ttjff &C
Market quotations rurolnlicd by GlllnslU
'rult company:
FRUITS Oranges: extra fancy Valen
cia, Wd, 112s, lrfis. l.Vw. 176 and 2G0n. per
box, So.75; Red Ball Valenclaa, oil ale.
S6.60 per box. Ijrmon: Fancy Golden
Bowl, anus, 3fi0. er box, S.6ti; Silver
Cord, 420, 300s, 3C0s, per box, S6 60. Grape
fruit: All alxes. S3.75 per box. Apple:
Fancv Washington "Y" brand Grime,
per box, SI .60: Fancy Colorado Jonathans,
per box. S1.2fi; extra fancy Waahlngton
Hoover, per box, 81.40; New York Greep
Ing. per bbl., 13.00; New York Baldwin,
"A" grade, ship Nov. 1. 'per bbl., S2.H6;
choice Hood River Spitxenburgs, per box,
81.60; fancy Hood River Bananas, per box.
81.76. Pears: California Clargioua. per
box, $2 26; extra fancy D'AnJou. per box,
82.64 Grapes: Tokays, 1.S"; extra Cali
fornia Emperor, per bid., 13.50. New
York, per baakct, 23c; per 26-basket lots,
22c. Banana: Per bunch, Sl-75(ii0.50.
Umes: Per box. 81.76." Dates; Drome
dary, per case, 83.00. Figs: Per case, 8c.
Persimmon: Per crate 82.00.
VEGETABLES Cauliflower, per lb.,
12Hc. Cabbage, per lb., Uc. Onions,
yellow, per lb., SMc; red, per lb., 14c. Pep
per, per iaket, ic. lomatoe. iancy,
per basket, 76c. Cucumber, hothouse, per
3-doi. box, SI. 50. Celery, Michigan, per
do., 26c; Denver Jumbo, per dox.. Toe.
lettuce head, per dox., 60ci&1.60: leaf, per
do.. 40c. Onions (shallots), per 'dox.. 40c.
Radishes, per dos., 36c. Garlic, Italian,
per lb., 20c. Horseradish, per case,, 11.65.
Asparagua, home-grown, per do., about
She. Potatoes, per bu., 70c. Sweet pota
toes, per hbl., 83.00. rktuash, per lb., .lHc
NUTS No. 1 California walnuts, per
lb., lVic. Filberts, per lb., 16c. Sugar
walnuts, per box, 81.40. Pecans, per lb.,
124c; Jumbo, per lb., 13c. Almonds, per
lb., 20e. Checkers, per box, 83.50; per
cgse, 81.75.
MISCELIjANEOUS Shelled popcorn,
per lb., 4c. Crackerjack, per case, 83.60;
per V-case, 81.76. Honey, per case, 83.60.
Cider, per keg, 83.00; per H-bb., 86.00.
Cocoanuts, per sack, 84 00; per tlos., 75c.
New York General Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-SUGAR-Ra w,
nay; molaases sugar, .3.61c; centrifugal,
.2c. -Refined, quiet.
CHEESE Steady; receipts, 4,147 boxer;
state whole milk, fresh white and col
ored specials, 14S16c; ttate whole milk,
average fancy, Hc; aklm. 413c.
v.GGS Steady; receipts. lO.Hflo cases;
fresh gathered, extra fine. 83tr3Sc: extra
first, 2SK&32C; first. 3x328c; econd, 2fctf
26c- atate, Pennsylvania and nearby hen
n.r'v whitea. 6241 iic: state, Pennsylvania
and nearby gathered whites, 35a0c; state.
3M38c: State, 4-ennsyivanm anu nearnjr
gathered browns and mixed colora, 28$
, I n. . . CV.
BUTTEn r irmer; m-ciina, v.mrj iuuh.
creamery extraa, 32c; creamery, 3Wu3c;
creamery firsts, zbujic; aeconua, ioric,
nioceaa extraa, a&?i2Sc; ladle, current
make, first. 2SH1j24c; econd. 2K6 21Hrc:
packing stock, current make. No. Sya
... J ,..
POITL.TK V uressea, auu iim wua.,
western roasting cnicaena. ntlvc, irean
fowl, 14(j20c; turkey, troxen, iu--ac.
Kaaaaa City Grala aad rrotuioai.
hard. tl.l.WH: No- "pd. SIOS
1.0SH: December. 81.0a; May. 81.1&.
CORN No. I mixed. ic; no. i wnnc,
iTHc; lecember, 4ic; May. toc.
OATS No. White, !MOc; .o. i, v(t
BUTTER Creamery.- zc; nrts, 2bc;
second. 36c: packing, 20c.
FxlGS Flrt. BSc; aeconua, isvc.
POULTRY Hens. 12c; broilers. lc.
Mlaeaaolla Grata Market.
cember. I1.UH; May, Sl.liW: No. 1 hard.
S1.16S: No. 1 northern, IL13S(y l.UV.; No.
I northern. SLloWWl-l'.
FLOUR Unchanged.
BARLEY 6m7c.
PdHV-No. 3 yellow. "tsuTSc.
OATS No. t white, 4Sia-7e.
FLA X-Sl .Wi.
Mveraoal fcrala Market.
tlVF.RPOOL. Oct. 81 Wll EAT Spot,
Irregular: No. 1 Manitoba, old, 9a 4d: No.
t, new. 8a lOor hard winter, aa lid; fu
ture, steady; nctooer, ss no; iecemDer,
1 CRNpot, quiet; t American mixea,
new, 7s 3d, futures, firm; November,
6s d-
S. I.oala Gala, Market.
ST. 1AUIS. Oct. 23-WHEAT-No. 2
red. SlUVulH: No. i hard. 11.14; ).
cemtwr. 1 14 : May. 81 .SuV
CORN No. 2, 7c; No. S white, 81tc;
December, 6bc; May, 72c.
OATS No. t. 4.. No. t white, iOc.
Date, i 1I4. iihih it n -ii. iio. i. ;u
12.. 7 4641
7 604
7 37'4
7 0.
1 44
7 ar.Twi 8 04!
7 24" 7 Ml
7 2 7 92
7 22 V 7 90
7 86
7 0414
94',' 7 7R
6 H4 7 62'
M 7 60'
7 9i S 7i; 43! t 471 7 M 16
7 Ho 8 77 I 8 27 7 67 1 6 15
7 931 8 771 47 I 7 1 TO
7 8 HOI 24! 8 221 S 15
8 Oil 8 SO 6 2i:
1 8 R; 2
8 801 S 37 8 3;', 7 4l 5 R4
ll 8 23! 7 67
!4 8 41) 7 70, 5 i
S 8fl S 371 8 3. 7 4"l o
8 80 I 8 49 7 48 1 6 68
8 77 30! I 7 41 5 6'
23.1 7 03'-l 7 57 1
8 74
8 S:
8 71
8 63 1
8 4S'
8 39!
6 .17 8 67
6 81 8 S! 7 371
6 S7i 8 fill 7 391
,Vi 8 37 7 41j
3o 8 31' 7 61.
8 44 7 52
6 42
5 42
" 21
6 22
6 29
5 43
6 3.7'
I 7 621 6 42
Recelptsi and disposition of live stock
at the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha,
for the twenty-four hour ending at 3
o'clock yesterday:
Cattle. Ho;. Sheep.
r.. M. A St. T 2
Mlaourl Pacific
"Union Pacific
C. & N. W east
C. A N. W., west
C, St. P., M. O
C.,- B. A Q., eHst
C, . A W., west
C, R. I. A P., eaat
C. R. I. A P.. west....
Illinois Central
Chicago Great Western.
7 12
17 2
2 4
7 '..
I '..
Cattle. Hos. Sheep.
Morris & Co 4
swift & Co ao
Cudahy Packing Co 16.
Armour & Co 106
J. W. Murphy
W. B. Vantiant Co 24
Benton, Vansant & Lush 33
Easy Payments
$100 to $200 Down
Wa hav soma new, strictly modem
bungalows and cottage: oak finish, bast
grade of plumbing; elegant , lighting fix
tures; nicely arranged rooms, and beauti
fully decora. led, full cemented baaement:
ewvant walka; handy to car, store and
"lM"l-Paymnt down eaay; balaao like
rent. They are going faat. See 1. befoja
they ax all gone.
Scott & Hill Co.
XV7-t MoCagu Uld. Douglas KJUB.
t hleaa.
Tela Pill '-aeastr 4) 'H
i iv giariaa I rl pm
gii cur pinr am
gmetane laral a 4 pm
a 411?. e aaiir aaraat sBar.
Miaaaart P a 1 1 to
r- rt 4ff4a.
rtll fair aaaaugar t'w Ww m
1m1 rrlbt k ( 4 am k 4 a) pa
11:44 am
6 I 1 am
1 15V4;
1 !Mi
1 20'k
Oat 1 I
klay. MHllVr'
Jan .
1 174
1 2Ke
70" t
54 V
1 14a
t 17
1 C
1 16
1 21 S
01., 60V!60V
63V&JWo4 6Jt
II 92V.I IS 07V,
1 30 I IV 37S
10 S7V W 6
10 45 I 10 e7V!
9U4JH7 1 10 02 W
1 1
w SO
S 90
18 SO
IS 35
10 57V
10 46 I
S 80 I
10 SO I
9 83V,:
IS 08
1 36
18 S6
IS 30
10 4 I 10 STH
10 &3U 10 46
10W I I wv
10 90 1 10 t.
87V S 86ia7
Hill & Son
F. B. Lewis
J. B. Root A Co
J. H. Bulla
Werthelme.r A Dcgcn..
Kothivclilld ,
D. A F
Other buyers
. 4
CATTLE Receipt
Is to be expected on
....872 2.H63 11,311
were very small aa
Frldav. only buu
iigo and 13-4.9L7 (or the corresponding week
a year ago. Fat ewes have been In better
supply this neck than tor sometime back
and quite a eprlnkl.t.g of yearlings ap
peared among the receipts, but wethers
have been still a scarce article. VJusllty
of the offerings In general seemed to
Improve as the week advanced.
Owing to the scarcity oT anything good
In the feeder line today competition was
better than on Thursday, consequently
prices were as a rule steady and In sm
Instances strong. At that, trade waa not
nearly a HCtive or tli demand aa good as
eHrller In the wek. The bulk of the good
feeder lamhs of medium weight con
tinued to sell at S'i.bfrti 90. Unite a few
lamb moved at St.40(ijfi.66. The common
to medium grades nre bringing prlcea
around S6.5ii''i6.40 and the common rough
stuff from t.50 and on down. Comparing
price with a week ago generally (peak
ing they are cheaper, ieeiier lamb being
weak to lot) 15c lower, with feeder ewes
UK&25C off. Feeder ewes are. quotable at
ti. 751-4 1S.
Quotations on range eheep and lambs.
Lambs, pood to choice. $7.fi04i7.'l6; lambs,
fair to good, S7.164i7.60; lambs, feeders,
fair to good, Sti.uO'rrtt .90; feeder, common
to fair, f SO'iitl.jO; yearlings, good to
choice.. S5.8i4ili.lo; yearllns, fair to good,
S5.6iKfj6.85; yeanlngs, feeders. S5.4tVu6.90;
wethers, good to choice, t5.254j5.wi; weth
eri1, fair to good, tn.lctTt 3.25; wethers, feed
ers, S4.3o'a4.8r; ewes, good to choice, 14 76
476.00; ewes, fair to good, S4. 50(4.75; ewes,
feeders, S3 2!Vu4.15.
Representative sales:.
1K5 Wyoming feeder lambs...
64 Wyoming feeder lambs..
H7 Wyoming feeder lamba...
39 culls
166 Wyoming feeder lambs.
2o9 Wyoming feeder lamb...
164 Wyoming feeder Inmbs...
235 Wyoming feeder lamb .
206 Wyoming feeder lamb...
98 Wyoming feeder lambs .
96 Wyoming ewes
179 Wyoming feeder lambs...
171 Wyoming feeder lambs...
175 Wyoming feeder lambs..
lis Wyoming feeder lambs
191 VVyomlng feeder lambs.
207 Wyoming feeder lambs...
183 Wyoming feeder lambs...
150 Wyoming feeder lamba...
210 Wyoming feeder lambs...
193 Wyoming feeder lambs...
141 Wyoming lambs
709 Wyomlnx lambs
211 Wvomlm; lamb
151 Wyoming lamhs
179 Wyoming lambs
2 Wyoming lamhs
1S6 Wvomlng lambs
225 Wyoming feeder lambs..
116 Wyoming feeder lambs...
?0 native feeder ewes
117 native ewea
23 Nebraska ewes
20 native larnbs
13J native lambs
2S4 Wvomlng feeder lambs.
17 Wyoming feeder lambs...
223 Wyoming feeder lambs...
A v.
.... 51
.... 61
.... 42
.... 63
.... 53
.... 5S
.... 58
.... 62
.... 62
.... 63
.... 63
.... 59
.... 68
.... 67
.... 68
.... 6S
.... 68
.... 68
.... K8
.... 68
.... 68
.... 6S
.... 73
.... 74
. . . . 75
.... 68
.... 68
.... S2
.... 93
.... fin
.... 64
.... 51
.... 52
.... 51
6 50
6 60
6 60
4 25
6 ml
6 70
6 70
6 40
6 40
4 85
6 SO
6 90
6 80
6 80
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 50
7 60
7 50
7 50
7 50
7 50
' 7 60
7 50
7 M
7 00
3 23
4 50
6 00
7 16
6 50
6 55
6 60
6 66
1..,.. 1 reoorted In. Tho total for the
week amounts to 34.431 head, being smaller
ih... thro. Atwi four weeka ago, but
larger than a year ago by over 6.000 head.
There were not enough beef Bteers In
sight to really make a market, but what H OGS-Rece pts 1
few there were here sold quite readily at tive and 6c higher,
prices f ully steady with yenterday. This 7.5- 1'Kht ,
mean, that tho market la around 25SM0c Lh.e '-W-'0' r
lower than last week, some of the more
desirable kinds showing possibly less de
cline than that.
Cows and heifers sold In about yester
day's notrhes, which means that killers
are around 4ii"0c lower than last week,
with rannera and common grades around
10j20c lower.
There wero not enough stockers or feed
ers In Jlght to really make a market, but
the feeling was steady with yesterday.
Prices ure now 26fc5oc lower than a week
or ten days ago and some cattle have ac
tually shown more decline than that, but
the country demand Is none too active
and speculators still had a good many
cattle on hand today carried over from
early In the week.
Quotation on cattle: Good to choice
corn fed beeves, S9.0Of(10.50; fair to good
cornfed beeves, S8.0OiS9.00; common to fair
corn fed beeves, 87.20fiS.00; good to choice
range steers, 17.008.26; fair to good
range steer, S6.504j7.(i0; common to fair
range steer. S6.75n6.60; good to choice
graas heifers, 86.0016.75; good to choice
grass cows, 6.M)r(f6.75: fair to good grades,
Ii.0o4j6.5o; common to fair grades, S4.0rj)
6.00; prime feeders, S7.758'8.26; good to
chclce. 36.s5jj7.75; fair to good. S6.2oti6 85
".'"'i"! LiJr- tf-frW-SS; stock heifers.
St.76.:; stock cows, S4.254j4.50: stock
calves, SB.OOr-87.76; veal calves, I7.60&-1O.00:
bull, atags. etc., 34.50fc6.00.
Representative sales:
George Sullivan, Wyoming
1 w ll feeder.. 871
7 steers.... LK0 S 75 1 feeder i
2 teer....1176 7 00 -..
Taylor Pennock. Wyoming
9 steer..... l.6 75 1 cow ..fi50
1 si4er.....liD0 8 00 16 steers... .lool
James Christ man. Wyoming.
i!ir 2 feeder... .1013
W feeders... 1100 6 30 8 steers Uu6
C. ft- I hrieman, Wyoming.
5. feeders... 98U 76 JR steers... .1154
ateera 111 a, . , "
i ... .
1 calf
1 cow
S feeders..
1 feeder. ..,
48 steer....
3 steera...
S 66
0 65
7 00
"6" Si
6 20
Coffee Market.
cost and freight offers ware received
her from Hrasll today than yeaterday.
but so far aa could be learned they re
sulted In ' very little business. The spot
market also remained quiet- and while
prlcea held teady they were unchanged
at ic for Rio 7 and 10pc for Santoa 4si
Hraslllan exchange on I-omton wa i
lewer, according to the cable,' and fur
ther clearance of ".0"0 baga were re
ported from Mrasll for New Yoik and
New Orleans.
New Varlf slaaey Market.
PPKH-4tiiV rr cent.
sixty-day bills, 81915; for cable, S4 954
t)4 ii; for demand. t4 9475444 95.
4ILVEH-tiar. 4Sc.
Chicago Cah Prlcea S heat : No. 8 red.
41 i"; c0- naro. i.i(l la1.
Corn: No. t yellow. No. I yellow
704.C. Oat: No. S was 4sp4Vkc; stand
ard, 49MJ60VJC Ky,: r S. 94V,. Ilarley:
it(77c. Se.: Tlmotsx, .vteutjXJM: elovar,
fl1(Mtlt.U0. Provlalor: Pork, tl7.0; lard,
litem: r'bs. tlOaOar.! So.
IIUTTER Market ateady at tlft-Sne.
EGGS Market higher; receipt. 4.SM
raaea; at mark, rosea Included, KjOSc;
ordinary flrat a, io'U?; flrat. S34j34o.
POTATX1F41 Market low,r; receipt. 0
rara; Michigan and W''onln, uo")c;
Mlnneaota aial Dakota, '"lo3c.
1)1' LTRY Market r allv lowtr;
spring. UVkC; fowls. 1043'le.
Oata ha liar Market.
Cl.olce upland, 111.00, No. 1. 110 0j4;i 10.50;
Evapvorated Aaale aad Dried Frail.
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, steady. Aprl-
cot and peachea. quiet. Ralstu, stead
Dry Uaad Market.
Cotton gouda steady and slightly higher
price named on prlat clotha Yarn
weak; wool firm: all k eaay.
ta Market.
good bualnea done; American middling
fair, iOtnl; good middling, i.30d; sales, 4,700
Bank Clearlage.
OMAHA Oct. U Bank clearings for
Omaha today were 8A4V4.lS3.Oi. and forth
curreapondlii' day laat ear $Xi: 498.2a.
10 O COW 10-JU
M. Keller, Wwomlng
410 00 i cow um
1100 6 25 14 feeder... kx
-o ou 7 feeder..
6 55
5 65
6 00
1 star
1 6 00 9 tcer...
113t 7 25
. 838
1 bull
6 00
6 HI
6 W
5 80
6 25
6 40
Cattle Doll aad Weak Sheep
Steady to Strongr.
CHICAGO. Oct. 23.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
2,500 head; market dull and weak; beeves,
S6. IntolO. W; steers, $5,7548.75; cows nnd
helfera, S3.20rfiS.70; stoek rs and feeders,
14 M!i'7 SO: calves. S7.0(iill.OO.
HtXSS KecelDts. li.iw neaa; marKet ac
bulk of sales, ti.Ka
60: mixed. S7.0.i4i7.7O
rouga, 7.00g)7.lo; pigs,
14 ivwfi.m
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 10.000
head: market steady to atrong; sheep,
I4.904M.fl6; yearlings, t5.604i6.50; lambs,
Kanaaa City Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 1,600 head; market steady; prime
fed steers, $9 60 10.75; dressed beef steera,
S7.50fi9.50; western steer, SS.60tfi.75; block
ers and feeder. S5.254j1i.00; bulla, S4.7&G
ti.25: calves, S6.004J10.25.
HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head: market
lower; bulk of sales, t7.104j7.40; heavy.
t7.2O4j7.40; packer aud butchers. 37.153
7.60; light. 87.004j7.50; pigs. 6.264i7.f.
SHEEP AND LAM 1US Receipts, 500
head; market tteady; lambs, t6.Wrd7.C0;
yearlings. S3.25&8.25; wethcra, t5.a.g.76;
ewes, t4.264jO.26.
St. IO n la Live Stock Market.
PT. liOUr.S. Oct. 23. CATTLE Receipts.
2,300 head: market steady; native beef
steers, S7.504TdO.75; cows nnd helfeis, S6.00
(hO.tiB; stockers and feeders. S5.004j7.60;
southern steers. t6.0Oi(S.00; cows and heif
ers. 14 004ji.60; native calves, t6.0n4j'lo.60.
HOGS Receipts. 6,300 head; market
higher; pig and light. Se.SotiTO; mixed
and butchers, t7-154i"7.75; good heavy, S7.35
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 600
hesd; market steady: native muttons.
t4.00gu.25; lambs. t7.00j.00.
Slonz City Live Stock Market.
ceipt, 200 head; cows and heifera, tt.404j
HOOil Receipts, J.500 head: market
steady; heavy, t6.8Mr7.nO; mixed, tu.oiW
.96; light, t6.904j6.921'; bulk of sales, t6.!
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.200
head; market steady; lsmbs, t6.704j7.30.
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, 2"0'head; market steady; steer.
t 'sAi'10.25; cow and helfera t4.239.0O;
calves. Sfi.n.3i0.50.
HOGS Recelpta, 4,000) head; market
steadv to 5c lower: top. t7.35.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 209
head; market steady; lambs, i7. 0ta7.60.
saved Omaha High school from the
Ipnominity of a tie game with the rather
weak team from the York High school
yesterday at Rourke parlt. In the sec
ond quarter after his mate had carried
the plsskln within twenty-five yards of
the York goal line, diminutive Chlrklet
sprinted for the victorious touchdown.
Chlcklet signaled for the ball and it
was passed to him from Center Beard.
Ho smuggled It under hi arm and
stgrted. Ilia aim wa that unexplored
territory back of York's goal posts. First
Chlcltlet turned to his right then he
swerved Inward toward the center. But
before him he discovered various anJ
sundry vllllans of the opposition. Ho was
perilously nearlng the boundary line.
Strategy told htm to cut In again. He
did. But more opposition met him there.
He elbowed a couple Inquisitive Yorkltes
then walked over a couple oi more and
found himself over the line at the south
west corner of the field. Midst diver
cheers the ball was kicked out to Wilson
who caught It and Wlthey booted a neat
goal for the seventh point.
Omahn Play Poorly.
The bnttln yesterday wasn't much of a
ftny and the Kaiser probably would
have been disgusted If his army should
fight with no more spirit than Omaha.
Conch Mills was manifestly disgusted
end in no uncertain tones lie told his
charges as much. He also told them 11
little more between halves, referring
rathe' Impolitely to their pedlsrce an. I
their ancestors. But Mills wasn't to
blame. His actions were propitious,
York, a team much lighter than Omaha
and lacking the talent, was a sturdv
opposition. Coach Purdy must have done
wonders with his material for the team
put up a great fight. The light and
flimsy team was good for hut one play,
the forward pass and Purdy has taught
them the Intricacies of that play in a
masterful manner. That forward pas-i
bothered Omaha and was one reason
why the score was so small.
Lutes and Johnson played a good game
for Omaha In thebackficld, but they
could have done a whole lot better.
Neville made the one nice run, but on
ether occasions was woefully weak. The
test of the team played a very rued loco ro
Coa Shlnea for York.
Cox was the bright star for York,
although Scamihorn gave him a close run
for honors. Scamihorn was the youth
who nipped the forward passes Osborne
propelled and he was dangcrou at every
moment The line up:
Wilson R.E.I R E Miller
Phillips R.T. R.T Morgan
Bradley KG. R.G Bernstein
Beard C. C H. Mevers
Rees L.G. KG Little
Peterson L.T. L.T Conwav
Wilson L.E. UE Scamihorn
Neville Q Q Osborne
Johnson R.H. RH Cox
I'"tes L.H. L.H Olmstead
Berry F.B. F.B Trauger
Subntltutes: Fiillaway for Berry,
Nichols for Neville, Bowers for Olmstead,
C. Meyers for Miller, Forbes for Uttle.
Touchdown: Neville. Goal after touch
down: Wlthey. Referee: Waugh. Um
pire: Myer. Linesman. Dudley. Tim-
of quarters: 15 minutes.
this mornlnir. ihir. i.if 'aer " '
riu .u 1 1 1
care, or 4,ouo
omethlnv iiu-
"eaa, in eight.
Iff rtth to date'.upplTeV total ifSgi
today ndTf1er0l,tthin
.ng,;; fl?ed earl" rouend.UUrt?e"drydod,l ,er
a 6i0c hliiher i,.;i. nir..S?"'"" do on
era and .eller. - - nl lak"
.bllshed in good ae..on;anyv" e been cleaned up bv an .i,iyL
Value, wer mora "Jr l un'" onah
grade, some aaie belna- ri.. i.aU
higher, while Mb?r wl're,., quoted'.:
any more than nii,ai . 1 1.oiea 8
a Uw xoepltuna, It mas
a... a.., v, ) VIM III IfllluV tk... J
gcod hog. carrying considerabie welht'
rln'U:!!K Harrow-- ved
i.n,. h.,.-.." ....... ''L"'r lurr- d
j . r. u. ,iim n.'i. 11.
v th
up. It
opinion that, with
more a cae of
firred to the "T.'":: were pre-
-viiiiuUM uuirron hiw
H a u.ual. landed at ih. ..ZY
soa-a iipoiiivh. c i.e
. . . . T out
...cjr no i ucen in thev woM
very hard to move, and a It a a
buvera iummi , v.-... .
k..vv k. "V. a too
w,..H,r,. nn(1 cuiator
ctaae were made on about the
a ne auiera that la.
nd nearly all
Metal Market.
LOUIS. Oct. 23.-METAI.S Lead:
at t3.3Ctf3.37. peltert Higher at
The Burlington people expect to carry
fully 5f0 Omaha enthusiasts on the foot
ball special that leaves tor Lincoln at
12:15 today. The train will be made
up of twelve or more coaches and will
arrive at Lincoln at 1:45 In the after
noon. Returning, it will leave Lincoln
at 6:30, reaching Omaha at 7 o'clock In
the evening. No stops will be made ex
cept at Ashland.
In addition to the foot ball special, the
Burlington will run a special for the
South Omaha Live Stock exchange, lea -Ing
the freight house at Thirtieth and L
streetn. South Omaha, at 5 o'clock in
the morning, reaching Lincoln at 9:40.
This t'ain Is for the purpose of permit
ting the South Omaha live ptock men
to pay their annual visit to the Nebraska,
state farm, but it I expected that most
of thoe who go upon it will attend the
foot ball game, to be called at 2:30 in
the afternoon, when the Cornhuakera and
the Michigan Aggies meet in their an
nual contest.
The management of the Alamlto Dairy
HASTINGS, Neb., Oct. 2S.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Playing in a seo of mud Lin
coln High school defeated Hastings High
school 12 to 0 In a hard-fought foot ball
game this afternoon. Lincoln's touch
downs were made by Quick and Frapp
In the first and second quarters, both
on fake end runs.
The teams were evenly matched and
company la to banquet the players ofjveral times nanimes almost got away
that base ball team, who won the lnde- from a touchdown. In view of the Lln
pendent city championship by vanquish-' eon score of 36 to 1 over Omaha and the
turdy Armours. Saturday eve-1 act mm tom-n i"i rcnuaier oi me
the blue room at the Brandei ! Hastings team wa confined to his bed
Ing the
nlng In
Platea are to be laid for twenty
by appendicitis there Is much gratifica
tion In the Haatings camp.
a. . , - . ia, a4 144. U'-
Hulk of the ottering moved at to 9.Hlt
7.10. with a sprinkling below these ftg-
ure. and
flat dim
J". Top are al
the I....I iK.,1
kmil.hl . k.. l.ll. V.
,"- ... . uiun toaay wa
lighter than Thursday top bunch and
a. shad better In quality.
a top of 17.
higher, but
Na. A, aa. Pr. No. At. 8a. I'r
44 424 .. 4 4j u rt ., tl
174 is iii j at : t '
4 4M 4UI 4 t 44 Ml xw J at
"4 1" XMI IN W XI Ik
i4 4J 4 4 w u im uu T r"
11 t ... t n e .. t r.Z
4 " 4 44 t. I4 W 1 14
41 7 ! .. 1 1
41 lit W 4a lat f i
17 t T w 7 rt 4. T H
W 3 40 IN U li .. V 10
f4 ...... .1 K t 1 U 4 T 14
14 at 4 7 au 42 Ml 1M Tli
M W4 1M 7 kk 2! J 4 t It
ti vi at l ai m :4 i iw
Four new tenants came to us last
month on the recommendation of
satisfied tenants in the building
! Ask any tenant what he thinks
of the service and comforts of
' "Th building that i$ always new"
For rooms inquire of the Superintendent, Koom 103.
C.ra-d Island Utah Win. I . orur,.
CRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Oct. 3.-Spe- ' OAKLAu. .eo.. ici. Jj.-t.-jecial Tel
clal Telegram ) Orand laland High ) egram Anton streker of Dodge won In
school foot ball team defeated Wood ! two full from Tom Kay of Koaalle here
Klver 35 to rt. Four touchdowns were , last night, the first fall being In thlity
made'ln long run. j tit minutes.