Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE r.KK: OMAHA. SATTUPAY, (XTOUKli 17. 101 4.
THEM Battery cf rrtil7 it s?-.h. Africa shown above; below Is General Louis Botha,
premier and 'leader of Boer loyalist.
We want you to look at our Douglas street win
dows and see the best clothing styles and values shown
this season in the new Wayne Beaufort and British Soft Roll Sacks
The prices they are marked will be very interesting to those
who have nude up their minds.
'10, !12, !15, '18, J20, s22.50, '25, s30
!'' " . i't'-.' "i"-: .' '"?' - ,w J
vr , ; ; 4-.m v '
1 - .."i. .4. 1
Xaiicr's Western Battle Line Ex
tends from frontiers of One to
that of Another Neutral Land.
Javader Obliged to EtMute l,f t
Bank f Hirer I,y. AcewtflaaT
CaaamaalcaUan Isawe
v at Pari.
LOXDOX, Oct. 10. The tiermans
liave Appeared at Blankenbergha
on the North Sea twelve' miles north
west of Bruges and are expected to
aiTlre at Ostend today, awordlng to
Reuter'g Amstertlam cirresiondent.
After a brief . battle near I'mcl,
ten miles southeast of Bruges, th
correspondent sayA, the German
opened the way to Bruges yesterday.
LONDON, Oct! 16. Two great
Tia ttles, one In northern France and
Belgium, the other In Russian Po
laud, both with a front of three hun
dred niilen, have reached" their
height, but the public Is alowed only
an occasional glimpse-of their pro
gress through official communica
tions, which frequently.are widely at
variance. .--'..!
From the French report it appears
the western battle is going slowly
but surely in favor of the allies,
Under the pressure of the troops of
tbe allies, the Germans who started
to f advance on Calais and other
French coast ports hare been forced
to evacuate tho left bank of the Lys
river which is a considerable distance
east of tbe points their advance
guards reached last week.
AUir Make rrogrni.
Further chsI in the l-oie district nii
southward between Arraa ami Albert,
Theto the Gerhinns muic thoir Initial
ttempt U work around ti' alller,' left,
the EngUnh and French hae mm!e 'not
able prori'ueie."
Evidence that the German assault are
lit int; delivered with le:s force la con
veyed in the Intimation that betwetn the
Somme and the Oine their artillery at
tacks are not being followed up with
infantry charges. It is possiuli; that they
hava withdrawn some of their troops
from this position to ftre.ngthen their
advance toward the coast, but it is
New Battleship and Several De
stroyed About Completed Are
y " ' Damojcd by Fire.
Uonht Thrown I pnn nrtir that
Rosstaaa Hare Kvrs ted lirm
ber; and Ahandonr4
their armies fighting north of the Aisne.
Advance In.. Center.
In the center, the allies also hAve ad
vanced, particularly toward Craonne,
and several . German trenches are re
ported to have hen carried to the north
west of the road from Berry-Au-Hao to
Rlielms and to tha north of Prunay in
the' direction of Beine, . which is slightly
to the southeast of Rhelms.
.' Ail this shows a determined and partly
aucceseful attempt to drive the Germans
away ' from Rhelms, w hlch was again
under bombardment today. The famous
cathedral again has been -made tho
target of .the German artillery, the Ger
mans accusing . the French of having
used the towers for : military purposes.
The French advance in this vicinity, also
Indicate an attempt to break the Ger
man front and force a. wedge between
the German right and left wings.
Claim Farther , Saceraae.
The French also c'.alm to have made
an advanro between the Meue and the
Moselle and, after having repulsed the
German attacks, ' to-have reached south
of the road leadirtg from Verdun to
Met. It probably I thin fighting which
the Germans referred to as having taken
place In the region of Met.
,On the Franch right, where there has
been, quirt ' for Bomc.lime, the Germans
ha.v attempted offensive tactics in the
Hen lie : flapt. north of Paint Pie, but
thl.i movement has ' been definitely
On the. whole, the British military
critics ' Consider the communication is
"ii ' most ; choerf ul one." They believe
that tho German advance to the French
coast has been definitely checked and
considered this would be risky as It J that the advances .reported elsewhere
might permit the allies to break through
and Interrupt the communications of
W'' TaHa,
V Hyaelntba.
i UaffoaUs, I
I l.lllea, Etc. I
Catalogue on
I re'iue!"t. I
," I 1 1t .X. I
Opa-'Ptoertee. I
Daaala '
'7L -r
Iwrnnl of 'res
LifT 10 hbl boa to
f '. -V .. ' '"ur it quickly, c!-
I '" It iu.1 miUtly. In a nnat
ivllar h rlle: "I hav no -tt lnr iM..o
say nor. I fl me nm- m.n."
Any oa deolrtiig s cP7 this tjook on ta- i
bare banll, ini.jliias aiMt rhelna, taa s-t u '
tm, poatvais, by wriilni to Eaward J Wugdr.
)Uf Statloa K. Now York City. Van lll tie i
aurprtaad ana pkviwd. Look lnr anlctar oanoa.
atgtu. ioraaa4 vigor, longer Ufa anS atbar a4- 1
vaouraa II yoa quit poitonlug jounell. j
show that the Gcrmuns have'been com
pelled to weaken their center and left in
order .to strengthen their right. .
- (Herman 'In Better poattloa.
Although, tho Germans have failed to
break tne allied-line and have themselves
betn compelled to give ground, they are
now In a better position, having a front
1 which stretches from the Swiss frontier
1 to Antwerp and Dutch territory, so that
' there are do flanks which the allies can
I turn. ' N
The allies can attempt to break the
j line, however, and this la believed to be
; what they are trying to do on the Bel.
! glan frontier. Of tht fighting in north-
ern Belgium, the French communica
j tion Simply says that German troops
i coming from Antwerp are marching to
i ward the west and on the evening of
j 6otober 11 lerichcd the Erugus-Thlclt
! dlwtriet. The opposition of feted, to this
! sdvunce wA ivA verv tferious end ap
! rarently was. intended only to delay it.
' Ocruu)' nruaea.
! The Germans have occupied Bruges
! and prnbablv at present arc near On
; tend. Thtlr main force Is believed, how
' er, to have proceeded southward to
1 assist In the attempt of the Germans to
I establish themselves on the French coast.
With the. forces of the allies occupying
' 1'prrt and doubtless other troops k'
twea that city and Nleuwport, ten miles
i southwest of Ostend, the Germuns prob-
ahl" will compelled to fight thlr
ni't seito-is bnttie along tbe. roads snjj
railway'" running eaptward from ti'.e j
cmcI. Again, they may join t.-nerai
Voi: Kluck's army, which occupies Mile
and tl.e country north of that city.
The residents of th country atl'e-ted
r.r--.' rapl'Uy making their way to the
j cart iK.rts and to England. They bring
! reports of the prevalence of conditions
; appioacliins pan'e.
f , rea t N ambers flee to Britain.
- Belgians. ere now comlna to Knland in
large numbers. About S.wW wounded Bel
gian soldiers have reached this country,
i a. pile EnKhind Is also getting more refu
gees fioni Holland, ihn towns and cities
I.UN'nOK, Oct. Of llio bit battlo
in Poland the KussUn offlclul rcoort j
.says there''. no chanite to record.' Rome
the Ktihslunk have defeated the Ger- I
is again responsible for the report that j
mans SCuth of Warsaw, but. this Is be
lieved to refer to the fighting In whb-h
the Russians yesterday cluimed to have '
pressed tha, Germans back. I
There has been more fighting south of j
Irjsemyil, In. Gallcla, on the Flry-fr'am- ,
bor-Medyka line,' which disiioses of tho
report that Lemberg has been evacuated
by the Russians and also throws doubt
on another report that P -zemysl has been
The Austrian' say they are attacking
the Russians In this position, while the.
Russian , report claim victory over the
Austrlans from whom, it says, tn Rus
sian captured seven office, 600 men
and several machine guns.
In Kast' Prussia, the Russians say,
there, is no change in the situation. The
Germans, affording to Berlin newspa
pers, have'reoccupied Lyck, and for mili
tary reason, have moved their civilians
out of Ooldap, which Is in the center I
of the region where the Russians are
advancing. ;.
Austria.; .which,: next to Belgium, i
aid to have received the hardest knocks
of the . war. hna suffered another blow
In the damage dona by fire to a new
battleship and several destroyers which
were about completed at Monfalcone.
This fire was Incendiary and shows to
what lengths Austria's Internal enemies
will go to cripple it. The battleship was
to have been launched Sunday with Im
posing ceremonies.
German Vlctnrr Reported.
BERLIN, '. Oct. 15. (By Wireless to
Sayvllle, X I.) It w as officially an
nounced today that the battle to tje east
of Wtrballeri.-In Russiun Poland, wliich
has been raging lnce October i, con
tinues favorable to the German. Re
peated attempts of the Russian to
storm the trenches have resulted In
heavy. losse... The Russian efforts to
drlvo out- he Germans by terrific ar
tillery fire' dally so far has failed.
And every garment carries our guarantee backed by the
makers. Don't let this slip by you.
(Copyright. 1914, by Press Publishing Co.)
ROTTERDAM, Oct J.-(Spoclal Cable
gram to New ' Tork World and Omaha
Bee.) After sharp fighting In the neigh
borhood", of . OoUburg, fugitive are
And Children's Clothinp Department
is a busy plnee these day, and xr-y
would be plonsed to have you nee th-i
new styles and irarnients.
$5.00 in a popular price for a Hoy's
Suit and we ore sellinp the beKt auit
ever old for that money. Many
these handsome suits have two pairs
of trouHera, making the. life of the
Hiiit just double.
Balmacaan Coats for Boys
New w eaves and mixtures in
fancy Seotsh fabrics. ,
5 to 10 years
Mackinaw Combinations for Children
Coat. IjogKins and Hat,
swell $3.75 and $5
V'Sbaped Sweater Coats
In various colors, regular
values t o $2.00, special ... Q 5 C
Furnishing Savings
That Are Worth While
White Madras Shirts, value for..95
Fancy Percale Shirts, 7.w value for.,.45
Sweater Coats, $l.!0 value for. ...... .85
Cotton Ribbed Union Suits
$1.") value for 95
Wool Undershirt and Drawers
75c .value for 45
Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawem
7fc value for 45
Extra Quality Street Gloves
$l.r0 vnlue for 95
Stylish Hats
It's the stylo that makes you want to buy
a new Hat And it is the stylo that sells it.
Herd's, Hats are the last word in style and
the first word in quality and dependability.
That's why we sell so many $2.00,
Stetsons at $3.50, $4.00, $5.00
Tm Houaa op kuppbnhumiii .
An extra pair of Trousers is always
a valuable addition to any man's
We are offering some splendid val
nes at
$3.50 and $5.00 ; i
streaming over the frontier despite tht
rain. Endeavors to Induce refugees to
return to Antwerp do not yet seem to be
meeting' with much success, and tha
Iuteh ara apprehensive that an epklemlo
of disease may break out. Case of
carlet fever which, tinder such condi
tions la .very deadly, hava already been
Mrs. Yetter's Alimony
Request Pared Down
KANSAS CITT, Mo., Oct. lS.-(PpoiAl
Telegram.) Mr. William I Tetter of
Omaha and Kansas City In the district
court today had her request for tem
porary alimony, attorney fee and costs
considerably pared down.
Mr. Yetter, whose husband brought
suit for dlvoroe recant ly, to which she
filed a cross bill, had aaked for $1,000 at
torney feea, $T00 conta and 11 a month
temporary alimony, pending the trial of
tha suit next month.
Mr.. Yetter on the stand aald ha was
paying Ma attorney only (GO. Mr. Tat
tor was granted fam attorney fee, 6
cost and V a month temporary alimony,
Thit Triarn. H. B. tutl
pharr, waa ad'tleted ta
tha i-a.a a.'a of to
Nicra br siaar rar. .Ha
iold to quit but naaa-
71? -T Mi mthln to halp bii
' iv . i . Igees (ion Holland, inn towns and cities
flmethV IT Ml y OmAUs 'M which are overcrow Jd and are flr.'l-
umana X HtAL Oman? difp.cuity i0 fading thmn.
f ii m aHMHHaMBd : plans are under may fur the i ';
of many of those who Citd from HHyium ,
an th pros-h of iho (le.rr.i.ina. A com-
pil.'.e.- rt?nw ntlng the rfcl'igec l a gone '
to Ar.lwerp lo maW a: ruiiKem'ula witr. ;
tr.a tier man nuthoritle for t'i-ir rrur
Tb' tierman, however, ave to
. guarjrtee the; safuty of the innocent
should at.y of th ropjlt!n. fire uinm
or otberwl Interfere with the German
; trootMt. '
t w
hr W
, 'A WW
in h
ybur Butcher
We Americans eat far
too much meat. Don't
forget that when We'
talk about the high cost
of living; that meat
takes up nearly 35 of the
nation's food bills; that's far
too much. One of the mis
taken ideas that we have
taiien into is that an
abundance of meat is nec
essary to nourish the
body. There are 'foods
more nutritious than meat
for instance. ....... '
,A 10c package of this whole
some food contains four times
more nutrition than 1 lb. of
the finest meat. Eat. Faust
Spaghetti often it's a fine bone
and muscle maker. Write for
free recipe book, and find out
how many different ways you
can serve Faust Spaghetti
.1 V
rf f the hunger and palate.
I 5c and 10c paikugnBay today. VV
Fill Your Windows With
Live Merchandise
To Every Merchant Who Sees This
Advertisement :
TAXATIONAL Newspaper Window Dis-
play Week, beginning next Monday.
October 19 th, offers every retailer an
opportunity to reach, out after more
business. v
The live goods yon have in stock are those
that are advertised by the makers in this and
other good newspapers.
These are the gooda for which thero is a
direct demand. You can turn this direct
demand into sales over your counter if you
let the publio know, through your show
windows, that yon sell these standard arti
cles. ' Every time a manufacturer advertises his
products which are sold by you in tho news
papers he is making customer?! for your
store. You can help him make these cub-.
tome in by keeping your show windows at
tractively decorated with thus live merchan
dise National Newspaper Window Display
Week is a movement that will extend all
over the North American continent. It is
bound to encourage many other manufac
turers to spend money in advertising which
creates direct demand upon your store.
This newspaper has furnished you witK
signs to paste upon your windows during
next week when you show gooda advertised
. in these columns. If you want any more of
these signs we will gladly furnish them free
of charge.
Make this window display movement a
big -ucoss in this community. This is a
jrood time to reach out after more business.
Every Movement of this Kind is Bound to Hurry
Along the Prosperity Which is Within Sight
1502 S. lCtfi St
Phone D. 7555
Iee Want Ada Ara Uia Best busintaa