EDITORIAL PAGES ELEVEf TO TWISTY. The Omaha Daily Bee WTTEV AWAY FROM IIOMTD The Uoo is The Paper To uk fori if e jilu te eaeeat aeere then a f aw Says, have The ae malls e yon. VOL. XL1V NO. no. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING.- OCTOBER 24, 1014. (hi Trelas end at Kofi Ban SHanda. , SINGLE COPY TWr CENTS. PORK GOES DOWN, BACON DP! Preili Pig'i Meat Drop Two Cents, xv While Cured Makes Advance. OTHER FOODS ARE FLUCTUATING rles af Vlrtaala Are Vp mm 4 Dawn, . Accord I eg to Their rietlfl eras mmn the Dfmil .-.( ' Ier Tkf - , j ' By ifitnt arbitrary maneuver the erica of pork took a sudden drop of I cents to ' the pound yesterday, while at the same time bacon, which la nothing" mom nor'i leas than cured pork, took a Jump up ward of 1H cents a pound. This star tling and contrary activity of the pork market created considerable surprise an J much consternation. ' 1 Iard, also, has cone up this week. It --has advanced x cents a pound. Lamb has dropped 1 cent, a pound, while beef remains steady. Chickens are cheap. Fresh fish Is also cheap, but salt fish la high. Sugar his dropped acatn. It Is now selling at seventeen pounds for $1. Flour Is exhibiting signs of an advance. No change has occurred in the retail market, but according to Al King, manager of Hayden's grocery department. It will take the upward leap any time now. The present price Is $1.35. Butter has gone up 2 cents, from 31 to 33 cents. The rise has augmented cSn slderabty sales in butterlne, which sells 1 at about 10 cents lower for the best brand. The cheese market has been broken. American cheese Is now selling at U to 20 oents, I cents off. Eggs are up and very scarce, as the farmers are holding them for higher prices. The best eggs are selling at 36 cent. i Apples are plentiful and cheap. Jon athans are selling at S1.36 a. box. Other apples are correspondingly low. Apples are selling at about tl a box oheaper this year than at this time last year. Pumpkins and hubbard squash are on the market, now that Hallowe'en Is ap proaching. Both sell at 10 and 16 cents. Cider is also on the market, selling at 15 cents. . California Tokay grapes are up to 8 cents and are about all done for the sea son, i i Vegetables of the home grown variety ars plentiful and very reasonable. Oys ters dropped from 46 to 40 cents a Quart French Are Buying Horses for War on the Omaha Market "Omaha Is a good horse market." say . the Frenchmen who are hera buying horses: for cavalry and artillery purposes In the. French army. They have decided to stay In Omaha longer than at first planned, as more animals are coming in all the time and they wish to buy all available for their uses. Counts de Pertrange is the Frenchman . who judges the horses and decides which ones are suitable. He then turns tnem over i.6 Dr. Henry Lafenetre, the veterin arian of the party, who passes upon the physical fitness of each horse. William Post and Lew Walte of New Tork ae oompany the Frenchmen and have the contract for supplying a number of thous and head of horse. None of these four men will admit that their purchases are Intended for use in the war. Mr. Post says their contract Is with a private firm, but Compte de Per - t range Is known to vbe a captain in the French army, and the requirements which he and the veternarian lay down indicate that the horses are desired for cavalry and artillery work. The quartette of buyers have already secured many horses at Miles City, Me., and other western markets. When they have combed over the Omaha market thoroughly, they win go to 6t Louis. B'nai B'rith Pledges a War Relief Fund MKlnley lodge of the B'nai B'rith and its ladles' auxllUary pledged f2 to the relief fund for Jewish sufferers ' In the war sons at a meeting Thursday evening at the Metropolitan club. The organisa tions aim to have their contribution fund reach the $1,009 mark, and committees were appointed to devise ways to raise this sum. ' Following the meeting Nathan Bern stein spoke on "Oood Citlsenshlp." He urged the members to vote for the citi zens' ticket of candidates for the Board of Education In order to counteract the one-man power on the board now. ' Miss Miriam Davis gave a draroatio i reading, and musical numbers were given by Victor Elsler, 'Morris Mark man, Miss Bernice Kulakovsky and Eugene Blaster. CLUB HOUSE NEAR VALLEY BURNS WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Fort McConnell club house onthe banks of Lake Houlihan, three miles west of Valley, was totally destroyed by fire Wednesday night, la the report com ing to Ed Hennessey, one of the mem bers of the club. ' The loss la estimated at about $1,000. Jt Is supposed that rtte tire was started by tramp. ' The Port McConnell club has grounds that are remote from any he use and the nearest home owners were unable to etsy the progress ofthe flames. At the time of its destruction the club house contained a large quantity of bedding, numerous suits of clothes of club mem bers, besides several boats. The club house was a bunting and fishing lodge. Arrangements are being made for re building larger and better and the new building will probably be erected this fall. The members of the club are mostly rail road mem. WHISKY MADE WHILE YOU WAIT IN SHOW WINDOW The Luxus Mercantile company, directly opposite the ' postofftee. is exhibiting a miniature still la raM rperattoa ha their windows. A log building. In Which is contained all the eperretu of an up-to-date whiskey plant, has been' furnished the local firm by the Cedar Brook Distil ling company, and the model is attracting )e.rge crowds wltaj Its Intricate and exact '-oresentatloa of the real thing. Friday, Oct 23, 1914- -BURGESS-NASII CO. - STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY BURQES S-NASH CO.. -Sixteenth and Harney Streets. Reliable Goods On(y and the TRUTH Only About Them Women's Kid Gloves Saturday at pr. $1.25 THE most desirable styles and shades In kid, mocha silk lined, cape and doeskin, 1 and 2 clasp. Every pair fitted to the hand. Long Gloves, $1.00 Leatherette and chsmoisette gloves, 12 and 16-button length, also 2-clap, washable, white or gray, all sixes, pair S1.00 Gloves at 50 Chamoisette, cashmere and stlk, long or short, tan, gray, natural, pongee, white and black. Barfess-Waah Oe. Stain Floor. Dainty Neckwear for Saturday, Special. 25c A CHARMING variety, Including organdy and pique collar ana cuff sets, vestees, new colonial pique collar and cuff sets, embroi dered and plain organdy or pique roll collar. ' Neckwear at BOc Including net vestees, organdy vestees, plain, embroidered and tucked cuffs, to match: also or gandy or pique roll collars and the new pleated Llpton collar and cuff sets. . Bnrgess-wesh Co. Maia Floe. These Dress Shoes at $3.50' Are Not the Ordinary $3.50 Kind W K have told you before about this most unusual shoe at $3.50. i It Is by far the best shoe at the price sold In Omaha today, be cause we are specializing at this price. It has style it has comfort it has wear. Button patterns, made In patent, gunmetal and vlel kid leathers, with both cloth and kid tops, plain and tipped toes, Louis and Cuban heels, very flexible sewed soles. This is truly an unusual shoe value at, pair 83.50 Misses and Children's Shoes. Button shoes for school wear, made of gun- metal leather, broad and medium toe lasts that are perfect fitting and very comfortable; shoes that will give the service you expect for the price. Misses' sizes, 11 M to 2, for. .$2.25 anl $2. BO Children's sine, SH to 11. $2.00 and $2.23 Bury -Hash Oo. Mala Floor. V'm-mv aaM The Boy is Proud of His Suit If it Comes From Burgess-Nash AND why shouldn't he be when everything that's good is Included In the making of these garments for the boy of today who will be the man of tomorrow. We are catering to the boys of Omaha we want them to help ua in the building up of this business. If they are our friends today they will be our frienda when they are grown. For Saturday we offer- Boys' Norfolk Suits, Saturday, $4.98 They are French Norfolk effect, all-wool cheviots, cassimeres and serges, in blues, grays, browns and tartan plaids. Trousers are peg top, full lined and all seams taped and double stitched. Some suits have two pairs of trousers. The price 84.08 Boys' Norfolk Suits at $0.50 The latest style Norfolk effect in cheviots, cassimeres and worsteds, all the newest patterns. The trousers are cut full, lined throughout and all seams reinforced. Boys' lUlmwraan Overcoats at $54)0 to $12.00 Sires 3-to 10, fancy cheviots In a variety of patterns. The most popular overcoat for. boys of the season. -. Boys' 91.00 Blonsee, Saturday, 65c. Made of the famous Anderson madras, in a pretty line of patterns and colorings, extra well made; regular $1.00 value, for... G5 W carry a complete line of furnishings for boys and the prices are the satisfactory sort. - arg a -Wash Co. Peart h Tloor. ' Something Interesting for Saturday In the Children's Wear Sections SPECIAL: A splendid showing of beautiful coats, sizes 6 to 14 .years. Made of the finest velvet, plush, zebaline, Persian, Bouclev la all the favored colors with price range of . -85.00 to $29.&rf umiarcng scnooi ureases, f 3.98 MADE of serge in basque and Russian style combination of Roman stripe, etc., colors, navy, blue, brown and green; special for Saturday. 82.98 Children's Velvet Dresses, $3.98 A OOOD selection of children's velvet dresses made In a splendid quality vel vet In navy, blue and green; sizes 6 to 10 years; special Saturday ...83.98 Children's Coats, 98.08 INCLUDING chinchilla, corduroy and nov- elty materials made low belted and box style, lined with fine sateen for slses 2 to 6 years. Children's Coats, 95.00 EXTRA fine quality corduroy and chin chilla coats in belted, double and single breasted effects lined with fine sateen for slses 2 to 6 years. . . Barfess-Waah. Oo. Baooad Tloor. Halloween Novelties Halloween will be here before you .eallxe it. Table decorations and favors are being shown at the Station ery Department. Toys and mask' at the Toy Department on the Fourth floor. Sweatmeats of all, kinds In the candy section in the Basement Pretty . ALL 'SILK RIBBONS at 19c A BIO assortment and big values. The lot Includes plsin taffetas, Roman stripes, plaids, moires and fancy prints in the new colorings and designs, 6 Inches wide. Svrgess-waah Co. Hala Tloor, Special 88-Note Music Rolls 3 for $1 ALL popular numbers and regularly sell for 75c each. Choice of any three from the following: 11(20 Ballln' the Jack, one step and DUIe Olrl. march and l-step l?t. I 31171 Ano Xuava novelty litli lon C5 Ruth.... one step 4172 What do you want with ma. 1121 la America, march nd 2-step I song ' If by mall 15c additional for postage. Bargess-Baaa, Co. Tonrta Floor. These $7 to $9 Fiber Trunks, on 4th Floor Saturday at. $5.98 EXACTLY as Illustrated In sizes 82. $4 aaad S Inches. Con structed of heavy basswood, cov ered with good quality black fiber, well protected with hardwood (stained) slats brass trimmed, with excelsior lock, fancy pattern lining. Regular f 7 fe OO to $ values OO.tO Bargeea-sTask CoTonrta moor. Here's a 'Sale of Women's and Misses' martlY Tailored. SUITS That Afford the Biggest Range of Selection and Best Values We've Offered This Season Illustration was sketched In our " LJ Ready-to-Wear Department- j VJ " nn HERE are three great groups embracing the season's very newest and most favored models, materials and colon. A sale that merits your most earnest consideration. at n4so BEAUTIFUL tailored suits for wsmen and misses, that are worth fully one-half more. Made of wool serges, poplins and cheviots. In the new Redingote style, with yoke skirt. Best colors and black. 50 SEVERAL of the season's best model., including the Redingote and Directoire styles; plain and yoke skirts; poplins, gabar dines and cheviots, in shades of plum,, navy, green and brown, also black. A VALUE you cannot duplicate elsewhere in town at the price. Variety of in dividual styles, in broadcloth. Imported gabardines and poplins; the shades are navy, Russian, green and brown, also black. Snrreea-sTaah Co. eooad Tloor. A Remarkable Purchase and Sale offUNDERWEAR 69c REMARKABLE from the fact that it is the very sort of underwear vou will want and offered to you at tho beginninr of the season at way below the regular price. Women's $1.00 to $1.50 Union Suits at 69o. Including Women's white cotton union suits, low neck. elbow sleeves, ankle length. Women's white cotton union suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, regular or extra sizes. Women's silk and wool union suits, low neck, elbow sleeves, Dutch neck. Regular $1.00 and 11.50 values, Saturday. .69a Women's natural or camel's hair flat wool vests and pants. Women's silver gray, ribbed wool or part wool vests and panta. Youth's and Mlssee' Union Suits, $1.00 to $1.50 . . . . Values, OOc. ' Including youth's silver gray -wool union suits, sites 16, 17 and ,18. Misses' natural part-wool union, suits. . Boys' natural part-wool unior. suits. tQ Regular $1.00 and $1.50 values, for.. OaC Women's 0Oe Vests, 89c Fine white cotton fleece lined vests ana. pants, regular Qf 60c values, at Children's Underwear, 20e White ribbed worsted vests and pants, slses 24 to 34, sell nr reg. for 45c to 75c, choice e3C IV THE ECONOMY 11AKEMENT This 23-Inch JOINTED DOLL Is the Biggest Value in the City at 95c A NOTHER feature for the new Tor and Doll Department on the new dnylllit rourlh Floor that will help to bring the crowds again Saturday. Theee dolls are full Jointed, 21 inches Inns, have natural eyelashes and hair, eyes that open and close, pretty faces, chemise, stockings and bootees. Character Dolls A remarkable eollertlon, our entire Importa tion has been received and la n-w on llply A special character baby with hair and sleeplnir eyes for aoe Other character dolls all slses at 80. BSo, l.BS, Sl.BO and M-SO, to the famous Katy Kruse dolls at 91SJO, B1T.SO and tllM. ( Parlor Golf Game, $ 1 .00 One of the moat fascinating; Indoor samee you ever played. The same rules govern.lt as the regular outdoor same. Has the same hasarda and the same fascination. Hpeclal price... SUM aargeea-Kaak Oo. reurth Fleer. Child's Vesta, 10e ' Silver gray fleece lined vesta and pants, sizes 34 to 30, at Child's Union Suit, 23o Cream color, ribbed cot ton union suits, drop seats mOC 19c - Women's Union Salts at 89c High neck, long sleeves, ankle length, medium fleeced, regular or extra slses, also low neck and elbow sleeves, in sizes 4, G and C; slight imperfections of QQ 50c to Oc values, choice aJvC Chocolates. 25c lb. IT VERT day Is candy day. at Bur-geas-Naah. Oiooolates, pure cream, lb tSo Penochl, home-made, lb..... 8 So Salted Peanuts, per lb J8o Oaramela, freeh nut. lb BSo We are diatiibuters of the famous Bunte Hroa.' cAndlea. Borgeea-nash Oo aasemeat. China Painting Lesson Free rpiU classes have been filled to the limit at both aesslons since, the opening; of the Department. We would advUe you to see MIns Kmlg at aa early a date as possible .and make your reservation in order that you may secure th. days and hours that suit you best. nasaee dally 10 a. m. to 12 m. and J to 4 p. m. Burgess-sresh Oo. Fourth Floor. DRUG and TOILE! Specials for Saturday 20 Mule Team borax ,7c Jap Rose soap, 10c cake Qc Java Klce powder, 50c size . .31: Pels Naphtha Soap. 10 cakes. 0c Seal Plush. 25c csn 17o Toilet paper, crepe fin,. 4 rolls 10c Household ammonia, 1 pint Ho Ivory soap, 6 cakes 10c Borax chips, large package.. JOc Pompelan massage cream, 76c size 40o Monoxide tooth powder, 25c size for liic 12c Peroxide cream, 25c size ... Mennen's talcum powder . . Daggett ft Randall's cold cream. 1 0c size 7c 10 regular 50o perfumes Satur day, per ounce 23o Seldllts powders, 26c pkg. . ,lc Horilek's malted milk, $3.60 size at .$2.79 Burgees-Basil Ssl heps tics, 50c size ......82c Syrup of figs, 50c size BHv Pape's dyspepsia, 50c size ..03c Plnkham's compound, $1 size 07c Beef, wine and iron, 1 pt. ..42c Duffy's pure malt whisky, $1.00 size 70c Canthrox, 60c size 2c All Abonlta 25c preparations 17c Jad 8alts76c slse S4c Palmollve soap, 2 rakes l.'lc Chloride lime, l ib. can loc O Cedar oil, 25c size ...... ISo Liquid veneer, 50c size . ... .RHe Johnson's floor wax, 50c size 8c Vacuum bottles, 1 qt. size $i.9H Electric spark soap, 8 cakes 2ftc P. & (j. naphtha soap, rake. . . ,4c We have a lot of odd numbers In rubber goods to be closed out at Vs price. Co Mala Floor. ECONOMY BASEMENT A Sale Saturday of TAILORED SUITS at $7.98, $9.98, $12.98 That Moans a Saving of Fully One-Third of the Itegular Trice. TOO, much, stress cannot be brought to bear on the real importance of this offering Saturday- We consider the "Values most ex traordinary, and you will, too, when you see the suits. Three groups women's imm -jaiiorea isuits lor S7.B. try TIi.tV. mad nf nlaln sere. In hlnj. n, Klnrlr 'Vtrf new long style coat finished with velvet cuffs and collar, full satin lined. The. &mmm(Q skirt is yoke style snd trimmed with OVO velvet buttons. Regulsr $12.50 i v y weaves ana I $Q98 values, sale, price Saturday,, Women's $13 Tailored Nults, Saturday, $."). Latest styles, made of serges, fancy weaves and mixtures, In a splendid selection of new styles; good range of colors; positively worth $lo.00, Saturday, choice Women's and Mlssee' $19.00 to $23 Tailored Knits, $12.0H. They ars simply wonderful values, and we know you will agree with us when you see them. They're all latest slyles, beautiful In style, material and color effects. Samples from a big maker. Made in a variety of fine ma terials, broadcloths, fancy weaves, gfQ serges, etc. In all the most4e- "J .7 0 slrable shades. Regular $19.50 1 ' to $25.00 values A JaaJ Boys' Suits Saturday $2.95 NORFOLK style with stitch ed belts in gray and brown cheviots. Pants cut full with all seams taped and rein forced; very specially priced for Saturday, at $2.98. I! "Maish" Comforters at J2.9S THE very finest stlkollne or French sateen covered comforters, extra large slse with the very best cotton fill ing, linotted or scroll stitched, regular $4 values at $2.93 ea- Carnations, each 2c Fresh cut, long stem, assorted colors and white, special at . Cut Flower Section, . each ... .2 Free Lessons in Art Em broidery for Children Are given by a competent instructor every Saturday morning from 10 to 12. Barreee-Baaa Co Tfcirt Tloor. J ; : j BorgeewWash CoHala Batraaae. EYERYBODT S STORE k.V . . . '