1JJL littr. O.U.UIA, THLKMJAl, LHJIUMr.li XI, 114 4. You Nccdn Be Without Milk No matter whert j-oo fco on a picnic, boating, camping of motor ing you can always have pure, rich, tweet cream and milk if J ou cany a topply of' Coiinqe BVAPoR AT ED Startl farad UniwMtiiMi) Cotuge Milk tn be ed for every purpote for which milk and emm are oacd. It last indefinitely, and It more convenient, end economical and sani tary than bottle milk. - Cottage Milk It dclirertd direct train Our condanseries to your grocer, insuring freshness at .S tunc. Thm AM WHkoat (Ac Coohmd Tost la Two Sixes 5 and lOc At a3 Coed Dealers Op Phone Culisn Uroksrnge ('nmpnr, fourlaa 441J. ?1a Hrnr1la Thsnter Iutl-1lr,K. . .: Omaha, Neb. . " Arwawutcot!rAjrT . CHICAGO HBfiS8Sw 7 Don't Talk War! Talk Business! It you want to cut down ex penses, rnako your old clothes last another year by having them cleaned, dyed, altered or repaired by ua. Bring or pend them In and let ua quote jod a price for making them good as new. y Wa put new linings' In Jack ets, Coata or Overcoat; ' put velvet collars on Overcoata; put velvet or silk collars and cuffs on Jackets; In fact, do any kind of altering or re pairing for both men's and women's garment at much less tban tbo regular tailor's charge. ''. , ' Out-bf-To vn Business Itweive Prompt Attention. Write for complete price list or any Information you desire. liioPantonum 1513-17' Jones Htreet, Phone Doug. 60:1. GIT LIGtlKTT, President. By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, October 21, 1914. ACRED HBART alumnae beld-lts annual meeting Tuesday at Park riace. Lunrbeon was served at 1 o'clock from small tables in the refectory, which was taatefully decorated with autumn leaves and shrubs. . t Attractive centerpieces on each table were India baskets laden with fruits and placed on mounds of leaves. Coves were' laid' for seventy-two. In the afternoon an enthusiastic business meeting was held, a resume of the year's doings of the alumnae read and officers-for the coming year elected: Mrs. L. C' Crofoot, president; Miss Marie Woodard, first vice president; Mrs. Thomas Parmele of Plattsmoutb. second vice, president; Miss Blanche Kinsler, treasurer; Miss Nsn Murphy, secretary; and Mrs. Arthur Keellne, recorder. The feature of the day was a miislcale at 4 o'clock, given by Miss Alice Virginia' Davis and Miss Emily Cleve. An Informal tea was held at & o'clock; the former presidents presiding at the urns. . . Former pupils of the Barred Heart convents all over the world have chosen October 20 as a special holiday to be known as Sacred Heart day. This was also Alumnae Day in Omaha. m ' -a ,r v? r nr H ii V J i nuis. 'Oas Kansas Three Trains Dally VIA T1IH ' Missouri . Pacific Leave Omaha Ar.'Kansas.Clty 5:00 A. M. 3:35 P. M. 2; 00 P. M. . 8:S5 P. M. 11:15 P. M. 7;lu A. M. Modem Kqulpment " C-i-.cr. atioa Slccpere Superb IMr.lng Car Service MchU a la Carta llr t 'unnriluria In Ktiui t'M L'plon rotation f.,r inputs tout!. iiit Went. TICKET OFFICE 1424 i '.!'.. n M. liiRn Mniion. Tliun. K. Oo.lfisy Gruel id Agriit, lassengrr Dept. ' ' t yt At 4 1 t t 5 $3iQ a Mcnlh 20 different makes to bfli t from. Free Ktool, iiarf, Tuning and In surance. Kent allowed a purchase price if you decide to buy. Cc!:r.:c!!er c fJueller PI VXO tU'AXT lili l tl;! harnaiH Mreet lKugla mat - ' ' t' 4 t' v , ,.. Church Eeception. Bv. 1 C. X. Dawaon of the Diets Memorial lthoJlt church were tiitered a recpUon at the church Tie'1ay ve nlng. Mra. Pawion was presented large bouquet of roaes, the presentation rpaech being" mada b- John H. Beaten. P.. B. Daems gave the a4dreaa of walcoma. A musical and literary program was given. Mine Uena Gllman. Mr. Jark Alvorl and Mri. J. Klger takhig part. One hundred guests wera present. Johnion-Sagert Kuptiaig.. Tha weddlug of SUe Frieda Fagart. daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kagmt, to Fredrl, K. Johnaon took place WdneeJay at nocn. The Kv. !r. Collar perforrwed the cremony. Mla Marhoff -played the wed ding march. Mlas Moljeka Johnson wss I rldRsmctU an1 Mr. luring 'Elliott best man. Th i.rida moia a suit of dark bli Im ported Frenrh . erg trimmed In black fox fur and ' a lata black velvtt nat trimmed with Imported qullla. The hridamald was alaot gowned In a bite ai'U with hat to match. The chutch was decorated In Klliarney roa and fama.' After the ceremony a wediHtig luncheon wna served at the Hotel toyal. Alter November 15 Mr. and Mrs. Join son will be home at 471 North Fortieth avenue. ' ' - Mortoa-Pindell Weddinj;. i The wadding of Ilaa Angelina PlndeVt; oaushter of Mr. and Mra. William 11. rindelt, and Cyril John Morion of Grand Inland, look place Tuesday at 1:50 o'clock. Hev. Thomas J. Mackay of All faints' church performed tha ceremony, which was witneeoed by only the Immediate rela tives and a few lntlmat trlmd. Mrs. George M. Durkee played the Lohengrin weeding march. .. ' The bride w ore hor traveling ault - of dark blue novelty cloth, with a blacK velvet hat. trimmed with wtitte algreltea. Fha wore a coraaga bouquet of Mra Ward rosea and lilies ofthe valley.'' ' The only attendsnt wss Miss Angelina Rush, niece of the bride. ' The 1 decorations In' tha dininf room wera In brtda roues, while pink chrys anthemtima were used In the parlors and garden flowers. In the living room. ' Mr. and Mrs. Motion have gone on a western trip, and after November lb will be at home at Orand - Island. " ' Among the out-of-town guesta were Mrs. V. ..I.ynda'of Chicago and Miss Olive PtrxlaU oX Mmnvapolls. At the Unifmity Club. ' Mrs. Charles O. McDonald entertained at luncheon Tuesday at the Vnlveratty club, followed by a matinee party at the Iirandla for Mrs. Wslter Clsrk of Mll f"rl. Conn. There wera els guesta In th party. Thla afternoon Mrs. J. IL Mc Donald had four gueata at tha Commer clul club for Mrs. Clark. For Setdwood Visitor. Mis. C, B. Coon entertained at bridsa Tuesday afternoon for her daughter, Mra. Geoive B. Ayers of Desdwood, 8, D. The decorations were yellow and white clirytanthemums. Three tables wera placed for the game. Mrs. Ayre leaves Sunday for her borne In Dead wood. For Uit. Hacker. Mrs. Krauk Bacon entertained at bridge this afternoon for Mra. T. JJ. Hacker of Fort. Oglethorpe, cie.. who la hjira with Major Hacker, tlx guata of Dr. end Mra. J. J. McMullen. Major and Mrs. Hacker were formerly atatloned hare. Mrs. Mo Mullen will give an Informal tea fur Mra. Hackrr .Saturday afternoon. Pajalco Dancinp Party.' k Tha Tssslco clue will give a danolag party Thursday evening at the Metropol itan club. .. Grceticitl-Eau Xaptialj. 1 The marriage 0f Mlai Anna Rau to Al bert Urovtachel took place Tueaday after noon at the home of the bride. They re attended by Mlaa Matilda Rau. alalar of the bride, and Mr. YVUmer Pandstedt. Hev. C. N. Uwlhart of the Grace Lutheran church cfflclated. The immediate fsm l!lc were the only guesta present. Bnai B'rith Keeling. . The Lartira' auslllary to McKlnley lodge or the ll nal H rtth will meet thla evening at the Metropolitan club at I o'clock. A musical and literary program has been arraaed. White-Downing Nuptials. The we.l.lina of .!a NriUe M. Downing and Mr It. Victor Wl.li ..i.kui Turaday evening at I o'clock at the Diets Memorial MAthodlat ihurch. Rv. C. N. Da4Hu officiating. The young couple wore attnlrd by Mra. Nellie M. bhaw anJ Mr.. J. n. Lldilon of St. Ixmta. Mr. and Sin. V nil will be at home at IV Pacific street. . i .Omaha Police Find Conditions Bad in Chicago Courts A taste of the condition of Chicago po lice conditions Is furnished the local au thorities In telegraphic communlcatlona from Detectives John Dunn snd James Kennelly of Omaha, who are thre waging a legal battle , for tha return of Mr. and Mrs. Fred (thaw, wanted In Omaha for slKxdlftlng. beating a hotel bill,- and as sault upon fluperlntendent Jamleson of Havden Bros. The Shews were arrraled In' Chicago upon complaint of the local police, who wired that officers and requisition war rants wera on tha way. Before the, war rants snd officers got thre tba priaoaera bad been released on bonds of 11,600 each, furnished by a Chicago criminal lawyer, and these wera promptly jumped. It now davelopa that the bond fumiahed wss a "straw bond ".and that tha bondsmen. In stead of being out anything, ere ahead in the matter to the extent of a. fat fee. ' An Inveatigntlon la now on In .Chicago by the state's attorney, who charges that t lie police are working with a criminal ring of thlevea and lawyers to tha detri ment of Justice, i PSZAN0WSKI ARRESTS PIERCE, PLUMBING THIEF Robert Pierce. Itinerant, 'arrested sev ersl times for cutting plumbing out ef v acant- houses, waa arrested again' red handed by Defective John Psxanowskl, who caught htm with a bag of. plumbing i ewly cut from a house in the north part of tha city; , " . . In the last few weeks nearly a dosen houses have been damaged to the extent of several hundred dollars each, all for the plumbing, ' which, sold aa junk, only brings a few cants. .Fierce' la believed to be the man re sponsible for the vandalism and tha po lios and real estate exchange will make a strenuotia effort to put hint away for good thtB time. - IOWA TEACHERS TO ATTEND ' MEETING HERE NEXT MONTH M!ssa Zona C. MoAdon, ' Minnie Graves. Lela" Terry, Mary Kidder and John Gorham.'el! tea-ciher at Little Sioux. j la.,' will be rent by the citizens ef that village to the Nebraska State Teachers' association meeting In Omaha, Novem ber 4, S and s. About l.iiOO other Iowa teachers will also attend tha meeting. Holdrege and Ravenrva have notified the local committee that their teacnere will be aent at the school district expense to attend the association. ' The Burlington railroad has arranged to run . a Bpaolal train to Child's point during the meeting to give teachers an opportunity to vl'lt the caves of prehis toric people,' ".','' WATER BOARD BOSS ' WANTS EXPLANATION n i. ii . . R. Beectier Howell was wrathy. Borne one had reported to hlut that employes otthe Water board had been driving the Water board's machine around town with the picture of Johnny Lynch Instead of that of Ho weft. The motor contained Members Cberman and Heafey, Unslneer Prince and Bupe.i tendent Hunt. . It took thent some time to explain to the bosa that eome joker had changed tha photos. I Dancing Club Tin: Jiajia lii'.G- j The 8. R. lanclnb cjuu has annouueed a aeries or aancee for tha coming yar. Those In chsrae are Mesars. 1 I. Hoag. P. P. fklnaer. T. l. Ctombs. B. F. Thomas and W. G. tUrhtr. , In ar.d Oat ef the Bee Hire. ! Mrs. Wili.ani J. Hunsaker of iti mw, !Mhh.. who waa the guest of Mr. aod M:s. I r liii k Clsrke Use weak, la spend Ir.g thla week with Mr. and Mia. H. a. C'.aike, Jr. f'rs. f an Coxtena has retuinrd from aa ievtencud tnii tu lbs Pacific wi,t, visit. lug at l.os An(t!i, fn ta,i 8te V"ranclso. . . FATHER KILLED IN WAR. ,t GIRL HERE TRIES SUICIDE Miss Kmma Rhea, aged 1 years, a domestic at the Omaha club, attempted aulcldo by taking gas. when she received a letter from her folks in Europa con veying tha Information that her father bad been killed In the war. Dr. Foils re sponded to a call at police headquarters snd tha life' of the young woman was saved by the aid f tha pulmotor. IRISH FELLOWSHIP CLUB . MEETS THURSDAY NIGHT The Irish Fellowship club will hold "open houee" at the Arlington club rooms Thursday evening, when all friends are Invited' to attend. A short program will be rendered. Candidates' Cards . Must Not Be Nailed to Telephone Poles Four motorcycle po;ir:nen and all ratrolmen on the .'of hsve been ordered by Acting Chief of Folic M. F. Dempsey to tear ro-n the campaign ; poster, 0f (he political candldstes "Oaa large dltrict where lhe posters i hsd bn tacked to telephone, electric i 111 1 snd telegraph posts wss clesred of j the csrds by 11 o clock one night" rsld Chlf Dempsey. "The next morning the posters were atill on. te posts. "W csnnot prosex-ute the candldatea and It is difficult to spprehend the men who work after midnight for them, but wa are doing all we can to prevent the violation of the law." The policemen have ben notified to summarily srrest snjone found perpe trstlng the nulsnca of postlns the can didates' sdvertlsements on telegrsph pbsta and public property. the p.ihll. ity bureau s rnnmlna rt. lsrt- nnn.Ur lrh,r, havo Blreadv Wrli.lranse throuah the local teachers to se- rrent belne condu. trd at tl-e Vo'inx Men's t"n la to arms-e for rooms, 5f-re looms cr re more avai'al rooms In homes of Christ an asdatlon for th- NeM-aeka ' sre to le lirtrd. a an unusnally lar.e at- state teabers' annual rnnvemlon. to be f errtnr.( e !s rpoted. uperlntendr nt E. held during the fleet w-rk In November, j t. iJraff of the fi.ihr.c schools will sr- the s. hool i l-.i'dren. Secretsry .V. A. Rem Irgton of the Young Men's Christian ss soilatlon is handling, trie room lists. Goodyear Tire Men to Have Big Meeting .Ten local salesmen of the Goodyear Tire COmoenV Will ta- .i-v t Tn...l'.u ln - specisf Pullmsn for Akiym. O., where they nm psmcipaie m a re nc rs I s-ion of all tha cancarn'a seillnj forces. There will be a, meeting of men from western territory in Chics to, where It la ex pected that about ten train loads of Good yesr tire men will assemble end all leave at once for the home cfflee. On Wedneaday, Thursday. Friday and Paturday of the same week tha officers and men will diacuss new selling plana and the whole, affair wound up with a eumptuoua banquet at Akron. ( Fatr f atansrtle t ablets. Tou will Ilka tnetr positive action. They hav a tonlo effect on tha bowels, ar.d give a wholesome, thorough cleansing to the entire bowel tract. Ptlr the llvr to healthy activity and keep etomach sweet. Constipation, headache, dull, tired feeling never afflict, those fchb use Foley Cath artic Tablets. -Only :o. Specially com forting to stout, persons, who enjoy the light and freo feeling they give. All dealers evrrwfc.ere.--Adverttsemnt. ' lsf Pius, sf MANY ROOMS LISTED FOR . THE YISrriNG TEACHERS Over 60 rooms, capable of accommodat ing l.eoe persons,, sre already listed with About 3,500 Pairs of Standard Makes of Kid Gloves gsSg Saturday at About HALF Price This is the most important Kid GloVe an nouncement we have made for many sea sons. A year ago this coming Saturday we had the biggest Kid Glove day in the history of our store. We have planned months ago to make next Saturday a still greater and bigger day, to establish a new record in our Kid Glove business.. We have achieved results far beyond our expectations in assembling Kid gloves from the worlds most famous makers all newr, clean, perfect, fresh merchandise at about HALF or little more than hklf of their regular values. , They include such famous makes as Adler, Derby, Centaur and Laconia We have a full assortment of sizes and colors in the lot and the goods are all clean, fresh and desirable. Every pair guaranteed to be perfect. Watch-the daily papers for further an nouncements of this, the. greatest sale of Kid Gloves in our history. Kg2 QUANTITY- QUALITYSERVICE: Onr connections with Stern Brothers of New Tork place us in constant ' touch with the European markets, aa well as the) New York market, en abling ua. to show evervtulnaV new- as soon aa It appears. g .ii .., i i r - i ,imi. mil iiw .i ii ji ..,.uj.ii m jw mi in wp.in.iw n.w i m n " i.a Onr Annaal Fall Sale of Blankets and Comforters con tinues; all items at advertised prices ae long; as the lots last. It may break cold any day now. Better prepare by taking ad vantage of the bargains offered. About 1,800 Manufacturer's Sample Blouses All to go on Sale Thursday--on Second Floor at Very Small Prices, Compared to Values One lot 6t nearly 1,000 beauti ful Waists, in Shadow Lace, Crepe der Chine, Jap Silk, Mescaline and Chiffon. ' These are all ' . new models, made by - ' v one of the best manu-. . t facturers In the United States, i Fashionable . c materlala and most wanted colors. Dosetta of smart styles to .. select from. Come early; aa waists like these will not last long.- ; Values Vp to $4.50, . Thursday for Oe1 79 :fef: - i!-? '.v: :hJ n , i r , i '1 1 ' 11 Another Interesting Offer ... About 00 Blouses, in Georgette Crepe, rich . Satins, Crepe de Chine, Lace, Velvet Basqueette . and Basque Blouses. The best, values ever offered at. this price. ' I ?l Values tp'to $tiM?'v .-.",. Thursday for' ; v Stunning New Models In Shadow Lace, 'Net, Chiffon. Exquisitely pretty Dresa Blouses. Values up to $10.00. Offered Thurs- d C day at........ SD Suit Special Thursday Vatuea out of the ordinary, indeed! A new lot in which style and fabric excellence much higher price Broadcloths, Pop is, Gabardines. In practical colors and trimmings. The smart Red- Ingote. Dlrectolre and Pa letot cut Jackets and "nobby new tunie skirts. ! i 1 1 Una. 8erge . J Pi tood. The fall fashion aristocrats. Suit that pos sess all the style,, elegance and finished su periority of garments that you see marked 30 and $35 In many other lines. Women's Smart Shoe Head and Nose Stopped From a ColdLTry This. Tour eold will break . aod ail Jtrlppa misery and after taking a da of "lope's Cold Compvu.l" evary two hours until tinea doses are taken. It promptly opens clogg?4-tip nostrils and air passages n tha head, steps as.ty dlscliarga or nose running, relieve aick liesflaihe, dJllnoaa. feverlshaea, sore throat, aiveesmg. aoreneu and stlffaeas. lont stay stufed-ii! Quit blowing and snfr'uig! ase our throbbing head -nothing else In tha world sixes h prvmpt rrlief as"Pap'a Cold Compeund." w hloh oosta only X rsnta at any drug atore. It a.ts wttbout asltnre. tastva nla. and tausrs o In.onventence. Ac cept no eubsutute. Advartisemeut. I" 'A m . t . 7 s til 7 W I -.so Uv - m Street Frocl is Pretty Models WITH .the new Satin and Vel vet combinations. The nob by Serge and Satins. Smart flared tunics, pleated and plain. New basque effects. AH the good colors. ' 5 W: All Silk Jersey Petticoats Made with deep, all flue pleated flounce. Kvery desirable , $1 AO color. Very special value. 91, JO Smart New Fall Coats n and misses. Va-K will surely createl st buying on our7J ior Tburidt y. . for women and misses. ues that wl the liveliest second floor About 400 nobby.'up-to-date Coats for women and misses. , every one of the smart cloths of the season. Heavy, all-satin lined ' Broadcloths, Arabian Lambs, Seal Plushes, Persians, Cheviots, etc. Silk Plush &nd Ural Lamb Coats Tie A special lot of fine coats, in the guaranteed Sc alette and Salts fabrics; heavy guaranteed satin linings; long, full cut coat;' large, storm collars. turnback, cuffs, wide facing. Splendid values at.. eavy guaranteed $19100 s 4t I In the New 'STAGE" Last The most popular footwear for fall. Very smart fclioos. Patent vamp, cloth tops, high Cuban and Kpoeial heels. Ex treme short.' vamps.' These are the new, popular .lusts, giving the foot the t-hort ef fect. All sizes. $4.95, $3.95, $3.48 "Baby DoU" Shoes for Women Wide, plain toes, low heels, cloth tops. -Patent and dull leather. We have all sizes md An an idths.in this very popular style. Pa Nelt Comfy Slippers for Women In blue, red, lavender and tan. Ribbon trimmed, padded wool soles. All aiies. rretty OQ and comfortable slipper for, pair... vlsOJ WARM T 1 For Women and Children Women's Fine Silk and Wool Suits lli?h neck, 'with lone: .sleeves; "Duteh neck, with elbow sleeves; L?w neck, sleeveless; all in ankle lengths. Worth to $2.50, at, 6uit. Women's Hnei l"nlonKuit Me dium and fleecy lined cottons, all styles and sizes. str Worth up to $1. suit.. I DC Women's Union Suit v -Fine cot ' ton. fleecy lined; high neck, with long sleeves; Dutch ne?k. with elbow sleeves, and low neck. s!eevless. All in ankla lene'hs. Special yrlce. r suit OUC Boys' and tiirla' Ueavy Klecexl CVtton I'nlita Suits High seek, with long sleeves, ankle length. Ages 2 to lt years OA 69c values, at, ault.... O JC $1.98 Women's Kid Gloves Just arrived About 75 dozen Women's Fancy Kid Gloves. We are certainly fortunate in securing this lot. They are the newest, the best and tha smartest styles hare ever seen. They come , with embroidered backs, in an AnHlas varlntv nf 1a- signs, each more attractive v7 than the other. IMack with whito embroid ery, black with .mixed black and. white embroid ery, white with black em broidery, white with mixed ., black aud white cmbroiderv, tan with black embroidery, etc., etc. Overeani stjlea as well as la ydque and priced most reasonably. Tli qualitie are the standard IVrrln qunlltiew, and every pair is guaranteed. g3 nrvvrsi otiicr isiuuu. nir i iu"i. i,v thee gloves at J.50, J.li3, 92.00 and $1.30 a pair. - ThurMlay we will feature one line special, a quality which should sell for 2.o0 m pair, full )iie sewn, with routraMlng twacks, S OA real kid, i-tiery pair guaranteed, at.. i)JLeO7 Por fcle Tliuraiiav about 5S dosan fiueat quality Cham. olsKiie wuli prettily atiloheii harka witli blfk ,...o,il h.if nl.ius sewn. tno-iUp siile. A auiallty tliat we axil liuw at !c a pair, ami wliltii Is worth a (I cod e.U inure. I ie ciusnmy i. in.iiirj inn ,i auasrst ei'lv lactin. The giovra ara Viiaraiitt wasliobl. r-'l regularly at Se a pair. Thursday, at, r'r 50c 1