OCTOBER 1914. IB TITE HEE: OMAnA. WANT ADS Waat do rwoelvei; at any time, but to Incur proper elaea.flcatlon must be pre sented before n o clock noon for evening edftlon and 7: p. m. lor morning and Buncsy edition. Want ads received after such haura will he tinder lb beading, To Lata to Classify." WATER Seren consecutive time, 1 rent ft word erB insertion. Thre time within en week, 1H cent a word each Insert'on. On time, S cent a word. CHAROB RATF.S. ewtn consecutive time. I cants a lln each insertion. Three Unwi within en week, cnt tin each Insertion. On time, 12 cent tine. Count alz average word to a !) Minimum charge, 29 rent. i i Th flea will not b resrionatMe for more than on wronf Insertion du to typographic! error Claim for error Bluet be promptly mad. An advertisement Inserted to b run un til discontinued muat b stopped by writ tea order. Tim ran plara your want aJ liTh Pe by telephon. TELEPTTONK TTLF.R IA Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other nswr have) been railed for and delivered during- the tt week. It I reasonable lo suppoe that all of the people below have made the de Ired wps therefore, do not call for the balance of their answer. He Want Ad pure, get result. S C. B.C. sr. in ir 12 in 12c 13M 12M 123 134 17 I'eW in in 10 PC 8- 127 im 1Hlt 11HR ism liw ian i:i-4 i.w is1? in? I 1MT 14") 1JTK 1402 im: 1 H44 14": 1121 140 IRS 14 1M 14U 1M2 141 . 1274 1415, s7 74 H77 t7t Ml vn 10: Ktk 10M1 111 11n4 lit 1112 HIS mi 111 ll? 117 ll 11l nut 1JV, IF 1 fm Mi 11 V u m i ?4 rn 4 M fc Ml M2 M4 47 ll 1 in lyonos woTirr. JJEMBFTRS of Capitol lodaa No. t, A. T. A A. M, and all Maater Maaon. ar requested to meet at th Monto tempi on Katurday.'octoher 17, at 1 p. m.. to act an an cort to Mot Worhlpful Grand Matter Thoma M. Davl. who ly the corner stone of the ohoo building at Dundee. Trannportatlnn will b provided for all WILLIAM P. WHKRRT, mater. IIIPtTHt AND IMATII. Plrtha Alphon Howard, 2717 Miami. Vy; Joaeph Tell. 34f .larkeon. girl; FreJ Km, 1241 South r'fleenth, boy; W. K. C.rtalnger, hoapltal. glrU lieatha Mra. Brtdct Haley, Seventh and Webater; Ed Non. Fortieth and J'oppleton, 4f.; Mait1 William. 1327 Fouth Twllfth, O; John W. Thomaa. lHijl Nlc.holaa. ; Hillard Roger. Fortieth and I-oppleton. 44; lanlrl Buckley 1711 CJark, 4; Joha ThacVer, 125 North Forty-third. 73; Jame McManu. 1017 North Twenty eighth, 47; Jennie Fox, 10 South Tlilr tleth. T. BtTILUINO PKBMIT. C P Whit. Ml Florence boulevard. I COO; W. A. Holland, Ktt Camden ave nue, 12. MW; Bam Oreenbert, 2403 H ckory. ?M8; Mr. W. R. HunUr. 4602 North Thirtieth. WOO. TODAY'S COMPLETE) movie rnoonAMs EicluslTelr In The ,lle. " . Dew Twa. CAMF.RPHONK, 1408 POITOLAB. 'lleart and Diamond, t-reel Vltagrapa. Th Way of tv Redman. Hetlg. Y;rooch. th F.icSJeer, Kalem. K1JT B NO. 1 11 FARNAM The Real Agatha, l-rel, Knaenay Juat bit of Ufa. ltlograph. rinherman Kate-Vltagrapli. FARNAM THEATER. 141 FARNAM Ona of th Dlecard, 1-reel K. R. drama. Th Lgnd of Rlack Rock. Heauty dr. Th Million Dollar PrlV Komedy com. 3IIPP THKATKR. TH AND HARNKY lobart Ho worth a th Klondyk Min ing Hero Nicknamed "Htruinl Duy llsht." etory by Jck London. FARK. 61 N. ITH Th Reward of Thrift Vitagraph. hwecdle' skate. aaanay. The Oold Th ef. Blngraph. lARLOlTTHEATEk 140 DO V QUA 8. What th God Dcr. J'RINCMH THEATER, 1317-1 loulaa. 'Th Futility of Reveng,"' -rel Imp. featuring Ales Oadden and lKrotny Phillip. Her Ufe'e Ptory, drama. Nwrth. AUIAMBRA THEATER, 1S14 N. 4TH riuch a Cook. Keyaton comedy. When America was Young, S-reel Bronoo. drama. Bound of a Be Bhell, Am. drama. AT.AMO THEATER, MTH & FOUT. Ierellct and th Man, 2-reel Victor. Rose of Yesterday, Frontier. Tango v. poker, Eclair, comedy. DIAMOND THEATER. J410 LAKE BT. Trey O' Hearts No. U (-reel Oold Seat Myers Mlatake, Bterllnv comedy, Mavery'a Romance, Victor. FRANKLIN. . HTH AND FRANKLIN The Vaniahlng Tribe, t-reel. KaL Th Wrong Flat. Vitagraph. Jim' Vindication, Edlaon. IT. . 1TH AND UnCVHt Th Fu of Death, 1-reel. Kalem. Vather" Beard. Edison. Fur Repalra lAibln. lTHROP TH4CATER, 24th A LOTH ROP Romano of th Pawdust Ring, drama. In Perlla, Pathe, drama. Rill Have the Day, oomedr. JXJYAL THEATER, 14 CAUjWKlTT For Lov or Money, N as tor comedy. C ircle 17. 1-reel Res. 14 Csllbre Frlendahlp, Nestor. 1'ARK. (i itTH. Sheen's Clothing. S-reel Edison. l Nearly Won Out, L'lblo. tlrouch, the Engineer. Kalem. J Ai.Ai r. jnr.Air.it. isu lA VENI'OR'i' i At Three O'clock. Stertln, ' i ne cnaracier nomin, Z-roel and a good comedy. Eclair rUBlTRBAN, 24TH AND AMW An Vntamlalied Shield, Lubln. Ill Unknown Girl. 2-reel. Vitagraph Th Adult Girl Who Got Buay. Kaaenay laatk, APOUX) M LEAVENWORTH lord Cecil intervenes, Lubln. 1h Royal W ild West, 1-reel VlUgraph, The peddler' Ra Blogranh. COMFORT THEATER, 24TH A Vlntoa. Tb Cocoon and th Butterfly, 1-reel A. im Mutual veeaiy (,-urrent Event. f lotn th Ladle. Keystoa. CLUMBIA. ITl BOUTH TENTH Th Going of th Whit 8wn. l-r. Bel. Th Fall of Muirle-Bound Htcka Bio. le's Magnet. Faaanay. FAVORITE, 171 VINTON lrd Cecl tnterrenes. Lublo. Tb BVood Ruty. t-reel. Vltagrpk J-ROLIC THEATER. Jim Webb. Sana tor, t-reel Imp, A Bogu Baron. Sterling cemedr. GEM THEATER, IX SOUTH UTH ST. A Shooting Match. Israel aterllng com. SDimaim neeaiy. f I AN SCO M THEATER. 24th A CsJuU7 )etectlv Dan Cupid. Nestor comedy. For tb Secret cW.vtc. two-reel ftg. h Mind' Awakening. Frontier, 1YR1C THEATER, 1.17 VINTON ?ok of Rope. 1-reeL Victor. 'riirl. Cruel World. Joker Com. ASTIME THEATER, 24TH AND LEAV l.uelll Iiv Series N. 11. . Ind t Veil. Ret. VENEZIA TUEATEB, Kil a. Ulli t1 Trlckm' the 0emment. t-reel slONROE THEATFR. VU FARNAM. Inl th Band of th Desert Grow Co d. "i i Treubieaora Wink. Nestor comedy, lb Weekly Current avat and war mw TOPAT'S COMPLETE MOVIE PROCiRAMH Exclusively la Th lie BENSON TTIEATKR. rWS MATN "T. Tempea and Sunshine, t reel Imp with Ale (Imlrn and Dorothy rhllllpa. Daisies Rex drama. Four Pay, Frontier teaarll Utaffe. EI1TK. MS imOATWAT. A Mplendld Plehonor. l-reel K.eanay. A Horweehoe for Iick. Vlrrph. Tlio New Rnnd'A Mnerot. Hloarph. RO r S Til K A TE R, W BROADWAf. Th Bquatter. -rel Eclair. oath 0aa, REP.n. Heamt-Pell. The Toleoned Pit, J-reel. r1d He 8v Her? lihln. J4TII AND N Edlfon. MAOIC THEATEJR, RJohetlett, 4-reel Blaon. 94TH AND O -Taadevllle. 34TH it, BO. OMAHA. ORPHECM. 8pr1J Feature. 8tuiday, uctober 17. JlIPlODKOME THEA. Kh i fumln-. Mutual nirl, Itellance. Country Kid, Key atone comedy. Winning of len1ae, K. B. t-reoi dram. Amateur, onneUtlnii of the Caeey Quartet, the Plying Dutchman and partner, Brown and Brown, dancing ajid other good acta. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Y. M. C. A. We have room for l.WiO new member. whl"h will put Omaha at the top and en able ti to provide more nd better privi lege for member. $10 FOR ONE YEAR'S MEMBERSHIP For One Week Only, Oct. 19 to 25." Thl U a saving of 13.00 and entitles you to all regular privilege. CUMH IN AND SEE UH TODAY. Y. M. C. A. IKJN'T foroet. WATTKRSON'8 UNION ORCHESTRA fc- all occaa ona. Htrlctly th beat. Ad dress tU N. 20th 8t.. or phone Doug. V. " Gibson's Buffet Ui eouth inth tot. DEN'l'lh 1 H Y Alt klnu of Dental Work done, under careful auiMirvlalun, at in th Crelghlon College of Dentistry, 210 a, lNth Bt. Children' teeth airauhtened Kh-fc'.H very tmyierat. KKtractlon free. LL'CKY weliiiia rina. atruUeaaard'S. , PIANO TL'NINU. R. JtitAMiON. Reoommended by Mary Munch hoff, Mill Ryan, Iluih. Durriold. Uelle Roolu aon and I .endow. W. 41ii. 4ult N. fith Avt h.ij.sri, eiu.wiarua. Clark at Hon. D. IS'i, V ending annnunceinanl. Dou g. Ptg. Co. Everett 8. lodda, till Paxton Rlk D. nWI. 11AEL Leaf Pile Cone, lleat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pile; doc poet pal. I; sample free, tfnrrinan A McC'onnell Drug Co., Omiina. ' Y M. C. A. CAM PAIGN S4 P KOI A d RATE. OCTOHK.lt 1 to 24. 110. HAVE tX Lt'CKY wedding r nits t Hrodcgattrd'a. rolltlea. POUTICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I am th republican candidate for re election to the offlo of aecretary of state. Registration days, October and 24; lec tion, November 8. mtAddlaoa Walt LIVE WIKB BVtllNKeiS MEN OK OMAHA A, B, C of Omaha ALL ViATOHEa, diamonds and Jew ilery, special prices, b:L and Oct uuy now, $l a week. Western Vtaich and Jewelry Co.. Room I'U. Kar lacta block. NEW and secvud-hand electric fan nd motor. LeUron Eleciria Wurks, U 8. Uth. Douglas 217. 0' MA HA PILLOW CO.. 1721 Cuming Doug. 24k7. RaoovaU leather and niaitresse of all klnoa. make fsathr niatreaae and down cover. VACUUM claua for ai. Vacuum cleaniug don In th hunt, Sanitary harvlim Co.. BUi Hm lildir. rant! repair, Mil uaxMile and part tvr all acwlng mac bine. NE URAbKA CYCUC Co.. 'Mlck- lith and Haroey. Dougia IMS. Aressatssls, MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANY. lifJ-K City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler Ulu. Asldtaar Maeklae. Daltnn Addinir Mechlnea 411 8. IS. tY 1449. Tni ., . ".;..r V.'..t ?C"V.V A6'irr Mch "- W- O- W. P. tm. Atlraetlaaa. OMAHA Ii. tu 14th and Doug. Motlom picture maoriiu and film bargain. Asia aad Utittts Mals'taaj. Udagoeto rspair work a apeciaity. P. S41 Aactlvavera. Dowd Auction Co.. 1138 W. O. W. Rad SSa. Barber. 12 Chair. lOo hav. neek ahava. KIT Far. ) Pr4ala. HORNBY CO. Hlu printing, under new ownership. ri Omaha Nat Bk. D. ubl. Hrata Feaadrle. Paxton-Mltchell Co , Hth end Martha St. Hatldlaw aaa ateaaUla. E FRANTA. 11 Paxton Hik. Doug. 2151. A. J. Johnson, carpanter, rep'r'g .D. (Istrra aaa el Dla !;. NEED well or rlatara rinaned or dug? BCHAFFt ER due it Phone Web. but laal Dealer. K( Johnson's special; 1 VO.UJ fiVt to. Phone D. 17' so Victor i;ut t big baskets coal, tl. Wagner, mil N. 1. talllurata UsSa. W. T Smith Co.. I1U City Nat Bk. tX tal. 4. btraarartara. J. C. lAwrance P. CLt Howard. P. (4L L. Geddis. D. C. m BeRldg. Doug. CStC W.E.Purvlnce, t C. 4u PsxTBlk. D. 4m4X Ruth Leuhlord. deooratlag. flHng. R 4M2. 4 411 taslarera, ' M. J LACY, tit EKE BLIKj. D.' j. 4 rvaaa keaaratara. Th Biiarpl SeparaAog Ca.. Dh A Fare. Detect tvr. " JAME ALLAN. It N.vtll Blk. Rvl. danco cured la all cos. Tyler U. lkaariaa AaaAeaatea. Turpln Paclng Academy. tth A Fara. CH A MHE R3 A cad m y . c laa.TI D7is7 Macki Academy, sua opsa. UH Uar. live wmn BtHINESS MEN OF OMAHA. Dreaaaealtlear. Terry Dreaama k ' g col lege. V h eV Famam. MISS FTI'llPY. i4l aa. Rd 20. Mr J. M. Todd, 314 N. ):,th: etyllah fall coatumea at introductory prlcea. D. Ktwrlenceofallkl'Vla Mra. Hurt. H-e Deatlat. Pr Rradhury. No pain. 1W Fai-nam Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 4"8 I'rnndela Bailey, th Dentlut 70S City Nafl Rank. ' t- r . -1 t. , . , 1 . ti iu I tail &.wriiei n'n'in., mil iw. mtw. PyoTriiea, I)T"7cVc'772r7;Tty Nat. Rank. Dm aa Dllt'C at cut price; rrelcht pM on tl order; cataloaua free. Fhermaa V McX'onnell Drug (:.., Omaha. Neb. F.vrrrtblnc for Haa, Woman' ttsmange, 4S1 rax. R'k R. 4911 AOCORD1AN. aide, knlf. unburt, bo pleating; covered button, all ixa and tylea; hematlti'hlng, ulcot edging. Ideal p'eatlMH Co., 200 Douglas Rlock. D. ll. Kterlrle aappllee. LEHUON Flee. Wk, t B. 12th. ;. Kit. Farrier. BEN FENBTKR, 1410 N. 24th Bt. W-T7TT. Florist. A. DONAH17F), 1! TTarney. Doug. 10W. BA'l H 8 florlat. Iau4 Faroarn (H- L. HKNDERKON. Ult Farnam. D. 1X8. Member Florlat Telegraph 4-el. An. HEHH A, 8WOBODA. Farnarn Bt. Hair Dreeala;. Harrr Method. R. t, RatrdBldg. D. MIL WITCHF;8 from combing, l.fiO. 1-XHK l,tr ajtoelt Hendlea. OMAHA Remedy Co., W g. th. Red 42fJ LlKhtlnaT Flatarrs ad Wtrlag. THOMAS DURJJN Blectrlo future and supplies, contract. Ing sod repair work done reaaonabl. 2411 CLMINO. DOUJLAl 3hl. Mfrs. and Wlaaaw saade tleaaei. OLD shade md Ilk new. Midweat 8had Factory. 4010 Hamilton. Bar. 4KXL Mrnrairr tad Iraaater. VVIIITK LINK. o. u:h. Douglas fail Haiaraaei, MAGNETIC Trt Mr. Broot. In city for hort time. 2-r.7i Cuming L Harney 221. MACS., rheu., liver, kidney troublaa. D.7U Clara Lee, bath and alec, tr in L D-I76U BATH and masa., alcohol rub. lura WiU on, lxl Famam. R. t. D. I76L A MM A f AliICK BATHS. BCIEN-A-iNiNiY J1A1UVO T1F1C MASHAOhi llua Trnarn Bt.. Apt. 6. .l floor. D. MSI. MECIIANO Therapy ft Tnasaage- Margar ita llHlloran, 223 Neville BlK. D-77ttl. Mia Flahar, limaa., efct. trcat't. Red M9. MASSAOE. 1(i H TtHi t. Mra Steal. Violet Ray Mb. 4. iiwe Bldg. D. 8112. MrsTSnyder, elso. trt. 14i8 H. Ith. D. 43A M A Sivl A 1 1 1' eweulali nioveitwut. i11ilXVVUi ii mdg. Douglas 4.4 6872. K. Mack, moaaag and maWlcurlog. b.llti Massage. Mia Walton. R. 224, Neville Blk. KjasaaKe, Miaa Ollmon. U 224. Neville Rlk. Illlnery. BWITCIlt.a from combings. .. Psych tree. Mr, tt. m. kck. n n. isui. u. w. Mnvlag, Storage anal t'leaalag. W. C. Ka-RHIN. 16th sod C-kiU'. ly. una. Oraliata. Eya examined, glass flttad, pay as yoa can. Dr. McCarthy, 1U1 W. O. W. Bldg. oteaBtal fayalelasta. Dr. Keruvua, fcm-4 MoCegu Bldg. O. KM. I'atvwts, H. A. Bturge M Brndel Theter Bldg. D. O. batueil. Pa tun UIK. Tl. Ked 7U1. ft'utvut PtltriafiulBl. AMERICAN Machln Co., 110 8. UthSt. friaitag. WATKIva-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality btliililig. tel. DOJ. VIM). 624 B. Dm Bt. DOUOLAM Printing Co. Tl. Doug. 4, CORKY A M KENStlE PTO. Co. D W44. HlEB-i'lALL tg. Co., ltMiOCapltol. D. 1101 CKplllAL PKINT1NO CO. DOUO. 7M. faiatlag aad s'vrlaT. iit tiii m Mii.L a, .ii N. 4Hh. h. km. I'lmmi Meaevateil. PLl Mt-.i Ht (lower mad over, cleaned deu. pi tha Kruger. J raiion. u. . lack Katersalaiator. U. -M. Roach pomier at your druggist. gal aad I'liae Mm, auaieerta. bAKE; imusm. i . tw Daveu auwv Akr pH i r nig Electrlo no Co., 117 Bt Mary's Av. alga aaa aetverte. Oil MO Ai CUT PRICES. Jl 1 1 T 1 K. M. LUuk aoN. 11 tki. ltun. iiuoai A4. ' otilcta lalarva. DErfKd. aaiea. seal, tuuwoaset. ahalv In;, ic. w buy, Mil. uiuiu FUlur anu etuppiy Co., 4i4-J-ia tt. Ui.n- D. j. i. !! 4.ettlaa, CARTER Mi.ai Metal Works. UO a lOto. Iwvtel kayptlna. OMAHA Towel riupply, M7 8. Utb. D, 12. im.. ana uva, FREL1NU HTE1NLE, 1SK Famara Bt 1 allure. C'HAB. C. LANDERTOO. 10 N. ISth Bt Veterlaarlaa. DR. O. R. YOUNG, 4602 Center. II. (Mi. W lac aaa Llgaor. ALEX JETES, al- 8. 1.1th St. Win, liquor, cigar. l'lt dinner 11 to t, Ida HENRY POLIAJCK LIQUOR HOOseC lath and Capitol Av. Ten-cent luncn. GLoTiE LiquorHou. 43 No. lh, 2 qt. cold beer, too, writ tor price llsu D. 4m1 LUY your lamily liquor at Klela' Liiuor House, iSi N. Aeth. Douglas iN. HELP WANTEDFEMALB Clerical aad Ulfle. 8TE NOG RA PH E RS and clerk. W will help you aecur a position: our fee are (very nominal. w atta iter, co , mo-u Krandel Theater. Factory aaa Trade. WOMAN cook In large restaurant; must t able to cook all klnda of meat and vegetables; no sliorl orders. Address C 24, care Me. LEARN halrdressing. Oppenhelm Parlors. Iloasekeeaere aad Iauratlca. WANTED Good reliable girl for house work. 2VA Harney Ht WANTED Women to work for husband board. Z4 M. St., thiutn Omaha. GIRL to do plain cooking and help with general wore; reivrvnce require!, e&j 8. S.th St. 'Phone II iJJT. WAMr.lk-A couieteni nouaemaid; two In family; for housework. Harney Kt, WANTED A competent huuaeiiiald for general Housework. Call Harney t GIRL wanted for general housework in family of four, s.4 So, 36th Ave, WANTED Coinpwtvnt housemaid, family ot two; reference required, all S. nh St WANTEDHllrl for general housework. tA S- tf.th St Harney IT77L WANTED Girl for general housework. lira. A. W. Friend, JAH Davaaport tit ilarnav. 2. WANTED An xprlacd cook; refr- eno ruulrd. Mrs. M. Q. Colptsr, U2 8. SMh St. Harasy H. WANTHD Competent sill for general housework; small family. tXU Cuming St Harney K4- WANTED A good girl for general bdoso work, 443 Podge M. WANTED A girl who goes to vuool to do light housework. Douglas ja. WANTED ExMrleiiced girl for geuaral houeework. Douglas ii WANTEJ Experienced nuia maul; rf rencr required. Mr. 1a lilller. liar. ney ." . COM PMTENT whit girl for general bousiwoi k; n washing. S224 Dodge St Harney ls7ii. WANTED Ulii for second wot a. W oeiwurlh Ava. Haraajr C4A I II KM' WANTK.ri FEMALE j II nave Wee p era aal Domestic. COMt'FTKNT girl for general houeework; I referenrea remtre Annlv all An fh Ht. NI'RPK for X-ycar-old child. Mm Jos? Harker. Vfti S. Vh ft Ioiiliw Z!: TH K Hervant tilrl Problem Folved. The Hee will run a Servant r. rl Wanted Ad FRKB until you get the dealred reautt. i Tula applies to rtdnt of Omaha, houth i "msba and ("oiin'll fluffs. Hrmg 1 to 1 he H-e orrice or telephone Tyler I"" ri! OIKL for general housework- niiut good cook. Phone Webater '". WANTFD Competent rlrl tor general houaawork. fclra. M. B. Newman. C2) nowari nt Mtacellaaeoa. YOT'NO women coming to Omaha aa stranger re Invited to vlait the Young Women Christian Aaoclat:on building at Pt. Mary' Ave. nd 17th Kt.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aealated. I-ook for our trave'era' guide t l'ron sfstlon. WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships. Rig pay. Omaha exomlnatlon soon. Sample question free. Franhlln InaUtuts, Dept. feifl, Rochester. N. T. IIELP WANTED MALE. Ctertcel and Of I Ice. 8TF.NOO. IN0; stenog. tTi: slenog. Mf; sunog. V0, salesman, creamery spe cialty, $US, Watts lief. Co.. 4n-4t Brandets Theater. HIOU-ORADE commercial positions.. WESTERN REF. A HOND AtteN. 1Z1 Omaha Nst. Rank Bldg STENO., R. . KXP., T6; STKNO. AND BOOKKEEPER. GERMAN, COOPERATIVE REF. CO., 1018-M CITY NATIONAL HANK RLDO. TYP1HT, muat underatand Irt- rates. Call fiM tate Hank Hld .. A grata, Halearaea aad ollcltor. Good proposition for insur anc43 mop of character and ability. Call or write. Mutual Benefit Health & Ac cident Association. 423 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. EXPERIENCED sto'k and bod sales man can seeur highly remunerative po sition with succesetul corporstlon offer ing a high class dividend paying Invest ment. Apply with references and full par ticulars to P MB. Bee. o Factory ssl Trade. Drug store snspa; ton. Kne.at. Re pldg. M Iscella ncoaa. Wanted at Once MEN til IV ai 41 llltt HUloiiIOUI. DuS.llt'SS; the demand la grt fur our. grsduaiea; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet Nat'l 'Auto Training Ass'n, 2S14 N. goth Pt., Omahi!, N'jh. WOULD you have to phone for help if wrong out in the country? Learn how to care for your own car at nil I t.i X'L'DIl l!L' A ATT"Vrf BILE SCHOOL, lt'H7 Dodge. Write for catalogue C, urnini. BEVEltAL lobs, big and little, painting and DaiwrnanalnK tone ready now): owner requires that It be given to some good man reauy to siop paying rem anu buy a home or home-bulidlng lot; a good proposition for such a nan. Address at onoa O 64H, Bee. GOOD MEN WANTED Now. to take our auto work until com pete til; then, go right Into the auto busi ness from Tie re. Big new building; ma chine shop, lath work, welding, start ng systems. Writ for list of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, illy Farnam Ht., Omaha. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, i&; set of tools given; wages paid. Trl Clty College, 12th and Douglas Bts. MEN with patentable ideas writ Ran dolph Co., Washington. D. C. HELP WANTED MALsi AISD KfeAlALE. THOUSANDS government Job open to men and women; oi to fl.'iO month. Writ for list. Franklin Institute, Dept 222. B. Rochester. N. Y. QET government Jobs. to lf0 a month; 2.0UO, appointments each month. For list of position obtainable address Y i3. Bee. WANTED S1TUATIOX8 CHILD'S nurse wishes position; best reference, lied iMu. AN intelligent light-colored girl wishes iKMltiun in office or bachelor apart ments. Call Harney 4410. YOUNG lady with several yeara office xperience wishes position; good roter ences. Address P 603, Bee. SITUATION wanted, by young man 21 years ot age; any honat work consid ered; clerical work preferred. Address M 47, Re. ' YOUNG man will take care of garage and machine and drlv evening lor room and board. Cail H. 460 after k p. m. YOUNG lady with two year' cxperienr as stenographer wants position, can furnish good references aa to character and ability. Address J M, care Ree. YOUNG lady, neat appearance, with sev eral years ' office experience, desire general off hie or clerical position; moder ate ealary; good reierence. Address L 4. Be. SITUATION wanted In. email country bank; had about three years' experi ence; or a clerical position In the city; aged 22. Addres J 044, Be. WANTED l'oltlon as . chambermaid, night or day work, by colored woman. Call W abater 2420. RELIABLE woman wishes cooking or general housework. Mrs. ,M. Mathaw. 4 ltd Washington Blvd.. St. Louis. Mo. STRONG, Intelligent. ChrlHtimi boy wants work; aged !. AaWillls Ave. TOITNQ colord man with best of refer ence wants situation as Janitor or porter; not sfrald of work. Tel. Won. t'XH or call Ht Ull N. 27th St. RELIABLE people will care for ona or two children at home, away from car line. Address 3431 N. 44lh Ave., City. REFINED lady, who can cook, would like a position. Addres G t2. Bee. WANTED Position a housekeeper. Call Bellevue 118. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; refer ences furnished. Can take full charge If necessary. Web. WANTED Work as chamiermald In hotel In Omaha or South Omaha. Phon 8. .V0 V YOUNG roan went ptac to work for board whll attending Boyle' colleg. Telephone Ioiils if. situation wanted crctker of rooming house.. Addres A tM Hee EXPERIENCED chauffeur wlahe to drlv private car; careful driver; knows city very well. Address F K3 Bee. WANTEl Cooking position by colored person; dy aork preferred Web. 7:rfo. BUNDLE washing and Ironing. H. WANTED-Posltlon ln"doctor' office a assistant; I hav 7 year' experience; trained nurse. 1617 Georgia Av. H. tap. InTELUGK.NT. light colored girl wishes position In offlc or bachelor apart ments. II. 4410. AUTOMOBILES. Oreenaugh Omaha Rad. Rep. Co . ?0'..l Far IJndbTg Bros.. f"2 Lea. (Fly ng Merkle). WANT an automobile. Will trade car cabbage for auto. A chance to turn your auto.ln cash. State make, model, condition and price. W. l. Insko, Anselino, N'ebJ HT s-asener Glide car muat b sold thl wk; going at your own price Gat bu-y. O 11. le. TAXh'AH drlN-eia. take notice; I a in leaving for California aad will sacrifice my Franklin Laadaulet Make m an offer. E J. Bee. !Au torfe t for any niasneto we can't re pair. CoU rcpar s. O. Baysdorf r. ti N. IS AUTOMOniLES. Auction Sale OMAHA VAN & STORAGE Saturday at 2 P. M. We will cll to the hlKheat bidder: One rV-human piano, mahogany; one Mitchell to'irln em. Terma raah. Dowd Auction Co. Aurtloticer. , ON sccu'int of financial reverses I am I ; er.mrelled to sell at a sacrifice my fi i paea'ner Oidamoblle. Will you be the j f'ltMumt- prty? I W. Il,-e, 40 HORBEPOWKR 6-psssenger 1S13 Au burn car electric lighted and In good condition, for sale aheap for rsxli. Price 11,100 r will accept a clear house and lot. No mortgaged property conaldered. Cost new ibout I1.9T6. H 43 Roe. IlKill-POWKR touring car; 6-oyl.; In ex cclient condition; for aale by owner cheap; a splend d bargain. Call Tyler !' and ask for Early. TRY PELTON'S OARAGE for winter atorage; steam heat; make ar rangement now. 2d Farnam. Indiiatitwl tlarsge Co., 2Hh Harney tJ. Motorcycles. HARLKY-DAVIDRON MOTORCYCLE. Rargaln In used machines. Vli;tor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Mm," Z74KJ Leavenworth. 114 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In uaej machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., lith and Chicago. D. 37IK. HEYI you motorcyclist! Want a bargain? Have 1914 Indian fully equipped; cofct t.?40; ran very little; first $2oi) takes thts. K. 610. Be. BUSINESS cnAXOES. COMI'LETE moving picture show outfit for sale. Write quick. 1Mb bargnln. E. R. N. North Plstte, Neb. DRL'CI store In Sioux City, la., for sal. Exceptional opportunity, low rent. On Main Pt. Best of reasons for selling Will sell at less than Invoice or lump sale. 101S Fourth ft.. S oux City, la. Ft'H 8ALK-Reataiirant, fully equipped, lfith and Corby Pta. Doug. 4174. GROCERY STORE for sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1,100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to InveetigHte. Good reasons for selling. Address Y-2.14. csre Bee. LlSTYOUR BUBlNEbJl with us for quick action and squar treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANT. 412 Bee Pldg. Phone Red S2U. NEWSPAPER FOR BALE Heat newa pnper offer In the market; northwet Iowa town, population S00; on.y newspaper In territory twenty miles square; new equipment- $00 will hand. Come and inspect the plant or address J. P. Hal loran, Brnlthland. Ia. PLCMIUNO, electric light and small im plement stock, with or without building; good opening; snap for caoh, or part cash part trade. Small amount required. H. E. alason, Meadow Qrove, Neb. SIGNS, show carda. Clark St Son. D. 1XTS. STEAM LAUNDRY for sale; fully equip ped: $2.5"0 crush payment, balance terms. Address Y 240, Bee. TO QIUCKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kenneheck Co., Omaha. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co.. 1406 Farnam St Doiirlaa 1W7. TO OET 'n or out of bus ness. call on OANGESTAD, 404 Roe Bldg. D. W77. WANTED An Idea. Who can think of some simple tiling to patent? Protect your Ideas; they mav bring you wealth, write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash Inrton D. C. Haomlaa Hnasra far Sale. TO buy or U hotels or rooming houses quickly ace us. BUY FROM U& LIST W'lTH US. Quick Sales Co., 411 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 1264. 6-ROOM mod. flat; steady roomer; ex cellent mrniiure; cneap lor casn. 615 So. ltth. D. 7i30.' EDUCATIONAL 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both th day and night cessions. Tet It la not too late to enter. Begin at Once to get. that mental dlsctpllu that will doubi your earning rapacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sale, manahlp, banking, stenogrepuy. steno ty.7, typewriting, telegraph, accounting, tiling, private secretarial work and inauy other courses ar open to you her. You may woik for board while attending. Douglas 15. BOiLES COLLEGE, H. H. BOYLES, PRES.. Boyle Bullr.lng, Omaha. FOR BALE at a discount, a lull unllin Red scholarship Ir Boyle Business col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or business courses. Apply al the oltic ot Omaha Be. MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Uiuur. passed clase.es lu all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand. rteivypy. telegraphy and typewriting. Grauatea guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new free catalogue addres MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE IMS Farnam St.. Omaha. Douglas Wl The Van Sant School Stenography Pay school. 9:00 to 4:00. Night school, 8:15 to :li. 18th and Farnam 61 Douglas Off. EXPERT lady atenoKrapher will take pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private Instruction If desired. 4t4 Tmorlas St. Tel. Harney 6340. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Thre months. 14.00. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO., Douglas 2919. J06 Farnam. VOn RALE Faraltare. Auction Sale Another lot of household goods will be sold Saturday, j October 1 i th, hot ween 10 a. m. . ' fUld O p. Ul. Still Several gOod u lpt re nargaiHS left VOU Pan t flttord to miss all these sales. House hold goods of all descriptions will be eold. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE COMPANY, 806 South 16th St. AUCTION SALE Omaha Van and Stor age Co. ' Saturday. 2 p. m.. we will cell to the highest bidder: On Sc human plaao, mahogany; on Mitchell touring car. Term, cash. lowd Auction Co.. auctioneers. N At Zd-nand rurmt ore. cash or tertna; reasonable, Amer. Kurn. Co.. &i N. lrn. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some manoi. Omaha Van uud Storage Co a". H lh St Medium ie Acorn baeebtirner. Hejo4T Maaral tatraaaa PI AN O pla yr; a bar gain. TL W 4nt Electric and player planoa 1L McVeigh. 1142 Georgia Ave.. Harney Omc.ha Bee Want Ad Are th Best Business Boosters. FOR SALE Trvewrltrra, RKNT ReriingToiis, M .nar ha nd Smith Premier cf their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co Telephone Dousiaa l;v4. Rental credited If you purLhaee, and only very newest srd highest trade ma rhlne sent out Katea three months for Is for underatroke irachlncs or li per mnth for 'aieat rtr-d-l vialhte wti'er. I"OK SALE An OlUer Typewriter No. r.; g.iod aa new; In use shout five months; ti'uat sell within week: first caah offer of S'-O gets It. Adilreai Y ?4t. l:oe TYI'EWPI-' KR.S. sold, rented, repaired Central Twerlte Kx hnnxe. 2fl7 S. 17tb All makes typewriter rented, sold, terma Rutta Typewriter. lOV. r nrnatu. D 44031. Mlacellaneoaa. Rakery and furnace wood. Tel. Flor. 401. FOR SALE at ad"lscount, a full, un limited scholarship In Hoyle Buidneaa college, Omaha; good f ir el'.fur short hand or business course. Apply st the of. Ice of The Omaha Hce. 2-hatid men, Oruas Wreck Co., 21 A t'aui. NEW silver-plated slide trombone, with leather case, for sale; big bargain. Ad dreas A ft'd. Pee. 67 GRAFLEX newapnper camera, with 11 plate holders, rnrryitig case for camera and carrylna case for plat-i hold ers. The outfit In good condition and a Mg bargain for the lot at 1110. Address A A9Q, Re. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tabic and bowling alley and accessories, bar fix:ure of all klnda; eay payments. Th Brunswick. Balke-Collenler Co 4(i7-4o9 . ltoh Bt $5 00 r beat coal for the money: try It Web. W&, Harmon A .Ve'eth. LIVK BTOCTl FUR SALE. llorae and Vehicle. LARGEST atock of delivery wagon In the city; ull kind ot blacksmith work, r ... n ...viviiiia. ,iiiiiiirv,i-..nuiuuii i....,. if.... i . . . , TEAM of marcs weighing 2,400, llj. B.gi warn ot work horses, 176. 3uth and county line. So. Omann, Tel. So. 302!. LOST AXI) FOUND. OMAHA & COUNCIL HI. UK KB STREET RAILWA Y COM PA N Y. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Blufls Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In tho street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the compnnv is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. LOST Wed. evenlns, long white kid gloves, near 10th St. Call Douglea (Set). LOST ISO In bills, between Hamilton and Decatur, on 4t)th. f 10 reward. W. 413. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. MO Bee. Rnntiiro Cured in a few days without U"IHU1V pain. Call or write Dr. Wruy, ICS Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1894. o MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick sen-Ice. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block. Dugiaa 1411. POLLTRI AD 8CTPLIE8 STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheaprrt lining for poultry house. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and nior durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof 7fio a hundred at The Bee office Mixed wraln. II. fiO per 100. Wagner. Ml N. 1. FOR SALE Rabbit and pigeon. W. 7124. PET STOCK ENGLISH bull terrier pup. Tel. So. 811. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. V collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid t the Union Station. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 1207 Fsmam Doug. 14C WE BUY 2d-haiKrcloth 1421 N. 24thi W2 buy, sell, exch. clothing. Jewelry, etc. Suitcases II up. Friedman 14th A ftodge. HONEY Any quant'ty. good quality; Give description and price. A. I. Root Co., 6 W. 7th St.. Des Moines, la. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WESl SHIP live atock to South Omaha. Ba mileage and shrinkage. Your consign menta receive prompt and careful atten tion L, re ttoett tomnstssloa Mrrckaati, MARTIN BROS. V CO.. Exchange Bitlg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO A good 30-H. P. Mitchell, 6-pa enger car; can b used for delivery, roadster or pleasure; the back seats fold down, making a amooth hood. W ill trade for diamonds, lots or will make you cash price you cannot afford to miss. Address S. C. I-, .nee. AUTOMOBILES For other automoblU bargain ea th "Automobile", classifi es ti n AUTO Want to wap for a lat t fully equipped touring car. Inct r brick bulnes property, well rented Id eouth Omaha, on principal buslne 6t, llitn no W streoe. p. -" AUTO Four-passngcr Auto to trade to contractor for a garage; auto In good repair. Anareaw p. s. . ajij, t. AUTO Beautiful six-passenger White Steamer, perfect condition, to swap for runabout; must have smaller car for my business; Address S. O. lCdl, Bee. C. J. CAXAS. Kcs' '''.fiat and Exchang CARPENTER WORK W'Ul tak furni ture, heater, chickens or anything of value In xchange. Address S. C. 1537, Bee. DESK Exchange or sell large roller-top ofilce desk and chair, for large oak flat top deskAd'Iress B. C. !. Bee. DIAMOND RING Want equity in small cottage or vacant lot Address 8. C. iri. Bee. DUE BILL Ilsve a t due bill good ss cash. Hist payment on ny piano; alii 8.11 for anything th vain of i5. Ad- dres t:. l.". .t,oiO EQL'ITY in K acres land and som caah for general merohand se stock. K.rtO eUity In house for cash or trade In on general merchundise stock. Also two lots near car line for Ford car. 8. C. li7 rURMTURB for a 45-room hotel Bcr Omaha, .J0. . Low rat rem o4 the bulldiOg. What nave you to offer f A ddress 1HW. rare Bee FURNITURE. ETC. Good lawn mower, b feet red rubber hose that cost lit and good as new, mission plate rack, etc., to trade. What have you.' Address 8. C. 1611. Bee, OAS PLATE S-hole equipped, for a mall kitrhen catilnet or washing ma chine. AddrefcS S. C. 1517, Bee. GILLETTE SAFETY TiAZO:: -Traveler's set. complete with soap, brush and blades, all In fin leather case. Cost KeO and will swap lor small kodak or any thing. Address S. C. If 12. bit. ix7 OR A FLEX newayair caisert. with 11 plate bolder, carrying case fof camera and carrying case for plat hold, era The outfit in good condition and a big bargain for the lot at laa Addrca a C. Ifdl. KITTEN"! Beautiful white angora cat or kittea. thoroughbred, for old fashioned walnut mahogany or other furniture. Address & C. 149. Be. SWAri'KK'S CY)LFMX KODAK :' Arw..j f . I linn aodal.. !'.'( tourft cas" for lann Hi uoi ira;t sttachnients. Will saap f hrd co'il bvrn r or nnco w ith hot wate; attai'hii:ent or gxl bicycle. Addroas a. C. LET me paint or repair thnt honae; wl'.t take grocr!c, t- llor-tni.t riot lies, dlu Uiond, auto, horre .-oil or anything 1 csn use Addrj. ' r ;, 2. iw. MKR'-IL'.NDlSN sroi'K - INVOICES 2,?T.i, conHisllTiir of slices, dry goods, Turnls lines, notioiiy. f.l.i.c o and cand , rent, IIS i;r month; in Opialia: cssh busi ness; ixciiaic for omrtha residence or vacant property. Address Owner. S C. lnlll. Bee. OFViCrTTuiTvTfTRK-TVili buy soma good fecond-,-.nd office furnitur. must be cheap for cash. Audrs ai. ti 1240, Bee, PHONCiGRAPH. KTt'.-A small phono. Krapli and ten rf.cords for sale or trad. t, bat will you i;ive me .n exchange lor tjicni? Adrei.g 8, C. Bee. I'lANO r.nutlful Pcliaeicr I'jino, account of death in family, .v1l sacrifice. Cash 2nll.'Ji! '-llflfL'il!!!' IM, Bee. PIANO Fine pino and cash lor equity in small oottr.ye; would consider house needing ic;wlis. Address s. C. i;0l. Bee. riAM,-'""N,,n standard piano at about Pal,', f'rK'f'i tt!en tinlr mortgage. Would . .n;;or exchsnpe In part nav trcnt. Add r. ss.R c. lSt.joV. P PJ 1''-JJ,'0jj-f'-ral new standard piano hrr 1 c,on"i(T clear cheap lots; also i l"l8 ,er montn- Address s! ! PAINTIN'tl AND pAPFlCHAhfiTTKTE M ill take anything l cun use; low etl mHte; good ivork done; a good heaier wanted. -Address H.y. Kvig, Hee nea'r "ItEl.iS," ETC. One dozen" young full .n'V"" If,ian1 'Hpd' On" tooster. Also portable chici;cn coop. Ad- Rt7.1"-? xi'-holrange, with hot sho'V cses, j comnutlnir scales ri.iu-V """I. one large heating; stove; wavon anil horse, 2 cash registers. WIU - ., . man iri tratit- nit. aether or separate. Address Ji, RO.DSTE-RC()i.t 11,600 new. In v..,v good condition, to trade for lot, or what have you? Ad. Irons s, c, 1M6. IVe. SIONS, hllOVl C'.li I lurL . .. .r. lW'i-.HRl''Hlt-U C. Smith No. 6. used Addrres.,rc,h4Bce.8e11 "l WpmM rw'" lot"' wonh "e . - , iui uuio or horses Avenue B, Council Bluffs. 2.'i.; Fon uent. Apartments and Flats. Athlone wnTr. rfiu.b0X' i8"8 ranr- finished In beautiful light oak: vacuum cleaner "7;- T'ip ATHLONE Is well loos ted at 2tth nnd Douglas Sts., In easy walking distance. Rental. $40 summer. IIS winter see the Janitor or c'i uu Peters Trust Co. 1?22 1-nmani St Phone Doug. TO1.. Nice J-room and bath apartment In well heaten house. Douglas 2M. STRAT FORDTERRACE. Park Ave. and Jackson St., S-room, steain-heated apartnibius. with additional maids rooms. Exclumveness and con veniences in a new apartment building. Reierentes required. C. B. Moser, 49;il Underwood Ave. Tel. H-S7u7. or Jani tor. o. BRAND NEW 6-KOOM FLAT No. ll.'l Wirt St.. handsomely finished second floor apartment in attractive new brick house containing only two apart ment. Separate furnace; gas range fur nished. Very desirable. Rent reasonable. Call owner, Red 3523. THE KNICKERBOCKER. West Farnam district, 3Stn and Jones Bts.; and 7 rooms. Positively the best and omy exclusive apartment house In Omaha- Low rentals, compared with otb ers. see It first CHOICE HEATED APARTMENT WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 211 SOUTH 33D ST. A brand new ft-room heated apartment, living room finished In quarter-sawed oak, large fireplace, bed rooms, bath and sun room fm.shed in white enamel; '' yru, pnva porcn, heat, hot and cold water and Janitor service furnished. Open tooay for lnsiection. PAYNE & SLATER CO".. 61-i Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. CHOICE" HEATED APARTMENT! WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, til SO. &D ST. A brand rww 0-room heated apartment, living room finished in quarter sawed oak. large fiiplaoe; bedrooms, bath and sun room finished In white enamel. Large yard, private porch, heat hot and cold water and Janitor service furnished. Open today for tnspecUt. PAYXM SI.ATKP rnB4r - . v-. i , tfltj Omaha National Bank Bldg. VERY" choice 4 or 6-room steam-heated apartments i on West Farnam 8t JOHN W. ROBBINS. lwtf Famam St. WARM FLAT. ' " K-R. 1S08 Emmet, nicely decorated, strictly modern. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 134 Harney St. 6GDEN ANNEX Rooms with kltchen e.ttes. Council Bluff. FIVE-ROOM fashionable apartment; no objection to children. 2501 Sherman Ave. ST. CLARE APARTMENTS, Od and Harney Sis., 3 room apartments Call H. 617 or D. 6505. 19.00 Three large rooms apartment, part modern, mj Elm St Harney 435. t-ROOM modern lat. 1112 So. 11th. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment In the city. Phone us for further information. Douglas 2M, Fidelity Storage and Van Co. Gordon Van Co. Moving. Packing, Hl.ira.. 219 N. 11th St. Phone P. rM or Web. 1&3.' ELEGANT 6-room apartment in fashion able apartment house, north? no objec tlon to children. 2j01 Sherman Ave. 560 S. 26th Ave -r. brick flat well ar ranted for I'eht housekeeping, txt. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS l&A Board aad Rooms. YOUNG msn wants roommate; prefer Jewish; close In; good accommodations. Tel. H. 4.V3. YOUNG woman in jein lanuly aots roommate; mod. room; good board. 11 4505; BOARD and room in private family for two gentlemen. Call Harney 7w. VOl'ERN room with board. K W. l&i. Fcralahed sVooass. MOD. room, facing south, large bay win dows, fireplace, excellent furniture; reasonable, a.10 Capitol Ave. JSil HARNKY bT Modern, warm rooms; reasonable. STEAM heat, mod. room, adjoining, for gentiem-n, and U. P. 21S rURN'lSHKD room for cue or two gen tlemen. JlJ 2?ju Meredith Ave, W. S717. K. H. MEN Furn. rooms, steam heat. fine view; your call answered day or night; pi to if mo. to respectable people. Third floor, 7J2 No. 16th St DUNDEE, lance south room, with two closets: on car line: 1S. H 44. TWO et Ing rooms; l. I. 7S1H. FURNISHED room for rent nesr f'relgh ton unlvers'fv Phone liong'Hs T?S SIX unfurnished mod, mis,, lit H. ir7. I'nfdralabed Rooms. TWO large, clean front rooms, mod. ex heat, private fstn ly, 1. Weh. 6il0. tt.icaeLecplntf Haom. THRUH n'c room, housekeeping. S. nth UU taralahed lloiot-beeplasi Itaoat. MODERN" r.wni, with ki'-chenetle. 1175. D Ilatela aad tmrla.iu, rAT.lFtill.NlA Hotel. 14th and Callfomla Weekly rates IJ aad u. louls 7ji OGDEN HO I EL Rooms tl per week. CourcUJBluff. DODGE HOTEL Modern. Rsasouabla,