in TTIE REE: OMAHA, OCTOBER 1?(V WANT ADS Want ads received at any tlm, but to Insure jimper clsssiflintlon must b pre sented before II o'clork noon for evening edition and t P. ni. for morning and Sunday editions Want ad received after such hour will b under tha heading, "Toe Lata to Classify." CASH RATE 8. Keren coneecutlve umn, 1 ocnt a word each Insertion. Three time within on week, 1 cant A word each Inaertion. Oca time t omU a word. lint CHARGE RATES. rVren consecutive time, t cents a earn Insertion. Three times within ena week, 19 cents a line eeh Inanition. On time, 11 rent a Una. Count six sveregs word to a Una. Minimum charge, SO cent. The Pea win not be responsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typorraphlral error. Claim for arror must be promptly made. ,..A" 1y"iemnt "erted to he run un til dlrcontlnued muit b topped by writ ten order. TELEPHONE TTLER 100, Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Ca'lUdd'. lhr.r "" have been waek I? i.fd dHlyr""1 "irln, the l..t of tha nW,T-rr,blvto ,JPP"" "st all swap- therefore. do n r.n .t,.,,.r an,wer"- i,e wnt Ad sc. S n x i r ii il Ml nT m s. .t 41 41 K4 T S SC. 971 971 77 rri i M MR . "2 ior.1 IflfU 10M 1010 ion mn U7T SC. B.C. 1"7 121 lr 1!T7 11 1226 17 UK wi in i2s.d iw 1100 IMS lew HW 1)H 1240 ! 131 1241 li 11 1111 1247 1S12 l.T-4 111 1M 1J07 7 1121 1K2 1MI ii2i ir.j ic2 i.w I' 1M im IKn 117 2!S8 ISM 101 11 SI 121 1.14, ) 112 124 1M 117 111 177 1J21 J40 11W 14 1WI It 1271 iwi 1411 IX 174 1M 1413 1201 Wt 1274 14U ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Your La& Chance Friday and Saturday to Secure a Year's Membership in the Omaha Y. M. C. A. For $10 Hundreds of Young Men MVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OP OMAIIA. riaiaM Hrate4. FLUMES A flower merta over, cleaned A dyad. Bertha Kmirer, 4 I'actoo. 1. W4 RoiM'ki Kitrrmlnalor, P B. R. Rnarh powder at your dmralet fa a4 Tlaaa LMk Bawarla. Opened, repaired, eomb. chanaea. F. K. Davea- port, 14- rolie IJ. 1W1. SAFES lhe Repalrlac KleiHe Bhoa Kep. Co., 18OT Pt. Mary' Ay. SIGNS AT CUT PRICES. E. M. CLARK BON, 11 8o. lth. Room 14. tnrr and Office ft mt area. VEHKB. safe. rale. (howraae. ehelv- ln, etc. W buy. aell. Omaha Fluture and Supply Co , 414-H-l B. Kth. D. 2724. Ifteel Cclllaara. CARTER Bhaet Metal Work, 110 B. loth. ITawal lappllea. OMAHA Towel Bupply. frt B 11th. T. Rat. Have already taken advantage of the Y. M. C. A-'s unusual rKEuwq bteinle, im ramam st offer this week and this means a bigger, better and more ad vantageous organization than we have ever had. Tmllra. CHAB. C. LANDERTOtT. 1 N. IBth fit. If You Will Just Find Out About the athletic and educational advantages the Y. M. C. A. offers, you will not waste one moment in joining. This Offer Closes Tomorrow DR. a. R. YOUTCQ. Center. H. WX Wlaea Llqaara. L.r.A jltTEB, 201-1 g. Uth St. Wine. """ -'ia ainner u to i 10c HP1NRT POLLOCK I.TQ!-nn urtt-cc ir. " a v. r n, "ln .phoi Ara. Tew-oant luneh. rif t. i i r. ' . ij I: "i"or "ouaa. 422 No. 18th, t qt., ...... r. rug tor price net, o. 44 BUT jour lain v linnin . """"i o . lth. xUBla m DHAT1I AND rrVERlt, NOTICK. DON'T FORfiET. WATTE RBON'8 TNMON ORCHESTRA for all orraeton. trlrtly the bent. Ad dreae 11 N. th Bt.. or phone Doug. Gibson's Buffet t3 Bouth 13th St TTkStISTK V All klnda of lenlal Work done, under careful pupervlnton, at the tha Crelchton College of Dnntlatry, 214 H. IMh St Children teeth etralghtenud. KKKH very nnxlerate. Ftrai tlun fiea. PIANO TDMNO. It. UttAN DON. Recommended by Mary Munrhhoff, Mllla Ryan. Buh. Duffleld. He lie Hobin- on and Landow. W. 4.H32. 4118 N. IHth Av UA40NIU. Funeral at Jaraaa B. Bennett will be held Friday, October 28, at I p. m. from tha Clifton Hill Preabyterlan churrh, 'orty-flfth and Urant street, under the MMpioa of Covert lodge No. 11. A. F. and A. M. Members of Covert lodge and Via unla frtead will me at the tenipis at 1 P- an. sharp. Burial at West Lawn cemetery. CHAB. 8. M tHLIi, Mlter. FRANK W. BOIKR. Secretary. W RA NCH Joelah, died at hi borne In Renaon, Wadneeday afternoon. October 21, U14, aged W year, 4 roootha, 20 fya. Funeral aarrlca will b held at hi lata residence Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. 2jo Military Ara. COLWBIL Mra. 121 len. aged 71 yaara, October 23. 1M4. Funeral aervloe will ba held from reddenoe, 1414 Locuit tret, Friday evening at ( o'clock. Remain will ba taken to Wymore, Neb., Saturday morn tng for Interment U1UNH, ahowcard. Clark Won. D. 1371 oatau COMFORT THEATKR, 24th and Tlnton. Her AwakenlnK. 2-rl Maleatto. he Mutual Weekly. Caught In a Tight Pinch, iieautjr. FAVOK1TK. 171 VINTON PT. n Unlarnlnlicd Rhiem. i,uoin. Tha Devil' Signature. l-rel Esaanay. Hummer Heeort layii. r.amvn. OEM THKATEK BlHTHg AND DEATHS. Birth Walter and Edith Montgomery. on California, boy: David and Mlnnla Hhermaa. hoepital. glri; Wada and Meulah Uorman, I2M Buggle. girt; Fae and Mary Volanac, HI Woolworth. boy; Joe and Mary Belcaatro, 1214 Boutn Twentieth, girl: Thomaa Johanatn. 117 North Thlrtv. fifth, girl: W. C. and Anna Martin. Ii Bouth Twenty-fourth avanua, boy; tt. and Mary Norgard, 1014 South Thlrty-ftfth, boy; Henry and Helen Btroh, J7 Bher- man avenue, gin; William ana Mar garet Sweet. 13U Ulondo. boy. Lealh-Mra. Elisabeth M, Hlna, 6t year. m j-ecirio. HANBCOM THEATKR, 4th A Caatallar. Ietaetlva Dan t'upld, Neator comeay. For tha secret awrvica, uinri'e Awaaenina. rrfiuim. I.VHIU TH10ATBR. " VINTON. rro the Court. Joker comedy. Tha Uae Kldar, i-reei a-ciair. PABT1MB THEATER, U A Leavenworth LuclUa lva erjea No. W ifa4 Ik .iv -m innunt. uui. w wnrenj ENEZ1A THEATER, 1211 B. UTH f. Tricking tha Government. l-rel VILDINO PERMITS. Burkley A MoCaffrev. urn t . v . b.rtc laundry. li.ouO; M. Oarrlion, J4i v ivjwn runn avenue, iratne. iz.nuo. MARRIAGB LICBNSKS. lJuhe ronOW'nC mfrl, "ch- wara . Nam and Realdenoa. Robert U Bailey, OmaliA. Agnas Chrtaila, Omaha...., Elmer F. Wogrtn, Omaha.. Agnea Valentin. Omaha... oMiiiwa iiraai, umuii la Mrah Llpaky, Omaha j Age Ovar 21 Ovar 18 2S U TODAY'S OOMrLETH movie riioaiiAMs ExdnglTely la Tb n limnmm Tina, 1-Aaciurnu.NK. I DOuaLAS ST. The Royal Wild We.t. 2-r.l xn.t graph. Tha New Road's Maacot, bio. ai.yu. r Tagiitant pi n. hid laon J" l U FARNAM Tha Bond ef Wornanhood. I.rei libin Tha Adult Olrl Who Uot Buy. Essanay, VA1UAM THEATER UK s-aumau Old Jackaoo'a Olrl, 2-reel Thanhouaer dr Tfwtuj no. at. Iad and tha QlrL beaut aomadv. liif J THEATER. UTH AND HARNeT Uaca of Fknuaount Pteture. r-AHK. " iii N. WTit six iDwrvanaa. nuoin. Tha Futaonad Bit. 2-reel Ed Hon. bllppary Mllin and )reen-Eyed Monatar, PARLOR THEATER, li( DOUULAa TTnewpacted, t-raa) wee tarn drama. tha rRINCEtoB THEATluR. 1317-1 IXH'aLAiJ. noo ieonara and Ella Hall In "Olaf Er naaoo-uoaa.- "The fcuapended Bentenra. "Tha Countlaa Count" aide apllttlng oom. llarth. AWXAMBRA THEATER, 1H4 No. 24TH. ni iw rnuwivn, Jveyiton comedy. Etaveoih Hour of Kaformattoo 2-r. K. B. morradun a neiornuiiion, Malestle dr, ALAMO THKATfcJt. 24TH A No Kvinv CapL Bill's Wana Raceptlon, Neat, com! w i iw AAimoerjaca. i-reel uion. Mmpla Faith. Victor. DIAMOND THHATER. Trey o' Heart o. 12. X-rel Uold 01. 2410 I.AK.1C BT. In tha Hollow of an Oak, Frontier. frtn Aiiiir, rTeriing comedy. isvim v.acu Aoiarvanaa, uiut. - Tba Potur and tha Clay. -rel Kalam. getner nntepiace. vuagral'h. Hil-PODROMH THEA . X. A CUMING tot ma L4Mt akiiuoo, lfcellama 2-reel dr Caught In tha Flue. Kevaion rom. Mutual Olrl. Mut Her. Am. Friday night IT. 1TH AND LOCL'H in yipar, s-raai Kajam. Tha Agelaas Baa, Vllagraph, The Biaikallder, Blugraph. LOTUKOP THKiTtH. MTltr-LoTHRuP, r iiH uoaa. -rei American drama. A. UosTa Uood Deed. Thanhauaer drama. ci.-penoea Kremony. Keyelune comedy LOTAL THEATER, ttul CALDWELL. Jt, regiaot4i n ua. L bl ise comedy. a uraman a iTeacnary, loeetor. Loe' Retrain, Imp. Ba Neutral, Powara PARK. Hi ti. UT1L hheep a Clothing, 2-reel Bdlsoa. Ha Nearly Won Out Lubln. Grouch, tha Engineer, Kalem. i i' a I'lUPiinU-nvicUl. RA B. OCTOBER 19 to 24, $10. BA VE It HAZEL Leaf Pile Conaa. Beat remedy I for Itching, bleeding or protruding pile; I 60c postpaid: sample free, goermaa A I Mot'onnell Drug Co., Omaha. HELP WANTEP-.FKMALB AreaU mm Slawoaaaj. Wedding announcement Doug-. Ptg. Co. I Everett B. Dodd. 12 Paton Blk. D. 291. LUCKY wedding ring at Brodegaard'. TTa vvnipo'v eh i n fTv aln ut 2192. rolltleat. POLITICAL AWWOUNCBMaWT. I am tha repubtlean oandldaU for ra-j election to tha office of secretary of a tat a Hegtitratlon days. OtHobar o4 ; - tl"n, Novemnar 1. 'wi DRAPERT SALESWOMEN Wanted, experienced drapery roraen. AddIv uDer4ntnn'B balcony. BURGESS-NASH CO. HELP WANTED MALE Factory aad Trades. WANTED A harnesa maker. Want a Man who xnn lo repairing and make new work and who know something about fie Implement bualne. He must be a saleemea a well a workman. Won't connli'er a booier. Wage lit per week the year 'round. Give referenca. Peter O. P-anllu. Winner, B. D. M teeellaneoaa, I.EAnrt Tartaric Mirror FUverlng-It para. Long, closely guarded aacret ot big factories PartUulnr free. Wrn. Bar- now, 514 at. oekland, (si Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile busineas; the demand 1 great for our graduates; we have trained hundred of men: let u train you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 214 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. WiiI'l.D you have to phone tor help If your lenltlon rystem on your car went wrong out In the country 7 Learn haw to rare for your own car at THE NEBRASKA AUT0M0, BILE SCHOOL, lt'B-rf Podge. Write for catalogue Omaha. C, EXPREB8MAN to da light hauling Jobs; owner requlrea some one who wants to start toward gottlng a home and quit paying rent. Tel. Douglas 21U7. BUSINESS CHANCES square LIBT VOI R BCrUNESd with us for quick action and treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY, M P Bldg. Phone Red 22M. STOCK of goods aud fixtures for sale or trade. A snap. Address box m, Silver Cfty. la. 8TEAM laundry for sale, fully tqulppod; value llASi 44 la eaah payment! balance terms AdJrnn T K4o, Bi?e. TO QUICKLY eetl your butnee or real aetata, write Kennyleck Co.. Omaha. THEATERS Buy, lea or aell your the ater, machine and ftipplle through Theater Exchange Co., 14w6 Farnam ft I'OUgIB W TO (IKT In or out of bus'nees. OANGF.STAD, 404 Bee Bldg. D. cr!1 on 3477. WANTED Aa Hea- Who can think of some1 simple thing to patent? Protect your 'Ideas: they ml bring yon wealth. Write for "Needed Invention'1 and ' How to Oet Tour Patent and Your Money " Randolph Co., ratent Attorneys. Wash ington l. c. LIVE STOCK HU SALE. Horare ! Vehlclaa. LARQEST ftook of delivery wagons I the city; ull kinds of blackamlth work, painting and lettering Johns-.-r.-i-'anforth Co.. new N. ith Ht. TEAM of mares weigmug '" Ml" team of work horfs, 175. 3ith ana county line. Ko. Omntia. Tel. So. FOR SALE CHEAP- Mure, weight about l,u0. Phtwie Walnut lMTt FOR HALE 2 alnple grocery delivery riga. or would sell tli hunts separate; also 1 set Iik'H Mi'uMe herncDS. Langs Orocerr Co , 2th and Cuming St HAY. ti per ton. Wagner. 801 N. lftth. LOST AND FOUND. Well rMatillebed buelne of unlimited posflbllltlea for ' Sale cheap, Il.tSO. Furniture and supplies worth that. No experience rnulre- Address H t74. Bee. O00D MEN WANTED Now, to tsks our auto work until com petent; then go right Into tba auto busi ness from here, tllg new building; ma chine shop, lath work. Welding, starting systems. Write for list of spaaing. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, ?11 Farnam Bt.. Omaha. POULTRY dresser's, both dry pickers and scolders wantad. Bteady work given; good pay; railroad far refunded If you stay until January I. Victor Preducs Co., Mankato, Minn. staaCBta. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vast about ti.OuQ In an old established general merchandise business; will run It with my OWS) hetp. A good Investment for tha man that has some money to loan out Stock about tio.ool. German preferred. Address Y 2&4. Bee. OMAHA Ai COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council 1. luffs Street Railway company to nn-ertaln whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day ar turned In and the compnny Is anxlou to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 41. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, 223; set of tools given: wage paid. Trl Clty Collene. I)th end Douglas Bis. FOR SALE A choice i par cent M Ne braska first farm mortgage, secured by 40 acres, of which ISO acres I farm land, bazaar good grasiag land. Improvements valued at trM. Borrower live on the place, own considerable live stock and has excellent credit I hare been on the place myself and valued the property at KvDu. Phone D. lift). EDUCATIONAL MEN with patentable Ideas writs Ran dolph A Co., Washington. D. C EXPERT ludy stenographer will take pupils, 8HOKTHANU. touch typewiit- ng. spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private instruction ir aesirea. ftai iHiuglas St Tel. Walnut 2227. WANTED A competent house and yard man, must be familiar with hot water riant Mrs. Earnest E. Hart, Ira. St., Council Bluffs, la., Tel f7. sales-office, 2200 PER MONTH and up. Must have i km to invest. Lt. w. jcr.neon, ixck Box 68, Beatrice, Neb. iihn ll Orossman. non-partisan oandl- data for district Judge. If akeoted I Willi not be controlled by any political fcoss. MASON New. and repair work of real estate office; oementlng cellar lob on hand now. Owner will turn this and other Jobs to good man ready to stop rent and start toward getting a home. Telephone IJouglas E101. WANTED l.OflS men to eat ham and eggs, loc. Coffee John, Uth and Capitol. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Inclusively In The De 12M 8. UTH ST. nlmsted Weekly. sle'a Uncle, l-reei vktot. 2US FARNAM. Want, MONROE THEATER, n (mated weemy. ountry Innocenoa, 2-reel imp. armen s Wash Day. Hterilng comedy. BBNSON THBATBR. ... """l King Baggot in 7 - fl-.,ln:v understood." 2-r. ."There la a Detiny. Ohl You OvDy Olrl. t:ryai cn. LrVR WIRJt BU8INK8S MEN OF OMAIIA Chiropractor. J. C. Lawrence, D. C. 2212 Howard. D. tstt Caddis, to. C m Pas B'dg, Doug. 421 W. E. Purvlance, D.C. 4u Pax. bis, u. ima SILVERWARD SALESLADY .Wanted, lady for silverware dep't; only those axparlanoed and r,mhi. nf h.iHi.. a high-grade position will be eonslderaif yn superintendent s ornos, balcony. BUKQESa-NASH CO. China ralatlagr. Ruth Iatghford, decorating, firing. R 4242. tlvll Eaglaeexa M. J. IACT. Ml BFH BUX1. DOrTO. T1b Clartenl sss ufflae. BimnuuKArMEB, out of town 27S Cream Separator, otenog. and billing clerk, wholesale. 60 The Sharpies Separator Co., 12th A Fare, "'r M. oooaaeaper 45 . . 1 I vva can Place you where opportunity is JAMES ALLAN, til Neville Blk. Eri-1 watts Ret. Co., 840-42 Brandala Theater. dence secured in an ease. Tjner iua. usscisg anMMim I - , ; " Turpln's Dancing Academy, HKh A Fam. Theater Bldg. A 'IK you looking for a high-grade poel- co., s-42 Bran- CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 171. Mankle'a Aosdamy, now open. 11 Har. Dressmaking. Terry Dressmsk'g college, 2Qth A Farnam. wmetsr sst TmAm. VRE9uiAKR In Lincoln, Neb., wants .e"?!!!1114 't draper to take oharge ?.'inAjr?om' 01, salary to right r"'f oe 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I T IT A DU . -1 J . . Mrs. J. M. Todd, 114 M. IBth; stylish r.111 '"uilna. jppenneim fariora. ooitumea at Introductory priees. u, S47. Dreaansnhlna;, Experience of all kinds, Mrs, Buit R. IMo. Alterations, rellning. Mrs. Calvert. D.4400. Rnnaakeepers and Dnnsantloa. WANTED Oood slrl for n.r.i tn.,mm- .T;. amiiyj good wages. 720 mm at., vouncu mutts, phon 174, Dentists. Dr. Bradhnry. No pain. iy Farnam. WANTED-OIrl for general housework," r.miLtVully 00L tor ood girt v " mimmm ou, rnone Harney 7042. Dr. Todd's alvaolar.dentlatry. eui Brandels I JkAPERlfcjMCED girl for genera Bailey, the Dentist tot City N.t-rthTnT 411 a 'sOth sX " Taft Dental Room, 1MT Douglas. U. 21.. Experienced girl for general housework. F.LITB NO 1. .. "VL -- The Olrl ana me moa Kill or Cure, Vltagraph, . itloneho Billy and the Oreaaer, sany. roPWTHKATER. , 'luu"'' Tha Violinist, -reei jv.. H""S. Starling comedy. Drags, - DRUGS At out prices; freight paid on HO order: catalogue ires, guierman at Ata- connell Drug Ce., omens, Jeo. Kleotrle Sappllee. LEBRON Elec. Wk , US S. 12th. D. BT. HESSE. ltarat-SellNo. . Vlu, "u"li:ih. Worst of It. Bd MAOIC TU BAT Eat, I Hal Servant Olrl Problem Solved. The TrJJV?-"1 :.un servant Ulrl Wantad Ad FREE Until VOU lat the 'ulnH ranlt This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad to Ana pea oirn-e or teiepnone Tyler tfluo. orm. fr. A r.X3fMrl .1.1. k.r.1. s...nKi.M Ky .T.r" " w" " V.WW IIWSFsMl, nlansitlnsvi nitVArnrl Hi t f rvr a 1 1 Sllt.aVl ganrll 1 styles; hemstitching, plcot 'edging. Ideal WANTKIv-tJxperloncad houaeinald, fam Brerythlnn for Wsn. Woman's Rxohanco. 427 Pax. Blk. R. 4911 4TH AND O. Pleating Co., 200 Dougiaa Block. D. 1MH.,. Ttevanaa. 2-reel Imp. $;1"Xa h.Ti Ulnter. Neor. Fnrrtnrs. EN FKNHTER, 1410 N. w. .Seville. ORFHKUM. ttTH AND M, Ba OWAHA. Special Feature, aeturday. Oct. 2a. Florist. DONAHUJC, 122 Harney. BATH'S tloflsU. 1SH Farnam Bt. n.uf.Ttws. . MIA J V. ttMF-RKRS. Nebrasaa vy. " . . - . nui ulu a h Who Killed Oeorga Grave, i-re swl. A ntudy In FseU Vlt BUSINESS MEN OP OMAHA A B C of Omaha . . . a a A ST J KM niaalllOnO M" J'" " AelerV. awVclal price.. Sept. " and Jewelry block, Co., Boom in, Ksrbsch KW end eeoond-hand slectrle fans and motors. IHron Eleotrlo Work., tlx 8 IWh. Dougiaa 111. 0- u.u. nil l ow CO.. 1WTI CuiulBg oug. tei. rtenovaie imu" ...mi hi ail amue. tealhr mattresses and down covera, mm, 11 'I I Vg riiinnsirB lui van v. V cleaning done lu tb homa. Sanitary service Co. 0 Bee Bldg. Vaouura iyE rant, repair, soil le1lea and part (nr ell sewinH inium sic HRSlA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's. Uth and Harney. lotigla 1S1 iNSBStSSti. MKLVILLK D. THOMAS A COMPANY, 1U7-SS lty Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 110. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 . 11. D. 144. Adder Mrh Co. (Wales) W. O. W. P. gU, Altrnrtlena. OMAHA film eg., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and mm bargaina. Ant and Maaaete Repalrlac Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 1411. A actionem. . Dowd Auction Co.. 1122 W. O. W. Red gUC J-AiA.CE THEATER, 14 DAVENPuRfl Frinos of Bavaria, t-reel Rex. - . stoee ot Yesterday. Frontier. aU L7.lHN; 7TH ANb AMEii". Aa Affair ef Honor. Lubla. Regan Daughter, l-reel Vitasirapb, Tt.e Tattered Duke, Kalem. Seeth. APOI.LO. 2S34 LEAVENWORTH 8T. Aa Untarnished Shield. Lubio Sheeu iloUiiHg, t-r. Ed. The Author and the Dear Nubile aad the Plate of Mueh, Kse. 4'OLUMBIA. lfieiT lCTiTsf. jterts and Diamonds. 2-rtxl Yilaarauh. Jlru s Vlndlcaiion. Edlsoa, rot Love of Hun. Setig. 12 Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave, lsu rar. bl-a linliu. HORNBY CO.-Blue printing, eu4er near ownership 9 Oinsha Nat Hk. J. SUT, raae reaneVrlea. Paston-Mitchell Co., rth and Martha Sts. HnilSla na Repairing;. E. FHANTA. HI Part on Blk. Doug. BIT. A. J. Johnson, carpenter, rap'r'g. D. (Ultra and Well Dtasian. NEED well er cistern cleaned or dug CHAFFER doea It Phon Web. 641 tom.1 Deniere. it rn Johneoa's apeclal. also Victor nut V'irv a&,u Phone U. 170. ' I big baaketa coal, tl. Wagner, set X California 1-anda. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat Ba. D. lf. 1 ho required. yorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat Bank. .ATn . family. Ilaaaant room with ir 1 " musi oe a sooa cook, walnut 1427 Mrs, Stance. WANTED A nurse maid. Mrs. L Hlller. us n o.k u, u ' " . . , lug B. 30th alt. Harney 278. 24th 3. W. TTTT. I work. llT of two: refereneea rennlraul 411 80. 40th St. Harney 4247. GIRL o Apply r woman to do general heuae- saua rranann ttc Doug. 10OI, U1KL for general huaework. A. W, nana, z uavenport St. H. K. . H KNDKRSON, UIB Farnam. D. UKS. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Aas'n. WANTED Middle-aged lady to help with nouaewora. ioi racirto St. WANTEIi A nnrsa maid. Newman, 2620 Howard St. HEMS A BWOBODA. 14U Fa main St. Mrs. M. B Harney VII, Hair Dressing. Harper Method. R. , Rstrd Bldg. D. Mil WITCHES from combings, U.W. D. fH. WANTBD Olrl to taka care of baby good home for right partri easy work food pay. Douglas K603. Live Stews. Heaseele. OMAHA Remedy Co., 60T S. Uth. Red. 42C1 OI RL for general housework; I children. mono narney A-e A GIRL for general housework. 3S. Walnut Llshtlan; Flxteree and Wlrisg, 1H0MA8 DURKIN Electrlo fixtures and suddIIos. contract- ...trBfr!. vt. to v'"1' the f oun In. ..4 -.,.1. A ' ...hU "omen eunnsiian Association suiiaing a Wtseellaweeiaa. YOUNO women coming to Omaha 2412 CUMING. DOUGI-AS Kit. Mfra. and Window Shae Cleaners. OLD shade made like new. Midwest Shade Factory, SOU) Hamilton. Har. St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where the 111 be directed to suitable boardlna places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Umon station Messenger and Tranafeir. WHITE LINE, SflS S. 11th. Ponglaa 2S11 Millinery. SWITCHES from combing. II M. Psyche tree. Mr. H. it. 2Qek, H. !Kth. IX S67. WOMEN wanted for government clerk snip, nig pay. omana asommations soon. Sample Questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. ffl8. Rochester. N. T HELP WANTED MALE. Moving, Steraeje nnd Cleaning;. W. C. FF.RRIN, nth and Capitol. Ty. 1200. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALES. THOUSANDS government Joba open to men and women; 265 to 1150 month. Write for Hat. Franklin Institute, Dept S22. S. Rochester, N. Y. 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE . IS NOW OPEN In both day and night session. Yet It Is not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will doubt your earning eapaclty. Call, write or telephone lor new catalogue. Buslnes practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, steno typy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while attending. Dougiaa 156a, BOYLES COLLEGE H. II . BOYLES. PRES. uoyie uuumng, omana. OET government jobs, 266 to JIM a month; 2.0UO appointments each month. For list ot positions obtainable address 239. Bee. MF.N WOMEN Get government lobs. I6S to 1150 month. Write for list of po sitions . available. Franklin Institute, Desk 80, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Day work. Douglas 8407. WANTED Work as chambermaid In hotei In Omaha or South Oms,ha. Phone S. ma. YOUNO man wants place to work for boara wane attending uoyies couega Telephone Douglas 155. SITUATION wanted as caretaker rooming house. Address A 636, Bee. of REFINED elderly Oerman widow would llaa a position aa housekeeper tor a con genial elderly widower With good char acter. Mrs. Bohmldt. cars Henry Ferts, Odebolt la. EX PERIBNC&D hotel keeper desires po- sitlon. either in hotel or private nouse; references, isos South llth St. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires care of small rooming er apartment house for rooms. Address P 6H0, Bee. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes to drive private ear: careful driver: knows city very welt Address F K2 Bee. WANTED Cooking Qosltlon by colored person; oay worx preferred, wen. VOUNO lady with two years' experience aa stenographer wanta position 1 can furnish good references a to character ana ability. Address j Wi, care uee. BUNDLE washing and Ironing. H. U4S. TWO neat appearing young men wish respectaoie worn tnai win pring aa- vancement. Aaaress J STS, nee. DAYWORK or bundle wash. Web. 7fiJ. YOUNO man of 21 year, position dark er with offlee supply house. Best ef references. Call p. 146 or address L (77, Bee. YOUNG man wants work with chance of advancesment Addreas K CT6, Bee, YOUNG man wanta position aa butcher will work reasonable to start: good ex nerienee In old country. Call Doug. 7449 LOST A few nilles west of Oroaba. dark blue hnt. Please notify William Fischer, llolsteln. Neb. f,0SfHefween and SSth, on leaven worth, anrnet cluster pin. H. 251 1. BOSION terrter. Return to 111 S. wearing tag No. 2fflL IM h St Howard. LOST Small gray mare, with rope ' around neck: Inst seen near potofflce Thursday. Reward. Call Douglas 834S. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal dleeae with testimonials. Lilt, L. R. TA11RT, 240 Bce PnntiiroCured In a few days without ItUpiUre)aiI1 Call orwrtDr. Wray. I0 Lee Bldg.. Omaha. Established lSM.-o MOSHEIi-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OfEN Students admitted any day. Unsur passed classen in all business and Lnx llsh brsnches, shorthand. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people te work for board. For a new tree catalogue address MOSHER-LAM PM AN COLLEGE 1815 Farnam St., Omaha. Douglas 6619. The Van Sant School Stenography Day school. 1:00 to 4:00. Nlaht school. 1:15 to :!&. wth ana arnam ma. Douglas 6047. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited scholarship In Boyies Busmen col lege. Omahs: good for either shorthand or business courses. ' Apply ht the office ot omana Bee. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months, M.oo. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO.. Dougiaa Ml. . J Farnam. FOR SALE FaralUre. PRIVATE SAI.K Household furniture, oonuistlng of mahogany, leather and fumed oak. just like new: must sell at ones. Phone Walnut 1711, or eall at tilt Dodge bt New A Sid-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer, r urn. Co,,. mx N. iu, SEVERAL van loada of furniture nod some piano. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. f S. lth St MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half iiRiinl rate, heliabuk CKtwrc CO., 30K Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial horn o- Hclts your old clothing, rurnuure, maga- sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douzlas 41 and our wagon will can. can and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as straniiers are nv ted to visit the roting Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placet or otherwise assisted. IxioK lor our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. rOULTRT AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, s'ronger and more durable than tnrred felt and practically fireproof, 7fc a hundred at The Bee ofrtco. Mixed grain, fl.&tl per 100.Wagner, 801 N. 16. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6446. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. WE buy, sell, exch. clothing, Jewelry, etc. Suitcases II up. Friedman, Uth A Lodge. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WESl SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Live Stock Commission Merchant. MARTIN BROS. A CO., Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO Maxwell runabout, first class condition. Cash or trade. No land of fer. Addres 8. C. 1509, Bee. AUTOMOBILE For other automoblit bargains see the "Automobile" clonaifi cstlon. AUTOMOBILE To Contractors or Car penters: One of the latest Stanley Steamer runabout autos out. In running 4 order, very classy and artistic, steel spoke wheels, will swap for material and work on bouse and trlve you the beat vt It. S. C. IMS. Bee. Medium rise base burner, cheap. So. 1W?. EVERYTHING in 6-room apartment 114 No. llth. GENERAL household furnishings; good condition; cheap. ftJI South 2Mh Ave. o EXPERIENCED young man wlartea posi tion a salesman, on the road or In city. Address A-iC, care Bee. SXPEHIKNCF.D chambermaid wanta work. 2712 Parker bt. Webster 4ft. AUTOMOBILES. HAVE (-passenger automobile must sell at once; no reasonable offer or trade re fused. 2423 Ave. E, Council Bluffs. Greenough Omaha Had. Hep. Co.. Susu Far. l.lndhorg Bros., 7I Leav. (Flying Merkle). 1100 forfait for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18 Industrial Garage Co.. 20th A Harney Sta. TRY PELTON'S OARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangement now. Farnam. OA KLANdTsO-H. P.. lull roadrer for sale; price right Call South Omaha. South M0 for Information. Oralis ta. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as youl can. Dra. McCarthy, Ull W. O. W. Bldg. Maeaeneea. Ageats, tnleasaen and Solicitor. PRAPFRT SALESMAN. Wanted, experienced drapery salesman. Moiorerolra. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 27U1 Leavenworth. MASS., rheu., flvr, kidney troubles. P. TU, I Apply superintendent office, balcouy. ; ; -1 BCRGESS-NAilK CO. t lara Lee, bath and masses. Doug. 7sU. I A KM A MAlk'Si BATHS. SCIEN- IM Farnam ft. Apt. S. Id floor D. SMI. l . 1. ; 1 MISS HALL, maasaKe, 222 Neville Blk.. I .win whi wy . u. 1 1 ai. Mlaa Fisher, ma., elect, treat. Red 603, MASSAGE, 109 aV 17th St Mr. Steele. I'iolet Rev Mesa. 4.W Bee BUIg. D. tilt. Mre. Snyder, elec trt lad a Ith. D. 48S0 TRAVELING salesmen calling on hard ware. Implement, lumber and wire fence trade, every stats, take orders fur fast citing specialty. Big commissions. weekly setllrmenta Docket unsla Tha Tolede Cable Co.. Toledo. O. MAMAliK 'ah movement 424 , tfM t((J((i uua gjTJ. OMAHA concerns are looking for good men through ua See u t.Av xit u-a. Asia K. Msck, massage and manicuring. D. TM2. Mutual Benefit. Health and Arc. OmahC MaaAmge. Ml Walton, R. 224. Neville Blk. Maaaage, Miss Olbaon, R. 224. NevUle Blk. BATH and Masa., alcohol rub. Laura mi rarnam. K. i Doug. .'W. Uateepalhl PhysteUna. lr. Rarticha. 202-4 McCague Bldg. P. KM. Clerloal nnd Oftiee. . SOLICITOR, printing Com. and I7 Saleaman, stocks and bond, salary and oommlsalon. Stenog , n Stenog , , i$ ntenoa! a Pntema, I Watte Ref. Ce . S40-42 Brandels Theater. H. A. Bturgea, Vt Brandels Theafr Bldg. MANAGER, retail lumber and hardware experience; good aalary: good future. ROGERS REFERENCE CO.. IM State Bank Bldg. 17th and Harney. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO-, mm City Nat Ban S Bldg. HIGH-GRADE eommarcial positions. WESTERN REF. A BOND AuN, TM Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg 114 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE new ready; bargain in ' used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. lGtu and Chicago. O. S7JI. BUSINESS CHANCES. aiAKEKY and restaurant confectionary. northeast Nebraska county seat. One of tha beat In tha ataia; no Junk; doing a good buaiueas. Would take part trade or tarry up to one-half. Address Y 147, Bee- CONCESSIONS Bids will be received for concessions at tue elevator conductors masquerade ball given Thanksgiving eve., at Omaha Auditorium. For further par ticular, addreas or se. C. J. FITZPATRICK. Treaaurer, Board of Trad Bldg. GROCERY STORE lor Bale, only ex- clualve one In live town of L100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Oood reasons for selling Annress t-sm. care t. GENERAL STORE Inland store ef genoral marrhamitae for sale, stock in voice about le,uu; bualsoaa ilfe,un yearly fine locution; good reason tor selling. Address Y 24S Bee. p. Q. Barnell. Paxton Hi. Tat Med till! Palent Devejepsaeat. AMERICAN Maohlne Co., US A llth Ht PrlnilasT. WATKRA-BARNHART Ft. CD., quality bnnlln. ri , . a..- ... S. ' - " " M H. inn Bt 14. rrinung i-o. Tel. loug 444. COKEY mTlfiFiTKTTToTtrjt. RIEH-H At.L Pig Co.. lUO Capitol, rf. llni CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. I7I Pnlatlag and Papering. HUGH M' MAN US, 417 N. 40th. Li. 1721. Faetery aad traSas. WANTED Nonunion clgarruaker; must be bandsman. Married man preferred. Olve all parucular In flrat letter, p. J. Brewer, David City. Neb. I thru store snaps; jvoe. atoetat Uee bldg. AUCTION SALE. Saturday, Oct U. at 10 a. m.. and last ing all day. Ht the Omaha Van and Stor age Co., 18th and Leavenworth St., we will sell to the highest bidder the follow ing: One mahogany parlor set as good as new; Mission buffet, dining table and chairs, mahogany writing desk, oak dres sers, Vernls Martin beds, an A 1 kitchen cabinet, several good rugs, chairs, rock. ing chairs, a lot 01 good china disnes, cooking utensils of all kinds, and hun dred of other articles. We will also sell one high-grade Stayer A Bon piano, as good ss ths day It came from the fac tory ; this piano Is being sold for Storage. ir you are m the market lor a gooa piano, don't fall to attend this sale. Corns early and stay all day for then- ars go ing to be a lot of good things sold. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. For auction dates call Red 128$. RXM4 of furniture of all kinds. In good condltlou, 160, or will sell py piece, sot n; 17th St. Mitaleal Instruments. PIANO player: a bargain. Tel. H. 4Tlt WEtlMAK upright i-lano for sale; good condition. ' 2WT Charles. Webster 61S1. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 07 S. 17tn. RENT Remington, Monarcha and Smith Premiers ef their maker. Tha Iteming ton Typewriter Ce. Telephone Douglas 12S4. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines aent out. Rates, three months for 15 for undergtroke machines or tt per month for latest model visible writers. AU makes typewriter rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter, iwx rarnam. n, ami. Miscellaneous. Bakery and furnace wood. Tel. Flor. 401 FOR SALE at a discount a full un limited scholarship In Uoyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the olKe of Tfi omhs Bee. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 A Paul. &7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 piste bolder, carrying cast for camera and carrying cat for plate hold era The outfit in good condition and a b.'g bargain for tha lot at IU0. Address A . Horn. A U TO robe. Canadian blanket. It gauss Wiuchetr pumper., 122 Dodge. MOVING picture ahow partner wanted to take place ot retiring partner In moving picture ahow In town of 9,vu0 people. ui0 buy half share: grand oppor tunlty. Address Y 249, Bee ilOTF.L outfit In Rock ford. 111., for sale 20 rooms, big bright dining room. st;am Beat gas ana siectno ugntn, bains. Only hotel on eaat side of river. Reason for selling Is sickness. In snswertng this ad refer to Mrs. A. B. Reesberg, Dent son. la. MOVING ptcturs show for sale. Good town In Iowa. Everything first olaaa. Address Y Bee. NO. 4 Keuuugtoa typewriter, in good run ning order; will trade for B-flel cornel, leng model. 8. O. 11 tRTT with 22.000 or over to Invest can . make big returns In short time; Invest Blunt well secured. Address O 4.K, Bee. SIG N a, anew cards. Clark A sua D. 1271 FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard t shies and bowling alleys ana accessories; oar natures ot an kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co.. 407-409 S. loth St. AUTOMOBILE Want to swap a dandy late date Stanley steamer runabout. In perfect condition, for cement blocks, ma terial and contract worn on my bouse, and will give someone a snap. S. C. 1544. Bse. BUSINESS CHANCES Manufacturing business protected by patent and all rights fur real estate bankable notes, or what buve you to the extent of. ItlMO. Ad dress S. C ir.39, Bee. . BOARD FENCE 130 feet good board fence, 4 feet high, witn oax posts every 9 feet. Whitt have you? Address S. U. 15U, Bee. BICYCLE One year old for cash, or what have you? s. c laei. Bee. CAMERA. ETC. Will trade camera, gui tar or other articles lor a limited num ber of butterflies; need not be rare va rieties, but must be well preserved end of attractive design. Address S. C. 1366,Ree. CAMEHA-5x7, Premo camera, complete. with 3 plate holders, supplementary lenses, tripod and carrying case; want tvpewriter. Address S. C. 1667, Bee. CANDY MAKERS' OUTFIT complete, all new, furnace, kettles, rollers, gum ma chine, kiss, cough drop bras roller, caramel cultftr. not Junk, to swap. S. C 154& Bee. C. J. CAN AN. Real Estuie ami Exobansea CLOCK A fine French artistic, valuable clock (new) to swap for anything of value from chlckena, applea, potatoes, and will give a good fair deal; have two clocks. S. C. 1542. Bee. DAVENPORT Sanitary davenport and matlresa for chairs or anything I can use In the house, or for $5 cash. Ad dress 8. C. 158, Bee. CAMERA, ETC. I have Cannon com blnatlon and postcard camera; an East man ptsteard ctmera. 3V4x5', In leather case for film and plate both; also a 5x7 machine complete, with two lenses, chem icals, trays, supply of stock. Want to swap for a 33 Colt's revolver. Also a 25-20 repeating rifle for anything, or will sell cheap. Address, S. C. irJ7, Bee. CAMERA One minute post card, new. Complete outfit, cost 142 00. Will trade for anything I can use. Address S. C. law, t'ee. l ES K. ETC. -Roller top desk with safe, flat ton desk, four-foot floor show case, snd candy cae for what have youT Ad lres S C. l&T.t. 1 .AMOND Have solitaire diamond ring worth 22uO. Will exchange for lumber snd shingles and lath. Addreas 8. C. IM". Pee. DRESS SUIT Complete, and Tuxedo if desired, to swap for Victrola or any thing I csn use. Address S. C. ll3a. Bee. ENGINE One I. 11. 0. 1-H. P. gasoline engine. Will trade fur what? Address . C. 156S, Bee. SASH, suitable for net-houses, at the price of thi glass only. Tel. D. 210T. SOD of a few lots. Telephone D. 21117. t flH Buys best ual for the money; try T'"" it. Web. !4V Harmon A Weeth. BARGAIN In soda fountain. Benson 123. ToTT BALE Invalid' . hair;' , radically new, ut t week. Phone Web. T2. FINE Omaha house, modern, splendidly situated, to exchange for cheap western Nebraska land. Good country tor in Nebraska town with clean stock of groceries and dry toods to exehenge for clear land. Will ivotce about I.l,aj0. Flour mill, capacity 140 barrel, main line U. P., to exchange for weittra Ne braska land. IM acres Irrigated land near Alamosa, Colo., to exchange for nmaha properly. W. T. SMITH CO., Doug II9. 1111-12 City Nat I Bank o FURNITURE for a to-room hotel aar omana. i.bJ0. Low rale rent ed the building. What have you to offer 1 Address C- It- care Bee Everybody reads n ... w.-A a j. svbv tv iuir nus 1 til GRAFLKX newspaper camera, with 1 niata holders, carrying case I of camera and carrying case for plate hold (ra. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain tor the lot at 111. 8 C. xll Addre HEATER Smail not water healer, ull abl for a small house, garage 04 rlil ken house, simple and of cast Iron, complete and in perfeot condition, ft. t la47. Bee.