THE BEE: OMAHA, octuiieu iyi4. WANT ADS ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS Want ads received at liny time, but to Insure proper fl- tt rn mt b Pr- en'ed befoi 12 oi-lock ron for evening e.ll'lon and 7. p. m. for morning and Pondar edition Want ads received afier roch 'hour will he under ths heading. Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. Seven ronsecutive times, 1 cent a word emh Insert lor. Three tlm within on , 14 cents word each Inmrtlon. One Vt i nts a word. tiar;k rates. Seven ror.reculiv time. S cenls each. Insertion. ' Three limes within on wevlt, 10 cent line each Insertion. On time, i; rent line. i 'mint elx avrraae words to g line. Minimum rbtrif, 30 cents. line The Ree will not be responsible for more than on wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claim for error must be pmrnrdly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til dlrrontlnued must b atopped by writ, ten order. Ton can place your want ad in The Bee I' telephone TELEPHONE TYLER InfO. , ' Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" ' ""nflreda of other answer have been mien rop ani delivered during tha lat week. It la reasonable to Buppoe that all or ma people below have made tha do aired awa pa therefore, do not call for the balance of their answer Bee Want Ada "o-o get result. sc. c c. n r. pr. Jr. " p.r. o M74 J.' l?or, JSTS S' lorn J."4 l:i7 l.lws rT7 J.iMI ;t J lsn "t "". lira) i?.th jye 11 inn L J:mt 1 jro !U "X )1S IMS 11U 1V47 JJU ).T4 , pi mi ii'4 'yvn, ik . SM J 171 Jyx.J JUL J.IMS T - - Hit i:ra i.vj i.tx i Ft " JI7 I'M 1ST 14v ' U . lOftl ji; 12 r..a J4 4 1! J l.-4 13G liXtt JIM 32. l?4l 117 ; into jim JM7 J.Tl an loi'j ir, v ,jri i" ! Ml iix'T ij 3?:i l.i'il 14U K Jirtl 3J4 irt l";l 3(1' -ft 1P77 A 12 13. lUi (Jt a Only 3 Days More IN WHICH TO GET OXK YEAU'S MKMDKRSII1P IX THE OMAnA Y.- M. C. A. FOR $10. If you don't know what the Y. M. C. A. will do to help you forward in life, you owe it to yourself, your future, you? prosperity and happiness to find out ahout it. And - don't delay another day, either. Find Out Today Hie physical training and educational features are worth right now many times the membership fee. AND OXLY- THREE DAYS LEFT IN .WHICH TO SECURE ALL THESE AD VANTAGES FOR ONE YEAR FOR $10. rlin't Hfri. PI.I'MKH U flowera mad over, cleaned dved. Hertha Kriicer, 4'7 Taton. I. 4. afe anal Time I-M-k Rtarrti, Opened, repaired, eomb. change. V. K. Taven port. 14flH t)ode. l. l!l. SAFES Igna aiid abawrarda. AT CT-T PR1CTA K. M. C LARK N. 1! Fn. lath. Koom 14. SIGNS re aa4 frir Klatarea. DKSK8. gafea. acalea. ahnwraaea. ahelv. ing, etc. W bur. aell. Omaha Fixture ni minpijr fo . 4l-J- fi. 151 h. r. T.7. eel 4 elllagra. CARTER Pheet Metal Worha 11o . wet fcajwpllea. OMAHA Towel Buppljr. 2fi7 P. 1!th. T. TM. ran Ice aad gattraaea. r RKUNft PTKINLK. MK Fim.m at llr. HAS. C. TNnir.RTOT. Vm N.v15th Bt. etertaartaaa. DR. o. n. YOrNCl a).d Llo.ora. r..v rJih.B. 21-J B. l.tth H. Wine- .,,., j ninner 11 to . loo. i n'-in, ..... . i "r"HI r- IL.IXH K I.tfJITOU Hoi-en lSlh .n . ... V "woe. " "'"! v. ien-eent lunch OJ.XtBK l.lnuor Hou d v i. j; ,,Tr. v rite ror price lint. t. 42. BUT WATTKRHON'B tTNION ORCKKSTRA for aJI occaalona. f-trlitly tha beat. Ad dreaa N. th Bt.. or phone Doug. ""Gibson's Buffet " ta South ISth PL 1.H..VUB I H V All Kinda of Dentai Work dona, under vareful aupervliilon. at tha the I'relghton t'ollega of iJgntlatry, S10 8. Jhth) Ht. Children'a teeth atralghtenad. FK.FH verr moderate. Kxtraeitona free. I,OnCB NOTICE. IT. JOKX UimB NO. IT.. A. T. A. M. Membera will aeeembie at Maaonlc Temple, Thuredav, l)t. tt. l'."M. at 1;S0 r.. m.. to attend the funeral aervlce of our lata brother. William N. Johnaon. to ba iitld from the Temple. AIKKKD M. liNWfiU,. Mr. I'lANO TLNJNO, K. UKANIUN. Ttenommended y Mary Munchhoff, eon and Iandow. iv. 4W2. 4j'll N. th Ave Y. M. C. A. CAMPAION-MKKUI A U R A TrJ. tw i to " r- HlUNtf. ahowcarda. Clark at boa. P. UTa. MAZF71. Iaf ni t'-onea. Beet remejgy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pile HVc moineld: Mmnlci free. Hherman It. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. "W eddlng announcement. ' Ioug. I'tg. Co. Everett H. l'odd". U raton Blk. V. 3Ba CuCKY wedding r.nga at llrrylegaard I.IWN COVERINQ. WALNUT rolltleat. rOUTXCAl. ANNOUNCEMENT. -I am tha republican cand data nrrtc nf accretary of eta-ta. ... vnr.nh., 1914 Adrtlaon Walt. C'larteiai mmA Kit.. . .. , . . LC." tvm Hteno "Ji"i".' ' v: .0 no .tVKHT ItKr-KKKNCH A BOND A IWINI "ma ha National Wank HM ' Bkkpr:-;nd c.;h?.rr'i4rna c"mer- "u0; WATTS REP. CO.. j-42 Rr.r.d.1. n-v-. r non-nartlean cand! data for dlatrlrt Judga. If elected I mill not b controlled by a.ny political bo. TOPAVS COMrLETK iovik rROCiiiAta 1 KxclnglYrty In Th tontb. COLUMBIA. mo B. WTH ST. Tha Pream Olil. rreel Bang. Tot No Uliia. r.aiaon. BIRTHK ATiO tJKtTIH. Tllrtha C F. and Margaret Cavanaugh, 4110 T afreet, rV.ulh Omaha, boy; Lon and Fannie Kltcli, 1 North Eighteenth, airl; Jue and Hele Flahbrrr, North Twenty-thlril. girl; Roy and Filth Ulb aon, J'.lt North Twenty-eeventh, boy; Joa nd Ktliel Koeof iky, 1HI North Hoven-t-nth. girl: U. A. and Lulu Irf-e, IP-34 IVanhlln, bov; ICarl and t'lnra Mathlen eon. 17i Nlrholaa. girl; t). K. and !ella Smith, hospital, girl; Harry and Farl sinner 1ia North Klirhtenth. twin bova: 1. ni A Vlrn.m North fifteenth. I m.i w TV on two-reel Victor. bov. I ti.mia'a Dutlna. Hterllng comedv FAVORITK. . 171 VINTOW r. Hearat-Kelig No. . ell. Hteva tftirady'a Chan, i-raal VlUgTgph. lnm. tha 14neman. Kalem. UKM TI1KATER. L-M 8. 13TII BT. ith Jk Caatellgf. I maths W. J. B. Pherwood. M reara. ITU Lulk T., k KilnUlH T J. A1 . n-...i. k,.. l.n,.. rv.tactlva Dan Cupid, Neator comeay. years, Thlrtv-fiflh and Hickory: tioldle I'ol'off, W yeara, 1'aul; Mra. Magglo Duncan, J! year, hnapllal. L1VB WTRK USIN'KHH MEX OF OMAHA i it f n vw tm. Laaiga, v T Rmlth Co.. lilt City Nat. Pk. D. . t blrepraotora. J. C. Lawrence. I a. Oeddla, 1. O. P. C. 2J Woward. P. gl 22K Illdg. Doug. 48. TT Piirvlnnw. H.C. ' Pa. W. U. f !( Patatlaai. Ruth Letchfor.1, decorating, firing. Tt. 4Mj. f'lcti fr'.aa m. j. TjAct, 5h wbw wT.nn. potto, nil. I. or the Secret Her vice, iwo-reei Tha Mlnd'a Awakening. inu... VINTON nni Dina rimHim. standard Oil ompny, Fourteenth an 4 Locuat, private guraxc, -'."; , H, B. ilion. Kit O rover, frame dwelling, 11.000. - MARRIACB3 LICDMK8. I'ermlta to wed bar tata granted the loiiowtng couplea: Name and Addreag. Age. Ixayinond U. Urown. Waflhtngton, Neb. over fl L'mma Mlefeldt, fclalr. Neb.... Claud Ta Hoffman, Omaha... Ytrda HoycH. IJncoln... 4'hariea W. F. Farr. Oinnha... lira. Jrflnnle May llailard. Cwnha....! 2 ciaranca M. Gist, H&atinga X2 lUiy F. liiai-k, Arnold Nellie it. Downing, Unmm, ........ J...... It Thomaa B. MKlovern, Oniht.,...ow II atlierlne K. Murphy, OinU..,....ovr IS Walter J., Omaha II lr?n limner, Omaha , HC I'alrJck J. Dairan, AVaterloo, la...., Jf, (ertruda it. iai tin, Icippey, la Vt UVIUC TULATKH, 17 I Ilia Fathcr'g Pon, two-rael Victor, nri.- fio. Call. Kterllng comedy. ST. rAHTlMlTTllliATt.l'.'M Loavenworth Tl.a Character Womani -rl Kolalr. Out Of the tiepina. vs'nkzTia iiitATfcW. vox a urn B. TrtcalBg th QovemraenL l-roaV Cream ieoarataro. The Rharnlea Separator Co.. ltth Farn. neteetlvae. JAMKS ALLAN. 813 NevlUa Blk. TM ,ene aeetired In all raaea, Tyler HM, Daarlagr Aea4etnlea. Turpln'a Dancing Academy. Jb Farn. CHAMHERH' Academy, claaelc. P.. ltfTl. Mackle'a Academy, now open. 1 Har, Drcaamaktac. Terry preimak'g oollege, 2Wh ft Farnam Mrs. J, M. Todd, 14 N. 15lh; atyllah fU ooatumea at Introductory price a. D R47H. Weat ovr 11 MOfNTlOB TITKATKR. KM TARNAM St Tha Whita Wolf. Netor. 1 Virtu It. Own Kw'l-.J-11 Well, well, jour p-' Deatlata. Dr. liradbury. ( nmvnnV THE1ATKR. Adventure in. .."-- Lvening Fort ltwv t id tvraft. Joker, with M b.m MAIN ST. th Haturoay parte. Luve i aaner JKUTK NO. 1. , , .vTlagral l Hla Unknown Girl. Br1 hwee.llo a Clean-l p. Kaaanay. , Th. llreater love. lAinin. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVISi IHOGIIAM3 . Ekctukively la Tit Be. ' Ihmi T vra. CAMf TSArHONK. lfl POtJOtiAfl. 1 he Lo't ,MhiI bark, I-rel Kalem. "I )t. Vltnunaph. 'i h Loynltv .f Jumho. Pellg. T.TJil KN6. S. 1'AltNAM. '(Mi v.ioTi,(r Pi' Cowboy, i riwil tiuL l ory i Mure, Jsaiem. 'I he Ppbit f Jealouay, !tlof:raPh. - ' . . . . .... . j Vlvtan a Tranaforoiatlon. Cryatat com,. Jter .lfea litory. l'ower. ,o.tb OmM. mr- Th. other Man- Tha ''"""rl ' r ;'4TH AND O onrnEUM. uni a- U. tO, OMAHA. FAKNAM Tlli-.'AU Kit. 141ii FAKNAM ST. or Hr reioera bina J-recl Maj. ui rriie litark Htutd. Royal comedy. AS'hre the MiinUnti Meet. Keiiftno dra. aut-i' TiirA i n.t. ioin N Lii akn L if! iut Like a Woman and Klaw A Kuan rt-r a eSety drama, tha- Chailty lialU erica aiwava tne aame.- lit renta. 5 AUK, frl N. KTU 6T. 'A.rd j eoll Intervcnea. Lunln. 'i r e fokiiea ilit. S-reei i.lUon in.ery rhm and Oreen-f.yed Monatar. l AHLOll 'iUiCA'l'til. 1U DOL'UIAS. Kaoiifii'lal Flnra, in thre partf. Nerve i i.un?.iy Ttf i. i i t i i ka. isi7-i DO UtJ La a. "Country Innocence" with Alexander ad- len, x-r. ' Tbo .N ill i mi.'.' reaturiiig Mui- Oiv.n .m .'tjiiBrrlr. ' l ermena V hkIi 1h ppaelal Featuro. Hat'iroav. " . LITr It 1. v; , n i.iv a i'U'jO RAM. 'I ll i. i ' lch Tlevenga, .,u 'viil iua Itaward ' " BL'SIXKSS MEN Ok OMAJ1A North. . !.HA XTRP.A THKATKIL 514 Kfl ?4Tlt N nine?. lay elkht. emeteur mcht, with the i-rt Una an.ateur ever put on n thla . -r. i inn i tmr it. TIIKATLK. MTU A FORT. -".-, -rel fc,.-tiir. !aii in tiia A'tit:. Frontier. m ne trul-n. 2,11, tiui.g eomonV. MAll.NU Ull'.ATKll, iiv Uka' bi. i v -'jctoptiun, to-r"l Imp. 'J do Mayor'a Manloure, i owera drama. r.iM Ui Couit, Joker comedy. rHANKl.IN, S4TH AND FiUNKIJN. Mn.T-t, the F.'hLer-Mui h., -rcl na. . iv .. ituiy irprwi. "eana . 'Him Winding Xula, Kalem. XB C ofOinaha H A A1'1- v. I l fltr! j A yuy ". 1 vi- t'h 1-2 diai" and e'" A.V .frl. HcPt. and Oct now and Jwlty block. y. ' i" ' w..ta watch T. Room SIT. Karbata A 8 0 fan 1 . k. a Alr-t in ...... a wwtitn -rt bvii tt vav r.w i - twiHo Works and n.otora i"' is 8. l-'in llxporlenco of all klnda. Mra. Hurt. K. eWidtJ AKeratlona. rellnlMK. Mra. Calvert. D.44CU No pain. 11 K Farnans. lr. Todd'e alveolar.dentletry. a Brande Hallcy, tha Detitlet. lOi City Nati Hank. Taft l)enla Rootna, 1M7 Dnugla D. HI Mi. I'yorrhea, lr. Flckea, TU City Nat. Hank, Dngi. , DRUGS at rut prlcea; freight paid, on HO order: rataloguea free, bherniaa AlO' l nnnell Drug Co., Omaha, iven. Kleetrle gnppltea. L1CBRON Flee. Wkf ., 1 B. ISth. P. W. Rverythlag for Woaaea. Woman'a K.vliange, 4W Fax. Bik. R. 4911 ACCORDION, Blue, knife, eunburat, bo Pleating; covered buttona. all alaea and atylfa; hemetltchin. picot edging. Ideal lieetlng Co., 1oug!aa Block. P. 1'tW. Karrlrja. HFN FKN8TKR, 1410 N. S4th Pt. tV. 7177. Florlat. A. nONAHL'F, 1C2 Harney. Poug. 1001. HATH 8 florists. )H Farnam Ht. U IIKNDF.RMON, 141 Farnam. D. 12G&. Member Florlat Telegraph PeL'Aaa'n. HKhH 8VOIH)DA. 1416 Farnam Ht. Hair Ureaaiagt. Harper Method, n. . Balrd Bldg. P. Kll WI1Xia from vombinga, 1.5i). p. a.U. 1.1 va tofev Meaeaa. OMAHA Remedy Co,. eW p. nth. Red. 4t Ltgatlng Flitarea anal Wlriai. 11I0MAS DUKK1N Rlactrla fixture and auppllea, contract' tag and repair work done reaaonabl. S4! t'DMINO. IKM'OIS Kit. Mfr. aa H l4an akad leaaera. OI.H ahdea made ilk new. MIdweal hble t.I.My, 4C10 llaml!U.n. liar, ifti MMHagrr Trattafrjr, AVIirTKLlNF.. 8. ltth. Pougla a snt Mllltaery. SWITCHES from comblnga. fl.Ko. Paych ire. Mra. H, M. R. k, . 8. Wth. P. 467. k,iv in.. liWJ cumina, .MA'ul.i ,.u feathera and IK1!'. - .7 niilul mattreeiiej Ol " ..'", feather for eat, vaouum baultary atavtaa-, Otona 4 leaalaa;. W. C. FKRRIN. 1Mb and Capitol. Ty. 110. V. i i ; .rv t "i cleaning done In tha horn. Wss K rrnt. repair, -eu - CYCUK CO., 'MJckal'a," ail ArKA Uth and Hartvay i 'i . lUw .:.u; tuea. :.tu i cuminu. ty. Muhml lu. - f -Mji:y Ann. S-rel Broncho dra. I )n aiaitif't, ho. Cir?ie(y. J hr.Al I IC 11 It"' AND" Joid Ci' il inl r-neii, LuLlii. 't!y .Mother, l"o-rvl t;uaraph. i ;i. r I i o. n Aeeoata. v, v . i. i vll I K J. THUMA lr"'' " ... ltn-iH nv - '' - Tyler li. I . i la the oit t,f It. Fd. I 1 i i.' J' 1 11 i A 1 I. It, ii n and lihiop. iH.linr l'.lerv, apiaoOa. i.-l a "A' lK-r. K.milc eoirwwiy, r'.o'w. 4 .i e , lciirti. ttiama. aaia- Kacatae. Ilton Adding Machine. 1l . 16. P.' AdiTMch Co.. tWaleal W. . W. D. aSflt. ui. 1 1 m a rut. i cii.iiutu. A -r 1 ieiire 2 r.l r. lair. i t; I i l Irri-i t l-WSu!., Jukcr CODA. i ......I Mi.iru i'i'H-. Attraetloaa. . .vi in a film ex.. 14th and Poug picture mnijx l"Tl V. . l.n . A ala aaa " Meyneti repair wore i .-. Motion P. M. i.--. t; N. 1.1 tL i- a ! It.g. I reel Kdiaoa. .rv' ...i Out. l.llt.l.l. .i''t, l. l.i.k.ti,r-r, KmUiii. . i. '1 IK-A'l -.J iA iMvH't, :!w,rn 6f the Teins I.oui.k'. S reel Blon. A wet lea"- Dod AU'-tum C., 11 W. O. W. Red rs. Harbrra. It '.'hir. 1W anave. nev im7 Far. mu I-rlaliaa. .i.vuv CO HIM Printing, under pew ownership. timer Oeallata. r.yr examined, glaaaea fitted, pay you n. it. mc anny, nil w. O. W. Hldg. MVK WIIIK BUSINESS ME.1 OK .OMAHA. l OH M MANUfl. 417 N 4Vh. h. rra. eark Kateraalaatar. B. R. Roach powder at your dnjgglet. baa. Repair!. le-tilc Bho Rep. Co., 177 Pt. Mary't A v. 10th. 4'-l Center. K. 6ok2 juur I u I il 1 1 v ftitf... . . -, . I .!,... ii . vieinB """'J. 4 n. imn. Douglag 1SC9. HELP WAyrKDFEMALK HELP WAXTEO MAI E Aceata. Paleear aa oltrllar. TRAVELlVfl -aleemen calling on hard- a are. Implement, lumber and w ire fence trade, every etete. take ordera for faat aelllng er laity. Fig rommlealona. weekly aeitlenw-nte, pocket eample. Th Toledo Cable Co., Toledo. O. Fartary aa4 Tradea. Drug afore anan: oh. Knelat. Hee Fklg. WANTLIa Men to learn the barter trade. Th world needa mora barbera than any other tradeamcn. We have nrlclnated a plan to tea.h It quickly and earn aomn money. Toola Included. Hoard If de alred. Open to everyone. IHMxnt appli cant wilte. City appllcanta call. Molcr Barber College, J10 8. 141 h l. nrsixEssjc haxces CX jT6 XS -M 1 .1 a illTV received for foncpmoii t tn' elcat.- cono'nctorV ma'iuerade ball given ThankaMng ee., at omah.t For further I'ar tltulurr. od'lre or eee. C. J. FIT PATRICK. Treaaurer. Hoard of Trade Hlda. Mleeellaaeaaa. Tartaric Mirror PHver!ngIt LEA RN paya. Ixmg, rloaely gunnled recret of big fnctorle. Fartlculara free. Wrn. Bar ftow, 414 iSW Pt . Oakland. Cat. Wanted at Once MF..V to learn the automobile bumncaa; th demand la sreat for our rraduatee: w have trained hundred of men; let ua train you. w rit ror free booklet. Nat'i Auto Training Ass'n, 14 N. Mth Pt.. Omahe. Neb. WOlTIyD you have to phono for help If your Ignition ayatem on your car went wrong out in ui rauniryT Learn cow to ear for your own car at ' THE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL, 14.16-17 Dodg. OHfK'LRV PTOLH for eale. only ex cluatve one In live town of l.!10, located In weetern Iowa. IVdnl? good buelneee. Will pay to lmetlgt. Oood reaaona for alllrg Addreaa XV4. car He. IIKNKRAI. HTORC Inland atore o( general mrhan'lle for aale. etnefc lo olce alvoiit H.OiO; buMno"" tlJ'.OPO yceMy fine location: yood reatona lor aelliiig. A'ldreea V 24". Hee. IJVE STOCTK ftlll NAf.R. P1UNS. .how cn7e. fHark A Pon. 1. IST. Iloree tn4 Vehlelea. UAROEst tock of delivery wagona la tbe ilty; ull Kinda of Meckemilli work, painting nd lettering. Jobner.-i.-inforto CO.. Iierr lo etluli. 15-.1l-A N. iHh Ht. TK AM oT 7rm7VHa7i i oT"?. m, W-. 1'lif team of ork horaefi, S a i.'.th and county lln. So. Oma:i. Tel. So. iTi 1'UR SAI.F Seen Immune bro.1 roe a. Jereey red, averaec wclsht i poundi. Webeter i FOR BALK CIIKAP-Mare, eciRht about 1 ."". Thone iHiuglaa .7X COR PALK 2 elncle grocery dcljveiy rige. or would aell the homes aeparate; alro 1 eet light double barneea. Langc Uroccry Co.. illth and Cuming tt. - L19T TCfn Bl-OINESS with oi for quick action and gquar treatment. QUICK SAL1.S COM PA NT, 41 Bee Bldg Phone Red STS4. STOCK, of good and fixture for aale or trade. A anap. Addrea box ftA, Silver City, la. BTKAM laundry for aale; fully eiiilppe.i value fXM.i0: I4 to i,ouo caeli payment balance terma. Ad1rea T 20. lice. To y t'll'K f.T eel) your buelneaa or ral eatat. write KennehecK Co., Oman. THFATUR8 Buy, leaae or aell your the ater, machine and auppllea through Theater Kxchange Co., 14t t amam tL Pongln 17. TO GKT In' or out of hualneae. Call on OANGKSTAD, 4 Bee Bldg. P. 84.7. Write for catalogue Omaha. MAN to give away premltime to adver tlae Roger 20-year allverwarc, a2 monthly. Alao oommlairlon. A. A. CUne, Advertlalng. Manager. Roger Building, Philadelphia. --o GOOD MEN WANTED Now, to tak our auto work until com petent; then go rlht Into the auto buel neaa from here. Big new building; ma chin "hop, latha work, welding, atarting ayatema. Writ for Hat of opening. Fret catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, I'm Farnam Pt., Omaha. WANTED An Idea. Who can think eome aimple thing to patent? Ptoteot your Idea; they mar brlnrf you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions- and "How o i let Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph ft Co.. Patent Attorneys, Wash- Inaton O. C. . Well establlHhed buolneaa of unlimited noaelbllltle for sal chep. 1L.V). Furniture and aiiPDllea worth that. No experience required. Addrer H 74. Bee, Apply at once, S2 Ptate Bank Bldg. Ageat aaa Saleawaea. wan? APERT, BALESWOMKN. baloony. -"lnenont a BLROlS-NASH CO. ' Bales- offlca, M,!A.NTE1?'A' !'w n,or '""y oii.dtora. LinjaaaiiT wn K. a-nl .. 1 1 . .. . uni'.B.MiAKE- In Lincoln, .nvk. experienced anlrt draper to take rh.r.. k pt i , . . - . ' . jilt. u u rv . r. v.Bk. r.Ariv 1A. . -w ... iut . iiiuivr x 4:1-1, J-V4--iai. of LF:ARN hairdreaelng. Oppenhelm Parlora. IfoaaekeeBer and llnmrxl... SXPRniBNCF.P girl for general houee work: fam v nf y. rtarrn.. . 1 1 ' . win rv. Experienced girl for general houeeworW v. .7 ,.,n -'""y- neaaant room with ...1. mull d a gooa cook, walnut, 1437, vi ra, rrince. WANTED Competent housemaid; family of two; reference required. adoIv 411 n. 40th Ave. MKN to learn the barber trade; tuition. rt'o: set of toola trlven: waves tald. Trl- Clty College, 12th and Douglas Pta. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph A Co., Washington D. C. WANTKIk.xperlenced pickle and con diment man. Th Wichita Vinegar and Bottling Co., Wichita, Kan. "WANTED A competent. houae and gar den man. must b fr.miller wtth hot water plant. Mra. Anna Hart, E7a let Bt., i.ounrn riiuirs, is, -rei z4. KXPREHBMAN to do light hauling Joha; owner require aome one who want to tart toward getting a home and quit paying rent. Tel. Douglas 2107. HELP WANTED male: asd female. THOUSANDS government Joba open to men and women: tHo to SIM month. Writ for Hat. Franklin Institute, Dept. iJi. r, itocnearer. im, 1. OF.T government Jobs. 4 to, $160 a month:. 2.000 appointments each month. For Hat of position obtainable address T Ky, Fee. AMATEURS wanted at the Alhambra Theater every Wedtieeday nhrht. First prise, $5; 2d prlxe, 13; 3d prlxe, 2. Call at theater in evening or 'phone Doug. $904 WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG ATTORNBV PICSIRFfl TO CON- NKCT WITH PROMINENT LAW F I KM. OHJF.CT "MUTUAL ASSIBTANCR AND OFFICE ROOM. ADDRKHS D. S, flKH laveataaeat. , ' To Conservative Investors W offer hlch-grade first mortgage farm loans at crevalllna ratea. Tit lea eiiaranteeri and lntereet collected without charge to our Investors. Tag free In N btaeka. Peters Trust Co. 1R25 Farnam Pt.,' Omaha, Neb. o Our Nebraska farm mort gages are not affected by Hnronean wara or Dailies. Amounts $400 to 20,tW. W collect all Interest and prin cipal free of charge. w year in the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss la our record. KT.OKK INVKSTMKNT COMPANT. tot Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha o 7 I Hotel. FFRNITirRK and lease of 28-room. mod em hotel, county et town, a genuine bargain, T00. GANGESTAD - Room 404, Bee Bldg., Omaha. ' ReamlBX ' neaaea ror Bala. TO buy or aell hotels or rooming houses quickly eee u. BUT -FROM Ua. LIST WITH US. ., Quick Sale3 Co.,. Ill Be Bldg. . Phono Fd S264. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM FA Pi I. Persons having lost eomo article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha A. Council Bluffs Ptreet Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the Street rars. , . Many articles each day are turned in and the company la anxious to restora them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 4. BOMB one has my umbrella, a long whit bone handle silk umbrella, wnicn w lost about two weeks ago and has a f Pe ril I value to me because of Its attach ments, than It can to anyone else. Who ever ha It surely took It by mistake. If the party will return It I will be willing to buy him an equally good new umbrella In exchange for It. Mrs. Alfred Darlow, 2itt p. IKth Pt. Lost CIsks pin. O. H. S.. '10. Harney 817. LOST IyMdy's gold watch; monogram M. rtewarit. Tel. p. 4.TT4 arter p. m. LOST Between fflth and 35th, on I-eaven- worm, garnet cluster pin. II. 2611. MEDICAL. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all safe, sclentiflo methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and child ren. The cot is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. TVray, Suite 306. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. EDUCATIONAL WANT KI Position a house salesman, bookkeeper or correapondent, with wholesale concern by expeiiencel man', Z years of age. Address A 428, Bee. WANTED A working houaekeuner iui Dodg Bt " WANTED A girl, Itueeian or polish nrel erred, in fnmilv nf .a,. v... u . Caldwell. Call Wcbater 71T. ' CO M P F.T E NT, energetic man. 2'., with colleen education, want connection with advertising agency, real estate or special firm; commands English, German and Scandinavian languagea; experienced; fu ture advancement Imperative, M. 4 ."2. Bee. WANTED Uood whlta girl for aeneral housework. Small fnmilv aa7 i ov... Pt, Herney45S. BOY wants work after school hours; capa ble of doing most anything. Web. viKia. WANTED A nurse maid. Mr. L. lllller. 1U 8. aoth Ht Harney I7S. HB Servant Otrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Hervani riiri vv . , -.a FRED until you get th desired reaulte. Thla appllea to resldenta of Omaha, fcouth Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring d to The Hee office or telephone Tyler lOuo WANTED A position, a house salesman by a competent man. university gradu ate, having had office and selling ex- erlenc. Aged 22 years. Address S 630, Bee. WANTED Woman eoov. a. so woman to do Keneral kitchen work: nnd Write Mrs. F. K. Iluff, Hartlnarton. Neb. Vio.viAiN ror general housework; none but experlnnced need annlv: rood aim Call Douglea 4J47. J No. lth St. UIRL wanted for general housework; ref rence required. Phone Mr. Geo. Rae- muesen. Walnut K7, or call 4o Lafayette AVi. . UIKL or woman to do general house- worn. ac rTanxnn rt OIKL for gnneral housowork. Harney i-HH. W taellaa.aa. TOUNG ' women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Youna Women's Christian Association building at Hi. Mary s Ave. and Lth St.. where tney will ba directed to suitable boardlnc place or otherwise assisted. Iook for our travelers" guide at Uiwm station. W o"M &S wanted for government clerk Ship. soon. Inetllut HI cay. win. Sample questions free Omaha exomlnatlnna Franklin Dept. iiS.a. Rochester. N. T. DO easy, pleasant coloring work at homo; good pay, no ranvasaing; no experience required. Illustrated partlcutara Ire, Helping Hand Stores. Dept. H6, Chicago. HELP WAKTKD---M ALE. Clertoal and Oftiaw. ARS-T BALES MGR., $100. SUnogiaphur and bok keeper, 7H. Assistant bookkeeper. I". Assistant office clerk, f40. ' Stenoerpher, tglnner, o4. WE!T. REFEItENCK BOND ASS'N Oiixlnators of th Rrferanc Business, Omaha National Bank Bldg. SQUARE PEUd IN SQUARK HOLES. V find a position that fna you. CO-OPKRATIVK REFERENCE1 CO, loii-iii City Nat. Bajik Bldg. llasaeasea. MAS8.,beu!, liver, kidney troubles. D. TlS. 'are l-. tth and eiec. tr'in t. D, gJM. BATH and Man., alcohol rub. Iura. Ueun. laiil rarnam. tt. 2. D. 7ul. ANNAMAKKS St'lKN. f A inv l?l-r-n"n Kt- ""t . Sd floor D. atrtl' U1XHANO Therapy A massage. MrgBr lt Halluran. TU Nevlll Hla. D. TiKI. Miss Fiaher. iia.. ele-t. teet. Hed n. MAMIAiiK. 1(0 p. 17th . Mra l.ilet Hiv Mhm. Mia. tinytler, !. trt. 4J Be Bldg. 14 Ik Mr.. Steele. 4.u) MASS ( IV. '"dlaa movement. tii -LfVCVUrA t,, IUM c;;; K. Mack niae nd inaniciiring. D. 76sJ. Mar. Mlea Walton. R. tM. Nevill ibU. M, MIm C.ilin, R, Hi, NeviHa J.HT Nat. BW. D. Mi... i-i AYE. i.i iu ,. K. . I 11 AND AM ' u r Ko I-. l Knii.u. Ci' ivliiirs ii' ni 1 r.Mianay. - i r l.'U lr't-:,e. I'vt-.,i. ualt. ; .i l. LEAVENWORTH. i -.JUIIV. I il A. IS I . 1 , IV. 41 - Una Soaaarte. Pant.m Mlt.heM .. Pth and Martha bt. H-ltala a HeiMttrlaa. F. FKfcXTA. fell Patton BlW. not,f .jnsr A. 1. J irin'in. 1 areiilT. rep'r g I t ,l l l h- I la4 Wril tula. well or cKb rn cleaned or 111' I II Oxee II 11.. dug? Web i.i p. sI'M. J.ihi.aon s wiieoj.i . i I'hoiu. , O.leepatkte Payalelaa. ' Ir. Reruoha. r.X-4 Mcx'agu Bldg. D. Fatcai. H. A. Pturres. r. Brandela Theater Bldg 1. o. Barncll, f. i.,n Hlh. Tel. Red lit;. I'ateat De vejnpaaeat. AMI Hit AN Ma.-hln Co, 1)0 P. llih SL l-rlalla WATKKH-BARNHART Itf. Co., nuality .-Vl"'lL"y v.lJju -1. i4 H. 11th M. le.llil.A SALESMAN, creamery auppllea, )Ui haleviuHn, and commlaalon. WATTH KEF. CO., 4o-43 Brandela Thea. Bt H)KK EKi'EK, lumber experleac. lieu Illdg. 312 MANAGEH, live wire, retail liimbtt and hai-dwar 4ihtUik, good firm, good alary, il future: references required. K Slate hank Blilg.. Lth and Harney. lll'iH-.iHA 1E commercial posltaaa V.! Omaha Nat. Bank HMg WANTED Day work. Douglaa WfC. WANTKU-A position, competent young man, years ot age, university gradu ate, having a year of office experience wants a clerical position In some estab lished firm. Addrea F 71. Bee. EXVEUIENCEDi grocery clerk; refer- encea furnished. Can laK lull charge if necessary. A ebster !i.3. 1314 FALL TEBM n OF B0YLES COLLEGE . IS NOW OPEN i In both day and rilght sesalons. Tet It Is not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. .Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practU-e, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, steno tvpv. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while - attending. Douglas VaSu. . V BOYLES COLLEGE H. H. BOYLES," PRES. r - Boylea Building, Omaha. . . ' . ' Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. n. Tarry cures pl'.ea, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money ' paid until cured. Write for book on rectl diseases with testimonials. DIL E. R. TAIJRY', 240 Bee. " ' MOXKY TO LOAN NEED MONEY 7 See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 306 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. PERSONAL. TH R Salvation Army Industrial home so-' llrlta your old nothing, rurniiure, mnaa- xlne. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 41 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new nome, Dodge St. ' . YOUNG "Vomfn coming to Omaha as atrantrera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th Ht. and Pt. Mary s Ave., where tney will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlao assisted. Jjook ror our irav elers' aid at th Union Station. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited scholarship In Boylea Business ool lege, Omaha; good lor eiuier anorcnano. or business courses. Apply at th office of Omaha He. WANTED Work as chambermaid II hotel in Omaha or uoutn oroaba. mon t Sf.l. AlOSIlEK-LuUIPMAN -COLLEGE . FAIX TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted , any ' day. . Unsur passed rlasses In all business an.KEng lish branc hes, shorthand. Graduate guaranteed good poeitlona.' Tlaces pro vided for young people to work for uoaro. For a new rree caiaioguo an areas . MOSIIER-LAMFMAN COLLEGE . 1K1S ' Farnam Pt.' Omaha.- 'Douglas (Wl. DAY work wanted by colored woman. Phone Douglas 21, aak for Kay. YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Boyier couega Telephone Houclae loa SITUATION wanted a caretaker rooming hoime. Addreaa A '. Bee. ot EXPEIUENCED chauffeur wiahea to oriva private car; careriu artver: snows city rery well. Address F 6a2 Be. WANTED Cooking position by colored nerson: day work nref erred. Wb. ?3?x YOUNG lady with two yara' experience a stenographer wants position; can furiileb good reference to character and ability. Address J tl car Bee. CHII-D'S nurse wirhea position; beat refereneea Phone Re,j 8)440. bouaekeeper TOUNG lady desires place as or maid. Call Florence Ml. BUNDLE washing and Ironing. H. &S4S, TWO neat appearing young ropn wish respectable work that will bring ad vancement. Address J "7&, Bee. DAY WORK or bundle wash. Web. 77 AUTOMOBILES. A (, talriaieB as4 Xollellera. Good projxisition , for insur- .a anoe men or euaracter ana ability. Call or write. Mutual Benefit lietutU & Ac cident Association. 423 City Nat '1 Bank Bldg. Omalia, Neb. Used Cars That Must Be Sold Thre 1914 flve-paaaenger Fords. These car r fully equipped, perfect condition and look like new. 40 other used car. Writ for our bul. letln No. 7, prices and large list of tat Ufled customers. ! Industrial Garage Company . &h and llarnev, Omaha. Neb. Orenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., fun Fr. Tho Van Sant School Stenography Day school. :00 to 4:00. Ntaht school. ti:1S to :la. ISth and I amam Sts. Douglas 647, EXPERT lady stenographer will, tak DUPiia. ' SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, snelllng. punctuation, etc.. lauaht and complete training given lor nuainesg ca reer. Private Instruction if desired. 4W4 Douglas Pt Tel. Walnut SS27. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Thre mOntha, S4.Mt THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO- Douglas 291. ' iVH Farnam. FOI1 SALK . Faraller. New A td-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. rum. Co.. eu. N. mtn. Big Bargain Household goods In 11-roora house. Well louata.1. Must be sold Quick, owner leav ing. Price l-W. House for rent; . BIRKETT & COMPANY, . 423 Bee Bldg. ' ' Douglas' SEVERAL van load of furniture And aome pianoa. Omaha Van amd tora Co.. 80S P. 16th Pt. . . Medium rise ba burner, cheap. Ho. 1.VS2. Matl latraaBaia. riANO player: n bargain. Tel. H. 471L lViv.MAX uorlaht piano for aale; good i.,n a.,: Charles. Webster TypeWHter. TVPrWBITITliS aold. rented, repaired C.ntral Tvoe writer Exchange, to' e. 7tn Llndhorg Pro.. 3571 lira v. Tlyng Merkiel. $100 forfeit fw any magneto we can't re pair. Coil repar g. O. Haysdorfer. mo N. IS HIGH-POWER touring car; S-cyl.; in ax. . celient condition; for aale by owner crep; apiaiHl'd bargain. Call Tyler V and ask for Karjy. ' Industrial iijxe Co., !0th A Harney Pta TRY P ELTON OARAGE for winter storage; Meant henl; make ar rangement now. tAA Farnam. DRArrr.T salesman. Wanted, experienced ilrtcry salrnmao. Apply superintendents oftice, balcony, UUlivjtso-NAtH CO. also Ictor 1r.1t. I'.:. i. aai-.vr, 4 1 N. 1. 1'ii'itina Co Tel. 1 t Col;EYrMh F.N .IK PTO. Co7in. iit;-iMiJu iii t o, iTJ.u.,1. 1 1. u CLMUAL I HlNllN5'oTDoUG7".. SAl.SMJ'N iiiak v. to tM l-r smA. K.I rnllin our aiv'tal-v. I.aiae oemand. Kxwricnee uanecefHrv. InveHiiaate to u. THE. JOHNSTON COJdFANY. t1 Alt la. U., Dcpt . Mtttereycle. HAKLEY -DAVIDSON MOTCRCTCLES. Pitrsalna la uaed machlnea Victor Roos, "Th Moiorcy.To Man." I7n I van worth. Hil 4 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bamrains In used machine. OMAHA BICj CLE CO.. llb and Chicago, u. l.'Ja. BUSINESS CUANOTS. ijCOOO Yearly Income Require an Inveatment of tl,o00. Bust la ran be Increased to i.o net profit yearly. Exclusiv cnlrid. High claau, perno4-nl and re-tmrea but one-fourth of your -tun. Tin la certain! worth In veaticatiii . Addieaa O car lie Uiv teleohoa numtier tf convenient. "iit"A ant Ad l"loduc F.Mlt. KENT HemiiiKtons. Monarch and Smith Premiere of their inukera. The Remlng t..n TviMvwriter Co. Telephone Douglai i vA ManLaJ credited If ou purchase, and w v.n r.ea-eat and hlaheat gnule ma chines pent out. naies, mnw wuuun .m. IS tor underatrok machines or H ler month for latent model visible writers All makea tperttis rented. .ol4. term Rirtia TVMWrlter. Il" rarnam. 1: M lacellaaeaas. Bakerv and furtvac wood. Tel. Flor. 401 rOULTRT AND BUPPLTES STEREOTYPE matrices make, the best : and. cheapest lining for poultry houses,. They aro 17xi3 Inchea, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and' practically fireproof. Toe a hundred at The Pee office. Mixed grain, tl.W per 100. Wagner, 01 N. K WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C Reea. ran rarnam, ooug. ana. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. WE buy, eell, exch. clothing. Jewelry, etc. Suitcases l up. Krledman, Hth & loage. JIONEY Any quai.iity, good quality. cuve description ana price, a. a. rwoi Co., IA& W. 7th ft, Dos Moines, la. , UVE 6TOCK MARKET OF VKSl SHIP live stock to South Omalia. s-ava mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. - Lire Stock Com mission .Mervnanis. MAflTlN " BROS. A CO., Exchange Bids. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO Ueautiful aix-pasaenser White Steamer, perfect condition, to iwsp lor runabout; must have smaller car for ray business. Address . C 1514, wee. AUTO A good So-H. I'. Mitchell, 6-paa-senger car; can be used for delivery, roadster or pleasure; tho back seats fold down, making a smooth hood. Will trade tor diamonds, lota or will make you cauli . price you cannot atiora 10 miss. Auoreas S. C 163. Bee. AUTO Four-pa acuger Auto to trade to contractor for a garage; auto In good repair. Addresa P. C. lalj. Be. ' AUTOMOBILES Jf"or otner automobli bargains tho "Automublle'' vlaaaifi cation. AUTOMOBlIvE To Contractors or Car penters: One of the, latest Stanley Steamer runabout autos out. in running order, very claeay and artistic, atecl apoke wheels, will swap for material and work on house and give you the best of It. P. C. IMS. Bee. AUTOJdOBlUE Want to awap a dandy lot date Stanley steamer runabout, tn perfect condition, for cement blocks, ma terial and contract work on my house, and will give someone a snap. S. C. 1644. B. BUSINESS CHANCES Manufacturing business protected by patent and all rights for real eetalt bankable notes, or. what have ou to the extent of $1,W0. Ad- dresPC- tViiJiee BOARD FENCE 150 feet good board fence, 4 feet high, with oak posts every a fact. What, have ouf Address S. C. IMi; nee. LIOYCLE one year old for cash, or what have you? S. C. I.'iol, Bee. ' C-VNDY MAKERS' OUTFIT complete, all new, f nmace, kettles, roller, gum. nia chlue. Klis, cough drop brass rollers, caramel cut'.em. not Junk, to swap. S. C. Utti Bee. C. J. CANAN, Real Erat and EacPa-ae. CAKPENTEH WOrtK Will tak furni ture, beaier. chicken or anything of value In exrhanae. Address 8. C. Ij.7. Bee. iroR iiAI.K at a discount, a full un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good ror itner aiiort hand or ' buainess couree. Apply at th o f flo cf The Omaha Bee. 2-hnd mch. Orosa M rm k Co., 21 A Paul. ax. OKA FLEX newspaper camera, w ith II plat holder, carrying raa for camera and .rrytng case for plate hold ers The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for tha lot at aaa A . Beo. ' FOn SALE New and e.-end-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling allata and accesaortes : bsr fixture of all kind; easv payment. The Brunsalck- plke-CoUender Co.. 4T-4o P. luih St. CLOCK A floe French artistic, valuable .lock nw to awap for anything of value from chicken, applea, potatoes, ami will give a good fair dual; have two clocks. S. C. 1M2. Bee. CAMERA, ETC. 1 have Carnion corn-, 1 blnation snd postcard camera; an East man pcatoard cuiiera, S'.xi'j. In leather case' for film and plate both; alio a !xT inacbln complete, with two lenses, chem ical, trtya, supply of tock. Want tn swap for a 3 Cult revolver. Also a -20 rt seating rlri for anything, or will ell cheap. Addrcrs. R. f7, Bee. a- fxfi Bays 't .ol for the money -U.W lt. wt. t- Harmon A W BARGAIN in aod fountain. H..non lit. try th. CAMERA One minute post card, new. Complete outfit, cost 42 to. Will trade for anything I can use. Addrer S. C. laiit. Be. DEPK Exchange or sell large roller-ton ui five ueak and chair, lor lrg o fat top dek. Addrees 8. C. IVm. Bee. j Dl.fK, ETC.. -Roller too doak with aafe. lial to;i i.ri-., lum-nmi inr muw t aee, and ar.dy cae tor what have you? Ad- 1 Irene S C b.v. Bee Want Ads Ar th Best Buslr.tea llovrtera Dt AMuNIV Have soiltair diamond ring worth Will exchange for lurnlmr and slui.gles and Uth. Addrea C. 1. . B . . .