Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1914, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    Omaha Daily
ntrrrt from the Ttattle Arm.
Th Dee
Real War Photos
TVwt of TNm All.
VOL. XUV-XO. 104.
Oa) Trains and M
toW Wewe taads, I
Says False Rumor Were Circulated
to Injure Hit Candidacy.
Dealea that He. Krr with
laua rarpeater In Anr War
Akoat Kianlii for the
fraool Board.
Sending Aid to Some j
in the Big War Zone
WunhinKton riiFua'.cne tell of Comkivk"-
tvnn Lobcck's Interest in the esse of ! I
Morrlt StelnbeT. now 'In Staffed. I'alea-j
tine, ".ho on account of Hie war Is hav-j
Ins; financial diri'lonltlc. Jorcpli Stein-j
l rg of this c'ty tri-1 uns.u.'cMfiil!y to.
mml hl relative money. Mi J finally ot j
I'diigrrFcman I.obeck to help to get thei
o-ln fafeijr -ro the sra. lilei k aot j
In touch wl;h Asslatnnt Si-.'rotary of the
I'etcis ami the money, was
fundfertcil to t'.ia master of the I'nited;
r'lUer Carolina, i.ow near l'alce-
locate j
money I
tine. Tlie cruiser 5kippr
Jiotiif Steinberg and turn
August Milier. city almsman for tlie
Carpenter I'aper company and physical
airocior oi in lounn .Men t t.niiBimn u- j frf.(lliry
socuuion, a resiucni 01 uie imh.u v.
and a memlter oZ Un C'lvlo center of the
north part of the. city, July is filed ror
nomination as a candidate for-the Hoard
of Kduoatlon at the election to bo held
in Js'ovemb-r. .
Thla nornin Mr. Miller appeared be
fore Election Commissioner Morehead and
flled'hia withdrawal from th race, thua
Kitting out of the campaign.
For several days there have ren m- Willl.nn V.. Kerry tins started sail fori
mora floating about that Mr. Miller as J ,nviirre fro,n 1,1a wife, Vriona S., allcir.
to be forced out of the Hoard of Kduen- j )R that, fhe threw a n.::rt bottlo of milk j
Hon race In order that hH candidacy jnl hi, i1Mil, dim-ped hi clothes In the!
would tot Injuro that of Thoirm A. Frv .gutter, and used to j'o to rhow wisji I
of the Twelfth ward and endorsed V ,tll(,r . anr then praise their Rood ;
the Citi-ens" committee. It hns even been if,.aiitiPS and compare then dlsparasinKly j
said that his withdrawal was instlnated j ...1.1., j
Friday, October 16, 1914. BURQESS-NASH CO. - STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY BURQESS-NASH CO. Sixteenth and Harney Streets.
Just Such Values as Are Mentioned Here Have Induced
Thousands to Come to Burgess-Nash for Their Fall Apparel
For Saturday We . Emphasize the Importance of This Offering .of
At $10.00, $15.00, $19.50 and $25.00
According to alb gntlonn In a petition '
by a threat that ho would lose his posi
tion with the Carpenter company If he lld : for dlvorco, f,.,i hy On ir Larson onoJnst I
not get out and leave a clear nel.I torjAHcei. ho rre,,riiily hit, kicked and
Fry- ifvratched him. pulled his h.ilr and threw
The rumors reached Mr. Miller and inkltchen utonBiiH at him.
reference to the correctness of them, he j t?elns out all night without explu.UK
ld: 'tlon Is aliened lv Mrs. Anna Kuckliifi-
ham as grounds for divorce from Minus I
n. Buckingham. Sho also asks for the
"I went Into (ho race for a position on
the Board of Education simply because I
felt that there wa-) a necessity for some 0,lgt(Kly ot a minor child
house Cleaning, ana until .mi. r r rn-( Carr,lu,3 saltta allegoa In her divorce
tered the field. I eitpected to stay. H.-id j H.utin ,nal . husband, Richard, de
he, remained out, I feel confident I would ,ertcd herf and tlirr. Km0.u ehlldren on
have Iwn elected. W hen be went In. I thB nPP,.x, thj,t he imi to town to
considered the rltuatlon and eoncludel
that If we both worked for the nomina
tion, we would both be defeated, as the
vote of tha better element would be dl
vlded. , Frr Haa More Time.
"I realised that Mr. Kry has the time
to devote to the work of tho office and
that I have not
"There have also been reports floating
about that I was told by members of the
Carpenter Paper company that If I did
not get out of the race my services would
not ha needed.
"While these rumors were circulated,
they were absolutely false and undoubt
edly were started by persons who desired
to Injure me and some of the other can
didates who are on the citizen's ticket.
Isaac Carpenter never talked with me
about my candidacy. If he knew of it, "It
was only by reasons of reports around
the office. There was never a word from
htm to Indicate that he had objections to
rr.e making tha race.
"I talked my candidacy over with Will
Carpenter and A. W. Carpenter, both
members of tha company, and was
sured by them I would have their support.
Neither of them ever intimated that I
would loeo .my position if 1 ran for the
office and no person connected with the
company ever raised any objection to my
going Into the board fight".
look for work.
Mrs. Josephine Tatrich Is suing for
divorce from Hairy, alletiing cruelty and
lion-support, and asking for maintenance
and suit money, en absolute decree,
cuetody of two small children and per
manent alimony.
A reorKanlzatlon of the Young Men's
' Christian association at the University of
Omaha ha been effected, and the mem
bers are now planning for a" series of
activities during the school year. The
first of these took place this morning,
when K. J. Simonds, state association
secretary for college work, addressed the
Roy G reeling Is president of the asso
ciation at the university. John P. Beibert
Is vice president. R. H. Chenowelh . Is
secretary-treasurer, and Kdward Moray
and blokson Richards are sergeants-at-nrms.
Rev. Mr. Tyner, dean of the pre
paratory . department of the university,
has been chosen from the faculty to act
as adviser, and It is expected that he will
be largely Instrumental In developing a
strong association. ,
Suit Tiled Against .
Lot Owned by Lobeck jcoumy
held under
Attorn.) Msgney,
Jack Williams, colored prisoner in the
jnld. who conveniently fell asleep
inn ihe mnrrlniz he was to nave oeen
'.V foreclosure suit has' been (lied In ". "' ?'8 0'n ndTver
district court, penning that the rert- wcured hy . Alon.o Botany. . b-and-o er
, .. ,c t:., ro prisoner held on the charge of breaking
and entering, 1h now rwnn
, j -.irii- a fcnm order from
nini nun tin iivm aim v ui m t .....
n n t ehek h. ol.l to who has filed a complaint charging A 11-
aatUfy a note for M.O0O, given in im by llama
. , t r ; 1 1 MrnAf nf (We I f-SCap
wry . ai'Kvi, ..... - .t...,u. i. manaB-A
property. Bhe mortgaged it to secure her '""no l"""6''v., ! " . 2"
note? the peUtion states, and later sold to get out of town. V. Uan.a
the place to Mr. and Mrs. Lobeck. sub- ! P. but he now faces another sentence for
ject to the mortgage. The note wa. his alleged part In the other prisoners
given to the late Guy C. Barton, and Is j escape.
now held by the Western Securities com-I -imi
pany. which la plaintiff In the present I ARRESTED FOR FIRING
uon. I n,w PI AP.F OP RIIniNESS
with aiillnar another prisoner to
escape, .no trace or nemmjr una umi
KKUUKtSSIVt LtUliLAIIVC Joe sB,n,to. owner of the fruit and
CANDIDATES HAVE PLATFORM i confectionery store at 100 South Klfteenth
! street, where a firo of alleged incendiary
T-nou.llffet anDrovai of the national ' origin occurrert early tn s een. nas neen ,
i I
platform of 1912 heads the i arrested witn ma cicr. re .mi.oi ,
,.i..f-, i.o,,,i fr K. nmirre..iv ! Util North Seventeenth street. Baianita,
legislative candidates from Douglas i lli at 2-125 Sherman avenue. After being ;
.oupty. The platform favors a state con- ooked as suspicious characters, pending
stitutlonal convention, favors laws to tho I further Investigation of the case, the two ,
end that the administration of Justice j men were released under bonds of 11,000 ,
may 1e expedited In the courts, approves each. Detectives Sullivan and La hey j
the present election commissioner systeu j made the arrests.
forlhe county, favors a Jury commis
sioner for Douglas county, favors a court
of domesiio relations to handle divorce
cades, proposes a law providing a set i
salary for the justices of the peace In ;
riinihi favors r.ublle on nershlo of nubile i
T.i n...t in IhIl rcrliimtltna the office
utiUtlas, favors the organiaatlon of work- i if the el.ctioo commksloner will be kept ,
era in order to obtain their rights, favois
state Insurance and an adequate employ
ers' liability law, favors workhouses for
prisoners In' healthful surroundings, and
the use of prisoners in the construction of
good roads in the tate. and favors any
movement tending toward giving Omaha
the right to raise local taes In its own
way. ,
open Saturday of this week and Friday;
and Haturday of next k until it p. in.
Fred Tstrsnt. employed an e!o -ti
Irian by th jk I'ron com;any, 'n ily'ng
at t. Joseph'.-' hpiial from e.incvmfion
of the brain, tha rilt of a fall irun
his mulorcylc. v. hen the front axle Irene.
He was gnlr..t inrtli at Boulevard and
.-'outh Thirteen i at a irfch ra .c of speed
uhen tho aeeycr.t oi -jrred. Conductor
Si-mycJk and S'otoiBinn I!-ber of a South
Omaha street car witnessed the mishap
and stepped their cur to take caro of
the Injured man.
JUb condition wus such that t'.iey ila ed
him on tha rr and rn without F'opp'uff
to Thirteenth and I'ouge. where fuifi-ms
and an amh.: a nwuitrd.
Tarrai't r.-irrH- and hj iv:t small
' lift Kf t 1
i')i. ... I
i l.y : .
iii r t One
l 'l U . V - J. . it . r.
t: t ;: l a ta; My u is ir.p
. ;.! ie-0'eiiu I., r : : . .n,l f'renpu .
,U.iu r..!y Vj i'jiy -v:i.t- lJiili." Aud
W. V ItuU'h. i:a. X.. iio:.:ii, lia.. ):',
'J'lM a fev u'hf feel ietle.,
nil now my p-ina and rliein.-.atism are all
, fon, and I sleep a I r-ict King " All
dra'era vt y w here .Ad rt Isemen t
Of Vast Importance to You
From a Great Saving Standpoint.
Sale Monday
Blankets and
At Vs to ys Underprice
Sale Monday
of Jop-Pa
Extreme Values
T.r.c Sunday. Papers for Full
rturResa-Nash Company wantn
all good rhlldrpn tq
Come and sea this "lr.d of
Toys" Its filled with wonderful
nw things that you have never
Farents), too. will see an sii
Tantage In aocompaiiylnK the
,klrtcilea, and planning Ohriutnia
rnrr a toy frex to crrry
r h,,, or jjjri tha, TtB.
its the doparUnent with an
alult Katimlay.
The children's play room al
join the toy otore.
Bargtss-Hash Co. Tonrta Floor.
Your INITAL in
Old English Embossed
FREE Saturday
SATURDAY, with each 20c box
of correspondence cards or
writing paper (1 qulre'to a box),
offered at 19c, we will emboss
your initial in Old English free of
charge In gold, blue, black or red.
We offer a big variety of papers
ajid new cut envelopes from
which to select Saturday at 19c.
Bnrg-esa-W aaa Co. alaln floor.
GLOVES at $1.25
THE most desiraMo stylos
And shades in kid,
mocha silk lined, capo and'
doeskin, 1 and ' 2- lnsj.
Every pair fitted to the
hand. ' '
Ionjf Glove. $1.00 .
Leatherette nnd rhamolsette
gloves, 12 and ltl-hutton length,
ulso 2-clssp. washable, white or
gray, all, pair $t.fHl
(Jloves at !Mc
C'hamolsette, cashmere and slllt,
long or short, tan, gray, natural,
pongee, white and blnck.
Bunress-sTaSB Co. Main Floor.
to 35c Fleece
Lined HOSE, 15c
A REMARKABLE value, in black
cotton, fleece lined, fashioned
and seamless foot; regular 25c
and 3Tic qualities, pair 15c
Burgesa-Wash Co. Floor,
Misses' & Yo ng Women's
Corsets and Waists
collection embracing
every new style fentnro, in
cluding the new eollege
coats, Kediiitfote and the
more conservative styles
There are scores
of fascinating
styles from
which to choose
Every new weave and pattern of the season is represented in the rich. new .colorings
a most, charming display from which you can choose the very coat that suits you boat
and the price you wish to pay. , " '
In the Misses' and Children's Ready-to-Wear Section
SOMETHING very special in
mlBses' and young women's cor
sets and waists, bone or button
front, girdle top or medium bust
lines, splendid fitting! equipped
with strong hose supporters, $1.50
kind for Friday . . . .8Uc and 7Bo
$1.50 Brassieres. 59c
Praaslera In both front and back
closiiiK. beautiful allover embroidery
or yokes dalntllv finished with
lj:K. perfect fitting, regular f 1.60 val
ues, Kriday 69o.
Burgssa-Maah Co. Sond Floe.
Misses' Coats at $5.00 to $15.00
Beautiful mixtures and plain colors, in
cape and basque styles; ages 6 to 14 years.
Children's Dresses, $2.98
Made of sergo in new basque style; navy,
blue, brown and green; sizes 6 to 14 years.
Barrass-STaah Co. 4toond Floor.
t . w aoivwal
jl 'Vjj fil
Ivory Soap,
5o s i z e, 6
cakes, 19c.
Jap . Jl o s e
Soap, lOo
cake, 6c.
Fletcher's Castoria at. ... . . . 2lc
Syrup of Figs, 60c size 20r
Sal Hepatioa, 50c size Sic
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, 00c
size at 3c
F e 1 s' Naphtha
Soap, 1 0 cakes
for' c
Sanl Flush, 25c
can for ... .17c
llorllck's Malted Milk,
for ..'.v..
Hospital alie Malted Milk. .98.50
size, for ;I.10
I'lnkham's Compound, $1 size, c
.. ...T9c
Toilet Paper,
crepe finish,
4 1 0c rolls 25c.
H o u s e h old
ammonia, one
quart .... t3c
C a nthrox
shampoo, 50c
. . . UOc
Abonlta Cream, 25c size 19c
D. & R. Cream, 10c s. le 7c
Talcum Powders, 15c kind, at flc
Monoxide Tooth Powder, 25c
size at 14c
Pasteurine Tooth Paste, 25c size
at 14c
Barges-Wash Co. Main Floor.
Toilet Paper
crepe finish, tio I
rolls. 8 rolls
for aoo
Palmolive Cream. 50c alze...84o
Manicure-Sets, 89c kind ....BOc
Vr. Graves Tooth . Powder, 26c
size at lc
A large assortment of hot water
bottles, syringes, etc., at Just
regular price.
Satudav Is
uniform will tell you how
to dress and rare for tha
little onea.
Utlng the little ones
down; you'll find tha
many special features un
usually Interesting. Sec
ond Floor.
CORONA seal and long grain seal,
some have five fittings and art
satin lined, others with purse an'
mirror, silk lined with overlapplnt
German silver frames or slTver plated
frames in gilt or gunmetal finish.
These bags are In black and colors,
some have pannier handles, others
the new end swing strap handle.
Really excellent values at $2.50
Saturday, special $1.60
Borgesa-aTasa Co. aCala Floor.
Women's Stylish DRESS SHOES
Saturday Special, at $3.50 Pair
It -
I 12....IB
We are ehowins souiething out of the ordinary in
shoes at this popular price that combine the very,
latest style, host 'materials and most comfortable
fitting qualities. Made of patent, gunmetal and
vicl kid leathers, with cloth or mat kid tops, Iouts
and Cuban heels, flexible sewed soles, button pat
terns, with either plain or tipped toes. Unusual
values at . S3.5U
MKmis and Children's School Shoes
Button shoes for school wear, made from selected
gunmetal stock, with flexible sewed rock oak
soles, broad and medium toe lasts, perfect
fitting and very comfortable; the best
misses' shoe made. Misses' sizes, UVj to
2. for, per pair 82.25 to 82.75
Children's sizes, 8V4 to 11, for, per
82.00 to 82.50
Barg tsa-JTaaa Co e Mala Floor.
Chocolates, 25c Lb.
JVEnV day ,B candy, flay, at Bur-sress-Nash.
Chocolates, pure cream, lb tHo
I'enochl, home made, lb.,..,, ia
Salted peanuts, per lb. lao
Caramels, fresh nut,, lb:, is. 8So
We are distributers of tha famous
Bunte Bros.' candles.
Borgsss-Xash Co. Kla Floor
aod Baaamaat.
Complete with
mantle, globe
and burner,
ready to at
tach for. .30o
Light, BNc
Lindsay "Com
et" Inverted
light, green
shade, with
fringe, com
plete with
mantle, etc.,
for 9Hc
Gas Idght at 91.98
Frosted globe and mantle, mantle
protection, complete with by
pass, for 91.68
Inverted Mantles, 25o
Guaranteed for 90 days. Try
one; you'll Ilka It.
Bargesa-zfash Oo Fourth Floor.
Winter Coats at jr. to i Underprice
A remarkable offering, bringing you good,
warm serviceable coats right at the beginning
of the season and at ono-thlrd to one-half under
the regular price.
Made of mixtures, perslaona cloth, broad
cloth, etc. Colors, black and mixtures.
Worth 95.00 Worth 9H.BO Worth 913.50
to 910.00 to 910.UO
to 97.50
Carload of $2.50 to $5.00 FRAMED PICTURES Go
On Sale on the New Fourth Floor SATURDAY at
-tnts VtKT M II aa- ' - ' - B II
- j a n it
m jr - -
l '', yjj -i'.y4fffty A SALK of uiiUiiial importance. It's
Another Great Underprice
Feature for the New
urth Floor
aBai l . -Hr
the time to buy Beautiful Pictures
foi -Christmas giving or for your home, at a great saving. The sub
jects "comprise a lUt that numbers into the hundreds such variety as to
enable selection of pictures for any room.
Pictures in This Sa e Worth from $2.50 to $5.00
Carbon prints, copies of the most renowned pictures ever painted by
the world's most famous artists; fruit and game subjects that vividly
suggest the hunt and green fields; figure subjects that are marvelous like- of tho originals; landscapes that are wonderfully true to nature;
and blntoriral and murine scnei'. The frauiert ure very elaborate, lining of imitation Circasston walnut,
and lacquered finish, v 1th burnlfhed ornamrnit,. Vbe frame alone are worth many times the price askea
lor tlie entire fild-uen in tliti- Sale. Ual, obioni; ftn d upright etyles, lu sizes 10x20 to 18x40. Every
I'Hluro in the Jf an cvf 4.i).;;il hnrgntn ut silo price Snturilj, ut 81. OO
On Sale Siturdiy (When the D oora Open at 8:30) On the New Fourth Floor
Women's and Misses' Tailored Suita That Are
910.5O to 925.00 Values.
Made in a variety of fine materials, broad
cloths, fancy weaves, gabardines, wool poplins,
etc, in a splendid selection ot
new shades. Every garment the
very latest style for ages 14 to
18 years and 86 to 40
Cloth Dreaaec at 93.08
Made of fine men's wear serge, with silk girdle
and medlcl collar; skirt tunic style,
Women's Waista
Variety of pretty stylea
in lawa and fancy white
madraa CQq
Girls' Dresses
fltripe. and checks In
splendid welfht inat.r
lala; alio plain colors:
lsea to 14 AQf
yeara, at Haw
Boys' Norfolk Suits, $2.98
Made of dark gray, brown and blue materials, stitched belt effecta.
pants cut full, with seam taped and double stitched, $4 QQ
......... .t
Bora Caps, 25c
Winter caps, all
sixes, good patterns,
splendid se-
special at
Boys Overcoats
Russian a t y 1 e for
ages 5 to 8, odd as
sortments olf PA
Boys' Blouses,25c
Made of flannel. In
blue and gray.
very spe
cial at. . . .
Novelty Leather-Bags That Are
Regular $2.50 Value.." $1.50
lection, at. . . .
Women's $3.00 Shoes. $1.95
FalJ aboea in both dress and street style, made of pat
ent gunmetal, kid and tan leather, flexible welt sew
ed soles, button or lace styles; all sites represented;
regular S8.00 values, Saturday, the pair
Misses' and Children's School Shoes
Made In button and lace styles, from gunmetal leather, aolid
soles, good fitting lasts that are roomy and comfortable
Sizes 1H4 to 2. pair 9 Lot i 81xea 5 to 8, pair. ... . .9130
Boys' and Youths School Shoes ,
Doth button and lace styles, made from full weight calfskin;
solid soles; good, durable school shoes.
Sizes 1 to 5 Mr. pair .....91.05 and 923
Sizes 9 to 134. pair 9130 and 9135
Houserurnishing opecials Saturday
fire shovels . . . lOe
Elbow, 6-lnch, one
piece, corrugated 8o
Galvanized coal
hods, large alze 25c
Furnace scoops,
spec'l Saturday if
f l.
Stove pipe ieugin,
6-ln. Uniform col
lar, Saturday. . .8u
Oil heaters, priced
upward f rora . 94.50
.Sheet Iron wood
heater, i priced Bp
ward from ..9t60
Oak aaatera for
aoial. prieea npard
from 95
Steel rsocvsv'. all
kinds and prtcea.
aprYd from SiH.75
Fresh Cut Roses, 2c
Also carnations, long stem, assorted
colors and white, special at Cut
Flower section, each 2c
Bnrf.M-aTasa Co. MCaia Batraaoa
it A
Free Lessons b Art Embroidery
Are given every day by a competent
instructor. We might enggetitV the
thought of preparation for Christ
mas gift giving. ,
ajrya as Bart Oat Tmlr moor.