Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    'Jllh lit.r: UMAUA, lUbSWAi. ix,i)lfin; I'u, 1:,U.
You Can't Blame Jeff for Thinking Mutt Was Off His Nut
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
. 1 1 .
otrr. ticit)tD j I j i ll ve you "al ) I I ' j I out opfiM
; ntrtRTOPicfccw vou o DrtTHiNc, t ;rr J I Azia- . utstg J
j &AiN, NOJSR. TO HIT I t ' I Z? 1 " V
Y0OO.tvrM ttcK j KIND-V TO VOO NllI I
i CRjOMTD . j j, k . NUI I 'J
. i 1
Omaha Alumni to Go to Bij Conteit
en Special Train.
Individual leader, with an averete of 1W9.
Stuns la crowding him Jut ona point
The Old Style Imager are trailing along
In taat place, but with their lineup the?
era certain of making a better allowing
during the next round.
Rot.! Of 14 Cerahaaker Fight
Ml CIM) Arr'e. Beore with Mlrh
tgasi rtwdlete Great Battle
JTebraaka field.
Asso Thorna of the Omaha alumni of
th University of Nebraska naa procured
Si tickets ta the Michigan-Aggie game In
Laotola Saturday for disposal In Omaha.
Thomas triad to obtain more, but the de
maud k bo great in Uncoil that Our
Reed limited the number of ticket to be
old tot ! too. A aparlal train will leave
Iter Saturday on the Burlington at 13:16.
It will arrive In Lincoln at 1:46 and the
game will atari at 2:30. Coming back the
train will leave Lincoln at 6:30.
Tnt Michigan Aggie game la creating
almost aa mMh Intereet to local Corn
fcuaker aupportera aa the Mlnneeota game
did a year ago. The Agglae are a etrong
aggregation tbta year and they will be
amoaf the leader in western foot ball.
XmjI Saturday they were aerated by
Michigan university. I to , a field goal
alone spelling defeat, and It wm only
the break hi luck that gave the Wol
verine the game.
The Argtea bad carried the ball to. the
Wolverine five-yard line and within two
down ta go the Aggie quarter bad Juat
signalled for Captain Julian to plunge
the Jin wben tb whlatle blew ending the
period and ruining; the Mlnneeota Ath.
letio club' chance.
The Aggtea have practically the same
team thr bad 'mat year, when tbey
completed the season undefeated.1 and
alctors over Toat men. Captain Julian,
ona of the moat powerful backfleld men
la the wt, Departo, an open field run
tier of repute, and one of the beat kick
er (n the country, and the trio of peer-
lesa Millars r included In the lineup.
1 the game against, Michigan not an
AxtrVa vm Injured and the entire team
rill be In the game Saturday at Lincoln.
On the other hand, Nebraska proved
Saturday at Manhattan that the old Corn
hanker spirit ha been' revived. After
two disappointing game the flrat two
Saturday of the year, Btelhm men
came back and with Herb Potter back
In barnee to lead them on. they went
through the Kanae Aggie llg a eholl
rom a German mortar. Quarterback waa
the weak spot In the Huaker' lineup and
Bow that Potter ha returned that weak.
Bee ha been more than remedied.
With Rutherford and Chamberlain In
the bockfield the Huaker aooring machine
la complete and with Vie Halllgan te
lend aaatatance by hi terrltlo taokle
round plunge. Potter can be depandod
upon to make the moat of every oppor
tunlty presenting Itself.
Kinnaman Mis a
Perfect Score' on
Different Alleys
Pa Kinnaman, the veteran Bt. Joseph
bowler, Bunday afternoon rolled a per
fect score of XX) on sis and seven alley
at the Association. The score was rolled
m a special match game between Kinna
man and Cochran against "Dad" Hun
tington and Khlman, the Chicago crack
bowler. A five-game series Waa being
played and Kinnaman' perfect score was
rolled In the first game. HI hits were all
good ones, about half of them being
placed on tbe "Brooklyn" aide. He fell
down In his second game, but recovered
during the third game and finished with
a U12 total for an average of 22S.
i wo more three-game matchea were
rolled between the same teama, each win
ning ona and Ehlman won a su'rles of
singles from Kinneman. The scores In
the big match were:
io i7 m y im us
SOU 171 2.' lis M 1112
(I A Sit i 424 2 pr7
1W 11 li,7 220 liM
171 Xii 810 13 ItH
a m tun tu jsm
Kinnaman .. .
Totals ......
Huntington ..
tollman ..
Bill James Defeated
When Bush Pitches
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Oct. ls.-Jo
Buah beat Bill James In the first gams
between the. touring All-American and
Ait-National here today, the Americans
winning, I lo I Both pitcher were hit
freely, yet both had big strikeout marka
James fanned eleven and Bush got nine
on strike. Hobliuel, with three double,
and Myrphy, with a home run and a
single, led the American batting, while
Baodgras made two singles and a double
for the National. Boor: R.H.E.
American 1 0t019t ili l
010000001 J10 4
Bush and Henry; James and
Team Standings and Bowling Averages
F.W. tfrt.
t-rna BtirmTr ...H 11 7 .nil
I(m Print 1 It T
H. R Pnm II to ( iMm
Klnpp llartlrtt. II t Cnnrait
imtj Print 11 f tl .11 Mania
UriuM 1'rlnt II ( U
InliTiduaJ avert:
Name. A i Nam A
Tal IM AnSanna '...lil
Hoffm.a ...Mi Karti .141
Jtantfrav . .17(1 Htwla 14
H HMtow. KJ A. Paataw...1
Wrtiht iul 144
"in MlrmlaHf
1'ihraa IM riaaaww
Orupa M! Kohlnaoa
Rimhhala ..IM Okorna
Hauptmaa . .1'! Tewek . .
Malloj HH
p.w. urn.
Hrtimr Battar
rweii anDpir c. I
Mooaa C.lub ( 1
Indlrldual aTaraaaa;
Name. Ai I Kan.
C. W
Hovail ...
IM, Toppln ...
(tuna IMl r'orhraa, ..
It. qlpIa...lM Hh.W
CalB 1U Koran
.. IM
I.iani oold
I'arliaa Brollcra
Fairmont Farma .11 1 14 .07
Im1,vidua4 avaraaeet
Name. A.l hm.
A. Bowara. . Ml ( 'ummlnea ..11
Batnr In Ilnwall IM
F. Jamah.. .Ill Tnl 1M
1. Jariti....ll Wabar Ill
Bare lirtla
Itoharty ... .171 J Waka....lM
Toman lTTOff)a1r IM
Blan 177 Do bar IM
H'ia I Til K arlnla. ...Ill
.is II S .mr rimmaraiaa. 17 Mortar ....lfl
.1111 4 .TM Hoffman ...17l B. Uowara...l
Fll 171 llaulmaa
M-Cof 7l Haaa ....
Olnaaa 17 Oaaaae ,.
I-an IMl Millar
Smith IM Apal ....
Nlao .....liol M'taa .
Blan4 14t Cnnnallr
Gabriel 141 Baraar ..
Eike 1411 F. (lllar.,.l7
Janaaa 1411 O. Olloa.. .114
Hntr 1411 Klmal ,,..,.114
Bartnwll ...140 Hovaar 11
HaMt 140 Havraaah ...111
ravatt 1I Tunn II
Bor!afr ...1171 Rhrw-k U
Qululaa ...IM Barrr Ill
rnrar McKmil. . T I ,T7
Clara Ball I .
I'lloa I .
Kl J'aio I I 4 .it
Haaoon Praae
.11 S .111 r. Johoann.lTM Ooft 1H
.1 41 .4K0 174! MoOaba ....14
i a ) . Hanaaa ....1711 i hamnara ...141
Mnkry I71 Noana 12t
Rice 17l0'r?onnar ...114
P W. UPrt.
frown Oaaollna ...II I
Mlaa Alia Oraaaa.,1 t
Volarlna Auto 01 la. II 1
Herfartioa Olla ....II (
ndlvtdaal averaeee:
tala .
"Varlt .,
Kline ...
riamnndoa..l4tl Brkank
Hobart .,..141 Haaarmaa ..11
HaAraan ..144 Bannlaoa ...111
Mnllaatalt..144 Jnhanaaoa ..lit
Byrne 14 Orarhnlt ... 111
Jonaa 14il Ollmore ....100
Muore It" I
P w. um
lrfla" Buffat 1 II 1 .air Chandler
Basan'a ralatarta..U 11 4 .7J Flta ....
Hlark'a Kata 1 10 I .m llanaala
14 .Ui Kalrnuint Oaamrr. ll ( 7 .IM Btlne ...
.W Bumobr'i 014 Tav.U T I .4T Baehr ..
Florahetme II I 1 .11
American El. Ce..l I 11 .Be
Draiol 8hoe Oa....U 111.11
In4lvidaal aTarnare:
Name. An. I Name. Are
Pita IM Karr 14
Maraa IMl Malial 104
Boaaobarf ...l7 HTr 101
Tarrall iu Ina 101
Btlne .......IMl Blan Ill
Fhaw UljBanlft 141
Hoffmann. ..nil nthaoa 11
MH'abe ....H- Lee in
Teal 17' Un4tr IM
Lena ,, 171 Bartwall ... IM
White 17 Irummond...l(4
Ulichall ri.b Wl
Wllar 177 McDanlala ..HI
0 Hoffman.. ITS Nortur ...ill
1 Hoffman. .175 ftoaa 110
Pnrahovaa ..174 Palmer .....ISO
Thatchar ...14 Badan 141
Knnui 171 Mallor .....14t
MrOnr 170 CMamr ....141
Store lot ipm.kl ....140
Baum K. r,ilntton ,.l"l
Mnora 101 Donlrr 117
1oatan ,..,.1MI VrUulllan. . .1
. Duiller ... J Thomaa 14
forana 11 Srlraatar ...134
LtuiOatmm . . M
W. L. Prt.
( ,no Broofaar4 Crewn ..I lono
T .fUl aaar KI4a 1 .447
( .4I7 Baaalln'a Milan 1 1
t .400 Omaha Blrrcla Co....l t .Ul
Siara A Btrlpea.......! 1 .Ml
Neala I .U0
Indirlaoal arenaeai
Name. Aval Name. At.
Bruin HllMorne, 11
fain lt Lane lf7
Klnnamaa..lM( Haatnn ....167
ITtla 171) Jamah IM
MeDanal4...177Thlal ...M...1M
Solomon ...17r Hemphill
Voaa 174!Oravaa Ill
rummlna..174 Mltchali ....14
Naiaon 17ti Hurt 141
imi M. Donnll...l4
Boor II
Second Sc&ndal in Connection with
Bribery in Set Moines.
ICvldertee Bee red im Iowa Capital
that Mi Boaaht te Oet Moeey
, . from Lltlaaat for liana-..
Ids Jary.
Th Omaha leaguers flnlahed their
first, round last week with alt th teams
baixtbed. The Btors. by consistent roIV
rc are loading by two (unai ewer tbe
jUbsubV who (Usplacod th BnireaavNaah
1MB. Trlday SOU. Ccaaraal im to
C:t to Go Deep to
Ccro nh CLnatsni
On!mjrriU. UeJp LcotUj. But
tL9 DIee3 U Way Down ,
I aside.
Plattsmouth Wins
From Athletics
The foot ball team of Plattsmouth de
feated the Omaha Athletics, 10 to T, yes
terday at Flatt.mouth. For I'lattamouth.
Arria kicked goal, th ball being put
over from th field by Deal during tbe
laat two minutes of the play.
Moore, for the Athletics, made a touch
down and McLaughlin kicked goal. Fully
600 people watched the 'game.
UNCOLN, Oct 1.-Teletraphlnf from
Boston today,' letlle Mann, the speedy
outfielder of the champion Draves, said
he will leave there Wedneeday In time
to reach Lincoln Saturday - for the Nebraska-Michigan
Aggies foot ball gsmo.
Mann will spend the winter at his Lin
coln borne. Ills criming at this time ts
sl to mean he will asalat In coaching
the Uncoln High school foot ball team
of which he was. a former stair member.
tt at th soure ef rVenmatte
taio It requires tbe )rep, sesrrblog In
Bucavt a I. H 8., tb (auoos blood Pur
I3r. Pbrumatlata Is prtuarily a blood
ltaase that, since It la la tbla vital fluid
taat rheumatic . tradrbcles are carried,
Ic4rs la ta Joints sod niuacla. there te
Irritate the aervr and produce pain.
Aa4 la order to drive out tbeae pais lo-
siriisf potaoas It requires 8. 8. 1. to
suik dee late the liny glands Imbedded
u iss waermost tlatuea B. B. B. trave a
waarrver tbe blood goe and Barer or
its Bheaicleal inOueoc. Tbl explains
wby It evereomre tbe woet chroole forms
of rfceumatlsin, why It dlalodse tboee hard
drpoalts tbat tblcfceo lbs oIm. lor It act
aa a aolrent and atalata tu blood to pro
vide la tbe tlaeua tsea natural enaiaals
fur which tb body building preceae cue-
uanaiif crtree sad mutt bar.
If yon bar aerar uaed B. B. S. for
raetta-iatlam, get a bottle today et any
iruri(Ut. v It as direrted and with
BoBia almpla borne helps yos will xin
rtiiKae tbe wont aad taoat painful
ikrtu oi raeumaiiara. n rite tbe siryll
cal daixrtoi'Lt. Tbe BwWt Bpwlfle Co..
C inl.'t y..6t, Allaata. Ga., fur addi
tional sdvlre. Vuuro may be a tea
What a ai'sbt balp fi-ota a tadllat
wboac adrlre la free, will ailre tbe ar
trj that iai btrm making Ilia mtaerabl
for yea. VYbea yuu aak lor B. B. 8. la
mt ep H sad rtiuse all
How it May Be Secured for the
, United SUtei.
LONDON. Oct' M.-More then thirty
prisoners were arraigned In the Green
wich police court today on chargea grow.
Ing out of the antl-Oerrrian demonstra
tions and rioting In Deijtford, borough of
London, yesterday.
The prosecutor said he regretted the
noceaalty of appearing agalnat cltlaens,
the object of whose attack had been Oer
man ahopkeeper. but he explained that
great damage had been done to Englleh
premises as well.
The prisoners were remanded.
LONDON.' Oct. It. -Recruiting Is being
dropped In some of the Bcottlah Iron and
steel centers with the sanction of th
government The reason Is that thee
Iron and steel works are running night
and day on government orders, and It I
held unwta te deplete tbe working forces
Augmenting the locomotive engineers 1
ready sent te the continent, l.Cfli) railroad
track workera are to be sent from Ens
land te repair damaged railroads In the
western area of the war.
BERLIN. Oct. II (By Wireleas to
Bayvllla. L. I "Oreet Uriiain'a cry far
help to Portugal." the "choatic situation''
In South Africa, and the "revolts in In
d a." according to announcement made In
Berlin today, all .are tending to rale Oer
tnan confidence. Report a received here
from Constantinople declare that Oreat
Britain ha sent three activ battalion
trvia AUata to ladi.
Lalla-Aaaerleao - Trad Committee
Make m Report Dealing; with, th
Qaeotloa and Oatllae, a .
Plant for Crodlt. '
WASHINGTON, Oct It, Th Indus
trie of the United State will be in
jured seriously by loss of Latin-American
trad if th restriction of uoramarclal
credits Is not , remedied, In the opinion
of the Latin-American trade committee,
whose report waa issued here today. The
committee expressed the hope that banka
will extend accommodation sufficient at
least to assure maintenance of existing
trade. Secretary W. C. IUdfleld of the
Department of Commero appointed the
committee, which Is headed by James A.
FarrelL chairman of the national foreign
trade council.
Even before the war the committee
found that export of th United State
had fallen off oa account of the financial
atrlngency In South America- Of pres
ent conditions the report says:'
"Since August 1 of this year the coun
tries In South America whose currency
Is not already on a gold basis have ex
perienced a serious depreciation of their
paper money. Collection throughout
Houth America, therefore, are difficult.
Order are falling off and there seems
less prospect for new business after this
year unless steps are taken to relieve th
The committee makes the following rec
Th extension ef credits might be fa
rllltated and some relief afforded, pend
ing the etabllhment of the federal re
serve banks. If, In addition to permitting
national banks which have signified their
Intention to enter the reserve associa
tions, to accept commercial paper, ac
tion he taken by the federal reserve board
to make Immediately effective the re
discount provision of the - new banking
system, thus assuring early etabl!ahmnt
of a dlacount market.
Tour committee bega to stats Its be
lief that the present dlaorgsnlsatlon of
the trade of the United tatea with Latin
America may beat be remedied and placed
on a permanently satisfactory basis by
Flrat The establtaliment of a dollar
exchange, through the ultimate creation
of a dlacount market and pending trie ea
tabllahment of a discount market,, by the
extension of adequate accommodation by
banking institutions, and the establish
mnt of reciprocal balances in the United
Pistes and In Latin-America for financing
Latln-Amertraa trade.
"Hcond-Perfectlon of our selling ma
chinery by furnishing additional support
to commission houses familiar with LaCtn
Anierlcan business; by forming associa
tions of merchants and manufacturers to
be jointly represented In Latln-Amertce,
and by obtaining Information a to th
poealbllltlea of developing retail atoree la
large Latin-American ciliea"
Creighton Is Not 1
Discouraged by .
Reason of Defeat
Creighton foot ball rocn are not dis
couraged by Saturday' defeat at th
hands of Haskell, realising that they
were beaten by one of th best team In
thl part of the country.
The Indiana have a better team by far
than the one which appeared In Omaha
last year, and there were many who wlb
nessed Saturday' game and expressed
desire to so tb redskin In anion
against Nebraska or soma of .the confer
ence teams.
The Indians plsy Notre Dame October
tl, and have game wuh four southern
state universities away from Lawrenc.
They have been working jsut with th
Kansas State university men at Law
rence and have made a prsvtio of romp
ing away from the atat men. t
Th redskins were trained to the min
ute. After the game they amused them
selves at their dressing rooms In the
local Young Men's Christian association
by pouring liniment on the open bruises
of those who were scuffed up. They let
out loud guffaw a the unfortunate In
dian squirmed undsr th burning lotion
They returned to Lawrence Sunday morn-
Ing. -
It was evident that Creighton was sot
playing the game of which it Is capa
ble. The men did not seem to have the
spirit which -carried them through the
battles of last year and the 'early part
of this season.
Creighton will , bend every effort to
ward next Saturday's . gam with Ne
braska Wealeyan and attempt to wipe
out last year's defeat.
I ,
An outlaw bowling team .ha been or
ganised' and. Its intentions are to be to
Onuha bowling leagues what th Federal
base ball league 'a to organised balL Tbe
team Is composed of employes In the city
hal and I called the City Hall Federal
Can Butler Is captain and manager, and
he offer to plsy anybody for money,
marble or chalk, mostly chalk. Th Fed
eral ara particularly anxious to mix
with a team from th coMrt house or fed
eral building, but they will take anybody
else on. , In addition to .Dan Butler the
members of the team Include Wood Hart
ley, Harry Prlmeau. Emll Hoffman,
George Clark and Dick Orotta.
riyaa aad M err la Matched.
KANSAS , CITT. Mo.. Oct, U.-Jlm
Flyon. the Pueblo fireman, and Carl
Morria. tbe Oklahoma heavyweight have
been matched for a ten-round bout here
October ta, it was announced tonight
A Sr that Wei't Heat
quickly relieved and helped by bucklen's
Arnica Salve. Help pile and th worst
(ore. Ail druggUU. . (Advertisement
CHICAGO, Oct. W.-A team represent-
ing Cleveland, O , won the national ain
ateur base ball championship here today)
defeating the Chicago club, I to f. anq
gaining poaaesslon for one year ' of the
11.000 challenge bowl. Cyrgahs pitched
for th Clevelands, allowing but four hits.
Shiner pitched for th Chlcaxo club.
Th Early Broach la 1 Coaohe.
Tbey hang oa all, winter (f aot checked,
and pave the way for serious throat aad
lung disease. Oat a botls of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, aad take it
freely. 6toix coughs and colds, heal raw
Inflamed throat, loosens and phlegm and
la mildly laxative. Chaa. T. Miller, 4.'
Enquirer, Canaelton. Ind., had bronchial
trouble, got very hoar, coughed con
stantly from a tickling throat He used
oaly Foley' Honey and Tar Compound
Waa entirely relieved. Wants other to
know of Foley Honey and Tar. All
tealora evera her. Advertisement
(From a Ktaff 'Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la., Oct 19 (Special
Telegram.) Unearthing of the second
Jury scandal that has occurred at the
court house in the last eight months
rsused mild itnatlon among- the Judge
and lawyers and resulted In tbe citing of
Juror B. A. Hull for contempt, the dis
charge of the Jury of which he was a
member and a warning to the entire
panel. . .
Evidence Is in the hands of Judge Dud
ley, tending to show that Hull sought
tffl from Nat Wetxel,. president of tbs
Southern Land company of Kansas City,
to hang the Jury in a case In which W'et
rel waa the defendant. Hull fell Into a
trap and is said to have been caught in
connections which showed his willingness
to be bribed.
Coaaty Aadltor Under Fire.
A peculiar situation has developed ' In
Van Buren county, where County Auditor
Duckworth is under fire for his part In
causing an enormous Increase In taxes
In that county. The situation ts interest
ing because of the fact that It was in
that oounty and bocaue of that increase
in taxes that the flht was started to en-
loin th collection of a mileage tax to
pay for the purchase of ground needed
by. he state. It seems that Duckworth
made th wrong certification of value
to the .state officials and concealed the
tact until .after It waa discovered thl
year and because of hi error the people
of the county, paid laat year, 3,000 In
taxes more than they should have paid.
Then when th fact wa disclosed this
year he denied receiving a letter from
tat officials telling- what to do to rec
tify it and only after official cam to
Des Molne and found out th truth did
h consent to rectify the error. Th mat-'
ter has created a sensation In southeast
ern Iowa.
Reynold May Head Bank.
It la believed by De Moines banker
that the election of Arthur Reynold of
the Des Motne National bank to be gov
ernor of th reserve bank in Chicago 1
a certainty. At tbe national association
of banker his name was nominated by
IL B. Joy of Detroit, one of th direc
tors. His -brother, George M. Reynolds,
of Chicago 1 another director and ther
are three Iowa director, all of whom
would be for him. so he will have five
director favorable to him If he consent
to tak the place. It l an open secret
here and has been for a long tlm that
he desire to get Into a larger field and
it 1 therefor regarded certain he will
accept The Des Moines banker figure
this would give Iowa a good deal of
prestige In connection with the Chicago
reserve bnhk.
Will Ank Chareh Affiliation. '
On, th new census card tor Iowa use
next year there 1 a new blank, on aak.
Ing for the church affiliation of all th
people. This has never been sought be
fore In the taking of th atat census.'
Th cards also hav a blank, tor th
educational experience of ach' person.
and aiso blanks to show the detectives-
blind, deaf, etc. The cards are being
printed now for th us of the assessor.
and they are much smaller cards than
used ten years ago. so that they will fit
Into steel filing cases and b available
for reference at any. tlm.
Iaisraae Cnmniairi Releat.
. Information received by the industrial
commissioner indicate that the insur
ance companies writing workmen's com
pensation' risk have materially chanced
front with a view to avoiding the storm
of Indignation that seemed coming in
Iowa bee suae of arbitrary action. They
have reduced the rate tor th buslm
Quit materially, but hav, in some cases,
sent out word to ignor th question of
th age or Infirmities of employes. This
latter, the discrimination forced by the
companies, has been a very tender spot
with the Iowa laborlns man. .
- Gaard Company Waa ftVakeJlloo.
Th adjutant general ha Ordered th
muaterlng out of the National Guard
company at Carroll. At th tlm of th
August ncafejpment of the guard the
company (ailed to report and the men
were brought to camp under arrest The
officer of the company have been In
different and th company 1 badly dis
organised, so an order ha been Issued
to muster It out at one.
Will Pas oa Halo Stations,
; Th stat railway commission on No
vember M will consider th petition of.
thousands of residents of Cedar Raptda
tor an order to compel the Rock Inland
and Northweatera railroad to construct
nsw Union station In th western part
of th city. On December 1 the commis
sion will consider th Application of com
mercial organisations In Council Bluff
fur an order for a union station In that
dty for all the railroads. The commis
sion ts very much , In douTt wnether It
ha any authority la either case or can
go very far la compelling th construc
tion of union stations uader 'such rir
cumstaaoso, Th law only provide that
th commission may compel a union sta
tion at croeslna; or Junctions.
Borah o Come to lews, '
Senator Borah of Idaho has been billed
by the republicans for two speeches In
Iowa. He will be In Cedar Rapide the
J8th and in Sioux City the 29th. A num
ber of dates hav been arranged fof the
republican members of oinmii (4n.
tors Ksnyon and Cummin Governor
Clarke, Lieutenant Governor Harding and
others have been busy the last week and
have reported good meetings.
The democrats ar dating Bryan, Burle
son and other of the newly formed
"flying squadron" from th outside to
swoop upon Iowa and capturp th state,
ladleted for Kldnaplnar. 7
An Indictment charging him with rob
bery, was returned against Ed Wegener,
Valley JuncUon saloonlst by the grand
Jury In connection with the assault and
attempted kidnaping of Charles Ashworth,
wealthy Polk county farmer.
Frank Lavelle. who was indicted tninttv
with Wsgener, entered a plea of not
guilty to the charge when arraia-nArl (n
criminal court today. The crime carries
witn it a maximum penalty of twenty
years. In his testimony before the a-ranr!
Jury, Ashworth charged Wegener with
being a party to the affair. A yt the
auuioriuea have bo trace of Wegener,
wno na been missing from Valiev Juno.
Hon for a week.
Western League to
Discuss Sale of the
Topeka Franchise
CHICAGO. Oct 19. The eluh xa,. nr
th Western league will discuss the pro
posed sal of th ToDeka franehla amrl
other Important matters at a meeting to
do neia at Omaha during the conclave
of the National Association ot Minor
leagues there November 10-12. Thl was
announced by President Norrl O'Neill
Fedefal jM&toiT'T-
Mayljuy Yankees
NEW TORK. Oct 19. -Local, ha hall
jolrcle were startled today by report
that the Ward brothers, backer of th
orooaiyn r ecerai league club., were ne-
knlalK. . . I . ... I
tmuuii iur in purcnsse.oi Uie Kw
xora American league club. The report
carried a rider to the effect that this
move was the first of a series which
would eventually restore peace In th
ranks of organised and independent baa
Frank J. Farrsll. president of the local
American league club, denied the story.
ttoDert a. ward or th Brooklyn Federals
aid that he had been approached by a
man in no way connected with hmm vBii
who stated that th New York Americans
were on th market and who asked him
If h would consider the nurch f th
club. Mr. Ward said that he answered
that he would If the price was right and
th other Federal league club owners
were protected and recognised by the
major leaguas. That was as far as nego
tiations had gone. . '
C. Uimm Vwm Ca.U OHsa.r..UJL I
Lerch p
Van Sandt,
311 S. 17th St
AVONM0UTH, Eng., Oct. l.-Vla Lon
don.) A well known Atlantlo liner ar
rived here today bringing a large num
ber of Canadian troops to augment those
already encamped in England. Th first
news the townspeople had of their ar
rival wa th sound of th th fife and
the drum oa the streets. The men en
trained Immediately for a destination not
Take! the
3uy top, quality
Fall Shirts
They're on
tap at your
plaj Fir
ntght and day
A good deal better and a good
J 1 a
oeai smarter man most moder
ately priced shirts.
McDonald Shim ara aold at
' am nood oWert 11.00 and up.
Dttirned aa TaOmd M
America ' J-orrmcH Union
Shtrl Skat bf th K. L. V.
company, 1 St. Jatcph, Mo. m&ESL&
S.nkrHU S.Ff. fc
TTS mellow. Jbrown wrapper of inw
A ported Sumatra hints of the perfect
ly blended tobacco in the , Robert
Burns cigar. . '
The always mild, always satisfying
flavor of every Robert Burns proves it.
Rob Burns
leas City, Iowa.
Oaiaae aad Goaaoil Bloif.