dEo mbardi ; Everybody Reads the day's) ruirrpervliijr t. Jay. If folk don't red yowr store mrnw erery day, It's your fault. -4 .'JL4 maha Daily B fTl EE n THE WEATHER, Unsettled YOU XL1V NO. 108. , OMAHA, THUltSlAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1!U4-TWKIiVK PAGES. Ob Train en at X otl Sw Stead, (a. RUf.lOR OF BATTLE 111 BALTIC SEA OFF PRUSSIAN COAST Report from Copenhagen Says Ger man Torpedo Boats Are Engage ' ing Fleet of Submarines! GERMAN CRUISER EMDEN ACTIVE Jive British Steamships' Are Sunk in . Indian Ooeaa and Another , v i is Captured. AUSTRIAN BATTALION . TAKEN Dispatch from Petrograd Tells of the .Capture of Troops that Had , ' . Marched Into Ambush. BATTLE ; REPORTED RENEWED German Assaults Along Line in Rus- - sian Poland Repulsed. - ; ..' GERMAN STORY CONTRADICTED Rmlu Official New il"r H , saf-t Bay Liwmi Af Prwe tayat I.e'Tha,l Per Ceat f Kalaer'a EillmiH. SINGLE COrV TVt. CENTS. ANOTHER SIDE OF THE WAR-ry!V ' peasant women b ringing walnuts to soldiers in the trenches near Lierre and Duffel, during tne German adva 0;. .utwerp. . ' ' .... "v. ' ' V Bt LLKTIX. IjONDOX, Oct. .21. An engage ment between German torpedo boats and hostile submarines -In the .Baltic, near Bugen Island, off the Prussian coast, is Teported from Stockholm, according to a Central- Newa dis patch from Copenhagen. No details of the fight or its result are given. LONDON, Oct. 21. The German c'ruUer Smdcn has again bn stnkinr British tamers. This time At a point 1B0 milea aouthweat of Cochin, Britleh India, ac cordtnK to a report by the admiralty from Colombo, Ceylon.' It hat aent to the" bot tom the British ateamwa Chllkana, . Troilua, Benniohr and Clan Grant and the. Dredger Ponrabble, bound for Ta rannia. The BriUah ateamer Kxtord was tapture ty the Emden, : PETItOGRAD, Oct VI Indon.V Corr epondonce from Warsaw, aivlnr the detail of the recent capture of an Aus trian battalion .In the -region of JUry, GaUcia, relatea how the Austrian, bear ins; branches of trees heavy with foliage to screen their movements, advanced at night fall. The Russians, feigning ignor ance ot .their ' approach,' - lessened the musketry fire, allowing the Austrlans to draw near, but meanwhile bringing their - machine guns and light, artillery, into position. , . In the morning, so the story goer, ,th Kusaians opened an unexpected and deadly fire on the 'Austrlans, who after a ineieentary hesitation surrendered with out resistance before a Ruanlan bayonet charge. Among the prisoners taken were fifteen officers. 81 x machine guns, were cs gtured. ' ' A correspondent on the east Prussian front says that activity has been resumed along the entire line from . Buwalkl to I.yck,' where the Germans hava been re inforced. German assault were repulsed and sharp Russian counter attacks made. The Germans are engaged In sktrmlhlng and-forairtng and appear-to have no In ' tentlon ot advancing in force. . , r V r:: ... I"' V",'." - ' - j 'f i. ? ,J' ' - - ' ' ' r .... .... , ., . , . 7-: ;-: V.-". , . j . - ' . ..-,. . jj ii i siii i mmiiiiwmiiiiiii in JJWIW)IJM , -n --.-i raafur-s. , i ilfMnsf GERMAN ATTACK , IS DRIVEN BACK Reports from Berlin and Paris Show Teutons Have Again Taken , the Offensive.! UKASE v AGAINST , . Deuartmeat Orders. . WASHINGTON, Oct. ti. (Special' Tele gram.) The name of the postaffice at Kay, Cherry county, Nebraska, ha born changed to Tioga. Margaret A. Coble is continued as postmaster.. The Weather ' Forecast till 7 . m. Thursday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Unsettled: probably showers;' no im portant channe In tempersture.. Omaba Vrsterday. Trwprxatnrr at Hours.' Deg. 1 - rj 6 a. ' m 5 t J ii a. m S7 A 7 m '6 Cif J ?' 8 a. m in ST ' I r 4 " w C 1 S ; 10 ' a j"-" 11 m....v. r ' " 7T 12 m w n f L t P m w f C ! p- vi..') fc 3 p. m aT )qJ P m T jirtn l p. m..., M AhC-XT) p. m CS '-JC 7 p, m j S p. m . fg Casarative Ioral Haeard. . 19M. 1S1J. 1911. 191 1. Highest yesterday...... M 63 lowest yet-rlay W 40 ' XI Mean -temperature U . 4k 41 Preeipltatlon 0t 'T .01 . Temperature and precipitation departures from tlie normal: . Kornul te miHTature it Kjrmii tor the day , 10 Total vxcrn slm' March 1 bob Normal precipitation .v, Inch TNifiiienry tor the tlsy 07 Inch .Total ralufHll sin-e March 1. .U. 3 Inches leficton'-y alnce March 1 t t.M Inches leflc1ncy for cor. period, 1MJ. C.M inches Deficiency for cor. ild. 11. Inches Rerta fraaa Stattaa at T P. M. Etatlnn and Stat Tarup. High- r.atn- -of Weather. 7 p.m. (. fall. t'heyennr. coudy til 4 ,Xi Ianport, clear M 74 .W lnvfr, rain SO TV .ul Im Moines, cluudy ...... S4 6C .txi iKidne City, cloudy fc4 M .Of l ander, rloi.dy .... V ' T North I'latie. cloudy.... . wi at ,n Omaha, do uly ixi ). .00 l'Ufbio. eloudv ,.. ."J 70 .1' !a(iid City, cloudy W) - 'w7 Halt ijtkc Citv. pt. rloudy. M ' 70 to HIierijHn, partly ilou.'y.. ih Moux City, i Injir fc4 M ,n Valentine, cleer 62 ijl f T Indi'ate tri- o ircipl(aliuu. ALL , VODKA Blla State that Ks Ubstatel W1U Be PIsetd Is thri ' Way of fcf. fart Care for Drstl. ' ' taje Belglaaa. '.; J i i BERLIN, Oct ' 21.--(Via Amster dam and London:.) An official an-l nouQcement given out by the German military headquarters today says: ' "Severe fighting continues oa the .Yser canal. The enemy's artillery was supported from the sea north west of Nieuport.' "The fighting -west of Ullie con tinues. Our troops, taking , the of fensive, repulsed the enemy at sev eral points. , ' , "In the eastern theater 'of war' no decision yet has been. reached'.''. LONDON, Oct. 21. The Paris cor respondent ' of Router's" "Telegram company says the latest information from , the. , front -indicates that the French are making marked progress on the right bank of the River Meuse and that the great battle, raging In the' north is as yet without definite result. -.' ' n-v. .;. ' PARIS, Oct. 21.' The" French, of ficial communication .given wut this afternoon' says' that the, attack yes terday by the enemy at Nieuport, Dlxmunde and 'LeBassee all were re pulsed by the allies. The text of the communication fol lows: ' ;-;" ' . ''During the day of yesterday the attacks of , the .enemy,, were particu-. lariy. violent at Nieuport, Dlxmunde and" LaBaasee. v They all were re pulsed ' by ' the allied ' "armies , with great energy i . ; '. - "At all other points the situation is without any notable change.". ( (rmaaa aVeaanie, Offensive. IXJN'DON, Oct. 21 A comparison of the official' report 'from I'aria' and- Berlin leads' to the conclusion' that alt along the western battle front .In France and Belgium the German have resumed the offensive. . aith.' their : supreme effort directed against th allies' - left. The New, supplementing these official communications, however, indicate that on the left at least the allies are. not acting merely on the defensive. The great turning movement undoubtedly is devel oping In the corner of brigium bounded by Franc 'and the ea, but the public remain in a haae aa to whether the turning movement hi on the part of the ailiea or Is a German operation. Try for Daaklrk. The Impression grows that th Unr maus ar determined to' add Dunkirk to the Una of aattports now held along th Belgian toast and the allies are making desperate aifuits to burl them bark. 1-ata report through Dutch sources de clare that the Germans have been re pulsed bix miles from Ostend and that gun ar now heard near that city. Other tat reports which lck confirmation say the German have abandoued Bruttes. If the reports are true It would Indicate that the allies aie meeting wilh some success In tl.elr effort to reorctipy tii sea coast , The niurerrienls along '.the coast con iLuuUoutd ob l ags To, Column" Three.) 1 Uncle Sam Protests Against Seizure of American Ship with Neutral Cargo , WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. Tlie , United State has protested to Great Britain against seizure by a British warship ot the American tank steamer, John D. Rockefeller. Thla waa announced today by Acting Secretary Lansing of the Slate department. , v - . ... '" A tho.rtookefoller wa American owned sntt ' fhrw thwA'merleit' fla g- and o chang. of. registry was involved, the American government consider the seit lire unwarranted.' It had American offi cers and crew. The ship was bound from on neutral port - to another, , leaving Philadelphia on September 2 for Copeni hag-en and carrying ' Illuminating . all, which Secretary Lansing said, had not been classed as' contraband In any no tification received from Great Britain. The vessel was taken to the Orkney Is land. . . ' . ; iir. Lansing said that no representa tions or protest had been made In the case of the steamer Bilndllla, taken re cently1 to Halifax and that he was await ing further Information as to the charac ter of its cargo and the conditions under which It war seized. . ' . The protest was made to the British government through Ambassador Page at London, who was Instructed to ask for the Immediate release of the Rockefeller, ' A the cargo of the Brlndtlla was the samaras th Rockefeller', the govern- rnent' action today Was taken to. fore shadow another protest and demand for relays, vtrolrss ' omo" difficulty1" In- the iime trf-the'-BrrnatHa's "regitTy, : not yet developed,; oome up. i ' - isolktf Oil Skin Seised.. - NEW :YOKK, Oct. - a.-Th Standard Oil company steamer ptaturla, flying the American flag, ha been seised by Brit ish warship oft the coast, of Scotland and taken ; Into Htornoway, a port In th Lewi Island, according to a cablegram received her today by the company from Its eaptaln. ; , , . i The Standard . Oil ccnipany , has . re queued the . Stat department to make another, protest- on the seisure of. th riaturia, -which la identical. . the .com pany claims, , with .the circumstance at tending the seizure of .th Brtndllla. ' The -I'laturla, . formerly , the . Oerman steamer Dlainant. . changed Us flag shortly before , sailing from New York October 5. . . . CHRISTMAS SHIP-IS GETTI1I6JTS ' G AftG 0 Gifts for Children of Europe Coming r Into Omaha, in Boxes, Barrels and Bundles. .' '.: OMAHA PEOPLE ; WAKING UP Ha.aslred f . Paekagea Reach The Bee Office Containing; All Sort of I'relsl aad Valaabie ' . :., - rrese.ats. ' . ,' - . ' ' . ' '. l Kven . Santa Claua himself must smile as he contemplates theblg plies of goods that ir being gathered together for tha Cliristmas Ship. . Good ara coming In from every direc tion, in bundles, - packages, boxes, bar rels and bales. Some ar t-omplete'.;'! labeled, and other are without name' or address or any mark whatever to Iden tify the giver, t But the same spirit actu ates them all, and all are. welcome. -, From Syracuse, Neb., come three boxes and at promise of the ' fourth. ' Two of these boxes contain IMO worth of goods from the store of Haas V Holm, a Fyra cuse firm, nd the third Is filled with goods collected by the Ss'racuse Cotumcr clal club. The fourth box will be f!l).1 with offerings from the school children and Sunday schools of .Syracuse. This will Just about be the banner offering, when th size of th town I considered. Waadbla Coaet Ulros. . Woodbine, la., 1 another place that comes In with surb an offering aa makes certain the fact that ."one touch' of na tur niakea the whole world klu." Two boxes and a big barrel come from there, ad lt of stuff that wa. not packed, but which will be Included In the ship ment, and which wHl make glad forlorn hearts in Europ on the coming Christ mas. i - - - . i Tm Uatber the Hcbaol Offrrlita. 1 ' '. Hans wei perfected yesterday for th gathering of th offering of th Omaha P'Jbilc school.- Auto- truck will call at th school houses on Friday afternoon and gather up the present between tha hours of 1 and S and bring them to Th Be office. (Superintendent Oraff and tha principals are all heartily ro-operatlnr. and th children re reported a enteritis; on thesplrit of the affair with a est that mtans a big showing tor them. Omaha msrehunta have been moat lib- tConllouod on Vne Four, Cvliinin Thrte.) j 'j, FI11DS HEW. REASON FOR RATE RAISE i ', ---Strauss Fears Foreign Investors Will j Unload Holdings if Dividends ; Are not Increased. CLEMENTS ASKS QUESTIONS Camsninla'aer Waat Kn 1( tha Shippers Bbaaia Be t'osaaeUed ta , Gaaraatae Retaras oa All ' i....'jttS Stark Isaac.. , ! WASHINGTON',' Oct. 21.-Statement of Sir Georg Pslsh,' th English' trnsncial expert, here to i discuss with treasury officials qutstlon cf forcCen exchenges arising from th European war, were laid before th' Interstate Commerce commis sion " In support of the plea' of eastern railroads for a general Increase 1n freight rata. v' S ........ t. Frederick W. BHauss, a New York banker, testified Sir George -had: told him ' today . h wa anxlou that Ameri can (.railroad securities held in England should not .be thrown on the market. '11 r. Strauss urged -that railroad' divi dends roust be paid from greater earn Inga for the roads if they wer to ba made so deslrabl to European Investors that they would not be unloaded when the stock exchanges wer reopened. Commissioner Clements, who presided (Continued on Pag Two, Column Four ) If you Want to Help Fill Up the , Christmas Ship Telephone to The Bee Office, or to . Mrs. C. C. Chase, Harney CS. MrsvCbas. Offutt, Harney 12. Mrs. F. A.. Nash,-Harney 272. Mrs. M.T. Uarlow, Harney 1311. Mrs. Gould Diets, Harney 61. Mr. T. D. Crane, Florence 262. GERMANS REPULSED Oil BELGIAN COAST London Correspondents All Report Teutons Meet with Reverses in . . Channel Country. BRITISH ! . BOMBARD TOWNS .. . ,., . i -- . . i ' - ?- -:.,- ... Warahl pa Sal "loi if ITiractl vely' 'Shelled l.ocatloa Orcapled by . Kaiser' Force, Who Are,, , " Rarprlscd ft ear Ostend. V IX)NDON, Oct' 21. Tb correspondent ot .the London .newspaper In the field have succeeded today In getting through some detail of th fighting along the channel coast' In Belgium. Th report agree that th German have met with a reverse and it 1 said that the Germans ar retreating. ' .. - The Belgian correspondent of the Tele gram in hi account of the fighting, re port that British warships bumbared villages which th Germans had occupied and also th country to the south ot these place. ;..'...' "Thon the order wa given for th In fantry to advance," ha says, "anil the rattle, of .machine gun aupplamented the noia of the naval , guns. The Germana were 'caught bntween two fire and their line began to waver and slowly gave way before th pressure of the infentry. "The strength' ot the attack waa then Increased and noon the whole German line resting 6n the coast 'was In 'full re treat." ' ' '-. ruaaaa Urlrea Back. !ln a di spa toll from Flushing,, sent at 1 o'clock this morning, the correspondent of th Dally Mall , declared : that the Ger man appear to have been driven back In an engagement at. Mlddlekerk.. six mile southwest ot Ostend. Ha say that can non ha now been placed near Ostend and add that most of the Oerman wounded lias been removed from Bruges, . . The Dally . Mall's Rotterdam correa pondent under date of Tuesday night say that according .to a - Oerman . mes sage a fierce battle 1 still raging between Funics and Dinklik 11. continues: ' "On th march on Dunkirk' Ihe Ger mana mt a Urge and unexpected body of troop which attacked, them horse, foot and artillery, while the British warships co-operated with th .land force. The Germans are reported at falling back In confusion on Ostend and troop from all over the west of Belgium ; have .been hurried to Nieuport. ' "The German have received the great est surprise of the war. A dispatch from Ghent aaya the result ' of ' this fighting has ca ure anxiety among the German officers, one of whom, a German general, committed suicide. Festivities announced to celebrate German successes were sud denly cancelled yesterday." Packers Protest Against Tax on : Oleomargarine CHICAGO. Oct.'si.-Itesoiullons protect ing against the government tax on oleo margarine wer adopted at th closing session of the American Meat Packer' association convention here today. Congress was asked, to lepeal the lax or reduce It, aa oleomargarine, the tesolu tions po!nted out, Is the only "whole food neeeMty which Is taxed and the rising cost of living make It neceasary- to re duce the cost to the consumer." A resolution protesting aaalnut ih. i-.ii. road ewlUhtng charge, which, it waa aa- scriea, places an adrted burden. oa meat cost, also was adopted. Officers were elected as follows: President, John J. Felln. Phllad.1.,1,1.. vice president, Howard R. Smith. Pal-1- niore; secretary, George I.. McCarthy, New York city; treasurer, Max N, Acaer Cincinnati. War Summary Violent attacks and counter at tacks for possession of the sea roast in the extreme north of France continued without decisive results. Only one official statement that from Pnrta bad come through ' jestrrdsy. It threw little light on the situation, being brief and referring to etents of the day before. v ' The "attacks "of ihe ' Gerniajis, especially severe at Nieuport, Dlxmunde and LBsee, Tuesday, were repulsed, says the French war office. Thern was no note worthy change elsewhere on the battlo front. News dispatches in-dii-ato the sharpest fighting in the vicinity of Mile, with a renewal of activity at vital points all along the line. ' . , Counter claims regarding the situation in the east leave much to 1 peculation, .There appears, how ever, little doubt that the Ger man advance in Russian Poland has been so successful that War saw Is seriously threatened. Frzemysl In Gallria remains in the possession of the Austro-Ger-man force. There has been a re newal of activity Iti'Ktmtern Prussia- without definite result. A statement from Vienna, Issued yesterday, says that the fighting In central tiallcla has become more severe and that Austrtsn at tacks are progressing, i A news dispatch from Copen hagen say's that German torpedo boats have been engaged with an enemy in the Baltic, off the Prus sian coast.' No detail are given. Albania looks again as a pos sible influence en the attitude or Italy iowards the war. The Itallali government has denied that Italian troops had occupied Avlena, whhh has been , threat ened by insurgents since the ab dication ' of Frlnce William of Weld. At the same time 'the Giornale D' Italia 6t Rome de clares that there is a state of an archy at " Anions; intimates that Greece is taking advantage Of the dlHturbed conditions, and declares that the Italiau government has notified the' powers 'that it will not tolerate 'a violation of the In tegrity of Albania. '. . . Rome reports unofficially that the Anglo-French fleet is still bombarding Cattaro, Dalmatla.' Turkey's attitude - is a matter of concern to all the belligerents. The Porte is reported have for bidden warships to enter the Gulf of Smyrna. The inhabitants of Smyrna recently- were said to have been in great fear of a naval attack. An Athons' dispatch says that two submarines and soma aeroplanes are being shipped to Constantinople through Bulgaria, A few days ago a! large quantity of munitions of war consigned to Turkey by rail were held up in Bulgaria. There are further rumors of a German Intention to begin a great aerial campaign. Following re ports that airship sheds were be ing constructed at Brussels and Antwerp comes rumors of similar buildings under way at Ton d em and Rostock. Thousands of Belgians who fled into ' Holland are returning to their homes. There are, however, 100,000 Belgians la Eortsnd snd more on their way. Preparations to give employmen". to these later ar being made. BELGIAN SEAPORT SHELLED DY GUNS OF ENGLISH SHIPS Marconigram from Berlin to London Says Ostend Being- Bombarded by British Fleet GREAT BATTLE IS NOW RAGING Dispatches to Bordeaux Assert Situa- wonux auiei JLvminenuy oaui- factory so Far. . CONFEDERATES HOLDING , OWN Paris' Offioial Statement. Announces Violent Engagement on 'Their ' . Left Wing. . R0 REPORT ON , CENTER, RIGHT Germani Forced to Retreat When - Attempting Ad?anc on Warsaw'. THEIR , POSITIONS ABANDONED Masalaaa I fsnslt f Defeated EafMr ts liar Caalaraal Nan. ' ep af Prlsaaer, It 'I Declared. . . Loss of Allies is . Estimated at Three Quarters of Million BERLIN. Oct. .a-illyi Wlreleso-The military expert of the Krauts Zeilung es timate the louses of ih French, the Bri tish, the Kusslan and th Belgians, In killed, wounded and prisoners, at least 7j0, mm. ' ' Bl'M.KTI.V. "' ' ' '"' LONDON.. Oct. -1. " that Ostend Is being bombarded by the British fleet." aays a dispatch from Berlin received here tonight by the Marconi , Wireless Telegraph company..-- ' BIXl.KTIAf. '' ' - . BORDEAUX. Oct. 31. A great battle now is rsging between Lille and Ostend, according to dispatches received here this afternoon. The dispatches add that the situation of the allies Is considered eminently satisfactory thus. far. I Allies llnla Gnsss. , PARIS, OiV IU The official siaiemSnt Issued by tha" French -war office tonight reports a violent battle on the left wing, Willi Ike allies' forces holding tkelr ground everywhere.- .-.' . ' , Th txt follows:' ' i' . 'On, our left wing, from the North sea far a La Basse on the several fronti from Nieuport to Plxmnde, from Ypre to Mentn and ft dm Wametan to Ia Bas se, a violent battl ha been fought dur ing the day. ' ' , . 1111 aa BTCrytvhere. ', "According to the last adbloe th alllej force wer holding their ground very where. ... "There Is nothing to report regarding Ihe center or tha right wing. , "RuRjila-the. Germ a a army which had advanced on Warsaw waa forced yesur day to beat a precipitate retreat, th enemy abandoning th position ; whlrh they had established for-defense" - The Russian ar In pursuit and have captured a number of prisoners." . '. , LONDON, Oct. J1.A newspaper cor respondent at Dover ha aent to London' some detail of tha recent operation of British warship off th coast of Bel gium. Jl say tint last Saturday night th ships watched a fore of Germans digging trench along the coast under a flar of lights. Thl enabled the English boat to get th exact range, and at day light, they ahelled th enemy's positions hevlly. A Taube areoplane wa' brought' down and later a Zeppelin; and It 1 declared tht th guns of the British vessels ac counted for 1.00S German In killed and wounded. In addition to putting six bat teries of artillery out of aotloa. In the meantime German submarines tiled' 1n vain to sink tha British ships. . Thla dispatch Is not confirmed. Ksaet Heaart ( Bl Ylulurr. 1 While FtiglBBd today, paid homere t Nelson on thJs, the nnlvererj- cf Ih battle of Prafalear, th forc of Ger many and the allies continued to fight tack and forth along tha battl line in Frno and Brigium, to the 'south from tranches, nd to th north over a wei of waterways, the presenc of which (Continued on Pag Two, Column fcU. WINSTON S; CHURCHILL INTRENCHES AT ANTWERP LONDON, Oct. 21.-Wlnslon Bucncer Churchill, the first lord of the admiralty, Who accompanied the British naval bri gade and marine to Antwerp, was, ac cording to one of the latter, with them in th trrnchea practically all th lime and Just before th order waa given to rellr urged the men to hold twenty-four hour longer whn tha big gun would arrive. On day h reconnoitered the po sition of the Germaas in an aeroplane. CHICAGO SYNDICATE . NEGOTIATING FOR CUBS 'CHICAGO. Oct. Charles ' Thorn, president f t tho Chicago National league club, tndi'.y confirmed the report that ccttaln Chicago business men, whom he do. Hi i d to name, have aa option on th team, r "There ar six of them; they are friend of mlii and if they take the club 1 will retain tb presidency." said Thoma. HE GETiS T II K IiU.SINSS WHO GOES AFTER 1 IT. YOU CAN ODT IT IUr ADVEIiT IS IXG IN THE OilAHA BEE