Tin: tif.K: iwaha. mdvday. orronKu in. mi4. I. KSTATE f ARM RAKH LAKDI fAK von KF.T rrklikr4 tlaaaa. MTiKRN front room 1 rlroA sd )lnin nn car line, lit. JL3 Charles. "VVabsW 4Vk. t-TKAMheat, mnrt. Moms, ri.totnim;. for gentlemen. $3 and ti. 1. fcHi prKNlM KV) room for cne or two gn tlrrwn. tH. iiy MrxHth Aw, W. 6TIT. k'VRNTf HK.D roon' for rent. nr rrelgb ton unlvernOT. Tbono Imnglas TW1. t" kZY raomi, Knni hMl, fine vwpw, 2 to Its month: respectable pek; 3d floor. eng. N. 1Mb. , InfaraWhral Kansas. TWO lerg. clean front rooms. ' mod. ti. heat, niit famtty, I. h, a!. HiftvseaeeptnsT Hoontm. TIITIKK nice rooms, hsk'g. tllS P. 11th 0 KI.K.UANT suite rooms, furn.she1 com plete; etrlcWy modern; 3ft 8. 2nth 8t. fnrathrl llotraeenlasi Ho. Mod. room with kitchenette; rea. : I.?1. R. Karnlabert llaaaea. furnished hou, Wirt. AV. . Fl'HMSHKn HOU8K. Five-room, 371C V Mth; strictly modern, beautifully furnished. Webster Yl7i. i I I lintel ea Artet. CALIFORNIA Hotel. It rt CaMferr,1a, Weekly rates U end Ma. Ixmglag TuX CK1DKN HOTICLr-Rooms I per week. Council Bluff. , . noPOK HOTKIj Modern. Re son a Me. Hovers mm I attasre. NRAR Creighton College. !W6 Pass. welh lnc distance. Brand new. all modem, element two-story, s'x-room bungalow, J.T7. Owner, Webster 67a. tt.0-EItitiT-RuOM houm; entirely mod ern; not water beat; nice location and nice yard. 130.10 T room, parlor extending- across the entire front of house; oak fin- Ish; colonnade opening's; four bed moms and bath; fine neighborhood; near car. $2.00 New five-room cottage; tnodern ex Pt heat; finished In oak; near car line. I3&50 Five-room eottare, almost new; exceptionally latge rooms: strhjtly modern; near car line and heat school. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, 17th and Doiigtaa St. Douglas MS. Mlaaeaata RAROAIN 13f-er Improvee' farm, f mile from Minneapolis; on good gravel read; lays level; about t acre under cultivation, balance need for pasture; some fine meedow land; can prctllly all he put under culttvstlon; bull. lints consist of -room houe, barn, granary, cent cribs, machine shed, windmill, etc.! good arple orchard. I'rt-e. I per acre; one-half rain, reasonable terna on bal ance. Adjoining farm held at double tlii p-b e. h. hnik Pros., tn Hlymouth Rldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 1DKAL grain and stock farm:, acres; has good ho"e and other buildings, 220 era under cultivation; balance pasture with running water; located east central Minnesota, near good town.. Price, fi per ere. Kaey terms. Farmer' Land Co.. "t Palace Rldg., Minnearolls. Minn. Wlaewaetav Upper Wisconsin Beat dairy and general crop Stat la t onion; setusrs wapted; laada fur sale al low rK-a, on easy terms. Ask for Booh let M on Wisconsin Central land Grant. Ptate aorea wanted. Writ about eur grafting landa It Interested in fruit laada, k for booklet oa AlWe Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Boa bin in., Minneapolis. Minn, KRXL KSTATR LOANS. CITt and farm loan, a, FH, per oeat J. H. tumont Co., l0 Farnam, Omaha. WAXT'T-City loans. PetTra'TniVrCoT OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KRKFR REAU E8TATK CO.. lolt fhnaha Natl. Douglas 2715. GARVIN BB0S.SSJ3J liAURlBoS" aV MORTON. 918 Om NstlT AVTD Farm loans Kloke Inv, Co. Omaha. WANTKIV-City loans and warrants. W Farnant Smith ft Co., 1XJ0 Farnam. CITT property. Large loans a e penalty. W. If. Thomas, 218 ftat Hank Uldg. 10l to I1.(0 made promptly. F. 1. Wead, v ead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bts. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Hinder, City Natl. Bank Blrtg. 8. 2?I ST. 5 rooms, modern except best: M. Red tSHS. fir CITT IXANS. Bemls-Carlheil Co., FOR RKNT-i.118 Californli room house, h' ater aw. St.. hew 7. ever occupied. Phone Web- JICK 6-r.jom modern cottage, (IS. Harney 15B0. BAROAIN8 FOR THE WINTER. 2MJ Woolworth Ave., 8-r., modern, lid 1S. Chicago, 8-r, mod., murnace, open fireplaces, suitable for light housekeep ing, $. 1W0 N. 20th 6 rooms, modern, !. R1NGWALT, Brandcis Theater Bldg. 21G0 8. 82d. 10 r, mod.; garage, sleep ing porch, 4V 27fl Farnam, S r., mod. brick, IS. 124 N. 34th. 10 r., mod., 140. Others R1NQWAL.T, Prandela Theater Bldg. NINE rooms, steam heat, thermostat, 321 Burt Mt. Douglas lfflg. . SKVBN rooms, modern except heat, 2127 Douglas St. Douglaa 15H8. 7JS OHIO 7-roora modern; 17. 4479. Douglas LADXiK list 6t house a at special prices for the winter. Do not mtss this oppor- tuntty. F. U. wead. 1th and Farnam fts. 7-KOOM modern house, D" pied ; will selV ST2 N. 43H ever been occu- D. K3. FOR RENT November 1, 3l B. th Ave., 7-rerim modern flat. See Charles O. MrDonnld or J. J. Toms, 615 Brandcis Bldg. Phono Douglas 34S4V BRAND N KW-A HOMK FOR YOU. T-room brick dwelling, beautiful oak finish, built-in bookcases, kitchen cabi nets, paneled dining room with plat rait, elegant lighting fixtures. 918 B. S6th. Tyler IBO! J. 7 7-R., mod, cottage. 2014 N. Md. I. 1S4&. yard; near car line; as conoitiont large 1Z. M. 7W7. BKAUTlFUti 8-room, modern house on MVth and California. Harney-WMS. t-R. house, mod., oak finish, hot water heati yw-ar per, utmiee wainnt gva. FOB RENT Wa hay V complete list of all houses, acartments and flats that are for rent This Hat can be seen free ef charge at Omaha Van 4b storage Co., km av ma Bt UODRHN 8-roem bouse. 206 8. 36th Ave., vacant November 6. Can be seen after a. tn. any day. Inquire T. J. OBrteu, Phones Harney Vm or Douglas ln. 6-R. modern house, 17Z7 S. 10th. D. 7416. flnnwa n alt parts or Ui city, IIOQBCS crelgh Bona AV Co.. B Bee Bldf. Hi lAM heat, all modern, (-room bouse; also 4-room net. za no. m. Fidelity Storage Co. BUrage, moving, pacxiag mjm snipping. 16th Jackson ft. Phons Douglas Xa, Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves packs, ships; tbors van and I men, $1.2 per hr.; storage tt per mo, Batlsfactorr guar. D. VO 4k Ty. CM J. C. Reed Haggard's Bixp. Co.. moving packing Ss storaga IM Farnam. D. )C; Van and btsr- ase Co. Keduead ra.tea fop rio Amv. u, i men, i a per nr.: dray, men. II per hr. 171i Webater. Doug. 1494, '" , M' " mod. boawe near Hanaoom Park, with garage, garage now reatadi electrle jighta. Tel. Douglas 4 38. ti-nOOM strictly modern bouse In AI con anion, location 8l Paclfio t. Call at jw p. vnn at., or rnone Harney kho. mod. cotUge, 719 8. 7th St., 2t. 7-r , mod. house, 814 Leavenworth Bt.. ; iiotn rine locations. Phone Webster Sfiso. torn and Ufileea. IND rtOOR offlcd rooms or suitable for ngnt mrg. vvrigbt b Laaoury, su m. VOH RENT Meat market, all equipped. Writ or call . U fthaokley, Avoca, GOOD bara, room for I M 10 horse. urn websKf U tjalt twtgais 4a, WANTED TO KBSTt VWO "sfurnlahed rooms for housekaep. lng, walking OMtanno. Address U. b sea WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow between 12.000 and $3,000 piaU money. Will give first mortgage on western resJ estate, apple orouara. Auurl u, Al. lfon, SOi B luX Bt, . ' I, liSTATK FARM nVANCll LANDS FOB ALE ColewatateH . FOR RALE 20-cre homestead, well improved; south, of Tuina, Colo.; corn and hay goes w.th tlae. frioe 1,J0. Ad- urci r. . tiox it, xuma, i;io- Idaka. FOR 8AL acre Idaho fruit ranch, itearlng; apQles. Cal. pluma; grape and herrlca. IVr. rood, bungalow, hot water 1 eot, near town. Bargain If sold this year. ' a ncr, Join w. ink. Muhl, idalio. Nebraska IDEA OF, STATE PRINTER LUDI Has New Plan Relative to Printing Bills Introduced in Legislature. EXPENSE IS A LITTLE MORE rates rroaoeed ta l r Many Kagrmilag Hertk, and Thaa Save name Money gtate. EKE us first If you want a farm loan. i niiert ptstea Trust t o., umaiia, rteo. AUSTRACTS OP TTTLK. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract. Co., modern abstract office. 306 c. 17th Bt. Phone LHuglas 64fT. REED Abstract Co., oldest a ostract office In Nebraska. Mb Brandeis Theater. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE BUNUALOW First floor. S room: second floor, can finish 1 more If desired: oak floors, com bination fixtures, complete tavstpry; 22d nd Ames. Phone wepster 4zyx. North Side I have for sale a pretty -room bunga low, new, all modern throughout and located 2 blocks from school and I block from oar line. Cement walk In all s round. House beautifully finished, principal rooms In oak, balance of house in edge sawed hard pine; has full cement base ment and is heated by furnace. Terms: $32.50 Cash; $32.50 Per Month. . , . For further Information phone . - . South 1587. CHAS. F. WAHL. Destitute Family in Sad Need of Food i a lopublUnn rally, taking up th- tMi 1 . . A Ji......k . 111. a - . a . ! von SALE Brick, two (-room ft. Isuls flat. East front, good yard, with shade. Botith bay windows. Built S years, never changed tenant. Part eash. TMVP.trPr'PTrrP A. 1 AJK A AA-M JL HARNEY 017. 7. NEW, modern 6-room bungalow. Oak Chatham, ttd & Ames; terms. Web. 4228. REAIi E8TATB5 SOUTH HIDE $1,600 BUYS a 7-raam bouse, large let sum bo. tn at. A It K A Li BAAOAIN, A strictly hlah-olasa s-rimin. almost new brick residence with good garage, one block from Hanscom park. Cannot be beat in city for quality er price. If in terested call owner. Harney t&9. Field Club Bargain. . $12,000 Klegant residence, seven rooms, taste fully decorated, wood sleeping; porh, fireptana, delightful sun parlor, modem In every particular) located on the corner of Xld and Lincoln Ave., Just four blocks from Field club: south front, largo lot, BttxljQ. This Discs la positively worth rs.000. Can be purchased with . cash, balanoa monthly. GALLAGHER & NELSON (44 Miandela Rldg P. rJ. (From a Stalf Correiwndenl. LINCOLN, Oct. IS. (Special. ty-An en tirely new method will be pursued in legislative printing a the next session. State Printer N. J. ldl having called tor bids, following out the recommendations made by the legislative t-ommltte in lis recent report on the best methods to con duct the next legislature. The Journal for aa branch or the legis lature will be printed oh day and a copy of the proi-eedlngi of each day will be upon the desk of the members the follow ing morning. THis will gtve tha members a chance to look them aver and have any corrections made which may be necessary. The daily copies will be printed on pink papr. Prltla at Hecarda. After the preceedings have been adopted by each house, sufficient copies will be printed' and flW to make the he.-eisary senate and house proceedings after being bound. This will enable the members to secure hound copies of tha proceedings very goon after the legis lature adjourns. Instead of having to wait several months, as In the psat This will he hard on the clerk of the house and secret a"ry of the senate, who have usually received a goodly aunt for preparing and having the records ef the house printed. thaaere la Frlatlagr Bills. Some changes will be made alona other linea, one of these being-the slue of the bills, which will b SVixlt In else Instead of s414 lmhet The line will be closer together and the type will be one point smaller, enabling about the same amount of reading matter on each pag as form erly. Roman type will be used for the original bills when printed. The propor tions changed from the old lew will be printed In italics, while the part stricken out wll be printed In cancelled type, that is, type showing m line through It. When a bill has passed It Witt not be re rolled by hand, but will be printed In twelve- point type to distinguish It from the origi nal and In that form will go to the gov ernor for Ms aprovat ' Other t naagea. Other reforms In printing wilt be adopted and while costing the state more than tha old system, it Is thought that the advantage to be gained will more than make up for the increase In cost. How ever, It Is thought that the cutting off of the large number of engrossing clerks will to great extent make up for the Inoreased cost and may possibly even up the expense Bids for the different kinds of printing are now being asked for by Mr. Ludl and contracts will be let to the lowest and best bidders. ' 1 - Nwa Kates of Alllaace. ALLIANCE, Neb., Oct. It (fipectal.I Gregory Zurn, M years old, for the last four years police magistrate of Alliance. died in his home here yesterday after-e prolonged illness of heart trouble.' He was one of the pioneer residents of Alli ance and Box Butte county. . He and his wife, who was Maggie Mesaettor. were the first couple married la Boa Butte county after Its organisation in March. 1W7. The funeral was held at the Methodist church Friday afternoon, la charge ot the Odd Fellows' lodge. He leaves a widow and three grown-up children. As the new court house will be ready for occupancy by December IS, tha fall term of court has been postponed until about that date, the old building being In such a dilapidated condition as to be unsafe for the usual crowd attending court. . . and Proner Shelter & B. Dugdale Funeral Clothing, coal. food, money ami shel. On TUCSllay lOming j lr are needed, and needed Immed'atclv, by the famllv of Charles Ksrtvtt. recently 'VUr of T. IV lu,l.le. who died of Pt. Joseph. Mo. but now min, at 111 rH,U "' morning, will be, held North Seventeenth street. This Is the j Tne.de y morning with servl.es at the faml'y found destitute In an onen i,., j evidence, KIT North Thirtieth street, at la.n week at Twrnlv-second and Vm.iI ' ' h- ""'" 'hur.-h at tre.U by Humane officer Ne'il-n,. . Hurlal null ! In Holy Scuulch.e The famllv I nnw mri.rl In bullae ! COtl.otcrj, . but a poor one. for which HO n month i must be paid. A week's rent has already ! been paid by a kind-hearted render ef the newspapers, hut thus f;i". beyond this, nothing has Nn done. i The Asotited Charities provided some ' attention last week, but nothing perms. , nent. Mr. Karrett was hurt tn a fall from a Mrln.oa-lloward. wagon and has been t.nuble to work' KKAHNKY. Neb.. Oct. l.-(S.e. Iiil - since. Ilia two oldest annV l ve-ira old M' '-"sei Howard, tiausnicr or nr. and 11, must support the family of right. The other four children are all tinder 1 years. Several of the youngsters see without underwear and none of them have shoe and stockings. ValeiiTrs wl l he hosen from the Flk.-', KiiIkI.I of tVluhib.M ami employe of the Mo i lmnl. Nations! Vank, wit ti I w 1.1.1. Institution Mr. PuKditle wa mn- n-'cied for many je.us. HYMENEAL HKAL ESTATE eUBCRBAN Coaaelt Blaffa. HOU8R AND BIXX7K OP LOTft. rSnimnit rtltiffMT. g hfock of Hrorlwav pumping station. Comfortable 4-room cot tage, screenea-in porrn, nioe yara witn plenty shade, some fruit Land equal to 12 lots and fine garden ground. Walk, lng distance of Omaha. I1.MJ0 buys it. McOee Real Dstate Co., 106 Pearl ftt., Council muffs. RKATi E8TATB M1BCELLAKKOTJ8 For Sale At a big bargain, a modern 6-room house, well located and close In. Wll! sell far .V0 R sold this week. Address D-404, care Bee. . LEQAIj WQTI0E8 SALE OF SURFACE Kldaey Traabla mmm Weak Bavk Migns of breakdown In health. Electrlo Bitters gives sure relief and lasting ben eflt from its use. 5 cents and It. All druggists. -Advertisement. Bank Clearings ,ev otea from Fatrhiiry. VAinBt'RT. Neb., Off. IS. -(Special ) During the last week County Judge C. C. Boyle Issued marriage licenses to Ihe fol lowing parties: Oris C. Trn and Cella F. Wary, Otistav P. Hchwarts and With Bchrlber, Elmer tii. Brown and Ethel Woodward. The annual Jefferson county live slock Show closed yesterday With a parade of all the prise-winning stock around the public square. This show waa given un der the management of the Jefferson County Agricultural society, Farmers' In stitute and Live Ptock Improvers' asso ciation. Over W" In premiums were awarded to live stockmen In this and adjoining counties. The officers of this association Include John V. Thlesscn. president: Milt Coffmsn, vl. president; Lacy Clark, treasurer, and O. H. Pollen berger, secretary. According to a statement given out by Superintendent A. L. Cavine'ss of the city schools, 1,253 students are enrolled In the city schools. There aia S4 students In the high school and MS In the grades. Aldrlch la Kearney. KEARNKY. Neb., Oct. IX. (Special,! Ex-Oovernor Chester II. Aldrlch was In Kearney on Friday afternoon and spoke Richard Howard of Lincoln, was married at Ihe home of her alxter. Mrs. KM I Lnbb. al Kearney on Friday evening, the groom being Oliver Brlmsnn, suiierlntcmlent of I schools at balrmont. Miss Howard was a member of the Aller-Reach roncetl party of Wealevan, and F.srl Harper of the same organisation played the wedding inarch. Miss Lulu Harper was brides maid and lialph Currier, best mnn, both of Lincoln. it r . . wr m..m . Vrennattat neOptlen. KtHlAlt. Neb., tH t. 1.-("peclnl l-Mr. and Mrs. t. A. Voorhees gave to their son, Clair, and Miss Alice Thompson, Whose wedding Invitations are out, a prenuptlHl autumn reception al their home last evening. There were About forty guests. Dull, Splitting, Sick Headache Ton lake a 1r. Jamea' Heanarhs fowdrr and in Just a -w moments your head tleara and ell hetiralgia and pain fades away. It's the quickset and surest rel'ef for headsche, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve rarking. Snnd someone to the drug sto.s and get a dime package now. Quit suffering Ifa so needless. Its sure you et Tr. Jstnes' Headache Vowders then there wilt bt no disap point msnt. Advertisement. HOTEL GOTHAM 7? Hotel oC refuted cJ elegance, located in New York 8 social centre Easily accessible to theatre and shopping districts ' Ssifile reoinslshtmrr hdiW-2 Single room with bath 3l?r3? Double racias with hn-.S 3 1Pfe8? Wethcrbce eWood Fifin Av V Fiftyf?f?h St. NEW YOfeKXITY Bank clearings In the t'hlted States for the week ending October 16, as reported to Bradstreet s Journal, New York, aggregate Z&TI,za,m, against $a.731,ta,0uo ast week and :i,S4,52X,uoo In this week last year.. Canadian clearings aggregate tl38,40,(MW, as against H75.0Hi.UW last, week and I19.U96.O00 In this week last year. Following are the returns for this Week and last, with percentages ot change from this week last veer- citieb. OF INDIAN LANDS EASTERN OKLAHOilA" by . - United States Government There will be Sold at public auction the highest bidder at oifferent railroad points in i" wvkw Bna imckesaw Nations in uminomt, xrooi No vember i, . iwmofr x, 1W4, toe surface of spproaluMOely Si&.M acres of n.,lia.B aeKreKaud coal and asunalt Und. at not leas Uian certain luiuimuiu prleeo. one person pui . u nui ezoeeuina- ltnl acres of agricultural or acre ot graxing land. HLila may be submitted In person or by mail or by authorised aKenu. Residence on land not required. Terms U per cent caah, 25 per cent within one and the balance within two vea rm with Pr cent Interest from date of sale Where houses or other Improvements are locavted on ths lands the same will be sold, with tha land, at appraised value. Improvements to bs paid lor in full at time of sale. The coal and asphalt us aVrlylng these lands will not be sold with the surfavL, except where authorised Where the coal and asphalt are to b sold with the surface descriptive circulars will so state. For maps and full in formation eommuuleato with Superinten dent for Tha Five CtyllUed Tribes, Musko gee. Oklahoma. CATO SULLiJ, Commis sioner of iaOiaa Affaira Iowa. 44-ACRK FARM. Two miles of Council Bluff, a-ocd rrdeq lund. suitable for any purpose and nil In cultivation, but a few acres; good s-room houa and large barn.' Home fruit. Will dtrida to suit purchaser. Land V mile nearer city valued at H,fV par acre. V offer this at IAO. McOee Heal Estate Co.. 1 Pearl Ht., Council Blurfs. I OR 8AL-JCaaaas wheat farms. Hsve several Improved Kaaaaa wheat farms of l to ) mr.rm. Will sell right oa easy term. Address, . Owner. Boa 1M. Intio ndence. la. ICeAtavskat 0-ACR rtmh.- Brown cvninty, Ke bra.ka, fos sale of trade; M 4. l?th; P. , ... COTTON SEED MEAL CRACKED Oote Um Owks- Oata rsae Oake. from Teaaa Mills direct to you, V rue or wire us for prices oa lllgh Oiads Meal er Cracked Cake, 41 to if per rent protein. Cold Pressed Caka. VBXAS CAZB a uarTaa CO, . UlT.T.itg. Tax. Vafk tajwarfc Vfee Bee ae . a, yeas aea.peusae'a yea pewatsia aaartoaaasav peaa mmm New York..... Chicago Philadelphia -. Boston Bt. Louis Pittsburgh Kansas C'ity.s.... Han Francisco. . . Baltimore Iietrott Cincinnati Minneapolis ....... Cleveland Iios Angeles New Orleans OMAHA Milwaukee Atlanta .' LouiavtUa Seattle RufUlo v Portlaod, Ore t. faul Oenver Indianapolis Providence Memphis Richmond fort wortu ... joMepn Washington, t. C. Nashville Albany , Columbus Halt Lake Clfy.... ttavanwah Toledo ,.. Dea Moines Ko. he.tfr Hartford . Duluth Spokane , Norfolk Macon , Peoria Oakland Biouk City Jacksonville, Birmingham Wichita Grand R4d. Newllai en ttrracua Hcrantofi eprlngOeld, Mass. WorcentiT I Han llego. i Teooma i Chattanooga ' i j i 1 11. VIII ....... Fremont ,.. Last week's. AjaounU lac, Deo. Fla.. U,U.6wU,UUU ......KaO.a, 2W.Ul.0uO U.f 130.S30.0U0 18.7 H4.nMS.0OU gl.4 (S. 7S2,00o 21.4 7.1.0W) J.a 7,r,0nt 4.0 4.7Ki,OliO IS. 4 . a.8ci,w ia.s 24.471,UO 12.6 ,7S4.0i IK. 5 M8,."S2,00o 16.4 Si.m.iMt 13.7 ' 20,(iUj.0UI 13. i4.tao.rs yi.s 174o0i T.T 17,4fi,iXIM J.3 13.l,j0i SS.g W,tiJ.(W0l 34.0 12.139.iKir!... v.. n.s ll.3(l,eoO(...J.. 25 7,iX,0iW i7. 11. 17. t.sa.ow! 7..( 7.4l7,Olo Z2. .Ka.tinili 87. g I , . kVxooo; io. i H. iUMti n. .7i,0l' ti 7.iiWi.W .4 .M,0un, H.i .W,0t4 . 1. .t4.u)t t.D Oi..oiii. J7.1 .?;. uooi tit jo.isii ,, 7.2 4.70J.! g.g 8.0l7,0nii J.O 4.!M.).(nn' ii.i 7,420,il ll.k 3,6i,y j i I Wit.uuoi 4 t 8.7M.Oiil 0V") El 2i7 i.o .M4,A.,.... H. 2.7.0w 1.J i.;n.oi 2s.l -.bMUh! .7 s.e.(, ij.j 30.ufH yt.h I an?.(ao(..,.r, 1 7.st?7.f9! k.swi.ojo: 2,7U,wji....s. 17. j I, fMli 14 4 H.OtiA.oiKr II 4 t.iM.w! Jg.'f 2.l7e.u- U mi 3t3,(i0i J.ui Workmen Conpcasaticn Law Copfesnncd Labor Unions Appeal to ths Farmers For Help AMVTKItS KKVI KSTF.D T VOTR AtJAlNHT THE KWV AT THK IIKKKUKMH.M KLIOCTHIX, MIVKMnUH Till III), 1914. The Inst Ionlslnturp passed sui IniqtiitntiH and unfair con fifiratloit Inw Under tUo falne name of a Compensation Iaw; lint about 85,tM)0 of the falrniliulod titlwns of Nebraska tliroiiKliottt the State siirned n MtItion to httve the Iaw suapendetl and re ferred to a vole of the people at the coming; November election. All of th petitioners and every other fairminded voter In the State should vote itgainNt (hla aw. The Central Lnlnir In ions of Omaha and South OmaliA have, unqualifiedly condemned tltls eonflsration Law and ask run to rote agalost It at the November election for the following; rcawnn: . 1. The law was patsed througlt the untiring effort of the Kmployera' liiability litHitrance Coinpanles' lobby, and was not panned In the Interests of the lalKirinx men. It benefit only the I nan latlPA TgktaltsanlVssl arklK siaua nlnhnliiM rm 4ftda .HIi..u. A i ' vnwii csa et ana la eaa Z y las I ti ail 1 r 4tKV 1 1 lllll") Ul Silollara additional ont of this Ktate without Rtrlntf any additional : Mueflt to the employer; and at the saine time depHvlnj; the ! jurea nvn ot anout mne-teutns or wnnt n gets and Is entitled to get tinder present uwi. a. While the Ijiw pretends to be elertlve. It la In fart coin pulaory; because If the employer elect to accept the Imw, you may be anre that he will nofc keep men In his employ who elect ' not to arcft, the I jaw. 8. The I jaw doea away with right of trial by Jury. . The Law does not provide any compensation wlutlao. ever for men who are disabled fourteen days or lean, which meeuiH that it provides no compenHation rvhataoever for 90 per cent of all men injured. 5. The Law doea not require any security whatsoever for the payment of the small allowance provided. e. The Law does not allow anything whatsoever for pain or suffering, no matter how great or how long continued) nor doea it allow anything for mutilation or disfigurement of the body. T. The Law provides no greater romiieiinaUon when a man la killed, leaving wife and ten children, than when lie leaven a wife and one child. 8. The Law does not do away with law suit or lawyers, but cuts the amount of possible recovery down to almost nothing. 9. The employer need not pay the weekly installments of compensation miles he aeea fit to do bo, but he may force hi employe to sue fop each Installment as it come due. 10. The Law does not provide any greater compcuNatloit for the man who loses both arms and 1mIU leg and both eyes than it provides for the man, who merely loses hta arms. I1: U. " rmPlo' h' leg cut off through the unques. t oned fault of his employer, he would get no rrcater compensa tion than the employe who had his leg cut off through his own 12. The proposed Law allows the injured niau only about one-tenth of what he ran bog recover without the Ijw. JJ. Tha average common laborer will not earn on an aver age more than lo a week, and the proiOHed law provides for ' wees tor 17a wreks, OP fOP -, 1.073 for the los. of hi. foot or lea; below the knee. fi a for 150 weeks, or f75; for the loss of Lis lea- abo v. tl,- vZT rweeSIT8 1o' "is eye. , .u k' V" hw,mwI t off at the hip and his arm cut off at WeirS 7i?. Ba he hoB,d to f vonVuitSB;!at",an r"1 PviMon. and fail . t'1, ".L" m,t Bd r"" to vote against this Law. Put your X in the square marked NO. 11 Til K LABOR UNIONS APPEAL VO THE PEOPLE TO HKLP IN DILATING THIS INHUMAN AND VNJl M ' LAW OMAHA CENTRA L LABOR VNION By lions v. fiUVK, ' !. li. HI1AMP, JOHN KKItUHiAN, Couiiuittw. GOAL BILLS SHRINK' "OU wouldn't believe, X the difference in the coal bills," said Mrs. Corn fort. "Lost year we did the usual thing started the fire as soon as it began to get chilly and kept it going right through the winter. This year we have a Perfection Smokeless Oil Hester." - v For the "between Beasona" of Fall nd Spring, for Warming cold corners In very cold weather, and for all Sorts of emergency needs, the Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater euppliea Just ' the right amount of quick, convenient heat. PERFECTION It Is light, pot table, and cssy to clttn, and it guarsntssd smokeless and odor less. Ne kindling, no ashes. For sale at hardware and gsnsrst stores. Look for the. Trlsngls trademark. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (.nebraska) Omaha JO "'I ' ;v ; '"TTta .lll.l ...III . I .Ml ILlim II "i .. i li ', .i i- II MM. A. i in '.iiui bi,u u is e )'" JilSlSSI UmM WESTERN UNION -DAY AND NIGHT LETTERS impress v the man ; you want toreacn THE WESTERN U'ilOll TELEGRAPH CO. Fall information gladly given at any office iiiiasn in s i n w ' Against l7ornan Suffrage rs.A. J. George Of Iloeton -At AMERICAN THEATER Tuesday, Oct. 20 0 P. M. Mis. Oeerre la ess ef ths ablest untie veakers ef tke seaatrj. Her Vssraaka engagatasats are a4e aaOat tea aasplees ef tae VsUoaal AssoolaUoa Opeoes4 te Woaaaa BaXfraga. Tke aDeaket will hm intvariva Vab . OBOaOB, ef Bsstea Jt Wsseter. SEATS FREE! EVERY03DY I.V.'ITEE! KO COLLECTION Insurance Field News ( ' SURETY BOND! ACCIDENT AND HEALTH POLICIES Prompt Settlement of Claims Lion Bonding & Surety Co. HOME OFFICE W. O. W. BUILDING ' TELCPHOSE DOUGLAS 678, FIRE, TOllX.lIK), AVI-OMOltlLIC, PLATE CLASS. bolLEII. IlL'IWilHV. 1IKALXU and ACCIDENT. ALFRED C. KENNEDY 09 I irst Natioual Itenk r.nlKIIng: Tkona Uougtaa 722. Footer-Darker Company Drandtit Bldg W3 .