TUF: BKK: OMAHA. KKILnY. OCTollKU 2.?. H14. ! Thursday, October 22, 1914. HR a By MELLIFICIA. HMSTMA3 Khlp gift for th uffering children In th war ron of Europ mum b aent to The Bee oHioa by Friday reornlna;. reople re responding moM. generously to thU great opportunity Jo help end a hit of rheer to irhtt will probably be one or Tt aaaaeai Christmas time, ever known !n Europe A few letten haT been reelved from the front, and the wenes mmt be pathetic and heart rending. Interesting letters haTa been received by Mrs. It. K. Morton from her daunhter, Mls Gladys Morton, who has been a graduato nurse In the Amer ican hospital In Neullly, France, for two years." She Is now on duty In the ambulance division, or emergency ward, where as many as 20Q wounded soldiers are received In one day. Mies Morten writes that the suffering is heartbreaking, as most of the men have had no attention after the "first aid" dressing until they reach the hospital, four or five days later. The nurses stay on duty from fifteen to nineteen hours out of the twenty-four. Mrs. Morton also has brother who is probabl at the front, since be sailed from Quebec In a Canadian regiment, September 26. I Mrs. A. Jf. F-aton, aecona vice premoeni; ANTIS MEET AT LUNCHEON Mn. George Aisrrti Soffi Adopting Vicious Kethddi. OBJECTS TO STREET TALKS fare aa. ! Raak r fall l Waaaea nti re 1aae Karaera Oat at Five la (hia tal Paraalta. Contribution to Christmas Ship from Sacred Heart School v OMAHA,. No. a I To Honor OoTernor. Mr. aid Mrs. E. J. McArdle of Benson entertained at dinner Wednesday evening In honor ot Governor John Morehead of I.in.-eln. Sheriff Fell J. M.-Phane and Mr. TJ. 3. lr.Ardle of Omaha. Covers ere placed for six. Diet Club Dancing Party. The Pleta rlub nave a' subscription dance at the club house Tte'1ajr evening, on Ilalloere'en there will be a rama eme party. The following were present T"ely evening: Vlases KHjrth Maloney, Mabel Heecher, t'lara, Heeoher. Xmtnr.y Hansen, Kroila. Brown, Bertha Mem. Keulah Kranklln, , Wyrd. He Amok. Jonre. M ! K. II. Harris. Jerome lilxd, Alto Heynnlde, K, A. emerllng, .'. A. Jer-or-aen. W. J. rainier, Dr. If. Onenter. Frank King, Ji. II. Bwk. r Gordon Bennett Mrs. F. C Newrnmb, secretary: Mrs. C. F. Sitephard, treasurer, and Mrs. M. B. Illahee and W. I). Crawford, honorary tnemtler. .Among tha members present were: Mfsiamcs J. T. Catlier, F. l. I'lark. W. I. 'rawford, A. N. Katon, N. V.' iinaar. Kdward Mi Karhron.T t. O. Newromh. C. Iwrt MoKiti-hron. Merrill. Uwlur '. C. Marrlman W. D. J'eertval. Albert RJealr. Tlalnh Munrt', O. A. Brail. I iVavia. M.'Minihan1. A. N. Aruleranc lren! Mlahee, Mailt Kuns, lola Swmney, i;-rtriitn ilrurnn. Mniuit t'riami'agn, tieoigia f'irilth, ' Moras ret Kellogg, Francis Kins. Mnynw Feshtl, Campbell, William Wooster. 'ieemn Bradford, G. Tot-rrll. 1 hor AnJr-aen. I'r. F. C. Late, William r. Mill. J.dwnrd Iafferty, .. (t. piaunwa, Jrnrg nols, Kdward Haalfy. John t.'. Cernaby. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oerhardt. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. KUlrom. Mr. and Mia. 11. Thorp. Mr, and Mrs. B. J. Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. !', K. Hwvnne. Mr. and lra. J. J. MrMahon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. and Mra. A, E. Cass. To Celebrate Birthday. Mis. If. R. rrltrhard entertained on Vrtnsday afternoon In honor of tha t'liihday of licr daughter, Gertrude Irene. Tl.a d.-oiailons were carried out In I schema of pk and white and the Uttls guests wer seated at one long table. Tha lavois were small pink baskets filled with candies and the napkins wera In tha shape, ef paper hats. Tha mothers were also Invited to th party.' , Among those liresent were; Mtaaea jvuy lawson, Kstherliia Carroll, Knthefir.n Clow, Anna Koutsky, MissM. Wlnkfl- n'ttnn, lidfod nyam. Masirrs James "arroll, liarnid I and. Mewlum Thetxlore Tlllotson, A. CunnlnKham, i". Van i-nt. Hyrou floa, Jtn.rs Carroll, I Anti-Suffrage Luncheon. ; The largest arralr or ma aay waa ww luncheon given at tha Ioysl hotel by tha local Kntl-suffrsa-a sntiety. In honor of Mra" AT. J. Grorge of I'.oston, antl-auf-trsgej shaker. Mrs. gienry, W. Tataa presided at the lpncheon. Re4 rosea were used In the decorations and rovera were ltddfor lt rursts. . Atnonar those present were: '' . MUssa Marim lM norma n, Janet M. Walla's, Mas Hi'Mmin, IJrta Wilson. Meodames A. J. Ooorge. J. W. riimia ker, J. K. llntlc r. C. Y. Ifamlllon, Frank Kainlltoii, T. .1. Mai-kay, . , F, N. Connrr. i lore J. 1L Hrhtnldt, Henry W. Yates. ' Georae Voss. Rrba Moras n. 1.. F. t iofoot. . . Arthur C. simlth, M. '. retrrs, J. C, C'owln, John 1 Webstor. II. r.. Newbran' t. ( William Archibald, Smith, Misses Marie Knutsky, Marian Bony, Marporla Tlllotson, Lurlla Knutsky, lrma Clow Helen Oarnar, ' Matra loy Wlnklmann, C'Hrence Frttchard, Melm f. A. Feturson, tleorga Garner, ' F.rnrst Roby. Saltrr Uawson, Mlrses- Mary Wallace, Jesale Mtllard. Alice Gilchrist. Mesdamev- John I.. Mf-Cairue, I. Oluck. W. F. Gurley, W, 1. Mtrllugh, C. V.. I'.i'tlor. Gerrll Fort, .loueph Beldriae. , Charles I3auttrr, R. C Jordan, , . ' Georg Mclnlyro, Ward Buraess, Fred Hamilton. , Arthur Rostra, The,!or Hinhold, ' J. F. C R'Honhr, Hnlen A. Iwle. Krsnk .T. I (oal. Gorprs W. Johnston, Barton Millard. . "I am appalled to see decent women In i suffreaf rsmpalgn atates adopting vie-' loua nirthoda that even politicians have! discarded as being no longer effective. Tet sufftsglsis ssy thy will purify politics. If such libelous attacks on the personal i liaracter of women as have len msde on antl-snffrsgista are oc rasloiicd when the dlssgremnt Is only as to suffrage, to whst length might It not grow?-' Bo said Mrs. A. J. George of Boston, antl-sufrrsge speaker, who was honor guest at a large luncheon given at th Loyal bottl yterday noon, over which Mrs. lftirr W. Yates, presided. Mrs. George s'.so obtected very strongly to the methods of publicity practiced by the suffragists, especially in their street meeting. "I do not believe that any woman should address a street meeting aad be forced 4o raise her voice to a scream as she rtist do necesssrlly." At the same time, Mrs. George said that she thought perhaps the antls mould be foroed to resort to stieet meetings to counteract the effect of the suffrage street meetings. "People ask ua why we bother With the suffrage campaign: that we don't have to go to the polls If we don't wish to. We. however, abhor some of the suffrage Ideals and wilt be forced to go to tha polls. If auffrare wins, lij order to regis ter oii protest. . against their measures' without the ballot." ' . Mrs. George's talk was principally alone the Hues of "What Women Can Tjo With out the- Ballot." 8ha aald that women could do more by rouslnt; public opinion than by voting and said that no suffrage state has Instituted refoi-m menu res that ve not been legislated In male suffrage slate. . Anns io not aay that women a place is In the home, but they do aay that her greatest efl .lencjr and power for good la In the home. Do not pay, any attention to the suffrag.'ats who tefl von that It Is only , the society women who oppose suffrage. The enormous membershlD lists of anti-suffrage wage-earning- women league It proof that tha working women do not want the ballot. And even If they did. there Is. only one woman out .of five In this country who Is engaged In a gain ful pursuit, end wc must consider what will be the effaot of -auffraare on all th reat t,t the women la the homes. " ' Mrs. Geoifta renewed acquaintance with Mrs. X. r. bodge while In Omaha. Mra. Dodfre a mothej-, Mra. Henrr W.- Whitney, associated with Mrs. George In the MergilsKatiokal Bank fcrVYTO THE OTIDEnoP. 27-V try Dojxaxv '2L CHRISTMAS SHIP IS BIGGEST THING OUT (Continued Uom Page One.) Brock-Watson Weddinf. The redoing of Miss Marguerite Wat son and Mr. Clyde II. Brock took place Tuesday evening at tha )ome of tha 1,1 Ide a mother. iTl Cuming etreet, at o'clock, the Rev. C. W. McCasklll of the Jianscora Park Methodist thurch oftl elating. The bride was attractively gowned In shite satin with elaborate trimmings of tl.antllly lare. She wore a long tulle ril and carried a shower of orchards snd lilies of the valley. Her onty orna ment was a diamond brooch, the gift of the groom. Mlsa Ethel Ketchum was insid ef honor and wott pink crepe de chine end carried e larxe bouquet of Klllarney rosea. Mr, Brock was elter.dsd by Mr. Thomaa Moss, and Mis Mildred Rose played the txihen Frlu wedding march. After an ertended trop south Mr. and Mrs. Frock will be at ,home to their f 1 lends Iecembcr 1. Goes Eait for Grand Opera. Mi. Mas Durkenroad braves for New York City rautrday of nxt week, to be present at the opening of the Metropoli tan grand cpei sesson November 1 Mrs. Purkrnro id's son, Bylvlo Burkea- rosd. will sing with the Metrowtlt company this - te&son. Mrs. Burkenroad, 1U be away for tao months. To Honor Eride. Menubcrj ti tl.a Anmnon club enter- lulned for Mis Gera'.dlne Webber, win wedding to Mrs. Charles PhilHna will take I'Ik one time iu the fall, at an Or pbeum iheator parly Tursoay evening Th-; v-ies'iit were: Dinner Announcement. The ladle of the twe Avenue Pres byterian church will wrr4 a chicken dln ner tomorrow evenlng'ln the chinch par lors. ',.'.. ' Sant Souci Clnb. , . Tlie Bans Foucl elub, a. recently organ- Ired dancing club, announces the first of a sertea of dances to lie given Friday evening of nest week at llaite'a hall In Dundee. Personal Mention. 1 Mra. Charles Ti Kalis la registered, at the Hotel McAlpIn In New York City tliks week. . Mr, and Mrs. K. P. Peck are traveling In the east and are In New York at present. ' ?!-, f'Tl(iilie Wehher. Muraret Nolan, - eerie K lilreun, lM,ra Hohitui4n, U U Wlner. Kolrt ft heller. Vie -Loreiix tiMiait, flare Hoffman, Murs iet Pinks. Jin" Horn aid, Medames Sack Kevnolds, James She. Fashion Hint r nd oratea for the long trip to r.urupe. Motor tmcks for this service have been provided by the tavld Cole Creamery company. A. Hoape. Kehmoller & Muoller, McCord-Brady company, Burgrsa - Nssh company, Overland Motor company, Ala mlto Dairy compeny, Omaha jaeCtrlo Ught and Power company. Omaha Trans fer company and Thomaa Kllpatrlck Co.' Many other firms generously offered to assist in this work, and may yet be called on to do so. Paplla ReavB Freely. Among other things, the Omaha Illch' school students for tha first Cay.'a return, contributed I157 In cash for tha Christ mas Ship. Home of tha other ' schools have' ralaed sums In cash, alt of .which will be expended under the direction of a , committee of prlnctrals, to be chosen by Superintendent Graff. Borne of tha railroad and express ageats In the smaller towns seem to b conruaed S' to the matter of acndlng In goods and package free of charge.' The (encral freight agents In Omaha ssy the matter Is covered by a special order, and that no charges are to be made for the handltric of any of these goods. Is Massachuaetts anti-suffrage society. FRANK BURMAN VISITS HERE AFTER NINE YEAR ABSENCE Frank Burma n. once member of the leglKlatiire fronf Douglaa'county, I visit ing In Omaha after nine yara' absence. Ha la located at Fpokane, where he has teen for a number of years, and la now secretary and manager of tha Insurance department of the Colonial Building com pany. He Is one of tha oigar.laera of the rVandinavian Brotherhood of America, a fraternal organisation, whose interests he ts trying to promote. . ' "Omaha ha Improved wonderfully since I was here last," saya Mr. Burman, "and It la good to moet ao many of my eld friends a 1 go along the street. 1 have gotten alone nicely in Fpokane, ex cept that I tost my wife last summer, -ho died under sad circumstances. I am taking a vacation and. Incidentally, will try to establish local lodgea of tho Hcandinavlan Brotherhood here and in tit. Paul and Minneapolis before I go tack." ' DAHLMAN IS HONORARY MEMBER SPANISH WAR YETS , I.ee Folby camp No. 1. United Rpanlsh War Veterans, at Its regular meeting, heid In Memorial hall at tle court house, elected Mayor Dahlman to honorary mem bership by unanimous vote. He will be given the obligation at the seventh aa nual ball of the camp, la be given In the Douglas auditorium on October 2. The piwtcd of the halt are to be set eslde to build a memorial monument In West Lawn' cemetery to the soldier dead of the camp. .... Crei?hton Dincins: Fart.' ' Tbe Mt,deBl Of the Cretahton College t-f rni:stry will give the'r second dance f the j.reeent school year at Turpin's dan--ii.g scadepiy this evening. A large n ine, rttstion cf studenn aud fiiend ii , :i all oearlnien: of thr unlveilty is Tne-iiprment Announced Mi. licleiie renrlcV.-n annoiinc the tinBtr nt of hr dtueiter, Charlotte. i-uj rrnk Paul Manchester, the wed- .'- to Uka i ia. luesdsy evening, No u, nbr 1, at the bf n.e vf the bride. finale o Club Entertains. ' The I'atkUn club rntertslna at t danc ing party thia niiitf. Ciio Club Meeting" The opaclrg meeting cf tie (Tie i-Jub Hit held Wednesday sftereoon at the l,,n e r,f Mia t II in. I..,. i n Th. ' r.et'.tiR a o iel one, and the hcttra e. ifttd by Mt. A. N. t.tou an J Hrn Ralph F..il-il. Pl'txr f-M the g ioie on t.v Mr, rt. V.. M' bron, Mrs. r Nf. I'Uik nd Mi. Biyt Ciavfoid. f A. t-A i t'SKii of th.e clib. I". M X e, fir l 1 pieiident: X: r KahlbKa at Ore bar Wllkelat'a . Prave f Iatereat t Maar. Information that la both Instrjctlva and Interesting Is being gained by hundred during the educational exposition at the big furniture store. People like to aee how things are made and such exhibits ao tha making of willow furniture, bos prlngs and upholstered furniture are at tracting muuli attention, - Tho gift carnival feature adds the seat of chance to every visit, and an after noon spent in this beautiful store passes quickly, During the .remainder of the ezpoa tioti which will continue throughout the month. Jtuaelan tea will be sened from 3 t6 t o'clock In the oriental rug section the second floor., Kvery one ts invited. Il'a a tttaadla Order. Assistant General Freight Agent Mai comb of tha Missouri Pacific says that every aeent of the company knows, or should know that there la a general rule that goods for charitable purposea ar transported free-of charge and are thue to be accented from the consignor. If an ajent Is Hi doubt at any time. It Is his duty to wire th general, or assistant general agent oC bis division for instruc tions. The Instructions that would gt back would be to accept and forward the consignments. Last week General Freight Agent Tuttle of Chicago by tetter notified all general and all division frelnht agents of tho Hur- llnston aystem to accept, bill and trans port free of charge all' packages: offered aa consignments to go on tha Christmas 8blp. theea officers In turn to notlty com- j pany aanis. ; , General Freight Agent Holcomb here states that In the event any agent has misunderstood this order It Is hi duty to telegraph tha Omaha office asking for In structions, Vi Lad lea tiet Bla Rtlsrai. Mr. Chase, Mrs. Oftutt. Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Barlow. Mrs. Nash and Mrs. Diet alt report splendid response to their ap peals, and each saya she ha a wonder ful collection of gifts, and more romlng In all the time. Quite a sum In cash haa been turned over to these ladles, and they wllleTend it for suitable articles to go on the Christmas shin. J. C. Robinson of Haitlngton has started a box Ao The Bee for the Christ mi ahlp and also haa aent check for 17.20, which la aent m behalf of the Pres byterian Sunday achool and Its friend of that nlac. - i 1 WUh for Peace. Tha York '. Woman'a ' Department club writes that Its box of gifts will ba here Friday, and "beside the gift, the box If weighted with wlshea for peace on earth that such help may not be needed." signed by Mrs. K. E. Welch, president. Father P. -J. Judge sent a check for tl.oe to the Christ maa b'hlp Editor of The Bee, representing money which had been donated by tha children of Sacred Heart school, of which he Is tha pastor. ' The Ladies' Aid society of the Tresby. terlan church brought in 110 aa tha gift of that organisation to tha Christmas ship fund. ' "May God blea all tha donora and all who receive the donations la my prayer," write Mrs, Joseph Davidson of Verdtgre, Neb., In sending a money order for 17. 30 for herself and children. From Schuyler cornea tl'wlth this notei "A wee little boy want you to buy with this soma toy that will gladden the heart ef another nice boy at - Christmas tide. God's blesaiag surely . rests with the Christmaa hlpand Its precious cargo." All GlTva aerlall . The following letter from Otto Abra- hamson of M laden, dated October 11, la prese, a packaee that I trust will be the rause. of making brighter and happier the hatts of the needy children in Kurope. The pnekeae contalne the fol lowing, all new goods: Four cloak, for children 3 to I years: six csps. suitsblo for bova; ten garments of underwenr, different slses. 1 uem it a privilege aa wen as a duty to contribute in some manner to this worthy cause, and thsnk you tor the assistance you render, mak ing it so convenient. Partial List ef Osssrt, The following Is a llet of petoders of presents to the children of Europe on The Bee's Christmas ship. Many of the giv ers sent more then one package: Kim, F.mma and II. fVhults. 1326 South Ninth street. Ksther and IewU Dearman, Lincoln. Mra. D. B. Maishnll,- Cornish apart- audita a James B. Adams. M2R Hawthorne eve- nue. . "Friend." Woodbine, la. . F. M. Ntt. Omaha. Msrion Heed, Omaha. JMis. Irams. Arlingt on. Neb. Mizabeth Howen. Nebraska City. H. N. Marsh. Tekamab. R. F. Smith. !KH Dods-e street Mr. John Barkfr. .tx.'S lodge street Marion Bishop, Basin. Wyo. Margaret Johnson, Wisner, Neb. Ir. and Mrs. It. C. Akin, Omaha. Virginia Crsla, Hsiiloraon. Is. Maraarct Naur. Council Bluffs. Madreand Rex Thoinai, Hajv'ard, Neb. Clara A. Praedcl. HJl Couth Thirty-flrat tret. mmlm- H. K. IJeberman, Friend. Neb. Mrs. M.ilsrd Langfeid. Omaha. (iiaibn c.'lelaiiU, Omaha. Mrs. Wlllard, Omaha. ' , A Hie B. Wlerner, Un join. . Iuilse ?te:ner. Vies Duinout. WlllabcM Bennett, Nebraska City. Mrs. R. II.. Fonter, Norfolk, Neb. - - . Council Bluffs. Kdwln Mots, Nebraska City. Mrs. F. K. White, ioi) Psrk avenue. I. H. Powell, McCook, Nel. Qeorfte Dsvldion, Verdlgrc, Nc').... T ielie Davirifion. Veedlgre. Neb Mildred Pnvldeon. Verdlare, Neb.. Vera Davidson, verdlgre. Neb Wee Boy. Hcbuyler, Neb Ladle Aid society, Presbyterian church, Florence, Neb Children of r-acred Heart school.... Cash - 'ash I. C. P.obtnbon, Hartington Neb.. h'ash , W. M. White. Lyons. JJeb Msry Ellraneth luncs. Council Bluffs. la. fust MrHousrnll. Genoa, Nb C. D. Holler. Walnut, la Ada Boiler, Walnut, la. Mrs. J. P. Boiler. Walnut. la R. M. Sclleck. Woodbine, la "Cash, fkiuth Omaha .$114.23 Total , Many (ilfta from BraVea SJow. BKOKKN BOW, Neb., Oct. 21. (Spe cial.) Gifts from this cKy for the L'nlted States C'hrjstma ahlp have assumed big proportions and -a large per cent of the population, including several hundred children, have made donations. There are several receiving- stations, each being kept busy In checking off the numerous packages. All of the -business bouses have generously responded and , the amount of money already spent on the purchases will - run well Into the hun dreds. , The Burlington road is shipping the gifts free of chsrge. The committee having the affair In charge comprises Rev.. W. L. Gsston, chairman: Mayor A. M. Drew, Dr. J. G. Brenlrer. Rev. A. A. Randall, Mra. C. I Qutteraon, C. E. ssnea. . . i i .J bb. m .j s V Mra. fhadell Mrs. . Goetx. 1D3S Park avenue. Mlas Met. Mr. A. U Meyer, .21") South Thirty alxth treet. Robert Kumman. Columbus. .Mra. Rolfe and daughter. McCook, Neb. - Helen Gann, Grand Island. II. Bin mm, Lincoln., Mrs. D. A. Gelneii, iGrand Island. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wright. Hamburg, la. ' Fewes Bros, ac Walley. Edgar. Neb. . Otto Abraliamson. Mlnden. Neh. FTsncis Reynolds. Frmonr, Neb. Dr. M. J. Rnalcka. Prague. Neb. Waveland Mite society. Klllott, la. Mrs. C. M. Clark. Klllott, la. Mrs. W. H. Collett. Henderson, Ja. ' Keith and Howard Clements, Lyons, Neb. . . , Kleanor and Edward umitn, wss rarK venue. J)rraha. . Mrs. W. 8. and A. H. Knight, 4316 Har ney street. Omaha. James Morton, Jr.. omana, two paca- w. V. Uloo, Z-ltl lies ouiiuinn, umiuia. . . . . r . 1 . . -. If T I . I n f Wn V. u Stre-etv Omsha. Miss Margaret Rurke, Omaha. Mrs. Lv G. Doup, Omaha. Twelve psckaae with no name. Elaa ehulta. J338 Bouth Ninth street, Cmaha. Kmma Shult?. 132 South Ninth street, Omalm. H. "hults, 2 South Ninth street Omaha. Ksther Lewis Dearman, iht Koutb Sev enteenth street, Lincoln. Mrs. D. B. Marshall. No. 7 Cornish apartments; Omaha. James B. Adams, 3429 Hawthorne ave nue, Omaha. ,. Woodbine, la. K. McNett. - . Varlon Reed, .' Mrs Hams, Arlington, Neb. Klixabeth Bowen. Nebraska City. H. N. Marsh, Tekamah. Neb. R. V. Smith. Iodge street. Omaha. Mrs. John Burke. 32 Dodge strecu ' Marlon Bieliop. Basin. Wyo Margaret Johnson. Wisner, Neb. Mra. and. Dr. H. C. Akin, . Virginia i , iw Henderson. la. Maricaret A. auer. Council Bluffs. Madge and Rex Thomas. Harvard, Neb. Claro. J. Pride el, J1CJ Jrouth Thlt ty-firsl street. Omaha. " H. K. Llherman. Friend. Neb. Mra. Mlllsrd lnafeld -. Charlea Cleland. Norfolk, Neb. Mra. Wlllard. - Aide B. -Wlerner. Lincoln. )x)ulse Steaner. . Mlsa Dumont. . . Wlllabell Bennett, Nbreka f UT- . XLrm. R. It. Foster. Norfolk. Nb. Pain Gone! Rub Sore, Rheumatic Aching Joints Stop '"dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only: not one case in fifty re quires Internal treatment Rub aoothlng. penetrating St, Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot." and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheu matic pain and distresa. "St' Jacob Oil" I a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and doesn't burn the akin. It takes pain, soreness and atiffnesa from aching Joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, back ache and neuraJgia. - Limber up! Get a aniall trial bottle of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and In a moment you'll be fre from pains, achee and atiffnesa. Don't suffer! Rub rheumatism away. Advertisement. . a. i X .. iif7r TrTnnYrifl.U HI II I in 1 1 ii file BAKING PCV Better cookies, cake and biscuits, too. All , as light, fluffy, tender and delicious as mother used to bake. And just as whole some. For purer Baking Pow der than Calumet cannot be bad at mny frict. . Ask your grocer. . RECEIVED RICHEST AWARDS WW fro TmU F-iMiM. One, tl. . fan bsnitiia. S mass, Male. VOX 3 South First atrect cl! Rluffs. - . Kdwln Met, JenvSK 117, wnite, iviw rs F. E. Mrs. flmAha U. 1 1. Towell. McCook, lra. M. H. NeUon.. M11 Kcheddel. Twenty-aeven packages Coun- rk avenue, PTtb. on received which were no names. tank Desitlssi. The 'following rai.h donations have been received, and are hereby gratefully ao I knowledgetfr I Previously acknowledged... I tT.TS Mr. and Mr. T. K. Danlell ana family. I-'ort Crook Gilea and Richard IMryear, Clar- characteriatlc of many that are being re- I Inda, la -v;"",v. . , . , ,, I Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson, V erdls Ceive.1 by tha Clirlntinas Fh p etl tor: I ;eb i.00 .50 I am today sending you via Adamax- I Kliuer BBS Davidson, VerJigre, Neb,. 3 r ic ! Hy LA 1 This very pretty aienlng go a I of, hit liberty and silk muslin. The waiet hani, loorly forming a 1'inlc effect. Tbei are Isu dc-p flouuce. rlsntlng U.ner on the left aldo; each cf thrae tiinita, as thuy apiiear lo be. ai tiimn,ed )HK a salon of arl and strap?. Tlx t-ln sItxc si eliort and trlmnwd with the n- xml ani tlinwn salon. A pink ma on Ihe left rtioulder toinplel'S this go n. That Sale of KID GLOVES We Announced in Last Night's Papers for Saturday Will be the Greatest Ever The goods are all arranged now aud as wc look them ovci we find that the values. are even greater than we had anticipated. And think of it! at this time when kid gloves are scarce, to be able to buy tUera at Half Price and such fa mous makes as Adler, Centaur, Derby and Laconia. Come Saturday morning prepar ed to buy your season's supply. Gloves of all kiuds for street and dress wear. Worth up to $2.00 a pair, at 0k I PAIR if the Price Means Nothing If You Would Not Consider the r Quality, the Appearance and the Style of These Kid Gloves 2M tioe M Friday We shall place ou -sale Friday morning at 8:o0, about 500 pairs of women's-fine shoes. These shoes were made by. one of the best mak ers in this country. A factory espe cially famed for fine shoes. These were made for several of the coun try's best. slores'.: stores in New. ,York. Boston,' Washington, eta. -7 many labels still remain. However, they were sold to us as factory surplus. They Are Made from Imported Patent Leather Louis Cuban Heel, Qoth Top in turn soles and welt soles. , Patent leather full kid quarters with leather Cuban heels. . , -Satin boots with military heel and light welt soles. ; Dull calf leather welt soles kidney heels, long fore part, tip toe. . Patent leather button boots with the new Louis heels, gray .-loth, also brown quarters.. Shoes selling regularly at $5, $6 and even $7. ' Friday C! r ana Saturday Sv Per pair In the same aile with .'li- e section you can se lect from our entire stock of Dress Goods any material to be made up into a Skirt to your measure O O fl f for the absurdly low cost for making of. . . yeiie vlV With JX) cents extra if ovcrdrapc is wanted. BARGAINS IN BASEMENT FOR FRIDAY. 10c Outing Flannel. .80 10c Percales". SYtc 25c Crepe 120 $1.75 Cot'n Blankets $1.29 $2.50 Wool Blankets $1.93 90o Sheets 79c Sale of Men's Shirts Saturday See East Window. i