Tin: r.HK: omaha, Monday, ootobei; pj, ioh. i . ! WANT ADS Want ds received at any time, but t Insure r-rtrer classification must be pi e sen ted befote 12 o'elovk noon for evening edition and T: p. rn. 1"T morning and Sunday edition. Want ai'f received after ouch hour win be under in heading, Too Lata to Classify." r4XII RATKS Seven wnfcuilv time. 1 cent word ear-K Insertion. Three time within ee week, 1V cent a word pu b Insertion, On lime, 2 cent a word. CHAROF1 nATM. Seven consecutive lime. I cents l'n eh Insertion. Three time within on week, 10 cents line each Insertion. One time, rntl a tin. Count six average word to a lint. Minimum charge, 2t rent. ( The TVe will not be responsible for mora than ono wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for rror mull he promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued rnuat bo topped by writ ten order. Ton ran ptac your want ad In Tha Be by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1008. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers'. Column" H undred of other anawert have been railed for and delivered during the last eek. It la reasonable to auppose that all of tha people below hare made I he de aired ape therefore, do not call for the balance of thlr anawera. Ilea Want Ada SC. J 171 ym l i w l?.'i4 IW lira get reaulta. sc. sc. sc. sc. sc. ki rj in; im iw vt X74 WAS li!4 127 pan .77 liij y:n U1 1 r,K llJ l?1e 1!M IS !1 111 li!40 i Ml ( lt 124.1 1 il pi nit 110 2 II IK 1-'4S !J4 3 1121 1:'.2 i:'-H 112 12.'-'l vat tnt ' irjs 1JM 1M7 J k!3 . '! 1179 1-' : li4 iv.' 1H 1.H2 li:t 1 1 !2 l-Hl inie 1 11 . IW 1S2t "Ml K' 1'' l-"" 4 107 K'fC 1271 i ion i ijii r.'i4 1 .Ik 's.; 1077 lJt 1 - "74 TODAY'S CYtMPLETK movik moniiAM.s Exrloalredr In The Rev Haath Omanak PFRSr. T4TH AND N PTS. The ir and thr Piowawajr. -r. Kalem. Tha FVkleneaa of FweedJe. Ka.ianay. The Menlran. Pell. MAC.IC THKAT Kit. MTII AND O. In the rimvhea of llie Villain. Joker com. I .ore and ne Hall. I-reel Bicnn. OnrHEVM." Vaalellle. I4TH M. PO. OMAHA. Fpailal Feahire. 8turday. October If. " Tl I piOI KO M Eri TEA. 2Mh I'umlna. Mutual t;irl. Hllance. "ourtrir Kldn. Key atone coroe.y. Wlnnlnc of Ienlae. K. B. t-Me drama. Amatoura. ronalBlInn of the t:y Wuartnt. tha K'ylna; Dutchman and partner, Mrown and lirown, Oandlig and other (nod acta. ANXOl XCKMKXTH I'UN'T KOFK5ET. ' WATTKIWIN'S fNION ORPHFSTRA for all oci aa'ona. Ktrtctlv the het. Ad dree Jl.l N. th Pt., or jihone Ion. ShfA Gibson's Buffet in Pouth ir.th Pt L'KN TltsTHV All klmla of leiilal Work done. undr careful aupervlelon, at the the Creighton ollega of ltontlatry. 210 8. ixth Pt. Children teeth atralghtrned. KKITP Try nuHlet-ate. kx traction free. SUINI4. nhownnK tnark A Hon. P. i:i;. Aeddtna; announomerita. louy. Ftg. Co. Kvrlt 8. Itodcln. 1 f'axton rtlk. Drn. L.TJCKT wedding rta. tirodeigaard a. FIANO TI'NINU. H. H RANDOM. Recommend'tf by Wary Munchhoff, Mllle Ityan. Hnah. Dufrield. Flelle Rohltv- aon and Iindow. W. 4.VU. 4t N. JHth Ava HAZwTTXaaf ille (Jonea. lieat remedy for Itching, blerdlng or protruding plleo TiOc postpaid: aarnplra free. Mhermao aV Mcf'onnell Drug Co., Omaha. T M C. A. I'AMPAIUN-HPKCIAI. hATK, Ot'TftRKK 1 to 24. Ilfl. 8AVK W. y.VMH I.VCKY wedding rlnga at Hcndaard J400 14".' I 1 140N !' Hit 141?. 14U TOI.Y'f CXJMPI.KTK MOVIK rnCKJUAMS Exclusively In The Ilee. Uawa Tawa. CAMKRAPMONK. H DOl'dl-A". An I nlarnlalicd Mileld. tubln. Ills !itner Hll' 8-reeI I.uhln. The Bnakevllle Pleuth. Fiaanav. T7n KNO 2, WlV KAKNAM UT. liolf Champion Chick Kvana Ilnkg with flweedlr. S-r. Kk". Tha 1-ove of Plerra jcroMfc. Vita. 1ThtTiL!V,-L!Li FAR N AMTi I KATKIt. Wi FAUN AM. Million Dollar Myniary iv. mi Hart Alan Maaon. Reliance drama, llmrd Cl'ler. Kevntone comedy. llll')' TMKATKK. I4TH AND IIAKNKV. j.it Uke a Woman and Klaw Krlan- ,.ra aoclety drama, the Charity Hall. Price lalwaya the aania. 10 cent a. i-ARK. ('lH 'N i'iTU tT- Iird Ce-lt Intervene!. Tuhln. The PoUoned Jilt. K-reel Edlaon. Mlpperv Hllm and lreen-Kyed i rAKLoTl, IXIXLA8 iT. Trey O' Hearts. Prrlei No. It, fwESiTTH fXterTTm Kid Rrgan'a Hand, drama of the ring. Ma)or'a Manicure, featuring Edna Malwin Acroea the Court, acrcamtng Joker com. Karth. , AU1AMURA THKAT Kit. 1114 NO. S4TH Vaitdevllla and picture. rolltleat. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I am the republican candidate for ra election to the office of aecretary of atata. Kegtatratlon daya, tv tober f and 24; eleo tlon, Nnvemhor 3. 1814. Addleou Walt. John H. !romn non-partlaan candi date for dlatrlct Judge. If elected I will nut ha controlled ly any political hoaa. LIVE YIKE Ut'KINKHS MEN OK OMAIIA A, B, C of Omaha ALL ttAH.'Hta, dlmnonda and Jw. elery, aiwulal price. HnvU and tjet buy now, 1 a week. Weetern vatch and Jawelry Co., Room 117. Kar bach block. LIVE WIIlE IJl SIXERS MEX OK OMAHA. JMAONl-rriC Trt., Mr. Proot. In rlty for abort time. ;f7i Cuming Ht. Harney 221. MAPS.,' rheu., liver, kidney trouhlea. p.7l "ariTTee. bath and e7eo. tr mt 1K87&1, BATH and maa., alcohjl rub. Laura WIU eon, Fainam. It. 2. V. R75I. ANNA MAIIKS VcMAi; lira Tamam Ht.. Apt . td floor. D. aML ilKCHANO Therapy A maage. Mergar IU MHlloran. 22a Neville Rlk. P-77S1. Mixa Fluher, maea., rlect. treat' t. Red fBC MAKHAUR, ( P T7tht Mra. PteelaT Violet ltay Mm. Bee Hldg. Mra. Sn'yderrelec. trt. 14f ft. tth. I. 4.007 MA JCsi A (IV !wedUh movement. 434 iVIXJAUK Bee Bldg. Douglaa CT7t K. Mark, mearag and manicuring. D.7M1 Mapaage. M faa" WaltonUrtT af7NTinBBlk. Waaag, Mia Tbeon. R. 224, Neville Blk. Oaleoaatkia Phyelelaaa. Dr. He rue ha, h-4 MoCagua Bldg. I. M.K Paleata. II. A. Bturgea, Brandela Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Pateat Develapneat. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th fit. Prialna7 WATKHd-BA RNIf ART Pt. Co., tptaJlly printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 24 8. 1Mb Pt. DOUGLAS Printing Co. TL Doug. 44. fJORKir A M KF.NzfK PTQ. Co. D. 8644? RIKS-HALL I'tg. Co., m Capitol. D. UUX CKNTltAL PltlNTINO CO. DOOo. fbi HUtlll M'MANI'R, 417 N. 40th. IT. S72H. Flaain HeaaraleA. PLUMES A flowwra matx over, cleaned dyad. irtha Krugar, U Paton. I. .i4. Roaeh Kxtermlaatar. B. B. B. Roach Powder at' your dnigglat. afe aa Tlaaa Lock. Kavarta. repaired, comb. V. K. Daven. port, 1404 Dodge, li, UJL SAFES Si. tkat Iteaalrlac Electric Pho Rep. Co.. 1M7 8t Mary At. laraa aal Haovrearda. AT CUT PRICES. E. M. CLARK A bo.M, US Ho. 16th. Room 14. SIGNS HELP MTAXTFD MALE. Clerteal aa Ufllee. lltOTf-OPADE commercial po'HIona. WEPTEHM REF. A BOND ASiSM. 7rj Omaha Nat. Bank RMg. A grata, Kaleeaiea aa Hollettara. Uood proposition for insur ance men of character and ability. Call or write. Mutual Benefit Health & Ar cident Association. 423 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. TRAVKI.JNd aaleamen calling on hard ware. Implement, lumber and wire fence trade, every atata, take ordera for feat railing npectalty. Big commlaaUma, weekly aettlementa. pocket (ample. The Toledo Cable Co., Toledo, O. Fmetary aaa 1raaa. Drug rtora anapa; jona. Knetat. Bee Bldg. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Tha world need a mora barbera than any other tradeamrn. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn aoma money. Tool Included. Board If de alred. Open to everyone. DIatant appli cant write. City appllcanta call. Mnler Barber College, 110 8. 14th Pt. HELP WANTED MALE Matarerelre. HKT! yoti motorcycllat! Want a bargain? Have 1914 Indian fully equipped; met H0; ran very little, flrtt llXiO take thla. P. J. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES. CONCESSIONS Blda will be received for cnncewlona at the elevator conductor' mao,uerde ball given Thankaglvlng eve., at Omaha Auditorium. For further par ticular, addreaa or aee. C. J. FITZPATRICK, Treaaurer, Board of Trade Bldg. , FOR HALE-lteataurant, fully equipped, 1th and Corby Pt. !oug. 4174. GROCERY PTORE for aale, only e cluntre one in live town of 1.100, located In weetern Iowa. !olnr good buaineaa. Will pay to Inveetlgate. tlood reaaona for pelllng. Addrea T-2:i4. care Bee. us'F rouii bi;sinf;ss " with ua for quick action and. aquar treatment. QrtCK SALES COMPANY. 411 Bee Bldg Pliooe Red t3M. HIONS. enow carda. Clark A Son. P. 1J7II. STOCK of gooda and flaturea for aale or trade. A anap. Addreaa box m. Silver City, la. TO gUlCKLY aell your buaineaa or real eetate. write Kennebeck t:o.. thnaha. HIlMllauu.. ' LEARN Tartaric Mirror Slivering It pave. long, cloeely guarded recret of big factoriea. Partlculara free. Wm. Bar atow. J14 23d Pt , Oakland. Cel. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile buaineaa; the demand la great for our graduate, wa have trained hundreda of men; let u train you. Writ for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 814 V. yth Pt,, Omahe. Neb. WOULD you have to phone for help If your Ignition eytem on your car went WTotur out In th country T Learn how to care for your own car at THE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL, U'f-17 Dodge, Write for calaJogua C, Omaha. tore aad Vfflea iviatarea. DESKS, aarea, aea.laa, ahowoaara. ahalr Ing, ate. Wa buy. acIL Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 41 4-la-m g. 12th. D. mu. teel 44il4agra. CARTER Sheet Metal Worka, 110 8. loth. Tawel Baaallre. OMAHA Towel Supply, IW S. 11th. D. 12. fraaWa aad SaMcaaee. rrtELlNU A BTEINLB. W04) Famam St Tallara. CHA8, C. LAMDKRTOIT, 108 N. Hth St" NEW and aacond-hand electiin f aaa and motors. Leth-on Kle trlo Works, ll H. 12th. Duutflas 217. ALTmo THEATER, 34TH AND FORT Little Plater. Rex. Shooting Match. J-reel Hterilng comedy. The Half-Hreed. Netor. J I A M ON THEATER, 241W LAKE tiVt t-hadoe. J-reel Imp. Ha Never ."eld a Word. Neator comedy. The White Wolf. Indian drama. FRANKLIN1. zTfTl AND FRANKLIN (Spaika of Fate, -reel. Eaaanay. t.iom I., the Engineer. Kalem. Jinka and the Barber. 1nbtn. ilPPOlROMB THEATER, la CI MINU Hill Pavra the Day. Knmlo comedy. When America Waa Young, 2-r. Bron. dr. Perlla of Pauline. Uth EvIhk1, o and 10 it. 1STH AND LOCI PT Th Cricket on the Hearth, X-rael. Ulo. The Kid'a Nap. Lubln. Jdlble Flwhea of the K.ngllah Channel. LOTlir.OP THEATER. ii A LOTHROP Cardinal Ttlchelleu'a Ward, 4-reel. featur ing Jamea Crune and Margaret Hnow. LOYAL THEATER, J CALDWELL Trey O' Hnarta No. 11. , Man In the Atth-. Frontier. Me(iilie 1'etn'a Fortune. Ecllpae comedy. 1 ARK, : 61 N. TH. Mie'iVa ( lothlnif, J-reel Edison. . He Nearlv Won Out. Lubln. Iroii.-h, the Engineer, Kalem. 0 MAIIA PILLOW CO., IW7 Cuming Doug. 24t7. Ronovalea feathera and mattrcaaea of all klnda, make feather malressea and down covara. VACUUM cleanera fur aale. Vacuum cleaning done in the horn. Sanitary t-crvhe Co., 20S lino Uldg. W I'l.' E real, repair. ll nelia and parte or an eewing niacoinaa. INH. IUIASKA. CYCLE CO., "Mtuk l.Xh and Harney. Douga 1AU. Aeeoaataate. MELVILLE D. THOMAS A. COMPANY, U'37-SS City Nat. Bank Bid it. Tyler IHI0. Ad4lag; Maehtaee. Da Hon Adding Machlnea, 411 M5. P. 144. Adder Mrh Co. (Val.)"w. O. W. D. IS2S. Altrartloaa. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture mashlne and film bargatna. Aata aad Mauaea MeaalrlaaT. Magneto repair work BoecialLy. IX Ml. Aaelloaeera. IViwd Auction Co., 112 W. O. W. Red 326. Barbara. 12 Chair a. Ion ahave. neck ahav. 11T far. Rlaa. Prlattag-. HORNBY CO. Blue printing, under new ownirahlp. 303 Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 1167. Mraaa Faaadrlee. Wrton-Mltchell Co.,- 17th and Maltha Sta. Halldlaa- aaal Heaatrlaa;. E. rilA.NTA. Oil Paxton HIK. Doug. 1157. VrterlaaHana. - DROR. tOfflO, Center. H. BOftl Wlara aad Llqaara. ALEX JETES. ani-1 h. nth m m.u llquor. olgara. Plata dinner U to t, 100. HENRY POLlACK LIQUOR HOUSE, Uth and Capitol Ave. Tan-cent lunch. GLOBE Liquor Houee. 422 No. 16th. 2 qls. cold beer. a. Write for price llKt. D. 4-161 BUY your family HnuoTa at Klein' Liquor Houte. 12 N. lih. Douglaa 1a0. HELP WANTED I KM ALE t'lertral aad Offiae. TYPIST, experienced In meeting btialnea public. 812 Bee Hldg. Agrali aud Maleawaroea, GET A "ICN1TTOP" PETTICOAT FREE Wear- It, ahow to frlenda. take ordera, earn to to IIS dally; excluaive territory to huatlera; writo today. Pprlman A Co Dept. 271A. 27 S, Market. Chicago. factory ana I'radea. "WOMAN cook in large reelaurant; rauit fca able to cook all kinda of meata and vegetable; no abort order. Addreaa C 2i1, rate Bee. LEA UN liwtrdteaaltig. Oppenhelm Parlora. Iloaaekerpera aad Domeettca. WANTKD-A girl for general houaework. 110 S. S4th Pt, VANTKl Competent girl for general houaework; 1 In family. Tel. Har. W5. WANTED A girl for general houae- wora. weoater len, A. J. Johnaon. carpanter, rep'r'g .D. Qf-W 4 latera aad Well . NEED well or cIMern rleanaI or dug? SCHAFFr EH doea It. Phono Web, frvtl. Caai Deal era. tft KCi Johnean'a apaclal; a1o Victor VV-vV nut, IS.Ou. Phone D. 17ttf. big baaketa coal. 11. Wag ner. HOI N. 14. taliforala Laada. W.Pmlth Co.. mi City Nt. Bk. D. tell. PALACE THEATER, m DAVENPORT i Trey O" Hearte No. T. 1-reel. Ttonbeome Wink, Neator ymedy. M bl' ft HAN, 14TII AND AMES The Ootng of th White Swan. 2-r. Sel. A Ionhla Frror. Vltagraph. Tle New Road'a Maacol. Bingraph. Maala. APOU.O THEATER .' Leavenworth. Tlia Viper. 2 reel Kalem. Heerat-!ellg. Fable of "little, the Falae Alarm." Ei'. Com fTTrt" TH EAT EiVr"24th and V In ton. Th Million Dollar Myatery, No. la. J r. I'roken Noa Bailey, t reel Reliance. 1 .overs' Luck. Keymone. VLlrMIt"lA. 1710 SO. IOtTT The Reward of Thrift Vltagraph. line An Lucay. Iubin. Hioncho Billy Trapped. E'aanay. 4 OLI'MHIA. 17W 8. 10TH BT. The IJvId Flame, l-recl Sellg. The Aaeivaa rex, Vltagraph. lllll'a Boy, Eanay. FAVORITE THEATER, 171 VfNToN. The Moonilnners, S reel Kalem. He Nearly Won Out. Luhlii . Polithe and the I'reaa, Vltagraph. I hOLIC THEATER. . Jim Webb, Senator, 1-reel Imp. A Bogus Baron. Sterling comedy. 'KM THEATER. 1 ei. t Iti K I KKNTR. 1 rey o Hearts. No. , two reela. Proof of Man, Victor. Hypnotic Power. Ptrrllng coine.lv. 1 1 A s"w:um' T" I KATK R. 241 h A Caateliari Tetactlva Dan Cupkl. Neator comedy. For tha Secret Service, two-reel Rex, '1 he Mind Awakening, Frontier, T7v UK T"l iKA" T K R 11 F VINTON. Till the Panda of the Desert Grow Cold, - reel lelr. J- our Pays, Frontier comedy. klisarsetsrs. J. C. lawrence. p. C. Howard. P. tan. LTOeddla. f. C. tA Bee Bldg, loug. 4231 W.E Purvianoe. P C. 40 Pax. Blk. D. 4IHX. htaa faistiaa. Ruth Latohrord, decorating, firing. R. tMX 4 Ivil Kaalaeera. M. 1. LACY, 61 BEE BIJ3Q. D. 47U. i'reaaa geiiaratara. Tha Sharplaa Separator Co.. 12th A Fern. Deteallaea. JAUE.1 ALLAN. HI Nvtlle Blk. Fv. denoa aeon red In all naae. Tyler 11M llaaslag Aoadeaalee. Turpln' Dancing Academy. Mth A Para. CH A la HERS Academy, claaslc. D. jifft Hackle's Academy, now open. Hit Har URIUIIT. expenrnved giil for general hotlnework: two . In feinllv: home; pleuaant room with bath; must bo koou cook . uarney wn. COMPETENT maid for genenil houae work, amall family, good magea. II. nfl. r. tuq Ave. WANTE1 Oood reliahla girl for boua work. 'JiM Harney St. WANTEIv-Women to work for husband's i'dhiii. nn rt., noutn omaha. GIRL to do plain oooklna and heln wlih general oi k ; rrfercm-e required. 31 S. 87lh St. 'Phone II, X237. GOOD MEN WANTED Noa-. to take our auto work until com petent; then go right into the auto buai neaa rrom nere. Big new building; ma chine ahup. lathe work, welding. aLartlna systems. Write for list of opening. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2MB Farnam St., Omaha, MKN to learn the barber trade; tuition. it: set or tools given: aea dm Id. Trl City College, 12th and Douglas Sta. MEN with patentable Idea write Ran dolph Co.. Washington. D. C WANTED Experienced pickle and con diment man. The Wichita Vinegar and BotUIng Co.. Wichita, Kan. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMAI.K. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; to I no month. Writ for liat Franklin Institute. Dept 223, P, Rochester, N. Y. THEATERS Buy, leaae or aell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchang Co., 1 Farnam fct. Douglaa 1W. TO GET In or out of bualnees. rail on OANOESTAD. 404 Pee Bldg." D. 3477. 'WANTKD-A idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent 7 Protect your Ideas, they mav bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventiona-1 and "How to tlet Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph A Co. Patent Attorney, Wash ington D. C. Roaaalaai Haaeae tar gala. TO buy or sell hotels or rooming houaaa quickly see us. BUT FROM UJ. LIST WITH US. Quick Sales Co., 411 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 2254. I-ROOM mod. flat; steady roomers; ex cellent furniture; cheap for cash, lid So.' mil. d. ;.io. EDUCATIONAL to H60 a 2.AU0 antmlntmenta. each month. For Hat of Position obtainable address Y 2TO. Bea. GET government Jobs, month 1914 FALL TERM OF B0YLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both th day and night eaa1on. Tet It 1 not too lata to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Buaineaa practice, bookkeeping, pantnaaahlp, aeiae manship, banking, stenography, ateno typy. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board whlla attending. Douglaa IMC. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. H. BOTLES, PRES., Boyle Building. Omaha. FOR BALK at discount, a full anlim lege, Omaha; good for either ahortband Wi.atnAaa At, r a A n n I . . . Omaha Baa. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG lady, neat appearance, with aev eral years' office experience, desire general office or clerioal position: moder ate eelary; good references. Addrosa L K4. Bee. WANTED Day work. I)ouglas Mrf. WANTEI Situation n noufekeeper. Tel. Webater 3i:tt or call 2764 Grant.. COMPETENT, energetic man. 35. with college education, want connection with advertlaltig agency, real estata or special firm; commands Emtliah. Herman and Scandinavian lana;uaf experienced; fu ture advancement Imperative. M 442, Be. INVESTIGATOR familiar with court work, personal Injury casea and domea tlo work, desire salaried poellton. 8 V. (Be. WANTE1 Position aa houae salesman. bookkeeper or correxpnndent, with wholesale concern by experienced man, Zi years of age. Addreaa A 426, Bee. CHILD'S nurso wishes position; beat references. Red Men. SITUATION wanted, by young man 21 yeara of age; any honeat work consid ered; clerical work, preferred. Addreaa M M7. Bee. YOUNG lady, neat appearance, with aev eral yeara' office experience, desires general of floe or clerical position; moder. at salary; good reference. Addreaa L 4. Bee. WANTED Position aa chambermaid, night or day work, by colored woman. Call Walter H30- BXPEIif ENCEP grocery clerk ;- refer ences furnished. Cao take full charge if neceaaary. Wei, i3. W A N T E D Coiutx-Ujnt housemaid, family of two; references required. 411 8. etnh St WANTEI Girl for general houaework. a S. Xth St. Harney 2771.. WANTED-Glil for general housework. Mrs. A W. Friend, JU04 Davenport St Harney 2W. WANTEIV-An experienced rook; refer enca required. Mrs. M. G. Colpetaar. 402 S. telh St. Harney 4. WANTED girl to take care of baby dur ing afternoon. Harney fc7. V ANT K.i ( 'tim petent girl for general housework; small family. sn Cuming St. Harney M74, WANTEI A good girl for general houaal work, 4U JVKlge St. Dreaamaklaat. Terry Prsasmak'g oollega. KHh A Fan niti Mrs. J. M. Todd. 114 N. 1Mb; stylish fall costumes at introductory prlrea. D. 147. Experience of all kinda Mra. Burt. R-tfsi. Deattats. Dr. artbur ' No fain. 1VW Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dsatlwtry. M Brandela Bailiy , tha Iktatlst" TW CI ty Nat I "'BanhT Taft lntal Rooma. 1MT Doualaa. D. UStT Pyorrhea. Ir. FIckea. Tft t'lyNat. Bank! Draaa DRUGS at cut prices: rretght paid on 110 urdara: cataloguaa free. Snerma A MoConaslI Drug Co., Omaha. Nab. Iifrrrislac for Wsafs, , Woman's Exchange. 431 rax. Blk. R 4111 ACO.'RDIAN. side, knife, sunburst, box pleatma: oovered buttona, all aiaea and st les; hemstlti'hing, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. tot Douglas Block D. !. Kleelrla Vappllea. U5HHON Elec. Wk., 311 8, tth. J. 117, Fa rrlera. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 24th St W-T7TT. riarlata. A. liONAHUR, 1f?l Harney. Doug. Itn, . i rt s. u r ivoo in . lbia earnam. ir I J'AbTIME Theater. J4th and Ieavenaorth. Mem bar Florist Telegraph lel. Assn. BATH'S florleta. Imh Farnam 8u L. HENDFRSOM. Jim Webb, Senator, 3 reel Imp, HESS A 8WOUODA. 1114 Farnam St I nr.? VfcNEZIA THEATER. S. LTrt , Tricking th Government. S-raet. WmI. MONROE. 2(.iS FARNAM ST. Warn-n Krrrigin. His Fathrr'a Son. Maiy 11 kford. Mary a Convert, Mer. Tha Cioaa Call. Vt hen Death Rode the Eikgitta, Ec. HKNSON THEATER, MAIM ST. JteOeuii'Uoo. 2-r. Imp with Wm. Shaw. in and Out- alerting, with Max Aatter. Kales Ftnr-er. rVlalr dainam. Caaactl Klaffa. ELITE bio it ROADWAY. I irari -felig. i tie ltoi iid West. 1-reel Vltagrai h. Ti a lx-if- iid of the Amulet. Kalem. i I 'L I i 1 1 E A"T t iC iifli ituADWAY. I'l jrine Ward I-reel Powers. Ou. iuu 'j)iy Giil. C4slal comedy. Hair llreMlsg. Harier'MaUtod. R. 1 Balrd Rldg. p. xu. SWITCH Kit from combings, 1 W D-W.t. Live ktaelt Heatedlra. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 07 S. Uth, Red ?i Uatn'a riilarrs aad H Irtaf. THOMAS DUIIKIN Slaotrle fixture and supplies, contract ing aol repair 'sork dune reaaonalda. .HL ING. IXJUGl-AS .Hl Mfra. aad Hlassw gkado (leassM, OLD sbadea made Ilka new. Midwest Shade rectory, efft Hamlltoa. Har. Utl Meaaeaavr aad 1 nailer. MlTKUKt so So. nth. Douglas ml Mtlllaarv. WITCHES from cemblng. 1150. Psyche a ai- . ai. r.ca. mn a. 11-. J, so, WANTF.l A girl who goea to school to flu light houaework. Douglaa 21. WANT EI Experienced girl for general housework. Douglas tit WOMAN to care for a paralysed lady; must be good, plain conk and experi enced In ears of the alck; family of two. Phone Harney aitti or call at 1730 Lin coln Blvd. W' HIT hi girl for general housework; antall family; no washing; only competant girl with good reference need annly. Mra. K. Morrison. Phone Harney 2t74. AVANTED W Oman cook, a law. -....,... do general kitchen work; goixl aires Write Mra. F. K. Huff. Hartlngton. Neh W ANTED Cook, amall family, good wages. Annlv with reinr.--.. v. ... Nye. North Nye Avenue, Fremont, Neb. VANTEI A glrFfor general houaework: 1 In family. II, 4.-W7. 411 S 40th. WNTICD An experienced girl or woman i . nou-eaora to go to council Bluffs. No washing; no Ironing. Hood w", '.j J""' of tnr- Apply 133 N. THE Servant Girl I'niD.m Solved. The .M ru Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad r KI'.B until vou net tha .-ai. This applies to residents of Omaha, South '""" ano i ouncii iiiuria. Bring al to The Hee iff.-e or telephona Tyler lonu. WANTED Work aa chamuermald in hotel In Omaha, or South Omaha. Phone 8. YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Boyle' college Telephone Pollglss lfiiiS. SITUATION wanted aa caretaker rooming house. Address A IW. Bee. of EXPERIENCED chuuffeur wlahea to drlva private car; careful driver; know tlly very well. Addreaa F 6S1 Bee. WANTK1 Cooking uoaitlnn by. colored person; day work preferred, web. 737A. BUNDLE washing and Ironing. H. IMP. INTELLIGENT. )lght"colored g"irl wiahea position In office or bachelor apart ments. II. 4410. YOUNG lady wlshea a position aa a nurse maid or light houaework. .H. S74. PRACTICAL nurao, sanitarium trained, wlshea rare of Invalid or elderly lady. Addreaa 404 Burch St., Atlantic, la. MIDDLE-AGED woman wlshea position aa housekeeper; no objection to child ren. Telephone Webster S1IS. YOUNG lady with two yeare" experience as stenographer wants poellton; can furnish good references aa to character and ability. Addreaa J OPS, care Bee, CARPKNTKR, firal-claaa workman, wants work; 0c per hour, or email contract Call Walnut l-1- YOUNG lady with two yeara' experience as atenograpber want position: can furnish good references aa to character and ability. Address J ri, car Bee: RESPECTABLE, refined elderly lady de alres position as companion for elderly married Couple. Employed more or less through the day, but ran assist some with the borne work. Address C aSS, Bee. AUTOMOBILES. Oreenough Omuha Rail. Rep. Co., 30M Far. Lindborg Broa., l-eev (Fly tig Merkle). WANT an automobile.- Will trade car cabbage for auto. A chance to turn your auto In cash. State make,, model, condition and price. W. D. Initio, Ansel mo. Neb. ANTED Ctiri for general housework; nn!l lamily. 13J S. Ifcth Ava. H. SwH. a!I?w. WANTED White girl for general house work: two In family. Call Walnut HJ0. W ANTED-tMrl for general houaework. 17 Farnam rt. IH)M PETENT gtrl for general housework, leferemea It. 2-4JU JU r;o, d St. t.lKL to do booaewurk. 3;rJ Franklin St. UUstllaatssk. YOUNG women coinlnaT to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women a Christian Asaoclatlon building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17lh hi. where tliey will ua directed to suitable boardina places or olherwtve aaaisied. leok lor our traveler mum at creon station. WOMEN wanted lor government rlerk shiiia. Big pay- Omaha exomlnatlon soon. Satnpla quesUoua free. Franklin Insiitute. Iiept. R.wbester. N. Y. Vtil'X'l I'roteatnnl woman, who can Mavlaa, Staraa aad 4 Itaslaa, I travel and Intervtuw the buaineaa publ'.c; W. C. FEWK1N. tfith aad Capital. Ty. !. I never required to work alone; alweya In i-oiiiiauy w ilii an mi c o-niisi local woman. Oeallata. V ibnlary lltl er we k and ripeuaes. Eai Iv fcyea examined, glasaew fitted, psy aa you I advancement to J J. Id ferences aivrn land required. Ad'Jreas, U Si. H. taa. Dia. McCaiiay, lil W. O. W. MY &-pasaenger Glide car must be sold thla week; going at your own price. Oet bu G all. Bee. TAXlCAIt drivers, take tvotiia; 1 am leaving for California and will sacrifice my Franklin Landaulet. ilak m an offer, K . Bee. 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g O. Hayadorfer.JlON.il ON account of ftuam-lal reverses I am compelled to aell at a sacrifice my a paaarmter Oidstnoblte. Will you be th fortunate party'.' D lies. 40 HOKSEPOW KH a-paas.nger Mi Au burn car, electric lighted and In good condition, for sale cheap for cash. Or will acept a clear house and lot. No mortgHKed property considered. Coat sew abuul 11,17a. H-J. Bee. HIiSH-POWF.R touring car; 4-cyL. In e. ceiient condition; ror aale by owner cheap, a splendid bargain. Call Tylar iw ani tin tor r.any. Indnatrial Oaraae Co.. Wth A Harney Sta. TRY PELTXJN d IIAHAlIK for winter storage; atrsm heat; make r- ranaemenia now. r.tt rwrnam. Mstsrerrlrt. H A R 1 ,E Y-DAV I PSON M OTORC YCI.F.S Haritaiiis In used machlnea. Victor Rooa, "Tlia Motorcycle Ma." S7!l l-ea venwori k. iiOSIHLAMPMAN COLLEGE FALIi n:RM IS NOW CPEN Student admitted any day. Unsur passed ciaaeea m an nusinesa anil liih beanchea, shorthand. stenotypy telegraphy and typewriting. Graduate guaranteed good positions. Plncee pro vided for young people to work for board. a vt i inn urr laiajuaue eiioreaa ' MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE ' 1C1 Farnam 9t. Omaha. Douglas OSlk. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarrv curea pile, fistula and other rectHl diseasea without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. E. K. TARRY. 2 Bee. FITS I cured my daughter by simple discovery; doctors gave her up: par ticulars ft re. Z. 7.. Lepso, R95 Island Ave., Milwaukee, W Is MONET TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See tia. Vulok eervtoe. Hair uaual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO . Ma Paxton Block. L'J'Jg'u 1411. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Armv Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga xlnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 41 and our wagon will call. Call end Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 IkodgePt YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian Association building at 17th Pt. and Pt. Marv's Ave., where they will ha directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Iook for our trav elera' aid at the Union Station. SWA ITER'S COLUMN GILLETTE PAFETY RAZOR-Traveter a aet, complete with soap, brush and blades, all In fine leather rase. Cost H oO and will swap for smsll kodsk or any thing. Address S. C. lf.13. Bee, 1x7 ORAfITeX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying rasa fof camera and carrying case for plate hold era. The outfit In good condition nd a big bat gain for the lot at 1110. Addreaa 8. C , lffi i HEATER Small hot water heater, eult able for a small house, garage, or chicken house, simple and of cast Iron, complete and In perfect condition. P. C. 1M7. Bee, KITT E N Beautiful white angora cat or kitten, thoroughbreda, for old fashioned walnut mahogany or other furniture. 'Add ress S. C. 14d, Bee KODAK A new Aneco .'Ql.llng kodak. Ilix41. leather tourist cst- for Sam and portrait atlachmenta. Will swap for bard coal burner or range with hot watef attachment or sood bicyc'.e. Addreaa 8. C. IW. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE metric make th beat and cheanest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x3 ln-hea. stronger and mor durable than tarred f"R and practically fireproof, TV- a htirwlred fit The Bee office Mixed rraln. 11. M per 100. Wagner. 0I N. 1G. FOR PALE Rabbits and plaeona. W. 7124. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. 1. C Reed. 1307 Farnam. Doug. C14C WK BUT Id-hand clothea 1421 N. 24tbi MF.RC11ANDIHR STOCK INVOICES 12.275, consisting of shoes, dry goods, furnishings, notions, tobacco and candy; rent, $15 per month; in Omaha: rash busi ness: exchange for Omaha residence or vacant property. Addreaa Owner, S. C. IS 1 1). Bee. j ! note and mortgage, 7 per cent due Jan. , 1, WW, exchange for good Ford or other light auto. Address S. C. 15A6, Bee. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy aoma good second-hand office furniture; must be cheap tor Cash. Address 6. C 1240, Be. PHONOGRAPH. ETC. A amall phono graph and ten record for aale or trade. What will you give me in exchange for them? Address 8. V. 1538, Be PIANOS Peverl new standard pianos and piano players In storage uncalled for; will consider clear cheap lota; also horses und vehlclea aa part payment; balance li to $10 per month. Addrea S. C. 151. WE buv. ell. exch. clothing, iewelrv. etc. Suitcases 11 up. Friedman Hth A Dodge.; HONET Any quantity, good quality. Give description and price. A. I. Root Co.. 6 W. 7th ST.. Ies Moines, ii LIVE 'STOCK MARKET OF WESl 6HIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and ahrinkag. Your consign menta receive prompt and careful attention Lira Stock Caaanslsslaw Merehaata. MARTIN BROS. CO Exchanr Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, 8:0T) to 4:00. Night school. 6 15 to 1:1a. Uth and Farnam Sta Douglaa 47. EXPERT lady stenographer will iaa DUDlla. SHORTHAND, touch ivnrii. Ing, spelling, punctuation, etc:, taught and oonipicie training given ror buaineaa ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 424 IViutrlaa St Tel. Walnut 3327. ""LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. " Three months, 14.00. THK OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO.. Douglas 2911. IMS Farnam. FOR SALE Faraltare. New A 2d-hand furniture, rash or term; reasonable, Amer. Furn. Co., 6ff N. lftth. SEVERAL van loada of furniture, and some planoa. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. SOU S. Hth St Medium rile base burner, cheap. So. lift". ART Garland , baaeburner, $10. W. 7378. Medium slue Acorn baaeburner. H. 6i kf osteal Iastraaaaa ta. PIANO player; a bargain. Tel. H. 4T1L FINE mahogany Ivers A Pond piano; splendid shape; cogt $400; )12S cash. Harney IS2;i.- Bee Want Ad Ar th Beat Buaineaa Boosters. WFXlMAN uprtarht piano tor sale; good condition, v 2a7 Charles. Webster 6131. Typewrites. RENT Reinmgtona, Monarch and Smith Premiere of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1IM. Rental credited if you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines aent out. Rate, threa months for 16 for underatroka machines or M per month for latest model visible writers. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired .wurti t .iT-nir au p. 1 1 1 a Butts Tyewrlter. IW Farnam. D. 03L Mlaeellaaeoas. Bakery and furnace wood. Tel. Flor. 401. FOR SALE at a, discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boylea Buaineaa college, Omaha; good for either short hand or buaineaa course. Apply at th office of The Omnha Bee. l-hanu mch. Gross Wreck Co., 31 A Paul NEW silver-plated slide trombone, with leather case, tor sale; pig Dargain. Aa dress A M, Bee 1x7 GHAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plata holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold era. Th outfit in good condition and big bargain for th lot at luu. Address A &", Hee. , FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys snd accessories; bar fixtures of all klnda; ea'y payments. - Th Brunawlok- Balke-OilienW Co fT7-4r & 10th St f lifl Ruya beat coal ror th monev; try ipo.ov tt Web Harmon A Veeth FOR SALE Crochet bedspread, cheap. Mra. H. M. Abbott. Sparta, Mo. ONE Black Diamond oen. No. 7. in good repair, and other ftxturea for aale cheap. must aii at once. i. K. Martlndale. Cla rinda, la. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. II or aee aad Vehlclea. LARGEVf stock of delivery wagons la the city; tall kinds of blaokamltu work, palatine and lettering. Jobnacn-Dsnfortb Co.. new location. 1bj-I1-Ak N. lath Hi. TEAM of mares weighing 2 400, $)7u. B.g team of work horeea. 175. aiith and county line. So. Omana. Tel. So. 3o2. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Per soil s having lost aoma article would do well to rail up tha of ilea of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it I the street cara. Many articles each day ar turned In snd th company la anxloua to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doaglaj 4. IAeT Brtndie bulldog. aneerring to name Mat. wearing- green aaealer, tag No. zrx: suitable reaard; notiry Immedl ately. Harney 7u;'l or W. f430. 1HI4 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA UH 1CLE CO.. Rlh ud CbKago. D. l.U, LOST Wed. evening, long white kid glove, near "Mth St. Call I oux.le . LOST fl in bills, betaeen Hainilloa au A-ctur, on vtb. fi tcward. w. tias. 8 -MO-ACRE ranch, well known, located f mtlea Wood Lake. Neb.; cuts l.otxi tons: will carry 600 head winter and summer. Nice comfortable Improvements, tele phone, (?od roads to town; made former owner rich and bank president. W 111 do the itma for you. Will trade for A No. 1 farm In Eastern Nebraska or Iowa of same value. Price 120 snd priced right Rock County. Nebraska, Ranch I.6C0 acre deeded, 840 seres school lease; 7 miles from Long- Pine; new house. S rooms; new barn, new sheds, etc.; 1.000 acres hay. 100 acre alfalfa, 240 acres cultivated: fine groves and fruit of all kinds apple, cherries, plum. pears, gooseberries, raspberries, currants, etc. Write for full description. Price, 151,000; clear: cheap. Will trade for Iowa or Ne braska farm at actual value only. Cherry County Ranch 2.uL'0 acres deeded, 4St) acres school lease: good Im provements. On Loup river, IS mile to R. R. town: 400 acres cultivated; 500 acres hay meadow; 100 acrea alfalfa and tim othy; Jiving springs- fine range. A big snap at $35,000. Will take part trade. 4,120 acres fine black farm land, lays splendid In Box Butts county, Nebraska, to trade for good mercantile business. Will take big stock. A rre chance for right party. Here's a g-ood little ranch, cheap too. 1,440 acres deeded and section lessed Will out 400 tons; 7 miles from Merriman, Cherry county. Price for. thla week. 121,M0. Will take half In small farm, a little caeh, carry balance. Thla place win carry 200 head winter snd summer. 00 sere, 14 miles west of Anselmo, at 112.60. 200 acrea cultivated. Owner will trade for Omaha property or a sood ele vator buaineaa In Nebraksm. Apartment hntMlna- t. u .. . il?. h "nd., arn,f y. et' rro" rentals H-. , r-rico, 43, 000. A 10 per cent investment Farm for part Need ome cash. - Can you beat It for all cash? Tf-0-s ere firm it t i.i . MllA... " ' "invaiion, near Itchell. 8. D. Fin aa silk. $75 and worth it, for merchandise or good Income. HfLVA rnr-tl..sa Ki m. lim..' . WIIHN YOU THINK OF RANCHES THINK OF ME. PAINT OR PAINTING Want to ex change paint or painting to man for driving and putting down well; paint is Bherwin A Williams brand; easy well to put In. Address S. C. itei. Bee. PIANO Dandy new piano; will exchange for house; want to take It down to get the lumber Address S. C15ot, Bee. PAINTING AND PAPER-HANGING Will take anything I can use; low esti mate: good work done; a good heater wanted. Add reps S. C. 1M9. bee. PERSONAL Want to swap personal property for a small runabout or a motorcycle In good running order. S. C. 1548. Bee. i B-PASSEENG Ell BUICK-1910 model; will trade for cheap lot. or what have you? S.C. 164. . RANGE One six-hole range, with hot water front; one large healing stove; 8 show cases, 2 computing scales, delivery wagon and horse, 2 cash registers. Will trade altogether or separate. Address S. c. 150S, Bee. ROADSTER Cost 11,600 new, In very good condition, to trade for lot or what have you? Address S. C. 1536, Bee. " ROOMING HOUSE I want to swap for a first-class, high-grade rooming house with unquestionable reputation and have something to otter with true value back of it which you will appreciate without question. Please state what you have In first letter.: S. C. 1549, Bee. Slt.NS. snowcanl. Clark at Son. D. 137a. J. A. ABBOTT, V 43 State Bank nida Om.h. v-i. . AUTO-Beautlful alx-paaaenger wTile b.ine,.:- Addre",. 5 TXZ "fT'0' - '"ii, rim, 1117 '? VH- P- Mitchell, 5-naat roadater oTplea" r7 L&'JrjA riT-".! 2 Ut. date brick busing, proty ''wen rent'S iwn. nsa AUTO-Four-paaaenger Auto ta trade "t AUTOMOBILK-To Contrax-tora or Car" 8telr:rut:ut,o.ult1 sS AUTOMOBILE Want to .wan . rt.J t Stanley .teaser runabout In and wn, ,va m.ZSl? T B?A RD KENCE-160 feet good board feet8' WhT. hKh' Wltn pS5 Sr$ 154tBee yU? Addr CANDY MAKERS OUTFIT complete all ohm?' fu1r"c. ""ea. roHera, gum m. china, kiss, cough drop brass rollers caramel cutte. not Junk, to .".p.k c CJLCANAN. Real K jj.Eate and Exchaagaa CHALMERS auto . for sale, ee .i.. lot or equity in nouae sd lot What have you? a. C. 08. Bee. CARPENTER WoKK-WIll Uke furnll CioKTA 'me f'rBO" rHstle, valuabTo DF?,iiICJnV Ur' roller-top of tics desk and chair, for large bait fiat DIAMOND Have aollil.. ji.. , - UM...V..IU i I'll: VArth I Ji UM A.AkUKU. . . , . ..... i or iumoer and shingle and lath. Addrea S. C. w', use DITO BILL Have a 150 due bill good a cash, firat payment on any piano; will aell for anything the value oi tut. Ad dreaa S. C. 1509. SPOONS Some three dozen of silver aoda or Ice cream spoon.t, fine and of the best; also silver soda glass holders, to awap for anything I can use, cat, drink or wear. 8. C. lMfi, Hee. WATCH. ETC. 1 good 17-Jewel allver curb watch. What have you, musical or auto matic revolver, to swap? 1 pair 12-ln. re volving ceiling fans, good as new. what have you to swap. Address S. C. 1558. Bee. TYPEWRITRJ-L. C. Smith No. 6. used three months: will sell 'at a bargain. Address S. C. 1534 Bee. FOR RENT. Apartmeats and Flats. CHICAGO-I013. t Nic 3-room and bath apartment in well heated house. Douglas 6294. 8 ROOMS. THE DOUGLAS. 213 SOUTH 26TH A VI?. Ha unparIor, close In. walking dis tance, NEW, very choice. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1H Harney Ft. i-ROOM FLAT. 2810 California, strictly modern, prac tleslly NEW; hot water heat: close to St. John' church; food location ; 'on Har ney car line; $40. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harnev. ST. CLARE APARTJUttNTK 23d and Harney Sta., 3 room apartment. Call H. 847 or D. 6506. CHOICE HEATED APARTMENT " WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 211 SOUTH 33D ST. . A brand new 6-roora heated apartment, living room finished In quarter-cawed oak, large fireplace, bed rooms, bath and aun room finished in whit enamel; larga yard, private porch, heat, hot and cold water and Janitor eervtc furnished. Open today for inspection. PITNIO KLiTLO rvi 816 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 8-ROOM brick fiat corner 8th and Wil liam Sta.; moat desirable in Forest H1U Park. loiis:las 8040. VERY cholca 4 or 6-room steam-heated apartment on Weat Farnam Bt JOHN W. BOBBINS. IWOt Famam Bt OGDEN ANNEX Rooms with kitchen- euaa. v ouncu rjiurrs. FIVE-ROOM fashionable apartment; no objection to children. 2S01 Sherman Ave. BT. CLARE APARTMENTS. (34 and Harney fits., 1 room apartment. v-an rt. ai or u. eouQ. 6-ROOM modern flat 1111 So. Uth. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a houae or apartment when wa have Dated every vacant houae and apartment in the city. Phone us for further Information. Douglaa 2M.- Fidelity Storage and Van Co. Gordon Van Co. 211 N. Uth St. Phone D. 394 or Web. 13S3. FOUR-ROOM modern apartments, cloea in; low rent. O. P. Stebblna. ST. GEORGE apartments: One five-room suite, heat, water. Janitor, service; lo cated In select -West Farnam residence section. Ill N. 1st Ave. 'Phone Wcb.lS74. Steam htd fists. lth A Web. Tyler 31Z3. 3-ROOM furnished flat, $18. 2422 Leaven worth St J. I. KEMP, 2511 Leavenworth St. Doug. 887. HUDSON. 6-ROOM. 207 8. TH AVE. Close in, walking distance, NEW, built in buffet, panel waila In dining room; half block to Farnam car. See this today. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Beard aad Reaaas. BOARD and room for two, 14. W. 986. THE Graemcre. large front room, tua- hogany furnished, private bath, lava tory, bord. Tel. H. 70. BOARD and room in private family for two gentlemen. Call Harney 7. k.ODERN room with board. K W. Wi. FURNITURK for a ' ti-room hotel near Omaha i.u8l Low race rent ul tba building. What have you.t ofierf Address 8 C. 17K. care Hee FOR SALE Uood mortgage, or a ill exchange for auto, I via preferred. F bt. Bee. FURNITURE. ETC. Good lawn mower. M feet' red rubber hoae that coat l ami good aa new. mission plate rack, etc., to trade. What have you? Addreaa S. C. lili. Bee. GAS PLATE--hole equipped, for amall kitchen cabinet or waalilns, ma chine. Address S. C. 1317, Be. Farateaed Apartaaeat. Bachelors' Apartments. ' Take 1 Win acorn Park car to 8. Kth Pt.. sts. Private residence, two In family. Two euitea of rooms, two bedrooms, parlor to each bedroom, beautifully furnished; strictly modern, with proper care. Private bath; fine for two buaineaa men or trav eling aa Icemen with headquarters In Omaha, wishing a pleasant home. Prices reasonable. These cosy rooma on second Hour; private entrance: east front; aouth exposure; fine surrounding; near csr; walking distance. iMl. HOUSE N. 24th St Tel. P. 8M. j i . Faralabrd Reaaas. MOD. room, facing south, larga bay win dows, fireplace, excellent furniture; reasonable. 2aJV Capitol Ave. PLEASANTLY furnished root a in private family, $10 month. Phone Harney 41M. QUIET location, modern room, hot and cold water: walking distance; K. W.4Mt FURNISHED rooma by day or week; modern; steam heat; I1.U up. 1-77 8. 1.1. D. t4. V NICE front room In modern home for one or two gentlemen. On car line. Reaaooa ble. 1113 leaven worth. Hamey 71T7. 5i7 harn EX 8I.-iU,dcf, iia fovms; reasonable.