I r UKh: OMAHA, TJ1LK.MUY. (MJTUriKli l!14. Bringing Up Father Oprrtcht. TV). Iotemetloael New eervte. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus iinj Vl,,. -'-L- "yiLf Ot-lD COr-iFoiT T MO yiOKINC, MLOWEO tn THE PrVLM ROOM and KEMOVF YODW HA.T HOW MUCH DO vou wvit roe THlt HOTEL I VT TO TAKt fo."se.isi or lMrED1ATt"A.Y. IT TOUt - huXion: i mCCXNCiTOTORH INTO AftHOKlM" ROOM DOT DFFOR6 I OO-I VANT A CERTAIN TMROVN OUT I VAS ONLY i-l sir: WAlVtJ?- send rot? DJNtYMOOHE And "TCUl-mimi-m ;iy-h' A SMOKER TONIGHT r i - i ... . - 14s . I ft y KAY CUT; WESTERN LEAGUE Six Clabf, My Conphsi the Circuit for Sext Seaioa. f V TOPEXA WA5T3 TO GET OUT City C m Foaad Vt kirk Waats ta Frekcblsefllatter t Uac I f Mm a leeatr 7 .;. Th Western league U .going to .have f tha tm of Ha Ufa whe tha uinunl bi ro ll wM and tba question of the dis posal f tha Topek franchise la btivf ht before tha conclave. For 1ha director af th Torka club hsv brrn working evertf-n (or fh laat Iwe week .a that vary -Mideavon n up to data they have been !rn tha frosn star by all pr pectiaxuy cached. ' " Tha directors flrat offered the frsic his ta Davenport, aa tha W rot mi league and tha director ef tha Davenport' clot talked buslncea a year ego, when Holland. Jtourk and UbeU'trled to effect chaage in tha circuit. But Davenport, according to one Al O'Mern, went nothing ot th Weetern Irarue. Despite Mr. O'liern't proclsmatloa .Three-1 citiea seem to b of the opinion that O'llera may chant hla mind, it X It t habit af his. A train Cedar Itsplda of th Central as sociation Was offered aa opportunity. Cedar Rapid wisely refuted, aa there ia hardly any likelihood of a city of tha site, af. Cedar Rtplda rmrr.and!hx a po aitlon la 'a cUms .A rlrcutt. Tha Topeka director even went to so tar at to offer ta al to Waterloo. WaUrloe only enlrk erad at tha offer, aa It could not aupport rltsa B club, let alone data A. But It only oe to ihow atat or prrftla atralahta the Tpk club la .In financially. The club luat ntoaey and lot t of It iuiins tle campalga )uat oompteted and there lin t a chance for It to remain la th learue another eeeeon. even Ihouin tha other clutt promlae to atalet In any def'.cHa If another city whkh can tup port a rlata A tram cannot be procured to accept the vacancy It la probable that the letfue rltl be cut to a !x-olub leatcue, dropping WichlU In additlo ta the Kaw capital. Didectuna I Scores His Second Victory Over William Horse 'ORAND RAPID". Mltfh., Oct. n.-IM-rertiint 1 hokirr of tba world! pacing rapord, amrad hit aacond victory aber WiilUtni Iter thta aftrrnoon. In their third matrh itce within a month for tha aupreinary af tha pacing world. Too champion aiallloa won eaHy ia ttto atraight . hrata with beat time at 1 Hit fleet victory aver William, during tha eertee, wi at Coiumbua, O., twa weaka ago when he aetabtlehed a world's record, af t:U. In thelr firat meeting, haia four weeks ago. William won eas ily, taking three airtight heat. Tha weather was warm today and tha track waa ecneldered faet. Plractum t tn owned by James Cutler of New Tork and William by A. Earl Van Natta of Ottaebein, Ind. It waa annouaoed tba I we horeee will meet again at Kalamatoa next Wednetday. Summary: Metrh rare, world'a-pacing ehamplon. hl for stallions, pure 15,000; beat two beats of three: llrKtum 1. ch a, by directum. Kelly Anedrker) i i W lliinm. b s.. by Abe J.- (Marvin).. 1 Time; l:M'i, Oi. . IOWA SPORTSMEN DINED HERE BY M. C. PETERS A party of Davenport and Dubuque aporitmen pateed through Omaha In a sprcles car on the'r way to Valentine, h., for S little duck hunting. They will ba tha auetta of A. S, UlUnan at Valrntlne. While hi re the tporUnu-n weia tha g it tt of C. Peters at a brrVft party. Mr. peters and Xlaior Kerher Joined the party here and - will partake la the rport at Valentine. ' ! TkM Karly Braaeklal t'aaake. Ti'rf hang on all winter tf not checked, and Java the war for eertoua throat and tur n . Uet kntlo of i'oleya llonry and Tar Compo'bed. and take It freiy. Stops eougha and coldi, he&ia raw Influned throat, looeena and phlegm' aad is mUdly ItxatSva. Cba. T. Miller, Ed. Rnqulrar, Canaolton. Ind., had bronchial trouMa, got Try hoar, roshd cofi tantly from a tickling throat Us used oly Foltys Ifoney and Tr Compound. Waa entirely relieved. Wants other to know at Fwley's Honey sjid Tar. . AU Rutherford May Be Out of Aggies Game StewHaweSs LINCOLN. Oct. U.-( Special Telegram.) Comhuaker proepecta. which have mounted atnoa tha aplendld work of tha laat few dr, sufficed a aertoua aelba k tontiSit when Mlfba-k Dirk Rutherford, tha star of tits Uam, waa severely hurt In acrimnWe. Rutherfofd waa.kli'kcd In tha groin and had ta be tarrtrd iff the field. Whether he will .be sble o-play In tha game Saturday is sa opsa qnaa Mon. ", ; ; , ,. , fitlehm kept the regniarg grinding away until dark on delenjlve work, allowing tha freshman to 'have tha' VtH fl of tha tlms. fctlrhni was satisftrd with the Corn busker offente Iat night and took ad vantage of tba night a play ta prepare Uia Huakar Una for tha aeaauHa-cf tha Afgiea' backfjeld. The freshmen did not have any 'lurk against tha varalty tin, using tha Agglee' plays, and were repeat edly thrown for losses. Chamberlain was snitched to defensive end In piars of Howard and ahowed up In great shape. Howard will play offensive end with Chamberlain back In his aid position. . . Cy Mason and Captain Pnoak of th l!t elevrn were tha new arrival on th firld tonight to assist in preparation for th b! gam. - Expert Billiardist s Play Here Today V' f f 1 " 1 t ! " f ' - '-WkskntnA - K s W 3 V 1 BOWLERS MAKLOW SCORES Booster Isgnen Experience Some Trouble in Hitting the Pins. CLAJLA BELLE3 IN " THE LEAD 1 i . Tnk Three atrmtarbt from tha Corey MrKfttlM, erlth -'S rat re mm Kdlaoa Xaklas'HfsTh . , ,Mrkf. ' . from the Drexei Shoes . without any trouble. The first gam proved to be a close one, with only three plna dividing tha totals. Fits led In totals with U and Bertwell jumped Into th spotlight with n 211 tingle gama for high score Id tha match.. Vc"Lker r Coclu? tux- cm Mornlngstsr sad Welker Cochran, members of the billiard league and two of th moat expert cuiata In th country, will inaugurate three-match aeriee today at Morrison's billiard parlors. Tha bll Uardisu will play the 14.1 gama. At present Mornlngstar Is leading th league In victories. At the HI gam h has bean champion and now ha bowa only to W'Ulia Hoppe. Cochran la n youngster, but ha ia playing a neat gam and an even contest Is assured hare. Tha duo of cuiste will exhibit again Friday after- J noon and evening at Morrison's. CHRISTMAS SHIP IS : : '- r:'v GETTiKG ITS CARGO ' (Continued from Page On.) - - WISNER TEAM TAKES GAME AFTER MAKING HARD FIGHT SORFOLiC, Neb,, Oct fl. (BpeciH Tel egram.) The Wianer team defeated th Norfolk Buttneaa . college team hart M adnesday. 41 to OWaa Frank, farmer star, ef th University ef Nebraakn: hermor Benslna and La Kan featarad for Wiener. Wlenee waa on th defeastv fraqueatly and had to fight hard tar the gam.' Be Want Ads Prodoc Result. t Great Suit Value at $20, $25 and $30 ft t ' t : 1 I i i At $20. you -get $25 vorth of style, fit and sat j isfaction. Tartans, chev I yiots and serges to select ' from.- Splendid fabrics and handsome patterns. ;-V- You can select a suit at U - $25 or $30 knowing that jp , no tailor can surpass it; if ho equals it ho will charge you a great deal more. Our Kensington Suits at $20; $25 and $30 are eminently worth your while.- 4i L, Imiik etc f ejre.ee1 V-,..- - arsl In their treatment ot Uv project Not one) of therri ' w ho has ' been ap proached yet with a requett for assleV anea In the faiatter of gathering, pack In t and transporting th ' goods but has cheerfully agreed to all that ls'aeked f him, and It Is this thsUls making the work n' great' aucresa. At many of the tor re offering - arS ' being 1 received, wrapped, ahTsenfto Th Bos office ready to ship. ' Many purchase are being mad for rellvery 'td tha ' Ohrletmaa Phip ed itor, and these ar being attended to with greet proroptneta., In fact every body seems to. 'have the Idea that the Christmas f hip Is a good thing snd should b boosted ta the limit . - Shoel Work Orcoaled. uprintendent 1C V. Graft of the pub lic echoola. nt a meeting ot achool prin cipal Tuesday 1 evening, oxpialned the purpoe of the Christmaa ship and ram mendtd th school children tor th spirit lib.. which they entered into thn wrh at preparing a happy Christmaa for the Itt tie tot hi IJurop. :: x , Manyef tha achool children whe did not have pennlea to glee gave their dolla. and 1 several instances) of elf-sncrlfle have shdwn'th sympathy' Omaha ehll dtwn hold for tbelr leas fortunate broth er aad Bister rcroaa the son. Tha collection f gifts and money to he sent' oa th Vnlted (Kates ship t ths ehlldren In the w ton wfll be ended Thursday hfternoon In th achool. So perlnlendent Oratf told th principal to Vet the children know that Thursday morning and afternoon wtwld be tho last erpurtunity ta help. - w - reekasree frsa th State.' Advices continue to arrlv at tba Omaha railroad office that large qnsittltles of goodn,appl! and preaeote, aiwed to be aent to tha war sone of Europe on the Cpnetma ship that The Be 1 aiding In loading out of Brooklyn, are bring- geth ered at aUtlona along tha respective lines snd that they will be eh'pped aa rapidly as jo!ble. The Burltngtoa hears that' the children of Broken Bow Tueaday contributed the'.r mtta I aid the children In war-atrtckeo Europe. r.J that article, all packed; wilt be here nooo. Tha same line at work ta reported ta hare been carried on tg many of tha school cut' In the elate. Assistant - General Freight" Agent Chtsam ef th Great Wettem haa re ceived word from the Chicago headquar ter to take up tha work of aiding In eeraring enough stuff to fill tho first car that will go out over th Burlington and then Jump In and work tor th next car, th en to be hauled by th road he rep rvnts. Mr. Chiasm ha announced thai h tan art asid spacs In the Great Writ era' freight house, at the north end of the Sixteenth strvet ' Induct On the tpe.ee dreigneu-d by Mr. Oilaam. srttrlr tor th Christmas ship may W aeeeuibled and there walked eer by the pai-kvrs, who m.tt prepare them for ! eoraa e'ag- rklldrea Help tk Child re a. Jama B. Adams, Jr.. t4.1 Hswthorne w, haa the real Christmas aptrlt, aad a sent this coniptcte ikt for a l-year-old boy; Da Corduroy auit. ene tlr shoes, taa pair atoefcinsa, te union suits, one pair snlttena. one flennol ti-.lrt. one rap. ona pair suspender. oaS Inereo4 valc'k UuW I !. mma aad H. Bchult of 1M Suuih Ninth street hav ceutrlbuted to the hipplues of soma of the UtUe Euro pean children by sending to Th Bos offlc three beautifully creased drikt, with extra clothes, two doll csLrrtagef and Irish man. . . . . " Wood hi aad Skownadoavk. Woodbine. Ia., ha don wall by the Christmaa Ship. Th expreoa company delivered to The Be n large barrel and" two boxes from that town, mnt by H. A. Klnneyt Tb boxes eontnta rood choar for th. littl tot In th war aon. as there are a large number of pieces of warm - clothing 1 tor th sufferer. Thn worn ot Shenandoah. In., ar ass taking a moat active Intaraat la th Christ maa Bhlp. Not only ar thsy collect ing gtf ta. but they hav nlso nllstd th school children rn the work. A committee of th women visited The Be offlc t make arrangement for th shipment As th achool children will not b bl to get In nil their gifts before Friday, th Wsbath haa agreed to bring over th boxe Friday evening aa baggage. Council .BluCa jKhool children ar also now . interested In th task of loading down Vnci Sam' warship wtth toys and warm .clothing for th Uttl sufferers of th war son and they ar making ooU iectiorts. ' Thee ar to M taken ta Th Be office- at Council Bluffs, from wher they will be hauled t Omaha. to b as with tha car of proseat over th Burtlag ton road. ' Iura O. TJorsay 4 10 lre- W. A. Kobortson, Plattsnsouta. .W Medelloa t beach. MUlar a 09 Kmma Peterson. Aurora. Neh. ....... AW P. hi. O. L'kapur, eairbxry .... (.OS Cash .Si A. K. pereoa, Wiener, Neb t.S Harvey Deaa. Parifis Junction. Ia.. t Mr. Wort eo eon. Ft Cnlhoua a. Total .r...,.c! aaker Katetw Flea. PIERRt, . P.. Oct SL-(9peclaI Tele-gram-V la Stanley county circuit court at Fort Pierre today John Hays, charged by th stat banking department with nth counta In relation 'to hi bank fail ure, ranging from forgery to falsification of accousta. re-entered a plea ot not guilty on part ot the counts and do ruurred to th others. Th cas wllf g over until Monday of next Tha Association alleys still prove to be troublesome to tha Booster, loagera, and "a a reuttrores weVe tow.' Learn kept up hi- fast pace by rolUna; a 424 total, but this waa tho only aix century score roiled. Th Clara Belle went Into th leadership of th league by winning thro straight from tha Corey-McKenslea, the former leader. Nea'e's S7S total and Eldson'a SS alngle game were high scores In this match. Ftlcoa. although out-totaled by the Loyal Order of Moos, won two. ."Chef Weeks led this squad with a 697 total and tied with Pa Klnnemau for high single wtth 2& El Paxos were victorious In their match with tha Beacon Press, winning two of th games. Lesrn's 4S3 and H7 were high score. Maurer's Cafe and Powell Supply com pany team rolled an exciting match, with th former winning two of the games. The last two game wer hotly contested. It being up to the last man to win. Only five pin divided the second game and nU th third. A total rolled of 2.797 by th Moos club Wat high, and It KZ waa high team gam. Th Gat City leaguer rolled a good set of games on th Morrison alleya. Th Black Kata rolled high team total, but lost two games out of the series to tha Ragan ' Fabrtaf f - "Smile" Thatcher led th Individual with a US total' and a S3 srngl gam. - - i ; Th Fairmont Creamery team won three CHURCH LEAGUE TO ORGANIZE BASKET BALL TEAM The Church leagu of basket ball team will ba organlaed for another season at tho Young Men' Christian association next Tueaday evening. Th suooees of th leagu last year proved that latereot in the indoor pastime I very great ta Omaha, and th officer of th aaeorla Oom derided to plan a league again this year. Representatives of all tema a lin ing to enter tha league this year have been urged to ba present at the confer ence Tuesday. AGNEW AND NlEHOFf CN PLAYERS' FRATERNITY BOARD Fain Agwaw and Bert Nlehoff. former member of the Kurke family aad well known to Omaha fans, have been plaoed on th board of dirx-ton of tha Play ers' fraternity. Agnew la chairman ot the board. Tha Players' fraternity new include a membership of 1.01 4. All or the player la th Western leagu ar members, including every member ot the Cruaha club, wtth th exception ef Johnny Uuuding. t trasl t'oostloattoa Xiakre 111 nUeeraUe. Lr. a.lug'a New Ute Pill reerulato your kowes and ro tter th engorged liver. &c. AU drug-glttt.-AdvertUHM&ent Redskin Warriers Play Here Sunday Th Winnebago Indian foot ball team, entirely composed of redskin warrior, will invade Omaha for a battle with th Columbian t Rourk park. This will bo th first visit of th redmet and th Sunday fan should b treated to a neat conflict. The Indiana are reputed to b a fast ggrogadon and th advanc dope Indi cate a defeat for th Columbiana. The re J men will average about ' 170 pounds, while th Omaha a mat eu re average ten pound less. Th gam will b called at S o'clock. A preliminary game wfll ba played start in, at 1:30 betwen the Ilyland Park and th Columbian Reosrvea. Great Assembly Of Odd Fellows At Grand Island Omaha High Meets York Friday Afternoon Omaha High achool foot ball team will meat Tork at Rourk' park Friday after noon. Although the team lost to Uncoln last Saturday, it 1 la rood conditio "Dot Want Ada Produce beeurtn TWO MEN ARE KILLED lf CHICAGO AUTO ACCIDENT - CHICAGO, Oct a Two men were killed and four other persona, including one woman, were Injured here today when th automobile in which they wer riding on Ninety second street -skidded into- a - telephone pole.- - Th - dead - are Thome Rafter and Frank Leonard, both ot Chleagttv t GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Oct 3. -(Special Teterram.)-Jt Is estimated that 1,500 member of th Independent Order of Odd Fellows nnd auxiliary lodges wer In line In the parade held today and tha convention la said to be . the largest In the history of th organisation. Two hundred nnd sixty took the grand lodge degree laat night aad - more today, a splendid' showing. It Is assert, . In view of th fact that during the mat year the grand lodge degree, ha also -been eoa f erred In tlistrict meetings. On ot the. main point of Interest to night Is In the contest for th next meet ing, Omaha. LInooM ahd Hasting being th contender, with aom. of th dele gation favoring- (hla city. Both In th Odd Fellow aad tho Bebekah lodge th report on th Odd Fellow home were very satisfactory, showing good manage ment, health and satisfaction by th member housed. The fifty-first annual session of th Rebekh wat presided ever by Mrs. Julia Walsh ef Omaha, In the absence of Mrs. Susan Klerstead. president, who 1 ill and unable to attend. . In thy branch th assembly degree was taken by ICS and a growth of seven lodge during the last year was shown.. Thia evening th Rebekah degree was exemplified by th Eden Rebekah lodge of O'Neill. The department council today appointed th various commit tree of th eturalng year. Two renarable Odd Fellow ar m attendance, H. F. Swan back of Green wood, who will be 109 year old on March next, and joined the Manchester Unity In H amber-, Germany, In 1844, and Mr. Smith of Tork. who -baa been an Odd Fellow for' sixty-one years. Th session continues until tomorrow olgrht 1 IXOSLEZAK tt'J. It easily hoLbi fird place fn my opinion on account of to wonderful indJjtesa and fragrance" Grand Opsra Stars (loose TUXEDO The Faro-rite Tobacco of the World Best Singers THE world's 'ereat singers, the bright stars of grand opera, musr have confi dence in the tobacco they smoke, must choose a tobacco that has no harmful effect on their throats. m - '. ... Leading singers at the Metropolitan Opera House during the current, season Slezak, Jorn, Gilly, Didur, Griswold, Wither spoon find Tuxedo the one tobacco they can smoke with thorough enjoyment, and absolute safety. - V 5) ) 7U Pcrfsct Pip Tcieaxo KAJU. JC2J1 "Tuxedo is the ktmt tmok to tny opinion. If you find your energy tarring, try a Pipeful of Tuxedo, lit a wonderful htaca. CDtUCBXY "pip tmoktng ftoej added pleasure bJki th pip It filled tciih Tuxedo. Tuxedo provides more keen crtoymersf than ay other Umkoo i k" Tuxedo cannot sting, bite or irritate the dchcatc membranes of the mouth or throat. leading, men in every walk of life testify to the soothing, energizing, hclpfurinfluence of Tuxedo. . If vou try'Tuxedo for a month and cut out other smokes, you will find that you arc getting tne . utmost satisfaction and enjoy ment possible out of your smoking, and at the end of the month your general health will be improved. Try Tuxedo ThU WoeXl YOU CAN BUT TUXEDO rVTRTWlERE Fsaaois grssn tu srith gnU U- f Unms.ourrmiUikmpmti.wtLyJC i rz i i 7 a? r- wita as a stare prota1 tsoae- . ZJC U CLmm HmUlanSOe mmJ 0o Tlt AsttneCAai TOttAOOO CCmUkMI i