THE HKVH DM AHA. THURSDAY, (KTrOKElC VJU. SiVArrKU'S COLUMN DHKSS Sl'IT "oniplele. and Tuedo It desired, to swap for Vlotrole or any, thins 1 can Addreee 8. (' Pee. N ti 1 N E n I . H. C. HI. T engine. Will trade for what? R. C li. Pee. Addreaa FT.IRNITUBB for t-roor hotel near Omaha, ".Ml I i rata rant th building. What hev you to off art .Addree fl f? 14. care Pee 1x7 ORAFLEX M'lpapf camera, wits 11 Plata holdera, carrying res fo earner ant currying casa for plate bold era The outfit in good condition and a MX bargain tor Uia lot at 111. Address J5. C. Tf!l . HEATER Small hot water heater, suit a Ma tor a small houae, gar as or chicken houae. almpla and of eaat Iron, complete aixt la perfect condition. P. C 1M7, Re. XI TT&Nf Beautiful white angora, rat or kitten, thoroughbreda, for old faehloned walnut, mahogany or other furniture. .Address C, 14HL Me. IXITS I well located lota, Harlon Lane, Tuttle'a add. Exchange for good eo- t. - . . . . i i , ... , lun, ja MOTORCTCI.K Twin E.oellor, 1IJ model, fully equipped. Thta rna- chine haa been run verrf I1U1 and en amel and engine In A-l ehape. Will trade for roadater or runabout of equal value, or make an Interesting; price for cash. S. C. 144, Bee. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Regina nu lla box. value $35. and one high-grade "Howtton" mandolin. Addreaa 8. O. IMS. Bee. FINK Omaha, house, modern, splendidly situated, to exchange for cheap western ftebnaska land. Oood country store in Nebraska town with clean atock of groeertea and dry 6ooda to exchange for clear laud. Will iTOlra about .. Flour mill, capacity MO barrels, main line U. P., to schan' for weaUra Ne braska, land. ... ISO acres Irrigated land near Alamoaa. Colo., to exchange for Omaha property. W. T. SMITH CO., IVug. J81. 1111-11 City Nat I Bank.-o $400 not and mortgage, 7 per cent, due Jan. I, exchange for good Ford or other light auto. Addreaa d. C. lboti, Bee. . OFFICE FURNITURK Will buy eome good second-hand etflo furniture; mutt fee oh? tor cash. Addreaa ti. tt UA Wee. IHONOGRAPrI, ETC A email phono- grapn ana tan recorus lur vi . . "W hat will you gtve me in exchange for themT Addreaa B. C. lbfri. Bee. PAINT OR PAINTING Want to ex- change paint or palming to man for driving and putting down well; paint is Bherwin William brand; eaay well to .put In. Addreaa S. C. lf&i. Bee. FLANTtt-Flanta to awap. I have dark red dahllaa. red and yellow. callaa, blutah trie, which 1 would like to awap tor other varieties.- p. u. uu, nee. I'LANO Dandy new piano; will exchange for houae; want to take It down to get the lumber. Addreaa C. 1661. Bee. TAINTING AND PAPER-HANGING-- Will tak anything I can use; low esti mate; good -work oune; a good beater wanted. Addreaa 8. C. 1631), Bee. PEttSONALr- Want to awap personal property for a small runabout or a motorcycle In good running order. fc. C Be. - S-PA8SEBNGER BUICK-1910 model; will trade for cheap lot, or what have you? 8. C 1564. . . RIFLE Marlln. .M-rlfl, with peep sights, , for 1& auge pump gun. Tel. Web. VOil. liOAOSTEH Cost tLSuQ new. in very good condition, to trade for lot., or what have your Address . u. imp. ee. JIOOMING loL'9twI want to swap for a first-class, high-grade rooming house with unquestionable reputation and have something to ofler witn true value back of It which you will appreciate, without queation. i'lease state what, you have in lirst letter, u. i;. low, e. B1GN8, anuwearua. Clark at pon. U. lina SPOONS Some three dosen of ' silver sedac or Ice cream spoons, fin and of the best; also silver soda -glaaa holders, to swap for anything I can use, eat. drink or wear. 8. U. IMS, nee. TYPEWRITER Have a first-class standard make tvoe writer, two-color ribbon, etc., will sell lor 130, or trade for anything of equal value 1 can us, tt, C. JM, Ue. TVPEWRITKR 1 C. Smith No. 6, used three months; will sell at a bargain. Address 8. C. 1&34 Bee. TRUCK I have an International Har vester truck 1 will trade for a Ford paasynger automobile. Douglas' 23M. .TYPEWRITER In good condition, wlU wap for good watch. Address 8. C . r c i . ' 1111, fWATCH Lady's open fao watch. Si- year goui-iuiea case. good, timekeeper, to trade tor small kodak. What have your a. a. lew, Bee. -- WATCH, ETC.-1 good 17-jewel silver ease ' watch. What have you, musical or auto matic revolver, to swap? 1 pair li-ln. re volving celling fans, good as new. what have ynu to swap. Address 8. C. 1660, Bee. ron rknt Aprtaaete anal Flat. Moving, ParKlng. Ftnrav. lit N. 11th Pt. Phone D IMfir Weh. Gordon Van Co. Rental Service Free W ran save yon much worry, trouble and annoyance. We ran tell you what houses and apartments each real estate office haa for rent. Phone ua, Pougia . Fidelity Ptorag and Van Co. 1P1J CHICAO Nice H-momi and bath In modern apartment nosee. ' Meeirdl aad Heera. FI'EASANT front room. l t0; atao can take few boarders H week, nu uoug- laa St. board, for married cOMple, 17 week. KU Podge "t. BOARD and room for two. $4. W. . Vw r I a eat Kmsh. NRATLT furnished sunny front mom. ' with Tirepiace. u for permanent partvea. t N. 1Mb. Fl'RN. rooms b day or wk.; modern; team heat; $1 So up. W C 17. P. MODERN front room and bedroom ad joining on car line, .18. HH Cbarlea. tVebater 4.V. Q1TIET location, modern room, hot and cold water; walking distance; . w. m FUHN1KHKD room for rent, near Cretgb ton unlveralty. Phone Douglas 73K1. Will room a, heat, fine view, HI to (i a month. M floor. TT2 N. lth. Furnished room In modern home tor twe gentlemen. I0H Pt. Mary's Ave. NICE) room with heat, on block from car. Webster W6. Kowaklasr stMaaa. THREE nle rooma. hsk'g. lltl ft. 11th. , KRIi KSTATE farm nitiftu i.Aing ron alsi Mleateeota. BARGAIN S3Varre Improved farm, mile frorn Mlnneatmlia; on good gravel road: laya level; about 1 aoree under cultivation, balance used for paature; some fine meadow land: can practically all be put under cultivation: buildings conslat of ft-ronm house, barn, granary, born rrlba. ma-h!re thed. w!r.3!(ll. etc; rood arpl orchard. Price, iw per acre; one-halt rash, reasonable term on bal ance. Adjoining farm held at double thta price. Schwab Hroa., lous Biymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.' IDEA I, DRAIN AND STOCK FARM. ll acres: baa good house and other buildings: 130 acre under cultivation: balance pasture with running water; lo cated east central Mlnneaota near goea town: price 19 per acre; easy terma Farmer lad Company, got Talae Bidg., Minneapolis, Minn. o Nebraska. North Platte valley Irrigated land, rich soil. Ideal location, abundance of wafer, producing all standard cropa, such as alfalfa corn, wheat, oats, potatoes and sugar Nee La. A country of diversified forming In the broadest sense of the word. Crop failure unknown. Close to good towns and railroads and affording beet of Shlpplna- facilities to nearbv markets. Prloea (48 to VO per acre: very tittle cash required. This is an opportunity to lo cate In a good oountrv at low prices. where your land will double In value quickly. Water rights are full pak), taxes are low and all farmers are making money. lt us show eu this land now. It will only take one dar's time and eoat very little money to make this Investiga tion. W. T. SMITH CO.. t. W. 1111-18 City Nafl Bank, Omaha. o ELKQANT aulte rooms, furnished com plete; strictly modern; ?" S. Mh St. Fvralshe4 Hkeepf age Raa. Mod. room with Jtltrhenett: reas. j P.TSls. DAVENPORT. l-TWO OH THREE ROOM HOUSEKEEPING APART M BNTS. F-armtahe' Hewse. - - furnlahed houae. 1908 Wirt W. Hotel an Apartaaaats. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rates 2 and up. Douglaa 7uM. OGDEN HOTKL Rooms 3 per week. Council Bluffs. DODGE HOTED Modern. Reasonable. Boihi a4 Cottase. West Farnam New brick and stucco home. Just being finished; three fin bedrooms and sleep in.. J. l. .. J . I Iahma lluln Mnm mnA dining room beautifully finished In mahog any; Zd floor white enamel; sw on teas. tm Davenport ft. . ., Peters Trust Co. isa Farnam St. Dougla W8. FARNAM NO. 40TH LIN'E. 4024 Burt. -r., hot water heat; $35. Sath, and Cass, -r., fine; (40. ' Close m. heated, e-r., Id floor, 0. W. Cor. Mth and Call tonus; tSo. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO., 1QM Omaha National. Douglaa WIS. FIELD CLUB HOME Fin 7-room and sleeping porch. Finely finished and decorated, la an excellent location. Reduced to 45 . ' PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 122 Farnam Bt. pouglas 8M. IF you want strictly modern home, a. room, never before rented, call Harney 1348. Low rent to right tenant. Twenty minutes' walk from city hall. ' NINH rooms, at earn heat, thermostat. SZlf Burt Bt. lougias ion. MODERN house; fin Condition, 1613 North nth. waintii itia. g-ROOM brick, corner 8th and William Bts. ; moft desirable la Forest Hill Park. inugiaa zow. . l-r. mod. house, TA16 Charles. Walnut S2H1. e-R. mod. cotUge. 71 8. 7tt t. 126; 7-r. mod. house. Wit Leavenworth St., Hi. Both fine locations. Phone Webster tin. ClXJisE-IN 6-room houss; best condition. sra B. zint. ri. Kua S-ROOM ALL MODERN HOUSE, NEAR CARS, HOT WATER HEAT. UUnuthZ.. PHONE WALNUT 2ul. FOR RENT Novsmber 1, 116 B. Hh Ave., I Will) ll.WUI . . - . McDonald or J. J. Toms, . $15 BrandeU utag, mono iwiugn FOR KENT Apartnaeats aad Flat, SPECIAL LOW RENT. Eav Money. Llv in Comfort STANDARD FLATS. Oood Location. Near Business. STEAM HEATED. To complete filling these e-room HAND BOMB HOMES, with private halls, fin woodwork and decorations. Janitor. FREE HOT WATER, ranges, shades, su. Perlor LIGHTS and VENTILATION. Short walking distance. We make the a EXTREMELY LOW RENTS: Winter, steam heated, lit to S3S. Bummer, ) to ti. QUALITY EQUALS ANY at 50 and . Better than separate houses. CHEAPER THAN COTTAGES. Bo Them. Reference. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18th St. o Athlone Iarg 4-room, apartment, convenient, light room,' tiled baths, kitchen well ar ranged with Ice box, gas range, finished In beautiful light oak: VACUUM cleaner ervic. THK athlone is well located at KSTH AND DOUGLAS BTS., In eaay walking distance. Rental, .$40 summer, fai winter.- t-ee janitor or call us. Peters Trust Co. 122 Farnam St. Phone Doug. KM. CHOICE HEATED APARTMKNT rEST FARNAM DIBTK1CT 111 SOUTH SSD ST. A brand new -room heated apartment, living room finished In quarter sawed oak, large fireplace; bedrooms, bath and sun room finished in white enamel. Large para, pnvaie percn, neat, not and oold water and janitor service furnlahed. Open today for InHpertlon. PAYNE Sc. b LATER COMPANY, tit Omaha Nat I Bank Btdg. GEORGIA APARTMENT, Only on apartment left. Will be ready for occupancy November 1; i rooms, all modern, and In fine condition; good loca tion at loti 8. aVth Ht.; reiiLs the year round. Call us up for full particulars. PETERa TRUST COMPANY, 1622 Farnam St. Phone Doug. Mg. ST. GEORGE apartments: One five-room suite, heat, water. Janitor service; lo cated In select West Farnam residence section. US N. Slst A. 'Pboci Webltft. t-HOOM furnished flat. Sis. ii2 Leavea- wonti bt. J. I. KEMP, Kit Leavenworth bt. Dour. ttt. STRATFORD TERRA CB. Park Ava and Jaokaou St.. 4-room, team-heatad apartmenu, with additional InaJda' rooms. Ksduslveivees and con venlences hi a new auuuiumt buildlus. Reference requlrad. C. B. Mosr. Waiuut J,t, or janitor. o. Three large rooms, apartment, part inuqfrn. uia fcim ou , tiarney ajo. ST. CLARE APAltTMiNTS. tSi and Harney bts., I room apartments, tJall 11. 847 or U. tUS. OGDEN ANNEX Rooms wita kitchen etlea. Counctl Bluffs. r-ROOM brick flat, cmr ith 'and Wll llani Stu moat dealrable in Forvst Hill Park. Ix.UKlae C-ho.jM haiuKtu fiat. 111! ho. 11th. FOUR-ROOM modern spe-rtmenia, close in; low rort. li. r". r3tbblna. ktrara htd flats, lt,ih e Web. Tyler if! A. BRAND NEW A HOME FOR YOU. 7-room brick dwelling, beautiful oak finish, built-in bookcaaea, kitchen cabi net, paneled dining room with plat rail, legant - lighting fixtures. 18 8. J6lh. Tyler m J. T-R. mod, cottage. 2014 N. lid. D. 1246. t-Rm. modern cottage. N. 27th Ave. tfift 3610 Lincoln Blvd., Bemls Park; dandy s-room, thoroughly modern house, large lot, overlooking park; com plete garage, mover wpam, ioug. awa. C-R. cottage, first-class condition; large yard.; near car line; ti. not. FOR RENT we nave a ooiniJicie u,i ui sji nvuM,. apartments ana niu mi r mr mm. This list can be seen free of charge at Wlllllim . . BL pw Fidelity Storage Co; Ptorage, moving, packing ana snipping. 16th & Jackson Bt. Phons Douglas M. MODERN 8-room house, 206 8. 86th Ave.. vacant November t. Can be seen after a. m. any day. Inquire T. J. O'Brleo, pnene namey tun qr unwiai ma. e-R, modern house, 1727 8. luth. D. 741a. rr In all nana of the city. I10U8t8r,h Hani A Co.. Ree hulldlnr b'iiuAM neat, all modern, i-ruum houae, alan 4-room flat, rfl) no. iaa. Globe Van&Storage VtUI SSWf V v, a ssasfv as uwn- v w and I men. U36 pr hr.; tormg l w . u..TnA a...uas 1 a Afi A- Tu C (no. f3Bv'gl t. wi j vssas . a-. w Jm saw f. J C. Reed raovin stores a roam. D. SJiat Maggard's Van and blur- age Co. Reducd rates for as Amvs. Lsrg v4, i men, 1 per hr.; dray. I men, i per nr. nu weomer. Locg. im 6-R. mod. cottage, 71 8. g.'th St., $a. 7-r. mou. nouae, qx xavenworta Bt,, Is, omn nog imauuna rnone weoeter w. Store aia tkffleeau 1ND FLOOR office room or suitable for I.,,.. , I.-. , , a'". ""I. "nini a juasoury, bos a lRth St. Doug, lot A WELL located, larsa. ut4o.HMi. ,r for rent. Also auditorium seaiinx LuuO peopl. Apply to SupC Swedish audt- wn lira. inil. GOOD barn, room for or 14 horses. i nmiivr KV. U U AOUgia Stt. - WANTED TO RKffT TWO -furnUheU rooiua for houaekoep. o, waiaing aatuuwi. AAore It, af VV'AMU) lt lVOlUiOW WANTED To borrow between li.Ouu and t3.00 private money. Win mortgage oa western real eaUle, apple iJ , iJ f k wea, gut . 14 bt. w vei a. Vaa,( aajw. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH UNU FOB. SALB Arkaaftaa, 1.0M ACRES, 113,009; In sunny Arkansas, 4 miles Eldorado; D0 improved; houses; fine corn, cotton, truck, fruit land; fine cold spring water; 4u bottom, cuts I tons fine hay when cleared. Want farm equal value, I to i nillea good town. Mary Mcijiunniin, pox r-inoraoo. ArK o Cttlerade. fill V WiA.m.m kAmA..,. II 1 n.AUAi- Ullllh . . 1 V I ... I I,.Ia', and hay goes place. Prir l,uU. Aii- Jt I, ,7 V...n .'..In UITI, , W. .111,1 V $750 CAS1I-$1,250 MAHCU 1 ts AtjRKg t'PLAND Well improved Douglaa Co. farm, gently rolling, beat of soil, choice location, extra sood roods for the money. Price 1138 per acre: 8750 caan, n.awi more March I, balance five years at H per cent. ACT AT ONCS . WIN B. MERRILL COMPANT. N. E. Cor. IM and M Bts , South Omaha. REAL KSTATE ROrTH BTDR Announcement Extraordinary Beautiful, high, sightly building lots on your own terms in our new Center View Addition. See Friday evening papers. The Byron Reed Co 212 So. 17th. Phone Douglas 297. FarmsFarmsFarms All within on hour's automobile rid ef Omaha: bargains. Let us show you th goods; all alsea, all prloae, all terms. I'aU In forenoons if convenient. No trds considered. ORIN a MERRILL COMPANT, N. E. Cor. 2Sd and M flta. South Omaha. FOR 8 A Liu Best large body high-grade, medlum-prloed land in Nebraska; very little money required. C Bradley, We. tiach, Neb. e ISO-ACRE farm aeven miles west of Lexington. Dawson county. Neb. Oood new house, seven rooms, good barn, two wens, ap acres alfalfa, 80 acre pasture, balance good farm land: no aand. Prioe t0 per acre. This Is a snap; must be gold soon. Address Bo ft, U lyases. Nob, lowsw 240-Acre Iowa Farm Owner has wired tie to aell and cut th rlc to lis. 50 per acre: mile south of unlap. 1 mile from achool. 114 ml lea ta church; all in cultivation except 10 sores in iin meaoow; an fenced and cross- fenewt with fc-fr.,., wt.. . . - - ...... huidii nil,, .lUl J . 7-room house, toilet, bath, lavatory and water; barn 60x100; double corn crib, oal shed by th house, good granary, hog i wiimmiii, cviiieniea oip itnn ana water'tank in barn: oemented arch can. entrance from kitchen. 7 THE VOOEL REALTY AORNCT. ' 101S-W W. O. W. Bldg. ' Omaha, Neb, Field Club Special $4,500 Redueel today from 14,70s. This Is posi tively the best buy In Omaha for anyone wishing a practically new t-room house la a desirable district. Oak woodwork; 8 room and reception hall downstairs; 8 fiii bedrooms and bath above; extra toilet In basement, Fine eaat front lot on 8td Bt. Just south of Woolworth Av. Terms one-half cash and balance at your wciTenienc. Armstrong-YYaLsll Co. Phons Tyler uVK. State Bank Bldg HANHCOM l'LAPB. 12 Am v-rooen house, all mnarn but fiim,M. lot 80x154 Street paved, on block from eaat eld car. Owner leaving th city and want an offer quick. Easy terms If de sired. 'PATNH INVESTMENT COMPANT, Dougla 17U, Ware Block. 11 1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Many Kindt of Cttl Quarter Forty Lower for the Week. to HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS OFF rt "beep aa Lamb slew, bat uea ejrally fttraay a ad Feeder f All Klada Aettv and rally gteady. OMAHA. Oct. II. 1U. Receipts were: Caitle.llog.8hee Official M onlay 1 ITS 8 fM 47.M8' Official Tueadav 7.el 4 T0 Katlmate Vedned .. .iiO0 t,00v 80,000 Thre days this wk.r l,a31 lll.TH Fame days laat week..K.;2 10.127 7.iT4 aine daya I wka. K,il ame daya I wks. awo.8i.l34 1S.XI 1.14 Hame days 4 wks. ago .1 11.078 114,Sf. Same das last yar...84.&i 14.M8 12, Th following tati shows th reeelpt ef rattle, hogs and sheep at tne Bouib Dinahs live atock market for tne year to dai. rontpared with laat yeen 1914. 1IJ. Cattl TM,7fT 77H.M1 S4.&M Hoga l.8r;nt im,k "TeP 8.WA.I01 8.810.K7I 4,471 'h following table show th price for Of t th boutn Omaha live stock mar ket for lb a last few day, with cvmparl- Soea, seta hsv y vr head. Other mar been largely supplied and th year ago by over s."' head. quality everywhere haa been on the conv- Dete. i ism m'h v i m p. tm ik. Oct. T.. tct. .. Oct. Oct. 10. Oct. 11 Oct. 18.. Oot. 14. Oct. 16. Oct. !.. Oct. 17. tXt. 18. Oct. 18. tct. 30. Oct. 81. TI7H 7 to. T 4 - 7 !i T ISS j T 0t'4 J84 i 4vl 7 m t Ti twin aar a r? tMlM 8 61 8 M Its t Ml I Kl t M I 8 7 K 77 7 W 8 74 8 71 7 TS 7 Ntl 8 li 471 84 I H 81 I Ml 8 S4j 8 41 ttl 8 471 T Ml 14 I a 171 T 7I II I (11 I M 7 T )f 70)188 8 8i ii I 4 t 4 M t 80 7 4i. I M r I U t 47 81 8 6.1 7 87 8 43 (37 I 81 7 3 S 81 90 g ,17 j 41 8 28 si 7 hi t a REAL KSTATE "WEST SIDE Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin PmI ..-.,. . . . 1 ..... . .L . - urop aiai in me m AR Mlt .M W n . . I . . naiCUa lenus lor saie at low prices, on easy term. Ask for book, let 84 a Wisconsin Central Land Orant Stat acre wanted. Write about our gracing lands. If Interested In fruit lands a . U f..n KiuibUt . . . . . . Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. Miseellaaeoea. WHILE you are shivering up north this n ...,, nuclei n laxmers will be plant ing or .harvesting their early orops. It's winter Vesetahiea that ... . w i M profits. An eight to nine months' grow- "a w-mmvh, to io nu tncnes of rainfall and 818 up an acre land make th South .ninem-a s moai proruaoie tarni section. All fscta on i iat "U..,! kiAMB iri i msgastns free. Chan. S. Chase, western a"", ro-intm ruuiway, xiw tjnamical inug., St. Louis, Mo. o. REAL KSTATE LOANS. CITY and farm loans, 6, 64. per cent. . xi. uumon. at jo., ittoa farnam, Omaha. WANTE1 City loans. Petera Truat Co. OMAHA home. East Nebraska farm. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Natl. Louirla tTlS. QAIiVINBRQS. g-- HARRISON & MORTCN. 818 Om. Natl.' WTD Farm loana Kloke Inv. Co. Omaha. WANTED City loans and warrants. W r am am wmun & Co., wao Farnam. C1TT property. Large loans a specialty. . . iiutmia, moo maier nam mag. $100 to 810,000 made promptly. IT. I). Waad, neaa diuj , um a no a mam ots. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. n. w. riinuer, fity Natl. Bank Bldg. CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co., V 810-818 Brandels Theater Bldg. SEE us first If you want a farm loan. United State Trust Co.. Omaha, Neb. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Uuaj-antae and Abstract Co., a mooern aostraci ornoe. a B. 17th Bt Phone Hoiglaa MKT. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 808 Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FINE 820 acrea; 46 miles from Minneap olis, every acre under cultivation: lays level: good soli: good water: building consist ot house, barn, granary, machine sheds, etc price. 876 per acre. Will take up to $10,000 good property In ex change, balance aome oaah and mortgage. Schwab Bros., Wi Plymouth Bldg., Min neapolis. Minn. v REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Acreage UH acrea, 4V, miles from court house. $226 an acr; Ilea well. acres, corner on I roads; direction ef growth; $2,000; I&OO cash. , B acrea adjoining, same pric and term. Harrison & Morton 14 acre recently advertised sold. West Farnam Special H So. 87th St. H block north of Far, nam. Bast front 8 good rooms, wall ar ranged, all modem, back plastered, built for horn, quarter-sawed oak finish, larr living room. CHEAP at $7.W0, . West Dodge Dandy NSW BRICK on Dundee car line, lust east of ikth St. BHX1EST BAR GAIN IN CITY, two lots, large living room, fireplace, butlt-la bookcases, re ception halt dining room and kitchen on first floor, fin sleeping porch, glass en closed; four bedrooms, bath, large attic, hot water heat MUST KB SOLD. Want an Offer D. V. Sholes Co. 81$ City National Bank Bldg; Phcne louglSB 49. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT-3,i00. Seven roomg, hot water heat, bath : full cemntd bmnt. with laun dry; near Farnam car line. Terms. W. T. SMITH CO., D. 2819. v 1111 City Nafl Bank, o West Farnam $10 CASH, $10 PER MONTII ewnoi. uirecny norxn or rarmam street s best home. On, 36th, between Dodge and Davenport. Two east front, 8t78 each. Seven wwst fronts, $So(l to $M0. Call and reserve lot Sal later. ' O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. VOt Omaha National. Phon Dotujlaa TML nivyning: ti. xa or H. 8184. Must Be Sold. Kew, modern frame and stucco; oak and birch finish; three bedrooms and sleeping porch; corner lot; paved street, complete throughout; big bargain. . OWNER, Dougla lfif. California Mission Bungalow Of four Urge rooms and bath; a beauti ful, alghtly location, overlooking park and boulevard. Prloe. H,e0; $s) cash, balance $l& per month. Shuler & Cary, ! 234 Bute Bank Bldg. UPPER Kt Louis Flat, near High school. Tiled bath, hardwood floors. Reduced $40 to $30, or heated 837. SO. Also $11 South 20th reduced $40 to $3$ Hey3WfOr40Wn,,' W"- . h' 0 rnam Btreet. a good 8-room mn, uui Turnaoe, with a largo lot, Oxl29, and the price is $2 800. Just about th value of the lot ' PAYNB INVEhTMENT COMPANT, rou. 1T8L war bloc. REAL ESTATE MTSCELT.A.VEtlCS REAL ESTATE NORTH 8 IDE $50 CA&JI $50 em escept beat, only two blocks t ear and close In. Prioe $2,100 and eaay term. 10U4 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglaa SsM. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE ' Field Club Bargain. $12,000 Elegant residence, seven room, taste fully decorated, good sleeping poruh, flrvplac, delightful sua parUir. modern In every particular, located on the corner of 134 and Lincoln Ave., lust four bloofce from Flald club; south front. Urge lot, il;0. This place is positively worth lla.uoO. Can be purchased with a.0u6 cash, balance monthly. OALLAGUElt & NELSON 4 Brandela Bldg. D. ITH1 FOR BALE Brick, two I-room St, Louis flat. Eaat front, good yard, with auaue. Kvuth bay windows. Built t years, never changed tenant. Part caeai. HARNET 117. $150 to $200 Cash Makes First Pay ment on a Home W have a number of new houses lo- v-siea m umereni parte or the city, that have $ and rooms, which w can sell on a payment down at tiao . th balance about the same as rent. If you will call at our office or call u by phon we will be pleased to take you out and show yon some of these desirable home. Why pay rent when It only takes about $100 to $J0 cash a first payment and the balance of purchase price would b paid for the cam a you are now paying rent. Hastings & Heyden 114 Harney Ht, ftuadav. Receipts and dlapoaltlon of llv stock at the Union Block Tarda. South Omaha, for th twenty-four hour ending at $ o clock p. m yesterday i RiX'BIPTi-CA RLOA T". Cattle. Hrva. Kh.en. ire'a f., Bt P. M $ $ Missouri Paclflo 1 .. ,. union Paclflo 107 I 1 C. AN. W., east .. I C. N. W.. weal ... l Sft 21 C, Bt. P.. M. A O.. t I C, B. A Q east... I I .. C, B. St Q.. west... 84 IS .17 O., R. I. at P. east, t 4 1 v., ft. I. It P., west I .. .. ., Illinois Central .... 1 $ Chicago Ot West.. 1 .. .. .. Totals itT n 114 1 DISPOSITION H KAD. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Morris A Co M c Rwlft etCo 1.04- . l,u 1,714 Cudahy Packing Co... MS L1H0 4.831 Armour A Co X l.M l,ti$ Hchwarts A Co 461 South Omaha Pkg, Co. 4 .... ,, ft. Clair Pkg. Co t W. B. Van sent Co M Benton, Vanaant A L. 1M Hill A Bon !W7 F. B. Lewis 147 .... Huston A Co 1 Jf. B. Root A Co 157 J. H .Bulla T3 .... .... Hosenstock Urga ..... 74 McCreary A Kellogg.. 1 .... Werthelmer A Legen. .... .... H. F. Hamilton 7H Hulllvan Bros Rothschild 13 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. M Christie 7 .... ... Hlgglna i Huffman 1 Roth S .... .... Meyer 10 tllassberg 4 Bsker. Jones A Bmlth IX Tanner Bros H John Harvey .......... 12t I). A Ft,.. M,ii ..... Kiln 1" Other buyer 1.M7 .... $10 Total . 1 .t ' CATTLK Ther was another liberal run of cattl her and at other market points this morning. Ixcal receipts tor the three day foot up Htt head, being the largest sine thre weeks ago, and larger than a men order. In other words, there has been a flood of common to medium cattle. Trice everywhere hav slumped badly, being lower again today. The market on beef steere was very low to open and anywhere from weak to lue or more lower than veaterdar. Tlila means that the market at the present time la around JMlew lower on the general run of baevea than laat week. tva and helters have auftered fully as much and In some rases possibly more, the fat colt a having experienced more decline than the ranner grades. Bom oilers were quoting fat onws and heifers ss much as JfrJVV lower than lart week. Th market on etookera and feeders was extremely alow and prlcea were a little lower again than yesterday or around SS fjic loner than laat week. It would b well for shippers to under stand that other markets hav slumped In the same proportion. Teaterday's Chi cago market was reported as sml-pr alysed. The market on rows and heifers at that point was especially bad, being reported flftoc lower than last week, nd $1 lower than th high time. Chicago aleo reported acre of thin common and medium light feeders, with very tew bidders. It will be noted from this that the declln I not confined In anv one point, but Is general at all th bis market venters. suptaUons on cattle; Good to choice cornfed beeves, $.or(f M,$0; fair to good cornfed beevea. $x n-fl W; common to fair Comfed beevea, $7 .JMiS.onj good to eholoe range steers, r.-irS.t; fair to grood range steers, $6vii7.H; common to fair r-nse steers, w.Tr. W; good to choice grass he'fers, $MMi.7: good to choic J- 1LZ-- WT' 'w.; gocnl to . . -.Dini.,; rair to good. MtUttto ttvVJi' ''h ntVfer.: ., . . e,.e."0.w, Representative aalee: 6TEER9 AND HEIFER., .... m in rvitv e ki l a a N4 I ta ALVK8. ..v.-- im m .7. ANU FLKDILRH. r t ti i T TI IM M i a m WB.MTJUNS-NrrBRA8KA. . eu a cowa aua 740 TS7 7 REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS For Sale At a bis bargain, a modern l-room houe, wwll located and eloM In. Will ell for $1.(00 If sold this week. Address D-S54, car Bee. REAL ESTATE SVRVRRAN I)na4n. . THIS WILL SUIT YOU VEKY A1TK ACTIVE AND COMFORTABLE HOME' Built by a carpenter for a home lea than I year ago. Has large living room, dining room aad kltoheu oa first floor; ail finished In oak except kitchen. Up stairs ha two extremely large rooms, with extra large closets, finished In th best ef hard plu with oak floors. Ha SSi-foot basement, partitioned off for coal bins, trult cellar, l&uadry room, eta. Hit. tiated on an, east front lot, 46x1 feet, with lots of flowers, young fruit trees and shrubbery. W ean arrange very good terms and can make an exceptionally low pric of $3,130. tr us for location. HIATT-FAULFiELD CO., S30 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ibug. 4M. FOR EALBJ One-half interest in a mod am two-story brlclc store and rooming houa building new. Also half Interest In two bualnea lot wlm barn on, half latsrest In reeldenc lot, haJf interest la o-acre Irrigated ranch. Ill health reason for selling. This property Is located In a rapidly developing town In a new com munity, ror particulars address Bog I, liardia, Mont. o Be readers are toe Intelligent to over look th opportunities hi th "want ad" tolumns. They'r worth while reading. New Dundee Home New N Dundee Home Never Occupied Paved Streets Choice Residence District Price Reduced to $3,950 for Quick Sale; $500 Cash, $40 Monthly This I a snap for aomeon who wants a good home. This house la full two stories, modern In every reepect. oak finish on ftrat floor, nine with maple floors upstairs; haa veatlbnle. coat closet. large living room across rront. coionnans opening Into dining room, neat den or sowing room, handy kitchen, with built in cupboard, refrigerator room, i large bed rooma, t closets, sun palor or sleep ing porch,, with closet; all decorated throughout; tiled bath, easy stairs to store room In attic: full oemeiit baarment, with cellar drain, fruit room, coal room, water motor; cement wains; guarantees fur nace, beat ot plumbing, screens, extra good light fixtures, duplex window shades; fins location, paved streets, near Karnam car. For mora Information phone Walnut TU. Owner. B. f.. Price Remember That You Can Still Buy. A Few Dundee Lots For $1,000 Each On Easy Payments On paved street, convenient to car Una. Water, sewer and sidewalks all la and paid for. Hr us about thee before they are all sold. George & Company Ne. M... I T IN T IMM ' 4 i o 1 t fM W IS 4 40 $ 0 ts $ M $ $5 1 steers. T steers. t0 feeder.. 11W t feeders.. 11) 1 heifers... tg $ heifer.. Pug 12 feeder.. 1M IS feeders.. 1214 $1 feeders., 72$ II feeder., 10 14 Steers.. ..ItWft 11 feeder., M li cows 7 ,.WT ,.LM 7$ T M S cows caives... WT t0 u t ? leeoers.. 744 It in t,Hr. heifer... TW 4 00 11 rt A hs oows..... K6 (4 TI cawg." . sorrrn r x vm. . - w a lb a i M.. ui! 2" ..1$A 7 Co OHKKrON. 7 W 1 todar..nM T 10 T 10 wtomino. IK $ heifers... V II feeders., tw T W II feeders., TiS T I feeder.. JIM T 70 4 oows lit 7 0S 4 feeders., tutt I M M feeders. . 611 7 70 it feeders. . 711 & lli 14J fa.a.lAU w " ' 4 ivtrjvn, m tuwi WI B til ters....lim IK S4 ateers.... MO ,. . Oeorpa Ooaaard, Nebraska. U feeders.. K IW feeders.. Ill Metcalf Estate. Wyoming. c?w" 1 i it. ..Tan $1 steers..,. KK1J AO . C. B. fenaon. Nebraska, s i ceo era.. IW.I 4 TO S feedara.. 7 16 $ oows..;. .1021 Fog, Wyoming. 7 feeders.. TTI $60 14 feeders.. IU7 A Kllnk, Wyoming. JSft ohnson, Nelirsaks. (A .74 feeders litv i. i. """li V'", Pisbraak. It heifers... til i to r'red Hlrhardson, Nebraska. T cows 967 t 40 Y . W. Richardson. Nebraska. feedere.. ni i M 4 feeders.. M7 ... H. B. Re vis, Nsbraska. 10 feeder-. . 92 I (K ,,, . Ojntry. Nebraska. M feeders.. 1106 7 00 41 cows 10S1 J. T. Williams, Wyoming. cow 1070 $ 70 1$ cows 1011 U feeders.. 77 I IS ' A Cattle. Co.-Montana. 67 cow 1057 41 41 ateers.. ..1017 $75 $1 cows tat $70 U cows,.,:. lois ITS M steers,.,, to. $ 10 King Wyoming. ' I 70 1 helfera... . r . i omer outn IJakot. steer. so i feeders.. ws Mellor Colorado. I ft 10 heifers... Ml M S feeder., gr) ft Hull-Nebraslia. U feeder.. 1104 B. M 44 feader.. t 16 teer....lK Campion 44 steer a.... 10; l Riuta r SI feeders.. 12t 6 16 T T 40 I M I w M 7 TO 7 7 70917 $6 $1$ 10 60 I IM) i 00 tti 44 I 113 its 5 7 6 76 10 I 70 7$ 6 70 ( 16 0 ThPB D. 11A. $ut City Nat l 8k. Bldg. $4 ateers... .1011 H COWS 0M1 40 steer.,.. 9m $3 cows M04 John cows KM w, a. 11 cows joso 12 feeder.. W4 10 feeders.. flO J. ft. 10 feeders.. 117 $ 66 Dan branat Iter Nebraska, tl feeders. . im i u XX Oaterbout Wyoming-. 40 cow 1015 6 46 stk cvs.. 4fl M 4)1 stk f vs., IM 7 W M Blockers. M) 60 10 atk hfs . ho $ 0 M feelers..lOC7 as W feeder.. l(i?4 IM Z.1 fcednr.. "3 $00 feeder.. 7WI 4 35 13 stock er. 641 $ 00 stk cws.. 674 $ 60 41 feeder.. 1W9 1 7 It 6 stk cws.. 44 6 10 to feeder.. w 7 16 18 cow 60 6 00 16 cow 00 14 feeder.. DJS 7 80 47 (lockers. 706 6(0 feeders., mu I SO 11 stk hfs.. &M 6 69 44 feeder.. 717 6 76 10 feeder.. stK 6 10 11 cows M 110 HOOB-uppies were fair again this morning, about seventy-five car, or 6.0U0 head, being received. For th three day the total 1 ll.SZl head, bring more than 1.000 heavier than last week, but about 1.0U0 short of laat year. Other markets reported aharp decline again today, and the local trad opened out dull and fully a dime lower. A few hog war eold early at thea figure, but Ih most of th salesmen held on for bet ter piioea, and a th demand was fairly good, values Improved slightly, so thst th big end of the sales dia not look to be more than ttilOc lower. In fact, the extreme cloee, which was the best time ot the day, was no mora than 6a lower. On th whols price can b quoted 6vrl0c lower. .Trade, which was slow, livened up later on, and a fair clearance was made by a reasonable hour. Hulk of the supplies moved st $4. !. o, with top at 17.06. While yesterday's trade set a new low mark for something like two years, today' price ar vn lower. Th de cline for the first thre day ot the week amount to tvWc. Representatives sais: pie. . K 74 .. 17 144 M rt M 41.. 17 .. M 120 4 ti It. M 17 Xii 1st 4 ill tl. M. ferlnra still show tin In rood condition. and this fsct help their sale some. FHEKP-Blow and steady on fat we and lamha, and active and steady en all claaae of feeders wa the talk in sheep barn t.vlay. The recelpta continued of fully normal proportion, for many a w head were reported In, comparet Ith .om a week ago and n.7i7 a year aao. Vlutte a number of good lamha were In evidence, and like the first il) of the week Hie built of th beat holding noved at $7.M. top for the dy, and Identl- ral with yesterday s high prlre. . A con siderable number of aaiea was mad at $7.IMri.4t. It being the quality and weight , (enerally that fiteil the price. Trade In . Illera was not nearly as active as on Tuesday, yet In the end pretty much ev erything at all decent for killing had aaaed over the scales by the noon hour, at r-ea (gain (old up to $5, with the . majority of them at H.GofTt.SO. The mut ton supply wa larger than of lata, but In spite or this sales looked to b on a steady baals , The activity In feeders wss In marked contrast to the market on fat stuff, sig nifying a continuance of a healthy inquiry for moat anyinill ot ins teener eises at present prlcea In some Instances, how ever, feeder ewe did not move readily, due chiefly to an Increased supply rather than to any faliinr orr in tn oemano. I. Ike Tuesday and Monday th clearano In thla division wa early and atlUutory to all concerned. Quotations on range sneep ann lamne: Lambs, good to choice, $7.4i$r7.70; lamba, fair to good, $7 10fcr7.40: lamba. feeder. f. Ofrfll.U; yearling, good to choice, $ M CM.10; yearling, fair to good, $&.4.86; yearlings, feeders, IS.4Oli6.90; wetliera good to choice, $6.2Mlft.0; wethers, fair U good. $6.10i&A.; wethers, feeders, $4J04J 4 .kt; ewes, good to choice, $4.7&'ij.0O; wes, fair to good, M JogH.75, ewe, feeder, $Xst pin. itepreeeniauve ssies: No. Av. 14 Wyoming yearlings 10 Wyoming yearling ewe.... 10 Wyoming pearling ewes.... ISO Wyoming feeder lambs M Wyoming feeder ewe 17? Wyoming feeder ewes...... Wyoming lambs 10 Wyoming lamha , 146 Wyoming lamha K Wyoming lamb US Wyoming feeder lamb.... 1?1 Wyoming feeder lamb.... K7 Wyoming feeder lamba.... 19 Wyoming feeder lamba.... 10 Wyoming feeder lamba.... V Wyoming feeder lamba.... 161 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 17 Wyoming feeder lamb.... 140 Wyoming teenier lamb.... 105 Wyoming feeder lamb..., jttO Wyoming feeder lamb.... Ill Wyoming yearling Ml native yearling . 134 native ewea KA Montana feeder ewes 83 enll feeder lamb 64 cull feeder lamb 176 Montana feeder lamb IM Montana feeder lamb 17 Montana wether .-, 614 Idaho feeder lamh. Ie laano reeaer ewea !7H Montana feeder lamb., 1211 Montana feeder lambs.. 174 Montana feeder lamba... 141 mil feeder lamba tV Wyoming feeder lamb.. IM Wyoming lamb (30 t'tah lamb 171 Wyoming lamb IM Wyoming lambs IM Wyoming lamba . in Wyoming feeder a wee 91 Wyoming ewe lfcl Wyoming ewes S Wyoming ewe II Wyoming feeder lamb.... At Wyoming feeder lamb.,.. 1C6 Wyoming feeder lamb.... 104 Wyoming feeder lambs.... W4 Wyoming feeder lamb.... 66 Wyoming wes M Wyoming ewes 1C0 Wyoming feeder ewes., 146 Wyoming feeder lamb $M Wyoming feeder lambs 7 Wyoming feeder lamb 70 Wyoming feeder lambs M Wyoming feeder lamb IfT Wyoming feeder lamb Wyoming feeder lamb WW Wvnmlns ewe on Wyoming ewe 1'4 IbO Wyoming feeder lamb...... 6$ ti . . , . it.... 17.... to.... t.... !.... 74... H.... M.,.. It.,.. 44.... IT.... II.... 17.... ...Ill .. ...M M ...IM 1 ...It tto ...lit til) ...Ut t .. R .. ...IT M ...7 M m ... tw. .. .. ...I4l ... .ht t ...141 JJO ...11 ... ,..7 M ...411 ... .144 ( ,..SU M ...ia mo ..i ... ... . Pr. ?. ' v. Wr. I 7 4 M7 ttO 4 K 74 M ,.t44 ... I 4 Tl 44 44 40 4 tl 4 TS tl...... Ill 11 N I 71 II i in u 7 tl HI ... IH 4 Tt 71 Ui M 4 M 4 t 17 14 MO 4 H 4 M 141 ... 4 II 4 18 Jl 114 ... ttl 4 10 . 44. MO ISA II I t II IU 00 M 4 to tl t4 M JM I to t7.: tte t4 4 10 VI Ml 40 4 M 4 tl - 14 (24 It IM 4 lit "... IN IT ,M 04 t 4 44 M Ml M M 4 tt tal ... M I to T4 ,.th4 I a I to 40 IK M I OS I m l k ... m ltd . IT Ill ... IB I 10 IT til IK IM I t II (M ,., I M . I 4t. . ... at 4 M 141 M 4 Hi i to n... 114 M TM I liVfc H ttl ....10 I UH 14 k 41 f 46 " PIOB. :4 SI 114 ... 4 Tl 71 M U ... 4 Ig 4JI K to 113 m M M 7 71 69 64 M ft 46 44 4 f 67 4M 71 T 1 10 u 41 44 101 66 46 40 6 69 8 7 61 61 4 66 S 13 lot 46 4 M 64 65 , M lflS M . 4H . 41 , 67 , 67 , 64 71 Pr. 6 S I IS 4 W $ 60 I 60 7 IS 7 15 7 Oft 7 00 7 40 g 0 - no m 00 00 00 6 6 ' 4 00 ' M 6 6 I 00 1 10 to $ 00 800 $ to 600 M $ 60 76 60 $ M 190 76 7 7 SO . 7 10 7 10 7 10 1 16 1 M Its 00 1 76 $ 76 66 Ml to. 4 76 4 76 70 M to , 16 15 76 7X 76 7 to 4 71 I to liOHBKA Th buying of war horses ha attract td a good deal of attention this week. French buyer wers her to Inspect and boy both artillery and cavalry horse. Th French buyer came here from Montana,-where a good many horses were bought. In the neighbor, nooa or fv nean nave been secured to date on Oil market, and horses are atlil coming In fur Inapectlon. While the buyers ar not aa particular aa those her a short time ago, atlll they are mora particular than the U nited hiate govern, ment. and a good many horaea are dla. larded. The color of the horse does not matter so oiucn, provided It 1 not grav. The height must be at ieaat fifteen hand, and the animal muat be generally sound. having good eyes particularly. Offer ings that meet these requirement hav been bringing six o ills. Trade In range stuff hs been a llttl alow and pntes were a 111 lie off ae com. re red witn tne last sale "two weeks ao. The run was sot very heavy, though fair tor tni time ei in year. The raiuie of, J Chicago mth rrocic markbi t attl Weak, llotgs UasrJtled, Firm. CmCAOO, Oct. $1.-CATTIK Receipt 16,t) head; msrkel weak; besves. $4.1W Wtt; steers. $6.7ftt.76; stockers and feed er. $4.M(.70; cow and heifer. $3.209. $.70; ralvea, f7.(Xtp.. ' HOOH Receipt 11,000 head; market tin- lettled; bulk,; ngiu. .a'i.n; ( mixed, n.Wiia' neaTy, r).rit..uv, muiii, J.W(I7.00: pigs. $4 TV76 head; market firm; shep, 4 'oi.-e; yar ling, $6.3.S0; lamb. H-lOS'.Si. , t. ' Iat lva atook Market. BT. IXVTI, Oct, CATTXK Receipt . ron had msrket lower: native beer . e'teer. T.tWlO.TS; cow and hetfer. l.fliKi 1.06: etocker and fejder. $6.O04j'.'.5u; southern steers, sh.wki o.w; cows lira heifsr. $4.WU-to; native calve. $6.0Dt 1060. HOQW rteceipi s,w ma; nmrRv steady: plga, and lights, w.2btifi.w. mixed and butcher, IS-SOUl.; good heavy, $7- head: market steady; natlv muttons, $t.0uv.a6; lamb, $7.0UtT100. i Kansas Cttr Hv Stork Market. KANSAS CITT, Oct. h.-cattucr. ; eelpts .Cu0 head; market weak: prim fed teer, $.610.00; drea-ed beef ateer. ' $7.60tt.60; wee tern steers, W.60iftll 7B stock, , ers ana teeners. ti.A-o.w, uun, to-vwt 6.40; calves. ItOOSflO.a. HOtJS Beoeipt w.ww oaao, roaraet lower; bulk. $8.HO17 V; heavy, r7.rB7.; packers and butchers. $T.W.30; . light, $4.0T7.: pigs, H2W7S htlh.r.l' Af4U lAAtlo.- n-ecenna , head: market steady; lamba, K'.wnTo; yearilngs. (. w-m W. wetnerg,; wra, $4.K'0 w. , , laws City LIT ftoelc Market. BIOUX CTTT, Oct. 11 .CATTLE ft- , eelpts 1.800 head market steady to KM . lower; native steer, a.oiv-H, cows ana heifers, $4.&$.T6: Conner-, W.7MiH.76. stockers and teedsra, 65.I6o.70: calves, $7.0ttli1.00; bulla, alags, etc., $4.75(8400. HUUn-rteceipi i,: maraet ec.iower; . heavv. I6.B0: m ud, pt.KViMtO: light K7M . 116; bulk of sales, $6.kU& 10. - - ' tt, Jlae.ah Live. fok Market, BT. JOfEPH, Oct. 1 CATTLK Rav reirtt. I''"" heed; maraet alow; ateers, M .fitou'lO.OO; rows gad heifers. 4.1&3.00; cslves. (KVg.lO.M. HOU8 RecchiU. 1.000 head: market 10a lower; top, $7. to; bulk of sales, M.SOfafl. 16. : HHKKP AND ItMBH Receipt. tOO head; market tteady; lamha, $7.0Uitv7.M. - Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 11. f'OFFEE A fur ther aharp advene to 16Hd waa reported -In the rate of Klo eschaiise on London today and the coffee market here was , Steady to firm, although no Improve ment waa reported In demand and prices . , were unchanged at "So for Rio 7a and . 10'u for Kantos 4s. There waa still more or less confusion over the liraslllaa cen- , sorshlp on cable messages, which, com- , blned with th uncertainties of axchange rates, restricted business in the coot and , freight market and very few offer were reported her from HraalL Coaslderabl . business was again reported In old eon- , tract through th liquidating commit- , tee. including straight liquidation and . further switching from December to, lat month. . : Dry tjoeli Market. ' NEW TORK, Oct. tl. Cotton goad of a heavy decrirtlon wore sold today for late delivery, Cotton yarns dull. Worsted yarn in better demand Burlap asy. ' Sactar Market. NEW TORK. Oct. ll.-BUCJAR-Raw. eairii molasnea sugar, lrt!nl7lc; centrt- ; fugal i.tiwt.XK:; refined quivt. , . ' Bank Cleat-tags. OMAHA, Oct. Jl Bsnk clearing for Omaha today were $3,1.1. 77t, and for the corresponding day lat year, $3,tki7,7v&.6i. COTTON SEED MEAL CRACKED Uottoa Seed Oak Cold Pressed Pak, From Ti Mills dtrsut (o yen. Writs or wire us fur price on Ulgn Qiade Meal or Cracked Cake. 41 to 46 per at protein. Cold f reased Caka TEXAS CAf a AXO XJsTTSm CO. P 1,1 1. A g. T&JC