Tin; r.Ki:: omaiia. sATn;uvv.,orTor.r(K 1:. ion. 13 GREAT WESTERN SHOWS GAIN MFttlet, New Director, Tleased with the Annual Report. IS AGAIN WELL ON ITS FEET ft r port fhorr. the Ronrf U on KaT Street and Operating :ipe.iica Have Been Cot Proportion t lfi n Reten.e. VThlla Gurdon V. Wo (ties, director of the Chicago Great Ve.t;fn. ha not lone been In the raiiroal ti'ioinorn. he 1 well pleared with the annual report t the railroad for the Crca yar en-liu; Juno 19 nd Just muJ ruullc. This rrpo: t was presrnted at thr ineotlni? of the Chi cago Great 'Western directors held a week mga and attended hy ?lr. Wattles. To start with, the repoit thorns that after having l.eon in tlie han'ls Cf a hold ing company for five years. It has heen financed, la aln upon It foot and hnn become a prosperous ntmn. with ureal terminals at Omaha. Chiosiro. Kn"i City. St. rati! and AltnrxMpoUs. i?ie prop erty here having a value of more than tl.yM. The report indicate that the Chl'.-.ao Jreet Wrsfin Is on Kanjr Rtret: th:it lis assets aggregate tlSl.lT7.K. Hrhlle the lia bilities are many million lean than thl. amount. BurlnK the fiscal year the total operat ing revenues ot tho road were $:4,iM0,fi'n, while the total operating expense dur. InR the same period vt-ore f'.ft.fc'l.l'Tr. The revenue from frelcht war !!3,3;.1H. an Increase of f:4s,.V).M or 1013. burins the same period the revenue from passen ger traffle wes Kl.O.iW.iJ. mi iwmase of &.''1.7l over the previous year. Inereaae In Paasenarera. During the year the road carried 2.S17. ST passengers, airalnt S.fcS.f! in mx The revalue from mail handled during the year Increased 12,So:.l4 and express 11 1, MS. SI. At this time the road Is operating S.l.iO.SI mllea of main Uric. It has 24 loco motives. 1... passenger ears. 10,773 freight and PK service ears. Director Wattles takes considerable prldo In the fact that during the year there was a decldd decrease lit transpor tation expenses without the efficiency of the service being Impaired. The Im portant of these decreases are Engine house expenses, yard, 3,008; fuel for yard locomotives. IS.413; engine houso expenaes. rond. I14.3SS; fuel for road loco motives, K3,S.t0: water for road locomo tives, $1.21:; road trainmen, I13.KJ!; train supplies and exrensea. $M,4; telegraph and telephone operation, 11,670; stationery and printing, 3.()19; other transportation expenses. ;,CC: loss and damage, freight, JM.401, and Injuries to persons I17.S11. Railroads Reduce Passenger Rates for All Wyoming Vol.iniatilv. liett B-inlay the H-irling-tcui and Northwestern Railroad compa nies wlil reduce paf.-ienKer rat-v In Wy oming. . f ler that !ate. instead l-ring 4 cents, tho passciirer rote v.i'1 Hunts per mile, I"1!" reduction will ii.'llv l" tfen all stations' within the stale. "The two rr.nsds. .according to the genera! pres. niter agvnts, nre nl mak ing th reduction In r'tcs en account of any pros; cctlve lfgisl.'tl i: or rulings of Intel state f'omnwrcn or slate comnils slons. It Is simply tecause they con af i'ovd "to haul the people at S cents per mile and make a profit. It Is nsserted The I'nlon i'acllV mre t'inii five years aco r'rtuced Its rates from 4 to 3 cents per rHV. 1 ! Omaha Teachers Go to Child's Point! I'n-i"!- the direction of Henry F. Kleaer. " tr-acners of tho Omiho schools wiil met Pt Twenty-fourth and N streets. Kouth Omaha, Haturdajr nornlng at ! o'clock, l.'om which pla o the'' r.iii go in sp-.il car to Clrlld's J'olr.t. where M-. ' liobert Olldcr 1! , e"t o. t liie party th'oiij.')) this wonderful reion of pn'.il" torir inieve.-l. Ml Cllder e. ii! tuUe. the Ion hf l into the excavations a '.id proda.-e s.'i lev.ens of pottery and show the luoi -i : rf the early inhabitants of ti.ls vejjhm. School Children to Help the Christmas Ship wittTheir. Toys Superintendent E. IT. Orafr and the Hoard of Education have granted per mission to the children in the Omaha public schools to participate In the col lection of gifts for the Christmas ship which will carry- Christmas cheer from this country to the children of war-swept Kurope. The notice of the decision will be announced to thi teachers and pu:ils .Monday morning by circulars sent out from Superintendent Graffs office. ALL BUflLINGTON ENGINES IN WYOMING TO BURN OIL By April 1 of rext year, the Pu; llniilon will have all of its engines on the Wy oming divisions equipped with oil burn els and will bo using crude oil us the only fuel. Last spring as soon as the Hurllngton resumed work on the line from Powder river to C'asrer it commenced convert ing the eimlnes on the Wyoming dlvia lona from coal. Into oil burners. As a result',, at thl. time the company hue twenty-two engHes burring oil and Is consuming around 70.(M gallons of fuel oil per day. They aro run on the line from Bdgmoht to Dcndwood and from Oreykmll to Guernsey, 4'JO miles. SON OF REV. C. W. SAVIDGE ' JOINS UNCLE SAM'S NAVY John Thurston finvldRe, youngest son of Tlev. Charles W. Savldge, has enlisted in the I'nited States navy as apprentice seamAn Srd will be sent at once to tho training station at Chicago. William A. Thompson of Fcdcralshurg, Md., re-enlisted ot,the local office yesterday after noon. Thompson was sent to New York Cliy for, duty. ' AVOIDS HITTING WOMAN. BUT IS STRUCK BY AUTO While' trying td avoid running down a woman with lilr? motorcycle ot Eight eenth - and Faruam streets. Theodore Ttaflof of J!J North Nineteenth street, was struck by an auto and painfully hurt. HIS injurlex are.,not serious, however, and were treated at the police dispensary. Itatlof Is employed by Masterman Uros. Cotfec company. , CELEBRATION OVER BALL ' ' WINNINGS IS EXPENSIVE ' "T" see, ehudge, lilce dls: I knookem over fer a hunner bucks on de ball game, an' I'm a good fel'.er, so I taUes me moll and a gang an goes out fer a goo' time, j Pat's all dere is too'L . One .o' d' mutts gets beered up una pulls a sijuawk an d' law hears it n' we gels Pinched.. Dsts all dere Is too't." This was the wsy "KM .Snipes ", ex . Plained his arrest ns l:eeper of a tlieor lrrly house to Judge Foster. '"Kid Hnlpes," known as a pcghlst, is typical of the Uo'wery. Ills explanation, trans ited, means that he ' won M on the world's series and started out to eele brate with his friends, lie rented room a 'id was putting on a party when one of tl. 0s girls made loo much noise and the poili-e arrested them all for disorderly rnduct and. "Kid Snipes'' as keeper of ti'e place. Ho paid a fine of DR. ROBERT WENLY TO - TALK HERE IN NOVEMBER Dr. Rqbet t Veiiley, professor of philos ophy at the University, cf Michigan, will deliver the addrtvs nt tho November meeting of the Palimpsest club. Dr. Wen ley will be In Omaha in attendance at tho tacherK' conVentloli and will also talk to the teacliers. , WEDS ON' ANNIVERSARY OF MARRIAGE OF PARENTS Twi weddln;; c eliminations In one is the i uinui.' plt tytiie of Mr. and Mcs. Wllllvm Melsen. HiW tii&Minx street. They are i-icbtit rig th.-li- jwn twe!ity-scco!i 1 v.'!?Udinii aiiiUveriiury and the weddlni; of their liaughte.- Vlo!et, to Karl C. Scren S'jn. as.- well. Mr. and Mrs. Nieibcii come- to America Jiorr, tte other ride of tT.e Atlantic six month aft?r they wer.i roorrled and ex cept for it liief rcsldenw In-Jcllet, 111., they havrj ll'ed In Mm:h oontinuourly. llr. Nielrer '.r, "Ir-ell known coutracti-r. Karl 'Kcrensen snd if'.ss Nielsen wero inairltd at the. Kountxe Manic rial church. Miss Be?8 MciiM. and :ird Wilson were trie attendMitc. Rev. Baltxly performed ' th tereinoi y. After the wedding a reception was held at the Nielawn home, 2I1 Spalding. The j newlywe.da will go north until November ! 1. for their honevmoon. . - Again Saturday AS ALE of M I L L M EE Y WITHOUT A PRECEDENT OR PARALLEI J The Most Scntational Offgring We Have Ever Attempted The Most Marvelous In Dis play, Assortment andVaJue-Giy . -- ' " i GOLD TYPE cannot express the true importance of this wonderful offering you must come and see the beautiful . JiatP to rriilizo what ro:it values thoy arc. The offering include? every trimmed and untrimmed hat in our stock together with a groat pur ohnso made liy our representative in (Uiicago n f?v days ago made expressly that this sale might be tho greatest of its kind ever held in this city. S 1 1- i ata yif--ersA vrrTs., IS.' X it.o-i, .-a -?v to-t Wr&f t.'That we have not exaggerated or overstated in the least, but that everything is just as represented can be attested by the hundreds of women who were here Friday and shared in the sale. Ask your friend she'll tell you about it. V.- uiish nnllnr'tdrtn rvf Vint a linu ttir l-ttrtii I shown in Omaha underprice not even at regular If fVKStwitiifm i prie and the opportunity of making your seloc p; tion at but a traction of the regular price or real worth has never been more forcefully presented. The hats are nil new, distinctive and exclusive The entire collection contains no two hats alike, fT 9 1 Our Entire Stock of Trimmed Hats Including Hundreds of Pretty Creations To Go at a Big Sacrifice trimmed Hats T Qi 11 In a wonderful assortment of pretty styles, formerly $3.98 to $7.50, your choice Trimmed Hats Beautiful new creations that are marked $10.00 to $25.00, choice $500 Trimmed Hats Pattern hats, indivdual and exclusive in designs marked $25 and $35, at. .' Tbruat mm A I, a hoc Troahlea OUlckly iiflivd by Dr. Kind's New Dis covery. The fim .ionc helps. Best rem edy for C6Uh. rolri And lilt. r AimMtm 60c and $!. A11 druggists. Advertisement, j WALTEPS FINDS CONDITIONS ARE GOOD IN WYOMING Genera'. Mauva.T V:i".ra cf the North- .tern la hec!; !; jri a trip over tiie company llnex in. ii.s-ts that ho nvnr saw rori'll'Io;ir in Wyorrhi htttr thai, at this tl.r.c. .-.-.id Yir. Waiieis: "In the nsri'-iiltu-al dlsirlrts the riops are the best In the hUlury of the state. The range Is In prime condition and cat tle arc biinxincr good iri"s. The run cf traasers to market Is r.hu.it the same as lat year. Arunr.! C'nsiwr and thrO'iKli the oil belt of tn'v t'nere la great "tlvlty; money n-.riip tp l pluitifjl. business Ir t-il snd nii.ch blirllnt is being done." Ruin Pa I la In llaaton. I Ve"'''. BOflffN," Ot:- 1 Smolte-shronded I ! T X. "''V ' Biwto-i :i eke. today to the wt lrome slht j ,5 ' , V . of a lltht rain, whirl) aronsod horx-s that 11 J L X the lontf (iroiith vnii.'i) be broken and that j . tlTe i ;iin rous foretand lnt bos; fires i j. ? In 'the int yonld be 'iuenrhed. In the "X SZ. lat n-ven weeks loss than a quarter of ' M V' J an tnoh of n!n has fallen here. XlX'X" mm- ja m mm r CT7 I ! 7 s u ia ir J B w at m 9 i ri I. f . m a i e Beautiful 1 -because Ihey are J H McCallum'a. Well worth R little higher price be- H cause they are a better . 6 Sj "trndn ct ilk with Strong, even JP veave and well proportioued lines. I 9 Entire Stock Untrimmed Hats Worth $3.98 to $10, at $1.00 AWOtfDEKFUL OFFERING Wonderful be cause it includes every untrimmed hat in our stock every high cla.ss untrimmed Bhapo. Many hand-blocked Lyons Velvet Hats, formerly been selling at $7.50 and $10.00 are in' this assortment. The very finest quality. silk velvet sailors, the very latest aoft crown effect, the new est turbanii -not one hst but usually nella for at leant $3. 9ft, and you are of fered choice Saturday, at Sri oo ii Flowers and Fancy Feathers At a Wonderful Reduction in Price iBiJRfiESS- 79c French Roses at 39c Now small French roses in tho new shade effects, regu lar price 75c, sale price, choice, Sat'y, r39o Nash 9Sc-$1.23 American Beauty Roses, 69c American Beauty roses, single and clusters. Regular price 98o to $1.29, sale price Saturday $1.48 to $2.93 Burnt Ostrich, 98c New burnt ostrich stickups in white and all the best col ors, regular price $1.48 to $1.98, Sat. it 6c 98c eyerydody's store1 iTfe nil FLORIDA VIA You wi i .'.k: '! e r t o.v ;.v a: '.lun. T.,ty have r. (nr. i .'' i i u.- b. j . rtva a wti'.l .b uv ' ''i:,!r .1 tho en'iru .- t ;-. a f rtl t.ie ,l.er 1 l.e:.lth- a 'y n.t..Mh se: Consti;ia.!o... i. . u : ue. "lull, tirej l'nt never sfflk; tl s wc ur f -il'i.' Ca'.ii artlo TableU. v.t'i -fj. .Specially i:i, fortlng to kioji ;.i:-oi.. mho n(y the llfht and free .'n-linK they give. All dealer, tvurywliere. Advertismnt. 3Sl? Catltun Ollln031Bg J r l ive )ou tbst well-dressed feeling 'hat u sometimes vvonb more tban 1 ood conscience. in piirel f"sTUm's No. II 3or No. 1 2J is bW.1 all Tsreiy tud te for yowicii. Sold at Ih. Bsst Shop ia Tow. .W limnmSm fiooW. ''Ihmmfh My Lmj tins " HrCallum ftotitr? Compart? Northampton. Man. Route of the SEMINOLE LIMITED, THE ALL-STEEL TRAIN Carrying the exquisite Sun Parlor Observation Cms and Modern Pullman Sleepers The train that runs every day in the year. Winter tourist tickets now on sale at greatly i t-duct d rates to all principal Florida points. Tteturn limit June 1st, '1915. For detailed infomialiuii Illinois Central' Kailroad CITY TICKET OFPFICE, 407 South 16th Street, Omaha, Neb Phone Douglas 264. 4 un and rotes, call or write th" Co. Bargains in practically new articles in kkFor Sale" column; read it A Profitable Investment The greatestoseible care should be used when yon are investing your money, as '. future profits must rise or fall according to the amount of care used at that timX, Omaha Real Estate is one of the safest and most profitable investments on the market today. You can rest assured that it will not fail to pay dividends on your investment at any time. WHY? Because Omaha Is only beginning to come into its own as a msrket city and dis tributing center of the great central weet, the greatest agricultural and stock raising district of this country. . Because Omaha has only started to develop its own indus tries, such as its packing industries, its railway facilities, its grain and live stock market, its jobbing and retail business in all their various lines. Well located Real Estate purchased today will steadily increase in ralue and within the next five years, allowing today's purchaser to take a substantial profit.' after paying a good rate of interest on the investment in the meantime. A large number of the representative Real Estate dealers are offering choice lists of Real Estate bargains in today's DEE. Spend the next fifteen minutes in reading and studying them, as every one of them are at bargain prices. You will never buy Omaha Real Estate cheaper than you can today. TtUphon Tylr 1000 . THE OMAHA BEE Esttjledj Read D Went Ada