Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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f 17 -at.' ,
Dr. J. J. Foster Defends
Position on School Board
Fifteen More Men
for the Petit Jury
Friday, October 23, 1914
RS. A. J. GEORGE, the anti-suffrage speaker who wa entertained
Mat a large luncheon Thursday at the I.oyal hotel, tella an amusing
story of the girl atudent at Kadcllffe college.
"Not long apo a suffrage club wag formed at Radcllffe and
the suffragists paraded their yellow ribbon and 'votes for women' but
tona. Shortly afterward, an anti-suffrage club was formed and the old
tom and black ribbon and American btauty rose were very much In
evidence. Both clubs had an equal membership, but feeling ran very blKh.
"Then one of the student, a very bright, witty young lady, announced
that ahe would organize an "On-the-Fenre' club. She gathered a number
of fellow student about her and they displayed dainty feminine banner of
pink and blue, and laid so much stress on ther alluring femininity and the
good times they were having by not bothering their pretty head on cither
side of the question that the -'On -the-Fence club soon outnumbered both
the other clubs put together."
Debutante Tea.
Mr. Arthur Crittenden Hmlth ha I
ued Invitation for a tea on the after
noon of November JJ, to Introduce her
daughter, MUi Harriet Smith.
Golf Match.
Mrs. Bruce Moffntt and WUKnrn I.
Clark, golf profeaalonal et the Flclil rlub,
and Mrs. Walter O. "liver and Charles
Johnston, the professional at Happy Hol
low, played a nwst Inte reeling two bull
foursome Wednesday afternoon on the
Field rlub count.
Mre. Moffatt and her partner won two
tip and on to play,
Leter from the War Zone.
In letter received this week hy Mri.
H. K. Morton, Mill Jtdy Morton, who
la on duty in the ambulance hospital In
Xs'eullly, France, cays thut the field ho.
ltl are becoming well orgnnlsed
that work In th ambulame wards la
not quite as strenuous aa during; tho ilvt
weeks of 'the war. Tlw patients are
fcrought In In better condition; than, aa
soon aa they are able to travel, they arc
ent to the convalescing home In Ver
allies. Hallowe'en Party.
Miss Avlld Moor will enterUiln Ihe
l.yre club at a Hallowe'en party at tier
home Wednesday evening. This club gives
l.nlf-hour muslcalra each noon between
11:15 and U o'clock In the studio of
Jean Gilbert Jones.
Entertains at Dinner.
Mlaa Eleanor Bhlmer will entertain at
dinner thla evening at her bom. Hal
lowe'en noveltle and orange and blaefc
will be ueed In the decorations. Covers
will be laid for:
. Mlaae Misses
Irene tiostwlck. Cleanvr fhttner.
Irene Alburn.
Messrs. Messrs.
Jack Drlacoll, Guy Toland.
1-awreiice maerwood.
At the Orpheum.
Mrs. Harry C. Klcholson entertnlned at
a box party at the Orpheum msl! nee yes
terday In honor of Miss Ethel Dyer of
Berkeley, Pal., who ts vfattlng her slater,
Mrs. Frank J. Cood. Besides the honor
gueat, those present wre:
Mesdamea Meademee
Ear Millard. . Claire lialrd.
Krank Coad. U. H. Harrows.
W. J. Coao. H. C. Nwhoiaon.
Large Bridge Luncheon.
Mrs. Jamea P. TWIman entertained at
a bridge luncheon at her home today. Tl
gueats were seated at small table and
baskets of American lieeuty roaea ar
ranged In gilt baskets were used In the
deooratlou. Those present were:
Mlai-ee Mlaae
Katharine Fehall, Ellsbelh lUdman. ,
Auction Bridge Club.
Tbe Auction U:idge club wl,lh met on
flulurday evening last year will meet on
Krllay thla aeamn. Mr. and Mra. N. t,.
Pfolfer wlM (nt.rtnln the club
Mr. and Mra Arthur Tlniine and Mr. snd
Mrs. T.. K Kdgrromb are new members,
and the other meinlera are:
Mr. and Mi... C V. "leflten.
Mi. and Mis. Fred Hill.
Mr. and Mm. N. II. T. July.
Mr. ami MrK. J. H. Hilnn.
Mr. ami Mr, (ioorne UlUesi'lc.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
MIm l.iiurK WikvI i.f Hinting,, la vlalt
IliK Miss Mildred Todd.
Mra. MrKayrten of flenon la 'Is, ting
her son, Miles Mcl''nyiln. and Mra. He
Mrs. J. J Tuiiiuellff, who wss tho
eiiaat of her son. O. V. Tnnnl'Mtff, and
Mre. Tunnlcllff, for ten days, returned
to fialeebtirg. III., Tuesday.
OMAHA, Oct. 3. -To the Editor of The
Dee: Aa a candidate lor re-election os
the aehool board, I have ben subjected
to unfair and unfounded charges In eer
tain public prlnta, which t ask you to
permit me to answer.
In one of theae aril' lea reference la
made to a I.WOO annual defljlt. Every
reioiter on your paper knows, and every
citlren ran eanlly Inform himself, as to
my record on the board In the mstter of
handling the school flnnnce, from my
first yer of service. I have always stood
for economy ss far aa It was consistent
with progress. I have voted against
many expenditures that I deemed un
nereaaary or unwise at the risk of per
sonal crltlelam. nlthoiitth I .have never
placed Ihe dollnr before the child
In regard to the Husmlsel case, and th
iliamleaal and dometton of tosclirrs, I
wlah to my that the board I being un
fairly and falsely accused. Most of the
criticisms are made by people who have
been misinformed aa to the real facta of
the case. I was out of the city when tho
vote was taken which esonersted Mr.
Itusmlael, but had I been present 1 should
' . . . I Imve so voted, alnre no evidence was
brought out at the hearing or the trial
which St all proved the charge brought
against him. kWery one who knows m
l personally knows that if uny ronl evt-
ilence had been produced, proving the
charge made against 'Mr. Rusinlssl, I
should have been among the first to vote
agHlnst him I mnke no defease ever for
any man or woman whom 1 am convinced
haa don wrong.
When 1 returned home, the flnjU de
cision having been vruulo, I, as chairman
of tbe 'teachers' committee, was con
fronted with the duly of reorganising tha
teaching force, so ms to remove &U dis
cord and produce a harmonious working
force. Everyone will readily see tha need
of such harmony. Nothing ran b more
hnrmful to a school system than un
what he osld rt.t with a similar situa
tion amors his work tnr fere. If any of
the voters sincerely question why some
teacher were etnot4. 1 shall be glad
to erptaia personally.
In regard to the dlsmlssaj of Miss
Hlenger. She has ben for rem tlm a
disturbing elenjent. Bhe has shown a I 1
to- !
Mra. F. I. r-tani.nrd and Mule daughter, , m.iri, n.,i. Th. onlv noa-
rroncea, of Cincinnati, are vlsltlmc Mrs. I M,(,e ,,,, waa (o ,,lscovftr the ones
stannard'a nirenta. Mr. and Mrs. H. (
J. I-hmann. M10 Webster street, and wlH
remain over the holidays.
Miss Olive I'lndcll of Mlnnenpnlla, who
was here for the wedding of her cousin,
Miss AnKWIno Ftndetl, returned to her
home Wrdntsdoy. Mrs. I), E. I.ynds, an
aunt of the bride, returned to Chleae.i
Mrs. W. P. , McCorml.'k returned
Wednesday from Chleago and has l her
gueat Mrs. Charles Turner of Fremont.
Mr anil Mra Kilvanl riTlrl.l leave
Rundav evenlnir for Norwich Conn.. I '
whrr they will mnke their new home.
who had been the chief dlgturhera and
remove them. I ask any business man
spirit of hostility and Insubordination
ward all school off Mala over her. I con
sider on of th essential qualifications of
a teacher to be co-operation. I know of
tin school board that would retain such a
teacher. I believe that every teacher on
the force who Is familiar with the facts,
approve ihe action of th board. Con
trary to common opintwn. Mis gleaner
had practically no evidence t offer at
the Ruamtai'l investigation, and I ahail
be ft-lnd to show anyone who questions I
that statement a verbatim report of her (
testimony oitlf4 by thw district eourt
reporter who took the testimony. Had 1
she nny evidence to offer, she' should'
hv given It when every opportunity
was given. I confeas I was surprised that '
a woman with Mlsg Rt-rner's reputation
for Justlo and Christian charity would t
repeat auoh unfounded alanderrms tales,
whUm are bound to bring ryln and sorrow
Into a horn, guch accusation should b
made only upon Convincing evidence, . j
1 have known Mies giegner personally
and have been for som tint associated '
In th same chureh with Iter, so had
absolutely no rgonal prejudice against '
her, or no personal prejudice In favor of
Mr. Rusmleel and no personal object to
gain. Therefore,'! could not have voted
In a "spirit of Petty revenge." It seems
passing etrange that a reputable eltlsen
of, Omaha, discharging an Important
trust from hi highest pens of duty at
the sacrifice of much valuable time and.
money, should t maligned and abused,
while those who so ugh t to bring dlsgrwc
upon other without any real evidence.,
hnild be aceptd a martyr la a holy
I have no apologies to offer for any
of my official aetlons, but I do ask that
the fact be known, before judgment la
passed. . JOHN J. PpBTEli.
Fifteen additional men bar been choen
tor Ui petit Juty and will be Instructed
at th Federal building the morning of
October 28. Tbe new men ehaaen are: J.
D. Ilarnes, Fullerton; H. Beerman, Da
kota City; 8. n, Balknap, Omaha; P.
Clark, tmha; E. Uolson. Fullerton; A.
It. Pavls. Valley; . Ernest. Ponean; J.
Foley. Omaha: T. J. tJledhall, Fort
Crook: P. O. Harrier. Valley: O. F.
nmls. Benson; F. J. Malehoro, West
Pnlnt; H. W. Ryaa, Homer; Charlea
Itoftem, He-epwr, and F. A. Walt, Bancroft.
Oreat ale mt women' skirts Saturday
at luHu Orkln . ISlo Dougla street, up
to i.0 value, far Is. 00. Be page 1
Political Parties
Not Involved in the
Election of Judges
Apparent misunderstanding on the part
voter of th non-partisan Judiciary
ballot has caused the election com
missioner to Issue an planatory state
ment setting forth that the question of
Is not Involved In the vote
Concha pag I 'old a.
Weak, ihm lunm nlllrklv relieved lv Party
Pr. King New Discovery. The first for one dletrlct Judge and county Judge
dose helps, rtest remedy for cough and 'at th approaohlng lectlon. County
oolda and. all lung troubles. M cents and j Judge Crawford and his opponent ar
both republicans. wiil msirici juoge
Kagllah snd J. II. Grossman, his oppon
ent, ar both democrat 1
11.00. All druggists. Advertisement.
Fashion Hint
Henrietta West,
W. H. Oould. )T.,
Bryce Crawford,
K. A.,
A. CI. Kyte,
J. C. Kenward,
W. M. Imrward,
A. N. Sidney.
E. T. Heydrn,
fieorg R. West,
F. L.. Tuhhe.
ifvy Bbipherd,
O. I.. Han.
0. t l'urrty,
1. 1.. C.ark, 1
H. W. Fetor.
'Iheo. Tiliotaon,
j. A. Freeland,
I. F. Wurn,
'riarl4'S I- t ralg,
H. K, Kamde I.
W. if. II. Walker,
R. Ull'espls.
. Comit Club Meet.
Mrs. B. F. Marti entertained tbe CenUS
club at her hoto Thursday afternoon.
Chrysanthemum and baskets of cosmos
were ueed In th decorations and Hal
iowe'en noveltla were given for favor.
High score for th card game was mad
by Mrs. I, W. Hood. Mrs. Ueorg MorrM
' Will eater tela th club In two weeks.
Tbe guest of the club were Mrs. T. A.
Brook) f Clartnda, la., and Mesdaaaca
W. K. Bwtaher. Arthur Kuhn. F. O.
. Brown and Dan Tiliotaon. Th mem
ber ar:
3. V. Jtnk.
F. B. Krrrta.
W. H. Haas.
J. W. Hood.
Arthur Hoover,
T. O. Jennings,
Mcsdamr -Iell
liori.-e Mot i la.
H r. Marti.
Charles hXcrson,
T J. Lyman.
C. 11. latidstrom.
Afternoon Bridge.
Mrs. C. ColWn ud Mra. Neva Cuthbert
ntrrtaloed at brtde yeaterday for Mr.
T. R. Lamb of Chicago. Those present
fi. M. I'urke.
F. I. Klllck.
Percy Steven.
Fred Hill,
C. M. Wlllielm.
E I. Ilelttra.
leorce lliandels.
Jeaeph Folcni .
Hurd Miller.
1. V. Prentiss.
Miss P la nib Cometork.
I J j ' ; 'V'J
N I:; '',C.i
I . r .;;.'..- s
i ? 1 . " vial
!' i- .. s-. - i'l
Fifteen cocaine friend arrested Thure
flay night by th pollr were given short
shrift by Acting Police- Magistrate .Brltt
Itoly, auto ownra havr been' com
plaining of the theft of tools. aocesV
rorles and other article from machine
left downtown, and In most ease thf
thefts hove been traced to drug, fiend a,
who sell their loot for a few cent In
order to buy cocaine. In several -instances
theae drug-lnan man have
worked flOO worth of damage In order to
obtain a few nickels. , '
"I'm going to give you thirty day
s piece In the oounty Jail, and I'm going
to see that you serve every day of It.
Furthermore, every dope fiend that ap
pear before m and Is known a an old
timer, will get a double dose."
November 1; on November 10 an open
nompctltw examination for the position
o' agrlcuturlat for reclamation projects.
with salary between 11.800 and S2.5O0; Jun
ior explosives engineer, paying between
$1,200 and tl.MO, November IS; oil and gas
Inspeotor, well records, will be held on
November 17, salary being ftetweeo rf.,809
and 12.400.
It will really pay you to
vlalt our Art department.
Th haw Hn Just received.
Include I'laee Carde. Pin
ner Carde. Peore Card.
Tbankatrlvln- Card. Wed
dlna Carda, Hby. Mother.
Greeting. Friendship and
Christmas Cards
Here is a new stock 'of
Ivory Plaques; Flower.
M a h o a ii v Candlesticks,
equipped fur electricity;
new Electric I -am pa In ma
hogany, walnut, hraea and
aoldl Lamp Shades I Cor
dova Leather nt new prices.
Rronse and Sterling Stiver
rek Kets, gtatlonery,
French Mlrrora, to. See
our new Frames.
Take Your Dollar to Hogpe
Wker a dollar get a dollar' worth
and mora,
Ill BongU ft.
Oet yenr plctare framed at atop'"
ota and Farauwa ats
Tnssday Bvsnlng, Oet. aTtk, t O'olaek.
Concert - Vocal and Instrumental
By the Sunday School for Benefit of
New Church. Admission ilc.
! The "Parisian Model" !
The latest New
York, Chicago
and Omaha
styles. ;
One of the newest
All sizes and
widths. "
tly 1.4 nttONTKI KK.
rium-colored brvadrloth suit with Cos
sack cape of velvet. Correal for after
noon, st ret t and shopping wear.
Mrs. William Gentlemen, aged t& years,
TtM Miami street. Is dead, after a three
day's lllnes. with urencc poisoning. The
dead lived In Omaha for thirty-five
year, and hi side her husband. William
Oenllamen. she Is survived by tht fol
lowing children, Sister Sebastian. Order
of Dominican nun, Freeport, III.; Frank
Oentleman, IJncoln; Mra Kdward PooHy,
Omaha, and Rom Osntlauian, Butte, Mont.
Funeral arrangements will be deferred
until th arrival pf relative.
Foley ratamrd. Tablet.
Tou will Ilk their poaittv action. They
have tool affeet oa th bowel, and
glv a wholrsom, thorough oleanslng t
th entire bowel tract. 6tlr the liver to
i healthy activity and keep stomach sweet
j Constipation, headache, dull, tired feeling
! never afllM those who use Foley Calh
lartlo Tablets. Onty ttc. Specially com-
Ifoitlng to stout person, who enjoy the
j light and fee feeling they glv. Ail
dlcr everywhere. Advertleemnt.
The Cnlte'd State civil service an
nounces the following examinations: As
sistant for school and horn gardening,
women only, with salary at gl.wA will be
held November It; ell and gas Inspector,
mapping wells, salary at U.aflu-fl.lM. n
I j J vj-vj-jx
icws y JL-.1N; -
Phoenix guaranteed
Hose for
Men and
Walk-Over Bool Shop
317 So, 16tli St.
t . '.1
yz Price) Legitimate Sale of
32 rl(e
Millinery - Saturday-Monday-Tuesday
3 Days
Every hat, feather, ribbon goes at half price'
AxiaA'nrm'n f rcnnMn icn SEconoFLOon
U UUULi til iLak.aUlLiU
Oerae lata aa4 Fan
e L. , ',. JUH. 1 ... ..... 1 . 1 L-jJLL. -'!, ..JIM I ,.'.', J'J', i
In bin tad whit enamel ten pieces, exactly aa shown. In
cluding stteh large piece as a te kettle), dish pan, water pall
pteexre kit)e, double) boiler, coffee pot, etc. i'-.OS for th com
plete get enough for your whole kitchen. Triple coated ware
on a heavy ateel body. Oet here early to get one of these great
414-17 So. 16th St
A Hwimstt al Of Zeaog Owrtaia
and OwrtalB MaterUls We have
bougtit from three of the largeat
Philadelphia mill and from two
great New Truck Importer flfty
IALS, and the prices we paid are
.so low that when we them on
ale Monday and Tuesday, October
jeth and 27th, the people of Omaha
will be offered the biggest value
In this cla of merchandise ever
,en in thla elty.
Buying curtain la a problem that
CAma up every fall In every
home. This sal next Monday and
Tuesday en our third floor wHl h
the timeliest Tod nsww to al who
have home to tak c t-
VTm offer you aal action of real
Dunhe Curtain, Point Milan,
Antique Lao, Cluay, Irian Point,
Arabian, Quaker Lara, Fin Cable
and Bungalow Net Curtain. Loom
Weave, Nottingham. Ktamlnea and
Novlty Curtain.
AJso thousand of yards of Cur
tain Material of finest qualities,
such as Hungalow Net, Etamine,
Hnrtm, Madraa, Hobbinet and dus
n of other Curtain Weaves.
Thl a,l Is so Important that
every wwtnan "who need new cur
tain In her home, well a all
hotel keepers and rooming house
keepers and moneRers of Institu
tions, should Immediately list up all
the curtain thy will tiead ao aa
to be ready to taKe full advantage
of this sal next week.
Wl tha Law Curtains Go on Scls Monday, October 26
AH the Curtain Materials Go on Sale Tuesday, Oct. 27
Care Means Wear
The ma! care nssa h the usting of
MeCslhM Silk HesJcfysaaW k the noet
atwiectory (as stlk he eUaiaabi today.
W tell jreu kw to prolong hs wear in out
pooklet. "Yon Juet Kaow She Wear.
Them." Sed lot It.
If yoe) wast fine black 3k nas ask (or
McCslknn' Ne.ll e l2Z,pUdid value
at the pries. Other styt at prieee te suit
11 requiteqieBts. '
Sold at the Best Shops
Noithraptoa, Mass.
si iv aii ii ti.ii . e ii iiim at
StccrtlixsMl Unnweetemcsd
For Every Cooking Purpose
Wbather lor cakes, pudding, cuiurds, cream soupi or
griwhreyer jrou have been uting bottle milk or cream
you can get better regulu with Cottage Milk.
It Is more economical than bottle milk- erery drop can be uted. It ia
always on your shelf ready (or us so you don't har to plan your cooking
and baking a day ahead.
It is good to the last drop. In bottle milk th richness goes into the
cream which U generally wsed for coffee or cereal whll th blue milk is
used in baking and cooking. And this blue milk hasa't the proper food
Tale to lasur satisfactory and uniform results. With Cottag Milk you
can use part of it full strength for cream and dilute the rest for cooking
purpose and always nave the proper food value.
Cottag Milk is of tbe highest quality and uniformity at all time.
Our policy of sailing direct from th Condtnseries to th grocer insures
vour ewttine it alwava freah. Order a aunolv itviav.
m 1 m - ' , r j j - .
Oac yoe learn the quality, eoasenieoce and economy fW
of Cottag Milk you'll oyr go back to bottle milk, tS. L
jsi re . e ew e a sW.W-
n man rr iiaewc cm i mat
In Two Sizes 5 and 10c
I'l " At all Ced Dealer
l1 raea
I cwjtw laoiisioi ooMTAjrr,
T Ooae-laa 4413 1 Bsaadet Thawte Blog
JL Oaoaka. .
Amencan Milk Company, Chic g 9
3 Z II
w n